16 TMK BKK: OMAHA. KATTRDAY, NKITKMP.KK 1l I'M 4. GERMANS FORCED TO YIELD GROUND Hare Been Forced Back by Alliei Nearly Torty Mile Since Beginning of Battle. RIGHT WIffG IS HURLED BACK I. la ! ribtln F.im trnm Jlear Purl" Far mcy, rime to tke I.nrralne. Itorrter PAnif. fpt. II.-The fnir;.i .Isy of the a'jrsntlc buttle to thr rsst t Paris. vhWh I axpected to Isst two weeks snd to de eld the prellmlnsry staire of the areat war. finds tha left win of the allied armlet vigorously p"hln; bs'-k th er iran rUrnt win. which mad such rapid advanca southward from the Belgian fron tier. Tha allies are wM t har forced their adversaries bai k marly forty miles north eastward since the bcRlnnlna of thj con test. The. hard etruRRlc between the enormous mim of troop extends from near Turin ' aa far as Nancy, close to the Lorraine hordrr. An action l proceeding- with the utmost violence In the neighborhood of Millly and Vltry-le-Francola, but It l very hot also In the renter, where both tddes nre hotdlns; their positions Willi the grestesi tenacity. Official slemenl. The following offli-lal coinni.inlistlon wan Issued toninht: "On the left win tlie Hrlt'sh and French troopa hate crossed the Manic be tween I Ferte-Sotia-Junarre, Charly and Chateau Thierry, piirmiln the ntny who la In retreat. During the eoi:rsn of tha advance the British forcea took a number of prisoners and captured mitrail leuses. "During the four daya' battle, the allied rmlea have In that section of the theater ef operations trained more than sixty kilo meters (thirty-seven mllest. "Between Chateau Thierry and Vltry-le-Franeola the Prussian guard hea been thrown back. 'The action continues with great ae verlty In the region between C'amrf ! Mailly and Vitry-le-Francola. "In the center and on the right wing there la no change In the altuatlon. "On the Ornnaln and in the Argonne district the two opposing forcea are main taining their positions. In the region of Nancy the enemy haa made alight prog ress on the Chateau Pallnea road. "On the other hand, we have gained ground In the foreat of Champrnoux. "The losses have been considerable on both aide, but the morale and health of our troopa remain excellent. "There la no confirmation of tha newa publlahed In the Oerman newapaprra of the fall cf Maubeuge." Ak-Sar-Bcn to Get Wide Publicity Some m newspapers In seven atatea ara noa t Tarry extensive artlclea concern mg Ak-8r Ben. E. V. Farrlsh, manner or tbc publicity bureau, has prepared eeferaj artkrlra on Ak-Sar-Bca, Ita tecord during Uiia and previous yaara, and a number f other articles on Omaha, and Its oomnerclal activities. Already ha haa erOera for these artlclea from TJt tie apajwre, with Iowa atlll out. The SO ptMer front which orders have been re oenea" ara In Nebraska, Kansas. Colo rado. Idaho, Wyoming and Missouri. The word to Iowa went out later, and aa a consequence tha order from paper In that stale have not yet coma In. RABBI AND MRS. MERRITT ARRIVE AT NEW YORK CITY Jesse Merritt of the Merrltt pharmacy has heard by wire from New Tork that bis brother. Rabbi Max J. Merrltt of Ktansvllle, Ind., has landed there safely with his bride, after a honeymoon in Ku rope, made tempestuous by the war altu atlon. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mer rltt, will go to Chicago to meet and visit with tho returning tourists. Mlsa Ethel F-vans. Bister of Mrs. 'A. T. Undsay.. la thought to have landed at New York from th itin,ahi vr ..- video, which has Just docked. MIhs Kvans la an artist and haa been abroad two ear, moat of the time In Paris. Kho had to. leave all her valuable paintings there, and they may be lost. RYDER GOES TO INSPECT . ,v THE CITY MANAGER PLAN Commissioner J. J. Ryder haa gone on a tour of several cltiea to Inspect the cltv manager plan of municipal government. He will visit Dayton. Springfield and Co lumbua, O.; Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, lnd.; Detroit and Grand Raplda. Mich. 'He will also look Into the methods of garbage disposal, particularly the Incin erator plan and street cleaning systems. Aa a result of his Investigations, he will submit a reort to the League of Amerl can Municipalities, of which he Is the national president, at Its convention In Milwaukee, continuing from Seutember 3 to October J. ln fact, he is making the trtp for thla purpose. ERNEST BROWN HELD FOR FEDERAL GRAND JURY Because he sent opium through the malls and was caught at It, Krnesl Brown, colored, who saps he Uvea at Denver, la In Jail awaiting the action of the federal grand Jury. It la alleged that Brown mailed a package of opium fr.un Denver, addressing it to himself here. Tha opium arrived at the Omaha office several days ago. but Brn did nut put la an appearance until Thursday night. BOARD IS TO SELECT A PRINTING INSTRUCTOR Members of the teachers' committee of the Board of Kducatlon ill meet tonight tu select a printer to have charge of Hit Kort school paper and lo auperintend the Instruction in printing at that special In stitution for boys. Five appllcanta have asked for the Job. among them being Laurie J. Wilnby. The posttioa wi; pay i:s or $39 a week. mmKMl la llellaad. WASHINilTOX, ept. II. The Herman embassy's w 'releaa dispalchea from Berlin today contained this etalement: 'The action of the Frem h and Finland in holding up neutral Holland steamers, taking; off American and other neutral mall la causing rising resentment to Holland." General Lcman Writes Belgian King of Destruction of Fort Loncin l.NtN. Pept II leneral lyman. tlie !-lul(tn commander ho gained fame for hlmadf by ht rt- fenso of the l.lrre forts. i where lie nindf a prisoner, sent the following- letter to King Albert of Me I rliim, according to an Amsterdam dla j pst. h to the Central Nees: "Afier the honorable riiBsgoment of AiiciisI t. 5 and I consider that the I. lege forts could only plsy the role of srrete iiriliihv nrrcM or stoppage!. I nevertheless mMtitiiliied the military gov ernment In order to co-ordinate and ex errldr a moral Influence on the garrison. "Your majesty Is not Ignorant that' I was at Fort l-oneln on August at noon. on will learn with grief that the fort was Mown up yesterday at S;20 In the afternoon, the gr"atest part of the gar rison being burled under the ruins. That I ,d not loan my life In that eatastrAph'? Is due to my esiorl. ho nrew me from WOMAN LEADS TO GERMANS' CAPTURE Direct! French Troop, in Taking Thirty of Kaiser'i Army Found Asleep in Barn. TEUTON LINE IS HARRASSED ! Parisian Taper lela !Hch Knrosjr- ged aa lo the fleaalta reom pllaNed h Alllea Over the Cnemy'a Left. VAHI.1. fept. 11. iniilne the third day'B fighting In the battle on tne Marne a detachment of the Krencn, hl-h had chased the enemy out of a village, was hailed by an old woman, who led them to a barn where were atlll thirty Her mans, telling them to mako no nolae, aa they wore asleep, ' A man crept noiselessly Into the bam and found the (lei-mans sleeping ao soundly that It took half an hour and a tr-memloiia shaking to wake them. They had been harraaaed by the French and English and the evening before they had entered the barn, where all fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. The tone of comment In the morning nn Mill! of Our Stock of nn Fine Clothes Is Now Going On "XZOU may make your ad-: , vance , upon us from any direction you please, in your demand for good things to wear. Suits and Overcoats from these greatest of clothes mak-. ers are massed at the most strategic points. The only thing lacking is enemies; we haven't any; we're on a friendlv footing with every man in town, we believe. With such preparations for dressing you well, there s noth ing to prevent you from march inc into this store and takine 1 I possession, . at very I M 1 prices, ot everything you want. Sails and Overcoats at S18.00 (Id. Specially High Values at $25.00 to $40.00! A Full Army of Boys' Clothing We want every mother and boy in Omaha to see the review of our vast army of boys' suits and overcoats for fall and winter. The best makers and designers in America an assortment of styles, colorings and fabrics that leaves nothing to be desired. Quits or Overcoats $2.95 to $15.00. M a dl B 3TD. a stronghold whilst I waa being auffo (oled by gas. from explode powder. "I waa conveyed to a trenrh. where I foil. A Oerman captain gave me a drink and I waa made a prisoner' and taken to I A"ic. "I im rertaJn that I have shown eare Irssncfw In this letter, hut I am physleally shattered .y the explosion of Kort l-oncln. "In honor of our arms I hae. sur rendered neither the fortress nor the foils. "I deign to ask your pardon, sire. In Herman)-, here I am proceeding, my thoughts wllf be 'as thejr always have been of Belgium and the king. I would willingly have given my life the better to serve them, hut death waa not granted to me "(Plgned.) . I,KMAN. 'Xlmterant tlenrral." papers on the reeult of the four days' fiklitlng in the great battle of Cham pagne, Is one. r lively satisfaction. The successes, It Is admitted, do not mean that the battle haa oten won. but the gain of forty mile on the Herman left Increaaea the jeopardy of their line of communication and must cause. It la con sidered. demoralliatlon of the enemy's tired forces. tiermane Hclw Held Hark. Aa yet there la no Indication that the Herman army on the Ixirralne frontier will le able to get through to help the main force, aa last accounts reported Maubruege was atlll holding out, though several forta had been placed hora du combat. The fall of this place might have a great bearing on the result of the battle In opening a ready meana of com munication. Some rrltlca ssy that even If faubenge fall that route will not become available for at least two daya and the battle may be decided before It can be of any prac. tlral use, except as a way out In case of disaster. The latter contingency la not counted on as much aa It la hoped for by Farls, but the undoubted reverse of the Oerman left wing haa given the people here Im mense courage. Omaha real estate la tha best, Investment you coioU make. Read Thu Dee's ital eat ale columns. w reasonable a FIELD HOSPITAL SYSTEMJS CRUDE Red Crosi Worker Writei About German Methods in London Medical Journal. WOUNDED CARRIED ON CARTS fan 5lek Feel ea Itlark llread, Bacon and aasae and Vo Aahatliate for Iesser . atelj- Woanded. (Copyright. ir!4. by IVese I'uMlshlng Co.) LONThIN. fvpt. ll.-Speclal Cable gram to New York World and Omaha Bee J A wholly unfavorable report of the operation of the Herman field hospital system la given In the l-ancet by an as sistant t f. Osborne, who haa been In charge of the Red Cross detachment In llelgium alnre.the war began. "The Herman' transport for the wounded Is very poor Indeed," raya the writer. "Kxrept for four light ambulance wagons, about 2,6)0 wounded were taken out through Gemboux on Improvised farm carta, each cart with a little straw, carry ing about twelve men. We saw one wounded man taken from bed dressed In a full kit, with rifle slung, dragged along on foot to the station l.ere. "The only accommodations provided consisted of cattle trucks In which wooden benches, had been placed. On the erce left on the floor badly wounded were placed. The feeding of patients Is In charge of Herman orderllea and their total lack of discrimination Is frightful. "Black bread and H.rman aausage or fat bacon were provided every day and if a man was too 111 to eat such fare he went without. Fresh milk waa lmi osslble to be obtained, but our nurses managed to eecure condensed milk and weak cof fee for a few of the gravest cases. "We saw several operations In the big base hospital. The aurgeon washed hJs hanrfs most carefully, then touched a cigar which he smoked all the time. The Instrument were . carefully aterllced by boiling, then placed on a towel, which had been used for the Instruments for at lest twenty operations. "Anesthetics were seldom given and It must be said the fortitude of both the French and Germans waa remarkable." The Bee Want Ads Are the Best Business Boosters! kA I Heavy Receipts of Grain Result in Lower Quotations Heavy wheat receipts everywhere sold the grain market off 2 to II oente. the I'loee being near the low point of the day. At Omaha tha reeelpta were: Wheat, 114 cara; corn. 17 cars; oats, 7 cars. Omaha cash prices on wheel were II 04 to $1 0, aa against $1.10 to De cember waa way below yesterday, selling at $1.124 to $1.1, with May at II.WH to ll.ZPV Omaha corn waa Strang and compara tively prices were said to be above Chi cago. The sates) were made at to "5 cents, aa against 78 to 774 cents In Chicago. CIGAR THIEVES GIVEN VARIOUS SENTENCES Pleading guilty to dealing cigars from a Burlington boxcar and from the Par-mer-Olscn company, four prlsone ra In criminal court have been given Infle. terminate aentrncts of from one to ten years. They are Benton Hastings, Wil liam Duvls, Jamts McGrath and John Bremen. Claude K. Brown pleaded guilty to forging a check and cashing It at Hay den Brothers' store. He waa given a prison sentence of from one to twenty years by Judge English. HEARST ASKS CITY DADS TO JOIN PEACE MOVEMENT The "peace" editor of the Chicago Kx amlner has written a letter to the city council asking the commissioners to co operate In the International peace move ment started by William Randolph Hearst's newspapers. The letter says the presidenta of eeven Central American re publics have Joined the movement, as well as the governors of forty atatea and a large number of other dignitaries. The council will hear the letter read Monday at tha meeting of the committee of the whole. BILLY SUNDAY EXPECTS TO UMPIRE AT DENVER Billy Sunday, former athlete, but now evangelist with a propensity towsrd sat ing souls, has agreed to return to the, ball diamond once more and participate in an exhibition of the, national pastime. Sunday is to appear Monday at Denver, when the Sioux and the Bruins lock BlP(D)S horns In the last game of what Bear and I'.rave scribes are wont to call the crucial series. But Billy Is not to play, this time he Intends to umpire. At least he has agreed to umpire and the Brulna are ask ing that he be permitted tha privilege. MESSES I nw 8 and 6 $7.50 and t0 fancy trimmfd silk or "ergo dreFS- &A QC eg on sale PTea3 $12. SO medium weight Coats $7.50 $3.60 Children's ? QQ Coat 4 1 saO $5.00 Children's jo rvo Coats va.i70 $1.50 House dresnes, on pale ctiee 98c, 69c $1.00 Children's AQ. Dressea xOC $1.50 Waists, on CO sale OCC 20c Hose, on i f sale 1UC J. HEipliand Clothing Go. 3U-3IA X. Ifith St. CTE AGUE HELL PUuEPAEEGB Tho TJar in Europe Still Rages The prices of merchandise have been f;0"1 higher and higher but our prices remain, so far as possible, unchanged. Our warehouses are loaded with goods that we are going to sell to you at before war prices. i -n rasa THESE PRICES Bromo Seltzer at....lOS 18e. 34S 69e O0c Bourjeois Java Rice Powder (genuine) 49c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 12 35c Castoria 21 25c Cuticura Soap 17t 50c Carmen Powder 29 50c Canthrox 'ZWt 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 34 a 25c Frostilla 14c Horlick's Malted Milk at 34t. 67c. S2.70 25c Hydrox Peroxide Cream. 14c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 29c. 79c Listerlne.9 14. 29c. 58j 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder. . .14 SPECIAL Borden's Eagle Brand Milk 12? Sherman llcGonnell DGT 4 Buoy Time and Honey- R Saving Roxal! Stores 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chickens 14 3-4c 1914 Spnng Lambs, fore quarters O' Lc 1914 Spring Lambs, hind quarters 12:?ic Choice steer pot roast, llJic nd llc Pig pork roast 12, c Pig pork butts 13fic Mutton chops 12 He 15 lbs. Best .Fine Granulated tugar for 51.C0 Bast "Grades Flour $1.35 S lbs. beat Rolled Oatmeal BBo 4 lbs. best Navy Beans.. 85o Macaroni or Spaghetti ........ .7VsO 10c pk .Corn Flakes 60 Karly June Heaa, per can 8lo I-lb. can of i'ork and H&ns 7iO hweet Coin, 4 cairn for 85c 7 lbs. bent Laundry Starch 95o Largest Vjueen Olives, per yuurt..35o Best American Cheese, per lb. ..,.800 Bent Swiss Cheexe. per lb 25c Idewtld or Meaiiow tSold Butter. 33o Best Tub Butter, per lb 88o-30o Btrictly fresh, all large, selected I'-airs. Per dozen 880 Golden Panto Coffee, per lb 8O0 Ak-Sar-Ben JSc Coffee . 800 THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Woolworth 5c and 10c Store. JJ3 South 16th St. Tel. V. 2307. 1914 MILK FED SPR1KQ CHICKENS 151-4c PIG PORK ROAST 12 14c Choice Steer Pot Roaat. 1B and UHa Pla; Pork Butts, lh 18o Vouna; Veai Roast, lb... 18a and lltta Younrr Veal Chops, lb... 18H0 Ijimb Ieaa UH Mutton Chops 18Vc Mutton Roaat Kxtra lean llama 1TH Down Goes tho Prices Here on Groceries IS ronada Bast Para TUa Oranuiated Soa-ar $1.00 With J lb. Japan. Gun Powder. English Breakfast Tea or Beat Cocoa. 6 Beat ajrada Flour. i4-lb. Back S8o 1 bars Diamond C Soap 86c With 8aJ Kod IOC lo cans Peas or Baked Beana....3o 4 cana Sweet Coin 86 l-lb, can Orated Pineapple 0 10c, cant K C. Bakina Powder. ... 5o JOo Cors Hakes. lk So Ha Picklea r Preaervea 15c. holtlc Catsup "Jlp Top 5c Matchea PUBLIC MARKET JS?. "JSSSJSi FALLSTYLES -m- FineFootivear at Alexander's for Zi and You'll find similar Mjlrw ticketed elsewhere at ft 4.00 nd Ir.VOO. Satisfaction and a perfect fit ininrantsed at this store. Come (Saturday and save a dollar. SCHOOL SHOES That wear, from P8c to f l.DH. Von can't duplicate these val ues in Omaha. E. R. flEELIIAM, Prop. 1512 Douglas SBfflS am Maubert of Paris This fine line of im ported toilet articles we are still offering at our low before-the-war prices. Come in and see our display. NEVER CHANGE: 25c Laxative Bromo Quinlne.l2a 50c Malvina Cream 29c 25c Mennen's Talcum (4 kinds) 12c Mentholatum 14 C. 34 C $1.50 Oriental Cream (Gourard's) 98c 50c Pape's Diapepsin 29c $1.00 Pinkham's Compound.. 50C $1.00 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery , 64 C 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream. 14c Sal Hepatic.. 17c. 44c. 89c 50c Syrup Figs 29c 1.00 S. S. S 59C. S1.09 50c Sempre Glovine .29c 25c Tlz (for tender feet) 14c 25c 4711 White Rose Soap...l2c $1.00 Wine Cardui 59c ES3 Young veal roastl4?c ami nur. Young veal chops lUc Extra lean hams 17e Extra lan bacon liliso Small hams i.iic Sugar cured bacon., j lic Estra fancy Elbsrta Trssatone Psaches. par orate 660 Kxtra fancy Bartlett Pears, per bushel banket tUM 1-ttrne (trape Kruits, each . . . .7lo-6o Irce 1'otatoes. IS lbs. to Peck, 160 Celery. 2 stalks for Bo ti lbs. fiweet Hotutocs '.8B0 Sweet OraiiKes, per dosen 10a Fancy Cauliflower. cr lb lOo Crabapples, market basket 40e Fancy Bellflower Apples, box. $1.35 BAIEBT Our bread and cakes ara madle fresh dally. 3-layer Cakes, assorted flavors, 30a Fancy Angle Food, per cake lOo We carry an extra fine grade of Bohemian Rye Bread. Extra lean Bacon 81 Ho HmU Hams 13', (Sugar Cured Bat-on IBo nrooiAUs From 8 to P. M. Lamb Chops, lb. So From I to 10 P. M. J-lb. pall Compound Lard .30a 15c can Flat Red Salmon..- IOC Tall can Ked Halmon 14e Imported best Hardlnas, can..'. .8la Klden Pantos Coffee ......... .800 S-lh. can Chaae eV Sanborn Coffee. 81 Iirfce Quaen Olives. Quart 3i I lbs. beat Peanut Butter 25c Lara 1 HMt Pea. hes. per lb. lOo Him Cheese, per lb 8 Ao Fancy Comb Huney SOI V aallon Karo hyrup ......... .800