U a THR nr.K: OMAHA. AVEDXKSDAY. SKPTK Prepare to Bo Decorated in a Good Cause Store Hours, 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M This Is The BURGESS-NASH COMPANY 'EVERYBODY'S STORE." Tuesday, Sepleml.rr 8, 1014. HTOIIK XKWS rYH WKDNHROA Y. Sixteenth and Harney Hla. To Got Your GaGMEFITTEEa'S CJEEtt wm Tft Does not W MATTER I where you Hve or I what oir musical J tastes' may be! We will satisfy you as wo have satisfied "all comers" during the past 4 0 years. WHKX YOl' lilV A MAXO It la good to know you are buying It from an old, reliable houee one with a reputation to support. Such Is the service at Ho.-pe u A house like this must "make good." We sell to hun dreds of people who ace the Instruments on our floors,' and to a great many w ho buy by mall. The service Is always the same. All-ways, you will find the piano Just what we say it Is. The dollars you invest In nius'.c here will bear divi dends of satisfaction. The size of your purse does not matter. Pii 11V (7 r TKRMS This is a little picture of the BRAftsBACH . GRAND Built since 1S20.. Just Right for Your Home! Only $455 TERMS. Kranich & Bach -Pianos, p.nd' Vir flayers yvri $456vUp,;: KIMBALL Pianos $265 Up BUSH & LANE Pianos $350 Up CABLE & NELS09I Pianos $250 Up HOSPE Pianos and Players 190 up USED ' ' Pianos Before a Used Piano leaves our store It la completely overhauled, defects removed. It goes to your home a serviceable Instrument satisfactory in every way. 75 to $350 Our line include the following, and many other famous makes: Johnson Kremlin & Son 'McCAMMON 'BOUDOIR KIMBALL EVERETT STEINWAY 'WESSER BROS. HAYNE3 BROS. i Ttrmi Low $3.C3 Monthly. NtarrRiwe lw At ft Mum 1513 DOUOLAS BT. Oar 40th Tear. Be sure to ttn,1 tn Urat Stylo Show at the Auditorium. September II. 2t, II and 24. BRIEF CITY NEWS ! THIS IS NURSES' TAG DAY Hara Soot Print ItNow Beacon Press Fidelity Btoraga and Tan Co. Sony. 1E18. tig-htlug- Itstnr.s, Burgcsa-draniien Co. B.aaUfnl All Modern Horn. For Bait on the eay payment plan. Bankers' Realty Investment Co. Phone Doug. 1926. "Today's Complete lio;. Program" may be found on the first page of the classified section today, and appears in The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Many Oolnr to the Talr Seventy-five automobile loads of Omaha people are scheduled to go to the state fair at Lin coln Thursday. That was the last count. Band Concert Wednesday The lait public band concert In the parks this season will be slven In Jefferson square Wednesday evening by the Fourth regi ment band. Mrs. Ballla Asks Divorce Divorce proceedings against Ira A. Bullis have been atarted in district court by hla wife, Clara Bullis, who asks for divorce and $36 a-month alimony, as well as the cus tody of five minor children. Fln.d on Disorderly Charge Jack Jacobson, saloonkeeper, was fined $100 and costs In police court for the alleged operation of a disorderly house at Six teenth and Cuming. He appealed the case to the higher .courts.. Crosstown Lin. Extended In South Omaha the street railway company has commenced the extension of service of the L street line. The line has been built one-half mll. farther west and for the present a ten-minilte , schedule, will be malnfalh.ee).- " ' ., ' ' , , Kerts Ask , KcaVr Damacaa Jacob C. JWti- lias aued the -.street railway company tor $S000 damages for Injuries tie alleges he (sustained when a Twenty foorth street car from which he was about to alight started suddenly and threw him to the ground. Ordinance for Bonds for Jatl An or dinance providing for the submission to the people at the November election of a bond issue of $100,000 for a new city Jail was recommended for passage by the city council in committee of the whole, with Commissioner Dan B. Butler dissenting. 4- Omaha Women to Invade Corridors of Every Building in City. MAYOR ISSUES PROCLAMATION Dahlninn (alls Attention to Char itable Work tiolnar ttn Thronuh Efforts of VUltlnn ISnraea In Aiding- the Needy. Several full quota corps of brave Omaha lassies will mobilize In the downtown die trcts of Omaha today and will in vade the corridors ot every building in the city discharging tags at every per son who may break their lines. The tags are lo be sold for the benefit of the Visiting Nurse asuoclatlon of Omaha. They will have full swing In the cor ridors of the government building, where they will be at liberty to sell tags and tag patrons of the place. Full authority to go tagging has been given by the Treasury department, though the nurses will be prohibited from annoying the car riers. Mayor lafcnea Proclamation. Mayor James C. Dahlman has pro claimed an official tag day and the young women will be permitted the lib erty to surround the city hall and cap ture every person entering. The mayor's proclamation Is as follows: To the People of the City of Omaha: We have In our city the organisation of the Visiting Nurse who are engaged In the work of attending upon and caring for the sick among the people of the city who are too poor to employ private nurses; and as these ladies are in need of funds to carry on this noble work the generous people of the city of Omaha are appealed to In behalf of suffering humanity; therefore, I, James. O Dahlman, mayor of the city of Omaha, appoint and proclaim Wednesday, September 9. 1914, "Tag lay" for the purpose of raining funds to carry on the good work of these Visiting Nurses. ACTING SECRETARY VISITING NURSES FOR TAG DAY HELD FOR AIDING IN THE DELINQUENCY OF A LAD Olof Peterson, a lodging house habitus was gound over to the district ccurt by 'the police magistrate on a charge of ald i ing and abetting the delinquency of 14- year-old Willie Kane, a deaf and dumb lad. The pair were removed irom a Douglas street motion picture theater by Officer O'Connor. Frank Booth, a professor at the Insti tute for the Deaf and Dumb acted aa interpreter. Drives Sick Headache. Away. Agonizing sick heeadache cured by using Dr. King's New Life Pills regularly. Keep liver and bowels In healthy condi tion. . 25c. All drugglBts. Advertisement. SUES FOR INJURIES FROM HUGE BELL THAT STRUCK HIM Suit for $ST,,000 damages hae been Insti tuted by George A. Logorn against David T. Taylor, a wealthy rancher of Dawes ounty. Logorn alleges that while work- 1 In. .i n 1 i - n r' m rnnnh n He! U'efffhlnff seventy-five pounds fell from Its supports and struck Jilni, crushing his skull and that physicians took throe Inches of bone from his right leg to repair the Injuries to. the skull, from which several bones I had been removed. Fix on February 15 as Completion Date of Fontenelle Hotel A special meeting of the directors of the Douglas Hotel company, with -nearly all members present, registered approval of! the negotiations for the building loan! which has been concluded by Pres dent Wattles and Secretary Reed during their recent trip east. A supplemental agree ment with the contractors, Seldon-Breck company, was also entered Into by which; a $1.08,000 guaranty bond Is to be put up to! Insure completion of the structure, and its delivery free from liens to the hotel com pany on February 15, 19i:, this date being accepted by Mr. Burbank for the lessees. The resignation of Charles T. Konntx.i ts director was held In abeyance, Mr Kountze asking to be relieved because of his continued absence from the city. sldered by the city council In the pres ence of automobile owners at a meeting of the council In committee of the whole Monday. HEADLIGHT ORDINANCE TO COME UP MONDAY The question ov wtiether the bright headlights on automobiles shall be or dered dimmed by ordinance will be con- H. K. SACKETT, CANDIDATE, IS IN 0MAHA0N BUSINESS Senator II. K, Backntt, progressive can didate for governor of Nebraska, was in Omaha "on business and not on politics," as Jie expressed It. He refused to say much regarding the outlook for hla can didacy, but is waiting with some expec tation for the coming of Hoosevelt to stump Nebraska for one day for him. ECZEMA rtt.S Use Blanchard'a Eczema Lotion 20 Years on the Market Sold at Drag Stores Write for fr! Booklet describing 8KIX D1SKASK8 and their CAl'HES. Address Prof. J. O. Blanchard, 3811 Cottage Grovo Ave., Chicago. RED CROSS COMMITTEE IS NAMED BY. COMMERCIAL CLUB Robert Cowell, Frank Burkley and C. C. Bclden have been appointed the com mit toe from the Commercial club to re ceive sobscr ptlons and contributions for the Red CroA war relief fund to be used In Kurope. Following the receipt of a letter from the Red Cross people some weeks ago asking that the club take sub scriptions for relief In Europe, the ex ecutive committee decided to appoint a committee to receive contributions. REYNOLDS WINS FIELD CLUB GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP Fern Reynolds defeated Jack Hughes 2 up and 1 to play In a thirty-six hole matcn over ino r inu uuu tuurwc, iur wie i club golf championship, Labor dav. Rey- i nolda had Hughes 4 up on the first Likt.n hnlea hut Huahes rallied and! Reynolds narrowly escaped losing the J championship. , Your Daddy's School Shoes Game From Fry's And so did the "Mater." That's the reason they're still among our patrons. Quality and service are the two big feat ures of this store that tend to hold the trade of both generations. We fit the children's feet properly our salcsincr having devoted, years of service to the study of correct fitting of growing feet. Shoes for Girls $1.50 to $3.00 rkamberlala'a tolie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rented r. j "I advised the 'boys' when they en listed for the Spanish war to take Cham ' berluln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea 1 Remedy with them, and have received many thanks for the advice given," writes J. 11. Houghland, Kldon, Iowa. ! "No person, whether traveling or at home, should be without this great rem I edy." For sale by all dealers. Adver i tlsement. I I l v r I I W A & V Aw WA kV Vf 111 IIV 11 Shoes for Boys $2.00 to $3.00 HO& CQ 16X3 & DOUGLAS. 'TMIIS Ptoro lias thrown its fullest morohnndisinjr service to the interest of the house--t keepers this week. It has plnnnetl to he of the greatest possible helpfulness in as sisting the housewives in the Fall time liousecleaninj and in the brightening of the home for the new season. EVERY SECTION GIVEN OVER TO MERCHANDISE OF THIS SORT CONTRIBUTES SPECIAL VALUE S OF AN UNUSUAL NATURE. Heres a Beautiful BRASS BEDSTEAD Exactly Like Illustration. Offered Wednesday at $13.50 T LMJJUI35u I IK greatest value we have offered in many months. It is full size satin iinisli, continuous two-inch posts, trimmed with ar- iiisiu; nrusiied nrn.s mounts. Five vis-inch spindles, head f4 inches liigh, foot 3(5 inches high, casters are made of ling- . i iii . . ... mini vnae, tne naruest known wootl; very special in the homefitters' sale at $13.50 Metal Bed Springs, Bronze Finish, $3.25. This Is a really splendid spring, lii-lnch pipe sides, mal leable iron corners. 3 -Inch Hevatlon. 25 at eel hellcles In ench end, aupportlnit Indestructible non-rust top. Positively guaranteed not to san. Absolutely sanitary. An easy spring; to sleep on. The price 93.25 gnrfess-ITash Oo. Third floor. $40.00 ROYAL WILTON RUGS. Size 9x12 Feet, and Are Extreme Values at $33.00 TlihSF rugs were bought before the ndvanee in price and we are enabled to offer vou a most remarkable lot of new designs ami colorings. The rugs are 9x12 feet and are regular $40 values, sale jTice. 9Jt.no AxmliiMer Hug, 92.05 An extra heavy quality, alee 30x00, splendid selection of new dealjma and colorings, regular price $3.50, sale price $2.05 AVool Fibre Rum Small patterns In blue, brown and green, very desirable for aun and sleeping rooms. Two slee ' 8-3x10-0 wool fibre Rugs. -84.50 I 'bp Hum- -34.93 nrr.ss-Wa.h Oo. Third rioor. - $33.00 Sample Lot of LACE CURTAINS at Price IT'S an accumulation of the past season curtains. Odd pairs and small lots. There's a wide selection of good, desirable patterns and variety of weaves from which to make selection. The price range 45c, 47ic, 50c, 75c, $1.25 and up to $3.47i SALE OF LOOM NETS' FOR WEDNESDAY CLTIITAIN nets in n big selection of kinds and patterns. All new fall designs bought before the price advance. "Wednesday, yard 35c, 45c and GOc Bnrraaa-Kaah Co- Third Floor. Every Woman Needs One of These Kitchen Cabinets, and TheyVe in Reach of . All at $23.75 EVKKYTIJINO handy from a pinch of salt to the pots and pans. It Raves steps saves labor saves reaching saves bending and best of all, Biives wear nnd tear on the system. This Cabinet is made in Golden Oak, rubbed to a dull fin doo.75 ish by hand, has a cupboard fitted with glass doors, yUO a large tilting white enamel flour bin, easy to han dle and easy to keep clean. Cupboard la fitted with glaaa augar jar on swinging- Iron arm, glaai tea and coffee canlatera, six glaaa aplce Jan, carving set hangers and a recipe card holder. A full nlckelold sliding top (36-inch wide by 25 inch deep, when open) with individual eliding bread board. The bane of the Cabinet has a large cupboard with sliding shelf, two drawers, full metal cake and bread drawer with sliding metal cover, pan rack and rolling pin holder on door. Cabinet is 6 feet 11 inches high and is fitted with casters. Very easily handled. Burrvaa-VMh Oo. Third Floor. Homefittcr's Sale of Materials for the Making of Warm COMFORTERS Rare Values TUTS sale affords unusual opportunities to buy wool batts, cotton batts and materials for coverings. Prices are very low note the splendid savings possible here Wed nesday on your Autumn needs. 92.RO Wool Ratts, 91.05 Fleecedown and Southdown are the highest grade wool batts to be had. Just the right weight for making extra warm comforters, size 72x90 inches, iz.bo would be a low selling price. t QC During the Homefitters' sale, at each ; p 1 ivO $1.59 Ideal or Royal Fleece, 91.59 Strictly all wool batts, size 72x 90, $2.00 would be a low regu lar price, sale price here Wed nesday during the great Home- fitters' sale, at each Rutavla Wool IlattH, OHc Batavla wool batts that are aota regularly at 11.30 will be bo11 during out great Homefitters' sale, price QQ sach tOC Wool Comforter Killing, Two pound of pure Lamb's wool, size 72x90, in cheese cloth cover, weight including cover would be three pounds, good -value at $2.9tt. During Homefitters' sale, price, each One hundred per cant pure cotton batts on tale. When open ed, the inside will be found to be the same as the outside. $2.25 69c 91.00 Cotton Ratta, 60c Overstitcbed, 3-pound, full size cotton batts, the celebrated $1 Mesco batts, on sale at 91.00 Cotton Ratu at 75c Four-pound, Noble batts, a grade you will want to make Into a soft large size, warm comforter, regularly worth $1, at 4 DC 7.V Cotton RattM, 50c Three-pound Magic batts will make a full sice, medium weight comforter, 76c Is the regular price, at, each. 50c Cotton Ratta, c Two-pound Loyal batts will make a full sice, light weight comforter, 60n value, QQ tt, roll 3VC UOo French Katines, 15c 36-Inch French Ratines, beauti ful floral and oriental patterns, the 25c quality at 10c yard; the 2 0c quality at, card 59c 15c 91435 Cotton Ratta at 80c Overstltched four-pound cotton batts, opena up . full size, the regular $2.26 Mesco no grade, at OuC Cotton Ratta 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16-ounce batts that are made from the finest stock that grows will enter Into ,thls sale. The prices are lower than regularly. Batts at 5c, 7JJc, 10c, 12 He, 14c and , .22 He SllkoUnea at a He Fancy printed, yard-wide silko llnes, remnants of the Q 1 best grade, at yard. ... ugC 10c and 12 He Fleeced Flannel ettes, OHc Swansdown flannels and fancy fleeced flannelettes, oft, fluffy, light and dark outing flannel in lengths suitable for making gowns, house dresses, children's wear, etc., good values at 10c and 12 He yard. Home- ?1 fitters' sale price, yard. O2C Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store16th and Harney, No Honey Till Cured ri.tula mmd All St.ctal DI.eaaaa citr4 with the half a. Parmaaant aura, uar.at.aa'. Wrtta far (Taa Miaatratatf aa.h aa Ractal OI.aaaa. aa4 taattmaalala at nunaraaa at un aatlaat. hi Nahraaha m4 iomm. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Dee Dldc Omaha, Neb. ku. JAM J . WITH THAT RARE OLD TANO