2 Our Annual Bedding Sale An Important September Event Our Bedding Section is n oonstnnt exhibtion of the best to 1e lind. A Few of Tomorrow's Bargains: ' 66x80 White Wool Blankets, .1-inch iink border, a reg our regular $10.00 Blanket, $8.95 a pair. 66x80 All Vool Blankets, in gray and tan, regular price $5.00, $4.29 a pair 70x80 All Wool Plaids in pink, bine; yelloTr and helio, our reguar $10.00 Blanket,. $8.95 a par. 72x84 Lamb's Wool Comfortables, in fancy silk tops, in pink, helio, blue and yellow, actually worth $9.00, $6 each. The Store for Shirtwaists Attractive Blouses from .... .T. .$2.95 to $6.50 Our. Ladies' Tailoring Department in connection with the Dress Goods Section. The women of Omaha rind vicinity are presented with an unusual .opportunity to have garments made to order CORHECTLY. We have over twenty-five hundred patterns In woolen materials alone, besides silks, satins and velvets. With an experienced designer and fitter in charge of our shop, we are confident in assuring you exclusive styles and superior workmanship. We make every sort of apparel, from separate skirts to opera cloaks. . The Fur Shop Second Floor Presents an entirely new' ptock of fashionable furs at reasonable prices: Fox, Hud son Seal, Lynx, Mink, Pitch, Wolf, Marten and other pop ular furs in sets, separate pieces and novelty styles. The prices: $3.50 to $185. Our collection of Fur Coats is very extensive, including Broadtail, Mink, Hudson Seal, Pony and Astrakhan. The prices: $27.50 to $375. "You buy furs here with assurance. Women's Hosiery At 2jc a pair we have one of the best wearing hose made. Superior Lisle with a heavy reinforced heel and 'toe and garter top. r n - m AMD SIXTEENTH ATrtCSTtl BERLIN IGNORANT OF MOYES IN WEST German General Staff Gave Fublio No Details Until YeiteTday of General Campaign. i i PEOPLE ARE VERY ANXIOUS MilfmtBt lasaed Dec-tare AH toriea that Rattles lafavor- l airae. SOME HIGHTffl THE HOTEL Red Devils Take it Unto Themselves to Go on a Little Tear. XING AK UNABLE TO STOP THEM Uul'y Part that Oit More dhow Mm Br (ilven . Stops Then front Kndln Season and Farnltirr, It wsJ rather a wild hlnht at Kins; Ak. Far Ben Den taut nlsht. It was Omaha nllht. .nd to all Intent and purposes the U: rtgulsr show and Initiation night of tin ion., A pedal ahow and Inltla-tl-m Ix to be put on Wednesday evenlnf Cor i ha banker of tha tate when they i lirre for their convention, but never tht.j. ry ol normal rOle cf tha gome, a n'ght wa tha last performance of '.I . i'm , fr. Joy got a bit loose In thrlr ).:, t f,n tfce itii: This by no mean de- - t' from the general effect of the 1 1 o . Charles Time Cornea. f Charm Gardener la SI ways more r' ' spectacle .in red tight. Wall, i ' i or tha ttrlnt of Inferior "devlla" on t'o I'm liivs Ion thought so, too. So I nt-tYl they made freo with the head (.mm Yea. and Charlie was not craay vt '.lie liberties they took, so he had to n.-. "i himietf with a bedKlat to uphold his i y. . , '' Tti'n n iif Pui:n. the head coal atoker, 'j ptrV'c j!V!y stubborn about tha mat ter! vf aliovetlng coal with a snow-hovel. Ho argjed the matter ao long that Hill Laateace luct the cue until at last he "tumhlcd" that the chief waa only killing time until the music should start, for h wantrri to sing and the orchestra had forxotten about him. , . .' . It was a temptation for the boy to tear up the flxturra, being the last rftght but they had to remember that the special rhow for tha bankers waa scheduled' for Wednesday and that the fixtures, wagon, cart, bull and all, would be much' needed. : Tka f pea kins Staata. Everett Buckingham presided ever the speaking. Ha praised the entire staff of tha troupe and pointed out that there are many faithful boys In minor parts In tbe ahow wh do not get a due amount of credit In tha course of a year. Ed Simon poke of tha days In the legislature when h could not aee Ma way clear to vote for bills Buckingham wanted and he. felt that Burklngnam was getting even by making him apeak. Dr. II. M. McClegnahan spoke of Omaha as a surgical and hospital city and Ar thur MMIen spoke of the great amount of advertising Omaha gets out of Ak-6ar-Ben the nation over. F. M. Martin waa the tango victim of the evening. Tha ticket books for admittance to the show have run out. The book covert will be accepted at the gate Wednesday evening for admittance. It was announced that the organization now haa 2,4M paid members. State Federation " of Labor Meeting (Front a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., Pent- lS.(Rpeclal Tel tRram ) The annual convention of the State Federation of Labor was In session here today.. The delegatea to the number of 109 were welcomed by Meyar Frank Kerung and Ooyernor Morenead' and the response was ntnde by Prrsldent Charles P. Towle of the assftclation; , ' . It Is understood that the university re moval, tax reform, woman Suffrage, the workmen's compensation act and other treasures to be vottd on ths fall will re ceive, consideration before the session la over. Other sneakers were Qeorge Lockntr of Lincoln Typographical union, Mra. Al E. Rrkly, William Maupin and President Reynolds of the state organisation. f the lines on .the ground that the Mexi can government owns a majority of the stock. The authorised capital Is UTO.COO.O"! Kotd. of which practically all the rommon stock Is held by the Mexican, government. The system has a total of mileage of more than 6,OtO, most of all standard guage, practically covering Mexico. There are various Issues of bonds of tha princi pal company and the constltutent com panies, the system absorbed In l!"i. The total stocka and bonds la nearly m0M,i. Headache Stops, Neuralgia Gone Nerve-racking, spitting or dull, throb bing headaches yield In Just a few mom enta to .Dr. James' Headache Powders which ,coal only 10 cents a package, at any drug stpra . Jfa the quickest, surest headache relief ir, tha whole, world. Don't Buffer! Relieve tha agony and distress now! Tou can. " Millions of men and women, have found that headache or neu ralgia misery U needless. Qet what you ask for. Advertisement. Decline in Prices , of ;Wheat Checked CHICAOO. ' Pept. ffi.-The 'decline In wheat prices based, on reported successes of the allies whs checked this morning on ths Board of Trade. Msy wheat, which closed at l.ll yesterdsy, ; aold toi ri.lfi In tha first fifteen minutes of trading. - AMERICANS TRAVELING ON FOOT AREJVELL TREATED LONDON. Sept. lH.-Tle' correspondent of tha 'Dally New at Oatend says that two .Americana who arrived there from nrueaels , made the trip partly by foot. They had a rough time of It, but wherever they met Uerrriam the waving i.f their American passports .secured them polite treatment. At Bottegem, they came on a party of Clcrman soldlera In a tavern and th lieutenant In charge of tha party Invited the Americana to sing a song for them.. The Americans obliged and the Germans re-lproca,ted ,by providing them with a good Uinner. THIRTY-FIVE DIE IN WRECK (Continued from Pnge One.) , given out at the 'Frisco office here today ss follows: HKNRY tVAfiONKR, H.irrioon, Ark. W. A. UHILDKHS, Clover. Mo. Mils'. John BYKRH, Thayer, Mo. J. H. BToCKTlLL, BpritiKllclo. Mo., flremsn. Vk-kaON .PALVIN, Rumloy, Ark. OfcXiHUK rOKKY, Uren Forest. rk H. W. NKWKIKK, Hsnniball, Mo. C. NEAL, Ketchiim, Okl. MR.-. ISLlAUUTH ROSTF.TTER. Alliance, (i. JUH MVKRt, Thayer. Mo. LKNA MYRItr. Thuyer. Mo. IM1UY I'KKItY,' Hilores unknown. . r.ius ( ALvlN, Huniley, Ark. w. v. Nayler, Kprliiirtleld, Mo. A1018T WKTNfc.lt, Ht. Louis, Mo. t'niilentlllM riend: WOMAN, (3 yer old, upper front teeth out, lower teeth crooked ; black hair, slight trace of gray; black dress, black shoes, no Jewelry. Thought to be1 Mrs. Ueorse Brown. i BOY, 14 yesrs old. WOMAN, aged ii; opal ring. . MAN. 6 yeara old; clasp pin, Initials "E. P. W." MAN, 62 year old. plain band ring, In itials "R. E5. Y.", laumlry mik "E.F).Y." WOMAN, 45 years old:, blacq bead neck lace, gold pin and plain band ring. WOMAN, aged 3. WOMAN, aged 4U to M; auburn hair, glasses, no tower teeth, three teeth above protude. OIRU It or IS years; blue set' ring; gold plated bar pin; wore allppera and white stockings. WOMAN, wore bracelet; half moon pin crescent: set pink ring, coral cameo; pearl necklace. WOMAN, 3& to 2 years old; wore ring engraved "E. V to T. K. April X, 1812.'1 .WOMAN, aged , blonde, weight 1S5 pounds. ' . . BOY. 7 yeara old, blue pants, red. striped shirt, ring bearing Initial "K" OMAHA YOUTHS TAKEN AT SCHUYLER FOR AUTOTHEFT (Copyright. 1914, by Tress Publishing Co.) ROTTERDAM. Sept. 16 -(8peclal Cable gram to New York World and Omaha Bee l Berlin Is not allowed to know tha exact facta about the last few days of fighting and public opinion In the tier msn capital not only is 111 Informed, but anxious) and fearful. Not until yesterday was the public given any details. Then the German general staff declared that movements had taken place, which had led to a new battle, which was favorable to the German army. "All the news published by the enemy stating that the battle Is unfavorable to ns I untrue," reads the statement "Stnco Beptember a new battle haa begun on the front from Farla, Verfiun. Nancy and French Lorraine. Tha German army haa kept Its position and I'pper Alsace has been cleared from tha enemy by the army of General von Hotrengin." The German story of oref'o" between September t and f Is Interesting. Tha general staff claims that the allies' sortie from Paris In the direction of Cropy wbs. repulshed by th army of General von Kluck on September 6 and S, not withstanding that tha sortie on the sec ond dsy was supported by French, artll lery. Ths statement continues: "At the same time the field army waa sttarked on tha line from Meaux to Mont Mlralf. The weal part of tha German right wing at ropy have withdrawn owing to the overwhelming forte of tha enemy. Notwlthatandlng that the rrench attack has been brokon and the with drawn German wing baa captured fifty French cannons and 4.000 prisoners. "The French hava not succeeded In breaking through tho German center, tut on J he contrary ' have been forced badk on Verdun. The outer defense of Ver dun have already beeq taken. Tha at tack on the Una between Verdun and To.ut was begun at tha aame time from the east and west." BELGIANS FALL INTO ' TRAP OF GERMANS (Continued from PngeOne) Two young msn, giving their names aa R. A, Hoops and James Gregory, both of i Omaha, were arrested at Schuyler yes j terdayt at noo charged with stealing a ' Hudson car, supposed, to belong to Frank Benaon. Tha ccr was stolen from Twen tieth and Farnam atreeta, according to reporta to tha local police, Monday eve ning. Hoops and Gregory were placed In the ffc'huyler countr Jail until Douglas county otflceia could tske thera In charge. CONSTITUTIONALISTS TAKE POSSESSION OF RAILWAYS Washington, ept.- w.-cvneui John R. Stlllman reported from, Mexico today that the constitutionalists have taken possession of the' National railways of Mexico and renamed them the Constitu tionalist rail way a of Mexico. Mr. Btllman reported that General Car ransa'a government had taken possession iBaasBasaBaaa Everyone Needs The Great W ar Manual la it yovi Will'lmcl ovr 1,300 indexed facts and place? and personalities connected with the stupendous conflict now thaking Europe and the world. ; THE OMAHA BEE will send, you a copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of maps and pictures and data about the war. This great War Manual )ias been prepared by the Editors of The World's Work, which is a guarantee of its unquestioned authority. ' ' r Tear off this coupon and bring it to The Bee . office with 50 cents for your copy. Add t A M ' m - ' uve cenis ior postage when sent by maiL . J I DEATHJIEC0RD Nophleae WU. . 8TOCKHAM, Neb., Kept 16.-8peelal.) Neohlou WUdj ona of tha-early settlers of thU section, died yesterday after a short Illness. He came her from Hwitaer-. land and settled In this section forty-five years ago and became a wealthy, success ful farmer and stock raiser. He waa years of age. He leaves a widow, two sens. John G. . and Thomas, and two daughters.. Mrs. P. J. Hefts and Mrs. George Hounds. eprtmBt Order. WASHINGTON, Sept. 15.-M3peclal Tel- ! egram.) Postmasters appointed: In Iowa Acworth, Warren eotinty, Al meda J. Kenoyer tV. It. Kenoyei); I hrulKewater, Adair county, Parley A. t hale (Giace A. Covell); Cylinder, Palo Alto county, Edwin B. Benson (Alice A. Jones); Ely, Linn county, Frsnk W, Kllas (L. btsnek); Knirfax. Linn county, Will-, lam Delaney IK. laton; Percy, Martou roumy, J. Lawrt-nc Cochran (CL A. Miner) Pisgah, Harrison county, Freder ick A. Iluimw tKsra Miller), Raleish. I tmmet county, Msrv Pierre tE. U Krlck Suni; Ithouea. MamKall county, Ina II. IHUdreth C. U Batterfteld); . Rldgeway, j Winneshiek county, Nick SohueU tM- L. , Hathaway): Stanley, Hurhanan county, Oiarrv A. Woodson (George Richards); I Stockport, Van liuren county, Oustavus 'Andvrson (F. M. lAicas). Watklns. Benton jtounty. Burt L. Wythotf (l. S. Haagpy,. I In South Dakota Martel, MrPlieraon county, Kmil molntsky (Jacob sluhl , beler, resigned): Weta. Stanley county. vnrairr a. oroca (j. j. toion. resigned). Postmasters reappointed: la Iowa Karmrrsbur. Clayton county. Alva F. Rogers; Frederick. Monroe 'county, Ernest Ji. M'Danlel; Luana, 'Clayton county, eKisan M. Chapman; Iai- serne, Benton county, WUIIam Kouba; sllngo, Jasur county, L. R. Ijverett; i Weet Grove. Davis county. EUvln Jd. , Howard. I Pensions Granted In Nebraska Mar gsret J. Woodworth. Bartlett, H2; Fred Crosse appointed rural carrier at Scran ton, la., and Peter F. Zimmerman 'at j Ore ton. ti. D, the right In a heavliy wooded .park was a large atone chateau. Cload of Rifle Smoke. The only sign the town was occupied was a pall of blue-gray vapor which hung over It and a constant crackle of mus ketry Issuing from It. Occasionally through my glasses I could catrh a glimpse of a machine gun In the upper windows of the chateau. Late In tha afternoon word was passed down the line that the Germane had been put out of action, that tha enemy waa evacuating the town la disorder and that at 1:40 sharp tha whole Belgian Una, would advance. 1 ' Under cover of artillery fire so heavy thst it sounded Ilka thunder In tho moun tains, the Belgian Infsntry climbed out of the trenches and threw aside their knap- ! aacks and formed up behind the road 'preparatory to making a grand assault A moment later a dozen dog batteries came trotting up and took a position on the left of the Infantry. At S:30 to the minute whistles of the officers sounded the rail and In mile-long Una the charseurs to blue, the carabineers In bot tle green, swept forward cheering. ' i They crorsed the roadway, they scram bled over ditches, they , pushed through hedges until they were within' 100 yards of the Una of fundings on, thf outskirts of the town. Then hell Itself breVe loose. ' The whole German front, which for an hour hsd replied but feebly to the Bel gian fire, spat a continuous stream of lead-and flame. The rolling crash of musketry and the ripping snarlv of ma chine guns waa stabbedsby a vicious pompom-pom of quick fires. Ptcm every window of the three-etorled chateau op posite us the lean muxsies of myralteuse poured out their hall of death. I have seen fighting on four continents, but I have never witnessed so deadly a fire, as this that wiped out tha head of the Belgian columns as a spohge wipes out figures on a slate. Tha Germans had prepared a trap and the Belgians had stuhtbled Into It Three minutes later trie dog ' batteries came tearing back on a dead run. That should have been a signal that It was high time for us to go, "but In sr-ite of tha fsot that a, storm was brewing wa waited to sea the ninth lnnlngv i - ' Then thing began to happen With be wildering rapidity. Back through hedges and - across ditches 'over tho roadway came ' the Belgian Infantry. crouching, stooping, running for their lives. . Bullets began to amashMhe tiles above us. . - 'This Is no plsae for two Innocent little American : boys," remarked, Thompson, shoalderlng his camera. i By the time wo reached the ground wo found the Belgian Infantry waa more than a mils In our rear and that to reach our car we had to cross nearly a mile of open field. Bullets woro whisking across it and kicking up little spurts of brown earth where they struck. We had not gotten a quarter way across the field when tho Gorman, artillery, which tho Belgians had confidently as; sorted waa silenced, opened oa tho Bel gian Infsntry. with shrapnel. Aa we came In sight of our auto a shell burst within thirty feat of U. demolishing the entire facade of tho house In front of which It waa standing. Darknesa had now fallen. A torrential rain had aet In. . It was long after midnight when we called the password to the sentry at the entrance to tho Inner llneo of Antwerp. Tha Belgian bumped their, heads very hard Indeed, for tho Germane had In action upward of to.OW men. Tho casual ties have not yet been announced. . t i 1 Omaha real eatsto is the best Investment you could make. Read Tbe Bee's lsl estate columns. ECZEMA PSORIASIS, or ITCHINU U Btanchard'a Eoisma' totlon 30 Years oa tho Market old at, Drag More Wrlta for froa Booklet describing SKIN DISKASKS and their CAI SKS. Addres Prof. J. O. Blaochard. 3111 Coltajo Grove Ave., Chicago. GERMANS PUSH BACK RUSSIANS IN PRUSSIA (Continued from Page One). under the administration ystem "The following Incident of the Russian pursuit and the Austrian retreat has been received here. It appears that forty men of the scout' regiment swam the wide, rough Vistula river and succeeded in blowiryr up or setting afire "an, enor mous quantity of the stores of the re treating Austrlsns, Including two Aus trian steamboats, seventeen pontoons, eighteen laden bargea, a lariee number of smaller boats snd rafts and a consider shale quantity ' of military equipment. This dSrlng act, which svsa done under cover of darkness, wss one of the main causes of Auslrlsn distress on tho retreat. A large part of the Austrian army Is suf fering from hunger as a result of tho destruction of Its commissariat " Meet No Resistance. PETROORAD, Sept. 15. (Via London.) The general staff haa Issued an an nouncement as follows: "Russian troops arc progressing along the lower atreches of the an rlvr with out meeting resistance from th defeated enemy, who continues U retreat." "After having occupied Grodek, sixteen miles west of Lrmberg, and reached Mos rlska, . thirty-seven miles southwest of Lt-mberg. the Russians find themselves winthln a single day s march of Frsemayl. "There' was no fighting on Monday In eastern Prussia.- "Emperor Nichols has conferred the decoration of the order of St. George on Lieutenant General Radko Dlmltiief for his eminent service In th field.'" Senate Republicans to Oppose War Tax ii lajn i. WASHINGTON. Sept. ' 15.-Prsldent Wilson returned to tho cgpital this morn ing at 11 o'clock and drove Immediately to the. White house, wher ho had a con ference with congress leader over the war revenue bill. Senate republicans, at a caucus today, decided to fight any war revenue measure In any form. Chairman Underwood of th ways and Mean committee yielded today . to pro tests of democrat against the tag on freight and agreed to lot tonight caucus deride. . , ' Germans Report Serbs Are Defeated LONDON. Pept. 15.-Th following Ger man official statntent by Marconi wlro less has. beeh received here: ;The Austrian troops have rpulsed the Servians all along the line of the River Save, and there Is now no danger with regard to Semlln.'J Clean Baadaa-es Don't have to bu used very often, when you use Bucklen' Arnica Salvo safe, sure and heala quickly. 25c. All drug. Slate. Advertisement y. By-Procfucf All coke is coke, but Vulcan is a variety supe rior in every way to ordinary coke. The1 coke you want for, service and saving must be made from coals that arc just, rightf mixed in pro portions that are W right, made by a pro cess that is just right That is the part that is up to the people who make the coke. You, who buv first one coal and .then another, should' give your dealer ah order tor a on or half .ton of Vulcan and try it out this Fall. You will then know just what it will, be for next winter's use. , The same clean, smokeless, clinkerless, smell-less, COST-LESS fire you find this Fall will be yours all next winter. , . - Productd 5y Coil Product, M2. Co., Jolia!, III. Exclusive Pomestlo Sales Agents. Atwill-Makemtoi Coal t Coki Co. af oCcrmiok Bldf., Ohloege. Nebraska Fuel Co. Deattii OUbAst) r BttOmS S. Ojmii c. tuai OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY The House of Menagh's first Anniversary Sale This sale. thr commemoration of lrl, opening of our house In Omaha. Our fii-at object Mae to establish a tint -la9 nous ami in doing; so we fcnfw it was nereswiry to mil onlr garments of the? bet. tr rrtu?n. We bar taken tnir entire utork of beautiful coats, trait, drew, waist, and millinery and are offering; them at this sale at prices that will surely make this the moat interesting merchaadUinc event in Omaha this season. . Tho sole commences at 0:80 o'clock Wednesday morning. $14?? Serge Dresses These dresses are all serge and satin and serge combinations. They are Just the style for office, school and street wear; their regular worth Is 120.00. $25.00 and some are $30.00. For our Anniversary Sale, your choice of the lot l ony S14.85 J 4P I . la f 3F Mi $12.50 Copies of French Models $750 I Thee are the klnd of hats that have really crtAtert a eemitlon In Omaha since the openlnp; of ouf -millinery aetxtrl ment. Probably nowhere in this territory have such wonrterJul hats heeti shown as we are offering to mnKe tnis trie frreaest. ale of f the year. Real Kreneh copies In V 1 high grade Vel- v,N THcm-na. fln.ll- lit or and Cru shape. They are all Included i dur ing our Annivers ary Bale at 97M. $25.00 Sale of Suits These Suits are worth $40.00. They come In beautiful combinations snd In high grade broadcloths and gabardines. Not a single suit is worth less than $30.00 and some are worth as much as $45.00. They are, all the regular, House of Menagh quality. Our An niversary Sale price is...' S25.00 - $5.90 Sale of Trotting Skirts, There are eight models shown In this lot. They are full pleated, pleated tunics and plain tunic styles. They are worth $8.60. Anniversary Sale price Is only $5.00 $6.00 Waists at $3.98 Crepe de Chines, Crepe Taffetas, Chiffons, Nets and everything; that's now. Come early during Anniversary Sale your choice of '200, only .93.03 $3.00 All Silk Jersey Underskirts Only $1.69 All colors, good quality, During our An niversary Sale only $1.60 $45.00 Street Coats at $25.00 There are 7S coats, made, by one of ttie hest tailors in the country. They are very 'unusual values. Belns; the regular House of MeriaRD nualltv. and offered at this price you cannot af ford to miss seelns; them. Your choice at 35 $35.00 Silk Afternoon & Even'g Dreuei $19.50 TMere are 100 dresses worth to $35. in every new style. sToins; tomorrow mornlna, choice lt.BO ' $1.00 WAISTS rllnr Wlt9 anil , voile waists, worth to tl'.nO. they ar offered durlna our Anniversary sals 91 House of Menagh "The Store for Gentlewomen" LOCATED AT 1613 FARNAM STREET 0. ' DENTISTRY Our painless extract! o n s and filling is the talk of the town. Our satisfied patients are epre ad 1 n g the Glad . News. brldi-e teeth H as low as $3.50 BAILEY I!!! DENTIST 30 years a dentist. 20-year guarantee. 706 City Kat'l Bank Sky Scraper. E5P m txtswjkv Proof Against Fire and Theft Your valuables when, placed in our Vault have this protection, as it is both Fire and Burglar Proof. , f Safe Deposit Boxes ' ' I to Rent - $3.C0 Per Year. I buy the same quality of ma terial, the best, for use in my eat ing plarea aa I uee In my home. No matter what you pay elsewhere you are not getting better, and seldom a good food as you will get at The Pure Food Sign." , Qulciierv Cafeteria Basement, City Natl Bank Bldf. . Or 'Boston LnncneM) , 21B South 10th St. . 1409 Douglas BU I40S Farnam BU Teething Badies SUFFER IN HOT WEATHER use l!rs.Wi!tsow's Seething SyTup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PUmY VLClTAfLE h3T KASCOTIC ! 1 - - - i -iHt ialr g ittt mR are the 25c plate dinners servsd at tha ..Belmont Restaurant.. Many patrons have wondered how we an do It for the money. Wa serve table d'hote and la rarte, but w never aerve snythlna that you would not havs in your own house. 16H Dodge . Opea ail Flfh. C. N. BALL, Prop. AMl'SKMEISTS. BRANCEIS ''iate ?.firday a WIT a KILLI1MANV In -HTTVtnU DAU0HTEB." uper. Brasdeie Oreaestra TTlcsa, Mat.. lSc-aaa; Xts,. S5ei Child. 10a Days, aep. IT, IS, IS. Wat. starday ' fcrtcct lramatltation ot liar old UeU WHsht'a The Wlnnlnr af naraara Worth." "OMAai tost oxsttzb" COvfl 1 1T7L ,u is-is-soo. JSir! vga, is-ts-so-rso. L?raxirs MILLION DOLLAR DOLLS- and every one of them looks the m Ltwis & oooy ".Tt0 uStr. (Kut) Nelson, Flo Talbot. Wslter John son. Marrel Chert. Cllft Worman and Pauiy Chorus of 10 tisby bolls in 'The Hlionev Petertl ves.' INDIES' DDU HAT. Will BAYI. Denglaa 44. hoaa ADTAJICZD TAVBZTOX.S. 'Thla week "Takln- Things Easy." Minnie Allen, Woodman A Wvlnseton, The KandaWa, Harry Breen. 11 a Xlaxlln. Jax'k t lorla. Trie Urpheum Travel Weekly. Pticm: W.due C.llerr, lOr: US mu (mo.pt ItiuMir a.4 Sus4ai 'Sc. NIKw-le-M4c-na. THE OMAHA BEE Till"- UOME PA FEB. very body lut Ttm llinrt "Where lllrl Ifrth sad Bsraey. Vnriav. HUT rTGHSB 1. 0iS toil 'Ov't tn 09:st 'Bin "l