Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Samson'g Electrical Procession to Be
Allegorical of Book of Ages.
Vrm Will Thra Be Formally C'loMMt
for Jfo, Eieeptln for Pacini
Danker' Initiation on
Wedneadnr Mafct.
Pictures from the Book of the Arch, Is
to be the name of the big electrical parade
for Ak-Sar-Ben this year to take placa on
the evening of October 7. The Book ot the
i Ages Is the Bible. There are to- be
twenty floats representing each a separate
and striking scene or situation In PIVIcal
literature. The work on the floats has
been going on under the direction of
Artisan Qua Renze for some months, and
Is well under way. The electrical display
Is to be beautiful, and the allegorical rep
resentation Is to be excellent.
The next term of the rresbytrian
Theological seminary will open Wednes
day at 9 o'clock. At 2 o'clock Prof. l. E.
Jenkins will deliver the opening address
In the chapel. All friends of the seminary
are invited to hear this address.
A number of students have already en
rolled for the approaching year ami the
Indications are that the Incoming class
will be large.
Prof. Herron, who was In Germany
when war was declared, reached New
Tork last Monday on the steamer
Rochambeau and after spending . some
days with his mother in Pittsburg will
return to Omaha. It Is expected that he
will soon deliver an address on the con
ditions in Europe.
President A. B. Marshall Is filling the
pulpit of the Presbyterian church of
Beatrice, Neb., on the Sundays of the
month and will also address the presby
tery of Bt Joseph Monday evening.
Living Models to
Display Newest of
v the Fall Styles
Shoppers at the Thompson-Belden com
pany store Monday and Tuesday will be
transported back to the days orf Louis
XVI. The interior of the store will be
transformed into a grape arbor, and lattice-work
with trailing vines will furnish
a clever background for the living models,
who will display the latest In fall fash
Ions. The models will mingle with the
shoppers all over the store and will be
attended by costumed pages, as In the
brilliant days of the French monarch.
The window displays will be most ar
tistic. The rerlod following the Louis
Qulnze regime will be expressed here,
too. In the old rose, gold and white back
ground of the drawing room. Hie paint
ings are copies of original paintings of
that period and the furniture is of the
daintily gilt sort of that period.
This effective setting will be used to
display handsome gowns and exquisite
robes for the ladles of King Ak-Sar-Ben's
court. Many of the models for evening
gowns are in the flowing Mandarin style
and are for the most part of the new
silk chiffon velour and brocaded silk
velour. ;
The military effect has. been utilized In
many of the fall suits, which have high
military collars, much braid, tassels and
gold emblem, and are, of course, fitted
garments instead of the bloused ones that
have been "Popular.. . . 'T - .
Fitch is the popular fur for this season
and many striking novelties are shown
In the fur sets. The collars are often
cape effect, while some are mere neck
pieces In contrasting fur, that may be
fastened on to the muffs, when not in
use, to enhance their beauty.
Tomorrow night Is Omaha night at Ak-Sar-Ben
den. Also the evening's per
formance and Initiation formally closes
the stunts for the season. Thousands of
Omahans are expected to flock to the den
this evening If the weather permits, as
the closing night Is always well attended.
There are hundreds of Omaha members
of Ak-Sar-Ben who have paid their dues,
but who up to the present time have not
been initiated this summer. Many have
been out of town during practically the
whole of the den season. Others for one
reason or the other have been too busy to
get out there during the Monday even
ings. These are to be milled through the
Initiation and performance in a way that
will make them wish they had gone
through when outsiders were made thf
goats of the evening Instead of them
selves. But even after the den has formally
closed, it Is to be opened again on but
one occasion during the season. This
will be Wednesday night of this week
when the bankers of the state In their
convention In Omaha are to be enter
tained and Initiated. Omaha members,
of course, will be admitted also on this
Wednesday evening, even though their
ticket books will have been consumed.
The cover of the books turned In at the
gate will take the place of a ticket for
this occasion.
W. a. fihriver is back from Pennsyl
vania, where he visited his boyhood home.
In Pennsylvania he found business con
ditions fairly good, but there did not
seem to be the prosperity noted in Ne
braska. The Pennsylvania crops have
been about the average, but high prices
are bringing the farmers more money
than normally.
Mr. Shirver noted that all of the larger
steel mills arc In operation, but not over
crowded with orders. lie was told that
the war had resulted in curtailing the
output, as but few new enterprises are
being launched.
Omaha is to become the location for a
warehouse or charging station for the
1-lnde Air Products company of New
York. The company has Just decided to
establish such a warehouse here, making1
the fourteenth warehouse, or charging
station of the company in the I'nlted
States. The Industrial committee of thej
Commercial club made some endeavor to
nduce the company to establish a manu
facturing plant In Omaha, but it was
decided by the company officials that
the quantity of their product In the Imme
diate vicinity did not warrant the build
ing Of a factory here.
Bee readers are too Intelligent to over
look the opportunities in the "want ad"
columns. They're worth while reading.
Schools Crowded
by the Increased
RollofThis Year
Attendance at public school, larger than
a year ago, la crowding some of the school
buildings until It seems now that it will
be necessary to shorten hours and double
shifts or secure additional rooms. As
many as seventy-six pupils are being
taught In rooms lntrnded to accomodate
Lothrop school has ten rooms with
slxty'or more pupils; Columbian and Clif
ton Hill each one; Farnam. two; Central
has two rooms Into which more than
seventy pupils are crowded; Lincoln,
Lake, Mason and Train are in the same
Parents are complaining, but the Board
of Education is as yet unable to remedy
the situation, because no funds exist with
which to build additions or new schools.
The committee which has considered the
advisability of submitting a large bond
Issue this fall has been unable to agree
upon any definite thing to do.
Superintendent Oraff has shifted pupils
from crowded schools to schools less
crowded, but; the congestion is still so
great that educational work la greatly
hampered, children are Inconvenienced
and their health menaced.
Mother Pleads that
Son Be Left Out of
School to Get a Job
"I'll go to work myself, rather than
tako charity," Mrs. Eba Marguls. 1(J1
South Twentieth street, told Judge W. O.
Sears in Juvenile, court. She was plead
ing that her 15-year-old boy, HarTy. be
granted permanent excuse from attend
ing school, so that he could take a regu
lar Job and support her. She was heart
broken at the Judge's order that the lad
should go to school, and with big tears
In her eyes and her voice shaken by aobs.
declared she would not accept the finan
cial aid offered by the Juvenile authori
ties. Judge Sears, remembering that the boy
had been in court a number of times, and
had been paroled from Kearney reform
school thought the youngster would be
better off in school than working without
the restraint of constituted authority.
Omaha Wheat Mart
Suffers Decline of
More Than a Cent
Omaha's grain market has suffered an
other decline of more than a full cent per
bushel all around. Receipts continued
fairly heavy on the local market, there
being eighty cars of wheat, twenty of
corn and sixty-eight of oats on sale.
The Omaha cash price for wheat was
11.0361.WH as against $1.0M4i81.1H4 In Chi
cago. The futures follewed the decline
In cash, in Chicago, December selling
at $t.l214'8'1.14,4 and May. Il.MSl.22.
In federal court, Kenneth B. Ward, a
civil engineer of Columbus, O., has sued
C. B. Coon and Frank W, Baeon, doing
business as the Omaha and Western
Traction company, for $5,238, salary and
money advanced for hotel and other ex
penses. The Omaha and Western Traction com
pany, ' according to Ward, was organized
by Coon and Bacon for the purpose of
constructing a railroad from Omaha to
Sioux City and he was employed to secure
right-of-way. Most of this, he alleges, he
has secured, but has not been paid .for bis
Miss Bessie Snyder of the high school
Latin department reports that the largest
number of freshmen have enrolled than
ever before. Even at times when the
whole enrollment of the school was above
1,700, the number of pupils taking Latin
was smaller. This year the eleven be
ginners' classes were not enough and
three more had to be added, making a
total of over 330 students taking the
study in its advanced branches and 4
taking the rudiments.
CAPETOWN. Union of South Africa,
Sept. 12. (Via London.) The German
bark Heinz, from Cardiff, was captured
by a British ship and brought to Blmona
town today.
Before and
After Usind
Sunday, Sept 13, 1914.-
ratmnnii m-mnurr
Cuticura Soap
and Ointment
These pure, fragrant, super
creamy emollients quickly
soothe rashes, itchings and
irritations, permit sleep for
baby and rest for mother,
and point to complete heal
ment when all else fails.
Samples Free by Mall
CuUeura Hup and Otatmeat anM throucheut the
world. Uhml KmpM ot Mck mud Irm. vita 1 2-9.
book. 4dnM "CuUeura." Kept. till. Stoma.
-BurgesvNash Company Store News for Monday Burgcsa-Nash Company Snt:nt!i and Harzey Sts.
eptember Sewin
AGAIN Monday this great store will demonstrate Its fullest merchandising service. This time It Is In the
Interest of you who sew. it will be the most valuable and Important week of the season for the profes
sional or at home seamstress.
It will provide, scores of helpful suggestions; It will be Instructive; It will make the producing of your
jwn autumn and winter garments much easier.
Every section given over to merrhandlne of this sort. Including
xkw silks. xkw wool tioods, notions. linings, trimmings, lacks, rilwoxs,
ilannkIaS, whitk goods. diu:ss fokms, pomkstich, etc., etc.
will contribute seclal attractions and unusual price In durenient.
Let sewing week aid you come and take advantage of this special event planned to bo ot service to you,
36-Inch White
SOFT finish, suitable
for women's and chil
dren's underwear, Mon
day. 12-yard bolts, f 1.25,
or per yard 11c
Barress-Wash Oo,
Mala Floor.
Illustrating How the
Dresses or Skirts
Will Look When
Made Up.
tPtctorlil Jterlew Patters
So. 6873
Make This Pretty Misses'
Costume of 42-lnch
Serge at 40c
for $3.30.
Serges, plain color ma
terials, plaids or mix
tures. This Includes the
required number of yards
of material necessary
with pattern to make the
dress designed as pictured
above. A jaunty new
model wblch you can eas
ily make yourself.
Pictorial Bvtew ratters
JTos. 6777-5771
Make This Dress of 41
inch Wool Charmeuse
at 08c, for
Wool cbarmeuse or any
other material 44 Inches
wide at 98c. This in
cludes the necessary plaid
silk, black satin for sash,
lace for collar and lining
and pattern as designed
above. A very pretty
notorial Briw Patters
To. 6767
Make This Skirt of M-in-h
at 91.50, for
Broadcloth in black and
a wide range of the new
shades for Fall. This also
Includes the necessary
linings and pattern as de
signed above. Make It
yourself for $5.10.
42-Inch All Wool French Serge at 75c Yard
HEllF is the biggest and best dress goods values we have offered in n very long time. Think of it!
All wool French serge, 42 inches wide, for 750. In the assortment you will also find
fine wool batistes, storm serges, epingle, granite cloth, crepe egyptn and many other "
pretty nnd desirable weaves. Every desirable shade you might nsk for, Monday, yard. . .
Wool Drees Goods, 08c
Especially desirable for dresses, coats,
skirts and tailored suits; all the fa
vored weaves and colors; 44 to S4
inches wide; Monday, yard 08c
Wool Dress Goods, 40c
Including serges, granite cloths,
striped, checked, plaids and mixture
weaves; more than 100 pieces from
which to select; Monday, rd...40c
Bnrress-Xash Co. Mala Floor.
nroadclotti at $1.40
The correct cloth for this fall and win
ter wear. Kor Monday we feature a
52-Inch cloth In all the best shadea at
the special price, yard f 1.40
Velvets Will Be Very Popular This Season and We
Were Fortunate to Receive Our Entire Importation
WE IIAVE never shown a more complete stock the variety h very extensive and the best part
of it all is the fact that we own them at the old Vrices and that's the way we offer them to you.
Velveteens in a wide range of colors and black, yard, 40c Costume Velveteens, black only, 31 In. wide, a yard, $1.75
Paon Velvet for millinery and dress Costume Velveteen, 24 In. wtdo, all I Velvets, plain chiffon or brocade, 4 2-
trlmmlngs, black, yard fl.OO colors and black, yard I lis in., colors and black, yard 94.95
Bnrf ess-ITaah Oo. Main floor.
Pretty New Silks Featured for Sewing Week
A GORGEOUS display. That best expresses what we have here ready for your inspection
an idea of what sewing week means to you:
86-Inch Fancy Silks at 9 1.10
Sample bolts of the most favored silks and offered at full
one-third under real value. Fancy printed taffeta, stripe
mescalines, brocades, etc., all smart new weaves and colors;
Monday, yard 91. iw
Bilk Poplins, 08c
4 2 Inches wide, in
Fancy Hllks Monday at 91.40
A remarkable display, Including all silk crepe de chine, plain
and figured Canton crepes, silk poplins, heavy suiting silks,
chiffon taffetas, etc., 30 to 4 2 Inches wide, all shades;
Monday at yard 91,40
all the best
and black.
Lining Satin, OHc
36 inches wide,
guaranteed for lining
and drop skirts. Black
and colors.
Mack Messallnen
at 08c
36 Inches wide, in
beautiful soft finish;
very desirable.
Burr ess-Kaah Co. Mala Floor.
Duchess Satin at
Black and 36 Inches
wide, rich high lustre;
'excellent quality.
Pcan de Sole, 91.40
Black all silk, 36
inches wido, for one
piece dresses and
Laces Were Never So Much In Demand and Never So
Lovely in Ornamentation As They Are This Season
NOT for years have laces enjoyed the favor promised this Fall and Winter and never have they been so beautiful, so
lovely in design, so gorgeous in ornamentation, so magnificent In effect.
Metallic laces in gold and silver perhaps deserve most mention, while crys'a spangled flounclngs and black Jet
flouncings are a cloae second. Then there are the Llerre laces, the ancient Alencon, the delicate tracery of Flander's
needle point, the Venice combinations, gorgeous colored effects and so on. Our showing Is very complete.
Shadow Lace Flounclngs at 25c
Also net tops, Venice edges, allover laces, colored all
overs, silk chiffon and linen cluny for fancy work.
French and German Vals at 5c
Also linen torchon Imitation cluny, Normandy vals,
etc., widths to 6 inches.
R in B7.1nh Embroidery Flouncing. 25c
Allover Swiss embroidery, baby flounclngs, 18 to. 27
Inches, also corset cover embroidery.
Embroidery Edge at. Yard, 15c.
Swiss and nainsook Insertion headings, organdy edges,
white and colored.
Burgess-Wash Co. Mala Ploor.
Here's a Sale of Notions That'll Interest You
Basting e o 1 1 o n,
600 yds., all sites,
per spool 5c
Basting cotton.
200 yard. 40, 50
and 60, dosen, 10c
Embroidery spool
twist, all colors lc
Kerr'i lu s t r e
thread, in black
and white, all
sizes, spool . . 15c
Hooks and eyes in
black and white,
all sixes, card, .lo
Snap fasteners in
black and white,
all sizes, doi. 8Hc
Hook and eye tape
silk, yard . ,25c
Hooks and Eyes
Large straight bill
skirt books ana
eyes, black and
white, card . . .5c
Hook and eye tape
cotton, yrnrd 15c
Snap tape, cotton
black and white,
yard 15c
Dress Shields
Full line Klein
nert, O m o and
Naiad Dress
Bolero shields, at,
pair, 60c and 75c
Lace trimmed
shirt waist shields.
per pair 25c
Sllpon dress
shields, pair ..25c
Shirt waist shields
all sizes, pr. 17c
Jacket shields, all
colors, per pair,
at. . .25c and 40c
Brassieres, In all
sizes, 91.00, 91.25
and 91.50
IF YOU will fill out ths coupon be
low and bring- It to oyr store on
Monday, Kept. 14th, we will lve
you FREE a full 200 yard spool of
Hysslne the new silk finish threa1.
We make this liberal offer to con-
;vince every woman or ine exirn
strenrin ann superior quaniy or uys- s
H sine. Flrlnir sample of fabric: lo J
match If you wish and et one 200 W
yard spool (any color) f'UlJ2.
Feather" Done, Etc.
Warren's cotton
covered featber
bone, black and
white, 12 yards
to box 79c
Warren's glrd-
line, black or
white, 2 to 6 in.
width, yard .10c
Collar bone, cot
ton covered, per
yard 5o
Collar bone, silk covered, yd., 10c
Bargess-Vash Co Stain rioor.
TrB w I w h t .
small else, each lo
Wela-ht tapes In
bltu-k and white,
yard 10c
(able cord. In all
Widths, black and
white, yard . . . flo
l'leaters for pleat
Ins; ribbon and
laces, at 390
Hpool holders . .860
Ft riser shields. . fto
Tracing wheels at,
each . 15c and 860
Aabestus Iron hold
ers, each So
Pure bees wajl, at
each Bo
Hclesors. larse and
small, each . , . .SSo
Machine oil. larse
Klin bottle . ...lOo
Ma-chine oil cans.
each O0
I T u 1 1 o.n moulds
olive shape, dosen
Oc I round shape, 2
dosen for So
Kllk binding braids
In all colors, yd lOo
Machine needles In
handy tubes, 6 In
tube, for lOo
Mercerlied' binding
braids, 6-yard bolts
for loo
Wool blneUns; braids
In B-yd. holts.. 10
Taffeta seam bind
Ins In black and
white. No. 3 extra
wide, bolt of I yds.
for B5
Hklrt markers, nn
heavy base at (B
and BOO
IMns 400 to paper.
at So
Kutton holes by the
yard, black and
white, laViO. ISo
and SOo
loiion tapes, all
wi'Mha, bifti'h and
white, 2 bolts ..Bo
Thimbles, open or
(Jose)1; ends, steel,
celluloid and German
silver ..Is and Bo
Tare meanuree. lo
fa. 10s, 15a nrii 3o
Warren's sulmpe
foundations. In all
n'-rrx, blark and
white do
Wire collar found,
dot Ions In hladt
and white, at Be
and lOo
Wavy wire collar
supporters In all
sires, S on card. B
'W's K I r d 1 o
forms, all sizes,
st 860
Special Announcfcrtlidht
repiesentative from The Pictorial Re
view Co. of New York, will be at our
Drees Goods and Silk Departments
Monday, September 14, where she will
be pleased to assist you in every way
MISS MATTHEWS will be pleased to ex
plain why Pictorial Review Patterns are more
chic, more graceful and more economical than
any other pattern.
She will explain how you can save time,
labor and material by using the Cutting and
Construction Ouldes furnished with Pictorial
Review Patterns, and will be able to give sug
gestions of extraordinary value to the woman
who makes her own clothes.
If You Sew at Home
You'll Need Dress Forms
WE IIAVE a complete line includ
ing the ordinary bust to the lat
est improved adjustable.
HIST "RM8, Jersey covered,
sites 33 to 44, Monday
Bust forms, Jersey covered with
standard attachment 9 1.0
Separate extensions, Iron stan
dards, for bust forms 91.50
Complete non-adjustable dress
forms, Jersey covered, extra long
skirt for draping 94.95
Four-section automatic dress
forms, Jersey covered, wire skirt,
adjustable to any size 95.1)8
Biurress-sTaaa Co. Xaia rioor.
Opening the Newly Enlarged FLANNEL
SECTION in the Basement Monday
SPECIAL prices will serve as nn inducement to come and
get acquainted with this new section where you'll find
a complete stock of new flannels ninde of all wool, part wool
and cotton, part wool and silk as well as all cotton.
12 He Flannelettes, 7 He
Fine standard fancy dress flan
nelettes, fancy and staple designs
and colorings; at, 7l.
15c Flannels, 0c
Fancy velvet finished and swans-
down flannels, new styles and
colorings, l&c quality,
10c Domet Flannel, OHc
Unbleached Domet flan- r 1
net, 10c quality, yard... DgC
12 He Kdfii Cloth, 5Hc
Mill lengths of the popular Edon
cloth, regular ISHc a pi
yard, at OgC
Outing Flannels, 8Vc
Dest grade, softest, fluffiest ana
warmest fancy outing and tenuis
flannels; light, medium n 1
and dark styles, yard .... O 2 C
10c Outing Flannel, 5c
Mill remnants fancy outing flan
nel, light and dark color- f"
Ings, 10c grade, jurd DC
S5c Fleece Flannels, 10c
Robeland fleeced flannels, pretty
patterns and fast colors, i r
yard IOC
W cached Muslin, Oc
Soft finish, yard wide r
bleached muslin remnants, OC
I'nbleached Muslin, 4 He
Yard wide unbleached A 1
muslin; standard grade, n'JC
91.75 to 91.05 Kinbroldered
Flannel, 91.00
611k embroidered finest all wool
baby dress flannels, $1-75
and 11.95 values,
!c to 75c White Flannel, ISc
Fine white all wool Saxony flan
nels, C9c to 75c values,
50c Flannel Suitings, 25c
All wool and half wool fancy flan
nel suitings and skirtings, stripes,
checks and plaids; gray, blue, tan
and red shades, Monday, rir
yard OC
25c Fancy Flannels, 10c
Fancy silk stripe and part wool
shirting and waistlng flannel; reg
ular 2 0c values, per - g
yard 1UC
fl.OO Kidcrdovtn, 00c
Yard wide, Donbee face white all
wool eiderdown flannel,
$1.00 grade, yard
10c Kimono Cliallls, 5c
Fancy bordered kimono f
cballls, 10c quality, yard.. OC
Canton Flannel, 8 He
Light and medium weight Q 1
bleached Canton flannel, J"2 C
12 "4 c Zephyr Ginghams at 6c
Thousands of mill lengths of new
pretty Fall style zephyr
ginghams, 12 He kind, yd , DC
36 Inches wide. In every
ahnde you might desire as
welt as black; colors are
strictly fast; excellent,
Bnre-eaa-Kash Oo.
Mala rioor
Here Are Some of the
Most Popular Styles
Illustrated and Ma
terials Suggested
notorial KaTiew Vattera
Mo. 0783
Make This Dress of 42
Inch French Serge
at 75c for
French serge or any
other 4 2-lnch material at
7Gc a yard. This Includes
the necessary material
with lace for collar and
pattern for designing as
above. It's a pretty little
dress and you'll, enjoy
making it.
Motor ill jut tew Pattern
ITo, Sail
Make This Costnme of
42-lnch Silk Poplin
for Oflc, for
Silk poplin or any other
42-lnch material at ORc a
yard. This Includes the
necessary material with
black satin for girdle
and collar, lining tor
foundation and pattern
as illustrated above. A
very pretty costume.
Make It yourself.
notorial meview rattsra,
Wo. 6623
Make This Skirt of 54
inch FUl.l Skirting
at 91-25, for
Plaid skirting or any
other 54-inch material at
$1.25. This includes the
necessary material and
pattern for designing as
illustrated above. A very
popular style and easy to