THK HKK: OMAHA. SATl liDAV, NKl'TLMUKIi 12, 1:I4. "SDCGSS SERYIA'S CRIME A. B. Hart Tells Why Austria At tacked the Little Kingdom. SLAV UNION THE REAL CAUSE Far f Powfr ! the Balkans 4aat I1 Take. Ar Bosnia maA IUrif(nTlnt Started War. From Our Near Neighbors Arlington. nl1 In., m hfro on a visit. Thy V- .lnn. ciirMnn of eshltston ms "Mrd vli'nity twrniy-fhc yearn n nnslnrss lsltor hcrf last Turs.lay morn- I ins; Mr. h'.lwar.l Million pf Kavso. Wyo.. I visiting relatives In this wot Ion this Vctrr 1 Mlenknmp. living north of town, r'rr-mmit psKsnuer Saturday niorn illK. ' Mr. ami Mir. Martin Raxmiitmrn and family worr Kirmont visitors on lnr.l The ur-old conflict between ths P!av f.""v rr Kirmont vVslto.a ana ine uermin nas cnierea upon a row phase, and no man oan guess when the conflict will come to an end. Seldom in history haa tha specter of Mr. and Mr Prter Wulf of VontenHI visited ovei Sundav with Ml. and Mrs. Chrla Wulf. Mr. and M's. S. M. Adams lilted Tue- war to suddenly revealed Itself to ths Vnllv """ ',lrs' ' "eyr.oids world. The hostile declaration of Austria, ... . J. ' .. . . . . , , . , . . . h- A. nrynolds was a business pas- dated July 23. was so totally unexpected ; penxer to Hlnlr on Friday, returning In hy Ihe Servians that their renowned gen-j'"" afternoon. eral, Potnlk. the victorious ' loaJer of; Mr- Anna lloherts and Chris ffhmldt Servian armies in the wars of Uli and ?L ,iV.V V-TLr"" v"",(,r " 1913, was actually In Vienna at that mo ment, and waa arrested while hurrying to his own country though subsequently re leased. To that document, expressed In the most arrogant and contemptuous lan guage, with an Insulting demand for a re ply within twenty-four hours by the clock, the Servian government, gasping with as tonishment, returned an answer which Is proof that Servla was not thinking of giv ing mortal offense to her powerful neigh bor. There waa not time even for an understanding with the Slav patron Rus sia. Servla was neither prepared for war nor desired war; and haa gone as far as any people could go in the effort to placate a furious enemy, and at the same time to prewrve national self-respe?t. The Austrian demand that officers shall come Into Servia and hold court-martial In their own fashion on Servian citizens would de prive Pervla of the right to call Itself a nation. Canse of It All. vicinity for Thursday. County Superintendent Rhoades and wife were visiting friends In this vicinity the first of the week. t. D. Pallev and son. Jasper, were pas sengers to Lincoln Tuesday, where they attended the state fair. Miss Jewell Allen of Atlanta, ft., ar rived Tuesday evening and will visit rela tives east of town for a few weeks. Mr. John rVhdopfnr returned home Wed nesday afternoon from Lincoln, where he haa been attending the state fair. Zellen Andrews, who has been visiting his grandparents In Lincoln for the last two months, returned home Tuesday. Stanley Wolhurn of Hamburg. Ta . re turned home Thursday morning after a short visit with relativea oust of town. Mr and Mrs. l 8. Williams and daughter. Mildred, went to Hamburg, la., to visit friends and relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson, living southeast of here, motored to Omaha Wednesday morning, returning Thursilav afternoon. Mrs. Charles Harrison returned home Saturday arternoon after a month's visit with lelattvca In Sterling, Kort Morgan and Denver, Colo. v- .. . .. -I " -c !'t"ii imp wrn vtornin in .i.rr uKt a ifw i i..s Angeles. Lai., for the last two years, returned home the first of the week and expects to stay for some time. Frank Reynolds, Jr.. returned home from Kort Morgan, Colo.. Tuesday morning after a week's visit with relatives there. Hp also visited Denver and Colorado Springs. Mr. and Mrs. John T. anker and family returned home the first of the week from an extended visit thro'igh the east, go In ns far ns Maine, their old home. Mr. tieorge Haas, a farmer living southeast of here, had a partial stroke of paralysis In hla lower limbs a short time ago and up to present Is unable to walk. Klkunrn. Mrs. William Anderson was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Lena Martens entertained for hor birthday Monday. The. buildings for the county fair are nearly completed. Mrs. B. Hendri. ks entertained for her birthday Thursday. Ml s Ellen Kl!ett of Waterloo called on frleirds here Wednesday. Arthur Ileeraon rivl htm fnmilv intn aljve and smiling, his government. m'.nM : the i'nrakening house Wednesday, not be finding some other reason for Mrs. Keulnh Roach and little daughter crushing the rising power not only of ifit-rl at t!i. Rrunner home Saturday. Servla. but of the Sorb raep as a whole. Henry Mo- kclmnn returned Saturday ,, . v. ... , . ,, ,. . . . fiom Greeley, where he vlulted Boveral it war breaks t. nn.l If it extends ciHj'K ail Kurope, It wM not Le becauB Fm,iz , AdDi, otto and force of carpenters i erdinand wo.s killel hy u Serb, but be- ! have lust completed the big barn of Will .aub the Austrian!) fear Hint em- ,,im Orewcock. I Mrs. Hans Peett was taken to an ! Omaha hospital Saturday, where she will Snoorns the Crime. I take treatment. Anybody who knows the Balkan con- Cedric Bldwin ceme In from Dunning i , runoay. w Here ne has neen the last two days' time for consideration throughout Europe, and especially for rousing the Russian bear from his summer torpidity. The ostensible cause of It all Is simple enough and grim enough. It Is the assas sination June 28 of the Archduke Frans Ferdinand, heir to the Imperial throne of Austria-Hungary. The murderer was a discontented Bosnian of the Serb face. The Austrian government believed, or asserted, that he was the tool of a Ser vian conspiracy In which the Servian government wss a partner. Hence it de manded practically the confession of the Servian nation that It was responsible for that murder, and then the punish ment of those whom the Austrlana might decide to be guilty. Falling a complete and groveling con sent by the Servians, the Immense Aus trian army is hurled at this Pttle coun try. It Is a fair question whether the Auetrlana believe their own charges, and whether, If Frans Ferdinand wer; -today t're will be killed by a Sorb empire. A t ' vm mnal V, 1 1 .'r. 1 I, o . Clfl oi'md tit ' , ... ....... . -iltinir 1,1 hrrttV.n. llnhmri mnA tairamilv. ' Strvia, In the eyes of the Austrian, r.ot iitsa..-slnatlon, but si'.occfs. Of all the m,s. R. F. Calvert returned Sunday exasperating things that happened to Aus- from Hooper, where she visited her t: n from the outbreak 0 In Octo- ''"u? .htrr- M. Clarence Bendle, and fam- , r. 11 i.iv ici tvj -cc;nD. i f 7, j: i- 10 iiie jmriiii 1:1 in m? i. aiivuoB , . . atto-.riA,l or.l .nnvAll,,,!, TV,r. ' l,n' jit;,, inu.,i i:xtia,ierH li lua uie lt-,"', .u... Mr. Clarence Ashton of Omaha has been employed by th Nebraska Tele phone company to take the place as man ager of the local telephone exchange, lie arrived with Ills family this cek. Kov and Kav Acton, Ihtng near the sand pits at Meadow. wre drowned In one of the lakes made by the sand dredge. Only a small child saw them go down and no help was near. Thev were In a leaky boat and the boat filled with water and sank with Ihem. rbnnka. 5chool opened Monday. P. C. West went to Omsha Wednesday on business. Mla Violet St. John Is teaching In the I'nlon schools. Mis. Raymond Po'lard Is visiting rela tives In Missouri. Mrs. William Van Ruren visited In T'v.lon lift Friday. Miss Alice Frost of Fremont has re turned t- her home. Miss Fav Fulton has accepted a posi tion in the telephone office. Mr and Mrs pnedeker entertained the "Llvelv Ri.nch" Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W"t and daughter mo tored to Fremnnt lant Baturduj . Mrs. Klrkpatrlek spent Wednesday In Murdoch attending the street fair. Mrs. Clara Mead of . Omaha has been A.i.itinff the Talmera for a few days. C. Sheldon and family are spending the week in Lincoln at the state fair. Fred Hrdgoe and daughter. Sylvia, were on a shopping tour in Lincoln Thursday. The Progressive club ve a watermelon social Fridav night at Mrs. KlrkpntrU k's. , J. I. I,ong. editor, and A F. Sturm . candidate for wnator. visited the f.ttr nl M"rdx'k. ' Mrs William Van Ruren entertained her I Sabbath achool class at lunchoon on last , Wednesday. The Rooster club entertained their girl j friends at a lawn social Friday night at Maple Grove. ! Four memberfi of the Trotter family ; have moved to Peru to take tip work Ht the stnte normal. ' M. Ci. Klme, candidate for repreaenta- : live, and J. O. Wunderlelcht, candidate , for sheriff, were at Murdock. . Mr. and Mrs. Scott Norrls have returned from a two weeks' visit at nnraH. , Kh.. where they went by auto. Wreplna Water. S. R. Oirardct has returned from a trip to Montana. Rains during the week have amounted to a precipitations of 177 inches. Mr. and Mrs. R. R Countryman have returned from a summer's visit In New York state. Miss Ida Morse has returned from a five week's visit with her sister at Rapid, City, 8. D. Sir. and Mrs. Pyron Raker have Re turned from Dayton, O.. where they spent the summer. Oeorge Ha lines haa frone to Notro Dame, Ind , to continue his courae In the university. H. R. Reed and L. V. Whltaker will open a new motion picture theater in town In the near future. Miss Harriot Waddell of Mlllshoro. Pa., Is visiting her sister. Mrs. S. Mathews, whose health is very poor. F. P. Puck has bought the pump and windmill business of A. K. Jameson and haa moved his fam ly here. Valentine Wollen and wife of Sturgls. S. M., are visiting Mr. Wollen'a parents south of town and other relatles. Mrs. Alice Mehamma of Chicago l visiting her sister. Mra. S. V. Oerard, who lives on a farm southwest of town. Mr. and Sirs. P. Crabtree of Douglas. Neb., were recent visitors at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Cora Marshall. The talent for the 19H-1M5 lecture course haa been announced. It will consist of five numbers, commencing October 27. Fall Clothes Are Ready; top in Here Any Day and ask us to show you the Fall Kuppenheimer, "Schloss", Stein-Bloch or Society Brand Suits. The stylo will lo a revelation to you the cut of the lnpel the front the eut'f length of oont cut of waistcoat ami joeuliarities of trousers. It's these thinjrs that tlistiniruish real style from the mediocre at any price you care to pa v. Berg Suit$ Me $7.50, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 and up to $40 You will find more smartness and correctness in the clothes we sell then you can find elsewhere. R. O. Fry. Missouri Pacific agent. Is ', , , . , ' , ,. , . , taking a vacation trip to Wichita, Kan. The kenstngton ladies held a picnic at I p tTi.i , iile ... the school prove Saturday. A good .-rwd J 'nl relief man at the at- .-ei-- I new members signed up. a. nf n air n UI1.1 1.'l-lllll,tl!G .., . .... . ,,, cl...u. ...J e;l.. . l.H.Jf y I Sunday by William Bi huldt and family The f'erb race l!H3 been looked upon 'and Frits Puis and fasnl'v of Rennlng as rather mild, not easy to aro-Jne, o.i- '. cn. also Mr. and Mrs. William Schuldt. tent v.ith si.iull tolngs. ISer.-la In lS.j ' , , , . . , ., , Miss Alma Hansen and father went to ws completely thrashed by the Rul- j Brllnliiitoii Wednesday, where Mr. Han f,.'.rlan In five uas. Mira.le I eycr.d , ren will visit hla daughter, Mra. Koch, belle', thev stood in the sec ind war day '. " '"' davs. while Miss Hansen will , fo day, and regiment for regiment, a-jainst the Bulgarians. From every point of view this wos " hateful to Austria. It meant that tlio door on the south was shut tiht and , guarded by an able bulldog. Much more, It meant what the Tlusso-Japunese war of Fremont fiiiulay. Mr. and Mm. Jo! Ulel k were Omaha 1905 maant to the empire of on- ! Msltois f-aturday. couraged all the men of the SImv rare' Mr. and Mrs. Huckman were Omaha , wherever they are. They are scattered I xl',or8 "'""''"V- through every European country east of j 0 -r "trldav ,tr"' , SwIUerland and Ituly. The ItiiPFians are I AIf eii w,nm8 anA nar(.nc.e Pamp Slavs; so aro the Poles of Russia, Prim- I went to Rennlngton Sunday. sia and Austria; tho Wends of Prussia, j Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Brewster went to the Bohemians, Moravians, Slovaks. Rn- Lincoln to the fair on Wednesday. thenlans. Slovenes, Servians and Croa- Mrs. Wagner of Rlair spent the first tlans of Auatria-Hunaarv. The neoole I"""1 "t the week with Mrs. Vestal. of the Klav race within the honmlarl... . Mra. McMaisters of Omaha visited with of Austria-Hungary are about 24.000,0:0, i Including 4.000.000 Ruthehlans and 2,000,000 Bosnians, which Is one-half the popula- James Johnson and family have moved to Wayne. Neb., where Mr. Johnson has accepted a position with the Standard Oil company. School opened Monday with a total at tendance of 347. The high achool of ninety-nine pupils Is the largest In the history of the school. Mrs. W. A. Pa vis entertained one day this week In honor of her niece. Miss Ellen Da via of Venango, Neb. Flxteen ' ' j young ladles were present. Irrlnarton. j A mbek Labor day parade was held here Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pe'.n were Florence Mjnday afternoon. Tht paraders had a isitoi-f .-'i.nrfay. j hi ass band and carried banners with hu- .Mr. ard .I!m. Nels Rajmiissen went to I mi i"'S Inscriptions on them. The funeral of the IS-months-nld son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Router living west of town was held Thursday afternoon ' unl.-.fiiflW i sl , m A Stylish Hat Sh owing grace and good taste in every line is bound to be admired and will prove doubly satisfac tory. Present day style, at tractive colors and fine mater ials are always found at this popular store $2-$2.50-$3 Stetsons, $3.50, $5, $7.50, $10 and $12. When the Boy Needs Clothes, Bring Him Here You can't do better you may do worse. Our boys' clothes are made of strong durable fabrics, double sewed and double strength all round. Trousers lined throughout. Suit built specially for ftyle and for duty. All the new cuts and features $2.50, $3.50, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $10 Cap Special 50c. Fall Caps. . 25c Shirts, Waists, Underwear, Hosiery. ilk miWi 1 fei .;1r..A ttHX.M WWml : I J&w m OUR I'M D mm e y0P W tS ; E A R XV ask men with tindorwear troubles to come here. We can fit them correctly, for we have all proportions and sires and all the befit makes Sl.CO. 81.50 and S2.00 New Kail Manhattan Shirts 1.50. S2.00. S2.50. S3. Ight weight Kloves 81.00. 81.50. iBSB visit her hrotlicr at Tllden. tlon of the empire, and five times as many as all the Slavs In Horvla. Where the Wonder Lies. Mrs. Powell a few flays this week. Mrs. Sutton of Ulair vli'ted Sirs Spring Monday and Tueuday. Sidney Meachem and Mrs. A. Meachem of Omaha vis't&l at tlio LpIii home Pun day. M lanes Amy and Vloln Hazard visited After all the wonder to not that Aus- j i Kc,u,uici .r.enas trla is ready to strike, but that the na- J rnk ,llbb,,r and r.P,aon. ,rk Hib. tlon has watted so long. Last year It ! hard, went to Uncoln Monday,' returning was clear In various parts of Austria- I Wednesday. Hungary that the calling out and main- ' Mlsn Minnie Phalan returned lit week i at the Congregational church Kenjamin Heflbaugh, an automobile miinufacturer of Port Richmond. Sttteu Island, N. Y., Is here making arrange ments for his mother to more back to New Tork with him. Atom, The schools opened here this week with a good attendance. John M. Bueeh made a business trip to Louisville Saturday. George Trook was visiting relatives near Auburn over Sunday. J. T. Brendel of Murray was visiting relatives here Tuesday. Chris Nultman and family. Kdward Schuti and wife, and Harry Klilera and wife and Klla Meyers made un a party that motored ta the state fisheries at Fouth Bend Sunday. tieorge Malcolm has gone to Colorado for a visit with his parents. W. )t. Ireland slid family of Berlin were here fiundsy visiting mennw. tni. Mevers. of Nebraska City, ws iting relatives here this week. WIIMam .steinhoff ami family have re turned from, a visit to Wisconsin. Francis Strauh has left for Atchison, Kan., where he will attend school. John McBride of Omaha was looking ufter business mstters here Friday. mi., nhviii. Htr.nK left Saturday lor Omaha, where she will attend school. j Mrs. Klla B. Iwlon was flown rrom Weeping Water several days this week. Miss Stella Opp has left for Columbus, where she will teach In the schools thero. Mrs Margaret Behrns was visiting rel-j ntlves st Ininbar several days this week. Mlxs Laura Wltrkie left last week for Kochewter, Minn., where sho will attend j ciIk.ioI. J Civile OrBliam, who hns been railroading 'n )lilo and Pennsylvania, la here visiting j relatives. Miss Kda Kruse. of Millard, hns been lslt'riK at the home ol l)r. ivruae nerei this week,' Miss Julia Burkland. of Sutherland, Is Kpendlng the week with Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Kruse. Adolph Zlmmerer and sister, Miss Mary, were over from Nebraska City the first of the week. Charles Klntner and Marian Brown, of Corydun, Ind., were visiting relatives eaM of town this week. Nicholas Trook, Olady CJraham, Liiolla Opp nnd 5enevleve Mli kel are attending school at Weeping Water. Several Inches of rain has fallen here this week, which puts the ground in fine condition for fall wheat sowing. n it h vis- H 81 HI lm i iss ram "Twill iiviiEgit m mm git 2&m lssi C3i . . i t .u i ! from a. two weeks' visit ut Denver and c v.. M lib. ivi r iiuriii uiiu went I , . , , , -- i . , ...... .Colorado SprinLa. I of Servla was a terrible burden for the . . , . . 1 . I A surprise partv was Riven tu honor country. It cost more than JIUO.OOO.OOO ! of JtKm.. Johnson Saturday evening. Over j extra In cash; It stopped great Indubtrles; I t'li'ty were present. ! It checked building; all those sacrifices were made without getting a single square mile of territory out of the breakup of the Turkish power In- the Bal kans. On the contrary the effect of the war has been to loosen the hold of Aus tria, on Bosnia and Herzegovina, which have been tightly clasped ever since 1878. Most of the 2.900.000 Bosnians are Slavs, and It is intolerable in Austria that right alongside them should be growing up the thriving little Independent kingdom of Kervlu. Albert Bushnell Hart, Professor of Government in Harvard University, In the New York Times. WAS PROUD OF HIS SHAME , Ma that ta Rash for Lifeboat r Boasts of Art When lie Finds Record la Print. r Tou have read of the men of the Vol- turno who rushed the boats and were ' knocked down by the captain. "What be- . comes of such men in after days? Do they hide in shame from their fellows, fearful that they may be recognized and their Infamy proclaimed? A public librarian once told ma of a man who came to him for a book on not- ' . able shipwrecks. He searched the pages eagerly, then pointed out a passage re- ferrlng to a seaman who tried to take a Z wonian'a place in a lifeboat, and had been shot by the captain. "I'm that man," he . declared, proud that his exploit should appear In print, and offered to show the shot wound tu support his claim! London Chronicle. Over fifty young people attended the Christian Kndeavor social at tho loln home Friday evening. Mrs. KIHb and daughter, Glsy, Mrs. ! Mahr of Omaha and Miss Kose Ander-i son, were entertained at the Kd phulan . home Saturday. j Springfield. Peter Chapman of Boulder. Colo., Is ' here visiting his parents. i W. H. Burbank of Fllley spent Sunday i at the home of Fred Bull. . N. J. Christlanson left Wednesday for . South Dakota on business. J. C. Miller left Thursday for an ex tended trip through the west. Kev. Fagan will attend the Methodist conference at Fremont next week. T. J. Flegenbaum of Western visited hla brother, Henry, here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Branson visited relatives here thd fore part of the week. The Springfield school opened Monday Men in Every Walk ol Life Walk in Our Shoes , Ml V. 1 11 I'omiort ana service are two tmngrf u von aroi alwavs sure of when VOU JStM-k'S- buy your shoes here and the style J&fi and. price are always 111UI i3 WW Business men, professional men and working n'on continue to buy their shoes here year after year. The prices vary, but the satisfaction is always there, no matter whether you pay $3.00 or $5.00. You can't buy BETTER shoes anywhere. F"-SHO&CQ 16X3 & DOUGLAS. . i a aa The Boont of autumn is in the air and yet the temperature reminds that summer lin gers. Merchandise for both should be in demand, anJ below we mention appealing itfins both to the economically inclined, who would pi ofit by price reductions and to the "forwurd lookers," who would be ready with appropriate apparel for the fast coming foe. . WOR0EWS SUITS Arc piovidcd in abundance; never, it seems to the writer, lias elegance been so united with ctv-nomy as in our collection of Suits now nearly complete. The tailored touch this season is cry welcome after these seasons of looseness (one niitrht be pardoned for say ing sloppiness). Assortment is now at practically maximum. We will have more suits, yes but at the rate they are going, our stock will not remain. We therefore recommend prompt selection. Priced $'20 to $100. Hew Basque Dresses Of satin and satin combined with serge. Many tasty numbers. Secure them early. Now for an offer .of all-year-round garments: An Autumn Waist Sale Arranged for Saturday. See our west win dow a slight representation of handsome filmy blouses. Just now it's better. form to say blouses but we've always called them waists. LOT 3 Exquisite styles and airy materials. Bilks, chiffon laces, splendid models, sold up to $16. 83.08 Be Y mm Vmm Ceaaaaapt loa T e lr, Kings New Discovery will help t cur your rough or oold, no matter hour rhroiilo It la. Try It today. 6Uc and II. Jill druflsts. Advertisement there In the spiinK. Bert Dill departed last Tu-eday for "hi cago to take treatment for a canceruUJ growth on his face. ; P. I Rolfe and wife, who were local j managero of the telephone exchange, have moved to Iowa. j The Sunday school convention for the j western district of Sarpy county was held at flatteford last Sunday. Garfield Smith and family arrived from M'SHimrl luat week and will make this vicinity their future home. I .Mr. and Mra. John Mlllrr arrived here . from ('l)rry county Wednesday and are ' I visiting Frank Cumte's family. Mrs. John Flanagan, who lists ben vis- I Iting here several weeks, left Wednesday for her home In Thermopolis, Wyo. Mrs. Klmer Rice and Mr. John Eer; were married at the home of 1 A. Bishop In Orchsrd. Neb., lata Tuvsday evening. Mr. and Mra. John Olade. from Ponta- 4 ' B LACE CURTAIN SALE On Monday morning, September 14th, we are placing on sale some $J0,000 worth of Scrim and Net Curtains. This is a purchase made by us early in the Summer nnd just received. Exceptional valus will prevail in this sale. See our windows Friday and Saturday. Come Mon day morning while the assortment s complete. BEATON & LAIER CO. 411-41T to. lSta. Street. IiOT 1 Lingerie waistg, dainty J jCYT 2 Handsome effects In net sheer fabrics and trims, sold up chiffon and lingerie, soft lace to 2-5 81.20 I trims, gold up to $7.50.. $2.49 SILK PETTICOATS A splendid showing of the now popular Silk Jerseys. We've pride in the value we offer at $5. Petticoats are better than ever this season. AN ANNUAL AUTUMN EVEPJT Our Hale Of fhildrfrTg and Junior Coat at thla season, Just when they are ao nice for the cool nights and early raw days. We clean up all light weight wool coatB. The sizes are 4 years, 6 yeara, 8 years, 10 yearn. J 2 years. 14 years. 15 years, 17 years. The colors are varied reds navies, whites and many mix tures, fhe prices range from $5.00 to $15.00. Saturday at 10 a. m none before. Children'a Coats 2 prices. $1.08 $3.08 "'h. Children's aud Juniors' Cotton Dreaees, gold up to 2.50, $1.00 each. frlcrf s Section Heady with new Shirts with the "Kil- patrick" label Don't make the mistake of buying labels. New Neckwear, new Under wear and another new feature RAINCOATS and BALMACCANS for men. No extreme clothing profits on these. If you have no reluctance to buying a coat in a drygoodi store, you can save money by doing ao. Our great HeptemtM'r Iilanket Kale is still a feuture. Home In terest In being felt lu the voluran of business this season. Is the war in Europe to affect our business hire? As answer we are glad to state that our Bed ding sale the first week exceeded 1913 to 50 per cent Saturday Offerings Hotel Sheets, 81x99 inches ;.G9c Rugby Sheets, 81x90 inches 70c Century Sheets, 81x99 inches 80c Cast Iron Sheets, 81x99 inches 98c $2.00 Comforts 91.69 $2.75 Comforts $2.49 $3.03 Comforts ' 82.69 $6.00 Wool Blankets $5.00 $6.50 Wool Blankets $5.75 $7.50 Wool Blankets $6.75 f.' . i i . , L V i I EVERYBODY READS BEE WANT ADS