Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    Broadcloth, the Leading Dress
Fabric for the Autumn Season
Blue and black tire the favorite colors, then
come Russian and olive green, rich brown
and Autumn Burgundy Serges are for prac
tical everyday dress.
Black Silks, Especially Satins,
Are Very Popular This Season
If you have not yet seen these newcomers '
you have yet to obtain a comprehensive idea
o fall and winder styles. So long as theso
last old prices will prevail.
350,000, SAY RUSS
1 11
Quarter Million Killed and Wounded
and Hundred Thousand Are
Takeji Prisoners.
. m i
linage la All Dlrretlnne rrowil
wit Artillery and War 9mp
piles Aawadoaed r Aas
Irlane la night.
PET ftOOftAD, Hpt. M-Th following
! summary of re. ent fighting in Oaliclft,
j from th Kusslsn point of view, hat been
made public in Pc trograd through1 seml
i official channels:
j "Russian troops arc pursuing th Aus
I trinni with energy and the detent of the
( enemy cont:nuea. Pertain Austrian army
eorp have Nan virtually annihilated.
R:'itn forrea hv panned the river San.
I "Th eastern Ruflnn advance guard
l la approarhlng Prxemyl Tha rapidity
! with which military operations are being
l conducted l,as mle It ImpoaalWe to de
termine aeurat'ly the losses of the
. enemy, but It may be aatd that tbey are
i becoming coloal According to such
Information haa eome to ?nd tha
Austrian have lost In the neighborhood
of men In killed and wounded.
! tbla In addition to IW.flrw prisoners. 0
pleoe of ordnance and" a number of
istandnrda. In all directions the roads
(Continued from Paga One 1 '
(Continued from Page One.)
these defeats. They now c-.alm they are
bombarding the Hungarian town of or
gova. Tha war Indemnltlea demanded by the
German t roc pa In towns traversed In Bel
gium and Trance reach a total of 1144,
SOJ.OOO. , Only a. very small part of this
urn, however, haa been paid.
Officer Answer for Atrorltlea.
PARIS. Sept. M.-In a dispatch from
ytrograd tho correspondent of the Uavas
agency says that Lleutcnnnt Prleaker, the
former Qertnan "commander at Kalis,
Russian Poland, who recently waa taken
prisoner haa been brought before a court
martial to answer for the atrocities al
leged to have beeen committed when the
German troop entered that town.
Raaafn "Win Rklrmlah.
PARIS, Kept. The correspondent of
the Havaa agency at Petrograd relates
r " crowded with artillery, transport
, wagone and arms and ammunition, which
how Runrlan cnKnrv discovered a de- ; have heen hn,w.,a ...n- ,u. - ,
tarhment of . Herman reserves In tha ! Itata retreat f h
vicinity of Hadom, In Russian Poland,
which was going to the ass'stance of an
Austrian detachment. After a brisk at
tack the Husslnn put. the Germans to
flight, tuklrg 125 prisoners.
The Russian operatlona In the region of
l.ubln and . fhclin, both In Russian
roland, have been carried out' with great
success, according to this correspondent.
The Russian rear guard already Is at
Krnsnlk, twenty-eight miles southwest of
huhlln, and the Auslrlans, demoralised,
re continuing to retreat
The correspondent Says that a Cossack
named tXakoff, belonging to a Ural regi
ment, raptured slngbt-hsnded three Aus
trian offlaer and nineteen soldiers.
Everybody Reads Tnm Want Ada.
Nebraska Postmasters.
WA8HINGTON. ftept. l.flperial Tet
rsram. The . following Nebraska post
masters have been comm'ssioned : Kenls
P. Herald, Byron; .lames C. Frandaen.
JMaltnn: Delia Hire, litre; Cora I. Itarlow.
lodge Pole; Vernon I llreen. Merrlam;
Kula K. King, Miller; iCIroy Arroughton,
The postofflce at .llsvward. fltennett
slid Wnltehurg, la., will become domestic
money order offices on Octoter 1.
Sale of Coats and Suits
Values' to $45.00
"The Stor for (icntltiromw"
1613 Farnam Street
On the river Vistula Russian troops
have taken possession of an accumula
tion of material of bridge building and
they destroyed several steamers, one of
which war armed. t
"The deeperate efforts of German
troopa to save the Austrian army from
utter rout should be recorded. The ac
tive participation of Germany army Corps
In the f'ghtlng has been revealed at sev
eral different places along tha Austrian
front, aa for Instance at Tourobine. The
Russians enptured thirty-six pieces of
long range German artillery. In. addition
to eom &,mo Oerman prisoners at th's
point. At other places on she front sev
eral dozen large German gun, many of
which had been prevented by lack of
time from being used In the fighting, fell
Into their hands."
In ' conclusion thla ennouncenW of
Russian successes declares that the succor
sent by Germany did hot save the Aua
tr'ans.and that the - heavy defeat In
flicted on the Germans haa contributed
to the brilliancy of the Russian victories.
Continued from Tage One.)
Talcum Powder
j nuraaajr only on to a customer . Not gold to children.
"" AoUco-Thlg la onq 0f our of advertUltiR, and
tra ask yon. to make Home other purchase to get this bargain
Raines Dp(j
tuccenors to 8chasfer' Crug Store, N. W.Cor. 15tb & Douglas
George Jackett and Mra. Fuiua In Ham.
Uton county, about three and one-half
miles southeaat of Glltner.
Mr. Phillips received tha first fire, be
ing shot In the right breast, the ball
striking the lapel of his coat , passing
through the clothing, str.klng a rib and
coming out tinder the. arm. He waa at
once taken ta Aurora for aurglcal atten.
n.rriii oanaerson . received , three
wounda, one In the1 throat, one in the
arm and the third ' through tb heart
; but before he fell h, fired three--ahoU
at his assailant' . . '
i Bandit .frtea . ta Eacaae,
The bandit made his eacape to the
I drawg north of the road. lt. Megrue.
I on horseback at a distance, wline..l
the ahootlng and at once catne o the
assistance of Mr. Phillips and summoned
physlclana and help by telephone; Dosens
of automobilea loaded with' armed men
haatened to the scene from here. Clay
Center. Fairfield and Glltner and tha
surrounding country.
The bandit was located In a hayfleld
covered up In a Windrow of hay on the
Mof fatt farm, southeast of Glltner. David
Williams of Glltner. who waa on horse-,
back In the search, happened to ride
i over the spot where the murderer was
hidden and was startled by a revolver
shot. He beat a hasty retreat and gave
the alarm. A large number of the posse
rallied to the top dt a little knoll and
fired a volley Into the hay. calling upon
the man to surrender, without response.
William set fire to the hay. which soon
burned away enough to reveal the body
of a man apparently dead.- Members of
tha posse rushed In and dragged the body
from the flames. A bullet hole through
the head Indicated that the shot which
had frightened Williams had put an end
to the murderer' existence. f
Ideatlty Not DlaeloaeaX
The man a Identity remains a mystery.
There waa nothing about the body to re
veal his name or residence, though there
were marks Indicating that his clothing,
which waa of good quality, had been
bought In different parte tt the country.
At an Inqueat held In the field where the
body lay. a verdict of self-inflicted shoot
ing waa rendered.
i A 150 bill and some silver change waa
found upon the body. The body of Sheriff
ganderaon was brought to this city tn the
afternoon and an autopsy waa held on
both his body and that of Mr.. Trout,
the conclusion being that bullet from the
same revolver killed the two men.
Mr. Trout leaves a wife, and several
children. He was held In high regard.
Sheriff Sanderson was serving Ms sev-
enth year and waa the candidate of hla
I party tor re-election In November. He
protected by the rivers Olse and Aiene
If the center and left are able to com
plete a retirement In such shape as to
make a stand on the same line they may
be able to sustain a general engagement
t nder more favorable conditions than on
the Mama. The battle line this time Is
nearly straight from the east to the west.
In case the Oerman force should retire
e-eln 'they would hsve two lines of re
treat by Longwy and by Sedan.
It reinslns to be seen whether, tinder
the adverse conditions, the German have
been able to get their artillery Into poal
tlon through the mud. The situation
would be despcrste In case of defeat, for
the heavy rains continue, end, under the
clrcumntances. the Germans could hardly
get their heavy artlljery away.
It waa rumored last night that the In
dian rsvalry bad arrived and would go
Into action. This Is unconfirmed, how
ever, and toubtless no one will know
definitely shout them until they hav
actually participated in an engagement.
Interest Center Shifts.
. IJNDON. Pept. 1.-The center of In
terest In the western ihester of the war
has shifted from the right wing of the
German army under General Von Kluck
to the left wing, where the relief of
Troyon by the French 1 regarded tn
London as leaving the army of the Ger
man crown. pMnce, Frederick William,
apparently In a dangerous situation.
As had been predicted In England the
French have retaken Rhelms. but this
step Is of greater moral than strategical
value, for the line to the northeast of
this town provide a better defensive
position for the German force. than doe
the front marked by Rhelms Itself.
According to- advices received her from
Eerlln. the demsnd for nsw In Germany,
where the people appear to be growing
Impatient, hss beep seothed to a certain
fxtent by the regturlng statement from
the general taff that the Oerman line I
holding out successfully against the of
fensive movements of the allies. So far
ss the, last twenty-four hour are con
cerned, this Information agree with new
received tn London, with the exception
of that regarding the Oerman left wing.
Thl part of the line. Judging from dis
patches mad public In London, appear
not only to have withdrawn from the In
vestment of Berlin, ' bnt permitting the
relief of Troyon, which I twelve mile
southeast of Verdun, to have left Itself
only bne line of retreat. This 1 through
the "tenay Gap, to reach Luxemburg, or
by way of Longuyon and Longwy to
reach Thlonvllle (Dledenhofen).
If tha allies are able to prevent the
rmy of the crown prince from using
Met as a base of operations. It I felt
In Ixmdon that the German left wing
would be In as serious a situation a was
Its right last week.
Russian Attack Deliberated.
Expert military observer) In Petrogrsd
have declared that the Russian Invest
ment of Koenlgsberg and General Ren
nenkampf'a foray Into Eaat Prussia were
planned with tha deliberate Intent of com
pelllng Germany to detach some of Its
frce from Franc to the relief of Its
eaat Prussian frontier. In Petrograd
military critic united In characterising
thl maneuver a brilliantly successful, so
much so.t In fact, that tha. salvation of
this allied forces In th west Undoubtedly
waa due ,(o f)ermamy' having -sent, sev
ers I of ts best army corps ; ta east
Pruealg.: ; ; . . : '. j i :
with this work . apparently aocom
plfehed. It U being predicted !n England
today that the Russian force Investing
Koenlgsberg. together with General Ren-,
enkampf army, ' will be withdrawn
within the Russian border. ' ' , 1
If It Is a fact that Oerman' ally In.
Gallrla haa retired within the fortified
triangle dominated by Prsemysl, a dis
patches received here Indicate, the Infer
ence Is drawn by British observer "that
tho Russian right la now free to advance.
from the southeast, and that an aggres
sive movement from this quarter may be
looked for.
civilised nations have formulated and
adopted t The Hague a law regulating
the rights and usages of war.
"We refuse to believe that war ha
abolished the family of civilised pnw
era. or the regulation to which they
have freely consented.
"The American people have always dis
played their respect for 5usttee, their
search for progreea and an Instinctive
attachment for the lawa of humanity.
Therefore. It has won a moral Influence
that Is recognised by the entire worjd
"It Is for this reason that Belgian,
bound a It I undoubtedly with ties of
commerce nd Increasing friendship.
turns to the American people at this time
to let It know the real truth nf the pres
ent situation. Resolved to continue Its'
unflinching defense of Its sovereignty and
Independence, it deem It a duty to bring
to th sttentlon of the civilised world tho
Innumerable grave breachee of right of
mankind, ot which it haa been a victim.
,lAt the very moment we were leaving
Belgium the king recalled to us hi trip
to the United States and the vivid "and
strotg Impression your powerful Influence
and civilization left on his mind.
"Our faith In your fairness, our confi
dence In your justice. In your spirit of
generosity and sympathy,- all these dic
tated our present' mission." '
Mr. Carton de Wlart handed to Presi
dent Wilson the result of th official In-
ni'Vry Instituted by ' the Belgian govern
ment, showing In detail the destruction
in AMelglum.
' Everyone Needs"
The Great War Manual
In it you will find over 1,300 indexed facts and places
and personalities connected with !he stupendous conflict
now shaking Europe aod tire world.
will send yoy a 'copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of
maps and pictures and data about the war. This creat
War .Manual has teen prepared. by. the Editors of The
World's .Work, which is a jruarautee of ita unquestioned
f "
fV-., tf . . I
1 - iutj it, 4UC DKQ
office with 50 cents for your copy. Add
five cents for postage when sent hv mail
leaves a wife and two children, hi mother
and a brother and a host of friend.
Eight Fine Ships to
Carry -Flag of U, S.
WASHINGTON, Sept. ll -Some of th
romancea of th days of American clip
pers may return, for Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury Peter ha received word
that eight ot the finest aquar rigger on
th Atlantie are coming undsr the Star
and Stripes as soon as details can be ar
ranged. The square rigger ' belong to
Char: Hunt A Co.. of Boston. They
are used In the South American trade,
taking down lumber from North Atlantic
port and bringing In returp cargoea of
hidee. The ships are of ateel construction
and said to be the equal of any of their
c!s In the world. At present they sail
under the English flag.
Get Into' business via the "Business
Bryaas On Hoata.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1.-Pecretary
Bryan and Mr. Bryan left tonight for
Arheville N. C..' to speed several days
at their sumer home which, until now,
the secretary ha not bad time even to
Inspect. They expect to stay until next
' err. - .i it. . p i sV.-y-
QJfwfjamrVLkJifretC tMrt afGunt UWenueJi4 lorn
TALTCm H-HAgH T f .M-agar.
An Ideal Hotel whli an Ideal Situation
Summer '7$xtes'
In all Weathers and in
all Temperatures
No matter hovr quickly the temperature rites,
no matter what the weather, fresh, rich cream
and milk are always waiting for you if you have
. StarOU' Vm
on year pantry thelf
Cottsgs Milk meant milk tconomy and milk efficiency.
It means uniformity. In fresh milk th food value is
nearly in th cream at the top and nearly all out
of th blu milk below. :
Cottage Mlllc It rich and creamy condensed under the
nwirt MBtrarr eaMirtont rtfM vhr, the coot steJwee It
oJ Mirers tirsct t row west IhiH laaaiiM Inn.
B st sll I'M.
Th MUk WUhoat thm Cooktd Ttntm
InTwo Sizes 5 and 1 0 cts.
i an f i rY..t-
, (Continued from Page One.)
glan nation were not confined purely to
the harm occasioned by th forced, march
of an Invading army.' Thla army not
only seised a great portion ot our terri
tory, but It committed Incredible acta of
violence, the nature of which I contrary
to th right of mankind, y . .
"Peaceful Inhabitant were mae sacred,
drfenaelea women and children were out
raged, open and undefended town wer
destroyed, historical and religlou monu
ments were reduced to dust and th fa
mous library of th University ot Lou
vain was given to th flame.
"Our government ha appointed a judi
cial commission to make an official In
vestigation and determine the responsi
bility and I hav th honor, excel
lency, to hand over to you th proceed
ing of the Inquiry.
"In thl frightful holocauaa, which haa
been (weeping all over Europe, the United
States has adopted a neutral attitude.
"And It- la for thle reason that your
country, standing apart from either one
of the belligerents. I In th beat position
to )udge without bias and partiality the
condition under which the war la being
waged.-' i . .
At Itesseit at V.
"It waa at tha requeet. even at the
Initiative ef the United State, that all
. ' Of
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.
the, preparation of a dignified and attractive
display, without fuss, feathers or -foolishnes
Women's New Style Wearing Apparel
Millinery, Gowns, Coats, Suits
.......... (' for .
Imrsd Friday and Saturday
.'"-; - p.:;: ' reptesetitrng "' '. . . : : . '
a 'collection which experienced and intelligent buyers have '
secured fron the markets of the world and containing
nothing but what will bear their recommendation
and guarantee of tightness in Style and Quality
, , , ' ( , t vl"-"" .iml.n,,,.,, I miT,i. ..,,it.U., miuUMM ,(,, I u ,
" , t .,', pc " " 1 "'J, ;,,, "in teg
ST. LOU1. Mo.. Sept. W.-An Injunc
tion restraining th trainmen of the ft-
f-Ioui SouthwesUra railroad from trtk-
I tng waa a (Wed la th circuit court her
today by five conductor.
Kvarybedy read 1M Waat Ate
Cascarets Cure
Headache, Colds,
- Get a 10-cent bos.
Take, a Caacaret tonight to clean
your Liver, Stomach and Bowels, and
you will aurely feel great by morning.
Toung men and women who have head-,
ache, coated ton rue. a bed cold, are
bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with a
lck, gaaay, disordered stomach, or have
backache and feel all worn out. Ara
you keeping your bowels clean with Caa
carets or merely forcing a passageway
every few duye with aalta, cathartic'
pills or castor ollf
Caacarei Immediately cleanse and
rsgulat th' Stomach, remove the sour.
' undigested and fermenting food and foul
gaaea; take the exceaa bile from the
liver and carry off the constipated waate
matter and aolaon from the bowels.
Remember, a Caacaret tonight will
straighten you out by morning. A 10
cent bos from your druggist raeant
healthy bowel action; a clear head and
cheerfulness for month. Doo'l forget
lb ohlldrea, AdvarUsemsaU
i i i n ill ii w
r. i ii xrnii sa i i
Fretty : Soft
The evidence of Blatz
Supremacy; is, not far to
find the taste proves
as well as tempts.
You drink what you
like that's why almost
all true judges of good
beer prefer Blatz.
No beer brewed gives
such ' general satisfac
tion t6 so many men.'
Always the sama good old
In light or Dark Bottles
Nl-tlt DeMaalM BU, fkmmm Dmm,U OMAHA. NEBB. i '
Sasesattaatalall' la lUiMiU aan M 'i " ialaaMa1aBlawjWir ..tsatl iMi'Hl Ws'ilii I Hi 1tii4kMt&A
V 1