Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    -JO .
Tim BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. .RElTEMllElt 15. 1914.
oot FriM It Now PMrnn Ptm.
Fidelity torso afl Yaa Co. Done.
UfhtlBf rixtUH, Burf M-Ortiiln I'o.
Olty Frppsrty For results, ,11st tlist
huts witfc Osborne Rs!ty Co. Call D.
"Todsy's Complrt Mori Frofiamf
tnsy b found un the first page of the
elannified neotion todity, and spprars In
The Pes EXCLfSl VEt.Y. Kind out What
the various moving filrture thestrrs offer.
Bon Takaa Caah John Stoker. 2229
South Twelfth atreet. ha sworn to
tomplalnt In Juvenile court, alleging that
his eon, Jonoph. took $1 belonalnic to the
parents and skipped out.
Tni Bass Altbani William O. True
has hrotipht suit In dltrlrt court sgalnst
Julo Althntia.. asking about $l.rx) dam
nee on four counts growing out of
!fal roncerrlnr automobiles and repair
ing Kus us Wabaah H enry F. Kuse
Is iulnB the receivers of the Wabash rail
rond for $1,300 damages for loss on a
shipment of hops, which suffered from an
alleged delay In trnnslt.
Kydar to Clsvsland -City Commis
sioner J. 3. Ryder has pone to Cleveland,
and from there will visit In several other
c It lea on business for the Iesmi of
.Amorlcnii Municipalities, which will meet
t"nn In Milwaukee.
Petterson Back on Jo Chief Clerk
Ki T. Peterson of the eity engineering
d.-piirtment returned to his desk after a
severe illness. He win stricken ' with
hi rvouu prostration and for several days
his condition was grave
Follsh Tender Thanks Members of
the Polish day committer !nvi tmdrred
. 'uri of thanks to the off ;t!s who
hi-;;-ed make their eelcl.r :-u It a
onip!ite ruccess. Chief H i .:- .t:'l As
siEtsttil Mike Oillan wore im-;u;.m d par-ti'.-'Jlarly,
as were the Oma'-.K newspapers-
FUtlpoU la Muoh ItnproTsd Horace
I'htipott ot Kramitas, lex., wno is in
the Omaha Oenernt hospital, Is Very
much Improved mid his friends are recl
ine hopeful for a spedy recovery. He
slept well funday night. Mrs. Phllpott,
who w;is with her parents tn Missouri,
tsi arrived and will remain here until
lior husband is able to leave the hospital.
Sues Former Fartner An aRreement
ru;t n beauty shop on a partnership
basis was not lived up to by Sarah H.
Jto'.iney, according to alienations of Cr
r!o I. Kenyon In a district court petition.
The !atter alleRes that Iter partner and
Mnrtin Mohney temoved all the furniture
tnd fixtures from their Bltup leaving her
tiiialAe to entry on the business. Damages
of Vi.b'tt) are nsked.
lane Batnins from Fonaral Charles
J. I.ane. general freight agent ot the
r" Pai-lfic, is back from New YorlC
where he went to attend the funeral of undo, Horace Ine, aged 79 years,
v ho 'died at his home in Willseyvllle.
Tioira county. This uncle was the last
Hie original members of the Lane
Taiuily that settle In Tioga county as
pioneers of central New Tork.
I. ante Hark Kidney Trouble
Canaea I.
It don't take long for kidney and blad
der trouble to give you a lame back, and
even worse If not checked. Mrs. H. T.
Miaynsre, Gainavtlle, Ga., was fairly
down on her back with kidney trouble
end Inflamed bladder. She says: "I
look Foley Kidney Pills and now my
ock !s stronger than In years, and kid
ney trouble and painful bladder sensa
tion have entirely gone," Good drug
Bibts are glad to sell Foley Kidney Pills
because they always help. They contain
to habit forming drugs. All dealers.
in Lincoln Institution
Out in Nick of Time.
Defective Wlrlnat larfrrnrath Sterl
elllnw Thnnaht to Re Hrpon
alhle Mate nonril to
Overhaul Work.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Sept, It. (Special. -The N.v
tiHsktt Inrano aslum nta: Lincoln nar
rowly missed a serious fire Saturday
evening, a nurse who happened Into the
room where the fire wis burning giving
the alarm In time to put out the blaze.
According to Superintendent Williams,
who waa conferring with the Hoard of
Control this morning, the fire was caused
by defective wiring, and had not the
nurse happened In at the time she did.
would have gained such headway that It j
would have been difficult to have stopped j
It. The w ires were placed in the building I
about twenty-five years ago and steel!
ceilings were put on, leaving the wires
running between he ceilings and the Joist
abova When discovered the whole cell
ing appeared to be ablaze.
The board is considering today rewiring
the whole building and putting the wires
In conduits, an electrician being called In
for consultation.
Contrsjeta for Drldsrea.
State Knglneor P. T. Price has approved
the letting of contracts for the building
of bridges across the Platte at Ixington
and also at Overton on the Dawson nnd
Phelps county lines Tho contracts both
went to I. B. Dotv of Columbus, the Lex
ington bridge for $39 790 and the Overton
bridge for $W,7W.
Steam at f apHol.
Steam was turned or. In the stat? house
for the first time this morning in order
to warm up some of the offices In the
old building, which had developed a frigid
atmosphere. This is a little earlier than
last year, when the steam was turned on
September 20.
Anto Tour driclni.
Notwithstanding the inud, the automo
bile tour of tho republican candidates was
started this morning and an effort VIII be
made to run on schedule time. Head
quarters were opened this morning In the
Llndell hotel and "Walter George, chair
man, and his corps of brilliant and ex
perienced managers were early on the Job
getting ready to show the democrats what
they may expect In November.
Senrrh for Man In Mealeo.
Sheriff Peal of Kieth county secured
papers in the office of the governor of
Nebraska today, asking the governor of
California to turn over to him. Frits H.
Cahill. charged with obtaining money un
der false pretenoes. C.xhill Is supposed to
be in Calixlco, Cal., under the assumed
name of F. I Watklns. Cahill la charged
with selling a team of mules to Ote
Kelthly of Kieth county for 325, claiming
there waa no mortgage against them,
when there was $380 against the team.
LIMA PERU, Sept 14. The earth
quakes In the department of Arequtpa
continue. Testerdday thirty-flva shocks.
some very violent, were recorded at
Caraveli, which was destroyed last week.
The tremors continue today.
Ministers Given
Assignments at
M. E. Conference
ALL1ANCK. Neb. Sept. 14 (Special
Telegram.! The final session of the
northwest Nebraska Methodist confeienee
wis held here this morning. Pr. Llvln
good, president of Sam Houston college tn
Texas, addressed the members on the af-i
fairs of that Institution. Reading or ap
pointments followed, after which the con
ference adjourned.
A total of $100 was subscribed to tho
Nebraska Wesleyan university by the
preachers attending this conference. The
following appointments were read by the
Alliance District A. H. Havslup. dis
trict superintendent. Alliance. Neb.; Alli
ance, o. . Maker; Andrews, to be sup
plied; Us aril, K. L. Torrence: llothcl,
supplied by J. S. Shaeffer; Chadron, ,T.
C Dillon; Crawford, supplied bv Kred P.
Fisher; Uerlng, M. M. Long: Harrlsbnrg.
supplied by C. K. Shackeltord; Harrison,
supplied by O. H. Wehn: Hv Springs,
W. H. Guest: Hemlngford, N. t. Palmer;
Lakeside, supplied bv J. L. Kendall: lw-
ellen and Oshkoeh, Joseph Snowden:
niarstano:. t". II. Hurlelgh; Mlnatare, O. K.
M.-Cargar: Mitchell. C. V. Powell: Mer
rill, t II. AllK-rtMon: Mullen. E. P. Gid
eon; Hushvllle. supplied by A. .1. Beebe;
fcottsmurr, w. Harper; Whltnev, sup
plied by G. D. f. Johnson. '
Alnsworth District J. B Cams, dis
trict superintendent, Alnsworth. Neb.;
Ainsworth, Ben.iamln Kuhler: Atkinson,
W. S. York: Bassett, M. C. Smith; Brown
lee, supplied bv Roy Klehardson: Butte,
H. 15. Wells: Crock ton, supplied by F.
W. Burleigh: Duff, supplied bv W. H.
llervey: "Gordon. O. K. Hlihvdson: Gor
don circuit, supplied by C. K. Calsme;
Highland Oroe, supplied I H. Kngles;
Ines, supplied bv J. W. Ellis; Jamison. H.
Merrill; Johnstown. F. F Pav ; Lrng
Pine, G. A. Porter: Newport. Edward Ma
pill: Newton, supplied bv Pavld Wylle;
Norden. supplied bv M. W. Glendenning;
Suringvtcw. O. K. Burch; Stuart. O. W.
Gregory: Valentine. J. A. Johnson; Valen
tine circuit, supplied bv T. A. Smith.
W. Bell and K. H. Tipton left without
appointment to attend school.
The conference next year will be held
at Gordon, Neb.
SVTTON. Neb., Sept. 14. (Special Tele
gramsThe Sutton city sohools opened
today with the following teachers in
High School John E. Opp. superintend
ent; Henrietta Gankson. principal: Lucile
Braun, assistant principal; Edith Bi Will-
lams, normal training; Frieda Arnold,
Grades Vera Wledonbach. Eighth
grade; Haxnl Catterson. Seventh grade;
Mrs. I. B.'Ne'imann, Sixth grade! Helen
Burnett. Fifth grade; Iohmeler,
Fourth grade; Alice Grlesa, Third grad;
Iora Brehm. First and Second grades;
Elizabeth Rath. primary and First
Cottage School Mary E. Bemis, prlnc.l
pal, Sixth and Seventh grades: Delia
An thee. Fourth and Fifth grades. Mrs.
Henderson, Second and Third grades;
Nova Longstreth, primary and First
Miss Wledenbach Is substituting for
Miss Alice Moore, on account of the tat
ter's sickness.
German will be taugh in the Seventh
and Eighth grades this year. High school
German will be shifted from the Eleventh
and Twelfth grades to the Nlneth and
Tenth grades ,to give four consecutive
years of German.
Water Fulling- in Way that Makei
Up for Lot Time.
More Precipitation In Inn !) at
le Motnea Then Fell la Pre.
linns Three trhnth-t Roads
Too Soft for Fast Time.
(From a Staff Correspondent.!
PK. MOINES. Sept. ll.-t Special Tel-egiam.V-Because
of the hray rainfall
and torm of the Inst two days nearly all
the trains on roads in southern Iowa are
late, ns the roadbeds have become soft
and in some Instances orders were Issued
to run slowly. It Is estimated that sev
eral thousand dollars' damage was done
In the city, chiefly to bridges and pavements.
The fall of rain In the last two days
was as much .s has fal'en In the pre
vious three months
Wilson May Drop
Freight Tax Clause
WASHINGTON, Sept. !.-lresldent
Wilson probably will no. endorse a
freight tax In the war revenue bill In
the face of party opposition. Chairman
l'nder-ood of the ways and means com
mittee called off a meeting of the com
mittee today pending tho president's re
turn to Washington.
t'nleas the president s-iys to us that
we must have thla freight tax," said
Mr. Vnderwood. "we will drop It Im
medlstely. We cannot pass It without
the president's request.
Several protests sgalnat the proposed
JO-cent tax on domestic wines were re
ceived today from California wine grow
ers' associations, who maintained It
would put the growers out ot business.
The committee has beard from one of
the western associations that It would
not protest against a tax of 10 cents a
gallon. Treasury department official
had recommended a tax of 50 rents a
Among numerous substitutes for the
committee's plan waa one presented today
by Senator Robinson of Arkansas. It
would tax automobiles M cents or $1 a
horsepower: certain aoda fountain drinks
10 cents a gallon; beer, an additional AO
oenta a barrel and an additional tax on
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, Set. 14. tSpecial.)-Mcm-bers
of the state railway commission
say that there Is going to be un effort
made by the railroads to have the pas
senger rate raised from 1 cents per mile
to thi cents.
The roads say that their Income has
been cut so much by freight reductions
that It will be necessary to ralne pas
senger rates. In order to meet the situa
tion. They say also that automobiles
have cut In heavily on the passenger
revenues of the roads and take the two
together It has become a serious problem
for the roads to meet.
It Is probable that tho commissions of
the various states will combine to fight
the actions of the roads, which will ap
ply only in western territory.
Omaha real seta re Is the best Investment
yon cemld make. Read The Baa's it si
estate columns.
Largest Selling Brand
of High Grade Kentucky
Whiskey in the World
THAT'S "CEDAR BROOK, to be sure." And'
that's the thing for you to say, "CEDAR
BROOK, to be sure," whenever you're asked,
"What shall it be?" if you want to be certain
of safe,; sure, superiority in quality and, purity.
W. H. McBrayer's Cedar Brook is the-largest
selling brand of high grade Kentucky whiskey in
the world. It outsells all others because you can
always be sure of the same unvarying superior
quality unchanged since 1847.
At all leading Clubs', Bars, Restaurants and
Hotels, also at all leading Dealers.
fhlUO BOTft
in Bond
-Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.a
MoikUt, Sept. I 1, lf 1.
Sixteenth and Harney fits.
The Star Spangled Banner
Was Written by Francis Scott Key
100 years ago today, Sept. 14, 1814
"And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."
September Sewing Week
Featuring Everything That Will Interest and Be of
Helpful Service to the Professional or Home Seams Iress
OPKCIAI, pritv'Pinonts arc offered TWil.iy and tliroupknit tho ontiro week in
Mini ii'irininiTS us
42-Inch All Wool French SergQuesday, 75c Yard
H Kn?- I" !r w!' n'st JM'st ;lnss value wo iiave offenxfin a very lonp time.
1 J Htmk of it All wool l rnith scro, inches wide, for 7r,e. In thisVssortment
you will also lmd wool batistes, storm series, epingle, granite elotli, nvpe npi
ecrypta and .many other pretty ami desirable weaves. Kverv desirable ' K
shade. you might nsk lor, yard J
Wrail l)t-AH frwulK OHr
Kspwlally desirable for dresses, roHta. Pkirtn and
tailored stilts; all the favored weaves and colors;
44 to 54 Inches wide, Tuesday, yard f)8
WtMiI lire (rfMMl, lt)c '
Including; srrges, granite cloths, striped, checked
plaids and mixture weaves; more than 100 pieces
from which to select; Tuesday, vard..' 40
A Gorgeous Display of NEW SILKS Featured
Here for Sewing Week. You Will Be Interested
ao-lnch Fancy Silks at 91.11)
Sample bolts of the most favored silks and offered
at full one-third under real value. Fancy printed
taffeta, stripe messallnes, brocades, etc., all smart
new weaves and colors; Tuesday, yard. . . .jx.10
Silk Popllm, l8o
4 2-lnch wide fn
all the best shades
and black.
Mnlnjt Satin, lHc
36 I n c h r n wll,
ausrantnl for lln-
a unit dnn Hklrta:
Muck ana colors.
I tint k Mrssalliie f8i
3fi Inches wide,
In beautiful soft fin
ish, very desirable.
Fancy Ureas Silks Tuesday ,t $i..f
A remarkable display, Including all silk crepe do
chine, plain and figured Canton crepes, silk poplins
heavy Bulling silks, chiffon taffetas, etc.. 36 to 42
inrni'B wine, an snaaes, Tuesday at, yard. .1.40
Ihit hcN Satin 91. 1
Hlack, 3fi-ln. wide,
rich high lustre:
nra-ass-Kaah Co. Malu rioor
excellent quality.
rean le Hole, 91.49
Black, all gllk 36
In. wide, for 1 -piece
dresses and coats.
Great Help If You Sew
WK HAVE a complete line. Including the ordl
nary bust to the latest improved adjustable.
lU'ST FORMS, Jersey covered, !.
33 to 4 4, Tuesday, OO
at oyc
Bust forma, Jeraey covered, SI, 00
Separate extensions, iron standards,
for bust forms SI. 50
Complete non-adjustable dress forms,
Jersey covered, extra long skirt for
draping 84.03
Four-section automatic dress forms,
Jersey covered, wire skirt, adjusted
to any size S5.f)8
Eurnsi-Wash Co Main Floor.
Special Announcement
MISS E. M MATTHEWS, special reprel
sentative from the Pictorial Review Co. of
New York, xvill be at our Dress Goods and
Silk Departments Tuesday, September 15,
where she will be pleased" to assist you in
every way possible.
MISS MATTHKWH will be pleased to explain
why Pictorial Review Patterns are more chic, more
gracelul and more economical than any other pat
tern. "
She will explain how you can save time, labor
and material by using the Cutting and Construc
tion Guides furnished with Pictorial KcvUw Pat
terns, and will be able to give suggestions of ex
traordinary value to the woman who makes her
own clothes.
Our NewlyEnlarged FLANNEL SECTION in the
Basement Brings Special Values for Sewing Week
VALUES that will serve as an inducement to come and got acquainted wirhthisnew soctlon where
you'll find a complete stock of new flannels made of all wool, part wool and cotton, part wool
and silk, aa well as all cotton.
91.75 to 91.95 Embroidered
Flannel, 91.UO
Silk embroidered, finest all wool
baby dress flannels, $1.75 d
and $1.9." values, yard. ...) 1
0c to 75c Hliite Flannels, 4Hc
Fine white all wool Saxony flan
nels 69c to 75c values, in,
yard 40C
60c Flannel Huttings, 25c
All wool and half wool fancy
'flannel suitings and skirtings,
stripes, checks and plaids; gray,
blue, tan and red shades, nr
Tuesday, yard OC
!25r Fancy Flannels, 10c
Fancy silk stripe and part wool
shirting and waisting flannel;
regular 25c values, 1 A
yard lVlC
$1.00 Eiderdown, flc
Yard wide. Double face, vhue
all wool eiderdown flan- ?Q
net, fl grade, yard.... OIC
10c Kimono ('liwllis, 5c
Fancy bordered kimono f
chains, 10c quality, yard. . DC
Canton Flannel, :i c
Light and medium weight,
bleached Canton flan- Qi
net, yard JC
12 He Zeliyr (InglianiH at u:
Thousands of mill lengths of new
pretty Fall Btyle lephyr p
ginghams, 12Vjc kind, yd.. OC
Unbleached Muslin, 4 He
Yard wide unbleached ill
muslin, standard grade, C
12 Mo Flannelettes, 7Mc
Fine standurd fancy dress flan
nelettes, fancy and staple de
signs and colorings, 1
yard I JC
15c Flannels. 9c
Fancy, velvet and swansdown
flannels, new styles and
colorings, 13c q-uallty, yd.
lOc llotnct Flannel, itc
Unbleached Domet dan- n
nel, 10c quality, yard. . DC
12 He Eden Cloth, 5H'
Mill lengths of the popular Eden
cloth, regular 12V4c a r" l
yard, at t"2"C
Outing Flannel, H!Bc
Best grade, softest, fluffiest and
warmest fancy outing and tennis
flannels; light, medium Q
and dark styles, yard. . Og C
10c Outing; Flannels, 5c
Mill remnants fancy outing flan
nel, light and dark color- f"
lngs, 10c grade, yard OC
25c Fleece Flannel, 16c
Fleece flannels, pretty patterns
and fast colors, i
llleaclicxl Muslin, 5c
Soft finish, yard wide, bleached
muslin remnants,
yard yf OC
ELECTRIC IRONS, Ironing Boards, Etc., for Sewing Week
Tnermav olclric nad Irons, Ti1
lo... guaranteed 5 years. 82.08
Hot point electric sad iron, fi-ll).,
guaranteed 5 years $3.50
American Beauty bud iron, ti-lb.
and 3-:b., guaranteed 0 yrs., 85
Wright jjas iron, complete witli
tube Sl.flS
Old fashioned sad irons, 6 to 10
lb , at. ib 6
Gasoline irons, TueBday S i. 50
"Dept on Earth" irons, G-piece
for 81.35
Mrs. Potts' sad irons, S-pieco
set. Irons Japan finish. . gl.CO
Mrs. Potts' sad . Irons, 3-pieue
set, Irons aluminum 80
Asbeslub sleeve Irons 25c to 50r
Ironing hoards on solid stand
ards, 9 He to 81.75
Bargsts-ZTash Co Baisrusnt.
Skirt boards, 50c to 81.25
Sleeve boards 50
Gas plates, star burners, adjust
able air mixer, $1.75 to S4.50
Cutting out shears, 6H to 7-in.,
special at 25?
Embroidery scissors, 3 V4 to 4
and 5 inches, at 25
Keen Kutter shears and scissors,
65c to 82.00
i3urgess-Nash Co Everybody's Store 16th and Harnevi;
IFof Sale Everywhere
Here's a Que Oh! You! Get it Now? Why, Yes, of course O! Ul