in 1W, HEE: OMAHA. KrTFmF.R inn. WANT ADS Wni ad received at any lime, hut to Ineura iT'iwr ctaasirt. tllnfi ni'itl b pre--i.tei Wfnf n n riot n noon for evening edition and ' )l p m. for morning and fund edition. Waul ad received after m h hmita will be under lha heading. 'Ton l.ata o ftaasifv." ( AMI ItATF. "n time. 11 ! a me Three time wlihln on WMk, t rent a I n ri h Insertion. feten ioninia times, 7 rent a Una farh Insertion. I'll A RUE HATE Thrr time within on ink, 11 rent a I'M each Insertion Heen consecutive llmee, cent a line ch Insertion 'mini an average mnr Am to a Una. Minimum charge, M rent. Tha Be will not ha for more II an one wrong Ineertioii due to lypo. oat hual error. I'lalma for error must be promptly made. An advertisement Inserted In he run un til discontinued muat lie stopped by writ ten order. You ran plara your want ail In Th Be by telephone TM.KIMIONW TYLER !. Unclaimed Answers to tho "Swappers' Column" Hundred nf ,.thr answer have been railed for mil delivered (liirlna tha last week. It la reeonhl to auppoa tliat all of tha people below hava mad tha desire. I an- therefore, ilo nut rail fur lha bl anro nf their answer. Be Want Ana aura get rrailK a i'. "i c. nr. n r. n C n r. M ll T! 'I' tn IKl fx pii mi wi 127 f1 M "" 1 1 lt lX IM 7 "4 1121 ifll 1f-l n M tin m i?H4 u r.i iit i?r, iM7 rt KrV' 1)7 2W IM K.'t "77 1 in 1M1 1270 7 IT lint lilt 12ia U71 ? MO ' IC1 IIM UAl in U faxl pe 1ml I'i40 li'M 14 cm iim iim iti iMn Ml W llX 11 1?J U04 f ' A R II OK THANK. Wa lh to rprr ntir many thanha fnr tha avmpalhv and klnilnraa of frlrnda and A. K. I', V, No, M and I'arprnlara' I nli.n No. lit. at lha ilfalh of our hua hand and faihrr MIlH KAVIIi IIKIKKS AND FAMILY. ' wlah to ripraaa nur many thanka fur tha avtnpathv and klndnaaa nf ntir frhtnda, Mr. I ra and hla mnplnyoa. and lh W. It. (', and loria l.'imk IVat, Vaaia ihaptar nf tha Kaalarn hlar; No hranka I .! No. I, A. K. A. M ; alao nalalihora for tha beautiful flnwara dur Ih tha rtruth of my huahant), Arthur Huth. Mni. ftran, (.'. K. Ill m H. CIIAItNKM MlfllARU t'UUlOIK MII IIAKI.. IIHTlm AJU IlKATIf a. t Mlnha-Mward and Mary Brlrk, ot lmllana avaniiv, hoy; 1'alrlrk and Mary U'Hrannan. 4X.-4 Wirt, airl; Harry and Frieda Hrrvnnrt, lIH t'aaa, boy; R. f, and udrlla I hun li. 3173. Kowlar avanua, toy; t'lirla and Johanna Ixilaaard, r'lar anra, hov: Andrew and Katlirlna !yla, I'C't North Twtmty-thlrd, iMiy; William and Nana OiMMlwIn, WW Hamilton, lrl, Krd and Maud llearlny, M7 North Twn lylKhlh avanua, alrl; John 1.. and An tona Hawk, ll laar I'ark IwulavaM. hoy; Jullua K. and Jo.vra Koch, Hi I'np Plrlon avrnua. hoy; Joint and Trreala Kiiftanakf, 12M Mouth Twalfih, hoy; B. ). and (laorgla l.ynn. hoapltal,' hny; Frank II. and Mary II. Martin, 7M Jonaa, In-y: Carl and Oatharlna Mayar, Mouth Nlnatwnth, boy; H. K. anil Mar aarat Miller. LIU HI. Mary'a avanua. alrl; Haitmel and Iora McAullffe, 407 North Twanly-aavanth avanua, alrl; T and l.ntten Daterlwrt, I'll Houlh Thlrly-f Irat, hoy; t'llfford and Mahal I'alem, f I'lnk nay, boy; Krd and lllldur I'alarann. Mil Marry, elrl; Anton and Fran.aa Vldlak, 87m lilnney. boy. Itaatha-br. ilaora K. Tanna. 41 yaara, M Houlh Twanty-nlnth; olof Johnaoa, III year, hnapltal, Marie Hawa, 41 yaara, noapltal. MAMRIAIiR I.K'RNMKII. Tha follow Inn llcenaaa to wad hava bean laauad : Name and realdenca. Age. T'harWa A. NlelUa, Ihnaha Ma K. Ilalplna, Omahaj ii Or.n II. AA'llann. Omaha. 89 Ocla IShafer, Umtlia W Klnar Andraaaan, llanaon II Ura Horenaon, llanaon 1 Hartal H. Itolmea. Omaha. n lleaai It liolman, Omaha 17 Marry A. Waddle, Dlller. Nab II Huby Barber, IHIIer. Nab U Holland V,' Talbert, Omaha over II Maude I lludapelh, O. B.. la. over II Marry It. Hwanann. Omaha I B lona Oawald. Omaha M II BIII.DIOIO rBRMITI. leoraa J. Wallace, HUn Maroer Park hoolavard. frame etucrn, ILhU; Ferdinand htadlnaer. 1414 Houth Tenth atreet, frame ahrd. 11,1.4. TOIIAVN roMl'lJvTN MOVIK PIl(Xav.MH KtrlualTTi ( Th It4t M ! BV t-AUERArHONK. 14l rtOfjaUAB ST. I.lly of the Valley, l-real Vita. Mlppery Nllm and tha Claim A lent, Kaa. Nan a Vlot.iry, ell. i"; rfflTTNKATKhrNO. I, UIK FAHNAM. 'lha Birth of the Htar Kpana-led Banaar. r. Fdlaon. The Widow and the Twlna, l.uhln. Tlve Family Record, Rella. r Aii.NAM THKATKlt. 111. FAHNAM HT. lirlura of the Twln a Double, l-reet Bleoo. ItlBl'THKATlTRriTTH ANl HAMNBV. .Mai y I'll kford In tha Ragle' Mate. TAIIK IIIKAIl-K. alt NO. laTll Tale of the Warpath, l-reet Indian drama. od a io.mI rooiely. J AKI.HK THKATF.K. I 1KJUOUAH. Iuble r.rwwrd, l-peel. I lil.i K, Ui;-1 UUtULAH, l.iule M and I. VMor. inejl'eoi ailry, -rel Imp. rt. I.AMil THKATKlt. 141 II AND FOItT i Voinn. rrl Ki-lalr, . ml J, ..iii. oily. THKAIKK, The Utile ,H-iurlta. IM4 .NO. JKiH Tin-.l of l(.ar t'l-erk. I-rt-l Kutiu Ar 'a Flot. Keilan.e tnooedv. I'lAMOMl 'I lib. A I K U. .'tut UKIt T Jim Wrtli rVnator. 1-rrel Baa-got fan. in Utile I mv. Ia comedy, FKANK I.I.N TlTr:.. Jitll KltlNKuH Am H.ii.i.t ivlllah. t-rerl Vitaaraph . t 5e Hun a Buae. l.uhln. ' liin. tut Billy e ltd Bide, Kaaanay. FMiI.J" fliiiATK'H, 4l'iN7j4Tli7o:T At the F vt the Olalia, H.. ' l.ue and l.itnch, l-i-eol itlerllng comedy Mhra. Neator I tl I 'BiM kj TH i:A"Ath and CI 7TnT3 Weekly, irw-a No. . KduoallonaL 1 lie Toy Mil p. rnncvaa drama. Alan a Wa. Amerhan -reet Ara ma , 1 1 1 . . . .. . . . . I Ka.l. F.rranay. A Oentlriiiati .f liaure, s reel Kef ana Y (n.-er hate, Vltaaiaph. i . i T It I M I ' T 1 1 i. A T k. H . Xf N O-M tTT lii.w b.a ltoiane. Kr atone. i.irioa Yeraja Uve, Amertoaa M,lli..iilf.llar Malery No, . l7. A I . T 1 1 k A T k- U. rat-ALHwiirr; W hen Homanoe ame to Anna. 1 real Inn - - " ' - -. w'.nii HarnloriiHr. Boeeie rtioiedv. j I .M.A. k. TlitATk-K tut lAVkiNl)BT i Value l.-elved. I reel Kerrlcen Victor i.i.i Married, eiierltiig comedv. i-i HI KHAN, r41HANI AM FA J ll.e old Army Coat t-eel Kalem itr film and Hla,.iv Kaa. Ife MateiK,ua lnlgrr, uagrepo. Toll WH I MMI'I.DrK MO IT. I'lHM.H fs Iti Itialtelr In llf Fatal. AT'IMO. .'! l.k.A VI.NttiXtTU Heerl Hrlir l ha llne, i.f leallnv, Bio Iron, ho Kill v Ina not, k aa.inay l. iiii.rli in M.n H..'ii i a in a ph l,l Mill A i Ti c A , l.l'i rii'i "prill n An Inii.Ment !iilali. 2-reel XMaarapli. Tnpy Tur y H nlr. I..alla. The fteK,rlrr 1. 11 Ilia l ae, fell. I A Vi ill IT K 'I lKATKII,ni VIMn.S HT Hearai Seha The Hoanaaril fa Hi. J ne l.ihln 1 he Mlmip at Moipix'i, MP.aiapn. k A " AIIU'OMi; ANNKX. 171 h-V INTi i.V . l"onilHy. 11-The Ivrlla i.f failMi.e, Hrrlea No 7 FA i 'II IT k'tTi k.ATkTl" 7TVINT N. The l al-e (h.hie, 2-roel t.ilh. ilrey k.aalr'e ltev.riKe, rial. A l.nw Financier, Helig. l km" t i i k: a i' f. i t , " i;.-4 V 'i.ifiiHT. The Jaikpnl rhih, 2 reel IVIalr. The IWm.i, NVmcala, Hew .-onied. IIANKi OM Tlll.A., Wi ll CAM I.I. I.Alt. Myalery of Wl kham Hall, J-reel I'owera. I.VIUC Tl I KATKII, 1617 VINTON HT. On the High kVaa, Z reel Imp. ih W hul l lha I'ae, Joker romedy. I'AHTI MK Tl I KA . , 2T1 h UKAV F,7i VvTTiTrTl Tlie Law t'nto lllmaelf, -rae Rex. Billy a Hlot, Hterllng romedy. VK.NK.IA Til KATKII. 1211 MOUtll IJTIt Tray o llaaria No. 1 (Flower ( Klarnai. l-reel Oold Heal. A Strong' Affair, sterling comedy. eat. A I ROOM M TIIF.A., FARNAM A PARK. Tha While Monaa, 2 reel Hellg Joale'a I e-la ration of tndependenra, Vita He WantedJVrk, liihln. IiiTRTto if t i ik at Kit, a,i faiiN'aM ht'. Florence Lawrence In Tha I 'ounterfeller. Fob leonard In Mnunlaln 1 .aw Kdna Malaon In Thla la lha Ufa. easa, IIRNSON THKATKlt, MA MAIN HT. Barbara Tannant In Firelight In I parte Francla Ford and Urace l unard In The wan of Her I holce, I'nlv, Ike comedy (eeaell M.effa. llol'KIt THKATKn, MT BltOA IW A Y. Trey o" Hrarta No. (f'rack o' Donmi, I reel Hold Heal. I'nlv. Ike, Jr., Nearly Hot Married, I'nlv. Ike comedy. Ik Ornate). ?r"Aein I4TH AND N, ha Bond Klernel. t reel Kalem. Tha Uat Cord, Vltavraph. The Belter Man. Uihln. MAUIO THKATKlt, 2IT1I AMI O, Man from Nowhere, l-ree Victor. Ilalalaa, Bex. VaadeTlliv. ORPIIKl'M I4TII M, HOlTTIf OMAHA. Hirlea No. 10 of the Million I'ollar Mya- tery will be ahowrt here Wednaday. Two thrilling parte. ANNOl'NCKMKNT Gibson's Buffet 121 Houlh 16th St. IIA.hl, Iaf I'lle C omia. Beat remedy for Itdilng, bleeding or protruding ptlee; no pnatpald; aamplea free, bhtrnian McComiell Itrng t'o., Omaha. ji TK Y wedding rtnaa rtroileaaard'a. Xvaddlng annmiin-einenta. loug. I'tg. Co'. Kir INS, ahowcartla, t'lark A Hon. D. 1371 GlobeVan&Storage Hlorea. move, parka, ahlna: X-horaa van ana m men, per nr. aioragw i p y gu I'hnne Ihiuglea boa Bee Bldg. Ohi'f a prlraie booth in my grtll room for noon lunch. I'IlTW LOOK ill 8. 17th Ht. mvk wum Ill'Hl.NKHH MK.V OF OMAHA A, B, C of Omaha A . I.1, . . . i.i, hauiihb, aiamomia and Jew. eiery, aiHH'iai prirea, Hept. and Oct. Buy now. II a wuii u'.i.r Watch and Jawelrv Vv it.wim nt war. bach block.. CUIllllCTT. the men that rleana every thing. Mete cleaned and blocked. Oet your fall ilolhea cleaned now. Low prlcea, neat work, prompt aervb e. Delivery free. 1MKS Harney Ht. Ooug. 4SX1 FOH auctioneering f al klnda of Jewelry end general meis-handlae, write If. A. Moth. Ull Houglaa Bt. Doug. U70. Twenty yeara' etperlence. Ml.I.HA Boiler Compound tV , a boiler compound for alck botlera, dla aolvea boiler acale, not boiler Iron. Melbs. doea not pit fluea, only removea old acale, adtla efficiency and economy to lour boiler plant. Call or writ for eatl. ntata. Omaha Nat. Bank. I. .U.7, after t p. m , and on t4undaye, D. B1K. N KV and kecond-hand electrte fane and motora. IBron Klectrlo Worha, SIH (. ISth. Houglaa ri7 OMAHA 1'iLL.oW CO., ii.i t uiiimg lhjug. IffiT. Benovatea feathrra and mattrnaeea of all klnita, makaa feather tnalreaaea and down rovera. ! IANO tuning, H. Brandon, t yeara at . Hayden'a. Becommended by beat! mualclana. W. 4MI. 4HII N. Wth Ave! VACUl'M cJeanera for aala. Vacuum cleaning dona In tha home, Nanltary , Penlce Co.. tM Bee Bldg. WK rent, repair, aell need lea and parte for all aewlng machtnea. NK Bit AHK A CYCI.B CO., "Mick el'g." IMh and Harney. Douglaa last. i rU) Johnaon'a atwclal, alao ip...JU m VOlV Bhone I, 170J Victor Areeaetaate. MKI.VII.l.r; O. THOMAS COMPANY, IJJ7-3 i'lty Nat. Bank Bid. Tyler Ml". Atwa; Maehlaee. faltoiddlng Machlnea. 411 S. 11 TV 140, Idder Men Co. t WafealW. O. W. D. U3.C Ante aad Magaete Heiealrta. Magneto repair work epeclalty. D. 1411. A artleaeera. fhiwd Auction Co., 11M W. O. W. Red tH6. Arrhlleeta. Clarence W. Wlglngton. Rfl S. ISth. I. 4!tT. fcverelt 8. lodile,"l3 I'aaloa. rVaL Atlrertlaea. OMAHA film ev. 4th and Poug. Motion picture machine and film haraaina. Harlerra. 1J Chalia. 10c al-ave. neck ahave. 11T Far. H ATH S, ir; ' 8 1 1 A K, lc !t!0 N n hlee I'rtelle. IIOHNHV Ctt.-Blue printing, under new uwneralilp. .. Omaha' Nat. Bk. U. SI&T. tlraaa Fueadrlee. I'aton-Mltchell Co., rth and Martha Sta lialMlaa aaa-Mealrlae;. K. FRANTA, II Fallon Blk. Doug JIRT. lellforala. laaaale. VV. T. Smith Co . 111! City Nat. Bk. I. Ml. f are) Kiaaa. ffi. a dxir lel g M ynater, pa. Bk n. It. klreprwelere, J C. lee rence. D. C SJ?S Howaiil. IV Hen. 1.. Ool.iie, l. C.. riTBeBidg." Iug4.;wr W.F. liir lance. l.C uilaTBlk.' l7TiT . U 0 ilAVFi. I. C.. UTkUrBiug'R7i;";4" t htea ralalta. Buth ltchford. decorating, firing. R 441 lttl F.aaleeere. M J l-tl'T, ill BKK Rl JV. P. 471$. t eeaaa eartwre. TeHjrplea Ketiarator C.. I th eV rerw. Itaaelag Imatrerttee. . Turiln apanclng Aredemv, th A Fam. , Mackte'a Acdem). now oien. Illlar' lerwtlata. I 'r. Bradbury Ne pain i:V t'arnam ! Dr Todd a areolar denttMry 'J BrBiK ela. Bet'ei , the lentlt. ,0n n Nel l Bank. Ta't rental r.ovuaIlell I sJuglaaT l7 Xiii MVK WIRF, )l OMAHA rallata. OI'.M ill.eaara. Bank lr Flrkep, 7:i I lly Nat l Itefefllt ea. JAMF.X ALLAN, VI Neville B'k. F;v. fteo. e actircl In all i-aaea T ter 11. fleetamaklna. Teir I ureemiik g nt'epa. 2 th A Farnam Kerlen'-e of all klm!. lv woik, iertan alle riaranleed r: f lle T !? Cne Ink anv It irt'l teaaonnhle I in. ajlV flrwaa I'lU'i,.1! tit nil pihea; freiahl paid r.n lie ordrM, (atalotfiiea free Mierman A Mh 'onnell Hi ng To,, Omaha, Neb, KlerlrB aajMta. LKIUtON F.lec. tS ka.. XII H. L'lh I . 117 Kvrr) f Mnaj fnr W omen. HKMsrrn iiiNd Ideal Button aid Pleating i'o., C7 Womana F.change, 4 J Pax ink. 8. ISth; n. t"'i2" I oncrele Knglweera. Haanehln-Wella Co. m Htale Bk. D. K'.. Fwrrlrra. BKN FKNHTI H. 141.1 N. 844 h 8t. W. t3M. Mnrlate. I.. IIKM'KRHdV, IBll Farnam. I. I1H. Florlat Telearai.h I tel. Amu. il F.HH"8 WolloTA .' liFa7na"mHt. A. ItONAIirK. "lii2j"llarne"y. I niii g. WW. IIA'I ll'H florleta, lit Farnam Ht Hair Itreaalnaj, Harper Method. R . Italrd Bldg. p. 311. Live k I nek Bemeglea. ' LMA." A Remedy Co., 107 8 lth. Red. 4?M LUhtlne; kltleree and Wlrleg. THOMAS DUKKIX Flwtrlc flxturea and atippllea. nontreet Ing and repair work d'ine reaeonahle. 41 CFMINH. lol OLAM IM. Mfra. and A Inwove khade Cleaaera, OLD ahadea made like new. Mlde'eet Hhade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Mar. 41m. Xlaaaenaea, Mlaa Jacvha. Maaa., Bath, Flee. Trt. D.7H. T X A T7 11 ICS H "at net. Hi'-fKN! Bmi Farnam St., Apt. , Id floor. I. mH. Mlaa jlex, Maaa , INevlMe" III k 1)t rt"t Mlai FlalieV, iiiaaaTeiert". treat 't7 Red fioilgT M aa nge, jf"laa"uil.aon "tiTtM. Nevllle'ltiir MAHSAilK. V H. 17th HI .Mr. 8t7l! MrHnyder, eUT. trl. JtoX H. xih, D74rWo! M A SXA ( 1 1''. H cdloh movement. 4:4 "."L "i!!"' """"I fcjj?; CLARA KKkl. inaaaage. IouglaB X7M. fct'ii nkurlng. Kathleen Mack".' liioiigTTHI?. and Traaafer. W HITK LINK, 3U0 Ho, 11th. Douglaa M2. Millinery. SWITCH KH from combing. It V) Payche free. Mra. II. M. Kck, 4 8. Pith. I). i7. Moving:, ktnrage and ( lennlwat. w.f If1 ' N ,Mh "nl cfu '' Ty- y' OcHllat. Kyea examined, glaaaea fll led. pay aa you can. Pre. McCarthy, 1111 W, O, W. Bldg, osteopathia Pkyalelawa. Dr. Rerucha, SiK-4 McCague Bldg. D. .Id. I'atenla. II. A. Htiirge. tns Brandela Theater Bldg. l. O Hainell, PaKlon Blk. Tel. Bed 7117. Patent Development. AMFRICAN Machine Co., Ill fl. 11th St. I'lwniea Hranvated. PI.CMKB A flower made over, cleaned A i' '" HetlhA K rimer, 4.n I'axton It. KSH. 1'rlallag. WATKIl.'4-B ARVII ART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug- 11 W. 24 H. 1.1th Bt. DOUOLAH Printing Co, fel"!""loiig. 644? H)itKY AV M ' KKNll'K PTO. Co. V.. njICH-IIAI.L Ptg. Co., IH30 Capitol. D. 1101 C K NT I f A i P III N f IN J CO. DOfJO. KM. Itoaek Kalernilaator. B. B, H. Hoach Powder at your drugglat. Hafe and Tlmeloek I0pela( O AFK romhlnatlona changed, opened, re palre.1. K.K Davenport, leog Dodgn.Dlkll. ho Repairing. KleiMrlo Hhoe Rep, Co.. IM7 81. Mary'a Av. R'WAHiiNABI.K," Farnam Rep. Cn.IUR.-K Blaae and Naawrarde. . SIGNS AT CUT PRIOKB. r.. M. CLARK HON. 11th and Dodge. D. 1R7I. kteel t rlllaa. CARTKR Hheet Metnl Worka. lift S. Wlh. a I ore anal Office Flit area, PKHKS, Bare, acale, how.-r. helv ing, etc. We buy, aell. timing Fixture and Supply Co., 414-W-IX H. lath. D. J74. Towel NappHee. ' OMAHA Towel Hu 'Ply. 207 3. 11th. P. :'! Trawl. a and Nnltcaara. FRKL1NO eV HTFINI.K. I"0 Farnajn 'Ht, Veterlnarlana. DR. O, R. VOI NO, 4 Center. H. MM. Wine and l.tqnorB. ALKX J KTKH. :M1-1 8. lath 8t. Wlnea, lllmr. rlaar. INate dinner II to ft, Itlc. OI.OIIK i.inuor llouae ' 4a"No."iiith. i qlV cold beer. B,c. Wrlle for price Hat. D. 4U2, H KN R Y kH )"l 7K K.' K LI W i'ORTlO l" RF llth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. Bl'Y your family liquor at Klein' Liquor Houae, 6Z2 N. 16th. Douglaa 1MW. HELP X. TTKD FEMALH Clertcat and tfflee. NO FM.IMI KKK. Steno., 140-eu; eteno, HO. ' Olfli-e rierk, ROOKR8 HKKKHKNt'K CO.. IH Htiile Bank Bldg. 1 7th Harney.' fTKNOl, It APHk.ll, 74. cUeno., '). Hteno , fti. Hteun. and bkpr.. Hteno and gen. office, )40. TypUt. HO. . Wells Bet. Co. R0-4J Bran. Tha. Bldg. Hteni'urapher. Mntth Pieniler, tM. Typiat and office clerk. . . Htenogiapher and clerk, 4a Htenographer and bookkeeper, Htenoarapher and bookkeeper, V. Cavhter, !'. WfceT. HKFF.BFNCK BOND ASS N., lot Omaha National Bank Bldg. k'aelary aad Trade. MIt.l JN FRY apprentice. Call IXH'il &T. APP KKNTK M girt. Oppeahetin Parlor. Ileaeekeepere aad Ueieaeellea. - TUB Servant tilt I Problem Solved. Tba Bee will run a Servant Uirl W anted Ad FHKB until you get the dealred reault Thla appllea te reaiilenta of Omaha, ttouau Omaha and Council Bluff Bring ad t The Be t-f nam or telephone Tyler ltxK W A NTKD ilirl fW general houaework! Wood home offered. Phone liaracy t all at IStiJUrBym. , llol'fiKK KF.PKIt for otel. A-l refer ence. Addrea R 44M, He. A OIKI. for general houaework; no waah lng. Ml Jackson. WANTKIV-Illgh school girl to do light work f r board and room, good home for good girl, ttll W. 4.M. I'll AMHKKM AID fer hotel. Addreea B m. Bee. W A NTF.D-A girt fur general houaework Xa) Harney Kt. UIKI. wanted for general houaework. M raj 1. W. Noble, la Hawthorne Ave. WANTKD-A girt to aeelat with bouee work. Ui s M or rail II .vtj. WANTKlV-A good maid for general houaework. call funday or aoyday next week. 114 N. tit. W ANT k.'D Com peienl girl for general houeework. Xe i Uewey Ave. II. 1 til III. for general houaework; must be good rook. Ml 8. lath Ht. Harney 17.- AN1 Kl A competent girl for geiteral housework: good wage; ntall famity Call Harney W.4. W ANTKl-A young girl for general housework; on who want good home Call Harney SITI. Aa I ill . for general housework. hut Park Av. W AN Tk'l Kkiertere-rd girl for general l.ouurk. Phon liaracy '., H r.l.P W A MKIU KK.M A IJI Mneeeheepere aa4 Iteaaeatlra. A Tni'Nil girl to aaalt with bnuaewnrk; one who can ro home night, etcam heatrd at'ar'menta and leo in family, i all H n. Vt'ANTKI' A ao.rfl girl for general honae. eork, amall family, reference reiulred. Harney W'ANTFK-A good cook and aecimd girl. M1 (xxtge M VA ANTKIi-''orrprient maid for eecond eork; miial hate referen'. Apply n ri'd Ate WANTKD CiiMI'k.TF.NT HI III. FOR IrTNKRAI. HOI'SKW OBK, KMAI.I, FAMILY. Umili WAilK.". PI ION K 1H7... till MILL XT. I'lll M IL lll.l FKH. IA WANTF.O- IIikIi a hool girl to work for boiml and room and amall wagea. Trl phone Paler 7ln7. IHI, for geto-ral honae or k; atnall family. ?i Farnam. Phone Harney W)7 WANTKO-A good girl for general houf work; doea not have to lie a giHid rook; n t waahlng, gi.o.l wag' a. Call at 11". J. 2lh Ht. WANTF.H 'llrl for general houaework, amall family. II-' N. Ave. Telephone Harney i.y. OOiiti girl for geniral iiouenork; email fHnilly. Call VH H. ,th Ave. Phone Hartley 7o. WANTKD A rirl for general houaework. Mr A. O. peteraon. MI2 I'umlng Ht. WANTKli A conipeleni girl for geneTai houaework. Cnlf l. Wl'J. Mleceltai.eoea. VINII women coming to Omuha aa ! ranger ere Invited to vlalt tha Young Women a Chrlatlan Aaarx'latton lililldlng at Ht Mary'a Ave and 17th Ht . where they will bn directed to aultable boarding place or othetwl aaalated. Look for our ti Aveh r' guldn at f t. ton Hlallon. KXTR AOItl I N A BY FlTlBAL BKA f s"' Make your own bead In brilliant color.' exnuiaite odora' Can le aold at handaomo profit. La France Roae, Irleh Laddie, Roman Beeitly, Pomplen Prince, Perilnn Honquet, etc. Formulae 25 rente each (coin only!. Bend ttnp for complete Hat. M1 Kkbetgh Mudlo, 12tJ Raymond Av,, Ht.i Paul, Minn . WOM KN Oet government Job; thouaaml vacancl.a yearly; liet poaltlnn open to women free. Franklin Inatltulo, Iept. TR, Hocheater, N. Y. HKM WAITTKII MALE t lerBal and Office. Traveling aalreman, exp. unnecei y, U; Bookkeeper, 175; aaalalant bookkeeper, exp.. .v; atenngraphrr, !); Jr. office clerk, :to. WP;nT. RKFKRF.NCK BOND AKK N., OMglnalftra of the Reference BilaineM. iuJ- Omaha National Bank Hldg. tvftis " i ilA PI I Kit,-17:.. Stenog. and bkpr., Kfl, Solicitor, IMl. R. R. ticket clerk, exp.; iK). wail Kert:o., M0-t:, llran. Thee. Bldg. 7" N FI LI N I FF.K. Bookkeeper. 175 to lv0; ledger clerk, ;5; aaaltnnt hookkerricr, .'.0 to office clerk, Council Bluff. $vi); ofl'lco clerk, good pcnmin, ltd to l.v). - IIOIJFR8 RKFKRF.NCK CO.. J& Bute Bank Bldg.. 17th and llarney. IF you are looklnn for a high grade ' poaltlon aee the (YI-OPKRATI VK RKFKRKNCK CO., ' i 1W5-U City National Batik Bldg. A sen la. galea'meindgnllH toTeT" A FIRHT-Cl.ARS land man to represent a large Florida land company. Ad dfeaa T 4M, Bee. Roy. ' BOY BOY. WAXTKD AT ONCE TO DRIVE WAGON AROUND CTTY. MLTKT BE 0001), STR0N(J AND A WILLING WORKER. GOOD PAY. CALL 1303 HARNEY ST. BIlloHT office boy, Id. good future. Watts Kef. Co. 140-41 Bran. Thi-a. Rlda;. ' - Factory aad Trades. Drug store simps; ,1oh. Knelst. Be pklg. WANTKD-Fifteen harneaa maker, four awddle hand. No hooxrra. Give refer ence. The Kecsler-Barkow Hddlery Company, Atchison, Kan. Wanted mkn to i.karn thk hah- BIS H TRAL1C-He Independent. Few week complete. Position waiting. Our graduate qualified for beat .loha. Wagea wliil learning. Tools ulvon. Call rr write. MOLKR RARKKR COLI.KOK. 110 S. 14th. ' Mlarellaaraaa. PAXTON Blk.. Vatfrlng School. Rm. 1L YOUNO MEN WANTED To hf auto expert, flood men earn big money; largeal and beet college. Big new. bldg., elen. II. and starting ayatama, big machine ahopa. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto Collage, till Farnam Ht., Omaha. Neh. -Wanted at Once MX to learn the automobile business, tlie demand la great for our graduate; we. have trained hundreds of men; let ua train you. Will for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n. . .. W14 N. Jtith Ht.. Omaha. Neb. MKN with patentable Idea write Ran dolph it Co.. Washington, D. C. TIiE NEBRASKA AUTO - r- MOBILE SCHOOL bal turned out more successful gradua'ea than any echool In thla country. "There' g'reaaon." Write today for our catalogue tyi. I4W lKag. Omaha. Neb. to leara the barber trade; tuition. 4; set of tool given; wage paid.. Trt- i,i!y i-niiege. linn and Oouglaa Sta. THOl'SANI.-.. government Job open to ,men and women; big nay. Omaha ex amlhattoh frequently; list of positions tiem Aridresa Y ivl. Bee. AA l'Mi-l,nl men to eat round steak, J&c. Coffee John'. 14th and Capitol. KXPF.RIF.NCF.D garsge"msn wanted, one that la capable of taking charge of ahop In country lown; no booser need apply. Address Y PW. Bee. IIKI.P WANTED MALK'AND riCMALK MFN WOMF.N Oet government Job. to 1M month. Writ for list of po sition available. Franklin Institute. lbt. a-B, Ro.htr. N. Y. . WANTED SITUATIONS I.AWYF.R: TOl'NQ MAN. GOOD EPU v CATION. 1W CBADI ATK, KX CF.LI.KNT 8TFNCX1HAPHKR. I'K 81KKS POSITION IN UW OFFIi'H OK W IT 1 1 LARUK CollIVtRATlON .VHKRbJ OPPORTUNITY WILL BK HIVK.N TO tlUTAIN PRACTICAL PXPfcRlk'.NCK. OR At PRIVATK SPX'lltrrAY. AGE Z1. ADDHKSS B 4J7, Bh.k:. tnol reliable woman want' p.sitlon aa boueekeeprr. Would kre city. Olv full detsll III first letter. Cn fuinlsh rltv reference. lal oaitlon two yeara. Artdre. A Bee. WANTKD PoaltWn aa houae eateeman. hnokkeeoer or rorresiKndenl wrth w hole sale concern by exeriencd man, ft years of ge. Addreaa A 4X Bee. YOUNil MAN. experienced In ealee, tredns. caehler work and bookkeeping, with highest references aa to honesty and Integrity, aeeka permanent r-onnection wlib Omaha wholesale firm. Can arrange for Interview. M 44a. Heav. I VANTFI Permanent position In drug store where can get good experience; un regtatered; good habits. Addreaa T 1)7. COMPETENT, energetic man. , with college education, want connection with advertising agency, real eetate . apectal firm; rommamia tnuusn, uerman and Scandinavian languagee; expertenced. U. 42t, Be. Future advancement Imperative. YOUNG man waaia place to work Per board while attending Boylea college. Telephone lvug1e I.M. AV ANT KD Steady poattlon by e Xpert - nced plumber and fitter,' gool lead worker, sober and reliable. P. 8. Oris wold. Pwola, Kan o DAI WORK, bundle weaning H. ;jr. VATK.I HITt ATIONS DAT work wanlel Phone louglaa x?7S. KIM'i'ATKO, refined wanla place a hnuekerp r Addreaa B 410. Bee. 'WA NTKO-Work aa r hamlermaiil In hotel In Omaha or Mouth Omaha. Phone H. xr.M ftKI.IABLK, pracinai nure elahea poal tln. (all i. fc 1 1 a PLAt'K aa h'voaekeeper on farm; have two children: ner achool preferred. Ad dreaa H 4.'?, Hee. C 1 1 A I ' F F F. I R wTahee p.. alt Ion In a private family: can make hlmaelf gen erolly uacfnl. Call or write. H IJth Kt. ATT11ACTIOVS. W ANTk.D-Independent vaudeville a' t. Addreea, ) .17 Hre. A I TOMtkHII.KH FOR gl H'K BALK llt your aecond-hand autoni'.hll. with" Middle ftat liarBite. 'Jtb-n Farnam Ht.- o 'ireenouah Omaha Had Rep Co. ?i2D Far. H. P.. e-paaa., Wi tourln ar. fully equipped ard ovrrhanled ; :VA. Ho. :C.IS. "Llndlwrg' For door, body bidg..4o tt Far. $110 forfeit for any magneto w ran t re- pair. tou repar g. O. uydorfer, 2I N. 11 Foil a high grade, naeii car ata" right price, aee llowea. fci Farnam. I), iwi lnniitrlal liarane o , iiOth llarn. y Ht M Y 7i-PA HH K N (iV. floti r Inaf car," (fi07for Omaha clear building lot worth the money. Call Harney :ter., the owner. W ILL sacrifice thla week late model, 5- pn, car. first class condition; no rea nnalile offer refused. S7'rJ N. ZiA. . MA i;oVF,RKD truck Wit!-. olld ',Wk lb, capaclly. .i. rubber tire, iiarney 74. Motoreyrlxa. I.lndborg Pro.. ,7? Loav.tFlylrg Merklc). H A I'.LK Y -1 A VIDSON AH JTO RC Y C t.KB. Ilargalnn In used machine Victor Rood, "The Motorcycle Man." I70S Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTOIICVf.LK now reedy; bargain :.n tted machine. OMAHA Plt'Y'I.K CO. ir,th and Chicago. D. 37a. 1!"14 INDIAN, 2-apeed motorcycle and side Tri. good condition Call Houth g41, ONK 2-cy. motrcycle, 2Z. Tyler 3.1. Bl KINESS CHANCES C. J. CANAN, Heal Katate andFtchangea BUILDKR3 who build for th future of their business need a good foiindutton. What could be better than a nice, cool office, eoally found, close to the build er' headquarter, the court houe and city hall? A room or a suite In The Be Building I d.-slrnhle. I office, Room 101. Foit HA Lb;-lA.otio stock or hardware and modern store building, located In good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixture for 11.000 less than tliey mat two vcara ago. No trade. Addreaa, Y17H, Bee. lilUll-CLAHH business openings. Weter,. Kef. A Bond Abh'ii. 764 Om. Nat. Bk. Blclg LIST YOlTIl Hl'HlNWH tt for quick acllou and square with I reatment. QUICK SAI.K8 COMPANY. 4H Bee Bldtf. Phone lied 32.". assss j Our Nebraska farm molt- Tf ganea aro not affected by L Kuropean war or panlca. i f Amount 1400 to 1:20.000. W '. M W collect all lnterct and prln- clpal free of charge. 30 years ,n the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss I our record. KlitlKK 1NVKHTMKNT COMPANY. KOI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Omaha. o- IlKHTAl'llANT For sale, the fixtures und slock of a restaurant, with a good custom, In a good location; no opposition. Apply to C. Vyakocll, Fur Wei I, Neb. SIGNS, ahow card. Clark A Son. D. 1.171. TO HKT 111 or out of ousinrs. call on OANOBTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. D.J477. TO yilK KLY sell your buslnes or real estate, write Kennebeck t'o.. Omaha. THKATICRP Buy. lease or aell your theater, ir.acbino and atippllea through Theater Kxchango Co., 1406 Farnam 8L Douglaa 1W7. WANTKD An idea. Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your idea; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Invention'1 and "How to Oet Your Patent and Your Money." RnnUolph ft Co., Patent Attorney, Wash ington. 1 1. . AYE KNOW JIONY. If you want to aell your' grocery, meat market, bakery, hotel or any other busi ness ami want quick action and square treatment, place It with 11a tit once. W F. 1 1 A V K BL'Y 10 RH WAIT I. VI?. LIST WITH 18. BUY FROM I S. QUICK SALES CO. 411 Bee Bldg. Red 3K.4. Rooming Meases r..r Hale. BIO BARGAIN. I rooms, excellent ftirnltor era: a fall opportunity. 1S13 Chicago 8t lOllg. 444s, 1 Hum r.l I n m .ml nu.mln. I ...... - u - . " ...... ,.M . ,u p 1 inpiii,, furnished, well located, walking dis tance. Thla I a anap for caah. Partv s B wt-wi. nunrrm , ,ti a, rie. I-ROOM modern apartment, nicely fur- insncu, ch'w 01, rrssonaoie. aii u. btmt. KDICATIONAI, MOSJIEH-LAMl'MAN COLLEGE FALL TKItM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted any day. Unsur I'scd clasees In all business snd Kng llsli branchca. -aliorthan.l. imi.uh. telegraphy ami typewriting. Oriduatesl oaranieea gooti poeittona. t'lnces pro vided for young people to work for board For a new free cntaiocue address MOS J I EU-LAM I'M AN COIXEOE . 1M5 Farnam St., Omaha. Doupls 1. The Van Sunt School Stenography Day achool. 9:00 tu 4:06. Night achool, .1S to 1.15. ISth and Farnam St. Dnuglas SWT. 1!U FALL TERM OF KOYLES COLLEGE !S NOW OPEN in both the day and nlgbt session. Yet It la not too lale to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning rapacity. Call, write or telephone for new catalogue. Buslnesa practice, bookkeeping. penmanHhl,i, enlea manshtp. banking, atenograprty, steno tyiX. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other coumes are open to you here You may work for board while attending. Douglaa KOYLES COLLEGE, BOYLE3 BUILDING. H. H. BOYLE 8. PRES.. OMAHA. CHICAHi CO LI. EUR OF OSTEOPATHY . 1401 West Monroe tt.. Chicago. Study osteopathy The only profession not over crowded. Term hegin 8ept. 14. Bee fvean Allen at liyal Hotel. Omaha, rat., Sept. 13 th. It to -4 p. m. FOR AXLE at discount, a full unUm bed evholarahip 1 Boylea Buaioeea col lege. Omaha; good for either ahortnand or uin course.. Apply at tn offioe ef Omaha Bee. LEARN TYPEWR1TINO AT HOME. Three month. S-4 tX THK OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO.. Doug ti. ' 1M Farnam. Omah re.l estate 1 tl beet Investment you could mak. Itea4 The Bee ia tat column. - ! ron haliv Farnltare. New aV !l hani r.irrut re caah or term, reeje-inahie. Amr. Furn t o, eng , gin I kF.VF.hAL van load of furniture and aome ptaioa Omaha an and Storage Co.. f,a 14th ft FOR 8ALR Ix-ther roiichTf lntn7"goMen oitk. new. II W'. Ander'in. MS Bee Blritt. Te!. I. 4"72. Mua'ral Inetrw aaeajta. Bllchtly ue high gnde piano. v. VM. fftewrllera. TYPKWRIKRH aold. rented, repaired Central Tr.ewrte- Ktchane. T7 K. 17th. Ail mak" typewriter rented, sold. term. Butt Typewriter. Farnam. D. u3L HF.NT Remington, Monarch and Smith I'renilera of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter i'o.- Telephone I,ugla l4. Rental credited If you purchase, and oii y very newe't and hlghet grade ma chlnea aent out ' Rate, three month for tu for underatroke machine or 13 per month for lateal mnd-1 vUlLle writer. M laeelianroe. kOR BALK at a dla-ount a full, un limited achclarxhlp In Boyle liudnes college. Omnha; good for either short hand or bualneaa courae. Apply at th office of The Omaha Bee. Sacrifice Sale Tlio Ciihtoin (tamifnt Makers ;if Nebmnka liavc tlLscontinuoil business and will sell at a sac rifice (bo following goods Hewing miichlnes. patent machines, presalnK machines, cutting and pressing tahles, suit patterns silks, buttons, trlmm'ngs. electric fan, safe, orfle fiirn'l'ire, etc. 8ale will be held at 151S Cas Rlroet (over Truax laundry), Thurs day, Septembor lOlh, at 10 a. in. ' n. It. BI'llKK. Trustee. 600.M. jlKu'KH t U M per S,.; ai-u wvkl. teet of lumbei at work, llih and .lacx on kits. Buildlnas liouut und wreckad. jrester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web M. FOR HALF Ll.iuld iceles or!a fountain In Ftnpresa (lurden, k.mpilens the. Bldu., Omaha, for sitie at a great sa riflce l.y the munutacturcr; cah or tcriun. fall 11. 4IWW. H-hand inch. I truss W re k Co., 21 tk I'aui. Full HA Li'. New and ecund-hati'l carom and po ket billiard table and bowling alleys and a Ci Ksorlea; bar fixture of all kind; easy payment. The Rrunswlck-Balke-:illen ler Co., 4(7-4(i9 H. 10th fit. WAOON umhrnlls. Wagner. tOl N. ISth. foR HALF Three O. II. H. cadet suiTs for hoys from !-ft. 7-ln. to u-ft. -ln. tall. H11 So, 3M. Ht. Tel. Harney J 17.".. Ri 11,1, TOP DKSK-l'heap. lMTndge. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. o'n teet TrsTe7 Kelly Wrecking Co, VV. 4808. $"i (lO Ro)' best coal for the money; try ''"" It. Web. SIS. Harmon & Veeth. lATST AND I'OUKD OMAHA ei vIOl'NCIL. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMFANY. Person having lost ome artlcl would do well to cai! up the office of the Omaha & Council Huffs street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th street car. Many trtlcles rach day ar turned In and llie co-Tipany Is anxious to restore thetn to thj rleMful owner. Call Lougia LOST Lady Kulcl watch, Waltliam inovcmcnt. Initials "R. M." on back; watch lost cither on Park cur Koine: south or at 24th and Cuming, abVnit 8 o'clock nept. s; return to Wolfe Klectrlc Co., 1810 Farnam' reward. LOST On Fni nam Ht. zur at 3Sth St. at i 11. m. Monday, a black seal handbag containing valuables. Liberal reward. Add re p t.'iO. Bee.. RUBY RINO, Initials K. W. tnalde; gold ocaei ana chain, In'tlaia H A M. p. 3406. LOHT-RIng with pcaxl et; 10 reward for return. Tel. Tyler 11."3.e LOST Hllver vanity case with monogrntn "U A. J." Reward. Call Poutr. 4704 IX8T Hmnll pocket book with throe key. uewsrn. pnone iiougiaa ith. LOST Bohton bull terrier. brindlc color, white chest and neck; Dunc'ee tag No. 2. Uheral reward for return to SOUS Davenport St. Phone Harney 6876. I.IVK STOCK FOR SALE. Horses and yehlcle. LARGEST rtock of delivery wagon In the city; ull kinds of hlockamlth work, painting and lettering .lohnson-Danfortb Co., new '.option, 15:9-31-." N. itith Br. MEDICAL. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all snfe, scliThtiflc methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and child ren. The cost is deter m'ned after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CONSUMPTION For tboae who have it. Do you want to get well? If you do, '.drees O 423 Bee. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cure pllea, fistula and other rectal diseases without aurgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on ictnl diseases with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Be Bldg. MONEY TO IX) A3 NEED MONEY? ee ua. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. m Paxton Block. Douglaa 1411. IXKLTRY AND SUPPLIES AGENTS, investigate: 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Ufe Paver Co.. W21 Cuming St. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houaea. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable then tarred-felt and practically fireproof, Tro a hundred at The Bee office. PF.KSONAIi 1HE talvation Army Industrial home m llcit your old clothing, furniture, maa rlnee. We collect. We distribute. Phone lKuglaa ll" and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1U.,-1114 lHirige St YOI NO women coming to Omaha ai t rangers 01 e invited to visit the Young on m a Christian Association building at 17th St. and St lUrv s Ave., where they alii be directed to aultabl boarding plca or otherwie aiaikted. Look for our trav cieiV aid n the t'nlon Station. WAXTEIf TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and aoidL J? C. Beed. li7 Farnam. loug ill. ONE-Hi iReiE nowerTno-voft D. C. motor warned. Addre t Iks, Bee. WK BUY M-lvan.l vlotoea 1411 N. ;tth. ' WANTED TO RENT TWO or three unf.irnlahed room ten min ute' walking diatanc City hall. Ad dle H447, Bee. ROOM and board, by young lady teacher. In refined home; prefer within walking distance of chol for th Wef. tstate term. Addreaa C 4S5. Bee W ANTE1 A -mod rn or T-roojn houae In good neighborhood for a family of four; state rent wanted and when ready to oceupy. aaureee 1 IV nee. TWO unfumlah'd rooms fi.r houerkeeii Ing, walking dwtance. Addreea B. 464, Bee. HAXTKIl TO RENT. Y'l NO ladv would like cheerful room elth toari: i-rlvata family; win pv rlBhi price for p1-nt home; nice aur roundlnita; modern conveniences. Addrea C Hee. MVK KTOTK MAKKKT OF WEST, 8IUP live ato. k to Houlh Omalia. 8e- mileage and alirlnknre Tour conrlgn rr.enl receive prompt and rareful atten tion. I.lve atex-k i nmmUiIni Merebaat. MARTIN BROH. A. CO.. Exchanf Bldg. RWAri'KR'f CWLUMV At'TO-Hnro Is a bargain: 31 h p., 5 paraergvi'. 1312 touring car. fully equlpid and recently overhauled: US"; will demonatrate car and consider a roadster In trade. Addreaa 8. C. 11 Bee. aTtoS-1 have .V passenger car, lW which I will trad- for Omaha clear building lot worth the same money. Aii dra H C. l."W7 care Bee. Al'Tt Will swap a practical grocery man auto delivery wagon for groceries and will give you a good, profitable deal. H C. 14. Bee. A 1 TOT7 iL.litTve a chent of: would like to trade fir 10 or K-gauge ahotgun. H. C. 1"C7. Bee. Ai;TOMOBILk-For other automobile bargain see the "Automobile" claaalfl- ction ; ACTO Want to awap for late data fully equipped touring car. Income , brlrk business property, well rented In iouth Omaha, on principal business St., and ft Q street. S. C. 1344. Bee. A I'To TRl ' t ' Ktlne ton light truck, all . r.vr rhauled; a medium siiccl high school , cadet suit, a No. steel hopper, 4 ft. dla , 2-ft. shell by 2-ft. hoppr r. What hava' you to trade. Address 8. O. ISM, Bee. C A HI'KXTER' W;ol'K-l "eT me do your work and repairing; will take anything of value In exchange or cive you a low cash price. Adiir.-sH. C. 1.1S2, Bee. FUKNITURB for c 45-room hotel mar Omahu, l.two. low rat rent on the building. What nave you to offerT .Address S C. 1?"R. care R. (50oi Kigln watch and some cash'Ior good visible typewriter. 8. C. 13S0. I HAVE a good patent. Will sell for cah or trade for an auto with latest Im provements. Address S. C. iy. pee. ' KODAK A new Aiuwvj folding kodak, 2'iig41. leather tourist case for eamn and portrait attachment. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or good bicycle. Address 8. C. V OFFICE FURNITURE -Will buy soma good second-hand office furniture: must he cheap fcr cash. Addrea 6. C. 1240. Bee. ' SCALE Have a Toledo 2-lh. candy scale. nearly new, will exchance for anything: that can be used in a restaurant, or roll top desk. Addreaa 8 C. 13Pt. Be. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or sale. Phone 211, Council Bluffs, la. SHINE. Bhowcardaiark 8on. I . 1.CH. 100' S7aTiES cl'lto.l Btork In Texas Oil and Pipe corhpany; value lloo. and some cash for good work team or large horse. . sc Ufa SADDLE for trade Tor girl's bicycle or phonograph. Adores H. C, I'M. Bee. PaTn")'! NO and repairing of all kind done. Will make your house look like new and will sell bttter. Will take any thing of value In exchange. It won't cost you, anything to get an estimate. Answer now. Addresn 8. C. 13&5. Bee. P A P E IF H A N G I nTj-1 will do your "paper hanging and exchange for anything I tan use. Address S. C. 1395, Bee. X.!tVv''l;AcTfl'KF'iilly equipped with rectltar and tube for hospital or doc tor's use: will awap for anything of value. Address, S. S. 1S93, Bee. . FOR KENT Apartment and Flat. THE NEW "TRAVERTGN" APARTMENTS 24TH AND LANQDON COURT. On car line; 7 block , -of courthouse. FIREPROOF, SANITARY COMFORTABLE, . THE TRAVERTON ' HAS 8MAI.TJ! APARTMENTS WITH PRIVATE BATH. REFRIOERATION, IN FACT, EVERY FACILITY. A Pit 11 NTM ENT AND CON VENIENCE THAT CAN BE DESIRED. FURNISHED OH UNFURNISHED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE OWNERS. Traver Bros., Bed 4-721. 105 Omaha Natl. Rank Bldg. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when w have listed ee y vacant bouse and apartment In the city. "Phono ua for further Information. Dou. la 4177. Fidelity Storage A Van Co. TWO modem steam heated store ntr postiiffice. low rent. O. P. Stebbina." VERY choice 4 or 5-room steaia healed, apartment on est Farnam street. John w. bobbins, imx: farnam 9T A LI. mod. 6-r. flat, close in. D. 1M. FOUR-ROOM FLA IAS S16-1001 VINTON. CLOSE-IN BRICKS'. 6-r. on 1 floor, 207 Bo. Hh. 5-r., heste.1, near Crelghton, J'TT.V). -r., 1!13 Webster, speclnl offer on this. O'KEEFE HEAV ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha Nat. Doug. CTS. 8PEC1AU One 4-room and bath. In California, apartment; 4 block from Potofflce; high-grade apartment. See janitor. Phone Douglas M.17. THE SHERMAN. For nice etcam heated, five or alg-room apartments. i1 Sherman Ave. THE STANDARD FLAT". STEAM HEAT. DESIRABLE. -r., full modern. Chicago plan, beat high quality. Well located, doe in Janitor. MODERATE PRICE?. T. J. HOOK. IK'I N. ItTH fT. OODEN ANNEX tooma. wan kltcoea ttes Council niuffa 10-ROOM flat, modern. H. 47. Gordon Van Co tstoraaa. 115 N ll'h 8t Phone D. H or H. Hit f.-S &-HM mod. flat. S327 Cuming. W. 4fciV. TWO 4-room f at. 1415-1417 Vinton St., modern except het. Red MS. Hoard awtl Rssu. PRIVATE family. week. Harney 4n;. li.V rom in mod. home for 2; board optional, reasonable. SUi Jonea. D. fl2i. Faralafceel too Baa- SO NO. S3P Comfortable modem front room with amall lamtly; walking dis tance FURN I S II ED room for rent in private residence, within walking distance of poetoffice. Reference required. . Pbon lKuglas 72S1. UK ) 1)KTmi 8o- Wth- mod. room.' IlLiUWM tfmm u ronabi..' 1 . N'tly furn.. miKl.. reasonable. 117 N. Mh. LARUE, modern: privet family. H. N. fid. SIS Modern, cheap. Douglaa UV. Mod , private home, reference. H. Sl.tS. Ft'KNlSHED. modern room, private place for gentlemen only, phone H. t or call at IT 10 Jackxm St. PLEASANT front room; good neighbor hood; suitable for married count a. liis Dodae St. Fur. rm, e cry thing mod. 16th m1 r... Flat No. u -m " - v'Bfaralahed hooms. THREB rm.. part mod., 1L r734 CaJdweM THREE room and bath; modern. IlL vt'tr ex V 1 i 1 1 I.