Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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for Armies to Get
n i
II II II II J x 1 1 II A I H A
Bow the Knee When Ordered to
Advance and Take a German Po
sition in Battle Saturday.
Jake the Chosen Ground from the
Germans After a Desperate
Hand-to-Hand Encounter.
Few Encounters Are Reported from
the Battle Lines for Sat
Hnddle Together to Grab a Little
Rest During Lull in Fight.
Million Man Are In Touch of One
Another and Ready to Spring
Into Fatal Grip Cannon
Silent Daring Evening.
PARIS, Sept. 19. The first offi
cial communication Issued, tonight
Bays that in a serious encounter near
Craonne the allies have captured
numbers of prisoners and a standard.
The Germans are reported to have
gained no ground, notwithstanding
their violent counter attacks. The
situation on the whole is described
as unchanged.
day, By Way of Paris, Sept. 19.
(3:46 p. m.) Oxerpowerlng fa
tigue and privations, resulting from
five days of unrelenting struggle
brought about last night, a tempo
rary lull In the 'combat of the power
ful armies that are face to face
along the rivers Oisne, Alsne and
The roar of cannon, machine guns
and rifles died down early last even
ing and the presence of two armies
composed probably of 1,000,000 or
more men within "touch on an uneven
line and ready to spring to a fatal
grip, scarcely could be conceived, so
Intense was the stillness broken only
by an occasional vagrant report. The
soldiers of the allies and the Ger
mans, alike, were snatching a little
rest, huddled up in the strong en
trenchments, In some places the
, trenches were half filled with water
as equinocial storms continue.
Settle Down for Fight.
The French and Brittah, like the Ger
mans, have now entrenched and satt'ed
flown for the stern fight, which threat
ens to be even longer and more sanguin
ary than the battle of Marne. Progress
Is being made at some points by the
allies, but very slowly and the develop
ments of the last twenty-four hours are
rot Important except that It la officially
confirmed that the Germans have re
ceived Inforcements from Lorraine.
There were a few Isolated encounters
today, but both sides appear to have
abandoned the rash movements across the
open which marked the early stages of
the war. Obviously the deadly machine
g-tins have taught a lesson.
One of the Incident yesterday, When
the fighting was awful In its sacrifices,
was widely recounted today.
Kneel In Prayer.
A British Infantry regiment, upon re
ceiving an order to advance and to take
a German position, knelt for a moment
in prayer. Then the men, knowing that
their charge was to be terrible In cost,
sprang to their feet and with fixed
bayonets clambored out of the shelter of
the trench. In short and rapid rushes
they advanced In wide open order, alter
nately lying down and then making an
other dash of fifteen yards. From the
German position came the thick hall of
the machine guns, the attacking soldiers
hurrahed and sang as tney pru in
ward. Many fell with the cries of de
termination on their lips. Finally those
who remained of the regiment reached
and took the German position after a des
perate hand-to-hand encounter.
This was only one among similar acts
of courage and discipline on the part of
the French. British and Germans allki
at various points along ths line.
The Weather
-Fair; no Important change In tempera
ture. Temneratares at Omaha Yesterday
6 a. m
a. m 63
T a. m
8 a. m 7
a. m
10 a. m 77
11 a. m fcl
12 m -
1 p. in
I d. m M
3 p. in M
4 D. m 3
S n. m
p. m XO
7 p. m 78
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Seventy-Two Passengers and Sailors
Die When Steamer Leggett
Goes Down.
Only Three Persons Snrvlre, One. of
Whom Seea Five Women and
Children Perish Before
. His Ere.
ASTORIA, Orc Sept. ls-Seventy-two
passengers and members of the crew of
the steamer Leggett,' which was lost oft
the Oregon coast last night, were
drowned. There were only three sur
Two survivors worn picked up about
twenty miles south of the Columbia
river mouth, according to a wireless mes
sage received here today. The wireless
stated that two steamers were standing
by the spot where the schooner went
down last night. The only sign of the
Ill-fated vessel was bits of wreckage.
First News of Sinking.
First news of the sinking of the Leggett
was received at the Telegraph Hill wire
ported that the S. O. 8. call was received
at 3:15 p. m. No S. O. S. call was picked
up by any of tho land stations.
The Leggett carried thirty-seven pas
less station last night from a foreign
cruiser, which did not gtve its name. The
message stated that the Leggett sank
yesterday afternoon, sixty miles south
of the Columbia river. The warship re
sengers and a crew of twenty-five. It
sailed from Portland September 12 for
Houqulara. Wash., to load lumber for
Alexander Parroll. a rmtstnger. was
the only man picked up by the Beaver.
Two other survivors are said to be on
board the oil tanker Buck, which is still
at the scene of the wreck.
Ticked Vp rt Beaver.
According to the steward of the Beaver
the deck load of the Leggett shifted In a
heavy gaie and It turned vurtle and sank.
Farrell was picked up from the lumber
wreckage by the Beaver. He saw five
women end children sink near him.
Losses in Battles
Estimated at 150,000!
PARIS, Sept. 19. The official com
munications Issued thus far have
neglected the question of losses, which.
In a fight lurh as the battle of the
Marne, covering a front of 130 miles, are
almost Impossible to estimate, even ap
proximately. Some - unofficial reports have placed
the allies' losses at 50,000 and those of
the Germans at 100,000 In the series of
engagements comprised In the great clash
of arms. How near these figures are to
the truth no one will know until the of
ficial figures are compiled. However, the
Impression derived from Individual ac
counts of wounded soldiers and from pris
oners, the only unofficial sources of in
formation at present, would indicate that
these estimates are conservative.
The losses certainly are the greatest on
record and perhaps the proportion for the
Germans is greater than two to one in
dead, at least.
If the press bureau communications are
silent on this subject the order of the
day for the army gives eloquent hint of
sacrifices made to gain advantage and
shows how murderous Is modern warfare
and bow regardless of vereonal safety are
the officers and men.
Cities Evacuated
by German Troops
ANTWERP. Sept. l.-(Vla Ixmdon.)
The Telegraph reports that ths towns of
Dendermonde (Termonde) and Londerxeel
have been evacuated by ths Germans.
This Is the first time thst these plsces
have been free nf the invaders since ths
removal of the Belgian capital from
Brussels to Antwerp.
The street lamps of Antwerp are lighted
very evening from T. 30 to I o'clock.
uii Thinker!
Optimistic Official Report is
Issued by Berlin Headquarters
BERLIN. Sept. 19. (By Wireless to
Bayvllls, 1 I.) The following offlclul
statement from the German headquarters
was issued today:
"It Is reported that a decisive attack
Is being made by the thirteenth and
fourteenth army corps and parts of other
German divisions south of Noyon, with
"Beaumont has been stormed and 2,600
French prisoners captured.
"Attacks along the entire battle front
are being easily repulsed.
"Many guns and prisoners have been
Reports at Paris Say that Fig-hting
is More Severe and the Losses
Much Heavier.
Germans Plnnainif at Tenter with
Great Enrrsr and This Prob
ably Will Be the P1to of
the Battle.
PARIS, Sept. 19 Fragments of news
from the front confirm the seriousness of
the combat on the Alsne. Rome of those
wounded on Thursday who have arrived
here declare that the fighting was even
more violent than on the Marne and say
the losses on both sides must be heavier.
The Kngllsh. as on the Marne, are bearing
the brunt of the counter attack and are
conducting themselves brilliantly.
After a four days' constant hammering
the German artillery slackened Its fire
last evening during a heavy downpour of
rain which lasted all night. The trenches
must have been nearly filled with water,
diminishing greatly the advantage of the
defense works prepared by the Germans
and at the same time adding to the suf
fering of the wounded.
Returning confidence is shown in the
return to Paris of many who took refuge
In Bordeaux and other provincial towns
on the approach of the Germans. Some
of the newspapers temporarily at Bor
deaux are getting ready to publish In
Paris again. The Pally Mail conies back
today. The government, however, will
probably remain until the war Is prac
tically ended.
Center Pivot of Battle.
LONDON, Sept. 19. A dispatch to the
Times from Bordeaux, dated Friday, says
(Continued on Page Two, Col. Seven.)
School Children's Christmas
Grows in Interest; Endorsed by President
HILE the final definite details for the dis
patch of the Christmas ship, the Ameri
can school children are to. fill for the
Christmas of the children of war
stricken Europe, have not yet been fully
worked out, the central plan is taking
bold, and the success of the plan In fin
ally assured.
President Wilson has expressed his Interest in the
plan, which means that he will give whatever help, he
can in his capacity as the head of the only great nation
of the world that is not involved in the strife. Ambas
sadors of the warring powers at Washington have Bald
that their governments will aid, at least to the extent
that a free passage will be permitted the ship carrying
the Christmas' gifts of the American children to the
children of Europe.
The Omaha Bee, The Chicago Herald, the Kansas
City Star, the New York World, the Philadelphia Pre,
the Washington Star, the St. Louis Republic, and other
great newspapers of the United States are all actively
aiding rn the work, and promise to give every assist
ance to lbs end that the greatest Christmas, since that
captured, though the numtwr le not yet
"Tho Invasion of the Alpine riflemen
over the Vosges into Hie Urelnurh valley
has beer. repulsed.
"The German cisUrn army continues
Its operations In Huwalkl province and la
advancing agalmst the Kusslan forces.
"Dispatches from Agram report that
the victory over the Servians was far
greater than at first believed. The Ser
vians were completely routed and were
driven In flight across the Save river.
Many were drowned."
Chancellor Denies Belgian Neutral
ity Treaty TJied as Cloak for
Jealousy of Germany.
Mo? il-fieorae Asserts that tirrat Na
tion Oaarht to Be, Aahaiued of
Behavlnn- I.Ike n Fraud
ulent linn km pt.
LONDON, Sept 19. Chancellor of the
Exchequer I Joyd-George delivered an
address In London today on the beginning
of the war.
Referring to the accusation that Great
Britain has used the treaty providing tor
helgtan neutrality as a cunning cloak to
veil her Jealousy of a superior civiliza
tion, tho chancellor said:
"Our answer was the action we took In
1870. In that case Prince Hismarck re
spected Prussia's treaty obligations, hut
It was the Interest of Prussia to break
her treaty today and she has done It.
To Prussia a treaty is Just a scrap of
"This doctrine of a scrap of paper goes
to the root of all evils. We are flghtlm;
against barbarism and there Is only one
way of putting right. If there are na
tions who say they will respect treaties
only when it is to their Interest to do so,
we must make It to their Interetit to do
so In the future."
Referring to the German 'excuses, Mr
Lloyd-George remarked:
"A great nation out to be ashamed of
behaving like a fraudulent bankrupt try
ing to escape his obligations."
Ball Wreck Dead Son 2ft.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Sept. lS.-Mrs. P.
D. Calvin of Kuinley, Ark., died at the
'1-YIhco hospital here today, bringing tho
lint n, ,i U Ul I -,,1. a. LJ .. I.'
Cisco wreck at Lebanon, Mo., a few days
ago to twenty-eight.
fident Teuton Arms Will Tri
War Staff at German Capital is Con- i
umph in France. ;
Communication Has Been Adjusted
to Permit More Efficient Sup
ply of Provisions.
Rapid Advance on Paris Was Too
Much for Supply Arrangements,
Which Were Prepared.
Germans Say Allies Are Unable to
Fill Depleted Ranks.
Ptrrl Arrows Released In the Air by
French Aviators Are Terror to
Soldiers Klhtlna tinder
(r rm an Colors,
BERLIN, Sept. 19. (Via Hotter
dam and London.) Members of the
general staff hero,. In private con
versation, have manifested absolute
confidence In tho outcome of the
battle in France, as their own army
U steadily growing stronger and the
lines of ccmimunlcatlon have been
adjusted to permit a more efficient
supply of provisions and ammuni
tion, It having rather outrun Us sup
ply arrangeemntg In the rapid ' ad
vance on Paris. '
The French army, - according to
the night bulletin, Is showing signs
of having shot Its bolt and hi
fought itself to a standstill, being
unable to fill its depleted ranks like
the Germans. The Uermans, ac
cording to last night's bulletin, are
slowly but surely gaining ground In
the center.
nattle 1,1 ne In Hooht.
' The headquarters announcement still
gives no definite Information regarding
the position of the battle lino, contenting
themselves with speaking of It generally
as located between the Olse and Meuse
rivers; but not mentioning what part of
this large region the Germans occupy.
Lieutenant Wercer Von Haculieu, one
of the best known German aviators, has
been killed. He was mortally wounded
while reconnolterlng a hostile position on
September 4. but clung to the steering
(Continued on Page Two, Column Six.)
Reorganized Army
of Austrians Waits
Attack of Rusians
IjONDON. Kept. 19. A dispute!) from
Itonie to the Kxehange Telegraph com -
pany says:
Dispatches from Vienna slate that the
Austrians on Friday fortified an extended
new defensive front, which will reach
Cracow. Ueneral Hovcrtg at t'ryxmsl,
tho center will be commanded by General
Von Auffenberk, with Tarnow ss his
base, and tho left wing by General Dankl,
with the Germans supporting his ex
trcma left.
The entire Russian left wing, under
command of General Itusezky and Gen
eral Brusslloff, is expected momentarily
to begin an attack. The Initial assault Is
expected against Prysmsl.
Ship Plan
first one, when the Star of Bethlehem guided the Wise
Men of the East to the manger, where lay the Mother
and the Babe, shall be made a success and the hearts of
the little ones of a war-torn continent shall . know
again the blessed Joy of Christmas Morning.
It can only be made a success through the active
aid of the boys and girls of America. To these the ap
peal is made. Fathers and mothers, school teachers
and clergymen, all are asked to assist, to give the
school children such advice and help as they may need,
but the affair is for the children, and they must act to
gether to make it their ship that goes sailing across
the winter seas, bearing a rich burden of love and
treasure from the children of America to the children
of Europe.
Ship, did we say? It should be ships, for it is not
unlikely that enough will be gathered to load several
ships, and that one for each country will be dispatched.
This is not a time nor a theme for the expression
of bias or prejudice; the Christmas Ship will ba like
the Red Cross; It will be for all nations alike, For,
just as sorrow comes to all alike, so must
(Continued on Pact ft vs. Column Two.)
War Summary
A report from German ami;
headquarters made public In Ber
lin announces German and Aii
trlan successes. In France it i:
declared a decisive attack Is be
Ing made north of Noyon. fort:
being stormed and 2,000 Frencl;
have been captured, while coun
ter attacks of the allies along tin
entire front have been repulsed
In the east the Germans con
tinue their advance against the
Russians and the Servians have
been routed by the Austrians, It
Is snld.
Inofficial advices from tho
German capital say that members
of the general staff manifest Im
plicit confidence In a favorable
outcome of the fighting In France.
Their armies are being reinforced
and lines of communication re
formed, It Is stated. Dispatcher
from Vienna report officially that
the Austrians and Germans In
Galicla have formed a new de
fense line and are awaiting a
Russian attack on the strong
fortress of Przemysl, fifty miles
west of Liemberg.
News dispatches from London
reflect the popular belief that the
German line In Franca has been
reinforced and that the reported
shortage of ammunition and sup
plies had been met. An official
statement Issued In Paris at 2:45
yesterday afternoon state that
the Germans are entrenching
on the River Alsne and have been
reinforced from Lorraine.
News dispatches from Paris re
port a continued optimism there
and at Bordeaux. Many who de
serted Paris upon the approach
of the Germans are returning to
that city.
News dispatches represent Lon
don as regarding tha present bat
tle as the supreme eonfllot of the
campaign In France..
Some observers estimate that
the total casualties of the Ger
mans and allies to date ara
around 160.000.
It is officially announced from
Toklo that Japanese troops were
landed Friday at Laoshan bay
Laoshan Is neutral territory forty
miles north of Tslng Tau.
London Predicts Battle Will End in
Same ManneT as Did Marne
Baronet Wonnds aad Other Evi
dence Hhow Soldiers Have Been
Encased at lose Quarters,
Even with Hands.
IjONDON. Sept. 19 If reliance can be
placed on ths British and French asser
tions that the rlKht win of ths German
army, which stretches across nortneaai-
1 em Frsnee, Is slowly falling back, then
the battle or tho Alsne seems likely t
follow ths course of the battle of tho
Marne, for there It was the Germans'
j right wing which first fell back across
the river.
Along the liO-mlle front, ths rear of
which Is scsrred wtra graves of thousands
already killed, two armies, comprising
millions of men. rapidly approaching ex
haustion and standing In trenches deep
wlth'water. await an opportunity to drive
a wedge through the opposing line snd
thus end the terrlblo strain which must
last as long as Emperor William's troops
hold their now strongly entrenched post
tious, and as long as the allied forces
can face the murderous hall of projectiles
fom hidden batteries of their opponents
Roth ths Hrltlsh and French reallie
that It will take almost superhuman ef
fort to win, the strength of ths German
position being emphasized In almost
every dispatch from the front.
Those In Indon closely following the
war base the chief hope of the allies in
n possible envelopment of the German
right wing under General von Kluck, who
heretofore has shown himself a master
of strategy. Renewed activity on the
part of ths allied cavalry and a signifi
cant movement of allied troops to ths I
north and west of the German line of
communication, together with a possible
advance of fresh allied troops from the
northwest through Amiens, slves expres
sion to these hopes.
Kye-wltnesses and the surgeons testify
to a paradox on the modern battlefield
the recurring frequency of liand-to-hand
fighting, which so many military men
Iiredicted was a thing of the past. Bayo
net wounds and other cumulative evi
dence, however, show that the soldiers
havs beun engaged In a death grip, during
which they resorted to their sids arms
and, in some cases, to their hands.
War Ills It Limitations.
WASHINGTON. Bept. 18. War risk In
surance will not be granted by the federal
bureau htre to veanels bound for ports
on the North Sea between the latitudes
of Chrlstlansand and Amsterdam, on the
Kattegat or Baltic sea or adjacent waters,
to ports on the Adriatic, black sea or pn
th Bosphorus, without special applica
tion and rates.
Battle Beginning' as Rear Gnard
Action Develops Into Supreme
Conflict in France.
Lull in Artillery Duel Marks Another
Period of Slaughter of the
Foot Soldiers.
Realize Must Attack Opponents in
Strong Positions, While the Ger
mans Are Confident.
French Officer Says Strin to Both
is Beyond Endurance.
Belgian Army 1'nable to Interfere
with Germau Communications,
While. Allies Fall to Break
Lines nr Tarn Win.
PARIS, Sept. 19. The official
statement given out In Paris this
afi arnnnn an m t ha a? n 1 k Iiaha n A
i pn;o 1 1 v a t vuvu uovo exv""
vanccd on the right bank of the else;
that the Germans are bringing rein
forcements from Lorraine to the
river Alsne; that the enemy Is hold
ing firm on tho center and that the
army of the German crown prince
continues to retreat.
First, on our left wing, on ths
right bank of the river Olse, In the'
direction ofNoyon.r w' have ad
vanced. We hold alt the heights of
the right bank of the Alsne, opposite
an enemy wno seems to ne reiniorc- ,:
ing himself by the bringing of troops ,
irom Ltorrame.
"Second, on the center the Ger
mans have not moved from the deep
trenches constructed by them. On
our right wing Vhe army of the Ger
man crown prince continues its
movement of retreat. Our advance
to Lorraine is regular.
"Summing up, the two opposing
armies, strongly entrenched, are de
livering partial attacks along the en
tire front, without it being possible
to record any decisive result for one
side or the other."
LONDON. Sept. 19. The official
information bureau today gave out
the following statement regarding
the situation in France:
"The situation remains unchanged.
Ak counter attack against the first
division delivered . during the night
was driven back. The weather is
bad and it ia raining continuously."
LONDON. Sept. 19. The battle of
the Alsne, now in its sixth day and
beginning as a rear guard action, has
developed into the supreme conflict
of the French campaign.
The latest official news says there
has been a lull in the titanic artillery
(Continued On Page Two, Column Four.)
House or
Omaha Is a city of desirable
houses and cottages. It Is surpris
ing when you know what it is possi
ble to secure at a modest rental.
In any section of the city
may be found houses of
all styles and sizes, mod
crn, in pleasant surround- '
intfs, yards, porches, etc.,
which only the folks who :
have lived in one can fully
appreciate. '
The widest possible range of
choice may be had uovr. "in another
month It will not be near so easy to
find a bouse that will fit your re
quirements In every detail.
Look over the listings in .
the "Houses and Cot-
tages" columns and mark
those that look promising'.
Tell the advertiser you are
a Bee reader and thus gel
particular courtesy.
Ttlephon Tyler 1000