aJSS? Zt?10?? NU,RSES STARTING ON THEIR ERRAND OF MFRCY A group of American Red Cross f.: ho departed this week for Havre, France, to do crvice in the European war. The youn? women arc wearing a fr3' 9rr hund"d d fifty of them, with thirty surgeons, sailed for the front. The entire number will oe divided ino ten units, several of which wiU be dispatched to accompany the troops of each of the warring nations.. - x - .V- ;T t. GERMANS ON RUN; . CENTER AND RIGHT WING FALL BACK . (Continued from Fe On.) th meantlmo liif AnRlvKrnoi forron hlch had bcpn oprrtln to tlio mmtli of- th Marne hnv nul ceanpd to pirne th?lr ofTonKlvr. f'tartlng omr nf them from th dlntrlrt muh of the fort of Clry and thcra rom the region nmth f Provlna and aoutli o Katrrnay thry t.p.'nl out from th Stamp on tho loft, th army of Grnrral Von Klurk an wrll a th army of 0nial Von UuHuw fall ln bark belora our troopa. It la In th realon Inrludrd hrtwrrn the flatu north vt Brxanne and Vltry-I. Franrola that ttie mom dcapprato flght !nj occurred. In tlila rrirlon thrre have httn oporatlrn bel(ica the left wing of General Von Beulow, tho army of Hanony nd part of tba army commanded by the prlnro of Wurtemburg. The Germane have tried to break our i . y mprnicii alii violent attHcka, Our aucceaa on the plateau to the north of . Peianne .enabled u In our turn to take the ofrn(ve and in the coiiny. b( . laat nlahf tbe nmnv at -irA fUt t.X .... the front between the inarah of Ht. (Joqdt. . ana rommenne diatrh t and fell back In the region of went Vltry-Le-Frar.cole. Ne tirenl t'kaage, "On the drnaln river, an between the Argonne foreat; andi the river Meuae, .where the arm lea of the prince of Wur temberg and the crown prince of Uer. many were operating, fighting waa atlll going on with alternate advance and re tPfala. but without any great change In the altuatlon. . . ...... . . . . . . iwua mi iri pnraae or tne cattle or the Mars la turning out In favor or the allied arnilea, alnce the German right wing and center at preaent are In re treat. On our right, the altUHtlon re tnntna wlfhnut ni .l.u k t . i. - Voairea and around Nancy, which the German have tried to bombard with eome long range guna. "The general altuatlon hn thu been rrmpletely tranaformod during the laat two daya. both from strategic and tacti cal polnta of view. Not only have our troopa atopped th German niarvh. which they thought waa a vlctorlona one. but th enemy haa fallen back before ua it nearly every point." Cavalry Charge , of British Ends in. Grave Disaster LONDON. Sept. ll.-The Rouen corre pondent of. the Daily Mall ei-nda a plc tureaque etory of a great cavalry charge at Thuin, a town In Belgium, near Pharlerol. and the aubaequent retreat to I'omplegne. ' The atory follow: '"On Monday morning, August U. after chafing at the long delay, the Second firltlah cavalry brigade let loose at the enemy guna. The Ninth Lancer went Into action singing and ahoutlng like echoed boy. 'Tor a tlnxt all aeemcd well, few sad dle were emptied, and the 1-ancera had charged almot within reach of the enemy' guna, when suddenly th Ger man opened a murderoua fire from at least twenty concealed machine guna at a range of lfc) yards. "The result waa shattering, and the lancer caught the full force of the storm. Vlcomt Vauvlneaux, a Trench cavalry officer, who rode with the brigade aa In. terpreter. waa killed remain in.. who waa the French matter of a a-hool J in ivon. waa riding by the side of Vau vlneux and had a narrow eacape, aa his horse waa ahot under Iilin. Other offl cera alao fell. "While the bulk cf the brigade awerved to th right, the others held on and rode full tilt Into wlr entanglement burled la th grasa thirty yarda In front of the machine guna and wire made prisoners. Three reglmtnta of the best cavalry In the British army went Into the charge and suffered aeverely. The Eighteenth hussars and Focrth dragoons also Buf fered, but not to th same extent as the other. "A happy feature of the charge waa th gallant condurt cf Captain Grenfelt. who though twice wounded, railed for volunteera and saved the guna. It la said that he ha been recommended for th Victoria cross. After tnls terrible ordeal Uie British brlgsde wes hairaased for fourteen daya of retreat. tl. enemy giving them no rest, neither day or nlxht. At J o'clock each morning they were roused by artillery fire, and every day they fought a retiring y-'tioa.'. pursued relentlessly by the guns." ' . 19- V. W -t -r .. i n i 1 : German Fleet Invades Gulf of Bothnia and Sinks Ship HE RUN. Hept. 11. -(Via Copenhagen and Ixindon.l The Jorman fleet Ik nctlve In the Ualtla. It la reported to have In vaded even the Oulf of Hothlna. where It captured and aunk a Kunelan merchant rteamer, the t'leabora. Thla vemel waa In Flnnlnli watera, In other word., behind the barrier formed by the Aland lalanda. which haa been connldereil ImpanHlble for the eea forrre of Uermany. Rescue of the Crew of Oceanic Full of the Greatest Peril DOXDON. Bept. ll.-Csptaln Armour of the Aberdren trawier Glenovll told the following story of his rescue of the crew of tho While Star liner Oceanic to the Aberdeen correspondent of tho Central Newa. ; "It Wall twisty and very dark'! Tueaday morning off the north coast of Scotland hn our altentloit was arrestee!, on our' nomeward Way by signals of dlstrer In tne direction of the coast. "After a - leng and hard tuesle -.we brought ourselves alongside. Holies and udders were ' lowered over the. aide of the liner down which the crew scrambled and tumbled to the deck of our boat. "In a abort time practically every available- Inch of our space waa occupied by men from the big boat. We got too of them and then steamed off we could hold no more and emptied them on - a larger steamer which waa atandlng off in the distance, unable to get any--nearer without Itself running on the rock of thla dangeroua coaat. . "After transferring our human freight we returned quickly, but cautiously and took oft the remainder, who were simi larly transferred to the boat In the offing. "The rescue waa attended with great risk on account of the heavy aea and dnrknesa and the dangerous rock all bout. The captain of th Oceanic was th last to leave hi ship. He paid ua a nun compliment and thanked ua warmly.". BELGIAN TOWN BOMBARDED HALF AN HOUR BY GERMANS ANTWERP, Sept 11. -(Via London.) It Is officially announced here today that the town of Waereghem. In the Belgian province of West Flanders, waa bom barded by the Germans yesterday for thirty mlnutea. There were no casualties and only a few houses were destroyed by the German fire. Mrm. rarmaa Collapse. MINKOI.A. N Y., Hept. ll.-alre. Flor ence Carman. Indicted yeetnrday by the grand tury on a charse of murder In th first rierrce for the killing of Mrs I.oulm PSnllev waa tortnv under the care' of the N nsi.su county tall ohvelelan. Mra. I'arman. collapsed last night soon after being ldekcd up. German Army Officer Describes the Sensation of Ordering a Man Shot lAlNPOX, Sept. t-One of th most vi vid accounts of an tplsode of war tomea from the U.kal AnzeWer of August l' It Is a letter I rum Paul Dakar lloecker, a Berlin playwright, now serving aa rap tain of the reserve, tlta play. "A Nation In Armi." Is being given st the Berlin opera house. He describes a mission on which h was dispatched to search for arm In HclKlan vlllaiea In which shots had bn fired by civilians on German troopa. His Instructions wer to summon th villag ers to deliver up their arms snd those In whose possession arms were found af ter they declared that they had none, were to be Instantly shot. Describing a visit to Jungbusrh. he says that at one house wer found an old man, a woman and a girl of IS. 'Then a terrible thing happened. A sergeant and a private dragged a young fellow out of the house. They had found him hiding among the straw In the loft. He had In his hand a Belclan rifle loaded with five eartrldgea. From the opening of the roof he may have aimed at man a honest Chrtnan. The youth had to put his hands up. Stammering and deadly (ale. he slanda there.. " "Who la thl 'uth?' I ask the eld man. Aa If struck by lightning they all thre fell on "their knee' walling Th ..... r ... ' i - I V J x : TtT '' ( w ' j :..' . i. . I I . 7 , .1 ! i 1 t J i A German' torpedo boat atopped the rieaboia- and took off the crew and fifty four paeeenrem Including thirty-five Kngllithinen. It then opened fire oil the ateamer, which aank In five mlnutea. The paaarngcra and crew were brought to a German fort, where eitlecna of hoaille countriea are being Interned aa prisoner of war. Polish Miners Put High Explosives in German Coal LONDON. Bcpt. 11. -neuter s Telegram ccmpsny ha a dlapatch from Its corre spondent at Petrograd. which aaya that after the recent fighting with the Auatrlan left wing, the entmy'e rear fled In auch panic that regiments became Inextricably mixed and. blocked tho road and- bridges. Those furthest behind ' resorted to the strength of (heir arms to to ere their way through the men ahead of them. The roads were littered with overturned cars and the harness, of the transport, the horses evidently having been used a hiounts by the men In retreat Many Russian honpltala, the correspond ent continues, today harbor more Austrian wounded than Ruaalan. A correapondent of the Bourse Gasette. the Ueiiter man rontlnuea, recounta that at Bendxlnvln. Russian Poland, the Ger man compelled some Polish miners to load the coal trucka of their trains. The miners did so, but concealed high ex plosive In the fuel. The results were appalling. Mt la aald that one military train waa destroyed, and that an ammu nition factory waa wrecked. fossacka are credited with having wrecked a German armored train carry ing quirk firing guna. at a point north west of Chenatokoff. A amall detachment of Coasack fired at the train, while a big- force remained In tlie rear. The Ger mans backed the train up. and It was de railed by the Cossacks behind It The cars rolled down an embankment and the Coaaaeka then attaoked the intmv with their sword. Th German were an nihilated, the correapondent of the Bourse Gasette declares, and th Cossacks cap tured the guna. STEAMER BETHANIA TOWED INTO HARBOR AS PRIZE LONDON. Sept. ll.-A dispatch received her from Kingston. Jamaica, ay that th Hamburg-American line ateamar Bethanla ha been towed Into the harbor there aa a prise by a Hrltlah cruiser. It haa on hoard 400 Germans, who hav been taken prisoner. The Bethanla left Genoa July It and Tenerlffe August J, for the west coast of. South America. It Is a Steamer of 4.M7 tons. woman groaned. 'He 1 my son. For God s sake you are not going to kill htmr and th little girl aobbed aa If her heart would break. Th prisoner tried to escap. but mas put up against the wall by the men. "I had to picture to myself by force the Gorman patrols riding through the night with the bullet of treachsroua sniper whistling round their helmets and think of the tall figures and bright eyea of our good German fellows In order tt master my nerves In face of thl sorrow and fulfill my orders. ' H has to b shot. Thres men! .Ready!' "Th three men commanded, who were fathers of families, twp from Berlin and one a farmer, did not turn a hair. Thla Is a just business. We had got a ruffian who merited no compassion. The veiley rang out. Th trembling body collapse J to th ground and did not move again. Three tiny hole wer visible In th blue blouse. The boy's eyea are closed Ilia face haa not changed It expression. Death by our rifle la painless. " 'W ought to burn th old man's house over his bead said on of my men. " 'Quick msreh." I ordered. "The three peasants are still kneeling on the ground; .th corps lie up against th wall." THK HEfc: OMAHA. KAli.KDAY. NM 1 h.Vi.'uU. i i:U. 4 n , , j i v 3 r "" f . ; f f m it j, ' v 1 ' - If1 A' if - Servians Crossing River Into Hungary NISII, Se.rvla (Via London V-Sept. 10 An official communication Issued here to day declares that large numbers of Ser vian troops crossed th river Rave, which marks the boundary between Bervla and Hungary from Belgrade to the Bosnian frontier.- between September a and Sep tember 6 and are advancing' satisfactorily Into the cnemy'a territory. One detach ment, while attempting to cross the Pave, encountered strong resistance from a much superior force and wss compelled to retire. Part of this detachment was captured, together with a small amount of war material. Near Belgrade another small detach ment crossed the Rave Into the enemy's territory. Bervlan and Montenegrin armies, the' re port continues, have taken Focha, In Bos nls, and have thrown back the enemy to the loft bank of the Drlna. The attempt of the enemy to cross the Drlna near Its confluence with the Save fulled, the Austrian suffering; heavy losses. I Austrian Offer of v . Money is. Refused LONDON. Sept. It. The Auatrlan government heei offered to remit , money for the payment of the coupons of th Hungarian loan of 1914. but as this would Involve a trananrtlon with hostile govern ment, the Ixindim flr'n of Rothschilds hav declined to accept th offer. CROWN PRINCF. TAKES STAND AT FORTS WEST OF VERDUN LONDON. Bopt. 11. -Telegraphing from Copenhagen the correspondent of Heu ter's rays dispatches raoelved there from Berlin, unnounc-e the weneral headquar ters of llie'Uerman cr.wn prince hav been established In a fortified poaltlon to Hi westward uf Verdun- Part of th crown prltice'a army has Attacked forts south of Verdun, which sine yesterday hav been bombarded by havy artillery by the Gcrmana. An Instantaneous x Wrinkle Remover The sverase woman la always suruHsed to learn, utter experimenting wath all aorta of patent so-called "wrinkle sa-raov-ers, that the moat effective remedy In the world I a lmpl face wash wvhlch she can make herself at home In a JWy. fhe haa only to get an ounce of pmire powdeied sajtollte from her nearest drtg Ut snd dissolve It In half a pint f witch haael. Apply thla refreshing aolit tlon to the face every day for awhile The result is cnarmlng marvelous. Even aner me very rirst treatment the wrinkles show lens plainly and the face haa a nice, firm, comfortable feeling that la thorough ly delightful and lenda self-confidence in ones appearance. Thla harmless home remedy Is used by thousands of women to obliterate the unwelcome tiacea of time. Advcrtloement. AUDITORIUM, Six Sets Scenery eTrhsili.i'Taa! For Seat Five Vaudeville Acts -- Eleven Parts Don't wait for announcement of completion of our alterations Our Ptorr service goes on unintcrniitodly ami our good oothes are cr'MTicr out in trrontor volume than over before. Alterations coining along as well a. eoukl be exacted, but why wait! You'll want to wear our el.'-tlies now and you'll want to visit our store again and again when enlarged quarters are ready. Step in and have a look at the really Authentic Fall Fashions for women and misses Here is the Our Women's and Mlssc-V Kail Shoes at $3 proclaim a nevt rrn in Shop value. I hay the name quality of ma terial, the boat, for tMe in my eat ing place aa I tine in my home. No matter what you pay elsewhere you nre not getting better, ami (teldont an good food as you will get at The Pure Food Sign. . Quickserv Cafeteria Uaaement City Natl Bank Bldg. . Or Boston Lunchea. 210 South 16th 8k . 1400 lKugla BU 1408 Fartiam St. . PRKVrflT m HAIR BALSAM 4 CT sad StUflM th hats rnww a . ltuvUnt crawtta. Kale to lu Yomthftel ee yans to IIMUrt Qrl veioe. rrsfrnts Dir raillne'. Wr. nni1 ST 00 at Or silt. ASICMEMKNTS.. brandeis sas-wa NEARLY MARRIED webbte yrto Wat, sbo-II. Tnlnc a6o.ai.50. 3 Bay. Bspt. 14-16 Mats. Tus k Wsd. Bpeelal tnrn Bruragemant ANNETTE KELLERMANN Za "trzrrvwE'a siuoaTic." "OMAJTA'8 FTTH CEKT1S" .KMfZf BTgs, lo-fl6-50-750 LAST TIMES TODAY CHARLIE ROBINSON 0iLCifBQtTB CARXATION BEAUTIES i,Dixa' Dm mat. trasx date Tomorrow & week: "Th H.uuO.uuO Dolls " Advanced Vaudeville OTTXTAZsT TOmQaXT 8:10 Prices: Gallery, 10c; Beat Seats, SK-50.7RC HIPP When Eisrybodr 6oes ,15th and Harney Sts. Tront 10 A, aC. to 11. r. M. Saturday and Baaday,' Bsptember lfl-13, "ALONE IN NEW YORK" Bat.MMt aftaxts at 10.. ll:tO. H:40. 8:00, J:9t'. 4:40. .0O. 7:15, 8:30, B:4S Sharp. It S3l3 jo YLE ale Announcement- Watch Newspapers Stylish Yet Moderately Priced Millinery It's n velvet year you know and some of the most charming styles imaginable have teen, originated. The best of them nre here, of course, j Styles for Women, $5.00 to $18.00. ' Style for Misses, $1.25 to $7.50. High School Girl's own store; here she finds styles unquestionably Girlish. OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. America's Favorite Beverage Anlieuscr SvapAnthingintheSvvappersvCo!uiiin.'v AMISKMKIMTS. V444444444444444444S Get Your Ticket Saturday! Memberships in the Redpath Entertainment Series for Omaha will be placed on sale Saturday at $1.00 each: As the number is limited, da not -wait. If your church is not handling them, you can get membership tickets at Brandeis picture department, main down town ticket office. You must have a season membership in order to see the following big attractions at prices of 10c to 40e for seat reservations. - Schumann-Heink. 4 Opie Reed. Montaville Flowers. Bohumir Kryl. Duirgan Opera Co. Weatherwax Bros. Never before has such been offered for the money. 44444444444$ September U: SHOW SBSW t IJenson & 'llionie Fashions are "last min ute" fashions. The makers of our garments were engaged up to the sound of the first gun, in producing at first hand a wealth of Pari sian style themes. We're really in an enviable position on the style question, and wonieu would do well to see our showing before mak ing selections. Stylish Suits at $17.50 to $75.00. Dresses at $7.50 to $45 00. Fall Coats at $12.50 to $95.03. Some very un- 0 common Hats ior.smau gms, $1.00 and Up - Basch Company of Nebraska UMAHA Rosenfeld Liquor Conpany Counca Bluffs, Iowa DISTRIBUTORS Family Trade Supplied by G. H. Hansen, Dealer Phone Doug. 2506 AMlHEMEXTJ, 4 Q Ben Greet Players. . Senator F. J. Cannon. Senator Owen. Alton Packard. Marcus Kellerman. Cathedral Choir. Q a series of entertainments 22, 24 $75,000 Production. 40 People Six Style Acts L iS