Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bringing Up
. WS
w 0UR "e.lf M?
, .. . wt i irei T
Game Consume! Bat Hoar and Twenty-five
Minutei Time.
Trlplra hr Barhoor mm4 Vmy aad
Dhl hy Gaakrll and Batrarr
Orlrra Rana Orrr ihm riatter
for llaair Bora.
DENVER. Colo., -Hpt. . Denver won
the flrct rainc of the lerlra today from
Omaiia, S to 4, miking tt the "Ixtb atralght
victory. "Score;""
AB. R. If. O. A.
PiVM . Bh ' ...... i ' A O O A
Krxxt. I 4 1
Bell. If. !
ThomaioD, cf.
Kriiaer. rf.
ThoumW, t. ..
Pchlelhnr, lb.
fk-abaunh, c. ..
Crabb. p.
... i 12 8 0
... S 0 1 0 0
... 4 v 1 1 4 0
...4 0 I'D 1
... 4 '0 4 1
... a o o o :
34 4
A9- R.
WeCarty: cf. .
Kddlngton, rf.
Faye. 2b ,
Butcher, If. ...
t'offey,. .
yiaher, lb. ...
Harbour. Ib. ..
t-r ehr, c
Uaakell. p. ...
Total 27 6 27 16 4i
Omaha 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0-41
Denver ... 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 -
Two-baae hlta:' Krueger. Uaakell,
Butcher. Three-baae hit: FVye, Bar
bour. Struck out: My Crabb, 2; by Uaa
kell, 1. bailee on balla: Off Crabb, 1;
off Oaekel. . Hai-riflca hlta: MeCarty,
Coffey, Thomaaon, Butcher. Hacrlflce
fllee: Eddlngton. KUber. Time: 1:23.
Vmplrea; Van Hlckle and Meyera.
Candidates Delay
In :Beppr$iiig for
Greighton Squad
Frank Burns, eon of Farmer Bu.rna. li
new addition to the Crelghton varsity
foot ball squad. , Young Burns la aa,id to
Inherit aome. , of his father's physical
ability and Is heralded to put up fight
for a position on the squad. He is un
derstood to have aspirations for the
Quarterback , position. .
The second, . nighfs -practice for the
Crelghton aquad waa conducted by Coach
Dudley. Coach Miller did not don a suit
The squad Is as yet small, but all are
promising looking men. There la a no
ticeable lack of .new candldatea. The
coaches have Issued a call for every man
in the university weighing 109 pounds to
turn out for the team. A number of the
vets have, not yet returned to school.
SchowalterV'the big fullbaok who alter-,
rated with Casey laat year, made his
first appearance.' Caaey Is back In school,
hut haa not yea ' put ' In an appearance
on the gridiron. Shorty Hunt Is another
veteran who haa not reported. Wise,
the big On boy who Is out for a back
field position, gives a good Impression as
a kicker. He tips the beam at ZOO pounds
and waa choaen aa all atate fullback last
year while playing at Grand Island.
Wagner, a big law student, la another
)uaky. ... . u , , ,
.McCarthy.' the aahlng little halfback,
wilt not be back In school this year,
;whUe word to' the same effect has been
received from Vie Black, who was
ckmated'.on. for an end.. Shorty Parkor,
another of. last, year's enda, will take the
field late this v week.
Brooklyn Feds Win
Their Sixth Straight
". BROOKLYN. Bept ll-The Brooklyn
Federals took their alxth straight gam
. fropi Pittsburgh In the present aeries, the
cow ioday- being 13 to t The locals kept
' up JUrlrhevy hitting, Shaw carrying off
the batting honors, with a homer, a triple
and a single. Score: R H E.
Pittsburgh ..2 0 0 0 1 i-4 5
Brooklyn ....4 I 1 0 t -ll II S
Batteries Dickson, Lrclalr and Berry;
Klnneran. Bluejaxket and Land.
Bud Logan, Omaha's candidate "to the
welterweight fistic honors, came home
from St Joseph with a draw decision
with Spike Kelly, the recognlied cham
ploa. While Logan lacks the experience
o( Kelly, he proved to be an clever a
boxer as the champ and he fully lived up
to the expectations of his Onviha. admir
ers,' who hope .to see Logan veaxlng the
chajnploa laurels before the passing of
another year.
Veda Make Off.r.
CHICAGO. Sent .-Tha rn,P-M wa.
erala have trade an offr to Grover
Iudertnllk and Hank Severold, the
"w caterer Bold by the Louis
ville Association club to th Ht. Louis
Americaiii, according to a dlrpairh from
Indianapolis. The players have not ac
cepted, but ar considering the offer.
y th siury
a ; .
Daltsi' Pal fa. Year.
Outfielder Dation of Brooklyn I out of
the game for a ttmr perhaps for the
elan!:) of the season with a broken
bone la hi wrta'a
Hlh To PAriT ME-
J. F, Prentiss Wins
Blind Bogey Contest
at Happy Hollow Club
Oolfrre at Ifappy Hollow took part In
blind boxfy content, th playpra Kitting
their full handicap, but did not know the
bogey until the cards wera turned In. The
game waa match play and J. F. rrrntiei
waa the winner with a net icore of 4 up,
raising hli atandard of play two atrokea
for the day, the blind bogey being &.
following are a few of the beat net
acorea turned
player :
from over eeventy
..plua 2
4 up
2 up
1 up
1 up
1 up
1 up
1 down
2 down
2 down
2 down
J. F. Trentlaa
H. (t. Browne
F. J. Norton
B. K. McCague
Harold Johnaon.,..
M. W. Rhoadea....
J. M. Ollchrlat
Blllle Billiard
I. . McCajrue
V. R. Gould ,
Jamea Hurneiw
A. II. Hewdher
Fred Illebel. Jr
R. B. Rnberteon...
H. V. Morrow
z down
t down
' While Harold Johnaon, with a plua I
handicap, could not quite win out In the
bogey contest, he copped the prise In the
driving contest with a drive measuring
23 yards. Fred Rlebel, Jr.. took second
prize with a drive of 120 yards. Each
player was allowed three halls, distance
and direction both being tsken Into con
sideration. Next Saturday will wind up the regular
schedule for the season and the following
Saturday the team match will be played
for a dinner. Teams will be chosen by
the president and vice president
Tukey Wins Two-Ball
Handicap Golf at
Country Club Match
A. A. Tukey won the two-ball sweep
stake handicap medal play at the Coun
try club with a gross of 00, handloap or
sixteen and not of seventy-four. On ac
count of the rain the course waa stow.
Tht score were as follows:
Oross.Hdcp. Net
A. AT Tukey
W. II. 1ow
(uy Furay
C. Fletcher, Jr
John Hedlck
Hay Low
W. T. Burna
A. A. McOlare
I a. C. Smith
Ralph Petera
Victor Caldwell ....
II. A. Tukey
.. w
.. l
.. SS
.. 01
... 7
.. 79
.. K7
.. Vr,
... 77
.. M
r- 1 - K U-i I'x this tin - ML w'nt . ... . ' " - j ! l tSsSSss' and ot mf r f i. .r- Lw-"
1 74
lti 75
11 75
' lb 75
Per. 7
a 7n
4 71
10 77
1 77
Scr. 77
17 7
1.1 79
The awalleat waa won by John Itedlck,
who defeated W. N. Chambera after a. tie.
This match was finished In darkneaa and
seventeen fore caddlea were kept scouting
for the balls.
Sandlot Teams to
Play Elimination
Games for Honors
A baae ball tournament to decide the
championship of Omaha of teams not In
the amateur aaaociatlon will be held Sat
urday and Sunday at Florence park. Four
teams, all having a claim to the cham
pionship, will compete tn the elimination
tourney. Saturday afternoon the ' Black
Kata and the Dundee Woolen Mills will
play, while the Luxua will battle the'
Valentines. The schedule for Sunday haa
not been announced beyond the fact that
two games will be played In the morning
and two In the afternoon.
Yale Eliminated
In the Golf Contest
GARDEN CITY, N. Y.. 8ept t-For the
first time In eleven years, Yale will not
be In the final play for the annual team
golf championship of the Intercollcg a to
golf association, as Its representatives
were eliminated today by the Princeton
team by a point score of 5 to 4 In thi
foursome and singles of the Garden City
Colt club's course.
This was an unexpected defeat as Yale
has held the team prtbse for the last
nine years. The New Haven collegians
won two of the three foursomes, but got
only two of the six single matches.
Harvard made almost .a clean sweep
of the nine contests with Pennsylvania,
winning all the singles, but losing one
of the foursomes played early In the
day. Harvard and Princeton will fight
It out tomorrow when their teama will
meet In the final matches for the first
time since 1903, when the Cambridge nv'n
ere the victors over the same links.
Haceer rt Ball Trans-,
ball team will be held at Jaoebs hall,
ball team will be held at Jacob's hall.
Eighteenth and Podge streets, Wednes
day evening, t p. m. All members ani
all new member Intending to Join the
city team have been earnestly requested
to be present,- as It is th Intention of
the city -league to commence .playing the
match games much earlier this season
than last yor.
Copyright ItM, International
News ttervlc
'-mil -V&WP ' - - mt,Th,n- REA r " , (
ifif iLir; r,vwss- Jnr -StS0"
- i i it iii . a iii .f-xrt .ah.... i i uw x nm J r i i i x l i . . i i - - r-a a i a i
Bravei Defeat Giants and Pass Them
in the Race.
Home Tram's Only Nllp I'p Cornea
When Pitcher Maris Wild to
Flret la Third and l.eta Doyle
Rears Third.
BOSTON, Sept. ".-Boston took the lead
In the National league race today by de
feating Now York, S tp 3. In the final
game of the series. Jsmes held the vis
itors to three hits, one of them a triple
and another a double. Beelde hitting
Marquard, Fromme and Wlltae for flf
teea safeties, the home team played base
ball far different from that displayed yes
terday afternoon.
Hoaton'a only slip-up came when James
threw wd to first In the third Inning and
allowed Doyle to reach third.
New York's error came when Doyle
threw Moran'a rap Into the dugout Score:
merman was a feature. Score:
AR.HO.A I Knils'i, rf-lb I Oil
Morn, ft,
Ever. Ih.,
0 0Joyl. Sb... I 1 1
t OHurna. If-rf.. I 1
OKtttrhrr. h. 4 0
ralhr. If... t
fnnnnlljr, If
S Murray, rf-lf I
0 0(1 run I, Sb. ... I
0 AMorkle, It).. 1
1 0lmohr, rf. 1
I dMrlMll. C. 4
0 OMarquanl, p 1
S IVrnroma, s.. 0
Whotted, rf
Hrhmiat, lb
Hmllh. 3b..
Mrnvllle, m
Jsmei, e...
Wlltae. e... S
T Ota la ..,.34 16 27 11 l'Thnrpo 1
Rftbemon , ,
Donltn 1
Total! ....: I 24 14 1
"Hatted ror Marquard in fifth.
Hatted for Fromme In fifth.
Batted for Wlltxe In ninth.
Roacton 1 1 0 4 1 1 0 0
New York 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-S
1 hroe-baae hit: Koyle. Two-base hlta:
James, (lowdy. Burns. Sacrifice hlta:
Jamea, Mornn. Sacrifice fly: Murray.
Stolen banes: Burns, Doyle. Double
Playa: Evera to richmldt; Smith to J
Off Marqttard. 4 In'
fciir Innlnga: off Fromme. 4 In two In
nlngs; off Wiltse. 2 In two Innings. First
bnne on error: Boston, 1. l-eft on basea:
Boston, 11; New York, . Banes on balls:
(iff Marquard, 5; off Wlltxe, 1: off James
7. Mtruck out: By Marquard
James. 5. lilt bv Ditched hal
1; by:
Kromme (Schmidt). Pasited hall: Oowily,
Time: 2:10. I'mplrea: Klem and Emalie.
Caba Defeat Rrda.
Sept. 8. A batting rally
started by Good In the tenth Inning, i
coupled with hi. daring base runnln; ;
when he scored from second on a short
single to right, gave Chicago a 4 to S vie-
tory over Cincinnati In the last game the
visitors play here this season.
The locals bunched hits off Douglass
and took an earlv lead over the visitors.
but Lavender's wlldness enabled Cincin
nati to tie the count.
After each pitcher was relieved the
game diverted Into a pltchera' battle be- "-noon on Crelghton field under
twecn Ame. and Zabel. with the latter , Coch Harry. MUler and Chester Dud
having ail the better of the argument. I n,y '"rkou' w Indulged In.
The fielding of Groh. KeJlojtg and Zlm- A number of h ol1 men WU "aln
Cincinnati thipaoo. 1 'er 'n tn8 lineup. ' Xatfianakl at center,
ab h o A R. ah. H.o. a. k.
Oanlala. rf . . 4 1
SWIIIIama. cf. I 1
TwimNf, If I 1 1
Horaof. aa . t I
Orne. tb Ill
Nlahnff, lb.. 4 0 1
Millar, rf... I 1
Halloas, lb. t 1 14
Oonaalea. r.. I S 4
eonod. rf Ill
4 4alar. lb.... 4 J II
2 ltlmrmn, Sb.. 5 1 t
4 Oarhulla. If .. 4 12 0
0 etwaena?, lb. 4 1 S t
nX'orrldan, aa. I l I
1 ttrrhar, c... 1 I 10 1
1 tarani1r. p 1 I
rtouslaaa, p. S S 0
t 'lark t 0
A ma, p I 0 S
S'Knlaaly ...!
2 2 11 1'2- JJJJJ
Totals ...It rail Tolal IT 11 M U 1
Batted for I -a vender In fourth.
Batted for Doualaas In fourth.
One out when winning run was scored.
Cincinnati .... 001 200000 0-3
Chicago 102000000 14
lilts: Off Douglasa, 6 In three Innings;
off Ames, 5 In six and one-third Innings;
off lavender, 2 In four Innings; oft Zahol,
four In six Innings. Sacrifice hits: Nie
hoff, Daniels, Archer. Saler. Sacrifice
fly: Schultn. Stolen basea: Kellogg,
TkMiglass. Daniels, Sweeney, Twomby.
I-eft on bases: Chicago, 9: Cincinnati. 9.
liiaes on balls: Off Lavender, 4; off
Zkbel. 1; off Ames. 1. Hit by pitched ball:
By Lavender (Douglasa). Struck out: By
1 .a vender, I; by Ames, 4: by Zabel. 7.
Pa seed hall: C.onxalea. Time: 2:27. Um
pires: Mart and Rigler.
Phils Make Sweep.
PHILADELPHIA. Sept 1-Phl'ladelphla
made a clean sweep of the series with
Brooklyn by winning today' game. The
core was i to 4. Reulbach was hit hard
in only one inning, but In the seventh the
horn team won the game on two passes,
a double by Magee. a sacrifice fly and an
ertor by Cutshaw. Score: R.H.E.
Brooklyn 1 0102000 04 10 1
Philadelphia 0 0 1 000 3 0 5 10 1
Hailerles: Reulbach and MeCarty;
Mayer and Dootn.
Letters of Invitation To th base ball
managers throughout the country are be
glnnlng to go out from the publicity bu
reau to remind them of the national con-
ventlon of Minor Base Ball Leagues In
Omaha November 10-11 About 1.000
will be mailed, out.
Norsnaa Blaaked.
NORMAN. Neb.. Srpt. -(Speclal )
Upland and Norman played ball today be
fore the biggest crowd ot the season. The
feature waa thebattln or Partch, who
gut five hlta out of six time np. Und
grtn struck out twelve men. Score:
R-H V-
Ipland 2 3 0 11114-15111 1
Norman OO9000040 0 I T
Batteries' Upland. Unrixren and Partch:
orman, Saul and Harlan. Umpire:!
Teaer ! I
President Tener has secured for next
year Umpire) Arthur O'Connor of the At
'olio league.
' ' " "' '--'
! : .i
Standing of Teams j
Played. Won. Ixrst
Sioux- City M
Denver its
M. Joseph 14"
I'rs Moines H"
Omaha 141
Teka 1 43
Wichita 142
W.I Pet. I
Hoston 9 5S .Sfi6 "hlla
44 .SM
.7 61 .RM
New York..S 54 ..V.7 Ftnnion
t'hlcago ....9 o .fcTO: Wanh'ton ,. 52
Ht. Louis... .7 fit ,siw irou ..:..m w .ti.
I'lillH M .43St Louis.... ol 71 .4 la
Pittsburgh .4iiChlcago ....3 .4X1
Cincinnati .bit B9 .4M New York. .57 70 . 449
Brooklyn ..RTS9 .44-11 Cleveland ;..42 K7 .3J4
W.LPct l ' . ' W.L.Pct.
Indlanap'lls 89 54 . 5K9: Milwaukee R3 .50:
Baltimore . 65 .M2 I.oiiIhvHIo, 6il .M!
Chicago M .528; Columbus ..79 8 .6M
Buffnlo S3 57 2 Indlanapolls.iN 64 .bM
Brooklvn 5S .5iii Cleveland ...75 72 .111
Kan. City.. .57 W ,45 Kansas City. 70 M .47?
Pittsburgh .50 7J .4111 Mlnneapolls.70 7S .477
St. Louis.... 55 72-.433) St. Paul 50 96 .342
. Yesterday's Iteaalls. -
Omaha 4: Denver,-6. !
Sioux city-Lincoln, postponed:- rain.
Ilea Molnes-Topeka, . postponed; . rain.
St. Joseph-Wichita, postponed; St. Jo
seph team ..did not arrive.
Philadelphia. 0-9: -Washington, 2-4 .
Boston, 8: New York, 6.
Chicago, 1; Detroit, 3.
New York. S:' Boston 8. ' '''.
Rrooklyn. 4: Philadelphia. 5.
St. louts-lltubtirgh, postponed; rain.
Cincinnati. 8; Chicago, I.
Kansas City. 3; St Paul, 4.
Columbus, 4-S; Cleveland, 3-7. '
Milwaukee. 5: Minneapolis, .
. Pittsburgh, 4; Brooklyn. 12.
Uamea Today. .
Western league Omaha at Denver,
Sioux City. at
Mncoln. Des Moines at To-
Deka. St. Joseph a. Wichita
American leagrle New York at Wash
ington, Boston at Philadelphia.
National League Philadelphia At Bos-
i ton. Brooklyn at New' York. Chicago at
American Association Kansas city at
St .Paul, Louisville at Indianapolis, Co
lumbus at Cleveland, Milwaukee at Min
neapolis. Federal League Kansas City at Pitts
burgh, St. Louis at Brooklyn, Indianapolis
at Baltimore. Chicago at buffalo.
rt ,,1,1. TT ."D 11
jreiffntOn 00 1 Dall
i JR.
I . '
Crelghton foot ball candidates had their
flrat tryout' in a field of rujud Monday
Shannon at a tackle, Brerlnan and Parker
at enda. Coady. Walworth, Tamlsea In the
back field. Levey and Flood, both on
the scrubs In previous years, will try for
quarter. ' " " '
wise, too-pounder. who was chosen all
rtate fullback while playing with Grand
Island last year, Is a valuable looking
addition along with a number of other
men. Dutch Plats, umana Mien scnooi
star of last year, will try for a backflrld
Princeton and Yale
Golfers Are Winners
GARDEN CITY. L. -I, Sept. R.-rCol-leglate
golfere from Cornell and Wiliams
were eliminated from the team champion
ship competition In the annual tourna
ment of the Intercollegiate Golf associ
ation, which began here today. Cornell
played with only five men owing to the
unexplained absence of Al Mathews of
Pittsburgh, who la captain ot the Ithaca
i Uam.
Princeton won easily from.tha Cornell
1 men, scoring eight points to one ana isie
defeated Williams by th decisive point
core of 7 to t . ' -'
Tomorrow Yale will meet Princeton,
Harvard and Pennsylvania, both having
drawn a by today, will play agalnal each
other. Th winner of theae matches will
meet In th final Wednesday.
Benefit for Welekoace.
National league players will probably
contribute to the benflt fund raised for
Harry Welchonce. the former Phllly out
fielder, whoa base ball daye have been
cut short while he was In the height of
bis career by that dreaded ttiberculoale.
Welchonce waa one of th leading hlttera
of the tiouthern league when taaen ill,
,nd his absence from the game haa hurt
Atlanta s pennant chances. eicnonoe s
sale to a National league club had been
arranged for when the nature of his Ill
ness waa learned.
Stalllaara' Bis Forte.
George Stalllngs' forte Is developing
catchers. Oscar Stanace of the Tlgera
and Wallle Schang of the Athletic were
two of his pupils some time back. StaU
lines develoleJ Hank Gowdy. boo. Mall.
Inirs.ln his day was himself a high class
Bark aad Weak Kldaey
greatly helped and often cured by Elec
tric Bitters. Keeps kidney and stomach
In healthy condition. Gives prompt re
lief. XV and 1. All druggist. Adver-tlrement.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
Senators and Macfcmen Divide the
! 'Double Header.
I Philadelphia .Drives InTlactble Wal
ter Iroavllfx In 'Foarth Innlna; of
Septra d 1 fontest, Twflw Hit "
Belna: Made Off HI Delivery.
VaShJnGTON,. .Sept. 8,-Waahlngton
and Philadelphia .divided a double headnr
totfay, v the homo team taking: the first
game, 2 to .0. and' the visitors winning the
secuhflS'to 4. ''
Shaw shut out' the Athletic in the first
game.' fie allbwed. more hits, than Bush,
but "wsj '.good In pinches and whs aided
by three fast double, .pjays. Washington
scored a run in the first inning on Milan's
triple and a slnglo and another In the
seventh on Mitchell's triple and a sacri
fice fly.
Philadelphia drove Johnaon from the
box In the fourth inning of the second
game, twelve hits being made off his de
livery. Score first gam: R.H.E.
Philadelphia .0 0000000 0-0 0
Washington .1 0000010 2 5 0
Batteries: Bush and Schang; Shaw and
e'eore second game: R.H.E.
Philadelphia .0 2070000 0-9 1 1
Washington ..01010100 1-410 1
Batteries: Wyckoff and Schang: John
son, Harper, Stevens and Henrlck. Wil
liamson. Red Sox Beat Yanki.
NEW YORK. Sept. . Boston wound up
Its short series here today with a 0 to S
victory over New York. The locals got
off to a great start, icorlpg aM their runs
In the opening Inning, three being counted
off the delivery of tregg. Shore went In
cold and was wild. ..An Intentional pass
by Flatter to Carrlgan In the eighth led
the way to. defeat for New York. Shore
surprised with a single, filling he bases
with .two down. Fisher then passed
Hooper, forcing Hoblttsel in with the
winning run. Score:
'Boston 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0- 13 0
New York b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 9 0
Batteries: Gregg. Shore and Thomas,
Carrlgan; Fisher, Warhop and Nuna
maker. Detroit Trim Rex.
DETROIT. Sept 8. Rube Oldham, a re
cruit southpaw, pitched Detroit to a 3 to
1 victory today. Except for High's re
markable fielding, the gam waa listless,
the. day was cold and the smallest crowd
of the season watched the athletes per
form. Neither team scored after the sec
ond Inning. Score: R.H.E.
Chicago 0 1000000 0-1 61
Detroit 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 9 0
Batteries: Clcotte and Schalk; Oldham
and Slanage.
Wheat Prices Fall,
Influenced by Talk
of Possible Peace
CHICAGO, Sept. 1 Wheat swept down
ward today Influenced by reports of vic
tories for the allies near Paris and be
cause of talk that peace might com)
with as surprising suddenness as had
characterised the beginning of the war.
General selling set tn at the start and
there was no check to the decline until
prices had receded as much aa 6 cents
In some case. The greatest setback waa
fn." the December delivery, which fell to
II. K as compared with t-ZZ Saturday
night. La.Uf' December rallied to 31.19.
Change In other month were less
Corn turned heavy with wheat. Longs
showed a noticeable disposition to real
ize. After opening ' of a cent lower to
.U .cent advance, the market underwent
an all around decline averaging 1 cent.
Oats responded to peace talk almost aa
readily as wheat did. It was said that
export sales were small. ,
Grain weakness made Itself felt with
decisive . effect on provisions. Higher
prices for hogs formed only a temporary
obstacle. -
Diplomatic Dispute
Prevents Departure
Of Red Cross Ship
NEW YORK. Sept. I. -The steamer Red
j Cross, due. to kail at noon today with
American nurses, doctors and medical
supplies, for European battlefields, waa
unexpectedly held up this afternoon and
will not sail for several days at least.
Mils Mabel Boardman, president of the
Red Crosa society, this afternoon veri
fied reports that diplomatic obstructions
had been raised to the vessel's vailing tnd
added that she hoped they would be
smoothed out within a short time.
It ha been reported that 90 per cent
of the Red Cross' crew were Germans.
This report, however, was found to be
unfounded by the shipping commis
sioner, who said he had satisfied himself
that every member of the crew either
waa an ' American or : had applied for
naturalisation paper.
Another report which reached th
hipping commissioner wa that th al
iened preponderant of Oermans among
th ship's crew had been made th sub
lect of diplomatic protest by some of th
Omaha real estate la the beet inveatment
you could make. Real 1h Be' real
aiata columna-
Congress Resumes
)Vork; Committee :
Talks War Tax
- '-. ' t . . . . i
WASHINGTON. Sept. . 8.-Oongress re
sumed work today after a brlet holiday
with a large amount -of justness .await
ing action. Principal Interest centered In
the emergency revenue bill to provide
IIOO.OOO.OOO, which was up for discussion
by the house, way and means commit
tee'.' '.'.' .''. : .-. (
'The commftteo was confronted" wfth the
tatok'of raising I26.000.0ix), means , having
been agreed upon to raise $76,no;orJ of the
estimated deficit caftsed by trio falling
Off . In customs receipts.- An agreement
already , has been, reached to place In
creased taxes on beer, malt liquors, 'do
mestic .wines, proprietary . preparations,
soft drinks and similar commodities.
Numerous suggestions were before the
committee today for raising the $25,0n0,C00
tn revenues. They Include taxes on au
tomobiles, amusement tickets, moving
picture films, magaslnes and weekly
publications, circulars, railroad transpor
tation, gasoline, whiskies and other dis
tilled liquors, inheritances. Incomes, to
bacco, etc.
While awaiting action on the war' rev
enue bill by the ways and means c6m
mlttee a conference had up ' for consid
eration the Clayton anti-trust bill as
amended by the senate.
Belgians Joining
Armies of Russia
PARIS, Sept S. An agreement reached
by the Belgian and Russian governments,
according to the correspondent ot the
Havas agency at Petrograd, authorlzea
Belgian reservist and recruit of 1914 to
attach themselves to Runs fan armies.
The agreement referred to In the fore
going dispatch would appear to be con
firmatory of previous reports, notably to
day from Rome, that Russian forces have
landed In Belgium.
Bosnia is Invaded
by Servian Ariny
1ADNDON. Sept S.-A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph company from Nlsh,
Servla, says. the Servian army has begun
the Invasion of Bosnia and has crossed
the river Save near Mltrovitch.
' DENVER, Colo., Sept. S.-Condltlon
were, favorable today for a large vote
In the statewide primary elections for
tha nomination ot candidates for United
States senator, four congressmen, full
stat and county tickets. Clear skies and
warm weather were considered favorable
for getting out th vote. The polls
opened at 7 o'clock. Th balloting will
continue until 7 o'clock this evening.
Issues growing out of the twelve
months strike of the Colorado coal miners
and tha proposal for statewide prohibi
tion, which is to be submitted for a
vote at the November election, were ex
pected to affect th. result of today's
NEW YORK, Sept. I.-The Associated
Press Is In receipt of advice under date
of September 2 that five American news
paper correspondents are under detention
by the German military authorities at
Atx-la-Chapelle. They are Roger Lewis
of the Associated Press, Irvln S. Cobb of
th Philadelphia Public Ledger. John T.
McCuteheon and Jame O'Donnell Ben
nett of. the Chicago Tribun and Harry
Hanson of the Chicago Dally News. The
men are not In confinement and are being
well treated.
LONDON. Sept. 8. Charlea A. Holder,
of Colorado, the American conaul at
Cologne, who was brought to I-ondon last j
week from Dieppe on a stretcher, is re-1
ported to be In a grave condition at a
local hospital. He , haa undergone one
minor operation and still face sn opera
tion of a graver character. His wife
who wa suffering from a broken leg as
a result of falling downstairs. Is Improv
NEW YORK, Sept. l-Shipmeut of
81,000,000 gold to Canada and another
aharp decline In London exchange were
features of the local financial situation
today. The gold waa taken by th local
branch of a Canadian banking institu
tion and so far as could be learned form
no part of th shipment recently made
to Ottawa for account of th Bank of
Ghent Burgomaster
Goes Alone to Anny
To Induce it to Halt
LONDON, Sept. I. In a dispatch frbm
Ghent, Belgium, a' correspondent' of the
Exchange Telegraph company sayg that
the burgomaster has enteredan agree
ment wtlh the commander of the German
troops before the town, the purpose of
which is to avoid the entrance of German
LONDON, Sept. . A dispatch to Rou
ter's Telegraph company from Ghent say
that oti receipt" of a communication from
the German commander outside of Ghent,
threatening bombardment if the least re
sistance was offered to the Germans,
Burgomaster Braun proceeded along to
the German lines and negotiated term.
It was agreed that the Germans would
neither enter the city nor impose a money
fine provided the requirement of ' the
Germans In the matter of food were, sat
isfied. One of the conditions of the agreement
waa that the civic guard, now at Wareg
helm, should return to Ghent and disarm.
The communal administration has un
dertaken to furnish the German advance
troops with provisions, the quantity and
details of which will be fixed later.
ROME, Sept. 7. (8:10 p.m., via Part.
Sept. 8.) Cardinal Gibbons leave hero
Wednesday and will sail from Naples
aboard the steamer Canoplc, with Cardi
nal O'Connell, escorting several hundred
Americana including twO school girls,
nieces of Representative "Underwood of
Alabama. - - i .
Cardinal Farley has already baen re
ceived in farewell audience by Pope Bene
dict XV., He will not participate In
the consistory of Tuesday, as ha wishes to
rest before his departure Wednesday mor
ning for Naples. Cardinal Farley will
rail for the United States on th gtearaer
Sant Anna on Sept. 14.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
BERLIN, Aug. 27. Nearly four wee'u cf
the European war have passed at this is
written. A series of gigantic battles have
been fought at the western front from
Brussels to the Swiss frontier. On the
cart the Russians. t despite ppected re
verses, have poured Into etust Prussia and
occupied In force the eastern end of this
long, exposed tongue of German soil,
thrust out-between Russian Poland and
the Baltic sea. and as yet the only regu
lar, detailed features of war new for the
German public are the dally casualty lists.
COPENHAGEN. Sept. T.-(VIa London,
Sept. 8.) The Berlin Voeafccht Zeitung
asserts that as a counter move against
England's attempt to starve out Germany,
the latter will take compenaatlon In Bel
glum by seizing the financial servicer,
taking control of every Belgian bank
and all branches of tha English, French
and Russian banks.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 8.-A dispatch, to
the British embassy from the London
foreign office states that, the "Second
Austrian army operating on the Kras
nnsodov ppol Lublin region Is suffering
very serious losses and la now actipg op
the defensive and In . places . haa .re
LONDON, Kept. 8. (3:35 ' pC m J-The
African World, a weekly publication, has
received Information through what tt re
gards as a reliable Austrian " source to
the effect that the Austrian emperor,
Francis Joseph, died twelve days ago.
The news of the emperor's death was
suppressed in Austria-Hungary, the paper
says, on account of the dangerous Internal
The Bee Want. Ads Are the Best Business
MILAN. Sept. 7.-01 London, Bept. 8.)
The Serolo confirms the reports of th
discovery by the Italian authorities of a
plot by Germany emissaries to stir up the
Mohammedans In Tripoli to a holy war.
It Is said thst the plan waa Intended to
Insure Italy's permanent neutrality by oc
cupying her attention with International
troubles in Tripoli.
' 'i
GENOA, Sept. 8. Vla Pari) Tha
Italian steamer America, with about 80
American on board, left her last night
for New York.
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