THK REE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. FErTKMBER ! 1914. The Latest Sorosis Creations The advance styles were never more beautiful changes in tSn&RSaAKD SIXTEENTH fiTltCCTO GERMANS WARN CAPTIVE CITIES Met by Them. HOSTILE ACTS MUST BE AVOIDED Food aad Furai for Mm aad Commanders Guarantee Security to Inhabitants if Terms Are Harare Dtmtadri, bat Will Ha raid for la Cola or After Trratlaatloa of War. i . , i i . (Correpgndenr of Tha Associated J'res.) BERLIN, Aug. 36.The commander of tha German troopa ara issuing' a prorla matlon to the Inhabitants of every hostile town thay occupy, ai follow; Cltlsena A body of the . German army under my ennunand ha occupied your city. Inasmuch as the war la crrler on only between I he arinice, 1 guarantee In due form the Hi n and private property of all tha Inhabitant, unoer Ah following condition: 1. Tha lahabltanta mint strictly avoid every hoallla act. against the - German troopa. L Food and forsge for our mm and horses ara to be furnished by the Inhabi tants. Kvery such delivery will b paid lor at onre In coin, or a receipt will La issued, to be redeemed after the termina tion of tha war. J. The Inhabitants are to house our sol diers and horses In the best manner and to keep their houses lighted at nlKht. 4. The Inhabitants ara to put tha roads in a passable condition, to remove all obstacles erected by the enemy, and to give the best support to our troops In order that they may be able to fulfill their task, doubly difficult in a hostile land. 6. It lit forbidden to collect In crowds on tha streets, to ring tha bells or to com municate with tha enemy in any way whatever. t. All weapons In possession of the In habitant are to be handed over at tha town hall within two hour. 7. The mayor, tha clergyman and four Well reputed cltlsena ara to appear before nv at one to art a hostages during tha atay of 'the troops. Under these rondi-tlons-r repeat It the Uvea and private property of the Inhsbltant are perfectly aecure. Tha strict discipline to which our aoldlers are aoouatomed renders It pos sible that no Inhabitant will be compelled to neglect his buatneee affaire, or to desert ' his home and hearth. On the other hand, 1 shall adopt the most stringent measures aa soon as the above 'conditions ara not observed. In this respect I shall hold the hostages In the first Instance responsible. Besides this, every cltlsen will be shot who la found with a weapon fn hla hands, or committing any act whatever hostile to our troop. Finally, the entire city is responsthi, for the deeds of averv tndl vidua! cltlsen and tha cltlsena will do wall to keep mutual oversight over each other. In order that they may avoid the un pleasant consequences that must follow upon any co-operation with tha enemy. Aa a consequence of nonobservance of auch proclamations a number of villages on tha French frontier have been burned ad tha inhabitants severely punished. East Indian Troops , ;; Take Part in War LONDON. Sept. l-That the Indian force of tha British army ara taking an active part in tha operation In France la Indicated by the casualty lists. Among the names of tha wounded made publlo ia thatpf Captain F. W. Hunt. Nineteenth lancera, (Faneqs horse Indian army). GERMANS SAY THEY ARE ftEADY TOENTER GHENT 08TKNO. Sept.- According to tha newspaper Blen Publlqua of Ghent, the burgomaster of that city has received a letter from the German commander ask ing Mm to coma to Ordegen In order to make arrangement for tha entry of the German Into Ohent. A spy named , Kspraldt who waa ar retted at Ostend August 4, waa tried by court-martial and convicted. He was ex ecuted Saturday. Everyone The Great War Manual In it you will find over 1,300 indexed facts and places and personalities connected with the stupendous conflict now shaking Europe and the world. THE OMAHA BEE will send you a copy today, bound in strong cloth, full of maps and pictures and data about the war. This great War Manual has been prepared by the Editors of The World's Work, which is a guarantee of its unquestioned authority. r Tear off this coupon , . office with 50 cents fMva esntt V ntot nm ' ' mmmm , , i style, too. SHOES mean this to every well dressed woman: The latest in style. Perfection in fit. The most economical. They have that chic style so much admired by all good dressers. INCOME TAX MINIMUM CUT After July it Will Be (2,003 Accord ing to Committee Plan. MALT LIQUORS TAX RAISED Distilled Mqaore t:cape la Pro Itoaal of Coaa-reaamea Wis Art Drvlalaa- Method of flats More tosh. WASHINGTON. Kept. S.-An Income tag Increase of one-halt of 1 per cent and a reduction of the minimum exemption from SJ.noo to S2.000 and the maximum exemption from 14,000 to t'l.OrtO wero ten tatively agreed upon today by democratic members of the ways and means commit ,'toe. who " are framing the emergency revenue bill to raise Iloo.Ofo.ftoO. it la estimated that the proposed Income tax changes Would produce IM.OOO.WiO annually. In deciding on the Income tax Increases, the committee considered the fact that revenue from this source would not be available until next July, but the opinion waa general that the Increased revenue from other sources would meet and deficit until that time., Vnder the proposed changea tha Income tax would be 1 Va per Cent, on Income of single persona In excess' of 12,060,000 and the same on mar ried persona In excess of $3,000. in ad dition the one-half per cent Increase would be added pro rata In accordance with the Increased aur taxea on Incomes in ex cesa of 10,003. The committee agreed also that Ihe In creased tax on beer and malt liquors should be 50 cent a, barrel, bringing In SJt.OtQ.OuO. On domestic wines an extra tax of SO oenta a gallon will raise IIO,c00,00. Distilled aplrlta will escape an extra tax, but It waa derided to tax rectified spirits I cents gallon, realising S.'.OOO.Ooo. Opponents of an Increased tax on whis kies won their fight after three ballots had been taken. Proponals to'levy an ad ditional tax of 25 cents and 15 rent a gal lon were defeated. On a proposal to make the tax 10 cents a gallon there was a tie vote. Finally, it waa agreed t make the tax apply only to rectified spirits at i cents). The committee la aald also to have agred tentatively on a tax on railroad freight In lieu of a tax on railroad tick eta. Burp a tax would be collected by the railroad and euelly administered. The rata proposed, It waa reported, was t per cent. At the conclusion of an all-day confer ence It waa agreed not to tax tobacco products, automobiles, gaaollne, amuse ment tickets, magaslnoa and many other articles, and commodities which had been proposed, the Increased Income tax avert ing the necessity of levying against the' articles. No official announcement of the com mittee action wsa made. Representative Underwood, the chairman, stating that the program waa subject to change. The. committee will meet again Thursdsy. DR. FRANK SOCIALIST, KILLED NEAR LUNEVILLE BKRLIN. Sept. l.-(Vla Amsterdam and London) The Vorwaeti learns that on Brpember S. Dr. iAidwIg Frank of Mann heim waa killed near Lunevllle. lr. Frank, who waa born In 174. was a social! democrat member of the Reichstag and a leader of the socialist party. NORTH BEND VOTES BONDS FOR MUNICIPAL WORKS NORTH BEND. Neb., Rept. S. (Spe cial.) This city haa voted bonds of (37,000 for a m-hsctrlc light plant and sewerage system. Needs and bring it to The Bee for your copy. Add mUa .4 V -11 0. S. TOURISTS SAY THE GERMANS KIND Ketnrning; Traveleis Brand False Assertion 'Americans Ill-Treated in the Fatherland. ASK COUNTRYMEN TO BE FAIR eeral Ilaarfrrrt Man Statement Rrqarillm Jndiiment Be Hos pendeil Till aaara l.eadlna o War Probed. NEW mr.K. fpt. x.-sVrral hundred passengers of the Holland-American liner Rotterdam, which arrived from Rotter dam toiay, signed a statement declaring false the reports that Americans had been llltrented In Germany. The statement closed with the request that a copy be forwarded to President Wilson and Secre tary Bryan. The statement fol.'ows: The nnflrrelgned Amerlijn ctllxrmi, 'ras M ngrrs en U1.1 siramsnir, I'.ot.crds n. ell Of whom T.ere in Germnny rtrr nj the present hmilliUr. slsk the A;iai4,! J'reaa thiougn Its vartus channels, lo give publicity to the following siau-mem: That the reports regarding ill v-eac-rr.ent of Americans hy t.rrman. emsnHt lr.g from Kngllsh and French sou.-ces. are absolutely false. Travel through Germs ny. aa far as the extraordinary circumstances permitted, waa. altogether safe a officials and all classes of the people we-e, without ex ception, verv friendly and helpful. No well authenticated atrocities wet perpetrated hy the Herman troops. All of the (ierman official bulletins re garding tha piogreaa of the war were in every case subsequently confirmed, and thus the reports coming from Kngllnh, French and Helglan sources disproved. In our Judgment the dlstortet report which have reached America were sent rut wtth the deliberate purpose of de ceiving Americans and thua creating a sentiment In favor of the powera now arrayed again t Germany. We aak all Americana to sua send judg ment until they have an opportunity to make an Impartial .Investigation of tha causea which have led to the present con- mni ana especially to study the dtplo n atio correspondence. It la our con viction that Germany haa not been the aggressor, but that the war haa been forced upon it by the envy and greed of those nations that are Jealous of Its arnwlng Industrial and commercial inde pendence and for this reason are readv and anxious to destroy It oi a people. We hereby request the Associated Pre to forward a copy of this raper to the president of the United Btatea and the secretary of state. ALLIES' VICTORY ' GREATER THAN AT HRSTREPORTED (Continued from Pago One.) demoltahed them before they could be utlllxed. The wounded are being, brought In by tramway. Among those arriving yester day were two Irish troopers, who, aep arated from their regiment during tha fight at Complegne, could give no other account of their wanderings than that the lavt they knew they "were fighting at Copenhagen." Tha general opinion of the morning press la that the allies may loae the battle and still make the' alege of Parla difficult for the enemy, while if the Germans lose, the situation of their entire army In France would aa critical. lias a Work on Defenses. Several thousand reservists have been engaged since the outbreak of the war In putting tha outer defences of the , en trenched camp In shape to resist a pos sible siege by the Germans. The military governor has now decided to hasten tha work and yesterday 6.0W excavators were mustered In at the Hotel de VIHe and jltvjdod Into aguada and given blankets, so that they ran sleep on the spot. They have beeo sent to the outer trenches, (extuana Kvacuale Teraioade. A dispatch from Antwerp to the Havas agency states that Tremonde, alxteen mllea from Ghent, waa evacuated by the Germans, who lighted several fires before retiring. They also blew up a bridge over the river F-scaut to the north, aeem Ing to renounce for tho moment their ln trualon Into tho country of the Waea dis trict. Afterward they directed an attack., the dispatch says, against the southwest front position of the Antwerp army and were repulsed with great losses. (ertaan First Army Attacked. WASHINGTON. Sept. S -The French embassy today received from Bordeaux, under last nlghfa date, the following: "The German right wing (first army) on the Ourcq and Grand Morin has been attacked with advantage to our troopa. On the lino Meaux Vttry L Francois the battle today became general. "Tha Camplne (Belgian) and the Llm bourg have been evacuated. Transports of German troupa from tha west to east are reported from several sources. "The fact that at the time of the cap ture of Ixmburg twelve Austrian divis ions were annihilated ta confirmed." Germans Bid High for Danish Supplies LONDON, tept. ..The Standard states that the Germans ara making a desperate attempt to deprive the United Kingdom of provisions supplied by tha Scandinavian countries. German agents, it says, are now traveling through Nor as y. Sweden and Denmark, offering price 30 per rent higher than thoa car ried by lJrlllh contract. To aid thl at tack, the German government ha re moved the Import duty on provisions. Kngllsh merchants ara concerned lest the Danish merchants Influenced by Gor man high prices, should divert some of their trade to Germany. Buch a practice they state, is contrary to the eetablivhed trad principle of giving preference to a regular cuatomer In time of stress. Germany Agency to Send. News Here LONDON, ?ept. S. A lilspatch from Rot terdam to the Times says: "Tha German are etablihlng at the Hague a ao-called Independent pre agency to spread Oerman news. It la be lieved that this pre bureau will be part of the machinery of a German pre cam paign In America. "The Brltlah and French already have the benefit of a news service which la put out in Dutch, French and Engltah by their conaula." U.S. WIRELESS STATION OPENED FOR WAR NEWS I WASHINGTON, fept. t-Anouncement waa made her today that ihe wirvlri j atatlon at Turkerlown, N. J., would ,rob , ably be opened tomorrow to receive im- age of the belligerent uropen Kwvr Lieutenant Felix X. Gygax ha been placed In charge of the station. German Soldiers Furnished Hot Soup Regularly on Long Trid I.ONIMN. .!'! V (SpeclMl 'ahlegram IXJNDON. ept. ". (.porat Cablegram to New York World and Omaha H-e.) The Dally Impress lia.i the follomlMg Irom ore of Its i orrrsixindi-nt under ' deto of Osteni.': "There are li.rilcatlona j tl at the number of (ti-rm-in troops which Iilwi parsed .through Itclglum have been underestimated very considerably by the allies 1 From a Dutch source It Is reported that from Cologne, where he mslti Ger man armies were concentrated a regular stream of men up to 2.0"O passed Into telglum ffrst via Viae and then via Iiege, troop trains leaving every forty minutes KAISER "GREATEST ) J WILHELM OF LINE All Germany Shouting His Praise in View of Succession of Victories. COUNTRY DIVIDIHJ UP SPOILS General Demand to Keep Dejglan and Make France ! t oat of War, Hays Pkyalrlan He- . 'ornln from Herlia. (Copyright, 1314, Tress Punishing Co.) LONDON. ,cpl. 8.-(flpeclal Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee.) "Wilhelm tha Greatest' ia now tho title Given to Kaiser Wllholm, according to Dr. I. W. Held of New fork, who arrived in London today from Berlin, which place he left last Friday. Dr. Held said it Is now considered that the kaiser Is more llluatrloue than any other Wllhelm, and o tha word "great" no longer Is believed to express the fullest extent of hla glorl oua achievements. "It wa a German officer who fit at told me this," said the doctor. "But It now has spread to all claisra." There are not many Americana remain ing In Berlin, according to the phyaiclan' statement, and those remaining are not keen about leaving. There Is no fear of the Russian and all talk of Invasion of Berlin by them Is considered In the naturo of a Joke. ' ' ' Dr. Hold said the German announced they Captured 125,O0 Russians In East Prussia, thus calming the talk for the present of any Invasion from that quarter. Dr. Held had been studying In tha hos pitals In Berlin the last eight months and declared he met many German offlcral. "All believe they will triumph except on the .aea," Dr. Held said. "If a great naval battle cornea they believe England will be victorious, but will lose two-third of Us fleet In winning. VI have been told that 8,000,000 men are now under arma In Germany. Their equip ment Is marvelous. The soldiers even carry tooth brushes. All flat-footed sol dlers are weeded out of regiments which wont Into Franre, for it waa desired to have only soldiers who would do long marches. a "I saw many German soldiers trin In Berlin on ttelr-way to Eat Prussia. They made It ai 'gala. occaalon,' some of tham donning French trouser and Belgian hats and dancing about the station to the de light of the populace. . "Every hospital Is full of German wounded, but. aa in the ansa of the En glish, large numbers are only wounded, In the legs and arms." Dr. Held said already the German cltl xens are appealing to officials to retain Belgium at all costs, while it Is believed In the event of a German success France will be made to pgy all the cost of the war, aided by England, while Indemnity from Russia and Holland will be de manded. Held said he waa told the Germans are building two Zeppelins a week and now have fully a hundred. From all accounts a rigorous winter campaign ia counted on to stem the Russian advance. The Ger mans, Dr. Held said, were two daya late In getting 800,000 men to assist the Au trtana, wbtch caused the latter to loae Lemberg. Americans Able to Live Without Aid . from War Nation r WASHINGTON. Sept. g.-lncmiry Into the national assets of the United Rate In area, population and the principal fao tora of economic life. It waa announced by the Department of Commerce today, shows that this country Is not only prac tically self-supporting, but possesses In many lines a large surplus available for protection against famine and temporary advaralty, or for meeting exceptional de mands from abroad. Tha countfy'a production of corn amounta to mora than 2,GOO,OnO.OO0 bushel, two-third of the International aupply: while thla year's wheat crop la eatlmated at 911.000,000 bushel, about 20 per cent of tha world's harvest. Fifteen per cent of the world's cattle are on American farms, the number being 59.000,000. In clothing material the I'nited State la also favored, raising annually more than 14.0u0.OiJ0 bales of cotton, over one- half of the world supply, of wool the United States produces SlO.OuQ.OOO pounds a year. One-half of the copper dug out of the earth comes from American mines and this country produce 40 per cent of the total -output of coal. I In the value of manufacture the United ' Ptate leada the nation, although the j prouuci or in lactone i cnitriy con sumed at home. QUARTER MILLION RUSSIANS IN FRANCE (Continued from Page One.) Scauiiinaviai) peninsula to Archangel, where the Russians embarked. The movement . waa surrounded with the greatest secrecy. According to one ver sion the Russians were landed from the transports direct at Belgian or French porta. Another aald that they bad been disembarked at Aberdeen, Scotland, thence taken on special tralna acrosaj England, and later conveyed by ship to! Oetend. .. . t I It was pointed out at this time that If j this movement could be accompliahed successfully once, there waa no reason why it could not be repeated, and that a Russian fore much in excess of men might well be landed in France by this northern route. . K-. Want Ada Are th.Bvt Businca Boosters. . . , ' . , with clockwork regularity. "S'lentlflc organisation was seen In rveiythlng, in training. feeding and movement. At a station west of Alx-lj- Tare-He, the writer saw the errlvnl of x troop train. Soldiers of the preceding train were waiting on the platform with hot soup and rations for the new coiners nil rrad. This Wis handed over, the first troops went off, ami so on every lotty minutes. The enormous soup kitchens prepared "oft gallons ench hour Just outside the sta tion. The (Ierman armies are 'accom panied by a traveling printing press for military proclamations and requlslt'on btr.da and also by official photographers. AUSTRIANS IN FULL FLIGHT BETWEEN BUG AND VISTULA , (Continued from Tage One.) AiiBtrlans retreated from Nlcolaleff, abarrdoning their supply trains. The Russians took many prisoners and captured also forty guns and groat quantities of ammunition. Tho Austrian forts at Nlcolaleff, which have been, captured by the Russians, have enormous strategic importance. The city is at the In tersection of the railroad lines lead ing Into the Carpathian country. In all places held by the Russians, the correspondent says, civil author ity is being exercised quietly and ef ficiently. LONDON, Sept. 8. U dispatch from Rome to the Exchange Tele graph company says: "A telegram from Vienna states that General Ruazky, who following the capture of Lemberg, executed a flank attack, northward against the Austrians under General Auffen berg, the Austrian war minister, Is today engaged in a desperate at tempt to annihilate Auffenberg's array. "The battle has already continued three days and ig likely to continue several more." Advance Stopped. In the eastern war theater General Ruszky's Stonewall Jacknon tactics have been checked by the strong fortress of Prxemysl, but this delay 'will not prevent the general forward movement of the Russian force along the border from Tilsit to. Lemberg. The Russians con sider It necessary, howeVer, to capture Prxemysl, so that the Austrians may not have a single stronghold left in Gallcla. Remarkable report continue to corno In regarding the speed of General Rusz ky's campaign. The soldiers slept on an average of three hours nightly and made thirty-mile marches dally. Itnnalnn Caatare Sappllef. It l .evIcfBnt from reports received from Petrofrad that .'the -Auttrlans expected to aiake a long .resistance a lemberg, hav ing accumulated stores sufficient to last a year. All these stores have fallen into the hands of the Russians, enabling them to quicken their campaign without wait ing, for. their own transport trains. A special dispatch to the Star from Petrograd announces that many German aeroplanes are appearing on the' Russian frontier, heralding the arrival of rein forcements. PRESIDENT ASKS PRAYERS FOR PEACE (Continued from Page One.) battle whom the counsel of statesmen have not been able to save from the terri ble sacrifice; "And whereas. In all things It Is our privilege and duty to aeek counsel and uecor of Almighty God, humbling our- j selves before Him, confessing our weak t.ets and our lack of any wisdom equal to these thing; . "And, whereas. It is tha especial wish and longing of people of the United States, in prayer and counsel and all friendliness to serve the cause of peace. Purposes of Prayers. - Therefor. I, Wooirow Wilson, presi dent of tho United State of America, do designate Sunday, the 4th day of Octo ber next, a day of prayer and auppllca tion and request all God-foarlng persons to repair on that day to their places of worship, there to unite their petitions to Almighty God, that overruling the coun sel of men, setting straight the things they cannot govern or alter, taking pity on the nations aow In the throes of con flict. In Ills mercy and goodness, show ing a way where men can see none, He vouchsafe ' Hla children healing peace again and restore once more that con cord among men and nations, without which th-jre can be neither happiness nor true friendship, nor any wholesome frull if toll or thought in the world; praying alio to thla end that He forgive ua our tin, our ignorance of His holy will, our wilfulness and many error and lead us in the paths of obedience to places of vision and to thoughts and counsel that pi'rge and make wise. "In witness whereof I have hereunto ret my hund and caused the eal of the United Stutc to be affixed. "Done at the city of Washington thl eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hun dred and thirty-ninth. ' "(ttigned.) WOODROW WILSON. "Uy the Preident. ' "WILUAM JENNINGS BRYAN. i "Secretary of State." j ' I HEAVY TRACK CAUSES . . LIMITING OF RACE CARD LINCOLN. Sept. g.-A track that wa heavy from recent rains caused the pot ponement today of all harness race at the state fair, and limited the events to three running races, chief interest in which centered in the half-mile and re peat. The time waa slow. Results: Five furlong, purse tl'O: Pretty Dale first. I,eomt aecond, Judy Goody third. Time. IM. Feven furlong, puree II V: Calvarona first. Voltroma second, Pickens third. Time, 1:12. Half-mile and repeat, purse lljn: Queen of Diamond won, Lady My me second, Roasea third. Beat time, C.bZ. Kverj body Read Bee Want Ada. ' COMMISSION FINDS GERMAN ATROCITIES Report of Belgian Investigation i blames Kaiser's Men for Loot- ' in and Pillaging. ! ASSERT WOMEN MISTREATED i Mea, Women aad Children Com pelled to March Mr fore t.erman Troopa with White Flag to Deceive French. LONDON. ept "8 A news agency dls- I hi ii irom Antnern re. rlvoH h, M.o eayg that the report of the commlsFlon i appointed by the Belgian government to ! investigate the ch Itirs, find that atr.iclties were committed ! I by the Germans at Louvain, Vise. I Aerschot, Onsmael and In the district of Mallnts. Inoffensive pedestrians, cycllnts and peasants, the report cays, were shot by the Germans, who also robbed the public and burned and pillaged houses and towns on the pretext that the inhab itant fired at the German troops. The commission found that P.clKinns were deported to Germany to aid In gathering the harvest and that In iiine catea the Belgians were compelled to fU'ht aciinj-t the Russians. It la also flc- ciarca. mai men were enui up in cnurcnes while the women were outraged. Men, women and children, the report concludes, were compelled to march In front of the German troops, showing the white flag. In order to Induce the French troupa to approach. KING OF TONGA ISLAND DECLARES NEUTRALITY LONDON, Sept. 8. News has been re- ' celved here that the king of the Tonga Islands In "the Southern Pacific has de clared his neutrality. The Tonga Islands were in danger of starvation, as their food supply from New Zealand waa cut off until a ship was sent to the relief of the natives. The ship gave the king his ' first news of the war and the monsreh I promptly proclaimed his neutrality. loira Wem Safe, WASHINGTON. Sept. S. Among Amer icans reported safe In Europe, according to a d'spatrh to the State department, is Miss Havery of Des Moinea, at Paris. What a Comfort to haro your valuables beyond tho reach of lire and theft. This you kno-w to a certainty when you. raluables 'are placed In the' Fire aid Burglar Proof Vault ot the Omaha Safe Deposit Company, Where there aro Safe De posit Boxes for rent at reasonable prices $3.00 pm- yew. Lincoln Sanitarium Nawlv Kebui:i Doubled Capacity. Blactrlo Elevator. Modern In every way. Sulpho Saline Springs Uocatad on our premises and used in the Natural Mineral Water BATHS (Jnanrpaaaed Id tha treatment of RHEUMATISM Heart, Stomach Kidney and Livei Dlaaaaea. Moderate charge. Wrlta for rates Dr. O, W. EVERETT. Mar. lOS at St l.'OOI.N. NEB. Hot weather sense Kat toolhij foods in clean sanitary places. The Pare Food Sign. Qiiickserv Cafeteria Uaaemeat City Natl Bank Bldg Or Boat on Luuchen. -MO South loth 8C 1404 liouglus hU 1408 Karuain tU. OmanaXjiEjlly Omaha LIQUOR and DRUG Treatment 1502 S. 10th St. Phona D. 7556 l " ,"JVlli i'i'i'ee'-.;w' V OMAHA Every Woman Can Use i and ought to use occasionally,'1 a proper remedy for the headache, backache, languor, nervousness and depress ion to which sho may be subject These troubles and others are symptoms of debil ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation Ue" ST are at once safe, certain and convenient They clear tho system and purify the blood. They ex ert a peneral tonic effect and insure good health and strength, so that all the Ijodily organs do their natural work without causing suffering. Every woman of the thousands who have tried them, knows that Deecham'a Pills act To Certain Advantage DlracOM with Enry Bex f Special Vila, t Wi SU mrrwbar. Is sexet, 10c 23c i ' ill "i YOU NEED OUR BUSINESS-BUILDERS In Your Fall Business Our new book for retailers, "HOW TO SELL MORE GOODS." contains 100 pages chock full of TRIED and PROVEN suggestions as to how to bring the buyers to your store. It is virtually a treat ise on building up a successful business, and lists 'everything needed by the merchant In the way of advertising' supplies, for inter ior, exterior and country use; printed supplies of all kinds, ad vertising novelties, etc. Write for this book. It is free ta every es tablished merchant. M. F. SHAFES & CO. 12th and Far nam Streets, " Omaha, Nebraska. mm nnrrararTrr iJ IU I UM'MHi Teething Babies SUFFER IN HOT WEATHER USE Hrs.Winslow'sSocthingSyrnp A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE NOT NARCOTIC AMI SfCMENTS. BRAN DEIS azo A PAIR OF SIXES Eft&iZ Prices: tSe, Mo. 75o. $1.00. ILfiO Two (Tight, spt. 13-13. gat. Matin NEARLY MARRIED rrtcea Mat a5o-l. Eveniag aflo-at.BO. "OkCAJta. 'turn CZaTTEB1 jC7JCT7 VlSlr 15-8S-60O. aW--! ZJ Evgs, lft-85-eo-7So. CHARLIE ROBINSON tllta afiCARNAIIOfl BEAUTIES frunn Niy tisrnhardt, city l'omAj 4 Fenny a Knoll and lh Uuu X Y. CiMir. "Tau Lora vbk" Ctrvi ' ""t mM Bt Hutjr choru. X.ADXXSV DlaU MAT. WBliat DATS. Pfcoa Doug;. . ADYA.KCZS TAUBimU. Thl . "Wron Irom tha glut," T K.i ", ofl . CoiMO, blipu a DonTa. Kilinaa Brolbr. Brut Woo. gka Trie 1 "IBt Orphrum Travai Weekly. ' Price. Uellne Gllry, lte; best net ( ept SuurtUy sad 6u4J. Itc KlJU H. 20, II . riYn iTT 1M IT IF 114 mill) -