Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Ljli-WM -(..HWiW,-, HWlt.i IrlM1!! ss aji.jasm JtHi HsWS) MWM
( mjs .
tsv w 1 it ST II
With Pleasure We Announce
Our Opening Display of Fall Fashions
Monday and Tuesday, September Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Ready-to-Wear. Apparel, Millinery,
Fabrics and all Accessories
Displayed on Living Models
Belgian Army is Again Fighting;
King Albert Takes Part at Hofstadc
IjOICDOM, Sent. 12.-The Antwerp cor
respondent of tha I)ally Telograph aends
th following:
"A courier brlnga the new of fighting
at Hofstade, near Mallnes. King .Albert
motored out and participated In the gen
eral engagement, which, apparently, la
going well.
"The Oerman artillery figured ronsid
erably, but the Belgian Infantry, well aup
ported by guna, gradually forced the Oer
tnana back."
A dispatch to the Dally News from Tarla
"A motor car brings news from the
front that the first and aecond divisions
of the British army, with the French
cavalry and artillery, cut off and de
feated a large force of the enemy slsty
miles northeast of Tarls, taking .X)
prisoners and fifteen guns. The Hermans
are reported aa demorallied.
"The. half-starved prisoners ravenously
devoured beef and biscuits supplied by
the Hrltlsh troops.
"The allies' losses were severe, but they
are as nothing In comparison to those
of the enemy, who ts now retreating north
of the Marne and west of the Ourcci."
Des Moines Minister Will Bun Inde-
pendently for U. S. Senator.
From Two Till Five
o'Clock Afternoons
Thompson, Belden & Co.
Banian Advance Near Lemberg
Blocked by Desperate Resist
ance of Teuton Allies.
was severely wounded. He managed,
however, to obtain valuable Information.
I pon Its return to the Runslnn camp the
mroplatte was found to have been riddled
with bullets. t
Stronarlr Fortified Plate neatats
Slav March on Great Fortress of
FrsesnrsI, and More Troops
Called For.
Hare Completely Crushed Bulk of
Opposing" Armies and Occupying
More Territory Daily.
Awstrlaa LiOsseaM Eaornaoas Wbfa
ISncaar Dashes Iraiad aad Cats
Thesa Off as Retreat Is
Antwerp Has Roman Holiday When
German Prisoners March Through
PARIS. Sept 12.-A Petrograd dispatch
to the Havaa Agency says:
"Russian successes are , reported every
where In the. theater of operations. Not
withstanding to brilliant sffort of the
J'ungariaa cavalry and the ability of the
.Austrian to entrench themselves In a
clever manner, the Ruaalana have com
pletely crushed the bulk of the opposing
armiea and are- occupying more territory
every day.
'The Russian artillery was so effective
at the bombardment of Nloolaleff, south
of Lambert, that the Austrian runs were
silenced the first day, whereupon the Aus
trian began th evacuation without wait
ing an aesaatt 'Ruseslsn airmen algnalled
the Austrian retreat and the Rtiaslun ar
tillery and cavalry gallantly dashed round,
cutting them off and Inflicting enormous
Reus Claim Beeead Tletory.
LONDON, ept.. II. -A Centrsl News
dispatch from Rome ssys:
"A telegram received here by th Mas
saggero from Petrograd states that the
second battle In Uallcla resulted even
more satisfactorily to the Ruaalana than
th flrat The loaaes of the Auatrlana are
estimated at 130,000, of whom HO. 000 are
(Copyright, 1H. Press PublUhlng Co.)
Staff Correapondent of the New York
World. '
ANTWERP. Kept 12.-(8peclal Cable-,
gram to New York World and Omaha
Be.) Three hundred German prlaonera.
taken yesterday In the retaking of Aer
achot, were marched In triumph through
the atreeta of the city. The prlaonera
wars guarded by double files of Infantry
and hundreds of gendarmes and secret
police. At the quay they were put aboard
a German ateamer, alo a prise of war.
preparatory to being sent to England for
V Whlrllglgr of the War.
Strange Indeed are the forttmes of war.
And sudden. - When I wss In, Aerschot
four daya ago the German flag floated
defiantly from the ataff on the city hall.
A patrol of Oermana under officers who
had been at Coney Island and Atlantic
City, halted me at the entrance to the
town and only permitted ma to paaa
when I proved my American citizenship
by recounting experiences at those two
famous American outing points, with
both of which the officers were familiar
and had enjoyed. Today those Oermana
are 'dead, wounded or prisoners,.
, When I returned to Aerschot again
this morning the red. yellow and black
bunting of Belgium waa everywhere visi
ble and a patrol of amlllng Belgian chas
seurs halted me at the Identical spot the
Germans had atopped m on my former
vlalt. a place where the Germans had
stretched a wire across the road, new
and Invisible defense against cavalry aur
prlses. Belftlaas cm Offensive.
When the Belgians re-entered Aerachot
o Infuriated were the troopa at the sight
of the blackened and smoking ruins of
the once beautiful place that their offi
cers had difficulty In restraining them
and saving th lives of the small German
garrison surviving.
Made over-confident by th easy way
In which they retook Aerachot, thd Bel
gians pushed on this morning toward
iouvaln. They managed to get as far as
Werchler. where they suddenly rsn upon
what evidently was at least two German
army corps. After a sharp engagement
th Belgians fell back to a point about
midway between Ixmvaln and Aerschot.
Though there had been no engagement of
any great Importance, the Belgian troops
had been on their feet for three days and
were nearly exhausted. When I left them
this afternoon I saw several fairly totter
ing from fatigue.
Capitulations Are a Matter of Treaty
( and Subject to Parties to
the Treaty.
Austria Replies Different from the
Others, Tboagh the Principle
Is I pheld Germany lias
Not Answered.
(Continued from Page One.) French position southwest of Ver
dun. This position Interposed a barrier
between the German Murne army, the
left wing of whlrh extended to Vltry I.
Everyone Needs
The Great War Manual
In it you will find ovtr 1,300 indexed facta and places
and personalities connected with Mie stupendous conflict
now shaking Europe and the world.
will send you : .copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of
maps and pictures and data about the war. This ureat
War Manual has been prepared by the Editors of The
World '8 Work, which is a jruarautee of its unquestioned
I a car on iais cuupuu ami urmij n iu iue uee
office with 50 cents for your copy. Add
fi T7o icTifi frw rtrictarra i;V pn iirt riw mall '
Trancols and the crown prlnce'a forces.
Us occupation establishes the closer co
operation of the two sections of th Ger
man Invading army. The attack on th
harrier forts south of Verdun, supported
by th . German siege artillery, promise
In case of succeaa, a completion of the
encirclement of Verdun. .An attempt of
the' garrlaon to break through the Una
has been expected for several days.
The commander of the Second Bavarian
army corps, forming a part of the Sixth
army. In Lorraine, has Issued an order of
the day to the troops, conveying the
thanks of genaial headquarters to the
Sixth army for holding out so stiffly,
heroically and successfully, and thereby
preventing the enemy from sending rein
forcements northward, and Intimating
that the time la not ripe for an offensive
movement by thla army.
The victory of General Von Hinderburg
wil probably clear German territory for
th time being of Ruaalana, whose flood
of invasion had swept almost to the
galea of Koentgsberg.
The Iokal Anxetung aeauinea that th
right wing of the defeated army la now
not far from the Koenigsberg, left In
the vicinity of Gumblnnen.
Way of London, Sept. 12, 8 p. m.) Sev
eral' of the great powers have presented
a note to the Turkish government In reply
to the communication of the sublime
port notifying these governments of th
abrogation of the capitulations Involving
the territorial rights and privilege of
foreigners In Turkey. Th replies set
forth that as these capitulations are a
matter of treaty the abrogation wUI not
be recognised without th consent of all
partU tdjjh treaty.
Tsni t,eti J9f the., replies mad by the
ambkAaAn for Great Britain. Russia,
anc and Italy ar identical. They
point out that the capulatory regime In
Turkey Is not an autonomous Institution
of the Turkish empire, but an Issue of
International treaties. diplomatics agree
ments and contracturtal acts of divers
kind. Consequently this regime can be
modified only on the basis of an under
standing with the contracting powers and
falling such sn understanding before
October 1 next, the ambassadors would be
unable to recognise th executory force
beginning on that date of the unilateral
decision of the sublime porte.
The terms of the Austrian reply differ
from the ethers, though the sam prin
ciple la upheld.
(Copyright, 1DH, Presa Publlahlng Co.)
PETROGRAD, Sept. 15.-(Speclal Cable
gram to New York World and Omaha
Bee.) German reinforcements, rushed to
th reacue of the defeated Austrian
armiea, have blocked the leuaaiun advance
and forced a renewa, of the terrific fight
ing west of Lemberg. The czar's com
manders are naving to hold their lines
while moving up reinforcements in an ef
fort to crush the Austro-Gcrman allies,
who are reported reorganized and rclh
aplrlted by German leadership.
The Russians have been following up
the Austrlana. who have had to retreat
to the edge of the marshy country. But
between Lemberg and Przemysl the Rus
sian pursuit Is now checked, snd heavy,
stubborn fighting has been In progress
during the last three daya along a front
extending forty or fifty mlk-a. J
Htiil Holds Oat.
The Austrian defense here Is strength
ened by the fact that the strongly forti
fied poaltion at Grodek, eighteen miles
west of Lemberg. still holds out against
the Russian aaaault. Two marches west
of Grodek Is the great Russian fortress
Priemysl, which, with Cracow, will aerve
for rallying points of the Austrian armiea
routed from the northern front.
strategically, the position remalna much
the same and equally adverse to the Aus-tro-German
allies, but Instead of the Rus
sians on the line extending from Rawa
Ruska to the Dnelster, breaking through
and attacking the rear of the Austro
Gtrman armies operating toward Lublin
the position la reversed.
The Russians pursuing from the north
are rapidly approaching the rear of the
Austro-Gertnan forces, facing eastward.
Rid of Slow Klementa.
Presumably the strength of the Aus
trian defense Is due, not only to strong
reinforcements, Including the German
corps, but also to the fact that probably
the Austrian armies operating here have
by this time purged off their non-Ger-manlo
elements. The discontented PlaV'
regiments of various nationalities have
seised every available opportunity to give
themselves up as prlBonera to the -flrat
Russians they could meet.
Indeed, the Auntrlana have been com
pelled before giving battle to so order
their line that Austrian, Czech, Croate,
Ruthenlan and Magyar, as far aa possible,
alternated with one another, while all
the Maxima were manned aa far as pos
sible by Germanic races only and are al
ways officered by Germans.
Given abort Rest.
The extraordinary endurance of 'the
Ruaalana is Illustrated by the fact that
the army which took the fortified strong
hold of Mlkolajow (the Auatrlan consul
general In New York denies that it la
fortified) atter two days of fighting were
given only a couple of hours' rest before
being marched off to Join th regiments
fighting before Grodek.
No doubt Is entertained her of the ulti
mate succeas of this fight, but the pub
lio has been called upon to exercise
rather, more . patience than they hav
been accustomed to of late, with Russian
progress being all along so rapid and
The National Capital
Satarday, Kepteniher -. 1014.
The Senate
The republican filibuster against the
river and harbor bul waa continued by
Hanator Uallinger.
Receaaed at 4 JO p. m. until 11 a. m. Mon
day. The lloaae
The general land leasing bill was it
ugaln for ileout.
Completed debate on general leaning bill
and lKaii consideration of amendment.
Representative lever of eouth I'arolina
uiiHucceMf ully Bought connli'.ei ntion of the
cotton warehousing bill. Waya and
means committee ileciJed not to intro
duce emergency revenue bill until after
President Wilson's retura to WaaUiagtoo
neat week.
Red Cross Relief
Ship Has Sailed
NEW YORK. Sept. ll.-The relief ship
Red Cross sailed late today for Europe
with 14 r.ursea and doctora, all Ameri
cana and an American crew, sller'ore leav
ing Its anchorage In the Hudson river.
Secretary Daniel of th navy raised th
Amtrican flag at th vesael's stera.
I.OXDOX. Sept. 12.-t :i p. m.)-A di
patch to the Evening Newa from Petro
grad aaya that Henry Sienkiewics. the
Pollah writer and author of "Quo Vartln
who recently laaued tin appeal to the
Poles to support Russia In war, haa been
taken prisoner by the Austrians and sent
to Cracow.
ajoventr.ats of Oceaa Steaaaere.
Vort. Arrived.
UV BR POOl. Adriatic
H K Hi i UN KrUtltaafJore
t-OPKNHAOr.N..ralta4 StatM.
t'.IRH ALT A K ..
PAl.KKMd ....
NKW YK....
NltW TOR K . ...
XaTW lOH....
. .aoopie.
Mongol lao,
'rot ...,
(Continued from Page One.)
and at Revlgney, they abandoned a large
quantity of war material. '.,
"The German forces which have been
occupying the A'rgonne region have begun
to' give way. ' They are retreating to the
north through the forest of Bellenone.
"In ' Lorraine , we have made slight
progress.- We are on the eastern boun
dary of the forest of Champenoux, Re
ruUnvlllers and . Gerbenvllle.
"The Germans have evacuated Saint
Die. .
"In Belgium the Belgian army Is acUng
vigorously against the Germans who are
before the fortified position of Antwerp.
"In the Servian field of operations, the
Servians have occupied Bemlln. Austria.".
Germans Are Retiring;.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 12. The follow
ing dispatch from Bordeaux, dated yester
day, was received today at the French
embassy: '
"The French general staff made known
today that the first German army con
tinues its retirement. Three of its army
corps were repulsed last night between
Vlllers. Collerets and Solsnons. We have
in four days gained from sixty to seventy
five kilometers.
"In the second army, the Tenth corps
and the guards, driven back to he Saint
Gond swamps, are also withdrawing- .
"In the Champagne district, the Third
German army la retreating. The .German
center Is thus at last giving ground.
"After a hard fight In the region be
tween Sezanne and Vltry In the Arsonne,
the Fourth German army has been pushed
back to the north of the Trols Fontaines
"A, fifth, German army, after attempting
a very serious effort on our right wing,
was thrown back. Our troopa occupy
Vassln court. .
"The general situation haa thus beefi
modified to our u advantage in the last
few days.
"On the other side the Austrian army
attacked near Tomaazo and was forced
to a disastrous retreat. The whole SJjmy
h'ks been pushd",' back . to t the west of
Rawa Ruska andtjthe Dnelster river. The
Russians besieged Grodek."
(Continued from Page One.)
Fred W. Clote of Waterloo Tepolti
' Papers tilth eene.tary of State
at Des Mnlnea Maa
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOIXES. Ia., Sept. K.-tPpeclal
Telegram.) Nomination papers for Otla
L. SpudKcon of Dos Moines, as Independ
ent candidate for I'nited States senator,
were received at the office of the secre
tary of state. The papers were filed by
Fred W. flute of Waterloo, and they eon
tained "40 signatures. Five hundred are
necessary to nominate.
Mr. 8-urpeon. who Is a former minister.
Is a prominent memoer of the Knights
lof Luther, an anti-Catholic organiza
tion, which he helped to organize.
Great Earthquake
Destroys Caraveli
LIMA PERI. Sept. 12,-News has
reached here that a tremendous earth
quake has destroyed the city of Caraveli
in the department of Arequlha. The re
port says the people are in a panic, but
no mention is made of loss of lives.
Caraveli 1 a town of about i.WO In
habitants, 130 miles northwest of the port
of Mollenda, Early In August, a year
sgo. the place was wrecked by an earth
quake, but has since been rebuilt. The
district In which Caraveli Is located Is
subject to frequent earthquakes.
"""I 'illllllliliiilii)lllml..l"llf
Dr. Todd's hew sanitary porcelain
teeth are now coming in from Phila
delphia, which Is the distributing and
manufacturing headquarters. Five
hundred' teeth a day can now be
produced to meet the ever Increasing
The public has been oomlng la to
Dr. Todd's office 1 1 years, and now
they are coming In to praise the
latent of Dr. Todd's Inventions sani
tary porcelain teeth, which far excel
the old method
The dentists are now coming" In to
Inspect and take up the new method!
as a benefit to their patrons.
The big dental magazines are com
ing la with stories of the new teeth
and their place in modern dentistry.
Europe Is waiting until the war Is
over and will then come In with its
tribute to the new teeth.
Come In- any of the six entrances,
403-498-493-491-487-489 Brasdei .
PARIS, Sept. 11 A Havaa agency dis
patch from Petrograd aaya a French air
man, M. Polret, who Is serving with a
Russian army, relates ah adventure dur
ing a flying reconnaissance. Accompanied
by a Russian staff officer he flew for
twenty minutes above th German posi
tions at a height of 3,900 feet. They were
repeatedly fired upon and the officer
East Prussia of ' Russians, but 'military
experts at Petrograd declare that It Is
Incredible that he Russians should give
up the Investment of Koenigsberg unless
suffering greater disaster than that which
has been reported.
Rnaalan Beem Sarreaafnl.
In Ruasian ' Poland the Ruaalans still
seem to be successful, while operating
against the Austrians alone, but they are
making less Impression on the combined
German armies on the Vistula, . The
stand being made In Vistula has caused
Several military experts at Petrograd to
assert that German, reinforcements Xrom
France are tming sent it Gsllcla Instead
of to East Prussia, .as was at first re
ported. This Is done according to the opinion
of these experts, because Germany feared
that an overwhelming disaster of the,
Austrian forces might lead th dual. mon
archy .to conclude, peace independently
of Germany. Other expert observers In
Petrograd ar equally firm In th opinion
that the German veterans from the fields
of . Belgium . and France have been sent
to east Prussia,. where their presence Is
believed to account ior the Russian check.
The most substantial gain by Ruasian
forces within the last twenty-four- hours
has been th capture of Tomasiow, which
probably clears the way for th advance
of the Russian center on the A us tro-Gorman
forces on th Vistula liver.
It S3
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Mr. Ezra B. Hand suffered many
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Duffy's Pure rJaIH7hlskey
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booklet and doctor's advice sent free. .
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester; N. T.
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