Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Great Engagement Now in Progress
to Be More Furiously Contested
han Marne Fray.
Frfnrh anil British Arr Rrlnalna;
In Troops Tkromh Hunrn
and tmlriK to Thrralfn
Flank of Cnrm),
LONDON, Sept. 18. Another
great battle, even more vital for the
countries concerned than those which
have preceded it, is now in progress
on a line extending from the region
of Noyon on the river Olse, north
west of Paris, to the river Metis?,
north of Verdun.
The front is some hat shorter
than was the case in the battle of
the Marne, but this will result only
in a more fiercely contested battle,
with masses of troops throwing
themxelves at each other, and every
available piece of artillery concen
trated In the determined effort of
the armies to treak through the
lines. About 3,000,000 men are en
gaped. Position of (.rrnians.
The Germans, who, a fortnight
ago, had made their first swift en
deavor to destroy the armies of
France and Great Hrltatn and cap
ture Paris, have now fortified them
selves on the mountains north of the
River Aisne, through the plains of
Champagne and in the Argonne
mountains, through which the Meuse
They are in stronger positions
than they were for the battle of the
Marne and have been strongly rein
forced with fresh troops from the
north and east. They have at
tempted some counter attacks against
the allied troops, which flushed wit.t
victory, have been trying to prevent
them from entrenching themselves.
Both (Intra Advantage.
According to Engllfln and French
official reports these attacks have
been repulsed and the Germans com
pelled to give way at certain points
but the German general staff claims
just the opposite result. .
It Is certain, however, that the t Illy
country north of the Alsne offers good
ground (or such tactics. It would appear
that these western wings of the two
armies, the German right and the allies'
left, are aain to bear a heavy par: In
the flRhtlng. Upon the armies of General
Von Kluck and General Von Buelow de
pend the safety of the rest of the Get man
army, should retreat be decided upn or
forced upon them.
Besides holding the front they have to
be prepared to withstand another attempt
on the. part of the allies to outflank
( them. '
Railways Rehlnd Them.
These German forces hold a nositlon
from a point near Noyon on the Olse
along the district north of the Alsne to
the Junction of the latter river with the
Sulppes. Behind them are splendid lines
of railways running in all directions
which facilitate the movement of troops
from St. Quentln Guise and Mesleres. In
this respect, therefore, they are well
The allies, on the other hand, can, and
it is believed they are, bringing In new
troops through Rouen and Amiens to
threaten the German flank. In fact,
marly the whole of northwest France is
now open to the allies, the Germans hav
ing withdrawn most of their scattered
troops eastward toward the Oise.
Tide llaa Tamed.
Field Marshall Kitchener, secretary of
state for war. speaking today with full
Knowledge of the situation at the front.
The tide has turned."
lie. althouRh, telling the public that (he
war will he a long on, . app'-ar to be
hopeful of the outcome.
The JJrltiKh army that has fought so
long and so hard Is looking forward to
support from the Indian troops, which
shuuld soon bp at the side of the Engllsh-
in, u noi ior me present battle, then
for the one which mu.t soon follow tt.
The French troops, who also occupy a
valuable center of operations at Solssons
the engineers having closely followed
the army and repaired the railways are
Mnti nlnforccd and on the whole both
ns to position and strength of fore -s,
the opposing armii's appear eve.ily
matched for the advantage of the alii a
in having an army to threaten Von
Kluck's flank.
The situation along the rect of the line
Is much tho same In the center, be
tween Rheims and the Arconne, the Ger
mans continue to fortify themselves,
while between Argonne and the Meuse
they are entrenching themselves at
The French officials warn the publlr
that as the Germans occupy positions
prepared for defense and are supported
by heavy artillery, any progress ' must
l e slow.
The Germans are preparing for even"
eventuality and are maintaining a force
superior to that of the Helglan army in
BeUium to cover the retirement of the
main army should that become neces
sary. They are reported to he strength
ening the fortifications on the Rhine.
where, If necessary, they could continue
a long deft naive.
Skirmishes lonliaur,
In Belgium there lias been a continua
tion of skirmishes which have been a
(future of the war since the Germans
advanced into France, with advances and
withdrawals as dally occurrences. For ex
ample, the Germans yesterday reoccu
rled Termonde, only to leave it this
in ii nine.
Besides the eastern portion of the coun
try, the Germans hold the line almost
to Tournal, In the department of Ilaln
suit, thus preventing the Belgians from
going too far in their harrylnt; tactics
on the German troops proi ceding to
France. Thus far. however, the Belgian
army haa fulfilled Its allotod part by
keeping at least one division- from going
to the assistance of the army on the
A is ne.
In Italy the agitation for the participa
tion of the country In the war seems to
be on the increase. Italy's position la de
scribed as one of "armed neutrality to
prevent the war from causing it dam-
ae snd t shape the n-v pituatinn in
lonfnrnutv mith Its Interest"
K.utmanln l. in mudi the same pol
tmn. II does nut wont to so to war.
'lit, at the jsnv time does not want t'
lost- any share of the spoils that nilulit
lull tn It.
Fifty of England's
Literary Stars Say
War Forced on Land
I.ONlMiN. Sept ll-Flfty o the best
known British authors, among them men
I and women of most divergent political
j nml social views, have signed a declara
tion in which they say t'iry are nil agreed
thnt Gnat Britain could not without
J dishonor, have refused to take part In the
I present war."
The slBncrs include Jiudyard Kipling.
H. Granville Faikcr. S.r .1. M. Haute.
At nold Bennett. Robert Bridges, G. I.. K.
Chesterton. Sir Arthur Cohan Poyle, Sir
II. Rider Haggard, Thomas Hardy, An
thony Hope Hawkins. Jerome K. Jerome,
Henry Arthur Jones, H. G. Wells and
Mrs. Humphry Ward.
After reviewing briefly what they claim
are the causes which led to the war, they
said :
When Belgium In her dire need ap
pealed to Great Britain to carry out her
pledge this country's course was clear.
She bad either In break the faith by let
ting the sanctity e-f the treaties and of
treaty rights of small nations count for
nothing before a tho at of naked force,
or she had to fight. She did not hesitate,
and we trust she will not lny down arms
Until Belgium's Integrity Is restored and
her wrongs redressed."
The decoration closes with the state
ment that Its sigpors "feel bound to sup
port the cause of the allies with all
our strength, with fult conviction of its
righteousness and a deep sense of its
vital Import to the future of the world."
Germans Keeping
Belgians Engaged
to Preserve Lines
(Copyright. 1!. by Press Publishing Co.)
II y F. I.F.XtOK.R lnVKI,I
ANTWERP, Sept. IS. -(Special Cable
gram to New York World and Omaha
Bee.) A German force of 8,00 today at
tempted to retake Termonde. The Bel
gians, strongly entrenched In the environ
of the town, permitted the enemy to get
well within range, then opened a wither
ing fire from maaked batteries an i ma
chine guns. After suffering heavy losses
the Germans suddenly retired.
The Belgians still hold the rums of w hat
was once Termonde, though the Germans
are attempting to drive them out by a
shell fire. This action Is none othur than
part of the German plan to Keep the Bel
gian forces on th3 defensive hereafter to
prevent them from making further at
tempts to cut the line of communications.
Sisters of Mercy
to Celebrate Their
Golden Jubilee
On October 21, the Sisters of Mercy j
will celebrate the golden Jubilee of their
coming to Omaha. A movement has been j
organized by he members of the Alumnae
association for the purpose of presenting
a substantial purse to the sisters on that !
occasion. Not alone are all the graduates!
of Mercy converits nnd schools here beimj i
solicited, but responses are being made
by all students, w hether men or women, 1
who have at any time attended schools
under control of the Klsters of Mercy.
.Miss Edith Beckman, treasurer, reports
that the proposed fund is assuming most
encouraging proportions.
German Ships Fire
Upon Each Other;
LONDON, -Sept. IN. -Telegraphing to the
Times, Its Fetrograd correspondent says:j
"Reports of disaster to tho German fleet j
In the Baltic have been confirmed by dis-
patches received here which declare that!
(Jerman warships fired upon each other. 1
All rumors of engagements with the Itus-,
sian fleet in the Haltlc, however, are un-
true. j
."The Information reaching Petrograd ls
that numerous flotillas, attended by ;
cruisers, while engaged In hunting down!
passenger steamers mlptook their own for
the enemy's ships and engaged In a lively!
battle. The number of vessels crippled Is!
unknown, but several cruisers entered '
Kiel badly mauled and riddled and carry-1
ing many wounded."
-LONDON, Sept. K.-A dispatch to!
Reuter s from Sydney, N. S. W., says: !
' The state government, acting In ac- '
cordunoe with the powers conferred upon '
it by Parliament at the outbreak of the i
war to prevent Rambling in foodstuffs. 1
today seized 14,"i0 baga of wheat, which
its holders had refused to sell at 4 shill
ings 2 pen -e per hundredweight, the price j
fixed by the government. I
Th fighting Eurnpanf nw! mn. but not bi!yj
enough in admit on into 1h imy who Ik rup
tured. Poe not thtn prov that ruptured pr-
un it 'lly 4eftrlnt? ,
Hundreds Get FREE
Treatment for Rupture!
at Rome Hotel.
Ale-1 th privlU ge of Uncftmi a moti rem irk -fcbi
It-muiifttrdticm nf what hTlAHT i klAl'AO
PAUS do f'r rupturt-4 popl. Th PIiao-t 4
tart to rntlreij yew ami wondfriul t rfm innt far
rupture. unrig art thty i,o tha wo rat lornih In tn.
prnn v (if (ha borne, nroui hlnUrauca irom rk '
and at rllht cxpeu.'f.
nicaru that ou ran thro away tha painful tmaa
aliugcther, ai they are male to cure rLure and
not ain.ply to h'lii U but rielng lf-a4lif.l va, and
whan ad bar ing floaely tn tba body allpptng Ik im
piaaltla. therefore, thty ara al an lmpprianl
factor .i retaining ruptura HMt tannot l-e ha Id by
a iruaa Ni atrapa, buck lea or apnnga. SO ,
Mr. Stuart, tha Invantoe of tha PUpao-r'ada, I
aiid par hap a tha baK poaMMl man oa liupMtr In
tha world Uiday, having qualified aa a-n eipert In'
thla country and In Europ. will ho at ta li'iiel ;
K'ma Heptertibar tuth and lai on hla way to
Sao Kran-Mio to arrange far an eihlbitioa of th
fUpao-f'ada at th Panama-PattU txprtaittr-a.
Hour on apt. !nth. 10 A. M to a P. M ;
rW-pt 2lt. 10 A M to I SO p. M , and he will
ba pleaaed to give. ITHOl'T HAHi.K to all
bo rail, otpert fulvda aod trial traaiirent. Do
not fall to raM on Mr Htuart during, hla ata y la
you rity, a thto la tha chaoco.of a liladm.
Makes Speech at Sigourney
Outlines His Position.
F.llmtnales lmri a Factor In
Urn ernment Tells Wkr He, Op
poses Tariff i't-t'tirreci
l.nw Helps Rankers.
SIGtTRNF.Y. la. Sept lv Senator
A. B Cumm'n formally opened h's cam
paign for re-election to the Vnited States
yenate st a linrct home gathering here
yesterday. He plans an a live speaking
campaign from this time on
The s nator today took up oniv a part
of the argument he Intends t.
present to
the voters for the basis of the return i
to power In national affairs of the re- hlch they wore iinsprirlngh cen-
publlcan party. He made these rolnts : , demned by the convention at Baltimore
He Is willing to accept the platform f , , ,,. pensions.
l'10" b' ,,"on"1"' -nt't" j If ,hev pass the risers and harbors lull
the difference between them, namely, that u , mht,ul j,,,.,,,,., mr,v ,f ,,.
Mr. (onnollv will. If elected, follow the i ,urWf, .,. will add about w.oao..ino In
president at all times, right or wrong.;,,, , tnp .;p,,ro,,ria,i,m, of ,ha year as
and always vote as the president desires' .,.i .i.i, ti, .,,..,nri,iin. i,. n..
or directs, while Mr. Cummins will fol
low no man. whether of his party or
out of It. if he believes him to be wrong,
and will never let anv other, In bis po
sition control his vote.
Woodrovv Wilson Is "a strong, deter
mined man, intellectually and morally,
who commands unqualified, unbounded
respect. He is a patriot and I have
no doubt that he sincerely believes that
he Is exerting his vast power for the
welfare of the people.
But he has more real authority than
Ladies' and Children's Fall
and winter weight garments at
attractive saving prices.
Ladies' Union Suits, all wool
and silk and wool garments,
light or medium weights, all
sizes exceptional bargains, at,
u't SI. OS
Uniors Suits, lip-lit, moilium
or heavy weight, fleeced or
ribbed cotton, at.. .9S f)8t
Outing Flannel Gowns, three
big special lots on sale Saturday,
at 08c. 75, -10
Children's Union Suits,
heavy and medium, all sizes, at
utt 49
Iinf ants' Vests, to 7." val
ues, silk and wool or all wool;
broken lots, to close 2ff
Childrpn's Outing (iowns at
t'orsvets Worth to $fS, broken lots
of best makes and models, while
they last, to close at... $2.20
91.50 Iloduce-r Oirwta, extra
long hip models, a splendid bar
gain at 81.10
rancy ItrasNiers, made to sell to
75c, Saturday at 35
Hanitary Napkins, 4 0c per dozen
values, at, dozen .25
Ladies' and ClilMren's Sweaters
Most Pleasingly I'nderpriced.
In Glove Talk
Spell Rest.
They cost no more, but they
give more in service and
satisfaction to the wearer.
Our new stocks are here in
all the wanted shades and
S1.25. 81.50. 82.00.
Cajie (Cloves for street
wear, at. 81 and Sl.SO
M a 11 u f a e t 11 rers' Sample
;ioves, two-button length;
black, tan and rotors, $1.00
and $1.25 values 69
Keyser, Chaiiioisetle. and
Leatherette gloves, all col
ors, fancy blacks, 35.
40 and 81.00
Specials in Our
Domestic Room
Saturday Ail Goods Had Up.
Snaeta, Pillow Ca. Blankti. Com.
fortablva and Quilt.
T2x!i HhretK. 4 r.c vnlile. rHrh....39o
72x011 Kln-elH. f'Sr value. -a li . . . .080
iL'xB I'illow SMi'M. 10 vhIih. PH..7UC
4.j.i::ti I'illow Slti'H. 1 ,'n' value. t-a.lOo
Jl 00 'oltjn Blanket. lnr;e Ki.e. pr
liKlr 780
12 f)0 Wool I'rltMl UliinketB, pnr
PHir ..: t.70
S... 00 Wool filleil HlHtikrtn, i.alr.a.7S
lii.RO All "Wool l;lank.IH. .alr..4.10
r.O I 'omfoi tHblcK, rorilp'l rolton. tuft
rolom. Mil' lit 'l. regular prlrp. $1 ?.
salp urire ut. arli $1.03
.'.0 kniiHfl lomfoi lablea. Iioirif mail",
fiiif rirli'd rntton, reEiilar in I'
$2.2ri, mile prli e. tm h $1.68
TowrlK lfex3. liiirk, worth 12 '.jr.
each 7li0
Bi,tli Towel, larce. rPKiilnr price.
is.'. ale price IS'uO
r.ittern MenerUcd Table I'lotlis. In
three lzen:
Size No. I, worth II 00 60
Size No. 2, worth 11.50 6o
Si.e Nn a. worth .... $1.38
Kent AmoHkeaK Outinir Planned
niMile lOo
10c Uleaclie.l I'otton. varl wide, per
yanl 7Ve
Saturday Hardware Bargain,
Walfle Irons, any l.e or at '!'.
lor 89o
Any ize Steel Kry I'jm 10c
Small I'hoiiplnR How in lOo
Large Chopping lio U 89c
aipel liealeis 0
l.ri-linh t)oli tran, nickel plated
Towel Hur 19o
Sollil braa. nickel plated bath t'ili
Soap I Hall 990
125 all while enamel I'oinbuselt
or Slop I'all o
Wool Wall UuHtcia nlth Ionic
handle 49c
Perfection Oil ll-eatera $3.29
Clothe ein. 10 dozen for,...10o
climax roos ciomu
It a the beat chopper linuie. Cu'.a
does not crush.
Medium aiza "'llmai" Food Cliop.
pera for 79o
IarKe mze "Vllmaz" Food 'hop
pers for 98o
lack alckal flnlab "ktaown"
east Iron ranf ts. atoit "Btcraal."
MaUabl steal rau'aa. (-narantaad
to b tba bast rana of Uialr kind
raada. Wa all tbam.
hss the
"Mr VUn tt'Virr i dn
h" to it. nut! f in t.tMic tt
tnnr h1-
I S'duleU than any other piesl.lent
history of the republic." i
j I otiarrss I'.tlmlnaleil.
I Mr ilson bus sobsta it. ally eliminated
'congress as a fseior tn ko eminent and
jMr Cummins "enerta1in tne Bravest sp. '
.prehension In a .uunliv like ours of I he
. gradual absorption b. the ce. nine of!
all nuthorltx." The oiU'iml pl..!i of the,
founders should he fell HVfil
j 'I am not orpo-ed I i the l ali t ship of,
a piestdi nl but I alii opposed t.i the
I use of pre'. lent ial rower in overcoming'
and ensln ing ihe f t ee will of congiess."
Following the ramll.u demciatlei
promise of rr.'iii'inv and dcnuncl.ttlon of.
I extra iisniii r. the democratic admitilsti a
tlon has appro) rtited fcr the fust ear
in which they have lain In full charge,
of the go erivnent. $H'I. ".'. more than I
the republicans appropriated for the year i
republicans In only one Item have they
ef fe ted a reduction- $!1.Vii In the pen
sion bill.
As to tariff "No man with an ounce of
1 brains will say that t ei anse I Insisted
I that the duties of the tanner act it he
Payne-AMnch bill) weree too high, that,
therefore. 1 must ote for a democratic
bill wlilcn expressly repudiated the whole
policy of protection, anil was Intend, d t
encourage imports without any regard to
the cost of production In this mid foreign
Countries" He would no more vote to j
75c F?ncy Girdles, 29c A
ripnutiful lino of fancy Wo
man stripe and flowered silks am!
satin girdles; some worth to $1;
on sale Saturday, at 2J
k'tm or rmi'M or, nml Ik
Art t' ihvnln.iiV I'oi'Krf".
New Dresses
The culmination of months of careful preparation and selection is the bringing together of a stock of
women's ready-to-wear garments, coats, suits, gowns, dresses, etc., of which we feel Justly proud. The
broad assortments for selection, the charming individuality of designs and the splendid qualities shown at
each price are a revelation in garment value giving to the throngs of customers who visit the department.
The New Tailored Suit llesisms are wonderfully be
coming and beautiful, and from the most moderate
ly priced to the most elaborate and expensive gar
ments we know the styles are absolutely correct and
that you'll find, on careful comparison, the
qualities, evidently superior, the heft suit values
shown any where at
818. 825. 835. $39.75 p 8175.
27ft Handsome Sample Suits in good assortments
of the season's most popular fabrics, weaves and
colorings, sizes lti to 4(i; made to sell at $25.00,
Saturday, choice 12.50
Children's Dresses; a fine
line of new fall models,
choice values, Saturday
at 81. 81.50. 81.98
and 82.98.
Saturday a Remarkable Barain Day in
Millinery Dept.
Hats Like Illustration, $2.98
('loso-fittiiitf, silk velvet Turhans, nat
tily trimmed with gM ami silver
inii!s anil black pheasant, maile to
sell lenlarly at $4.00, together with
dozens of other nobby (TO QO
styles, at hPZ.O
$;.()() Plush Shapes, T. new styles. .$1.98
t-'.'M) Velvet Sliapes at $1.33
.W (Jold Poppies at 29c
.'ifle (Jold (i ratios at 29c
Trimmed Hats,
48-lh. nark Heal HlKh lirada Flour,
made from the best selected No. I
wheat. noiliiiiK finer for bread. pn- or
cake, suck 1.J
10 bars H. at-'Km-AII. lMamond '. Len
nox or Laundry (jui-en White l-"'""'"'
Soao for 850
10 lbs. Hest Pure White or Yell w t'orn
g lbs. Best Hoi led White Ilreakrasl nai
nieal 860
4 I ha. Bent Irand Ilrked Navy Beans
for 880
4 lbs Fancy Jupan Hice. 10c. finality. 83c
The. Best I (oiiieHtlc Macaroni, Verml' elll
or Spaghetti. pkK 70
1- lb. cans Assorted Soups $liO
i.arxe bottles Worcester Kauce. l'ura
Tomato Catxup, I'lckles, aorled
klnda. or Mustard. t.oMIe 8'iO
16-oz cans Condensed Milk T'4o
K lbs. Meat Hulk laundry Starch... 8&o
Yeast Foam, PkK ao
Cold Water t;ioss Starch, pkK .4o
cans Baked Beaiia fl'iO
2- lb. cana Karly June Peas 10o
Try CaaYDEIiTS First
inp"e an nnreasonshi high duty upon '
an Import' .1'c- than to vote t. I
sita.h an iitii es -.ona I1 v low lulv. or no I
il'i'y at a'l. i,p n the same ootnmnd tv.
lllow al Inrnirr.
t llllIRS,
should i
Sp.'i t I'll
duties are I. Ho on tonipetftite
even though for irwnue they
c oen'y dislrllnit. d In this ic
' d ill." i ai ic t.l' i r r :i, t Is the most
economic cr ine e . r pertv- 1
tiatid In a
the dulti.s
mlttedlv Ih-I
n.anv high
c ii ilized countrt " Mirny ol i
on manufactures aie ad
'W the , ost of production, and
but tt hen ' t he dell'ocl at s
came to dejil with pro hi. ts of lb,
they see me I limpired with nialW t
farm I
w s id
th tilleis of ihe soil mm.1 delibera'ely
placed nearly all the things In which t lie
faun, r Is Illicit sled upon the free list "
Rank IXser I ml mi I Ion.
If three almost rxclnslvep mannfse-
lurlng states, the products of New ,ler I
se . Ml per c
high 01 low
nt. are protected bv duties'
of the products of Con-t
nectii ut.
per cent a re on the dutiable'
l'at. and of the products of Rhode Island
-9 per cent are sheltered by the tariff ;
law. Similar conditions exist as to Fenn-I
svlvanli. MasMH'hnsetts and other eastern
common w cult lis
But Iowa, Kansas snd Nebraska are
almost entirely given over to agriculture.
The tariff law has placed VI per cent ol
all the products of Iowa. Wi per cent of
the products of Neoraska and 70 per cent
of the products of Kansas on the free
"1 have never been able to sallsfv mv
self. " said the senator. ' whether this In
excusable discrimination I Ihe result of
pure ignorance of economic principles,
or reckless Indifference to the Welfare
of the men and women who have made
the empire of the west famous through
out Ihe world I have that to von to do
tcimlne as y m Ihlnk over it around voiir
I besides. I state the fart, nnd If you
50c Fancy Ribbons, 29c A
splendid opportunity to buy fancy
ribbons for holidajw nt greatly bo
low worth; exlra wide; big assort
ment; "iOc to 7Tc values, yard, 2')
New Suits
r I 1 1 I 1
W Women's and H4v
v Misses Garments &
Children's Con In; undeni
ably choice values
$2.95. 83.95. 81.95
Women's Silk I'nder
skirls, $3.00 values, all
colors 81.69
Iretlcy's (iahardinew, in
tan, olive blue or black,
also silk coats, $12.00
and $lii valueB, choice,
t 87.50
$1.2."i val-
2-lb. cans Fancy Swcef HiiKar orn.7lo
I irane-N ii t h. pke lc
Coin Flukea. pkif 60
Mi'-n a I'eatiui Mutter, lb 121-.0
lleraliey'a Uriakfiiat Cocoa. Ill 30c
The Heat Tea Slftlnua. lb 190
liol.liii Santos Coffee. ll aa0
Tha Batter. Err. Cbeeee and Buttertne
Market for tba People of Omaha.
The Best Creamerw Butter, carton or
bulk, lb 33o
Fancy Countrv Creaiuerv But ter, lb. . 30o
Fancy Iiairv Talile Butter. Ih 8o
iood Iairv Butter, Ih 85o
The Best Fresh. ' luaraiiteed Kkkh. per
ill.zen 960
Full Cream. Young Americas, or Wiscon
sin Cream Cheese lb 800
Fancv iNimeatlc Block Swiss Cheese,
Ih. 820
J hs ttood But ferine 860
Fancy Table Butterlne. Ih., 25c i two It. a.
Tba riret of tba Baaaoa
Cape Cod f 'ranberrlea, Saturday, per
quart fro
w Ith
ti hn'
'itbrr patriotism,
e accomplished i
er intel'dgenre
Why Opposed Tariff.
"In view of the facta which I have
t st stated facts which no man dsrc
i h ilb lige -do on wonder thst I. Kin
represent a part of this great and grow -Ing
west, and who felt a deep and per
vading Inteifst In the welfare of Its
people, voted against an vet which in Its
very construction Inflicted so great and
so nnne. essarv an In.lusl lev, not only
upon ltiv own state, hut upon every state
west of the Mlssippl river"'
It had been clalnitsl that the bill would
produce more revenue. For the year
elded June .. p.m. shout nine monlhs of
which were under the new l.uv. the
deficit, as compared with the last prevl
ous rar. amounted to ..?.U.'i'"i. with Im
ports $M """.Ono more than before
The receipts for the llrst four months
of the law were ::! .'.x 't. as against
In"1. !". )''-' for corresponding month'- the
vein- beice "These statistics ti II the
meUncholv story and they make It er
f., lU oluliv that even tbouiih the war in
,..,. ,,., ,,, r.,o,..,i tl, .i,lm. ,,f i
International trade. It would have been
pecessary for the democratic administra
tion to report to additional taxation In or
der to supplv a treasury rapnllv approach
ing bankruptcy."
e t nrrenevv Art.
As to the hanking and rurrivm V act.
there was an Issue and on the on- side
Wall street and all the powerful bankers
and on the other the overwhelming pro
portion of the common people. "Fpon
this Issue the bankers won Ihe fight: the
people lost It. I do not question the sin
cerity of the bankers, but 1 do miestlon
Ihe soundness of their position, and I as
sert that the hanking and currency law.
for which the democratic admliileliatlon
is responsible, has Infinitely strengthened
Hair NeU made to sell at 10c,
choice for 5
New goods J'.ist received.
Lenllier titMida Hpe-rlals, A splendid
new line of fancy fitted Hand Hags
nn sale, fft, $1.7.1. $'J.23 nnd $3
New Coals
ran rr-Mr'ii
Ttie New Tall Coat Style embody more than mere
style there's beauty, comfort, practicability, and
so wide Is the range of assortments In both design
and materials that selection Is only a matter of
personal taste. Over 1,000 handsome coats shown,
87.50. 810. 812.50. "P to &io.
Over .HOO IW'aiit iful Dresses, $15 and $18 values,
all new fall styles In silk eolines, crepes, char
meuse, poplins, chiffons, etc., elegant bargains,
Saturday 810.00
Kxtraordiunry Raincoat Values.
HOI) HlipoiiN, $2.50 and $3
values, at 81. 50
500 Slip-ons, to $5.00
values $2.95
Bftter assortments and values
at each prire specials that spell
true economy.
Ladies Pure Thread Silk Hom
black and colors, regular and
out sizes, special
at 81.50 nd QSt
Wayne Knit Hilk lloae Regular
$1.00 qiiBllly, Mack, white and
tans, on sale at, pair 75
Wayne Knit Hose The very best
by every test, to sell
at 35 to 850
Pony Brand anil Drummer llojr
school hose, at.. . 13V4. 25
Please both the parent who
pays for and the child who wears
I hem. New stock ready.
Fay Hose for the Mima lllack or
white; more popular than ever,
81 25. 35
f hililren's Silk I, isle IIonp Black,
white and Ian; to 25c values;
special, pair 12 tt
Saturday we will sell the hest
Kreah Pressed 111! Snrinic
Chlckens. nutliinir finer at any
price, at. per Hi
MMEMJIB Ravden'a Hae Only One
Price and met Quality for Evarrbodv.
I.enuine 1 S. I 4 Sprlna Lamb lilndyuarteia
Her lb 13i4o
(ienulne 1 f 1 4 Sl'rlns IaiuI) fol equartera.
ber ll V0
First iiuality small Pork Shoulders, pur
t !' , ; 19'. 0
1-irst quality Pork Butta. Ih 144
First qiiulltv Steer Hound Steak. Ih 151,0
First quality Steer Shoulder MeiLk per
lb i3l0
R Iris. Hest Leaf Lard 9ac
First quality Ilonie-male SausaEe, Per
lb 100
Morrell or luatiiouil ' skinned Hams,
per ih aio
First quality Picnic llama. b....lSvo
Fancv Leon Bacon. -Ih aaViO
First qiialitv Breakfast Bacon, lb. 1640
First quality I'rv Salt Pork, lb-.-lao
1314 New lierrliiK. per ke $1.1)
the powrr f thi-fc who make prof.t from
loans of nvitiev, and that the law legal
lues yes, more than that, it compels
i r inhlnnt ions r f banker.i thnt would not
he tolerate, 1 f..r an instant In any other
form of human activity."
In the make-up of ihe reserve board the
president selected among others a mem
)er of the firm of Kuhn. Ixieb A Co.,
lately from Kurope and who haa never
voted, nnd others of that class.
He would pot condemn all that has been
done or that Is proposed. "Nevertheless,
the fate of this country Is safer In rcpub
Ihan i are than In democratic care."
Austrians Must Not
Fire on Any Planes
RiiMI-:. ?ePt. H.--A report from Vienna
ssys sn army order tusl Issued forbids
Autiian troops to fire on acrop'anea for
He reason that It Is Impossible to i!ls
tli giilsh between their ow n and tho
etiniy's aviators. An unexpected dlf
I lenity has arisen In coneellon with the
feeding of the soldiers In the field. The
smoke from Ihe field kitchens betrays
the location of the troops and It is prob.
able tint the system of food rupply will
be changed
Ihe I'ase of I.. 1.. Isnlrlaa.
The esse of I.. I,. Cantelou. Clarendon.
Texas. Is similar to that of many othera
who have used Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Iharrhoea Remedy. He
says. "After trying a doctor for several
months, and using different kinds of
medicines for mv wife who has been
troubled with severe bowel complaint for
several months, I bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
IMarrhoea Remedy. After using the sec
ond bottle she wss entirely cured." For
sale by all dealers.--Advertisement.
Linen Specials
Hemstitched Sheets, extra large
size, regular $1.2.') t f(
value, each P 1 UU
Hemstitched Pillow Cases, full
size. 15x3S'x, best quality,
worth $1.00 pair,
each O'fC
Superb quality, extra large Sheets,
very heavy, worth to jq
S9c, at. each . DtC
Imported Marseilles Red Spreads,
scalloped cut corner, $5.00
values, on sale tO QQ
at each
Assorted lot crochet Red Spreads,
worth up to $2.00, H 1 a q
each, a"t J) 1 rO
Table Padding, heavy double
fleeced; from the bolt;
29c values, at yard. . . .
Picture Dept. Specials
(Genuine Pastel Pictures, beauti
ful subjects lu 16x20 oval gilt
frames; regular $2.98 values,
Saturday at $1.49
Pictures Worth to f2.ftO tig as
sortment of subjects In 16x20,
gilt and brown frames, at choice,
8 l.OO
MIc Framrxl Pictures Sig variety
of subjects. In gilt or brown
frames, on sale, at 35
Sample Trunks and Bags
At Bargain Prices
All Trunks that have been
used nn floor samples to be
closed out at about
Yt Off Regular Prices.
Indestructos, Hartmans
and Fibres, $l(0) up
$40.00 viiliit's, over 50
of them -for selection,
nt $6.95 to $30.00
Traveling Hags Worth to
$12. at choice .. .$5.00
1BO Splendid leather Line!
Rags in cowhide, walrus
and seal; grain leathers.
all sizes:
the biggest snap
of the season.
Drugs and
Toilet Articles
At SConey-SaTlnr Prices
Xvary Itam a SpoUl
IS 00 I'oinblnatlon 3-qi. Walltwrtof
SvrinRe. Kuaranteed & years.. $a 3C
1.100 Combination 2-qt. Welltnirton
Syrlnife at $2.00
12 25 2-t. Madewell Fountain Sv-
rin-e, best ilallty rubber. . . .$1 4
j:i 00 HevolvliiK Spray Syrlne.$1.60
12 00 Shoulder Braces $1.19
JOi: Peroxide or Sayinan's Soap-.. Bo
3.'c Castorla ale
f.Oo Peheco Tooth Paste '.3lc
60c Cantlirnx Hair Shampoo zno
T.'ic Plnaud's Llia.s Toilet Water, ,59a
2fic bottle Aromatic Cuator Oil..lAc
f.Oc Poiupeliin Maaaase Cream... 99c
2ric WiMMlburv's Faciul Soap 150
Tne chtilnv Imported French tilce
Powder 39c
One lot 10n and 15c Toilet Hoaps.
special. 2 for ISO
25n Sanltnl Tooth I'ata 16o
Sal Hepatlca. SI. 00 size. 89o; 50c alze.
3So; L' .'( alze 19c
1 Hi. F.pfom Halts 40
1175 Korlick's Malted Milk $2.75
nOc Mine Isabella Powder 99o
2rc Sanlfluali 17o
liabrook's Locust Blossom or While
Hose Perfume, ounce 85c
Brass Beda, large 2-Inch continu
ous poat, five tillers; on sals
one (lav $18.00
Biiimh Beds, 2-!neh ktralsht posts,
for aa.oo
Vends Martin Beds, 2-lluh pos'a
continuous $8.50
Vernls Martin Beds. 2-lnch pos,s.
cunt InuoiiM $5.00
Wo have cheaper beda from $20
up. Ihi not be skeptical. These
beds are all wortli much more
than these prices for one day.
Otber Articles la rnmltura
Kitchnn Cabinets, complete; has
everything" thu.t any irnoU cabinet
requires, white enamel, etc. Slid
ing nickeled top (lass sugar Jar,
bread and rake box; the most
perfect made $93.50
The cheaper Cabinets, at $19. SO,
$16.00 aiul $90.00
1 3 0 Genuine Ulasscock Baby
Walkers $2.86
Good baby Walker, In this sale
for $1.7$
Children's Hlifh Chairs, with table,
for $1.00
White Maple Sewing; Table. fold
In H.00
1 Hiii 111 imimi 11 hi 1 i in J ,11111 iiiiaiiiii mi