6w THE BEE : OMAH . THURSDAY, SEITKMBKK 10.1014. II ) FO!t RENT Parnlshed Hoiifi, -r furnished house In Dundee. H. 77. k Farnlahed Itoasekeealasj- R on ma. 24 N. t1!T. FOCR furn'shed rooms, mod rn, only 115 per month. IleaaekeealBB; HtwM. 1 ATT., furnished for llKht houaeaeep. Ing; steam heated: mij. 4763 N !4th. 0O. lth ST., 7; Jtouaesieeping rooma en suite; first floor; also swiping room Tyler HW1 W. CI .OMR In. mod , reaaonahle, fft Farnan). REAL ESTATE. Farm anil Ranch lead For 8ele. Itotele Apmrtaaeate. CALIFORNIA Hotel. lth and California. Weekly rates Si and up. Douglas ta. UODCN HOTEL, rooms 63 Council Hluffa per week. tmiKIF. HOTKI. Modeen. Heaeonabla Hoaara aa4 Cottages. HOUSES AND FLATS. 147.50 7 r. alt So. 18th tit. modern, steam heat 4 5A-4-r. apartment In The Harold. 1407 r., 709 80. 16th St..' modern, ateam beat. $407 r., S4o9 Hurt St.. modern, garage. tr-4 r., K Tark Ave., modern. 112 So 7 r.. 804 So. SMh Ave., modern. 41.oO4 r., 2H27 Pavenport Bt.. modern. $10 r., fttM So. 24th HI., modern. 126 8 r 1219 Capitol Ave., modern except heat. 130 r., 1615 Howard St, modern except heat. 816 Vi. Tat, MM Sherman Ave., modern except heat. QKORQE COMPANT, Phone f, 788. 902 City Natl. Pank Pldg. DETACHED HOME FOR RENT. T rooma and hall, atrlrtly modern, hard wood flnleh In flrat atory, three bed rooma upstairs, one bedroom and bam on ursi floor, 1.12. Thla houae fronta on a paved atreet and boulevard; 2Vi blorka from car Una. 3. H. DUMONT CO.. 103 Farnam Ht. rhona Douglaa 890. 8KVKN-ROOM cottage, 3081 1 .eavenworth Bt; gwid condition; modern except furnace; IX; water paid Phone Web. 3332. Ptrfcraaka.. KIM BAL COVNTY FARMS All tillable 430-acre farm nine mltea from Kimball. w arrea tinder rultlva- lion. 2.ftKl fine young Ircre In orchard and round buildings. Fine houae and barn and out -building Well and mill. I And la all fenced agd rroee fenced. Mile to arho.il. Mall delivered within one mile six tlmea a week Prlre t?4 per acre Thla la a bargain. Alan have other choice Improvtd aa4 unimproved farma BANK OF KIMBALL, Klmhall. Nab. Watch for the ktmal county exhibit at the at ate fair. goath Dakota. D. P. D I EUAN. Flandrenu. R n., Invitee Inveatora and homeeeekers to aee hla farma of hlit corn at half the price of auch land 60 mllea dlatant; eaay terma; no crop fallurea. Mlavellaneaaa. IF INTKRKSTED In land In southern Iowa and aouthern Mlnneaota write the F L. Jones I.snd company, Wlnteraet, la, for their Hat of 3fd farma 81 laeellaxaeoaa. IIOMKPKKK KKH' opportunity, one-half crop avment plan, no cnah required; .10,000 aire choice land to aelact from In North Dakota. Manv farma and land In Mlnneaota for aale. Write Fadwln Mevens, 3"3 Pioneer Pldg.. Bt. Paul. Minn. o OI."H farm Hat will convince you that we have the cheapeat land, considering oil, cilmate. water, market. Button Co., Seneca, Mo. t-U(HM strictly modern houae In Al con dition, location 2W2 Pacific St. Call at 10S0 So. th 8t. or phone Harney 2348, FOR RKNT OH BALK. A 6-room modern houae, 4618 Ixard; only M block to the new telephone ex change building. C. t). HUTCHINSON CO., 1623 Farnam. 4-ROOM, modern houae, except heat, on 215 Hlnney Bt. Phone W. 1762. RENT REDUCED 4202 Cuming Call Us PETERS TRPST CO., IOUO. KM. -ROOM houae, all modern, free water. T04N. Ith- Tel. P. 1630. R., new, mod.. 1S14. Bpruce, 120. W. 2(101. T T J arxp. Co., moving I 1 . KPPH pocking Jl w. ww ym atoraKA 1207 Farnam. D. 6146; H-ROOM houae; modern. 1717 Hurt atreot. NONB3 to compare, all modern 7-room houaa. alao 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. Fidelity Storage Co. Ptcraire, moving, packlna; and ahlpplnf. 16th A Jackaon Bta. Phone Pour 1S1. Van and Ktor- age Co. Reduced ratca for w aaya. Large van, 2 men, $1 25 per hr. ; dray, 1 men, II per hr. 1713 Webater. 1V)U. 14(m1 Maggard's . F0I1 BENT We have a complete Hat of all houaea, apartmenta and flata that are for rent Thla Hat can be aeen free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co.. 806 S. 16th St. Free Rental List Complete Informatlan about every va cant houae and apartment In the city. Thla aarvlce la free. Tel. Douglaa 4477. Fidelity Storage & Van Co. . ; WKST FARNAM HOME. HARNEY 4782. 2408 INDIANA Ave., 6 room and bath, cheap if rented at once. ' HnilRPB in a" PrtB of the city. CrolKh 8011a & Co.. Bee Bldg, torea and Offkcea. OKKICB WITH VAULT Suite of i rooma On 3d Floor with water, electrio light, and vault 130. TUB BEE BUILDING CO. Office, Room 103. VVIaofinala.. Upper Wisconsin Bt uftiiy and k,-enortti crop mata in th union; tUer wanted; lands for saie at iJ iw iv-aral. Mil vmnv ITII1H. iim iui UUUK Ut 24 on wlsconitln Cnirat Land Grant. gracing landa. If Interected In fruit landa, mmU . . .... I , i 1 j Wlaconaln. Addreaa Land Dept., Sao Line Hy., Mlnnaapolla, Minn. NOT 1 C K ! Jl ENTERS, N OTIC K I Why are you renting high priced land whe-n you can buy land In NORTHERN WISCONSIN on terma eaaler thnn the rent you are paying? Near OMDDKN. AWHLAND COUNTY, WISCONSIN, where the rainfall la 40 to 44 Itichea a year and the aoll a rich aamly loam You can buy cut-over land for $10 to t'X) an acre and partially Improved farma for 20 to $(M par acre, on terma to ault your aclf. Po not mlaa the chance of getting one of our choice locatlona on one of the many lakes and atreuma on the arrea we have for you to rhovao from. For further Information write 81IANA OOLDEN INVESTMENT COMPANY, GL1DDEN, WIS. Agenta wanted. RK AIi KST ATK NOHTII HI OR Must Be Sold! Jl- I'arker St Thla houae waa built f-r a home. One of the heat buya on the market llaa & rooina, la modern and In .'lrt condition. t'loaw to achool and car. eVO caah and halanra monthly. Sllrt v, Burt Ht. Two -room modern ex cept hrat houaea that can le bought right, llnnaea are In fair repair. Can make a better prliHt If yoti take both houaea See these houaea, then make an offer. Thla la your chance to make a fine Investment. )' cah and the balance on pamenta. 2Mo N. llh Ft. A H-rootu iiitxlem ex rept heat cottage. Thla plai-e la worth the money that the owner aaka. Will ac cept vacant lot aa the fit at pavment or take caah payment aa low aa H). The houa is In fair condition, la close to car line, stores and school. You will make money If you buy thla houae now. Creigh, Sons & Co. Phone Don das ftofi Re King. NEW, 7-room houae fov aale by owner. 34.V Webster St RKAL KSTATK LOANS CITY and iarm loans, 6, 5V4j, per cent J.H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City louna. Petera Trust Co? OMAHA homes. East Nebraaku farma. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Oma ha N at'l . Don glaa 2718. il RVIM Miff )S I-oana, $500 and up? BEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. WANTED City loans and Warrante. w. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Furnain. CITY property. Large loana a specialty. W. II. Thomaa, 2'S State Haak Bldg. lino to I1O00O made promptly. F. P. wfadt Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Bta. HARRISON A MORTON, I Om Nat'l. MONEY on hand for city and farm loan. n. w. innaer. t'ily Nat 1 Kank Bldg. Ao'-CITY LOANS. Ilemle-Carlberg Co, 310-312 Brandeii Theater Bldg. RKAL KSTATK WANTED HAVE over fifty buyer with from ta"0 to all caah for modern 8. C or 7-room homea from 12,000 to 4,000. Call ua at once. Osborne Realty Co., 701-2 Omaha nann ning. uoug. I4i4. LIST your houaea and farma for sale J. H. DUMONT A CO., 1MB Farnam St. o HAVE cuatomer with SI.0U) flrat payment on Dundee 6 or 6-room modern home, 3,&U0 to 14 800. Addreaa I 248. Hoe. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Bare, GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horses, 1U17 Webater Bt. CaU Douclaa 41 RE-L ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOR BALE Iovrau TO TRADE 200-ao re farm In western Iowa for stock, of general merchandise. Quick Sales Co., 418 Bee Bldg.' Hod iiH. Kansas. SACRIFICE FINE Improved quarter sec tion in eastern Kansas near Kansas City and county seat. Land well Im proved and good buildings; two wells, orchard, running water all year In rneaaow. Price ItiO per acre; terma. I3.0UU W. T. SMITH CO., 1112 City Nat. Bank.-o cash; will carry balance, on mor t g a g e. Montana. MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS 80,00 acres now open to entry In tne tamous Valler valley. An excellent opportunity for the homeseeker seeking guod farm land for general diversified tanning, 'ihe rich sou, exhilarating climate ana abundance of water tor irrigation assure maximum crop return. Ureal (or grain, alfalfa, timothy, and tor stock farming. Ideal spot tor a home. W nt today tor booklet and particulars. Valler Farm ies company, Vulier, Munt.. Box No 17. UlssEiuta. FINE S20 acres, 46 miles from Minne apolis; every acre under cultivation; lays level; good soli, good water; build ings constat of houae, barn, granary, machine sneds, etc.; price iia per acre. Aajoiu.ng luna neiii ul fluu per acre. Will take up to Stv,iOo good property in exchange, balance some caah and mort gage. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. TO INVESTORS, . land brokers and otbera: McOlin Bros., Klnbrae, Minn., have some improved Minnesota I arms, rich soil, near the Iowa line, at from too an aire upwards, easy terms, too. Oct ahead. Nekraaka. AKK YOU TIRED OF BEING BURNED OUT YEAR AFTER YEAR? If so. go to the Soott's Bluff country with ua and buy a farm where crops never suffer from drouth; where three feet of water for every acre of land insures a full crop every year. No. 43310 acres of the richest soil you ever saw, lies smooth and level, and very easy to Irrigate. The Improvements consist of a l1 atory houae, barn. etc. The place la all fenced, and all but about two acrea In as fine a atand of ' alfalfa aa you could aak for. Price 10u per acre and eaay terma. No. 44 A nice little home place of 80 acrea, all fenced, with a comfort able house of & or t rooma, front and back porches, good well water; aome amall fruit for fam ily use; all but one acre ran ba Irrigated. There ia about JO acrea of good alfalfa. 10 acrea of fine sugar beets. 10 or 12 acres pasture, balance In oats. This la a choice SO; only 8 mllea from town, and a a great big barraln at l?8 per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Ware Block. Omaha. FOR SALE t.S10-acre ranch, Thomas county, Nebraska, 84 per acre, if eold at one. 4,Mu acrea at t- part time at per oent Interest. P. Patterson. Box 76, Thedford, Neb. Bee Want Ads Are Read and Used by Ambitious Men and Women. CASH and fine quarter section In South Dakota, all amooth land, every acre tillable, half mil from railroad. Want good horn in Bemia Park or Cathedral district. 30 acrea Sacramento valley, California, good fruit and vegetable land, Irrigated. Want Omaha Income. Hotel In Nebraska town, one acre ground, well located; 2 railroads. Want western ranch. Hotel la clear. Have some good Texas coast land; alao Cheyenne county, Colorado, land to exchange for stock of merchandise. W. T. SMITH CO.. 1112 City Nat. Bank. -o Pianos for otner musical Inatru'U. L 2011. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. JOG B. 17th St. Phone Douglas 6487. REED Abstract Co., oldeat abstract of fice In Nebraska, if Brandela Theater. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE West End Bargain In a New Home PRICE CUT $M0 on a new, 7-room. all modern, high class residence; large living room with built-in bookcaeea. dining rootj with built-in buffet, beamed ceilings, large klrchen, pantries and icebox room, all finu-hed In oak with oak floors; 4 large bedrooms on the aecond floor, one an enclosed sleeping porch, quartered oak floora and mahogany doors, high claaa hardware, tile lath room, also tile vesti bule, good floored attic, full cement base ment with fruit closet and coal bine. This houao Is exceptionally well built; all wood work thoroughly rubbed with piano fin ish, and is an exceptional home bargain. Price J6.000. Don't mlsa this. Glover & Spain 91S-J0 City National. Douglaa 3962. Three Best Lots InClearmont Add. T trade In oil good home, close In, aa flrat payment. Must be six or seven rooma, modern, new or nearly new. Three lota will be conaldered at a cash figure. Put caah price on what you have to offer. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 1 WANT to acll my t?,Mu equity In my fine -room houae. 70s: north 3th Hi. It la better than moat new houaea and I will aell It cheap; I wlah you could aee It. Edna U Ol Mia. 638 Ho. roth. T. 1WI. o REAL ESTATE KOITII SIDE Lots Near Depots From $500 to $700 Easy Payments , Water, aewer, gas, permanent Walka. on grade. These rise lota In Klxa'a new addi tion at nth and Dorcaa 8ta. will Increase In value very feat, because there are now six up-to-date, modern homea under con struction and mora to follow. If you are tired of paying rent, aee ua at once about building you a home the "New Way." American Security Co. Exclusive Agenta. 17th and Douglaa Rta. TVmgtaa M1H. MODERN house, almoat new, hardwood finish: corner lot; 83 RiiO. Owner, 818 8. IMh. Phone Tyler 2ltWV. REAL ESTATE Sl Dl'RRAM Trade for Benson Home This will sell for caah, but ownera will take Omaha cottage aa part pay. If you have aomo money. Built for a Home Nlnnroom, very modern square, nearly new, eaat front, three 50-foot lota, garage; barn; only 2 blocks to car and achool; ,00.t Is cash prico; will carry back 83,500, 6 per cent. bend or bring numbers of your property. O'Koefo Heal Estate Co. 1014 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 271G. Evenlnxa or Hundaya, II. 5' 34 or II. 83n. CLIFTON HILL HOME. Only $1,800 for a aplendld 8-room cot tage, new barn and two lota near car; plenty of fruit and good place for chick ens. Owner will take flbO caah, balance monthly, or a good team, cow or other stock as flrat payment PAYNE I N VEhTM ENT CO., Phone Douglaa i'M. Ware Block. West Farnam Dist. 8S,OHO-1.V CASH, balance aame aa rent; 13 rooma. f'-ill basement, hardwood finlah. entirely modern and In splendid condition throughout. Act quick If you want this fine home. Trackage property, 84x342, on belt line; cheap. W. T. SMITH CO., 1113 Cltv Nat l Bank.-o Council Hluffa, FOR SALE Strictly modern 7-room house In High school district ot Council Bluffs. 453 Glen Ave., price 3,m. UEO. H COMES, 103 Pearl Ht., Council Bluffs, la. -o GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET! Faxmm Are Now Getting; Dollar nd More for Their Whent. HOLIDAYS CAUSE WEAKNESS rresjaency of t loaed Dare on K-rhaae-e Pllea I s Receipts at Pri mary Pol at a, ajeeeaaltatlaaj naraala Prleea. OMAHA, riept. , IH14. The farmera of the I'nltrd States r now receiving from II to lift:, for toelr wheat, which Ineana ll tti,.at lor the preernl crop of the t'nlted xtates, with the possibility of allll higher prleea In case Ihe war continues for anv length of time. In addition to the above amount. which la to gi to the producers, then, mil oe at least 15c per bushel paid to the railroads for carrying Ihe giain and to the grain brokers lor handling It. The corn crop of J.KivouO.On) Imalicla Is e- pected to net farmers about l,5ort,fi0, he tata crop of l nsmiflrti nualiela will add I4t'.,72o,0ti to the exchequer of the man who follows the plow, and there are 4.I.- onnoiin bushels of tye which will net about I. ;'.!, (Mi, 111.110,1 urn tiuahela bai ley al lit,- OH), i Mil, and g.iaV.Oi) tons of hav at K.- i0.(ii. Thla will make a grand total for the farmers of the country for their grain and hay of 4.S4;t.!iw oui. The real cause of the weakness shown by the cercnl markets on the hoard of trade yesterday waa the fact that the big grain mart la having ton many holldaya. These holldaya bring heavy receipts to Ihe points of distribution and there la a consequent accumulation of grain The hoalneee In caah wheat In all posi tions yesterday waa reported aa email. Halea here were only Id.OOO bushels, and vessel room waa chartered for IM.ittl bushels for ahlpmeht eaat. There were no export sales reported. Declinra of IMrl'V were shown In corn and the volume of buslmss waa small. There were goodly rains over the holl daya, and thla added moisture waa counted aa a vast help to the general fall feeding situation. The aliance of any Important shipping demand arid the wrakneaa In wheat and oata waa again the price of corn. tiats were lower with other gralna. final flgurea for the day allowing loasea of IW lc. Caah trad waa amall at lu.0i0 bueh els and vessel room waa chartered for I'll. COO bualiela. Provisions sympathised with the weak ness In the grain marketa yesterday, re fusing to follow the strength displayed hy hoaa at Hie varda. There waa only a mod erate trade In the list, but fluctuations w ere rather w Ule There were price re- craaiona all around. The cash business for the lnv was dlaatioolntltiK to holders and waa confined to special cuts of sslted meats. Wheat waa unchanged to 1c lower. t'orn waa Vile lower. Oata were Vole lower. Today being the palmary election at Chicago, that market la closed. The primary receipts and the clenr ancea are not reported today for that reason. CARIVr RKCF.1PTH. '. Whent.Corn.i nits Hye, Hariey. ranMly, with Increased acreage, and aow ina haa begun in some pactions Fall pastilles. Including the southwest range, are generally good, and lata tobacco, truck, etc., are doing well. 1. a wrmii. Ixcal Foreceaiar Weather Hureau OMAHA tlcajKKA. at AltKBT. I -In. cartona, Hc; No. Chicago .... Minneapolis Duluth Oninha Kan. City . Ht. 1oiils T'R 77 1,3"3 s ft." 010 18 8 9 7H 8 3A fl E A L ESTATE M I MCE I LA N EO I'M R. H. LANDICR YOU, real cs.aie. tnaur ance; moved to 201 Neville. D. 1-ROOM houae, rente tor llk.su, must be sold al once; I3u0 will handle It. H. 4711. HKAL ESTATE TKANNFEKS. lot , block . 10, tiny I. lot II, lMds tiled for record 8pl.mb.r t. 1I4: C. II. Pirestona to Archie llsrrawa, lota 1 and 42, t.'hsrl.a.iM jtvis'n 2V Lara M. Auxin and liutbund to Alma Han son. .St lut I, blotk 4, Hiilnn's sdd William Hoan and wit. to 1.. K. tirolih. Int. la lot lu and nll.M taat of lut , block I, Lauia's add 1. Rosa and ll. to L.. r.. Hinlth, 14 Int. In lot lit and nit 46 fret of lot , oluek 8. Lak.'s add 8. U. iunis to 8. Grov.r, summit add Hsaiinai a Hsrd.a to M. blnek 14, Uncoln Height. A. Miflander to V. Hueas, lot II, Hak.r's add Oo'ild Il.t and wit. to U I). N.laon, a:2 lat of lot I. block 19, Highland rue. Oould Dl.ll anil wit. 10 1. I) Nelson, al imi of nl4 ftot of lot I, block 1. Hisk- Isnd 1'lAca Uould Plets and wit. to U D. N'lion, all trt o lot I. nil reel ot lot I, block II, Hllhland 1 lac. N. K. O'laill tn J.nnl. K. OD.il, lot 81. Bnlu.vard Park 'B K. Hill to U Wlldon and wilts. .Jl 4 f..t of M T. blork , parktr'a add...... Waterloo Cr.sm.rr I'd. to K W. Corllu, pan of n.W of aH of B-lb 10 W. N. Hill and wit. to K. U K.ll.y, M0 fc.t of lot I and all of lut 4. block 1, Pan IT k Flsc. Geori TrrtUmr and wife tn M. R. Ia, lot 13. rt.plat of blork 4, tlemla I'ark ... T. Johusnn and wit. to '. A. KllaaMn, aS of lot 4, Monk i, Keplat of Imrint IMae M Thompson and huibanri at si. to M. Hafley. let U, Fr.man's add C 14. Sharp snd hu-nand to .'. M. I'bll- llpa, lot 7. bik I. V.U. A Parmalss's ad J. Heir to A. O. Holt, lots U, II aod II. bloek 1, Ponplelon Tark M. Ht.lf ta U J. ErlclCKin, a I I lots 16. and 14 block t. tl,ciu.rd Hill H. J. rtrnn and wll. to J. A. Turn- quilt, wV4 of lot fc. bliirk . BDInn's sdd.. r, .1. Klah.r snd huiband to II. Pranlcs, lot 121, Kenwood W. A. Poiwont snd wit. to E. J. Ftih.r. lot 221. K.nwood R. U Turn.r U R. McClelland, lota I and T. block 4, gunmlt Plan. M.OOO John C. Dali "o. to H. I'otiMi rnd R. iioh.n, p't of lot 7, hlixs , r v. tnlth's sdd J. V. Maaek and wit. 10 A. Kulak. nJO ft of lot 10, Work 4. Koiinlt.'l 4lh add N. E TrsT.r to M. laall. iH of lot t. blork I. H.ed'S Sd add b. M. MsTTltt and hmbend to B. B. r'ranki, lot 1, block I, Vln.land add ... 2.408 217 841 Uu 8" 1 1 I lent 1.004 1 t 1.18 I V4 1.040 410 1,160 401) Wlnnitiea I I'J Theac sales were reported today: Wheat: No. I hard winter. I car, 1107. Rye: No. t, 1 car, 81c. Oats: hlandard, 2 rare, tie. No. 8 while, 14 cars, 47',c. No. 4 white, i cara, 47'c; 3 rare, 47c. No. 8 mixed, 1 car. 47'4C. No grade, 1 car, 47c; 1 car (barley mixed I. 4'lc. Corn: No. 3 white, 1 ctir, 7fc. No. 1 yollow, 2 cara, 74c. No. 2 yellow, I cara, 74c. No. I yellow, 4 core, 74c. No. 1 mixed, 1 car (near white), 74'4c; 1 car, "3o. No. 3 mixed, 4 cara, 73Hc. Ne. 8 mixed, 1 car, 7c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. I hard. l.iH'Vtl 12; No. 8 hard, $1. 001. 11; No 4 hard, lkW1.0JH; No. 2 spring, 11.07'Aft'l.lll: No. 8 aprlng, 8l.08V4jfgd.ll; No. 4 aprlng, H.fOfl I.OOV,; No. 2 durum, $1.00 1.04; No. 8 durum, II .OJ'fcl .03. Corn: No. t while, 7uV,'?i"SV4c; No. 2 white. 7S",c; No. 3 white, 74tl7.V; No 4 white, 74VH 74o; No. S white, 74M74V4jc; No. white, 74rn74V; No. 1 yollow. "73W74C1 No. 3 yellow, 73Vfr74o; No. 8 yellow, 7.1V4'?! !74c; No. 4 yellow,- 73i7SHo; No. 8 yellow. I72(673i4c: No 8 yellow, 72Vy7J73c; No. 1 1 mixed. 73V4br734e; No. 2 mixed, 73'4 'rs'ic: No. 8 mixed, 77!.r; No. 4 mixed. 7244773',c; No. 5 mixed. 7ZV477Jc; No. mixed, 72Vtri'7c. Oata: No. 2 white. 4Sfl 4KV; Rtandard, flKVAHc; No. 8 white, 47V447Vir": No. 4 white, 47!M74c Barley: Malting, 70i75c; No. 1 feed, 004170. Rye: No. 2. WHfiOlc; No. 3. 8Vt)c. HI TTPR No. 1 1, 1 lb lobs. V' CIIKESE -lmp.rted gwlas 4v; Ameri can Swlca. block Kwlss. 'Hr , twins, I've; daisies. Ic; trlpMa. Pv. Young .meris. v; blue label brick, llv. lim burgT, J-lh , roc; lib. Jc; New York while, l!r; Imported French Itouiieforl. 4 V KIPH -Troiil. 17c; large rrapple. lOS I.V; salmon l?ltV; halibut, e, ibaniel ratflah. ISc; pike, 17c; pickerel, lor ItH'l.TRV - lirollera. INV: spilng chick ana. He, hens. llVtjc; cocka. r ; do. ks, !; reese, 8c; turkeys. Vie; plgefina per doi , POi-; duck, lull feathered lc; gse, full feathered, 8 , auuabs. No. 1, $1 No. 2, 8r. I ribs. 21c; No 1 riba, No. I loina, t2V-; No 3 lolna. MVkC. No. I chucks, lo'v, No. rounds, le1!-. No 2, rounder lie; No I OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET All Pnirgble Kindt of Cittle Ar Active and Prices Strong;. H0Q RECEIPTS C01TTINUE LIGHT larae fteeelaxe of heeai and l.awana Demand .nr4 anil Trade la ralrly 4cfle at Steady 4a gtrnng Prleea. HOI T1I OMAHA, rent I, 114. Receipt were Cattle. Hogs, gheep Official Monday M I. a '44 Offli lal Tuesday 8.1s: I 77 31.81 r.stlmale Wednesday.. 4.i1u 8.3CO 3.I.0OO 40 steers... lira 7 71 80 cows . loflt Ixmnel Flinep Co - Wt omlng IJ aleera ...lisi x 1x1 A Zimmerman 8 fendere. It; 7 NO 1 calf Wn I 0) I cows .. I1M8 4 40 Marumher II Nehraaka. 8 feedera.. fill 7 10 8 cow M 8 cows .. . an 5 88 W. K. Iieauchamp Nebraska 18 feedera 10'V4 7 4A J feeders 78 II A Dlkeman - Nebraska 8 all 7 ' 3 steers. . . 23 Nebraska I calf 1M 10 1 alorker.. 400 7 80 S3 cow s KM 8 7S 2 cows 18 cows 14 8 lu 18 stera ... K. i) Johnson, .13 row a 78! 8 40 Car'aon llroa - Nebraska. T alockera. i 8 8. lh feedera. . 8 4)i ' 8 cow s dun. Wyoming;. 781 8 78 8 88 I 71 CO Corn and Wheat Region Balletlrt. Corn and wheat region bulletin of tbt United btatra Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, tor the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. ro.. 7Mh meridian time, Wednesday, September t. OMAHA DIATIUCT. Temp. Kaln- Station. High. Liow. fall. 11K.FF 4TTJ-No. 18c No. 3 rlba. IJc; 2 loin, 17Vo; No. chinks, 12c; No I rhucka. lor; No. 1 rutinda. 14c: No. I pistes, 8c; No. 2 plates, (; No. 3 plalea, Kc Market quotations furnished by (llllnakl Krult company. KltriTH-tiranaea. extra fancy Valen rlas, t".s. 112s. 1:, IU' 174s, MOa and r'N. per box; Ked Hall Valenclaa, all s sea. IS SO er box. Iniona, fancy 3hs Mis, I CO per box; 430a, liVfO ter hox. Ap ples. Hellef lowers, 4-tler. II flu per box; Helleflowera. 4-tler. ft box lots. 11 M iter Imx; llelleflowers, 4 tier. 10 box lots II. M) per box; fancy W aahlnato" T braiul llrlmea, per box. 11.78; t'allfornla Heed llnga, er box, 11.80, (Jutncea, California, iliii per box. Cantaloupes, Cali fornia htandarda, 11.00 per rrale: Jumbos. 11 74 per crate, ponva. II M) per crate; Colo rt do lturwell cantaloupes. It per crate. Watermelona, Ic er In. Pluma, Italian prunes, II 8h per crate; 8-crate lola II ) Ier crate; 10-crale lota or more. II In per crale; Hungarian or Cross prunes. II ,vt per crate. .'eachea, Callforn'a Malway peaches, ffc per box; lflO box lota, 80c per box; Waahlngton Klhertaa. V net box; 100-box lota, ?Vc per box; Mx box lota, V per box. Peara, California Clarglona. I j 00 per box; 8-box. lola, 1188 per box; ItV box lota or more, II fk) per box; Washing Ion, extra fancy. IJ.OO per box; 10 box lots, II 90 per box; In box lots. 81.88 per box; ex tra fancy Itogue river Uartletta, II 2S per hog. Clrapee, Malagas California. II 88 per box: 8-orele lota, 1130 per box; 10 erate lola or mora, 11.18 per box; Tokaya. II hO per box; 8crate lots. It 40 per box; 10 crate lota or mora. 81.88 per box; home grown grapea. per basket. lc; ion-basket lots 1c Psnsnaa. per hunch. 1.T81MS0. VKdICTABI.F.H Cauliflower. Penver, 12Wc per lb. Cabbage, IWe per lb. Onions. 2Vc per lb. Peppera, Wk per baaket. Kancy tomntoea, 80c per baaket. Cucumbers, hothouse, 2 doe. baaket. 78c. New beeta carrota. turnlpa. Stc per dog Celerv. Michigan, Tic per dos. ; Denver. Jumlm, 11 (0 per dog. Head lettuce. hOcfrll.M per dog.; leaf, 4Hc per dox. Unions, home grown, ifcc per dog. Kadlahne, 8"c per dox. Garlic. Italian, Wr per lb. Horseradish, ll.d.'i per raae. Hhelled popcorn, 4c per Hi. Asparagua. home-grown, per dog. market price about S.k- per dog. New pntatoea. K4! per hu. Virginia sw,et polatoea, 13.75 ter bbl ; Alabama. 11.80 per hamper. NTTH-Kaltod pes mils. 1180 per case; No. 1 California walnuts. IXVc per lb.; pecans, 12jo per lb. j filberts, 18c per lb.; almonds. Wo per lb. M ISCF.mVNF.OI'R-Hugar walnut datea II 2i per box. I.lmes 11.75 per basket. ( rackerlnck, Ill.W per case; per half case, II. 74. Checkers, 8'I.M per case; per half ae, 11.75. f of fee Market. NKW YORK. Hept 9-CtFKKF,-A fur ther decline was reported In the market for spot coffee here today. Ixical Imixirt- era aay that It la becoming easier tu negotiate exchange on 1ondon, with the raault that Increased shipments are ex pected from lirasll. whose restricted out let tu Europe Is supposed to be reflected In the relatively low coat ami freight or dera now being received. The market, cotiaeuiiently, la atlll very much unset tled and irregular, with buyers reported to be neratliig only for Immediate needs, while holders of desirable old crop coffee were atlll asking prices far above a parity with new crop offerings from the primary marketa. Rio 7a were quoted al 7'c and Kantoa 4a at about 12c. The Rio market waa about lot) rels lower at the cloeci yes terday, while the Hantoa rurh waa 200 rela lower. Hecelpta at the two llraxlllan ports were gn.COO begs and today's receipts at Hao Paulo were 3f.,tgs) bags, New VorU tieneral Market. NKW YORK. Bept. . UrTTBH atendv; receipts. 1.'l0 tuba; creamery, 32iri32'-c: firsts, 28V1flc. CHITKBK Receipts. 7,172 boxes; stale whole milk fresh white and colored ape clals. lfil.fflftc; state whole milk fresh average fancy, 18V4jc KC14IS Receipts, 28,403 caaes; atnte, Pennsylvania and nesrhy hennery browns, 32i?i33c. POll.TRY Western broilers, 1tfl7c; fowl. 17tt(17Vc; turkeys, !4UlbVo. Pressed western froxen, U'll'M-; fowls, 12tflV; turkeys, l!Vii:c. 80.882 K8.7II VO.I w 70.218 4!AKI 134,878 Three days this week H VM Mamn "lays laat wek . .12. 880 Kame day 1 w ka ago. .14 728 "ame days 3 wks ago.. 14. AM ama dara 4 wka ago.. 8.134 Kama days laat year. II. 134 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, bog and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, aa compared with last year: 1814 1813 Inc. Pec Cattle 84.4!l 8(11. 730 42,131 Hog 1.733.830 ,8:l, 778 188,248 fheep 1,772,018 l,i,0SX I13,11 The following table shows the prl fur hogs at the Hnuth Omaha live stork mar ket for the last fw days, with coinparl- 8.83 !() S00 17,St 11.813 18,7841 Pate. 1 inn 11n13.1inii.11un iimo ii!si n. 13 heifers .. a Tbos II eteera ...1o84 8 rubes. . 41 eteera.. 18 steer . 17 cows... .1 12 feeder J. 81 eteera.. lfM3 I'M M0 F 7 I'l 7 78 7 80 7 80 8 48 strong. -Nehraaka. 8 cow a. 8 cowa . . , 8 steer . 22 feeders. 70 870 inm x 1tt 802 8 80 I 18 8 78 8 20 7 80 T 20 1270 7 87, 8 row s 1040 13 W. nnmaey, Colorado. . 073 7 00 A. Ie Nebraaks. 39 feeders. 1770 7 81 Nlcholsen Pro - Nehraaka 81 feedera. . I2M 78 feeders. .174 t 7 8 43 feeder a. 1268 7 8ft Cole Wyoming. 8 r, 2 feedera . AS 8 28 A 74 Patrick. -Booth Pakot 083 7 00 4 feeders . 711 12 fee.lers l K. K St feeders . 771 I hull 14 4) F. 13 steers 4.740 8 V) Ashland Auburn Broken Bow .. Columbus Culharlaon .... Kalrbury I Fairmont 'drand Island.. Ilartlngton .... Ilaatlnga Hnldrege Lincoln North Platte.. Oakdule Omaha Tekamah Valentine Alia, la 1 1 arroii, J t'larinda, la Plhley. Ia Hloux City. Ia. t.4) 0.1 m 82 t4 70 4!S R3 70 60 r, 70 H Kt "2 M 82 80 (13 81 82 71 82 6 W M . :a (,.' 4', i 64 :a 89 fill f.K 67 88 1 ry, .'2 '62 H. r.i .VI .a .w .04 1.H3 .12 .1 AO .00 .08 .00 .CO 3.30 .04 .02 .11 .15 .18 .00 .00 1 08 .11 .02 Bky. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy I 'lotidy Raining Cloudy inoudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Raining 'loudy Cloudy I'loudy Raining Raining Raining Minimum temperature for twelva-bour period ending at 8 a. m. DIHTnlCT AV8HAUI.R, No. Of RAILWAY T1MK CARD I'M kin 8TAT14. Tenth A. Maaon. Mlaaoarl PacUK K. C. V g. Le Eipr.ia... K. 4'. g Ht. I,. Kipr.il K. C. a 8t. Paul t blcatro t.real Wralera Tlo t'ltr Wmll Depart, .a t.io am all I. pra a 1 to pa Twin tMtv Eiorwia t:klcage Biprtaa isloa Pacific OY.rtsnd l.lmltad nsiirornis Mall (miaha Ktpraa. Atlanta Ki press ! Angel.a IJralt.d Inv.r hp-.lsl Colorado gipeeaa Colorado SpMlsl Kso Franct.RO Limited r-aellia ijitnu.d Oregoa-Waahlngtoa Umlt.4. Plana IM-al Grind lilind Laoesl gtromaburg LaOcal llllaala entral Chicago lalmltod .SlCSgq aaprvpi thlrage, Mllwaake rarlfle laiftlteg rjalcgo Upecial Man rranelaeo Unll-d Chicago Iwrllgkt a. pec 14 . . Manila Local W a bask Ontsha-gt. laoai Vxprasa assil ana Meriap.,., gtanbarry laecal (roaa Chicago A a 4 84 Dm .a am .a 8 . 06 pro a i 00 am a 4 Vi pis '.all (.4 sni il K am Arrl.s. a 1 11 tai a 4 W) pm a I X pm a 4 10 am a 14 pm a 1 44 pm a I 48 pm a I 44 am a I K am a 4 4 am a 4 40 am a I am O.. Ky Ind I Piatrict. Col urn boa, Louisville, india'Polla Chicago. Ill Ht. Loula. Mo.... Peg Moines, la. Kan. City, Mo. (Omaha, Neb Stations. 18 22 M 24 23 24 34 17 Temp. Pain- High. Low. fall. 6ti 44 .() 74 64 .30 4 W , .70 4i3 44 .10 72 M .30 84 60 .40 8h m .70 64 68 . 80 Aug. Aug. A Ug Aug Aug. Aim-. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Hopt Hept. Sept. !4p. be(t. Hept. Kept. Hept Hept 1 7IS 8 74' 8 m I H 8 8'k 8 7' 8 84S 3 804jjj I 081 8 841 I t 88 I 101 8 78141 7 81 T 87 7 81 7 8 7 8ft 7 811 I 38 8 to T 8? T 87 8 82 I M'kl 7 Mil 8 117 8 oliy I 84 8 ?4 I 111 3)1 I 331 7 -61 7 16 T t T in V1! 7 111 7 Ifci 1 n I 4TJ. I 641 I 6 8 84 I 70 I 47 9 HI t sl 0l I Mi I I 72 8V I K4 3 I IBS T 07i 8 78 7 11 8 88 I 8 8.1 7 171 I 7 7.41 I 211 7 081 8 Of 7 80 I 271 I 2i V 17 . 8 34 I 84' 8 08 7 S7I 14 l I 81 8 (4t I 38 1 3 7 02! 7 W: 0 8! I 8 31 tl 7 ll 8 31 7 71 I 84 7 o t 4 IV I 41 7 49 II t 47 T 73 7 71 I 81 7 82 I 44 7 Ma, 8 44 I 7 3,' 61 7 K, t 67 I I HI 7 87 7 k)i I 81 7 Oil I 64 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live etorg at the Union Htock ysnla, Houth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock p. m. yesterday: , Rk:CElPT-CAK. Cattle. lloga.Mlieep. C. M t Ht. P Wabash Missouri Pacific,.., l'nlon Pacific C. N. W., east.. C. aV N. W., weal.. 4., Ht P.. M. a- 0.. C 11. A O. eaat... A Q., weal., I. 4 P., east. 1 A P.. wrst. II. K R. C, C, C , Illinois Central Chicago t,Jt. Weat. Total recelpla , Sl'OHlTION-HliAD. PIMJ 1 I A 20 8 84 80 .171 3 14 23 10 73 132 Kanaaa f'ltr iraln and Pravlalnna. KAVKAB CITY. Sept. 8. Bl'TTKR Creamery. 21lc; flrsta, 2t',4r; seconds, 21c; packing, 20o KJ(eH Flrsta. 23c; seconds. 18c. POCLTRY Hens. 13c; broilers. 13c. WIIKAT No. 2 haul. II 4isul 10; No. 2 red, tl.08tll.10; September, 11.08; Pecem ber. IM0H; May. IMS'. CORN No. 2 mixed, 77c; No, i white, 7V7vy OATH No. 2 white, 6O8i0tV; No. 2 mixed, 47c. Chicago Prod ace Market. CHICAOO, Bept. 9.- Hl'TTICR I'ti chenged. LCJUK Higher; recelpla. 8.2M) cases; at mark, cases Included. 20a3ic; ordinary firsts, hmzjc; riraia. avt'UMVtC POTATOKH Higher: receipts. Jerseys, 7Ml'j0c-, Minnesota and if7nc; Wisconsin and Michigan, 4T70C. POL'LTRY Alive, lower; springs, H'c; fowls, 16c. 46 cars; Ohlos. 73 white, tie Morris Ca 41.1 Hwlft A Co 4,174 Cuilahy Packing Co.... 3n Armour A Co 640 Ho. Omaha Packing Co. I Kay Co W. II. Vanaant Co 143 Henton, Vanaant A L.. 40 Hill A Hon 88 F. R. Lewie 127 Huston A Co II J. R. Root A Co 118 .1. H. Hulls 45 I.. F. I luaa 73 llosenstock Rros , J4x MoCreary A Kellogg 73 Wertlieimer A Pegen... 4.17 Miilllvan Uroa 31 Rothaclilld r 83 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 13 Christie ifli ll'gglna 81 Huffman I Meyera 7 Krrhe 40 Olnssberg 7 Raker, Jonea A Hmltli.. 82 Tanner Rroa 8 John Harvey 214 . Klein 3i, P. A F 14 Other buyers , 170 Cattle. Hogs Rheep 642 787 I.OoO 1.487 164 1,026 847 8U2. 7.1'JI T on IK )tis -The receliit of hoaa were mod erately liberal tlila morning, but buyers were still very bearish In their views. A few early ssles were made at prleea that were steady to aa much a 8c higher In spots but the general market opened ex tremely alow with the big packsra doing nothing, and bidding as mucli aa 0c lower In an apparent effort to break Ihe mar ket The few earlv aalea brought around n an, and aa high as In do for a top. IUmim Receipts were very moderate ara'n today, and with other marketa re. ported aa opening higher, local snipper and one of the packers picked up a few loada of light and butcher boga on the earlv nuinda at prleea that were quoted aa strong to 80 higher. Tha other killer buyers refused to even make blda, how-ee-, and the good market early was short lived. From this time on until 11 o'clock It waa almoat Impossible to get a hid of sny sort, even on whet good hogs were atlll unsold. When first offers were finally made Ihe price quoted were all of lOc lower, and In manv cases looked lo ba slightly more than that. Haleamen, who had been asking alrong prleea all morn ing, refused to aell at such a eharp de cline, but packera made II plain that Ibev did not want the hog unlets they could get them at their own figures, and whan oma time psaaed without any appreciable change In hide, Ihey finally began tn cut loose slowly at prices that were all of Itf 10c lower, and In a good many Inatances were quoted as a flat dime lower. The strength noted on the early market keeps the average from showing the full decline, hut outside Ihe early aales prices are mostly a dime lower, and the average of all the aale shows a drop nf no of more. Hulk of the killer purchases waa made at tt.664is.80, with a sprinkling around It 60. end a fair showing around 18 86 and tx.70. , In fact, that there were a few aratterlng aalea clear up to 18.88 and on Piece of a load of good lights sold to g ahlpner at 880, top for thg day. Krpresentatlve aalea: .. 14.011. Totala 4,162 4.010 27,870 4 A 1 1 itvThe reoelLt of rattle were liberal today, but allll the total for the three daya thla week foota up only 11,621 liead, being a falling off of over 4.00u head, as compared with last week, and almoat 3.0OU head, as compared with a year ago. Uraaa beef waa In active deniand. Ihe aame us yesterday, and moved very freely at goon, strong prleea in fart, prloes, If anything, were a little better than yes terday. Curnfed heevea opened out slow, being more or less ntglectod In favor of the graaaera, but later on they, too, began moving morfc freely at prloas that were generally ateady. There were core fed steers good enough to bring tS.fcO. Cowa and heifers were also In good demand and free sellers at steady to atrnng priree. The moat of thg offerings changed hands In good seseon. Oood frtdars were acaroe and ware In active demand at atrong prices. Other kinds of stockers and feeders were fully steady, and the trade as a whole aotlve. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choloa cornfed beeves, ft fiOQ 10.26; fair to good rornfed beevea. 18 76&8 60; common tn fair cornfed beeve. 7.76y1.7b; good to choloe range steers. 17 4008 60; fslr to good range ataera, I4.7M7 40; common to fair rsngs steer, I40M87B; good to choice grsaa cows, 14.26437.76; fair to gottt grades, tu.64) i z.4 : common 10 far araoei. n,i,n;. mi good to choir stockers snd feedars, 87.60 03.00; fair to good stockers and feeders, M.7643f7 to; common tn fair Blockers and feeders, 4 0rn 76; stock 00 we and heifers. iL lUMIb: stock calves. 8 OO-lNi 00. veal calves, St3l0 60; bulls, stsgs, etc., Vt7 700 Representative sales. - Rank Clearing. OMAHA. Kept. 8 Rank clearing for Omaha today were :i,x:,,0l4 Kl and for the corresponding day last year !3,3,262.M. W. I... i'!! 17... 40... A.. ..ma .. 40 ..ini ..1D.T .1144 Tr I 14 I 14 I tr, 44 No. 14... II... 84... 14... . tie .1141 IIM .1174 Pe. I 14 I 14 I 40 I 88 STtV.e'HM AND HEIFER" Summary of wratl-er and crop Condi 1 tlona in :orn ana wneai region tor weea ending Kept ember 7, 1W4: WASHINGTON, Hept 8. 1814. In the northern portion of the corn Lal t cool weather retarded ripening corn, and some damage from frost occurred. In the central and southern portions corn Is generally matured and cutting progressing. In the greater part of the winter wheat belt the aoll la in fine con dition for plowing, which progressed ,1 I 11 is a 4 On om .alt 41 am a 7 40 am i to am .all t am .aio 80 am .a 4 la am .a l f pm .till 41 pm a T 16 pm a 4 16 pm a 4 IS im slO 14 am b 1:20 pm RAILWAY TIMK CARIl ..a I 00 pm . a 1.44 aa V St. ..a T 40 pm ..a 6 M pm ..all 44 it . a 7 14 am ..a 18 pm aim am a I 40 pm I'asl II 14 am 7 2 am I 14 pm II 44 pm 11 44 am Ll MolBM Ixx-.l PaaMng.r a 4 17 pra all U am ( l.loago Nabralkl l.lmllld..a I 01 pa I 10 am , WKST. Chi -Neb. Urn. to l.laeoln....a I 41 am a I 41 pm t'ol'sd lallfcariii Kip. s I 44 pm a 4 no pm Oilahomt A Teia Kipreas. . 4 04 pm ail a am nWl aMVWn.BKB - . . a. a, y HI ... . ( mUt Bt RLINUTU 8TAT14 Teeth, aad. Maaoa. Austria Thought On Point of Making A Move for Peace ji c. Must Be Sold New modern frame and stucco, oak and birch finish; three bedrooms and sleeping porch; corner lot; paved street; complete throughout; big bargain. OWNKR. Pouglas 162 High Class Lots Cheap. Webster and sVh Hts. paving, all Im provemttnta: Ames Ave. aid lath tot., all Improvements Tel Pouglag lil ' ... I 14 pa a I 14 am ....a 7.01 aa all 16 pm B..6 6.44 pm 614 16 am IS art h western NORTH. Twla lty Eiprau a 7 44 am alO 8 pm Dakota I'aiaang.r b 7:44 am a 8 44 ia gioui ilir laj a I t pa a I 44 pm stioseapoiia Kipraaa a 4.44 pm all. 14 am Dakota Eipmss . 4 44 pm bl4 a pm Twin City Una u-4 a I 04 pa s 1 11 am IiHT Deavar gpseial a I 44 am a 7 84 am Carroll lyoral a I ts) am a 4 M pm Cnicago Ijotit all 4 pm l arroo laoesi a pm Chicago Hpaxis) m pm isas rraociaco IJmit4 a I 64 am Oi.rlaad IlmltMl a 4 e pm Orogoa-Wsihlogio Umlta4..a 4 It pm UQm Bnn laiuiw m w vw WEST. all 4 pm a I 44 pm al4 (a am a 7 pm ah 14 am a J 84 am alO U am all .44 sm I Od r.aai a 4 oo pm i I II pa a 1 It .m aia II pm b I 16 pm b 6 10 pm a 1 44 pm a 4 hi pm a 1 44 pm all 04 sm a a so pm a l a pm k lalaad t Pacific EAST. Raekr Mountala Umlied all 84 am all 44 pm- 'hi. ago tancel Pasaasgor ,...b:tt in k!4 H pm iktcago bar Eipnaa a .M am a 4:4j pm tbiiago Night giprna a 4 14 pm t I ;t Barllagtoa Dav.r I.lmltad ( 'hicago-Oroah fnar and California pugJ4 Hound Kaproaa... S'.br.ka Point Black Hill laintol Mall Nortbwast Ripras ... N.braaka Eipraaa lalnealn laal I 8:nsri.r FUiuauutk .... I I'latlitn.ulh I. f4.ile.us PUttanuaitk .. Cbloago Msorlal Iavar Bpaj-stal blcas. gipeM , Kleago f aat Eipraaa . jf'caatoa La.al ..- at. J.- m a. - apawi It I. Insula Hp-jolal k. c a at. j,aph Lalacola-Pisttsmoulk radroa jaf latncoln rialna Llui.ln-Laong Fine . Hanligi eurtor .... Imoo4-I1oI spring! Alliloa-Oakoala 4 hlraao, H Arrte. a 7 oo sm tlM a I JO pm a I o pm a 4 14 pm a I 40 pm alt II pm a 7 m sm a 4 10 pm b I so am bta M am I kl am a I 44 pm all M pm '' 1 ri'pni a I U0 am bll 04 am all 80 sm a 4 pm a I 4o pm WCR8TRR sVTRKRT 8TATIO J Flf-te-ralh and .Wehater. Depart. .... a I 44 am 4 10 pm a 4 .10 pm a I 10 am 4 I pm ... b I 10 pm all 16 pm 8 14 m a 7 14 pm b I 44 pm ... a 4 14 am all M pm ....a I II am ....all 44 pm a I 44 pm .....a 4 K pm ... b I 16 pm ... a 41 80 pm t 6 II am ....a 6 84 pm (Copyright, 1914, Press Publishing Co.) I ROM K, Sept. .--(r'poc.a.l 4'ablegrsm to New York World and Omaha Bee.) Italian public opinion Is now Inclined tu think thst Jhe. chancrs of victory for Ihe triple enter.le iKiwers bale been Im proved hy recent event. Military writers think Austria may try to make pctce for' 1 llaelf lenvii.a tlerinunv isolate,! . 1 (Jreat Importance la attached to the declaration of the entente owers not to make peace separately and growing agi tation favorable to France Is admitted by the Austrian press to be now mani fest In Kumsnla, as waa the csae In 1870. Mlaeearl Pacific Falla riiy Paasangar. Loal realght thlrav Kt. Paal, llalka Tta M Psaaasgar gtoui 4l'r Ripreaa Hloua Cltr Paaabg.r Enaaraoa D-rpirt ArrlT. ...a I 10 pm bl le am .. b 4 44 am b 4 40 pm Mlaae-apolle A ...8 4 64 aat b 4 84 ami ...b I pm bll .44 la ... 1.16 am ...4.wpm b 8 14 sm NEARLY THREE POUNDS DAILY FOOD OF RENCH SOLDIER (Correspondence of the Associated Preaa.) PARIS. Aug. 27-Here 1s the dally bill of fare of the Frenoh private soldier In the field: . Vegetable soup, made from an ounce and a half of maahed vegetables. Army biscuit, twenty ounce. Rice lor beans) seven ounces. Fresh meut, sin teen ounces (or canned meat, twelve ounces). Coffee, three-fourths of sn ounce. , HiiKsr. one ounce. Or a total f nearly three pounds a day. Kvery soldier In the field carries In his knspsark 'ne day's rations for emergency use. Theae rations constat of ten ounces of army biscuit, ten ounces canned meat. one ounce condensed soup, two ounces t coffee and three ounces of sugar. 414 4 4" 14 tt I 88 COWB. 744 4 80 17 I4 I 74 744 4 K) I 1100 I 71 470 4 7J I I 14 I IK! I an 4 tit 4 so 7 4 an i i7o i oo 104 6 a i i wo e at 440 4 44 I '4 4 14 MA I tn 1 1174 4 4n im l a i l ay) f a 421 I 44 HKIFERH. 414 4 44 4 IM 4 64 714 4 74 77 4 40 7 VI 4 M I 434 4 44 440 I 14 U.M.f. IIM I 44 1 84 I 88 I M0 I 74 1 IIJS I so 1614 4 4 Mil 1H It I 48 CALVES. H4 7 44 1 IM 14 04 117 I 44 8 ITU 10 On II 6 0 1 140 10 U fiTOCK KKH AND FKKDBHH. 744 4 40 14 614 7 SM) 4 M 4 U 1 m IIS VI 1 440 7 U 744 IM 41 414 III 7 Ml to II til f 10 84 44 .. lit 171 !M .:' Ml 7 .., .841 44 general higher. w. . "to. . 8h. We, 44 I 68 II Ill ... I 70 ...la 4 ia aa 1 70 ... 4 40 4 144 l 174 I 0 247 44 I 78 I 40 IT 4 JB0 I 14 I M 84 IM 10 4 1744 It It 141 ... 8 14 6 lt 14 ...... 7t 48 I 8 14144 .'1 18 ... I 8 mi r.c.i line aiiceii recelpla were lib eral thla morning, amounting to about 31, (l head, agalnat 1W,:iV a week ego and 2i. (.', a year ago, they have been light for the flrat three days of the week thus far. Chicago alao had a ' large run today. The proMrtlon of feeder offerings waa Ilka yesterday and about one-fourth nf the fat stuff was aged sheep, being mostly ewrs. yuallty was good. Though the receipts were large, trains la to n getting In and sums of the offer ings more or Teas wet because) of III rain the packera were In the barn early hunt ing for sums good killing lambs but neglrrled a large ahara of tne mutton of fering tin 1 1 1 a later hour. Holh fat and feeder lambs sold comparatively early In the foreiumn at prioea steady to strong rally, and in case possibly a shade There Beamed to tie a pretty goon demand for both fat and feeder offerings, cauaing a fairly active market and a very seasonable clearance. Moat of Ihe fat lamba gold all the way from 38.8.1 to 17.411. weight and quality fix ing the plica and trade being more even, than was the case on Tuesday. Feeder lambs sold practically in the same notches, that la, at 8.Mff7 0.'h with g good slsed bunch csrrylng a little flesh going to the country al 17.10. TlieiO were no new or Interesting fea ture In aged sheep, either fat or feeder grade, It istlli being a caae of a light upply all around 1 food Inquiry at mostly stssdy prices. Quotations on rsngs sheep snd lambs, I -am lis. good to choice, r7.aMr7.60; lambs, fair to good. H.lO'ijT.la; lambs, feeders. In 2.V67.O0; yearllnga, good to choice, $8 403. 4 90; yearlings, fair to good, S.llaH.4; yearllnga. feeders. 86 4fkjji, 80, wethers, good to choir, S.kjat6 U; wethers, lair to good, 4.KUi.0(); wetner. feeder, 14 JO-TP 4 70; ewa. good to choice, I4.7rl 4rtj ewe, fslr to good, 4 6( "iH 16, ewes, feedt rs. 83.40 CV3.U0. No 127 Wyoming feeder Ismbs , 22tf Wyoming feeder lambs 1.427 Wyoming feeder lamba... 21 Wyoming feeder yearlings. IAS Wyoming fneder yearlings., IK Wyoming feeder yearlings. 207 Wyoming ewes 197 Wyoming ewe awes Ki Wyoming 40 culls ... . 176 Wyoming lambs. No. Av. 71 steers.... 7"3 10 feeders.. IOiu t aleera.... ant, 24 eteera... .104 1 hrlfer.... 6-0 I atoekers.. 781 24 feedera... 11.15 I feeders... 7 43 feeders... IOC! 1 cow 2 cowa.... t cows VVKKTERNa. N K lilt A8K A. Pr 21 feeders. t to 1 A i 71 T 36 t 60 T 00 T78 T W T 86 I 80 4 76 8 40 OREOON. 836 60 WYOMING. No. Av. 14 bulls imO I rs.Ahfrs. WO 13 steers. ...1073 I steer 1200 Pr. 6 60 80 78 T 60 1040 , 870 1170 4 feeders. 4 feedere. I feeders, t feeders. K cows.... 1 cows.... 1 bull ..1017 .. 676 .. Ms) ..1078 ..1088 ..1330 .14X1 T SS 76 76 7 00 If. 40 St FRANCIS JOSEPH SUFFERS A STROKE OF PARAYLSIS PAR18 (Via London), Hept. ,-The E relator publishes a report from Petrograd that the Austrian emperor. Francis Joseph, has suffered a paralytic stroke and that bis condition Is dangerous. 10 feeders.. 8K7 7 0S I feeders.. 840 7 00 .bulls 7; 3 60 steers. ..u 1W BOl'TH DAKOTA. 10 Meg. cs.. 7(63 26 10 Mas. cs . 881 I JB 61 Meg. cs.. 723 4 60 61 Meg. rs.. 716 I 64 10 cows 603 8 60 IDAHO. 43 steers 13 I 04 30 steers 12(4 I 06 WTOMINO. 14 stockers.. 80 7 76 7 etocUers.. CI 7 TR S stockers.. 8M T 78 I stockers. . 4b3 4 76 7 stockers.. 86-1 7 76 Ham Johnaon Wyo. t cows 47 4 M 24 cows 1011 4 89 4 cows 1018 4 4a 68 steers ...144 7 40 I steer . ..1176 7 40 I sterna ...l4 1 40 Bl'ssard Ranch Co., Wyoming 64) steers. ...11(3 7 76 tt steers. ...1111 7 74 73 Wyoming feeder lambs. td I'tsh feeder lambs 338 t'tah feeder lambs 2T cull ewes 80 Idsho w ethers 82 Idaho lamha 71 Idaho lambs ,. tl Idaho feeder lambs...... 88 Idsho feeder lambs IK Wyoming fvedrr ewes.. 176 Wyoming lambs 48 Wyoming yearlings V Wyoming feeder lambs. HU Wyoming feeder lambs.. k:i native feeder lambs, ..... 188 native ewe 7 Wyoming ewea 301 Wyoming feeder lambs., fit Wyoming feeder lambs., 131 Wyoming feeder latnhe., T44 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 16 Wyoming feeder lambs.. . Wyoming feeder lamba., 1,067 Idaho lambs 18 Idaho ewes A v. .. 68 .. 68 64 . 74 .101 ....104 ....188 .... 74 .... 82 .... 41 .... 68 .... 44 .... n .... M .... 88 .... 44 .... 84 .... 68 ....101 .... M .... 47 .... 61 .... 444 .... 44 .... Ml ....118 M. 48 M .... 47 .... 64 .... 67 .... 67 .... 47 ....104 Pr. 7 7 06 7 M 4TB . (74 176 iW 4 60 4 tn I 28 T 80 4 80 4 80 4 80 I 73 t 60 1 1 34 4 70 4 70 4 no T ft 84 7 00 7 00 8 84 4 80 4 80 4 74 7 00 7 00 7 00 too 7 08 7 49 H Kanaaa City l.lvev llerk Market. KANHAH CITT. Me, Kept. 6 CATTIaK Keceipie, D,U head: market strong; prime fed steers, l.7610.M); dresaed beef aleera, Ift.OUliO 60; western steers. I4 4fj.; stockere snd feeders. M OOul.K; bulls, ti t Sj6 7o, lves. Id kntflO In. HOUU-KecalPts , 4.100 head: market higher; bulk. 1 750.10; heavy, 8t 0OH8 26: packers and butchers, M.6X-ti-J.; light, 84.4 fill h: r-laa, 7 WJg 24. HHKEP AND LaAMRA-Racelnts. ll.Ono head; market h'gher; lamba, 17 1017.77; yearllnga. I7MJ.Z6; wethers, 46.25fj4.76; ewes, HOtj j.lli. gt. I.oals Live llerk Marital. FT. IXll'IH, Mo.. Kent. 8. -C A TTL.K Re ceipts, 4..r0 heed: merket higher; native beef aleera. 17 &U&10.60: cowa and heifers, l.'.OOft'J.&u, stockers snd feeders. 14.004fl7 . souihern steers, KVirOOO; rows and half era. 4 00ti4 6O; native calves. 18 Otsjfll 00. HOOH Hecelpta. 8U0 head; market atnady; plga and lights, f7.004j8.2S; mlied and butchers, pOOtji.lO, good heavy, f 30 t 30 rlHEF.P AND I.A if BU Receipts, t 400 head; market higher; natlvs muttons, 14.00 tj 'j.OO; lambs. 17 OtrBl 10. 81. Joaepk Live lack Market. HT. JOBEPH. Sept. t.-CATTUK-Ra-relpta. 1 4KJ0 head: market elaady; ateers. 7ual0X. cows and heifers. U-HuH; ralvea. 88 0O4J10 60. UO(18-ltealpta. 1.004 head; market, hleher: bulk, I'JdXiv 10 SHEEP AND I. AH &8 Receipts, 1.400 bead; market steady lambs, l7.WraJ.80. ' Dry Coel Market. NEW YORK. Bept. DRT OOODII-. Cotton good a market weak today. Worsted yarns firm. Cotton yarn weak. Cnderwear prices for fall easier. Burlaps quiet. Dress goods aril vs. gTsparat.d Azalea and Drl.4 Frwlls NKW YORK. Sept f.-EVAPORATED API'I.KB-I.ull. DIUKO FRl'ITH Prune, quiet Aprl cota. dull and easy. Peaches steady. Raisins quiet , t ! ? : t 1 j ' f I '