Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 14

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Motor of Efficiency and V Shape
Reaches Sixty Horsepower.
Iwrrlrtt Rlllatar la the World,
Dnrlarea (irortr Rrlm, Who RnHf
I. la One of the w Models
While la the East.
An Innovation no rs1loal that It ha
completely startled the motorlnp world
world that has long become accustomed
to startling hsppenlna-s haa been an
nounced by the Cadillac company. The
Innovation la an eight-cylinder Cadillac
car. It la the flrat einht-cyllnder ma
chine to be placed on the American mar
ket. Oeorire Relm, president of the local
Cadillac arency, will receive hla flrat
demonstrator about September !& and the
first ahlpmenta will arrive eliortly after
October 1. Dellverlea will be made to Ne
braska purchasers Immediately upon arrival.
While the new machine with Its elrbt
ryllnder motor would apparently lead
many to believe It Is a larre. epntve
tar, this Is contrary to the facts. The
machine la hlrh-powered, to be true, as
It la slxty-horse-power. but it la larger
than the previous model only In length.
The wheet base has been extended, but In
weight the new car Is 400 pounds lighter
and the price I practically the same as
that cf the four-cj'llnder model.
The engine Is of the V-shap. The eight
cylinders win permit driving tip grade on
high at as low a speed as two miles an
hour. The rapidity of cylinder explosions
lll eliminate any possible thrashing or
Jerking as many engines do. All equip
tnent on the new car la standard and In
cluded In the cost.
The Sweetest R Miliar Car.
"The sweetest riding car In the world,"
said Mr. Helm, "was the ambition of the
designers of this eight-cylinder model, and
that ambition was surely realized. It Is
1 ke riding on a floor and hardly a sound
tan be distinguished. I drove one of the
machines over fifty miles when In De
troit and I know that It will only be
necessary to show the car to prove Its
iiialltles to the comprehensive buyer. I've
teen In the automobile business a long
time and this car Is unquestionably the
cream of them all. If I can't make
Omaha and Nebraska alt up and take no
tice of the eight-cylinder machine It will
le my fault and not that of the car."
Mr. Relm also announces that last week
ha sold three carloads of Hupmoblle, of
which he took over the Nebraska agency
week ago.
It One of the Moit Substantial of
the Light Six Machines.
Chalmers Machine, si Mr. Tooser,
Loral Aen, Will F.nloy Lire, of
Reasonable In Prior.
"The lliiht six Is the machine of to
day." declared Mr. Tooser of the Ptew-art-Toojter
company. "It Is the car the
comprehensive buyer haa wanted for a
long time, and, now that It has been
made to order for him, it has proved to
lie the Ideal automobile.
"Many firms are manufacturing light
sixes and many are manufacturing cars
of other number of cyllndera, but I be
lieve that the light six la really believed
by all motorlsU to be the car to buy.
"Hut there are many brands of light
six cars. It Is easy to constrict a tln-
panny lluht six which rattles like a cof
fee grinder, and then argue that It will
save gasoline and oil consumption, add
mileage to the tires, etc. That Is all very
well, but It Is mostly conversation. The
Chalmers Is a light six. but It Is svilldly
conslructed In every detail. It will not
rattle when It strikes a bump In the road;
Its engine will not sputter protestlngly
when It strikes a stiff grade, and It has
that substantial look in Its appearance
that motorists are so proud of In their
Price Is Reasonable.
"The Chalmers cost U.ftTA The price Is
higher than many light sixes, but It la
really the cheapest car In the long run.
For fnntanre, an automobile should en
joy a life of five years. Dividing that
prlve by five and you find the price for
one year. Ifow many light sixes last over
a year, or two years at the outside. Toil
will find very few machines In Omaha
that are over 2 years old, except In the
powerful and expensive cars and the
Chalmers. There are any number of
Chalmers that are close to five year In
service and they are still running even
with now machines.
Thus it can be seen that, though
higher In initial price than other cars. It
Is still the most reasonable car to buy."
Modern Ignition
, System Superior
to Old Magneto
"Ignition systems for automobile motors
have been Improved, notwithstanding the
prpular faith In the magneto," said Mr.
O. J. Corkhlll "of the Nebraaka-naynea
Auto Vales company, distributors In this
territory for the Ilaynes, America's first
ar. "The magneto haa been the standard
ource of Ignition current for the last
few years, but the engineers have been
rontlntaalljr designing and experimenting
in an endeavor to substitute a better sys
tem, and the results have been highly
"The magneto la necessarily limited In
Its output due to Its construction. A coll
of fine wire wound on a piece of Iron Is
revolved between the ends of the horse
shoe magnets to produce a current of elec
tricity. This current Is alternating In
character and reaches Its maximum In
tensity at but two points In each revolu
tion of the coll of wire, being of sero
value at the two Intermediate positions.
"Consequently, unless the spark Is so
timed a to occur In the cylinder when
this current Is at one of these points of
greatest strength, a feeble spark or none
at all la produced. To get the best re
sults from a motor, the spark must be
advanced or retarded as much as forty
five degrees or more to vary with the
load and speed, and It la obvious that the
spark can not occur at Its maximum
strength at all points throughout this
range. The usual practice Is to time the
magneto on a compromise basis, and use
the lower values of the magneto current
at the correspondingly low fflclonelea
"The modern Ignition system that has
gained much prominence this year la the
combination of the distributor, the trans
former coll, and the storage battery cur
rent. The distributor varies but little from
that used on the magneto . This system la
used on the Haynes light six with admir
able results. Current Is supplied from the
tore battery at a constant strength at
all times regardless of the degree of the
. spark advance. The spark Is Just as In
tense and as hot at the low speeds as It
Is at the high speeds, and starting In cold
weather la made easy.
"Not only Is the desired spark obtained.
oui in system nas proved to be en
tirely reliable, together with extreme aim'
plldty. The battery is kept charged by
the generator used In the starting and
lighting system, and a set of dry cells Is
provided for any emergency, the same as
In the magneto system of Ignition. With
the starting and lighting system, the
storage battery la regular equipment, so
that this new system has eliminated one
part, the magneto. Instead of adding any
additional parts."
Demand for Auto
, Accessories in the
Country Growing
During the last week the Western Au
tomobll Supply company haa had the
biggest volume of business that It has
ever had In the history of Its business.
The orders from the country trade have
been very generous and a good deal of
the city trade that has been shut out for
several month on account of the street
being clotted up has come back to them
In very gratifying numbers.
Many country dealers have been In the
city during the last week who have been
eplenlshlng their stocks preparatory te
the large fall trade. The country dealers
have beaa buying ivery freely and the
buying cannot be pointed to any partlcu
lar line.
Although it m expected that a great
majority of the deaiera would stook up
pretty strong before the raise In price
of tires and tubes, the Western Automo
bile Supply company has had a very food
bualness on all kinds of rubber goods
sine th raise
First Shipments
of Newest Models
of Hups Received
The latest model of. Ilupmohlle haa
been announced by the Hupp Motor com
pany and George Relm of the Cadlllao
company, local representative, has re
ceived 'hla first shipments. The new Hup-
moblle Is a larger machine and is more
powerful. The mailer model Is atlll
made for those who prefer the little car
to the bigger one.
The new automobile is 119 inches In
wheel base, a wheel base as large as
many high price machines. Mvery poe-
lble convenience is Included In the equip
ment and th machine is constructed
higher from the ground. Following the
trend of American manufacturers the
drive Is from the left hand side. The
mall car remains right hand drive.
Mr. Itelm la ver yenthuslaatlo over the
newest little car. In ' taking over the
agency a week ago he contracted for over
100 machines and be expects that before
the rear I over he will find he has more
orders than cars. Three carloads have
been received at the Omaha house and
every machine contained haa been sold.
Mr. Relm feels that hi Hupmobllo
agency will in no way Interfere with his
Cadlllao agency. The two are distinctive
types of machines and the person who
may buy an eight-cylinder Cadlllao la
not a prospective buyer for a four-oyltn-der
"They are positively leaders In their
line," declared Mr. Relm. "The new
models In both can are In my mind su
preme. You will find that the big Cadll-
Ho and th powerful little Hupmoblle will
be two of th most popular cars In
Omaha and in Nebraska before winter Is
here. I will have both Cadillacs and
Hupmoblle ready for Ak-Sar-Ben
demonstrations and will be ready to take
orders for Immediate delivery."
J. J. Gregg of Eclipse, Neb., purchased
on of th new Hupmoblle the other day
and drov It from Omaha to hi home.
He wired Mr. Relm from Columbus aa
follow: "Well, I ant this far with th
ear working fin despite bad road and
superabundance of mud. Traveled
through mud on high gear so slow that
the speedometer wouldn't register at all
Will write tomorrow."
Beat far kla Disease.
Baeklen's Arnica ralve is soothing,
healing and antiseptic; best for burns,
sores, wounds, bruises, piles, etc. e. All
druggists. Advertisement
Studebaker Four
Makes Perfect Score
in the Eoad Eace
An automobile tour of the old-fashioned
sort, a tour In which stock cars only were
allowed to compete; In which observers
rigidly scrutinised the work of the cars
from start to finish; In which the close
was followed by the most rigid sort of a
technical examination, has Just been given
by the Wisconsin Btate Automobile association.
The event was the first In several sea
sons In which the strict Grade I rules of
the American Automobile association ap
plied, and created unusual Interest among1
motoring writers and others who have
lamented the absence of Intimate data re
garding car performance, derived from
recent tours In which promptness in ar
rival at controla waa almost th only
qualification of success, and In which non
stock cars were entered without restric
The tour consumed three day and cov
ered a course of about MO miles, starting
ana rintshing at Milwaukee. The cup
winner- Studebaker "four," driven by
E. 8. Hchank and entered by the Wol-
laeger Sales company finished with a er-
tect road score, having made every con
trol on time, and brought In a record of
absolutely no attention to any mechani
cal part from start to finish.
Perhaps the moist interesting feature
waa the techukal examination which fol
lowed the finish. Skilled men gave a
careful and Intimate Combing to each of
th . contesting cars. They measured,
shook Joints and tested every nut and
bolt. They made each car undergo a
standard test of clutch and brakes.
Whenever the least syinitum of loose
ness was found, a point or more was de
ducted from the car'a score.
Ther wer Inatuncr of deficient brakes,
aagged prlnKf, mlacellaneou email
part lost on the road and loose nuts
and bolt. On car was carrylns a loose
body, another flnislied with a cracked
water Jacket All th cars suffered from
penalties. om of th Instances totaling
over 10 point.
-irw'U!'lJ'lUl!'Jllll,T v"ZSXue
-lo-iraw . nsjerw -
If M
Car6f the American Family
I i
For the third time the Hupp Motor Car Company has produced a car which," we believtj will
prove immeasurably superior to any that assumes to compete with it. ,'
The first Hupmobile 20 made for itself, and held against all rivalry, an Immense following; "at
home and abroad.' )
(The "32 " put the Hupmobile into"another class and surpassed the" " 20 M in world-wide popularity.
This new Hupmobile bids fair to eclipse them both, as tho very utmost a motorist can desire!
A highly specialized, individualized, HupmobiHzed motor car which gives you, we believe,
more service and comfort foryour. money than you can find if you comb-, the .market a
dozen times over. ? w.wv' v.s,l
Listen to the details!
Every Improvement
Ease," convenience and economy of opera
tion are furthered by:
wtlh Bt Sniveled pad M ft
Mor Power
Motor. IS -Inch bore x IH-ksch tMk
cylinders cast n bioa, with water Jaeawc
spao between barrels ; vatve lH-4noh
olear dlanaetsr, mushroom tappet, with
i special shape earn, very quiet; vatoa
' spring chamber ctoeed by ell-tight oe-ree,
so that oontaota are maie ha aa oil hath.
Nsw snap ooonbustton etaaugaoer, laager
valve and largsr cylinder her pvoduoe
more power. Multiple 61 so elutoa, wlh
thirteen iMctoh plate.
New Typa Carbetretor
Kortsontal type bottad Oseetrr to cylin
der block. Uaa pas are between cylin
der, so that Intake manifold la heated
Its entire teogfth. aavuiing eoaaplet v as
sorts ti cm ot mssi th aeavteat onp
Iswifsr Wheefca; Mor Room
Whectbaae, U
Inohas. Roomy
Inch ; tire, M x 4
t-passaturer body t I
lOhea more leer-room In front 7 laol
flush handle.
more in tonneau ; full tufted upholstery ;
sua oor nwgaa.
nt aprlngs, IT Inohee long, prnctloally
lUo, 11 uicha
Imprwvwd OiBasj
A erstem already MgttJy afTVttaot reeds
till oeuer.
Preeeure Ced from flywheel
bearing and eocntlng mod
to mala
bearing J cylinder wan hibcloatew
mist from crankshaft
Modavsi ifttltloai
Ignition from. atora battery, wKh au
tomatic spark advaAC. Type rapidly
being adopted by pi sgi see We eariwf.
&nU Unit EWrloal Sysaesa
Oenerator and starting motor smusjhud.
driven by slksnt chain crom front ead ec
crankshaft. gasppUea current for starv
ing, lrnltlon and lighting. Make rotor
non-staitaaj. WasUwgktiae It-vwllys-tosa.
flat t rsar spiina. seros-elUc
long, iwtinr ahoer axle: sorters aelf-
o111dt. V rakes. U kwhea la alameur.
Left Steer, Cantor Control
Steerlna- wheel at left ; sear haam and
hand braks lever at driver' light flpeed
oroeter, atartliuj and lighting cwttciMC
mounted flush in sibsr ec oowl board. .
Speedometer drive from transmission.
Nao-Clara, Dfaasnar HeadEghta
HupmcbUs dealam. Upper half of head
Vaht gkaea oorruamteo. KlUo reflector
glare, complylna; with aaany city ordln
anoea and giving; fan Illumination oa
road. On bulb In hadirhU. dimmed
at win throwgh roalotaaa in awtta. be
Equfoms mmi Othf Dctafl
- llHrallca gasotla tank in eowtt fain.
VUfoa windshield, flaed aprlahta, lower
half adjustable for vwwUlaUoa. One
man type top. attach hi; to windahleld,
tVirwned fendera, with flat edre and
wtthout bead I a. Tail lamp explosive
BavmobUe deeiffn. 1Uasaina4 iiceaae
plate aad entire width of road for con
siderable dtebuc hehind oar. fton-skld
tires on rear. Damonntable rtasa, oar
rter at rear for spare rim sbd tire,
LlghtlneT and Ignition rwltohe controlled
by Tale looks Speedometer. &ob rail,
foot rail aad ooooa mat In tonneau.
Color, blue-black with inaroea running
gear. Ptic T. O. B. Detroit
Left stac
i control
Larger steering wheel
Easier steering
Eastar clot eh action
Throttle and carburetor
control levers oa steer
log wheal
Actcenatio spark advance
New atarter that make
motor noik-etallablo
Foot throttle in keaarwved
laurger brake
Ifhting ni Ignition
witch e at eeatec of
kCowl board
NoBrsIdd tire oa rear
More power
Larger valve
Heated Intake passage
Icnnrwvod earbnretiua
hnpreve j kgnstloa
letor Iwbrt j
The passengers are afforded greater ease
and comfort by : i
A larger bedy
Ample room for five pa.
Deeper, softer, faB-tufted
Deeper seats, with same
comfortable Hupmobile
Larger wheel and tire
Semi-elliptic rear springs
Mora lag room in front and
in tnnncaw
Longer wheelbase
Wider door
Side enrtaia wiag
with doer
This new Hupmobile simply declines to be classed with anything of like
price in externals, in performance, in economy.
You can't compare it, because nothing near it in price will bear comparison.
If youVe had Hupmobile experience, go see the new car, expecting to
find all the good points you have known, and a wealth of added value.
If you know the Hupmobile only by reputation, you will find that the new
car goes far beyond the best you have ever heard of former models.
Hupp Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich.
CADILLAC CO., of Omalia
2354-56 FARNAM GEO. F. RFIM. Prudent Phones: Doug- 4225 and 4226
With electric Muttc and
light, ovr-is tlrss,
damosntabl rima, tlr
carrier at rsar and all
ragalar qoiptnnt
with regvlar enlpeea
ealy. Prteesla . Oetrsit
i 111! I It 111 lilllllllt