Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    THK BKK: OMAHA. 7Iiri.SI.T. SFITKMr.KTT 10.ini.
New Colored! Black Broadcloths
A superb display of the most
popular of ail autumn fabrics
The trend of the reason is not toward "novelty"
eo much ns toward plainer fabrics. While we
show mnnv beautiful new weaves, especially
in suiting and heavier tro.-n p, our "Famous
pponged ami ' shrunk )otroof Hroadel.Mli"
tnlces fir4 place as the favorite for the fall non
son. Xnvy, Burgundy, Mack and green are very
goo!. A careful inpdkn will netpuaint you
with this most delightful and popular fabric
We Specialize in Fine
Dressmaking and Tailoring
Our hViericncrd Indies' Tailor, Mr. Aekeman,
is a pjtecialist in every stage of the mak'ng; the
selection of the material, the designingnnd the
actual work of tailoring itself.
We guarantee that you will he entirely natis
fied beeaupo every giirment will be correct in all
You had K'tter place, your older ivw to avoid
my tlisappintmcnt which may arise later 'be
cause . f d lay in delivery due to the rush of the
season's work. Dress goods action, Main Floor!
, ... i
British Expect Retreat of
Germans to Be Permanent
LONDON. Bent .-H li arly In th
day a yet to Judgs how far th allies
will be able to push their pYeseiit advanc
to th aat of Paris against the German
Invader, but from what ran be gathered
from th riveting -Hrrrrse of thn battl
one permitted by the censorship, tho
British and r"rnch. armies seem to be
effectively driving homo their advantage
and gaining impetus an they progrucs.
British opflm'sm. which became more
tronouncd with fne first announcement
of the "turn of the tide" has been further
heartened by the continuation of promis
tContlnusd from Paste One.)
AU prisoners, of whom 309 or niorT ar
rtvec 1 4 Paris yesterday, appeared fag;d
nd harassed and the spirit of the army
w ems. Jo he everythlnc.that ja dlferprit
lrom th conquerors who 'pushed buck tUe
army, of defense front the frontier and
reaohed the gates of th capital In ten
".sy. '
Whether they hoped to gain time by a
tangent movement away from Paris or.
tit- tome mll.tuiy critics suppose, almcl
It c.fcct a Junction with the army of th
t rown prlnc,. which was to come, from
the direction of Uongwy, th develop
ment of the Inst four days prove that
It u a grave error.'
Army t Wakeii. '
The army, already wasened by foreei
Msrrhes, constant fighting en rout and
rtw further enfolded by the encasement
f th last four day. I not. tn the opin
ion of expert, prepared for such a big
enlcirrt as the siege of Part,, even If
It retrieve lta fortune In tho battl now
In prog res.
The only hope of the German, there
fore, lie In the armle on the northeast
em frontier coming to th rescue and this
hop now saem too long deferred.
A largo number of refugee from th
region north of Pari returned to their
home 'yesterday H th country I en
tirely fre from (lei-man, although tho
field In the region of Denmartin-en-Ccl,la
still covered with German dead.
Excavator to the number of mor than
1.009 were called for yesterday. . large
number of them la needed to Inter the
dead on th battl fjeltl. Well known
trade union leader took charge or th
recruiting of the nectseury forces.
Field Marshal Sir John French, .lie
commander-ln-rhtef of the Krltlah o
lltionary fujee now fighting with the
French, army, looked perfectly aatlafled
with th situation, according to the
British soldier. They ay he went about
th lines smoking a cigarette as though
he a n tbe parade ground.
Fire Daataare Kaaln..
ATLANTIC, la., hept. .- Special Tcle-gram.)-A
fire ahlrli originated In th en
gineer' seat box uf a Atlantic BOuthoro
freight engine No. ! caused amae of
.ver rKH General MnnHser O. W. Coffin
la of the opinion that tho blase w
The Great War Manual
In will find over l,:J0O indexed facta aud places
and personalities connected with Hie stupendous conflict
now shaking Euroie and the world.
will send you a .copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of
maps and pictures and data about the war. This great
War Manual has heen prepared by the Kditors'of The
World's Work, which is a guarantee of its unquestioned
authority,' ,
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Tear off this coupon and bring it to The Bee J
I office with 50 cents for your copy. Add I
five cents for postage when sent by mail j
ing reports from the front. Tor the first
time since the beginning of hostilities -an
official Mrltlsh report has deacrilied the
result of the operations as "very' sat's
fattory.. Heretofore 4hls adjective has
never been used In niy orflrlal report.
Tills fact, rouplrd with the announcement
of the French government that It expect h
Ita stay In Bordeaux to be short and
General Joffre's general ttrdcr to the
troop thst the time hud come to drive
back the Invaders Is -icceptrd here s an
Indication that the Germs n retrograde
movoment Is likely to be permanent.
started In the engineer' clothe stored In
th bos by a spark from In night
hostler's torch or from fir sparks from
a tramp's pip.
(Continued from Page Ono.)
vpev. Prlnc Frederick .William of II esse
has been wounded.
NEW YORK , Sept. I. -Maubeuge la a
French I or true, of th first class. It Is
situated In the department Du Nord,
about six mile from the Belgian frontier.
The German onslaughts on this position
hat been determined, and Judging from
Incompltte news reports, 'they have been
going on for a week or more. Dispatches
from london, under date of September t,
aid that part of the British expeditionary
lores In Franc waa at Maubeuge and
assisted th French garrison In its de
fense. The German general staff announced In
Berlin September S, that two of the
Maubeuge forts had fallen and that the
fir of the German artillery waa on that
dato being dlrectod agalnat the town,
which waa In flames. On the same day
an official communication given out In
Paris said that Maubeuge continued Ita
' A French official announcement, under
date of Beptemter 7, referred to th
French defense or Maubeuge a follow:
'"Th minister of war ha telegraphed
to the governor of Maubeuge, expressing
the government' admiration tor -th
heroic defense, and aaylngt 'You stop at
nothing to prolong reaistanre until the
hour of your approaching deliverance,
which I hop will be soon.'
The commander-in-chief has placed the
nam of the governor of Maubeuge In the
order of the day for, hla splendid de
fense:" '
I.ON1HXW ept. . The Geneva corre
spondent of the Expres heer from n
Herman source that Knierir William
watched th attack on Nancy, from a hill
outhldc th range of th French artillery.
Standing alore, with th glasses glued
to hi eyes, he followed tro progren of
his battle for several hours, while hi
staff ronsletlng of several high officers,
remained illn. cectly In the background.
Me departed alone In it waiting motor
Signa Seen of General Retreat Along
Whole Line in Region from
One Riyer to Other.
Oa Left Rank of Vlstala, Offensive
Movement nf Rnsalans Proa
Favorable tn Their
LONDON, 8ept. 8.-A dispatch to the
Fven:n News from Petrograd says the
Russian newspapers . publish a report
to the effect thst there are slans of a
general retreat of the Auntrlans on their
wholu front between thg rivers Bug and
Tho forts of riiemys! and Jtrosiav on
the river Ban and Cracow and on th
Vistula river are the only obstacles the
Austrian now have to prevent the Rus
sian advance.
PrsemVsl Is a stroniily fmtlfled mili
tary camp, llfty-nne miles west of Lem
berg, with forty-two forts and V,M) men
who have been reinforced by the soldier
who escaped from Lemberg and Poland.
MaliF t.ooil I'rovrru,
PETROURAIJ. Sept. I.-Th Russian
forces are making aatlsfsctory progress
along the Austrian front, where ther
have lyn serious engagements, accord
ing to the Russian official statement,
which says:
"In the Rwa region, the Russian com
mander, (ieneral Rusaky, has fought a
fierce battle against strong Austrian
forces. The Kussla'n troop have de
livered an attack against a very strongly
fortified Austrian poailiin nesr Gorodok.
"On the left bank of the Vistula th
offensive movement of the Russlana
hav proved favorable to their arras."
Losses Raorraoas.
Refugee and deserters from the armies
of Austria and Gallcla, according to In
formation obtained In official quarter
today,' hav told th Russlsn military
uthorltles that their losses have been
enormous. A number of Austrian reg
iments were decimated.
Th Austrian according to these refu
gees, are fearful of an uprising In the
crownland of Bukovlna. There have been
published her from Individual newspa
per correspondents statements which con
firm previous reports of the dlsorgan'ta
t'on la th armies of Austria.
In Galtc'a if I declared the Austrian
hav mad us of explosive bullets. Other
correspondent declare that a revolt ha
broken out In th rank of the Turkish
srmy at Adrlanople on account of a
threatened famine. Btlll others' tele
graphed that , the new of Russlsn vic
tories in Gallcla hag provoked enthus ssm,
particularly In Bucharest, Rumania,
where the Russlsn national hymn was
sung In on of the theater.
(Continued from Pag One.)
border. Tbtg action 1 regarded here
g a menace against the heart of
(Jermany, which cannot remain un
angwered. Hence the gtorleg of the
movement of tbe Gorman veterans
front the western war area to the
eaatern Prussian frontier are gener
ally considered creditable.
Th latest Russlun success, the capture
of the fortress or, Nlcolaleff, about twenty-five
miles .southwest of Lemberg, Is
Imott aa groat a feat a the taking of
Lemberg Itself. The place I not only
tmngiy fortiriad. but It wa believed
to be virtually unassailable, owing to th
fact that It was surrounded' by marshes
extending for twenty-five mile.
Hallow State Aroaaed.
On of th most significant features of
th Austrian misfortune is the growing
uneasiness of Roumanla and other Balkan
states. Montenegro and Per via already
ar engaged against Austria and have
taken the offensive. Roumanla la also
hungry for territory and I ald to b
ready at any moment to throw Ita 100,000
veteran troopa against Austria.
Another brilliant auccesa along the bor
der by th troopa of Emperor Nicholas Is
almost certain to unite th Slav statea of
southeastern Europe In Ha cause.
Russia evidently ha again begun Ita
advance along th Etit Prussian fron
tier, th Russian vanguard being reported
sixty mile beyond Koenlgaburg today,
rani Halea la Aastrla.
Th correspondent or th Dally Mail In
Milan, who haa latly been. In Vienna,
draw a gloomy picture of that empire.
He says: (
'Tanlc rule In Austria. , Th great,
tu.wieldy and bankrupt empire, dragged
leluctantly at th hela of Germany, la In
a date of desperate muddle and fear.
Her armies, half-hearted at first and
now openly mutinous, ar beaten back
at every point by the Russians.
"The policy of mixing In each com
pany men of the different race which
compoae th empire ha had the, result
that there I now no esprit de corps In
the army. The men wer driven Into
trains at the point of the bayonet, and
scores were shot by their officers to ter-
j rorlxe their fellow Into obedlenca"
Missing Steamer '
Bears Americans
j STOCKHOLM. tP(. t.-Anxlety I felt
over the non-arrival of the Finnish pas
senger steamer Sveaborg, coming from
Raumo, Finland, with many British and
American aboard. It la feared It waa
captured or sunk by Carman warship
which hav been watching for Russian re
serves returning from America.
Anxiety la also felt for the steamer
Torn, which left early Wedntacay from
thl port.
WASHINGTON. g t. .(-President
Wilson was asked today by a committee
of railroad executives to address an ap
peal to th country that th peopl tak
a more avmpathctlc attltud toward th
railroad. The commute did not ask
Mr. Wilson to mo fur any apclflc re
lief, but told him h could do much to
remov antagonism which, they say, had
growa up toward th railroad as a result
of much aaUatloD,
Th president wa told that hscaua of
th Euro pes a war and aa antagonists
attltud 0 th psupl toward the rail
roads, great difficulty was being xprl
ncd la meeting obligation.
who is the subject of conflicting dispatches, one report
saying that he died twelve days ago, another that he has
just suffered a paralytic stroke, and still another thai he
is in his usual good health.
j "
. , .1
v - v 4
f f ' " , 1 eSi r PW-
Paris Will Be Tomb of Heroes Before
General Gallieni Surrenders City
(Copyright, 1914. Pres Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Pept. (.(Special Cablegram' to
Now York World and Omaha Bee.)-If
the Germans ar rejoicing In th progress
o' the r great siege guns, being drawn
toward Pari by 30, CO horses, we have a
surprise ready for them that will be quite
as cheering for the allies, once the In
vaders come to close grips.
We are at! asking ourselves how far
th French sens of humanity, which Is
extraordinarily nice, will prevent the
French defenders from making full use
of their great secret. But this is a war
to kllla war to be decided by the num
ber of killed ao one' cannot tell.
Then there Is I.ord' Kitchener's "un
known factor." ' We know a great deal
Letter Received by Frenchman in
Omaha Givea Details of Alleged
Plot Under Way.
Representative of Produce Eirkssg
f Marseilles say Drnruinmr.
of Loavala Ar Back
lar Plaa
EsiaUnc of a royalist plot, in Franc
having ramification through other coun
trie with the purpose or splitting up th
kingdom of Belgium, giving Germany th
north half and Franc th aouthern por
tion and placing King Albert of Bolglum
on th throne of the Franco-Belgian ter
ritory, la asserted by a representative of
th produce exchange of Marseilles, who
Is In Omaha buying grain for export to
h't war ridden country.
This gentleman recently, arrived lb th
foiled States chsrged with the mission
of gathering supplies and .declines to
permit he use of his name, but the newa
In the letter ho received from a friend In
France last night was of so revolutionary
a character that he had no hesitancy la
giving it out. .
Ksiesle Barkta Itf
' According to the translation he made of
the letter, Swiss bankers ar being
aounded by agent of royalist and cleri
cals who, befors th present war. were
particularly strong in the vicinity of Lou
valn. It was the Intimation that the aged
EugenK empress of Franc whan the
first Franco-Prussia nwar brought about
the fall of Napoleon III. from her resi
dence in Farmlngton, England, waa giv
ing countenance to th plan. Klng'Albert
of Belgium Is a pronounced clerical and
th letter slated that Germany, In order
to solve the difficulties caused by the In
vasion of Belgium, would,- if victorious,
seek to offer him a new throne.
ratsrel Beaedlrtta.
Th plan la said to have th backing of
th Benedictine order, who prtlatea
hav auf(erd so heavily In th wreck
wrought wher they ar strongest.
It was the belief of the Informant that
Germany, .victorious, would rvcognis th
difficulty of bringing about a peaceful
ending of tho disorder wrought io Bel
gium, and that th kaiser would b satis
fied with retaining th nothsrn half of
Belgium with th big port at Antwerp
and more nearly allied to th Germs n
than th French apeaklng aouthern half
with Brussels aa th center.
The erection of a monarchy la France,
th . latter continued, would. It wa
' .A.
1 ft
I , . 1
. : . ' v.. .
' - t
'J n
about that now, and it will make a great
difference In the outcome.
' General Gallieni. who command the
Paris garrison, la an army In himself, an
administrator of established reputation
and a fighter by temperament one of the
dangerous. Intellectual type.
" I met him today on hla round of for
tifications. He Is never away from the
vital point. At the same time,- hla In
ternal administration of the town- ha got
Into . working . order with miraculous
He passed with a salute in a cloud of
dust. In front of his own car and guarded
by a black orderly. II looked energetic,
keen, coldly resolute. Paris will be in
ruins, a tomb of heroes, before he sur
render the pivot of the allied position.
thought, not b opposed by Imperial
rulera any wher In .Kurope.
Csraell Bearing Practice.
ITHACA, N. Y., Sept. 9. -Twenty-five
candldatea reported for Cornell' first
Toot ball practice of the season today.
The coaching tafr thl year will be the
same a In 191J Dr, Sharpc, . Dan Reed
and Ray Van Orman.x
Dependable Tailoring
Correct Styles For Fall Now Being Shown
According to London, William Wirei
Wilson Calling Attention td
England's Use of Them.
gorry that Tovra and Other latere!,
last Pieces Had t Be Destroyed
to Te-arh fie t aria a Cltl
seas Wir Lesies.
INDON. Sept. 10.-"Thre ha been
published In Copenhagen a telegram
which Emperor William sent to President
Wilson under data of September 4.", tele
graphs the Copenhagen correspondent of
the I,ondon Dally Telegraph. "In thl
message Emperor William protects against
the use by the English of dum dum bullets
and against the participation of the Bel
gian population In th war.
'Emperor William adds In his com
munication to Mr. Wilson that hi generals
have; tn certain case, been cnnmllid to
punish the Belgian and he expresses his
deep regret at the destruction of Louvaln
and other Interesting places."
The communication given by the Copen
hagen correspondent of the Dally Tele
graph douhtedly Is the tness&g referred
to by the North German Oasette of Bcr
US, the official organ of the German
Information that this newspaper had
knowledge of the sending of this com;
munteatlon reached London early this
WASHINGTON, Setp. -Presldent
Wilson Jet It be known tn response to
Itquliies that he had not yet received
Emperor William' message.
Nicholas Eesolved
to Reach Berlin
LONDON, Sept. . Th Evening New
haa published a dispatch from Ita Rome
correspondent, who aaya that Emperor
Nicholas la reported In Rome to hav
made the following declaration:
'I am resolved to go to Berlin Itself,
even If It costs me my last moujlk."
The Japanese ambassador at Petrograd.
th correspondent of the New continues,
having expressed to the emperor a wish
to see the soldier of Japan fighting tde j
by side with thoe or ttussia, me em
peror replied.
"I shall do my best to realls your
Wives in America
. to Receive Pay
NEW YORK, Sept. 9. Fifteen cent a
day will be paid by th government of
Belgian to every Belgian woman In
America whose husband la with the Bel
gian army. If ah ha children, she will
receive, in addition, S cent a day for
each child, which will be tncreaed to 10
cent a day in case th husband, be
slain, Pierre Mall, the Belgian consul
general here, announced today.
Thia applies to ail families of aoldiera,
indistinctive of their financial altuatlon.
Our painless
extracti out
and filling
Is the talk of
the town.
Our aatlgfled
patients are
gpre td lug
the Glad
Crown and
bridge teeth
as low as
BO years dentist.
20-year guarantee.
706 City Nat'l Bank
fky ckraper.
Watch the Newspapers
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Appoint the Peters
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Membership tickets in course,
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Two aria-ht, Sept. 18-13. Sat. Statin
Frins Hat, t&o-H. Teniae 86o.81.SO.
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Hunay May Bamhardt, City Comady I. Fasar
Knoll as tha Lauaat N. V. Crssa. "Tango Lavs
Walti". Oraal rant and Bi Hrauty Chnrut.
Tkls waak: "WronJ lrom tha Start." Taat
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Kaufman Brothers, Bntt Waod, ausatw Tris sal
The Orphaum trayal WSeSly."
'Prlcaa: Matlnae Oallary. 10; bast saata (
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