Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 16

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October Bride Share Attention with
Ak-Str-Ben Baler.
Princesses Art .elected , Aft
Attendants i Her Majesty, tha
Qaeea, at la
tloa Ball.
Saelal Talradar.
IVESPAT Harvest Hnma dinner at
Hsppy Hollow cluh; Carter lak din
ner rlanre.
B'EPN KMAT Harvest Homo dinner at
tymour lake t'mintry cluh; Mm. J.
M. Metcalfe, luncheon fnr Mini" Mary
Mnnrhhoff; Brnwnrll Hall opening;
dinner danre at FIHd cluh.
rill RHPA V Mr. ould Diet! and Mn
lnnor les Nelson, reception for
Mlpa Klttr Sadler of lon1on. ruest of
Mr. and Mrs. V.. N. I1fti; rmralro club
dancing- party, Metropolitan cluh;
Swastika club. Mm. T. M'hrens, hos
tess; Columbian Circle; Carter I-nke
club d nncr danra.
FHIPAY VSomrn rolfers at Field club;
closlns; dinner danca at Brmour Lake
Country cluh.
f.ATl 'RIAY Closln dinner dance at
Field club and Happy J follow cluh;
Member' night, t erter I.eke club;
dinner (lance at Country club.
October brides and tha Ak-Sar-nfn
queen and king are of special lntnrnt In
Two weddings announced for October
ara Miss Alice Kennard, daughter of Mr.
and Mm. F. B. Kennard, whom wedding
to Mr. Edgar Alllaon Balrd will take
place Thursday evening, October 8. at
the brides home In Falracrea.
A large church wedding will be that
of Mlaa Dorothy rale, daughter of Mr.
and Mrt. John Frank l"sle, to Mr. Sid
ney L Smith of Hartford. Conn , which
will take place Wed need y evening, Oc
tober 14, at the Hansrom Park Methodist
church. The ceremony will be followed
by a reception at the home of the bride's
Mies Martha Dale, sister of the bride,
will be .meld of honor, and the brldea
malda will be Mlaa Marjorle Howland
and Mies Helen Epeneter.
Preceding the wedding a number of
social affairs will be given for the bride.
Smith-Pettit Wedding Plani.
An out-of-town wedding this week of
local Interest will be that of Miss Esther
Jane Fettlt of Osage, la., and Mr. Lisle
Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. I.
Smith. The ceremony will take place
quietly next Wednesday at the bride's
home In Osage.
The bride attended the University of
Minnesota and Is a member of the fi Phi
sorority. The groom attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska and Is a member of
the Delta I'psllon fraternity.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Bmlth and Miss
Ida Bmlth will leave Wednesday to at
tend the wedding.
Mr. Bmlth and his bride will reside near
Haines City, Fla., where he has charge
of a plantation.
Prairie Park Club.
Tha Pratrla Park club opening took
place Friday evening. The decorations
were In green and white, ferns and
Bhasta daisies being used profusely. The
evening was spent In cards and dancing
and J00 couple were preaent ' In tha re
ceiving line were;
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Bcannell.
- Mr. and Mrs. D. O. King.
Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Oardlncr.
Mr. and Mra. Louis Nelson.
Mr. and Mra. C. C. Haynes.
Mr. and Mra. B. C. Conley.'
Mr. and Mra. E. A. Lutkr.
To Attend the Queen.
Mora debutantes than princesses to wait
upon her royal highness, the new queen
of Ak-Sar-Beu. Is tha predicament of
tha commute of tha board of governor.
It ha been th custom for a number of
years to har th debutantea (soma sea
sons w hav one, and never mor than
eight or nine) to serve as the prlnoesae
or special maids at tha Ak-ar-Ben ball,
and a ther hav newer been enough
debutantea th number ha been filled
In with young society girls who hav
already mad their debut and ervd as
special maids.
But this year it Is different. Ther will
be mor than twelve debutantea, o that
th governors hav had to chang their
rule. Formerly th queen was chosen
from the princesses, but they hav made
t number of exception to that rut, and
th'.a 'year two of th four young women
picked aa favorite for queen ar not on
:h list of prtneesse.
Those who hav already bean com
manded by Bamson, high lord chamber
lain, to wait upon her majesty at tha
ball October ar Miss Blanch Deuel,
MUs Stella Thummel, Miss Harriet Met.
Mlsa Ida Darlow. Miss Halcyon Cotton.
Miss Dorothy Black, Mlsa Janet Hall,
Miss A lie Jaqutth. Miss Eleanor Mackay,
Miss Nan Murphy, Miss Harriet Bmlth
and Miss' Marl Stewart of Council
Returning from Europe.
The Barton children, Mlsa Katharine,
Te Wolfe and Wadleigh, with their aunt,
Mrs. P. J. Parkanbelmer, wilt land In
New Tork City, September n, from their
European tay abroad. They wer at
I,k Geneva, Swltserland, and sailed.
from Naples September 1 Mra, K. O,
Barton ha STon to New Tork City to
meet them. They will com dlreotly
Mlaa AUc Davis, who spent th sum at Lake Geneva, studying; piano with
Rudolph Gens, and wh j landed last natur
ay In New York City, has been th guest
or the past week of Mra. George Chris
tlancy of New York. Sh will arrive
vme Sunday morning. Her brother,
3lark Davis, who waa abroad with bar.
Vid arrived In Omaha Tuesday, will leave
lunday evening to resume hi studies at
Kwarthnior college near Philadelphia.
lohn Orchard of South Omaha will ac
company Mr.' Davis back to school.
Learine for College.
Jo Millard left Saturday for Cornell
to ntsr hi freshman year. HI brother,
Wlltard, go Monday to tha Tom school
at Port Deposit.
' Douglas Peter leave today for th
Mackensi school at Monro. N. Y.
Mr. Justin B. Porter and daughter,
lertrude, will leave Monday evening for
K'ew York, where Miss Gertrude will
nter Ml Mason's school at Tarrytown
JTith the Visitor.
Mrs. Conrad Bper.a and children arrlv
est Wednesday from Chicago to spend
a week or ten day with her parent.
Mr. and Mrs. George Keeline. In Council
Women Oolferi.
In Women Golfers will meet neat Frt
lay afternoon at the Field club, when
A annual mtetir f of th golfers will be
seld ar.d officers elected.
tVvwour like Country Club.
Mf. C. V. lirown and Mrs. C. Y.
Members of
- " i. .is in i "
. (
. l fsus
Schaab entertained at a bridge luncheon
Thursday, when they had for their
James Osvldson,
K. T, Ystes,
(. II. MnKHret,
II. I'atternon.
J. E. Curtis.
K. H. Armstrong,
Mrs. J. V. Woodrough was hostess at
liwge luncheon Wednesday.
Mrs. F. Ames and Mrs. George Francis
gave a bridge luncheon Thursday. Th
party Included:
B. Hlanchard,
W. Nltche,
M. Foote,
K. Adall,
Krank Ktter,
J. J. Hlnchey,
J. Jameson
G. Davis.
E. O. Furen.
F. Prucha.
Kean Itlnger,
Hyrn Clow.
C. P. P. Tohln,
Michael Culkln,
A. Tang.
O. Mnxwell,
Koy Dennis.
K. Novak,
The Women's Golf olub met at Sey
mour Ik Country club Friday, and
after having luncheon together spent th
afternoon on th links. ' Th pris given
was th compliment of Mrs. L. M. Lord.
Th program for Tuesday evening will
b In charg of Mrs. J. E. Bedner and
will be entirely musical. Miss lis sol
Silver, soprano, will sing; Mr, , Leo
Bravlroff. violinist, will play, and little
Mia ' Olga Elinor, Omaha' musical
prodigy; will contribute violin muatc. This
I the closing program of th season.
Mr. S. L. Winter entertained at a
larg dancing party Friday evening, com
plimentary to Miss Geraldln Webber,
whoa wedding will take place In th near
future. Fifty guests wer pcesent and
dsJTITy refreshment were served.
Dr. and Mra R. E. 8chlndel had with
them Friday evening:
Mr. and Mrs. Bavinger.
Mr. and Mrs. Cote.
Mr. and Mrs. Orchard.
Mia Stacia Mulvthelt entertained Fri
day evening at a dancing party In honor
ot Mlsa Veronica Duff of Council Bluffs
and Charles Haney, whose wedding takes
plaoe September ts. The" refreshment
tabl was decorated with baskets of
purple asters, and place cards to har
monise war used. A' miniature bride and
groom marked th places of Mis Duff
and Mr. Henley. Th quests were:
Mae Mulvlhlll,
Alice Kngllsh.
Veronica Duff,
Stacia Mulvlhlll,
Koxlna Cullen,
J. A. Cullen.
lo Wlckham.
Charles DutC.
Charles Hanley,
dward Waters,
Thomas Hanley,
Mr and Mra. J. P. Byrne.
Mrs. Kobert Parks entertained at dinner
Friday evening, having with her.
f Mlssea
oMt.iihine O'Connell, Paul Beaton.
Treea O'Connell. Douglas Howie.
Mexsrs. wira imaioii.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. House.
Mr. and Mr. J. B. Watklns had as their
guests Friday at the dinner dance:
Misses Mlsa
Florence Smith. Raraona McEtvoy.
Louise Watklns,
Mr. Frederick Bmlth.
Mr. and Mr. E. A. Johnson entertain!
th following at th dinner dance Friday:
Misses . Miss
Marjory Thornton, Marjory Taylor.
Ituth West.
Messrs Meear.
Joseph Him, Raymond West
to. C. Stewart.
Another party. , was composed of Mr.
and Mrs, C. A. Melcher, Mlsa Melcher,
Miss Ash, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Tanner,
Maude 1) rooks, Dora Melcher.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. John Bekln
were Mr. and Mrs. IL 8. Wei lex Miss
JTorothy Weller, Miss Marion Waller,
aul Beklns and Melvtn Beklna.
Mr. and Mra. Roy Dennis had aa their
guests Friday evening:
Mr. and Mra Oeorge Nownes,
Mr. and Mrs. HuseeU Wilson,
Miss Freda Hoistein,
Miss Martha itetmere.
Mr. and Mra. E. A. Rose" had a party
composed of:
Helen Patterson,
Ida Darlow,
Lloyd Burdlck
Ftobert lHmgherty,
W. IL Cheek,
Herman, net,
Mr nl Vlra. John Bmlth.
Mr. Dwlght Btruble, 1-eklsrs, la.
Othera entertaining Friday evening
were: T. J. Bhanahan, tour guests; E. T.
Yates, five guests; Mrs. II. M. Anderson,
five guests; W. B. Cheek, flv guests;
Henry Wlndhetm. flv guests; J. C.
Walker, four guests; Joseph Martin, four
Wedding AnniTeraary.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Johnson, SlSl
Davenport street, wer given a surprise
at their horn Thursday evening. About
109 of their friends and acquaintance
called during th evening.
The visitor took possession of th
bouse and served their own refreshments.
which they brought with them. Rev,
Adolf Hull explained to Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Johnson that tha surprise wss a cele-
brstiou of their twtnty-fiflh wtddln- an
Meedames i II I .
i i. ciark, I 1 k I " :
MaV. Iirown. -X L
Smith-Dale bedding Party
i (' :."V f 1 f
" .. ,"
MiJJ Majyoria HowhnJ
nlversary and In behalf of th guest he
delivered to them a aet of silverware.
Young Msster Norman Bwanson pre
sented a bouquet of roses to th bride ot
twenty-five years ago.
At the Field ClubT"
Mrs. Maud A. Wallace entertained at
dinner at the Field club Saturday even
Ins; In honor of Miss Ada Charlton of
Peoria, III. American beauty rores were
used In the decorations. Covers were
laid for:
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Culley.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 1. Elllck.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen l'ermer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weller.
Dr. and Mrs. E. c Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McFarland.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Caimlchael.
Mesdamea Mu1im'
Maud A. Wallace, Vllss Ada Charitoa
ixancy j. Moore,
Mfser. Messrs.
John Hat tin. B. C. Fowler.
At the Field Club.
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. McClanahan enter
tained at dinner at th club last evening
when rovers were plaoed for:
Dr. and Mrs. Ewlng Brown.
Dr. and Mrs. A. C Stokes.
Ir. and Mra. J. M. Aiken.
Mr. and Mra. Scott Brshtol.
Mr. and Mra. O. W. Ilervey.
Dr. and Mrs. IL M. McClanahan.
Miss Gertrude Aiken.
Miss Katharine McClanahan.
Dr. William Anderson.
Mrs. C. li. Brown. Mrs. it. B. Cope
land and ' Mlsa Walrod entertained at
luncheon at the Field club Saturday,
when covers were laid for sixteen guests.
Entertaining at dinner Saturday even
ing at the Field club were 'A. D. Marlott,
who bad reservations for twenty: Harry
Steel, four; F. L. Start event, eight; Dr.
E. C. Abbott, nine; Dr. H. A. WahL six
teen: IL A. Cameron, four; W. II. Head,
three; Dr. A. R. Knode, nine; Arthur
Allen, five; J. II. Mlthen. three: L. H.
Drlshana, three; M. J. Coakley. three;
George Wilson, four; R. D. Neely, four;
John Lavelle. four. '
Dining together wr:
Mr. and Mra. 1-eroy p-au.
Mr. and Mra. Howard Gouldlng-
Dr. and Mrs. E. 11. Bruenlng.
Mr. and Mra. Ie Huff.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. GUlar.
Mr. Karl Bock.
Mr. Albert Krug.
At the Country Club.
Other dinner parties at th Country
club Saturday evening wer given by
Charles Stewsrt of Council Bluffs, who
had places for twelve; "F. H. Davis, ten;
Glen Wharton, eight; A. L. Reed, eight;
R, L. Huntley, six; If. O. Edwards, lght;
Mr. Eva K. Wallao. four) A. 8. Pat
rick, three; H. F. Wyman. tea; Charles
Metl. tour; HI P. Peck, six; T. T. Ken
nedy, four.
Columbian Circle.
Th Columbian circl will give an
evening party at the hall. Twnty-econd
and Ixcust streets. Thursday evening.
Ten prizes will be given.
At Happy Hollow.
Atnoiig thus who entertained at dinner
. . . pit
Miss Helen Epeneter
Saturday evening at Happy Hollow werei
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams, who had
twenty' guests; ' Thomss'H." Fell, ten; A.
H. Benton, ten;' Judge Irving Baxter,
eight) D. JO. McCulley, eight; Lloyd Smith,
four; Dr. E. R. Porter, five; W. P. Rose,
To Honor Bride.
A surprise party was given Friday
evening in honor of Miss Esther Karol,
retiring president of the Frances Wllllard
young 'people's branch of th Woman'
Christian Temperance union, whose mar
riage to Mr. Emll Pearson will ba cele
brated Thursday evening. The affair was
In the nature ot a kitchen shower and
the evening was spent in music, game
and writing recipes for the bride. Among
those present were:
Esther Karol.
Sarah Glvens,
Clara Elmburg.
Florence Anderson,
Lillian Glvens,
Ruth Klmburg,
Pearl Freyer.
Ruth Stevens,
Dorothy MacMurray,
Eugene Simmons,
Victor Button,
Jules Jackson,
Emll Pearsdn.
Morris Anderson,
Cert Anderson,
Charles Hendsman,
itoy i nnitun,
Clarence Talm,
Air. and Mrs. John Jorgenson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Roberts.
Mrs. J. B. Robinson entertained at i
miscellaneous shower at her horn Wed'
nesday afternoon In honor of Mis Anna
Shames, who will be an October bride.
Autumn leaves wer used In the decora
tions and th afternoon waa spent at
cards. Crises were won by Mlsa Florence
Shames and Mrs. H. Rothkop ot South
Omaha. Twenty-five guest wer pres
ent. Miss Shame waa also honor guest
at a linen shower given by Mrs. A. Welis,
when thirty guest wer present
Pagaloo Club.
Th Pmgalco club will glr it first
social dancing party of th season at
Metropolitan hall, Thursday, September
It. Th La Salle club, having dissolved
after a aucoessful career, hav turned
Its Invitation list over to th Pagalco
At Fontenelle Part.
Th Pollyaana olub of Central Park
church held a plcnlo at Fontenelle park
Wednesday afternoon. Those present
Lola Beaton.
Lois Callander,
Gayle Barton,
ln Mather,
Dora Tellesen,
Alice Carter,
Katharine Richer,
Helen Jones,
Pearl Barton.
Afternoon Bridge.
Mlaa Sadler, guest of Mr. C. N. Dista,
waa entertained by Mr. J.. M. Metcalf at
a bridge party of tour table Saturday
afternoon. Th other guests wer:
James McKenni
C. N. Diets,
J. J. Sullivan,
Klla Squttea,
Frank Colpetser,
B. F. Crummer,
Martin W. Dtmary.
H. S. Clark. Jr.
Nellie Wakeley,
W. K. Allen,
James Paxton.
Anna Ttbhett
of Lincoln,
Return from Europe.
Judge and Mra B. B. Baker landed In
New York Friday, their European trip
having: been curtailed by th war. They
will arrlv In Omaha th early part ot
next week. ,
At the Brandeii Theater.
Miss Dora Alexander, supreme clerk ot
Woodmen circle, had aa her guest forty-
two of ber fallow clerks at a matin, j
party the F.renorls tneater Batnraay
afternoon to
bar Worth."
a "Th Winning of Bar-
Pleaturei Past
Mra Theodore Tlllotann entertained a
number of South Omaha ladlra Fiilay
Mrs. M. Glasgow entertained a number
of former Pouth Omaha neighbors at
her home In Dundee last Tueedsy after
noon. In and Out of the Bee Eire.
Mrs. F- ('.. Mcflhan returned Thursday
from Charlevoix, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson left
Saturday for the east to be gone two
Mrs. It. M. Htevenson of KeJroaks, Cal.,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank J.
IT. B. Balcomb has returned home
from a two weeks' visit at Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
Miss Frances Wessels Is In fit. Louis
visiting her brother, Mr. Charles How,
and Mrs. How.
Mrs. I. Pearlman and Miss Elisabeth
Murks have returned from an extended
stay In Colorado.
Mr. .and Mrs. Amos Field, who have
trcn spending the summer at Portland,
Me., and Atlantic City, returned home
Thursday. '
Mr. Albert Brogan left Saturday for
Auat'n, Tex., to tnke his position as pro
fessor of philosophy and psychology In
the Cnlverslty of Texas. "
Mrs. Charles W. Flames, who has been
iH'tlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Blake, leaves this evening to return to
her home In Cleveland, O.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lanhain of
Cosad, Neb., are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Wood. Mrs. I.anham was
formerly Miss Dcssa Fleming of this
Mies Helen Eastman lraves next Fri
day for Chicago to enter the school of
Illustrating at the Art Institute for the ,
winter. IHm r'astman will live In Evana
tun with frirnds. ,
Mr. Charles Kountxe and Mr. Ward
Burgees returned last week from th
east. Mrs. Kountxe and Mrs. Burgess
will not return until after the opening
of St. Paul's school, where their son
Mrs. George Fletcher of Kansas City,
formerly Mlaa Adeline Varley of Omaha.
a spending the week-end with her
grandmother, Mrs. Elisabeth Kleffncr,
and other relatives Including Mr. and
Mrs. B. B. Booth and Mr. and Mr. Henry
Miss Marie M. Woodard. daughter of
Asslstsnt Postmaster X I. Woodard, and
Miss Nan Murphy returned Saturday af
ternoon after A two months' visit In the
west and Canada. They spent several
weeks with Miss Woodard's brother In
Montana and then Journeyed to the Can
adian Rockies, woer after a month's so
journ they continued their trip to north
ern Minnesota and from ther home.
Personal Mention.
Mr. John N. Baldwin and her mother.
Mr. Holcomb, have engaged rooms at
th Colonial apartment October L
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rinehart will give
up their apartment at the Beaton and go
to the Colonial the first of October.
A daughter. Hone Lucile, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cushion Friday.
Mr. Cushion was formerly Miss Lura
Mr. and Mra. Jack Webster hav moved
tA t V t K r n ... . AW- n . I
..-.. -H-'uiicu ln urnoi, ana
.r. aim mn. iiaroia rnicnetl are in
their house at 115 South Thirty-eighth
Miss Carmellta Chase, who has been
touring the northwest. Including- Glacier
and Yellowstone National parka, returned
by way of th Canadian Paclflo. and Lake
Louise. Miss Chase atopped In Montreal
and spent last week at Racquetts lake in
th Adirondack. Sha Is now in New
York City and will visit her brother.
Clement Chase, In Pittsburgh, and Miss
Jean Stirling at Lake Forest, 111., before
returning home.
Woman's Work
Th first meeting of the Dundee Wom
an's club will be a social affair, a 1
o'clock luncheon tth horn of Mrs. E.
A. Benson. Thursday afternoon. Luncheon
will be followed by a "conversazione."
with Mrs. O. C. Edgerly president of
th society, a the leader. The first reg
ular meeting will be September SO, at the
home of Mrs. Edgerly, at which time the
study of modern drama and fiction will
be taken up.
Mrs. George Covell of th Omaha
Suffrage association, state that the suf
fragists did not take action In th matter
of lending their support to a men's or
ganization which I seeking to put a new
Board of Education Into office? as waa
previously announced.
Th North Side circle of the Child Con
servation Leagu of America met Friday
afternoon at th University of Omaha.
Th program wss on "Habit In Child
Culture." Mr. Charles Wonder read a
paper on "Established Habits of Early
Infancy and Their Value to Child and
Parent;" Mrs. Savage, "Habit and Its
Relation to Character;" Mrs. H. Crouch,
"Methods of Instilling Habit" Mrs. F.
Brown gave a recitation. "Erf King,"
and Mis Charlotte Whit rave piano se
lections. This wss the first program pre
sented by th new organisation, of which
Mrs. Oeorge C. Adwer Is the president.
Mrs. M. N. Woodward was elected presi
dent of the Dorcas Sewing club at a meet
ing held Friday afternoon at her home.
Mra. N. L. Trimble I th new vice presi
dent, Mrs. E. J. Hatch, secretary; Mrs.
J. Nelson, treasurer, and Mrs. O. IT. Car
ter, chairman of tha work committee.
The business meeting was preceded by
a 1 o'clock luncheon. Thla club aewa for
charitable Institutions or for needy
Y. W. C. A. "tea
Saturday morning Is th tlm glvea to
classes for school girls. Miss Brewster
he a class for children under 11 year
of ass at I:Ml Those little girls ar
Ineligible for association membership at
this age, and ar not admitted for thla
reason to th regular girls' department
classes. Th girls' gymnasium clasa for
those It yesrs of ge or over meets at
K:8o. A class for girls of this are is
given In th domestic science department
and Includes regular atudy In food value
and th preparation of meala.
Notices are being sent to the various
school teachers of the city of new class
work. Mlsa Kate McHugh will beln a
claas In English literature, to meet Tues
day evenlnics at I o'clock. Special classes
for gymnasium work at 4 SO ar being arranged.-
These are to include gymnasium
work on on day and folk and aesthetic
dancing on the second day, so those who
prefer to specialise in either mey give
their whole tlm to thst line. A class for
weight reducing Is another feature which
Mlsa Rrewstsr Is developing. All classes
beatn October 11.
Club work Is beginning and new mem
bers will b cordially welcomed at thla
time. There are clubs tsklng up some
definite study along with much fun, for
the girls at home. In business, or tn do-
nieU service.
Women Are
Doing in the World
Clob Calendar.
SUNDAY Mrs. Desha Brerkenridge, suf
frage speech, South Omaha High school,
3 p. m. Research' club, St. Berchman'
academy. Vesper services, Young Wo
men's Christian association.
MONDAY West Side Women's Christian
Temperance union, Mrs. Frank Dunn
hostess. Lucy Price, soil-suffrage
speaker, arrives.
TUESDAY Women's Chrlstlsn Tem
perance union state convention at Has
tings. U. H. Grant, Women's Relief
corps kenslngton, Mrs. N. J. Stern
hostess. Miss Lucy Price, antl-stif trage
speaker, council chamber, city hall,
r. m. Omaha Suffrage association,
Mason school.
fWEIDNIEStoAV Mothers' Culture club.
Mrs. W. O. Spain hoeteas. Omaha 8ul
Xrae association. Ncifro Woman's
Christian association home, 2:9) p. m.
THl'llSDAY-W y c h e 'Story Tellers'
leaKue, public library. Young Mothers'
club, Mrs. A. C. Mnllln hostess. !c
Klnley Auxiliary to B'nal B'rllh, Omaha
Conservatory of Music and Arts. Emma
iioagland. Flower mission. Dundee
Woman'a club, Mrs. H. A. Benson
FRIDAY Omaha Suffrage association,
Walnut Hill school. West Omaha
Mothers' Culture club, Mrs. J.
C. Burkhart hostess. Woman's Auxili
ary of Episcopal churches, Good Shep
herd church. Mrs. N. H. Nelson, presi
dent of the Omaha Woman's club, at
home for club members. .North side
Women's Christian Temperance . union.
MAHA women are well repre
sented on the program of th
State Women' Christian Tem
perance union convention,
which will be held In Hast
ings from Tuesday until Fri
Bertha Getsachmann will
(jay,. Mrs.
speak on "The Moving Picture Its
Menace and Educational Possibilities;"
Mrs. George Covell ha been selected to
give th response to th number of wel
coming speeches that will be made by
Hastings representatives on the opening
night ot the convention; Mrs. Elizabeth
John will be In charge of the parliamen
tary drill, and Mra. W. T. Graham will
preside at the auperintendents' confer
Votes for women will be discussed early
In the program, the work of the suffrage
campaign coming up the first morning of
the convention. A suffrage parade, fol
lowed by a street meeting, Is also ar
ranged for Thursday evening. Mrs. M.
M. Clafflin of Lincoln, state president
will conduct a memorial service Wednes
day. Among the women from this city who
will attend the convention ara: Omaha
union. Mesdames N. J. McKltrick, E. P
Sweelcy, Edith Shlnrock. Bertha Oetzch
mann. W. T. Graham. Fannie Manning,
F. A. High. Nellie Patton, Blanche Van
Kuran and Elizabeth John. . From th
Frances Wlllard union. Mesdames C. J.
Roberts. George W. Covell, D. J. Burden.
H. M. Craig and G. S. Ticknor. Mrs
G. Orover, Mrs. E. H. Stevens and Mrs.
Herman Bicker are the delegates from
the West Side union. Mrs. S. C. Jennings,
president of the North Side union. Is
planning to go to Hastings to represent
her organization, . which Is the youngest
temperance society in the city at the con
ventlon. The Miller Park Mothers' circle met at
the Miller Park school Wednesday after
noon. Miss Vera Moore, director of
household arts at the Youmj Women'
Christian association, gave the flrat of a
series of talks on domestic science ub
Ject. which she will give before this club.
Dr. D. Jacobl was also on of the speak
ers, her subject being "Pure Food for
Children." Mrs. John W. Evan. .
recitation, and violin selections wer.
given by Mr. Will Hetherington. accom
panied by Mrs. C. R. Thlem, president of
the circle. After the program, refre.h.
ments were served. Nearly 100 members
were present
Mr. E. A. Holyok will address th
Mothers' Cultur club on th ubject of
"Private School" Wednesday afternoon
at th horn of Mr. W. O. Spain. Each
of the members will give quotations from
periodicals on th subject of "Public
Schools," following which there will be
a general discussion, led by W. H. Indoe,
chairman of th program committee.
Mra J. H. Craddock will glv Ham of
current Interest Mra A. G. Plnkertoa
will assist th hostess.
Ura. Desha Breckenrtdge of Kentucky,
who addressed a larg audience at th
city hall last Bunday, will mak a return
visit today and will speak at th South
Omaha High school auditorium at 1
o'clock, finder th auspices of th Bouth
Omaha Political Equality league. Mra
Breckenrtdge's subject will be "Woman's
Service in Publlo Life.1 John L. Kennedy
will also speak on "Th Outlook In Ne
braska" Mm. Brcknrld is vie
president ot th National Buff rags so
ciety, president of her stats suffrsgs
organization and la a great granddaughter
of Henry Clay. She has been speaking
in towns throughout th stats during th
last week.
"American Ideals as Shown In th Live
of Great Men" la th aubject for th
year's study for th Wast Omaha
Mothers' Cultur club. Th first meeting
of the new year will be held FrUs
afternoon at 1 SO o'clock, at th home of
Mrs. J. C. Burkhart, 1 North Forty
second street. Mrs. James Corr. chair
man of the program committee, will out-,
line the plan of work for the coming year j
and Mrs. J. A. Hamilton, president of th
club, will read a psper on 'Th Valua
of the Study of ideals." An article by
Theodot Roosevelt, 'Two Ideals In
American Hlatory," will be dlccussed by
the members. Appropriate quotations will
be given In response to roll call. Tha
members will sing the old song "Horn
Again" and Mrs. J F. Bonorden and
Mrs. Blaine Truesdelt will glv a piano
Mrs. Bertha Clark Hughes, former stst
preoldent of the P. E. O. aisterhood.
entertained the members of Chapter M.
the South Omaha sisterhood, for the first
meeting of the season Saturday after
noon. Since "Japanese Art and Music-'
is the subject of study for this term, th
affair was In the nature of a Japanese
tea party. A new feature of the meet
ings this yesr will be a short period de
voted to current topics. Mrs. E. M.
Rohrbough, Mrs. A. L. Sutton. Mrs.
Frank Hosemsn and Mrs. Lucy n. r.aas
constitute th program committee.
The Wyche Story Tellers' lesgu meet
Thuredsy afternoon at the Public library.
ti..n aA,i'f ! the general tonic for the)
year' work and Terslan hero stories. Ihj
dian legends anl Uncle Remus stories wilt
be told at this meeting. Miss Anna BroadJ
field Is leader of the program, those tak-
Ing part Including Miss Agnes MeElroy.l
Mrs. E. A. Holyoke and Miss Margaret
The WToman'f Auxiliary of the Episcopal
churches, diocese of Nebraska, will meet
at th Good Shepherd church Friday1
afternoon at Jr o'clock. Regular busl
ness of the organization will be trans
The meeting of the West Side Women')
Christian Temperance union has heers;
called for Monday afternoon instead or
Thursday, th regular meeting day, be
cause of the state temperance convention)
which will b held then. The club wilt
meet at th horn of Mrs. Frank Dunn,!
the vice president, 4701 Mason street, andV
superintendents of the different depart-!
ments will be appointed.
Th U. B. Grant Woman's Relief Corr
No. 104 will give a kenslngton at th
horn of Mrs. N. J. Stern, 2906 Saratoga!
street, Tuesday afternoon at I o'clock.
The Research club will resume meetings
at St. Berchman's academy this afternoon'
at 3 o'clock. Father Quintan, who di-4
rected the club last year, will continue
his work and will speak at this meeting
Election of officers will take place.
The Omaha Buffrage association haa
arranged a number of meetings for thla
week. Judge A. L. Sutton has been se
cured to address a meeting which will
be held Tuesday evening at th Mason
school, when James Richardson will rre-1
side. Rollo SJeer will give musical num
bers. Th suffragists will meet Wednesday
afternoon at the Negro Women' Chris
tian association home and will organize)
the women into a suffrage society.
Mrs. D. O. Craighead will be the)
speaker at a suffrage rally Friday ven4
ing at the Walnut Hill school. Fred J.
Carey will preside.
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