It rnr. m-:K: omaha. i WANT ADS PKITH. Al Ft"NF.RtL KOTICES SACK Fred V.. lit ht realdenes. CO Pa cific street, Tuesday. September IS, ag"d ye re. Funeral Fimfav, September,, JO. lit 1 p Tn , from Crosby's parlor. Tw cntv-fniirth and Seward streets. Interment HI Spring well cemetery. Auto service. BIRTHS ASD DRtTH). ' Births Nlmlo and Lucia Callva, I21R Plere, girl: Thomas and Stella PrVaiilt. 277 Burt, girl; l.ew1s and I.elah Moor, hospital, girl: James and (lnw Webb, hospital, boy; I-rvgan and Sophia Wolf, 1M4 North Twenty-fourth, boy. Peat he George W'urnw, 27 year, hos- f'tal; James C. FVtirti. R0 years. 1416 srk Wild" a-renue; Anna Bonce, 1 years, JJ71 South Third. Biii.niifj runMiTJ. Mary and Vaclav Ronllor 1717 Ootd, frme dwelling. $1,000; William Kowan, 214 South Thirty-fifth, frame dwwillng, $1,100; Lillian F. Hunter, 441 Decatur, frame dwelling. $UXi: W. R. McFatiand. 211 Twenty-fourth. tor building-, I,ou0. MARRIAGE MCRK. F'srlslsu rttmrj, South Omaha Victoria Koslh. South Omaha.. ......... ..M Arthur K. Rle. Tekamah 63 Mra. Ba Pasamor, Tekamah ...46 I.loyd C. Miller. Omaha 14 Floaa Wilson. Red Oak. Ja 1 L. Robert ElrfeWler. South Omaha...-, .W Alma B. F raker, Beilevu Claudia Pepple. Woodward, la ....K a ma erpioa, woodward. La.. ' 1 ronwa COMPLETE Mom: nuxiRAJis ErlTiafTly In Tbo Hke , Dowatowa. I CAVEHAPHONB. IK DOTTOTjAS. I Joata'a Coney Island Nlahtmara, a-r. Vila, i fRronoho Bllly'a Indian Romano, Kan. I rh nrt of Fata. Kalem. EUTE NO. X 111 FAKNAM. I Wa F"ora:lve Thoaa, S-reel Lubin. Joale'a IWrlaratloti of Independence, Tlta, , iBronrho Pllly tha Vagabond. raanay. I TARNAM! THEATER, H14FARNAM HT. ' dratrt ii raa In tnplomnry, -reel Reiair. I . j HIPP THEA.TER. HARNCT ANT) 1JTH. Mary Plckford in Tea of tha fttorm Coan- try. TARK THEATER, 616 NO. MTH'BTl j liifhta Fnaaen, f raela. ( PARIiOR THEATER 140t IXHJOLa j Rlfttrt rnaan, Part II., t reela. PBJNCF.fW THEA. . M17-1 rOf 'OIxA B. , King Bafgott'a I at eat aucceaa "The Man i Who Naa Mlaundertaood," I-r. Bob Ionard In ' Tha lil.treae ot Deadwood ,TBaaln." Norlau AIUMO TIIKATKR t4TTf aV FORT. I Renunciation, lt-el FVlatr. I V. Ike Jr. Nearly Marrtea, IT. Ik com. Animated Weekly. 'IiHAMRRA THEATER. 1114 N. J4TH i bhorty Tumi Judge, -re Beauty dra. Touth and Art American drama. ' ('uff- Boll a nee dram. TitAMOND TJLEATER. 2410 LAKE T. Tr'y, .' Helrt No ' talemate) -reel Gold Peal. A Strong; Affair, Sterlliur ' Midnight Mai tar. Be. FRANK UN. S4TH A FRANKIJM The White Moua. .rael Selig. Andy Utmi to Bwlm, Rdiaon. The Oypay Tallnman. Dlog HIPPODROME THEA. TH V CDMINO linr Mutual Ulrl. Berlea No. 11. Ild Hha Run, comedy. FJeventh Roar of Reformation, l-rewl drama. iT, '. WTH ANI leJCU8T BT8. Jialny, tha I4on Killer, 1-rml ViUfrapa, 1 he Pmuggler'a Wlfa, Blograph. ln Lieu of Iamagea, Kdlaon. ii7ifHROP THEATKR7lh aV LOTHROP. horty and tha Andvtlle Terror, Bio. Jr and II la Rival. Reliance. A Leeaon In Mechanica, Majeatle. 1XTAL. THEATER. 2414 CAXJIWKIJ. AV'hen Eddy Went to the Front, Neat com. On High Beae, l-reel Imp. A Ranch Romanoa, Neator. PARK THEATER, . (II N. TH BT. Air' Toped o. three parte. J'ALAOE THEATER. 2303 i)A VliNPORT. Man from Nowhere. 2-reel Victor. Out of the I'arkneea. Rex. i And a good comedy. f l " B I ' RBAN) i 24TH AND AMhk I Th Otrarator at Blaek Rook, l-r. Kalem. "The Village Bcandal, Kdlaon. The Man from tha Paat. Btograph, Cantk. ;APOt-TX), 2KS4 IJAVEWWORTH. The Hidden Iettera, J-reel Vltagraph. They Bought a Boat, , The Declalon ot Jim O'Farrell. Bella;. ; -POIJiO THriA. 2U LJdAVEN WORTH. ' Hearct-Bellg No. U. i Tha Twtated Trail, Blograph. ; Rainy, the I.lon Killer, 2-reel Vita graph. COMFORT THEATER. 24th & VINTON. 'The Winning of leulae, 2-reel Kay bee. Tha Mutual Weeklv. I i,r Hl Brother. Thanhouaer. inOLLMBIA, K10 SO. 19TH. JThe Ca-a of Death, t-reel Kalem. I , .'evr Too Old. Lubln. ( The Old Fire Hnrae, Edlaon. I FAVORITrf 1711 VINTON BT. .The One' Who Loved Him Beat, -r. Ed. The Honeymoonera. Vltacraph. ; ' ne reaiea uaaia, Bang , PASTIME THEA. 2302 LEAVENWORTH Allah'JIlt l-reel Eclair. OEM THEATER, JM HO. 13TH ST. We ahU and Meaauree, with J. Warren RerrLt an. i rl ft Hat. Sterling comedy HANBCOM THE.. 2STH . CASTEIJ.AR j jAirllle Ixive Berlea No. 11. ' Ji r (irave Miatake. Neator. LYRIC THEATER, 1117 VINTON BT. i Thl a la the Life. Powera comedy. I l.tttle Meg and 1, with Warren Kerrigan, i fctrange Mgnal, r"rontler. PASTIME THE., 24 LEA VLN tt'OKTH Lucille Ix)v Berlea No. 7. The Creeping Kliune, Neator. VENEZIA THEATER. 1211 SO. UTH BT. Sh of tb Wolfs Breed, 1 reel. Vewt. AIRIK5ME THEA. FARNAM A Tupay Turvy Swecdle, Keaanay. The Bond Eternal, 2-reel Kaiem. )i k to the Farm. Lubln. PARK. tMONRoE THEATER. ;'noi FARNAM. Mient alley, 2-reel Imp, Klnrf Baggot. Animated Weekly, latest current events AVhlatling Hiram, Frontier comedy. Bea BEN BON THEATER, 683S MAIN BT lir ana lord In Arcadia, the great Patur- -.lay Evening post atory, in I parte Oh! What'a the l"e? Jok. with M. Aa'har Cannrll (Mafia. ROPER THEATER. b.J7 BROADWAY. Swemieart Pay. Imp drama tlentieiiian from Kentucky, 2-reel Victor. Seal. tTtaaha! - BKSSE. 24TH AND N 8TB. Jlarat-Pelig Weekly No. 17. Tl Devil's Signature, l-el Eeaanay. A Fool There Waa. Lubln. MAoIC THEATER, 24TH AND O 6TB. Hnr Bounty, Rex. 1 rapped In a closet. Sterling comedy. Vr.J-r ArUona Skies. Frontier. andTille. ORPHEfM. S4th and M, Aouth Omaha. Special Faatur. Saturday, Sept. 11. AXXOCN CEMENTS. BATHS? tat N. lath 81. Hot cold iMttha. lac. P-to data aitav. I'M r a pnvaj booth to my grui ruotn for mnrn. rf.l t, l.X'l. J1J tj i:tH tt- tverttt b. UoUda. 1J lliuil Bk. V. SL a nnouxckmevt-i J Chas. C. Landeryouj Tailor i Beg to annnun'-e that he I ready to ra- !H North 1Mb St. Opposltte the Union ' f'a.-lflc Bldg. Hp to showing all that Ik new for fall and winter a ear for men. Globe Van&Storage Store, move, parka, ebtpa: I horse, van and i n'en, II 27. per hr ; storage $J per m. Patla factorv guar. I. 4CW Ty. ZT. Gibson's Buffet Kt South 16th Bt. HAZEL Inl I'll Conaa. Peat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pile; fic postpaid; earn pie free. Sherman a McConnnll Drug Co.. Omaha. LUCKY wedding; ringn, rlrodegaard'a. Wedding announcement. Doug. Pig. Co. PIGN8. howcrds. Clark Son. D."l37l AK-8AR-nEN HINTS. 10c riATE LUNCH for Ak-Par-Bn vlaltora. Headquartera for Willow Bprlnra bear, beat grade, of whlakloa and winea. Our plate dinner beat a them all. Hanry Pollock, 122-U N. Uth St. LIVE WIKE BUSINESS MJCN OK OMAHA A, B,. C of Omaha WATCH K8, dlamonda and )w- ery. apeolal pneea. ept. and Oct. Huy now. II a weak. Weatnrn Wat' h and Jewelry Co., Room 217, Kar barh block. j off ti-aa for rent la niodsrn fireproof building, clwtrlo light and water free. Beat location In tha city. Bee ua now. COHBKTT. tha man that cleana every thing. Hau cleaned and blocked. Get your fall clothea clnaned now. Iw prlcea, neat work, prompt aervli-e. Iellvery free. UA Harney Bt. Hoiig. JK4. NEW and aecond-liand electrtr fana and mot ore. JeHron Klectrlo Work a, aiS H tlth Il.,lltf1ua 'I1-7H 0' MAHA iii.Mm to., ii ctiniiiig Ioiat. 247. Renovatra feather And matireeeee of all klnda. makei feather matraaeea and down cover. lANO tuning, R. Brandon, ? yeara at Hayden'a. Recommended by beat mualrlana. W. 4X12. 4il N. 2)th Ave. VACUUM cleanera itr aale. Vacuum cleaning done In tha home. Sanitary w K rant, repair, aell need lea and part for an aewing machine. is K HRABKA CYCLE CO., "Mlck-liMJ-i and Harney. Douglaa 1A82. el' i Ae4oaia4aaita. MELVILLF. D. THOMAS COMPANY, 1Z17-M City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 1H10. AiMlaa- Marklaiea. Pal ton Adding M trhlnu. 411 B. IE. T. 144. Adder Mrh Co. Wala) W. O. W. D. RIM. Aata aaa IHaa-aeta Reaatrlaa-. Magneto repair work a apeotalty. D. 2411. Aactloneera. Dowd Auction Co., 1121 W. O. W. Red 5MB. Arcklteota, Clarenoa W. Wlglngton. m 8. 11th. D. 4217. Attraetlowa OMAHA film erg., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine ana rum nargaina. Bartora. 12 Cbalra, 10c ahava. neck ahara. 117 Far. BATHS, lto; BH AVE, Km, 120 N. 14th. Blaa Prtnttaaj. HORNBY CO. Blue printing, under new ownerahlp. 303 Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 1167. Draaa Koaadrlea. Paxton-Mltohell Co., 97th am! Martha Pta. Balldtaar mm Hepatlrlag. e E. PRANTA, 11 Paxton Blk. Doug. I1B7. t altforala Ua4. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. Sl. Card Bla-ma. Offlca door M'g. Mynatar, Pax. Pk. I. 217. t hlropraetore. J. C. Lawrence, r. C.ttlJ Howard. I. leSt. L. Oeddla, D. C. m Bee Bldg Doug. 42T W.E.Purvlance, P.C. 4( Pax. Blk. P. 4W2. C. HAYK8, P. C, 60 Bee Hldg. R. t hlaa I'alntlnai. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4MI. C '111 Knajlara. M. J. I-ACY. til BBR FLDO. r - 4715. Coal Dealer. fifl Johnaon'g H"'"0 nut. 5.. apectat : Phone P. aleo 1702. Victor I 're aaa Separator. The Bharplea Separator Cou l?th A Farn. ItanrlaaT laatraettoai, Turpln a Dancing Acndemr. 21th A Farn. Mack la'a Academy, now open. lHllHar? Dratlati, Dr. Bradbury. V pain. 15T Pirnim. Pr. Todd 'a alveolar dentlatry. 4t Hrandeia. Bailey, the Dentist. 701 City Nafl Bank Taft DentaJ Rooma. 1517 Douglaa. 1j. 21H& lTlT:FicT mcW slTrWr. I DetevtlTea. JAMES AIJAN. tit Neville Blk. Evi dence aacurad In all oaaea. Tyler 1116. Drraaiuaklna;. Terry Ireamak'g eotlag. filth A Farnam, UR8 M NOTT. tailoring and dreaamaking, ItO S. 2th Bt. Call Harney t7S7. Mra. I-atllmer, 1911 Farnam, for fall coa- tumea, lateat at y lea, perfect fit. D. ts. M I SB BTl rRD Y, 2411 Caa. Phone KedTsbft". Drna. , DKUU3 at cut prlcea; freight paid on 110 order: catalogues free, Sherman A McConncll Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Klectrle. NappUca. I. Ely ION' Elec. Wka., 1 8. 12th. D. 117. ttrrythlng for Utari, . IIEMHTITCH1NQ Ideal Button and Pleating Co., 107 8. Kith. Woman'a Exchange, 43FPax. Blk, R, tuiiT Al'CORDI AN aide, knife, aunburat. box pleating; covered bultona. all alxea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal t'icHiinif i.o., mi ihiukiiii ioca. j. 4 oaeret i:atners. Gagaebln-Wells Co. HO Stat Bk. Karrtera. BEN FEN8TF.R, 1410 N. 24th Bt. W. f!5. Flnrials. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1361 Member Floriat Telegraph Pel. Asan. HEHS A BWOHODA, 1416 Farnam St. A. P")NAHI E. l2Harney I)oug. IOH. BATH S florlata, 14 Farnam St. Hair Urawlai. Harper Method. R. Balrd Bldg D, am. Live tlw'k Reraedlea. OMAHA Hemady Co. 07 8. Uth. Red Loan Offleea. NATHANS loan office, licensed pawn broker. It S-. Uth. Llahtlaa M i tares and Wlrlag. THOMAS DURIQN Ele-trlo fixtures and supplies, contract Ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CLMINO. rKJL'lil'AS ul. Mfrs. and W !) tbade Cleaner. OLD shade made Ilk new. Mldweat hhade Factory. 4014) Hamilton. Hr, 4xl Maaaenara. Maasaga. Mlaa Walton. R 224. Neville Blk. Mjee Jacobs, Maaa.T"Bath, Elec. Trti, prm." ANNA IVAUKU ffiA$A& Itaamarajlt.. Apt. I. Id floor. D. M. Mlas Fiaher, m ha7. lert"t rat ' tl" KedJrw." MABSAGK, J S. 17th St. Mr. Hwl. Mra. Knyder. elec. trt. ln S. Ith. P. tM. f k HSIA fi l'. 'wedisli moremenU 4V4 ' MM liug!aa T CLARA. I JE, lnajjel" XxjOfciaj TKU LIVE WIRE BI'MNESA mks 1)1' OMAHA Mnwnr. .Mt.- ihon, R. T2t. Neville Blk. jflaa "ilo.ild. mte TzC4 Neville HI kf 10 to""" 1 Sla' k. maaHire and tnanlnring f rf.;' Meetiirr and Tranaier, WMITK LINE. Ho. ltth. Pouglaa W12. Millinery.- SWITCHES from combing. 11 V. Payrhe free. Mr II. M Ei k, 4 H. Ith. I. 7. Morlna, Klnnir and lennlnar. W. C. KEHMIN. IMh and Capltil Ty. 0. Ornllat. Eyea examined, glnaaea fitted, pav aa rod can. Dr. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. tV. Hldg. (laleopn)hle rbyalelnna. Dr. Rerucha, 3M-4 McCague Bldg. P. ratenta. H. A. Bturgea. (CW Brandcla Theater Bldg. D. O Barnail, Pax ton Blk.- Tel. Red 7117. relent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th Pt Plame Renovated. PLI'MKS flowera made over, cleaned ft dyed. Bertha Kruger, t- Paxton. I . Kit. rlntlnar. WATERS-PA RMtART Pig Co., n'y printina. lei. i'oiik. tv.'i. p. i..inc7. l)Qi:iU,A8 PrinQng C". Tel. Doug. M4. COREY- M Kr;NirE PTO. Co. P. V. It I EH-HALL ftg. Co , li Capitol. D. 11"2. Ci:,NTnAL PTtlNTINO Cf. IKtCO. 3TM. Haapli Exterminator. B B. B. Roach Powder at your drngglat. Hal and Time Lock Kxoerta. f a T- f- Opened, repaired, comb. 7"i A P P changed. F. E. Paven ' JLrfVJ1 1)ortl 140 Dodge. V. 1821, hoe Repairing:. 1 Electric, Hho Rep. Co., 1KW Ft. Mary' At. JtEAsT)NA BI.eT Farnam Rep. oTlu'Oi Plana aad Pnowrard. SIGNS AT CUT PRICES. E. M. C1.ARK A SO.V, 14th and lodge. I). 1.TT8. Steel lelllnaa. CARTER Sheet Metal Work, 110 8. 10th. Pi ore and Office Kl it area. DESKS, aafe. scale, showcase, ahelv lug, etc. W buy. eell. omilia Fixture and Supply Co., 414-10-11 S, 12th. I. 2734. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 551. TrnnWe and Pnltraaea, FRKLINO A STEINLE, 1M Farnam St. Tallore. CHAS. C. MNTiKRTOP, 101 N. 16th Bt. Vrterlnarlana. tR. Q. R. YOUNO, 4002 Center. H. 60O. W ince and I.tqoora. ALEX JKTEB, 201-1 8. 12th St. W'lnea, llquora, cigara. Plate dinner 11 to I, 10c. GliOBK Liquor House. 422 No. lflth. 2 qta. coltl beer, 26c. Write for price list. I. 4r.2. HENRY POLIXJCK LIQUOR HOUSeT l&th and Capitol Ave. Ten-ent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein7! Liquor House, 622 N. 16th. Dougliia la09. HELP WANTED FEMALE Asrenta, Pollrltor, Palraladlea. EXPERIENCED aaleeladv wanted; none other nel aprdy. New York Sample Store, 208 No. litth Bt Clerical nnd Offle. STENO. and bkpr., $; ateno., 65; tno., and hkpr., tut); ateno.. 46. WATTS HEF. CO., S40-42 Hrandels Thea. STENOORAPIIFUt. Apply at 61 Stat Bank Bldg., 17th and Harney St a. Faetory aad Tradea. APPRKNTIC10 girl. Oppanhelm Parlor. ' Ileasekeepera and Domeattca. NEAT, capable girl for general house work; muat b good cook: good home and good wagea. 4032 Ixard. H. 4001, WANTK.D Competent housekeeper, mid' dl aged lady preferred. In amall fam lly; good treatment and high wages. Mra Sonneland, 1M Harrlaon Bt., Council ttiurra, la. Phone Black ?6X1. OIKl. for general houaework In famll of three. Tel. Mr. J. C. t?olt. BenTl71 IHB Servant Ulrl Problem Solved. The Bea will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tha dealrad reeulta Thl applies to realdent of Omaha, Boush Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring ad to The Bee cf fic or telephone Tyler ltt. WANTED Oood girl for general house- work. Apply 4M Dodge St. WANTICD-A girl for general housework; Hranillniivldn preferred; 2 In family. Harney B-Wi. SX Walnut St. WANTED-Ulrl for general houaework. Oood home offered. Phone "Harney iff.. Call at 2'J0 Harney St. WANTED A responsible woman to keep house for man and 3 children; good home and reasonable wages. Tel. W. 77.H1 after or call Doug. 7t6. Ask for Klncald. WANTfclD Olrl, easy (lace; on4y reuuit iiiHiita, tieatnea. x Douglaa St. Call iiarney .nwio. OOOD, reliable girl ror general houi work: muull family. Harney a04. lo.ij m. Mitn Ave, WANTED A quired. Mrs. ard. nursemaid; referencea ra M. U. Newman, 3630 How- WANTED A good mala- ror general houaework, call Sunday or auyday nt week. ji N. uth Bt. WANTKD An experienced girl to aaaist wun general houaework, l a week and "1 w' la,0 Emmet S, GIRL wanted for general houaework. Mra. O. W. Noble, JU Hawthorne Ave. wanwiU-An experienced girl that Is a good cook In place wher aecond girl and wannwoman is acpi. euiuill i.tin M. W ANTEIV Olil to aaalat with houaework; no waaning; can go nom ntgnta. it m, loth. WANTED A cook and second maid. Pre- ii-r thus who have worked together. Reference required. Tel. H. 71. 1411 Far- nkm, OHO. for general houaework. Apply morning. in J .iza Ave. WANTED cuniprtent gill for general housework. H. Ge'78. WANTED school girl to assist with housework or atrons voting girl to work for modern wage. Call H. 6. WANTED competent woman for general housework. T.'n o. ;7th St., or call 11. 33 houaework. 70 So, 37th St.. or call II. 3J73. COMPETENT girl for general houae work; best wukcs; no washing Tel. Harney llsai. I'H So. Kd St. Mtaectlabtfttaa. TOUNQ women coming to Omaha errant ere are Invited to vtalt the Young Women a Christian Association building at et. Mary a Ave. and Lin t., wner they will b directed to auttabl boarding placea or otherwtae assisted. Look tor our travelers- guiae at Lc'on station. WOMEN Uot government yotis; thouaanda vacancies yearly; liet positions open to oruen tree, rranxun institute. Dept. oik, noctiester, . i. IIEIJ WANTED MALE Aaenla, Baleawen and kollltee. WANTED Agent in Nebraska and South Dakota to sell the best Ac rident Policy In America to busi ness and professional men; coats 13 quarterly, with' ft annual dues payable In April, making the an nual cost ! and pays the follow ing benefits: DEATH Jd.Ont) . tiftSS OF BOTH HANDS 6.t 1X1SS OK BOTH FEET -6,600 IjOSS OF BOTH EYES 6,00 LOSS OF ONE HAND OR ONE FOOT 2.500 IiOSS OF ONE EYE 1,780 Et'RGEON'S FEES TOTAL PISABIUTT. M0 WFTEK8, 126 PER WEKK. PARTIAL DISABILITY. 24 vVXEKS, )I0 PER WKF7K. Covers every kind of accident. ' 14.00 carries the insuranc until January 1st, 191&. 10 per real to producer. Call or write MCTCAf, RyjfmT Iimi.TH ACCIDENT AS?TN, 4T:-CiCltf Nat'l Bank Bldg. OuukUa. Ntb, 1IKI.I WAN Till) MALE Aaeata. aa en aad aollcHra. WANTED High claaa lcaman to aell city rotl eatate. liberal commllona and weekly advance. In appll'-Hti'in for tlila poiltinn give eoninlctc particular of vouirclf. Addrcaa C 4.C, IU. . WANT fiiili k. Hi at-iliiaa Innd anloamen. i'hII or write ."to Itranrlei Theater Bldg., Omaha. AiKXT. crn p0 aeekly handling our latest apeclaltiea; tremendoua eellere; 2'0 per cent profit. Frc booklet. Write todnv. Dor'lon Co.. 20"7 9th St., Waah itigtiiri, I, C. Clerical and office. F.RIOHT. neat, well-cd icated voting man with enlen ahHtty. Call :- State Banki nirta IF Vol" are looking fur a high-grade po altion aee the CO-OPERATIVE FN E Ct., lOli.-l CITY N ATI HANK I l, I 'I fllOli-;UArK commercial poalllona. WESTERN RKF. & BOND ASSN. 7S2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. TOl'NU man with high achoni or college education; good penman. Apply at 6-8 State Bank Bldg. HTENotiFt A I'H Kit, !) atenographer. rR; atenographer. I. Watt Ref. Co., 810-42 Prandela Theater Blda MAP CLEHK, fire underwriting experi ence. Apply at It State Bank Bldg. factory aad Tradea. CANDY-MAKER, experienced, apply eiiperintendent'g office BLROEPS NASH CO. Drug et'iYe anapa; Job. Kneiat. He BldT WANTED Two flrat-claea stone planer handx. Andrea Stone and Marble Co., Milwaukee, Wla. WANTED Carpenter. 4124 No. IMh St. M lace llaaeona. rAXTON Blk.. Ktterlna BrhooL Rm. tit YOUNO MEN WANTED To be auto experta. Good men earn big money; Urgent and beat college. Rig new bldg.. elcc. II. and startlng-aystama. big machine ehopa. You do the auto work vouraelf. Free ratalogo. American Auto College. 2119 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile buaineaa. the demand Is great for our graduate; w have trained hundreds of men; let ua train you. Write for free booklet. JNat'l Auto Training Asa n. 2114 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. MEN with patentable Ideas writ Ran doipn ft tt.. Waatiingtnn. 1 u. . THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL ha turned out more successful graduate than any school In this country. "Ther' a reason. write today tor our catalogue (C), 1417 Podge. Omnha. Neb. MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition. 12; set of tool given; wage paid. Tri- City College. 12th and Douglaa Pte. THOlJ8ANf government Joba open to men and women: big pay, Omaha ex amination frequently; list of position free. Addres Y 166. Be. HELP WANTED Mtl.K AND FRMALR. MEN WOMEN Get government Job. h6 to IloO month. Write for list of po sition available. Franklin Institute, I lent. 2S-R. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS Gl RL of 16 wishes place to take caro of children during afternoon. Address, P 481, Be FARMERS Am young man-JO yeara old. good nantta, "irons; ann ronust. l want ob on farm wher eteadineae and good, loneat work la appreciated; eight yeara' experience as farmhand; can give refer ences: at present working; prefer central Iowa, but win go elsewhere immediately,. Am wortn x a monin. Address A.- si., 2011 Harney St. Phon Douglas 7116. Omaha, Neb. PI-ACE to work for room, board and car fare. Address O 4W, Bee. CRIPPLED colored girl would like light employment of any kind. Miss W. Jack- Con, HH07 Camden Aver Phon Wen. 4M1 PRINTER Young married man; muat nnv, wot, ac-uii, uv-rniui vii junior lino type; clean proofa; wire. Addreaa T. J. N., Republican, Auburn, Neb. SITUATION wanted by competent woman as cook or housekeeper: best of refer ence. S. iiB.. Car of Be. YOUNO man student wishes position as waller lor board, call Doug. 6337 and ask for Swift. YOUNO man wants place to work for board while attending Boylea college. Telephone Douglas IMn, PAT work wanted. Phon Douglas 1275. WANTED Work as cruvntbermaid in hotel in Omaha or South Omaha. Phone S. J65H. DAY WORK, bundle washing. H. 717. GOOD chambermaid wishes position; A No. 1 references. Address, M 479, Bee. YOU NO LADY Desires to work foe-board and room after, ofnc hours: off at 1 'clock Saturday. Addrcsa 8 42. Bee. POSITION wanted In hotel, dining room tahl work. w. r.ja. WANTED By young widow position as housekeeper. Will leave town If desired. No oblectlon to 1 or 2 children. Addra A 363. Bee AUTOMOBILES 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair, coll rapar g. O. Bayadorfer, 219 N. II 'Lindberg" For door, body blua..4o fc Far. OWNERS or proaixtctive purchaser of Franklin aix-thlrty automoixie in Omaha or Douglaa county will receive prompt attention if they will drop a card to the Ryan Motor car Co., 404-410 So. 11th St., Lincoln. Neb. Ureenouah Omaha Bad. Rep. Co. ?'S0 Far. Inausirlal Oarag '.o., 2uth A Harney St I HAVE a 1910 model Detroit Electric. In good shape.- V ill sell for 1400. Addres A 2y. Bee. Metorcyclea. HAF.LEY-PAV1DSON MOTORCYCLED Bargalna In used machines. Victor Roos, 1 ne Aictor:ycie fttan, - ieavenwortli. Llndborg Bros., 2i7 Leav.tFlylng Merkle). 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready: bargains In tiied inarhtnea. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. D. 37-a. lit! 4 H.-D., 2-sfiecd niotor; Rogers' lde car; run 4 moa Call So. 1S. Bt SIX ESS CHANCES BEST OFFICE LOCATION IN C1TT. riice right. Service of the beat. THE BEE BUILDING CO., Office Room 101. C. J. CAN AN. ItesJ Estate and Exchange Dili O Block and fixturea, stock clean. fixtures almost new. all In good shape, nil! invoicn about to.OOo: will sell at 2n pr rent dlaount or will sell stock less lo per rent and rent fixtures for liJO per year: fixtures cost tl.bvu. aale rtin U uwl lr year; reasons for selling; thl prtu for 10 daya only; Inveangat thta propo aitlon. t-hank a Pharnun y. Hert mod. Neb. FOH Ba"lE .0o stock of Lard war and modem ator building. In good town in eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixture for 11,000 laa tbaa they coat two Soars ago. N trade. Addre, Y 173. Bee.T FACTORY dunriboter for auto tie I punitur arcL Immense proftta. writ ImpvriaJ Vl'g. Co.. No. Main Su Council ICuffa. la. rei 1 -. &"r ,n or cf auaaruu-a. call an OANOaTAD. 4K Ba Bldg. D-1CT. Bl'SINESS CHANCES I.I ST YOt K H SINESS j wnn ua ror qui-K acimn anu ariuare treatmenr. i QI ICK SALES COMPANY. 411 Bldg Phone Red 32.4 SIGNS; aiiow card" Clark A P"n. P. U71. ,i 11.M'I( KI.Y aei v.iiii- hu.inea or real etatc. arlte Kcnnrhfvk 'o, Omaha Til E AT E riF-Hiiy. le ae or . ael I your theutcr, tnarliino and eupplic throuKh TI.eatrr Fxrhangr Co., 1406 Farnam St Douglaa l'f;. WANTi:l An Idea. Who ran" think of Miinple thing to patent? Protect your Idena; they may bring you wealth. Writi- for Nee'le.t Inventiona" and "How to Oft Your Patent and Your Monwy " Hatflolph Co., Patent Attorney. U'aah Inmon ! i Ilnomlnai Honsea ror ale. SEE I'S I'OK ROOM I N't IBM PES or hotels: si' kinda; all piii-es; all term. uril'K SALES CO, 411 Bee T.ldg, n4 EDtXATlOXAL MOTHER- LAMPM AN -COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any dav. I'naur tiaesed clanae in all bnaineaj and Eng Hh branches. atorthand. steuotvpv. telegraphy and typewriting. Oriduate guarunteed good positions. Places pro. tided for youi g people to work for board, r or new free cntalorun address MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE 11S Farnam St., Omaha Dourlsa IW1T LEARN TYPEWRITI Ntr AT HOME. Three months, THK OLIVER TYPE WRITI NO "CO., Pouglaw 2919. 1306 Farnam. The Van Sant School Stenography Pay school, 9:00 to 4:00. Night school, 6:1?. to 1:15. lth and Farnam St Doupla 6147, 1914 FALL TERM OF B0YLES COLLEGE IS NOV OPEN In both the da and night session. Yet It I not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Coll. write or telephone for new catalogue. Buaineaa practice, book keeping, penmanship, sales manship, hanking, stenography, ateno tyoy, typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private aecretanal work and many other courses are open to you here. You may. work for board while attending. Douglaa l.V5. BOVLES COLLEGE, BOTLES BU1LPINO. H. H. BOTLE8. PRES.. OMAHA. FOR BALE at a. discount, a full unllm Ited scholarship in Boylea Buaineaa col lege. Omaha; good for either shorthand or business courses. Apply at tb office of Omaha Be. Omnha, Musical Art Institute. Aaaorlaled Mnale Inatrnctora. Baldrldae Block, SOth and Farnam. MARTIN W. BUSH. Piano. If. 88. B. I.ani1ali in. Piano, Harmony, D. 6648. Francis Potter, Mandolin, Banjo. D. 33. HENRIETTA Rees, Piano. Douglas 4R18. FLORENCE B ABLER, Vole and Coach ing, (ted 60P1. GRACE HANCOCK. Pi mo. H. 1SM1. J. H. SIMMS, Piano, Hhi-mouy. H. 41RS. I Gillian Zsbilakle, Violin, Piano. II. 6nU. Jessie F. C.nway. Dramatic Art. D. 6379. FOH SALE I'.rnlta... SMALL book case oak bedroom get and pa ourner. -tyier zzsw j. New A 2d nana rv cash or terms. icwiiiaiiie, Aincr, rum, 1. o. , u J . lath. SEVERAL van loada of furniture and aom Dianoa. Omaha Van and Kini-n Co.. h08 So. Idth St Naaleal Inatronaenta. WILL trad my IT,0 equity In a 17S0 new Baby Urand Chlckering piano for dia mond or 8126 cash. Call Webster MS76. Slightly used high-grade piano. W. 37'6. PIANO player; a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. Typewrltera. , TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired central Tvoewrne - Exchange, V)i s. utn. All makes typewrltera rented, aold, terms. l-iutia Typewriter, in rarnam. D. audi. RENT Remingtona, Monarch and Smith Premier of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12M. Rental credited -H you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chine sent out. Rate, tnree mouth fur IS for trnderstroke machine or 13 per month for lateat model visible writer a. Bllscrltaneons. FOR SALE at a dlacount a fun, un limited scholars!) Id tn Bovles Buaineaa eollege. Omnha; good for either abort- hand or cusineaa course. Apply at th office of The Omaha Be. BARGAIN New Ixmg crispette machine. v ni iiarry Alien, r remont, pteo. 100 M. BRICKS at 11.60 per M ; alao MOM. feet of lumber at works. 11th and Jack son St. Building bougkt and wrecked. Tr-atar-Kelly Wrecking Co. Wb. 4S08. -hand mch. Oros Wreck Co., 21 A Paul. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and Docket billiard tables and howlijw alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payment. Th Brunswick Balke-collenler Co. t7-4n s. 10th St. $5, ClO Buys best coal for the money; try ALL WOOL Canadian blanket. Wlnchea- er at Kemington z-gauge shotgun. I Friedman. 132s Dodge. A NO. 1 BATH TUB, J vet Trailer Ktiy wiecKing 1.0 w. 4BUS. FOR BALE I will ell my patent acoop endgate and rod and holder for rash or on royalty. It will pay to investigate. Addres p. A. Stohl, Aurora, Neh. II ARDMAN piano, mahogany caae: coeta ou; sells .''. 2 elk s heads i.a. tl. 7740. SECOND-HAND SAFE CHEAP. W. 72oS. IiIVE STOCK FtlK SALE. Itoraea and Vehicle. LARGEST stock of delivery wagon In the city; ull kind ot blucksmitn work. painting and lettering Johnson-Dantorth Co., new location. 16.-9-31-3' N. itith St. IX)ST AND FOUND IOST Piece of crochet lace. Return to Be office. Reward. LOST Small pocket book containing 125 at 13th and Farnam or on at reel car be tween 13th and Wth. Reward if returned to Josephine O'Hara, 314 No. 23d, South tuna ha. lei. ro. J.iJ. OMAHA A COUNCIL HUTI-S STKEE'f RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lot om artlcl would do wall to call up th offlc of tb Omaha A Council bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lett It In the street car. Many article each day ar turned In and th company ta anxious to restore thvin to tht iig'.tful owner. Call DougU 4. LOST Bnndlu and white .English bull dog: curs not trimmed and long tail S40I I ewev Ave. Reward IST-Freni h toy poodle. Return to liMi Military Ave. uewai'd. BpIwh i. IXJST Small roll of drawings of house plans. Re ard. t all Harney &4..0. floWT Gold "hriioeh. bet weenW.o7W 1 Bldg. and Thompson ai 1-telden'a. Sei t !?. Reward. Finder will- leave with chief operator Western Union Telegraph Co. IXST P. E. O. pin; name engraved on back. Phon Harney oua. LOST Embroidered bby rarriag robe. til and Spenoer. Reward. Webster l!t' MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E, R Tarry cimi galea, fUtcla and other rectal ; wttliout surgical eperabsiL fts r-is-tranteed and na nraney Pnt until ri4 V.rA far nook en rectal bitwi wr.rt agi;ian x.aiai pk L. B TAkUIt. JU baa liii MEDICAL. CONSUMPTION For mow who have It. Do you want to get well? If you do, ridre o 4J1 Rre llinnt liro ,ired In a few day without Jiu'iuit pll)) call or write Dr. Wrav, Bee Bid;.. Omaha. Fatahlihed KH.-o MONEY TO 1OAN M'.ED MONEY? See ua IJul'-K aervlc. Half tidual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 301 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. POULTRY ANU SUPPLIES AGENTS, Inveatigatc: 10 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Lif Paver Co.. :02l Cuming SU Mixed grain. 11.6" h'dred. Wagner. Wd N. 1 ST HH EOT Y PKma7trt -a make the bet and cheap-st lining for poultry house. They are l'i23 Inches, stronger snd more durable than tarred felt aud practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at Th. Bee office. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial home ej-ll'-lt your old clothing, furniture, maga lines M e collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas UK and our wagon will call. Call and Jnrpect our new home. 1H0-IU2-U14 I o1ge St YOUNO women coming to Omaha af stranger are Invited to visit the Young v. omnn's Christian AaanoUtiAn v.,,ni.. u. 1T.,,S,J,"",.H,, .M,ry Av. where thy K.-kl will be directed to sultabl boarding pla -or otherwise afsiated. Look for our trav-1 elers' aid at the Union Station WANTED TO BUY OFFJCK furniture Iwught and aold. J. . . ' 1 'OUg 14S. NEW and second hand meakand grocery PtnUr,;lI' v 1 1"no o Tylr'' 4:!-' 'ket Store, 818 No. p;tli St., Omaha, Neh. WE HUY Jd hand ToTheV iT.M N 24th. TVANTED-Ileatauiant and confectionery . ..,,,,-- ,,, ,,, not icas than 1,0110 population and prefer onuntv sea. Ad dresa P. O. Box 4s, Brush, Colo WANTED TO RENT TWO unfurnished rooms for hnii'ekcep ing. walking distance. Addrc B. 454. Bee. YOl NO lady would like cheerful room with board: private family; will pay right price for pleasant home; nice sur roundings; modern conveniences. Address C 428, Bee. LIVE STOCK. MARKET OF WEST SHIP lva stock to SoutU Omaha. Sav mileage and shrinkage. Your concign ment receive prompt and areful atten tion. Live Stork tosnmlealon Merchants. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO-Make best caah offer on Ford car, good order, or might consider dia mond and cash. Address S. C. 1402, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain see the "Automobile'' classlfl rstlon. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car, income brick business property, well rented In gouth Omaha, on principal business 6L, 26th and A Q streets. 8. C. 1344, Bee. BOOKS For sale or exchange, one set of 7 of A ndel la engineers' books, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or cash, or what have you. Address Y 1H,i, Bee CHICKENS I have SiO White and Buff Orpington chickens from Hlue Ribbon birds St Iowa fair In 1912-bet ween 4 to t months old. What have you to offer? I want electric light fixtures; or what have-you I can use. A rid re, s S. C. 1404. CARPENTER work, painting and repair ing; low cash price,. 5r-vill take any thlng I can uw. Address, S. C. 1419, Bee. CONTRACTOR'S OUTFIT Will trwde or aell contractor's outfit of 'shovels, spades, pi-ks and lanterns; good as 'new. Address S. C. 1421, Bee. l.KT me repair up that old liou?e and paint it; will take In exchange any thing I can use. Fix It up; then you can sell it. Addreas S. C. 1412, Bee. FURNITURE Golden oak chiffonier and dresser, also complete Spring bed and oak rocking chairs. Would swap for oak buffet or roll top desk. Addres S. C. 1408. Bee. !-OR EXCHANOB-for part cash and cltv property, or part cash and cheat) land or automobile 13,800 stock groceries, shoes and notions; located In a live Nebraska, ion; sHies average per day. Address i . iui t, riee. PUP Scotch Collie pup; will swap for something of equal value or sell for 3. Address S. C. 141ti, Bee. WILL exchange carpenter work as pay ment foa, plastering of new house: about oo yards of work. Address 8. C. 1417. Bee. FURNITURE for u 45-room hotel near Omaha. l.00. Low rat rent on the building. What have you to offarT Address S. C. 1268. care Bee CIAS, HOT WATER HEATER Brand new. retail price 118. "IJon" brand: will exchaiide for roll top desk or anything elsa ot equal value. .Addre? g. c. 1400, Fee. 1 HAVE a 1!10 model Detroit Electric In good shane. Will sell for KOO. Addres S. C. 10:i. Bee. KODAK A new Arwoo folding kodak, 2H-X4U. leather tourist caae for aama and portrait attachments. Will awap for bard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or good b!cyc;. Addcesa 8. C. I1191. ' NEW 5x7 CAMERA, complete. Want IvlUIWvit. nr U hat . . . ' . - n . . 1 . dress. S. C. 1411. Bee. KODAK Eastman. 2'x4"; win awap for nyiniDK ok euuai value. Aaoreaa ct ii. nee. DOO For sale or exchange, a thorougli- nrea irisn seiner tor a amall Dull pup Address S. C. 1078. I OWN a 5 -passenger. 40-horee-power automobile, in very good running order. Engine very good. I am about to leave the city and wish to dispose of it. Will consider anything I can us In exchange. Address, S. C. 1403. B.e. OFFICE FURNITURE Will l,uy some good fcscond-l-.and offlc furniture; must be cheap for cash. Addres b. C 1240, Bee. PIANO Have dandy piano will exchange tor equity in small collage. Address S. t 1411, Hee. PIANO Party owning mahogany Cable pisyer piano, paving moved from the city, will sacrifice same with music. Ad cress 8. C. 1414, Bee. I'lANO Account of death will SHCrlfice my new need & Bon piano; clrcusHlan nl nut caae, i26. Cash only at thl price. Address b. C. 1413. Lee. - PIANO 1 have a I;f70 equity in a new 7j Baby Grand Cliickering piano which I will awap for a diamond or fl-s cash. Aaareaa . y. i(rj4t Bee. PHONOGRAPH and fifty recorUa. to ex change lor cement work or hat have youT Cost 166. Kdlsou. In perfect order, good records. Address. 8. C. 14u. Be. Bl iNS.-ahowcarda. Clark & Son. b7Y37i" SHETLAND ponv and outfit for trad or aale. Phone 21il, Council Bluff, la. BHUEvSUOP Suburban location fully equipped for neighborhood trade. Cheap rent. On account of other business I will sell or trade reasonable. Or might leaae to responsible party. Address, 8. C. 1420, Bee. (SCALE Have a Toledo 2-1 b. caWy ale, nearly new, will axvhang for anything that can b ud In a restaurant or rou- t'iJ It-iPel RADIATOR New, tu heat an u.,stut.a U11.11 Hiluut Ally Wb.. d reaa S. C. 1410, Bee. UNDERWOOD twritr. nearly new. cheap tor cash, or first payment for a diamond, or what have youT - Address C. 1023. Be WATCH 2l-jeel Bwiaa nuveiuoul Jeweia set in rutin. What have you to trade? Perfect timekeeper. WIU allow test. Ad dress fe C. 141a, Be. rtiR BENT A sartnrati and FLa.1. GOOD ROOMING HOUSE FOR RENT. 1 rooms at 3411 Cass Si t par munih: have a gnod party who will take two rooms and pay 2i per moath. leaving 10 raotua for riving and renting pnrpoaes BNJX MYERS CO.. - t tii ucaatia, 2-.aL Bank B-dg. FOR RENT Apnrtmenta aad Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house of apartment when we have Hated every vacant houae and apartment In the city. 'Phone ua for further Information. PoiiKina -;SS Fld-tltr Storage & Vn Co. STRATFORD TERRACE, PARK AVE. AMD JACKSON ST. The choicest t-rooni atram-heatcd apart ment In the olty with maid' rooms. If you wish excluaiveneaa and conveniences In a nem- apartment bntld'ng see these. References required. C B. Moncr. 4031 t'n derwo, Ave. Tel. Hatncy 3157 or Jani tor. o DO W N Tl 1 W N A PA RTM EN T8 FOR RENT. I47.M) 7 rooma, 51S S. liith St. I.iSOO 7 rooma, 614 S. l'h St. Sti'am heat: Janitor service. O KORG E A CO M PA N Y . City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7SS. CLOSE IN MODERN BRICKS. Five roopvs. heated, over drug tor 2lth and California. Eight-room, two-storv. 1912 Webster. O'KEEFK REAL FiKTATRCO., 10K Omaha National. Phone Douglas 7713. - ST. CLARE APARTMENTS! 23d snd Harney Sis.. 3, room apartments. Call H. 7 or P. 10-RooM flat 18l, Dodg St. O. A. hckles. t; Paxton Blk. SIX AND SEVEN, 2117-1't N. IHTH ST Cheapest aparttrtenta In the cltv for the money; hot water heat; Janitor servl-e. 2.i summer, 1.T2.S0 winter. v HASTINGS AV HEYDEN. 114 Harney St. FOUR-ROOM FLA T !1P-1V VINTON. OODEN ANNEX loom, wito kitchen ettes Council Bluff Gordon Van Co g 21 N. 11th St Phone D 4 or H mil 128-6-RM mod. flat. 1327 Cuming W. 48. ONE S-room apartment; St. George, $"0; 113 N. Slat Avenue. Phone Webster 174. t1." Oood 5-room apartments, mod. except heat.. 2.'3 Davenport.. H. 4X1. Modern. 4-room fiat ?lo. 1417 Vinton Phone Red 64!. -t. THREE-ROOM flat, partlr furnished, 13 per month. 2422 Iavenworth St. Apply J. 1. Kemp. Douglas 987. g-ROOM modern fTaTt " 11 1 2 So. 1 1 tTT Board and Rooms. FRONT room, modern, close In. for. man and wife, with hoard in per week. H. 6407. Fnrnlahrd Rooma, FURNISHED room for rent, near Creigh ton university. Phone Douglas 72S1. FURNISHED ROOM-For gentleman; on car line, board optional, $.V50 week. Call Benson 3fi1 J. 211 SO. 25TH ST. Excellent locution. mqdern, private family, close In. rea sonable, p. TS0. ST. MARY'S Ave., 2.V)4 -Pleasant modern room for gentleman. ON two car lines, beautifully located front room. 12.S0. 712 No. 33d. H. 3374 NEWLY furnished b oil seJiee ping or Hleeplng rooms, reasonable.' 111 No. 20th. REDDEN 419 So. 20th, mod. rooms, steam heat;.' reasonable Neatly turn., mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20tn. J MODERN furnished rooms, hot water beat. rw)7 So. 2-'.th Ave. Private family Mod., private home, references. H. 6138. Fur. rms. modern. 10 Cass Apt. V. STUDENTS, quiet moi?. rooms; walking dlst. to school. THE KNAPP. 191S Cass. 2 front, modern, furnished. Call W. 4002. COZY room for four young men In mod ern home; reasonable. 220 N. 2Mb. St. PRIVATE family, mod.. 12 week, 80. 2238. WELL FURNISHED modern room, hot water heat. 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglaa 876. ' BEAUTIFUL aunny corner room, south east exposure, for two. 118 month. 413 ft 24th St. . Unfurnished Hooma. THREK room and bath;, modern, $11. Webster 4002. Vatrnlaked Honeekeeplnaj Room. FRONT room with kitchenette. D. 7898. CLEAN, modern, furnished. Call 2302 Dodge St llonsekerplngt Koom. t APTS., furnished for light housekeep Ing; steam betrted; mod. 4768 N. 24th. THREE nic rooma, housekeeping. 1112 8. llth. lintels and Apnrtmenta. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly ratea 12 and up. Dougia .jw. OODEN HOTEL, rooma 12 per week. Council Bluff . DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. Honsea and Cottages. HOUSES AND FLATS. 17510-r., 411 S. 3th St, modern; fin location. 147.60 7-r., 618 8. 18th St., modem, steam heat. e42.50 4-r. apartment In ,The Harold. 140 7-r., 7CJ S. lfiih St., modem, steam heat. VK 7-r., RI09 Burt St. modern; parage. 1.10 6-r., 62b Park Ave., modern. $3'.'.60 7-r., t04 S. ;'5th Ave., modern. 132 60 S-r.. 2827 Davenport St.. modem. :ir 6-r., 504 8. 24th St., modern. 125 8-r.. 2219 Capitol Ave., modern ex cept heat ' , 120 ti-r., 1615 Howard St., modern except heat. 115 6-r. flat, 514 Sherman Ave., modern except heat. 30 7-r., -2S19 An-ea Ave., modern. OKORGE COMPANY. t(K City National Bank Bldg. . Phono Douglaa 704. 127.60-Ncw, up-lo-date bungalow finished In oak. Built-in bcokcuses and buffet Near good car line. 130.00 7-room parlor extonding across the entire front of the house. Oak finish, colonnade openinga. Four beri rooma and bulh Fine neighbor hood. Near car. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17 1 h a nd D 1 u xl.-ia 81 s Do 11 g 1 a s 6n. WEST FARNAM HOME Foil RENT. " 17i 9 rooma, l.eer 38th and lewey Ave.; strictly modern; hot water heat; nicely decorated. GEORGE 4 COMPANY. 902 Cllv National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7."6. 2-:.29 CAS. 6-r.. all niod13fi 2X8 Suliler St., 6-r., part mod.,' $!!. 23S4 S. ith St.. 6-r.. part mod.. 112 50, 1012 Paclllc St.. 4-r.. part mod.. $15. BlflKETT & CO., 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas S3 323 N. Xth St.. 6 rms.. mod. ex. ht., $16.60. 1T22 N. 2ith St.. 7 rms.. mod.. 140.' Ii20 Casteilar St.. fc-r.. mod. ex. heat, $30. tlj S. 2ih St., k rms., modern, $32.60. 1 2:128 S. 1st D t?t., -r., mod. ex. heat, $2 8. Ititli St., 'o-x., mod. ex. heai. $12 W. . .2U17 Emmet St. 7-r.. mod. ex. heat. $17 60. 2116 F.rakln St., 5-r.. mod. ex. heat, $16. McCAOUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 150o Dodge St Itougla 4l6. HOUSE 7 rooma. modern, paved atreet, convenient to car, school, store and church; (mall family of adult preferred. $26 rent, pay water. , I. N. HAMMOND. Tel. Doug B64. it Board Trade. Urinaria " Part of th city. UliatB CreiK!l bo,,, A , c.. Be Bldg. FOR KENT W have a complete Hat of all houae, apatUnenfa and flat that ar for rent 'ilite list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co. KK 8 I6tb 6t NEW BUNGALOW. 3013 N. Uth A., consAting of I rooms, nicelv decorated, good lcxatlon, C7ii0. HASTNOS V HEYDEN. H14 Harney St i I VE-ROOM "cottage for rent, 482 IxatdT Call Mrs. Uart'naoa, vVeb. C, rhWiW cottage with lursacs, JLL O. A. Fktaa. A Paxton Blk. SsJi K. UTH ST. Corner ot Locust St., modern 4-room, f!M condition, tTlM Sbepbetd. Weearer til o -R. hmise. unfarn-. uoi, hardwaod fla., water, heat; also -r. hnens. nxo4L. fnra-. all near car. iKrrde. Pntm H. UK 8TE-M heat all rrnVra, Weoxa house; also --room Tat Tit iio. 23d. I-ROOM k '). all san -iira, Lsa waiel 'bi Ik. Jntn. Tk D. Jnst