s nu; bkk. omaiia. wkixksiuy.skptkmhku9, ioh. 11 i on RENT Hoase and tottnes. run i. x We have a complete lint of all house.. apartments and flata that are (or rent This Km can be en free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co.. S ltith St. Uniterm m all part of the city. UOUSeS Cr,,,n m,,,, A "o.. He Bhlg. Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant houae kind apartment In the city. Thla service Is free. Tel. Douglas 4477. Fidelity Storage A Van Co. torn and uiflrea. orKKE WITH VAIM.T Suite of 3 rooms On 3d Floor with water, flectrio light, and vault f M. THK BK.E HI II.UINU CO. Office. Room loj. 4 ROOMS 112, corner 18th and "intoD, also 8 roonn upstairs. l-ugla 3-t5!!. lmi'U STORK ''URN KR-A strategic cor ner that It will pay to learn about T. J HOOK. 1101 No. 18th. Barn. GOOD barn, rJom for S or 10 horse. 1817 Webster St. Call Douglas 43. REAL KSTATE FARII 4k RANCH LAU! FOR SALE Moatana. MONTANA CAHEY ACT I.ANDS-iAOOO acres now open to eniry in me lamouo Valier valley. An excellent opportunity for the homceeker seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. The rich soil, exhilarating- climate and abundance of water for Irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Great for grain, alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for a home. Write today for booklet and partlculare. Valier Kami Bales company. Valier, Mont.. Box No 17. Nebraska- KIMBAIj COUNTY FARMS. All tillable 480-acre farm nine miles from Kimball. 2tf) acres under cultiva tion. t.OOO fine young trees In orchard and round htilldlnga. Fine house and barn and out-butldlng-s. Well and mill. l,and Is all fenced ajd cross fenced. Mile to school. Mail delivered within one mile six times a week. Price 124 per acre. This is a bargain. Also have other choice improved and unimproved farms. BANK OF KIMBALL Kimball, Neb. Watch for the Klmhal rounty exhibit at the state fair. FOR 8ALB S,M0-arr ranch, Thomas county, Nebraska. $4 per acre. If Bold at once. 4,110 acres at K, part time at per cent Interest. P. Patterson, Box 76, Thedford, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM Jt RAM II LANDS FOR SALE Minnesota.. TTXT7 1 Y m r-mm mil from Mlnntt- a'tiolis: every 'acre under cultivation; lays level; good soil. Rood water; build ings consist of houao. barn, granary, machine sheds, etc.; price $75 per acre. Ad.loin.ns; land held at per acre. Will take up to tlO.000 good property in exchange, balance soma cash and mort gage. SCHWAB BROS., 10a Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. TO INVKSTORS, land brokers and others: McGlIn Bros.. Klnbrae, Minn., have some Improved Minnesota farms, rich soil, near the Iowa line, at from ItB an acre upwards. Easy terms, too. Get ahead. South Dakota. V. P. PHELAN, FlanrffVau. s' D., Invites Investors and homeseekers to see hla farms of big corn at half the price of such land 50 miles distant; easy terms; no crop failures. Wisconsin Upper Wisconsin Best umii y and geuerut crop siaie in tha union; settlers wanted; lauua for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central land Grant, btate acres wanted. Writs about our grazing lands." It Interacted In fruit landa, ask for. booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Soo Line Ry.. .Minneapolis, Minn. NOTICE! RENTERS, NOTICE! Why his you renting high priced land when you can buy land in NORTHERN WISCONSIN on terms easier than the rent you are paying? Near GLIDDEN, ASHLAND COUNTY. WISCONSIN, where the rainfall Is 40 to 44 Inches a year and the soil a rich sandy loam. You can buy cut-over land for 110 to $20 an acre and partially Improved farms for 2D to $) per acre, on terms to suit your self. Do not miss the chance of getting one of our choice locations on one of the many lakes and streams on the 35,000 acres we have foe you to choose from. For further Information write 8HANA GOLDKN INVESTMENT COMPANY, GLIDDEN. WIS. Agents wanted. M licelUseoat. IF- INTERESTED In land In sithern Iowa and southern Minnesota wTlta th F. L. Jones Land company, Wlnterset. la. for their list of 2Hi (arms OUR farm list will coavince you that we have the cheapest land, considering soil, climate, water, markets. Sutton Co., Seneca, Mo. , REAL ESTATE LOAN'S CITY and Xarm loans, 5, 54. per cent J. II. Dumont & Co.. 103 Farnam. Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Esst Nebraska farma. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nati. Douglas 2715. U MtVIN MliOX Loans, $500 and up. SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha, Nab. V' ANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 22 State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. If A RRISON & MORTON. 916 Om Nat'L MONEY on hand for city and farm loan. H. W. Binder. City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Rc CITY LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg Co., arlberg Bldg. uranaeia Theater REAL ESTATE VOK EXCHANGE 40 ACRES Missouri land. Des Moines res!- dence, $2,io0. -room dwelling,- Iowa town, ll.jnu. 3 lots, Denver. $J00. 3 lots. Hot Springs. S. D., $1,200. Clear for Ne braska land. v rite or call, evenings, i V. Smith, 418 No. 17th St. DESK Men's walnut writing desk, to ex change for chickens. Phone Benson 475 or addresa S. C. 1017. Bee. ACRE f roperty and 6-acre fruit farm, one mile north of car line, Florence, 6-room houae on paved road; t,'ood outbuildings; part cash, rest In trade. Call Florence 36-.2 or Mrs. Q. L. Barton, 320 N. 17th St. Pianos for other musical Insiru'ta l Dull. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co." a modern abstract office. 3u6 8. 17th SU Phone Douglas 6487. REED Abatrsct Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska- Jot Brandel Theater. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Must Be Sold! 3420 Parker St- This house was built for a home. One of the best buy on the market. Has i rooms. Is modern snd In fine condition. Cos to school and car. $5u0 cash and balance monthly. 3410 4 Burt St. Two 6-room modern ex cept heat houses that can be bought right House are In fair repair. Can make a better price If yeu take both houae. See theae house, then make an offer. This Is your chance to make a fine Investment. fjOO cash and the balance on payment. 2536 N. 19th St. A 6-room modern ex cept heat cottage. This place la worth the money that the owner asks. Will ac re pt vacapt lot a the first payment or take rash payment aa low as tlOO. The house I in fair condition. Is close to car line, stores and school. You will make money If you buy this house now. Creigh, Sons & Co. Phone Douglas 200. 60s Lee Bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARET Enormout Wheat Crop Placing Pro ducers on Easy Street. EXPORTATION ARE LARGE (learanrea at Varlees Parte Show that Much of the tirala liar vested Thla Year la -ln to Importers. OMAHA. Sept. 8. PI I. The preent enormous crop of wheat raised In this country has placed the pro ducers in a portion where they will he easy for at least several years to come. Insofar as finances are concerned. Many of the smaller farmers disposed of their wheat before the war broke out and these, of course, are the losera. It Is esti mated that between 75,oon bu. and lHOOO.onn were sold by farmer In the southwest out of the 67S.Ono.000 raised In the winter wheat belt. The war restricted the movement out of the hands of farm ers no little and not until late last week were they selling freely and then only at prices favoring- their views. The export clearances from the I'nited States and Canada are likely to continue large, and. In fact; to Ineiense. as many ships now are loading at Baltimore. New York. Boston and the gulf ports and these cleararcee will be made as rapidly as possible . .... , . i l uixm niuii n I ncen 'aim up ny ,ne ei.s a m, board In the last few days, but they have not been a source of Immediate re lief to thu exchange markets because the London credit resulting therefrom will not be available for at least twenty days, and it Is doubtless due to this fact that the price of wheat has advancede on both sides of the water In the face of the movement of the bills.. ' In a cable to the Modern Miller. George M. Broomliall, the foreign reporter of the Chicago Board of Trade, says that the question of British prospective require ments and supplies of breadstuffs will be very large. According to a postcard sent out by Washburn Crosby yesterday, the prica of their best vprlng wheat patent has been advanced to $7.10 In wood. It was generally believed by the men who are In the provision trade of tha world that the war would send prices of meats to an abnormal attitude. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago PW 207 241 Minneapolis 1.72D Huluth 27 Oman !S -.4 115 Kansas City 941 A3 4; REAL ESTATE NORTH 8II)E BAROA1N Modern .2-story, Hip roof nouse. zhi wnatoi rt. . 4Z2X. ---r- REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE MODERN house, almost new, hardwood finish: corner lot: tl no. Owner. 818 S. 25th. Phona Tyler 21MW. REAL ESTATE AVEST SIDE CLIFTON HILL HOME. Only $1,900 for a splendid &-room cot tage, new barn and two lots near car; plenty of fruit and good place for chick ens. Owner will take $lii0 cash, balance monthly, or a good team, cdw or other stock as first payment. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Phone Douglas 17S1. Ware Block. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acre Bargains 20 acres, all In fine bearing orchard: good 6-room house. Price $1,000. lo acres; 3 acres In fruit and shrubbery, 10 acres In alfalfa; extra fine Improve ments; six blocks to street car line. Price $15,000. 6 acres on boulevard; fine view; Im provements cost $6,000. Price $6,600. 6 acres, lots of fruit; good location, Im provements first class. Price $5,000. 8 acres, some fruit land: lays fine. Im provements very good. Price $4,600. 3 acres, same location as last named; all In fruit. Price $4.2.. 34 acres; on paved street. Just outside city limits; good 6-room houae. price to, 500. 6 acre at Benson, unimproved. Price t4.ono. O'Xeil's R. E. ,& Ins. Agency, 1R06 Farnam St. Phone Tyler J024. "EAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dander. Dundee Lot On 48th St., first lot south of 619 N. 4th St, can be yours for $n per month. Prica Is $400. This lot is several feet be low the street grade, but at tills price It Is a bargain. Be sure to see today. Creigh, Sons & Co, Phone Douglas 200, 608 Bee Bldg. Council Blnffs. WEST COUNCIL BLUFFS LOTS $1.00 CASH. $1.00 WEEKLY. On 8th Ave. and 31st St.A lot. On 6th Ave and 31st St., 1 lot On 2d Ave. near S2d St., 1 lot , On 6th Ave. and Slst St., 1 lot On th Ave. and th St.. I lot $75 75 2i3 125 125 W e have several bunches of t, 4 nd 6 lots at attractive prlcee, on terms that are ngnt, A. F. SMITH CO.. (Fay Smith.) Phone 329. 23d and Pearl. RRA L ESTATE MISCELIiAXEOUS Homes Built and Financed E.-igy Pa'nient Plan Will furn'sli the money and build you a home to order and draw plans to suit your taste. Will build on your lot or any lot you select. Telephone for particu lars. AVebster 3879 . INVESTMENT Where is there a safer investment In Omaha thsn land fronting south on Har ney St., between ?0th and 24th Sts., at $50 per front foot. Can be made to pay 6 net while the land la doubling in value. AV. H. THOMAS & SON, 228 State Bank Bldg. Doug. 1B48. ".. 1. LANDKRYoU, real estate. Insur ance: moved to 201 Neville. D. 8600. 7-ROOM house, renv ror Ilk 6u. must be sold at once: $300 will handle It. H. 4711. LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF SURFACE OF INDIAN LANDS EASTERN OKLAHOMA bv United States Government There will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at different railroad points in the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations in eastern Oklahoma, from No vember 1. 1914, to December 2. 1914, the surface of approximately t75,O00 acres of Indian segregated coal and asphalt lands at not less than certain minimum pricet,. One person can purchase not exceeding 19 acres of agricultural or 640 acres of graxing land. Bids may be submitted tn person or by mall or by authorized agents. Residence on land not required. 'terms 25 per cent cash, 26 per cent within one year and the balance within two years, with 6 per cent interest from date of sale. Where houses or other improvement are located on the lands the same will be sold, with the land, at appraised value. Improvement to b paid for lo full at time of sale. The coal and asphalt un derlying these lands will not be sold with the surface, except where authorized Where the coal and asphalt are to be sold with the surface descriptive circulars will ao state. For map and full in formation communicate with Superinten dent for The Five Civilized Tribes, Musko gee, Ukianoma. i a i bi.L.L.8, Commis sioner of Indian Affairs. 80 HO These sales were reported today: Wheat -No. J hard winter: 1 cars. II 10; 1 car, $1 . 1 car. II wi. No. 3 bard winter: 2 cars. Il.ll; 1 car. 81 09; t cars. $U'., I cms, $l.rs. No grade: 1 car. II .02. No. 3 durum: 1 car, 11 CI 4. Rye No. I: I car, ?lc. No. S. S-6 car. WW-. Harlev No. 4 feed: 1 car, tttc. Oats Standard: 2 cars, 48,o. No. 3 white: J cars, 4S'c: 17 cars, 4V: I cars, 40. No 4 white: 3 csrs. 4V; 7 cara, 47e. No. 3 mixed: 2 csrs, 4c. No grade: I car, 4c; 2 cars, 47'c; 2 cara. 47'c. Corn No. 3 while: 2 cars. 7Mc. No. 1 yellow: 3 rats. 76c; 3 cars. 74lc. No. 2 yellow: 4 cars, 74v. No. t yellow: 1 car, 74c. No. tl yellow: I car. 7:V. No. I mixed: 2 cars tnrar white), 75c; 1 car. '74Ho; 2 rars. 74V,r; 1 car, 7to. No. ! mixed: 2 rars, 74',c; S cars, 74c. No. 3 mixed: t car, 74',c; 2 cara. 74c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 73c No. 6 mixed: 2-8 car, 73c. No. mixed: 1 car tnear while) inw-r; 11 cars, 7.1c. Sample: 1 car, 73c; 1 car. 72c. Omaha Cash Trices -Wheat No. ! hard, ti.OWjI.US: No. 3 hard. U.nrjJ tl IV. No. 4 hard, tl.fllifl.lft; No. 3 spring. 11 fRtfl.t2V. No 3 spring, tlOTdl.llV. No. 4 spring. $1,01010; No. 2 durum. II W'1.01'; No. 3 durum. II "I1 1 03U Corn: No. 1 white. 76NW7c; No. 2 white, 75il'75c; No. 3 white. 75Vi7.Vc: N- white, "n ;.-.'. No. 6 white. 74f7c; No. 6 white, 74ytf 744o; No. 1 yellow, itVn-T-c: No. 2 yellow 74V.fi 744c; No. 8 yellow. 74i7t4c: No. 4 yellow. 73S'74V; No. 5 yellow. 7? 'yd 74c; No. t yellow. 73'.ft73,o; No. t mixed. 741f 744c; No. 2 mixed. 73Vu74'4C; No. 3 mixed, 73Vff74e; No. 4 mixed. 7"yu74c; No. 5 mixed. 72fi73o: No. tl mixed. 724H73c; SH miim miAni, I'-fii.H-. I'Hia. io. a nniifi, standard. 4M,fl4Sp: No. 3 white ,.4. No 4 wh)tp 47V"4--. Barley: malting. 4r724c: No. 1 feed. Siti44c, Rye: No. 2, W4"s91r; No. 3. W4'uWc CHICAGO GRAIX AK11 PROVISIONS Feat area of the Trading and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade, CHICAGO. Sept. 8. Wheat prices turn bled In headlong fashion today chiefly because on account of reported victories lor tne allies being taken to mean the possibility uf sudden peace. A reaction ensued, but the market closed heavy at iffiiUjc net decline. Corn finished 1 fi--"c on, oats flown l"'gl"c to lvn'i"c. anu provisions varying irom unchanged filtures to a loss of 474c Much activity as wen as decided weak miss ueveloped In the wheat trade right at the start and there was an extreme break of H'.c before the market began to rally. Although It was generally be lieved that peace talk was prematui-e, the chance that the military situation had perhaps been radically altered brought on a general selling movement. A rush of offerings from the country west and northwest added to the difficul ties of holders, especially as receipts at Minneapolis and Winnipeg made an un usually big aggregate. Corn receded with wheat, but was bet ter sustained by predictions that the gov ernment crop report would be against the bears. It turned out that as In the case of wheat the guessers had gone somewhat too far in, their estimates of wnst tne v asnington iigures woum snow. Realizing sales and heavy consignment notlcea formed the rule in oats. The seaboard demand which has been such of lale was today far from being as urgent as heretofore. Provisions ranged lower In all the active options. The main reason was In sym pathy with the all around decline of grain. Grain prices furnished by Ixpan A Bryan, office 315 South Sixteenth street: Arilcle open. High. I Low. Close. yes y. Wheat, Sept. Dec. May. Corn I)ec. May. Oats 1 ec. May. Pork 1 1?4 1 l4i 1 2X 76s 8VI 1 14I 1 214! l, , 74l 7SSI 1 14 1 10 1 24 1 14 1 lrV 1 P4 1 2Ji4 i & 1 -VIt 74 54l f,24l 624i4Vfi V, 46 I 22 92 4 1HI 22 9741 10 20 ' 10 96 !'( Louis ;41 Winnipeg S.OM 674 6-4 23 00 22 424 23 10 20 10 06 10 10 95 10 75 10 12 024 12 00 12 U 7741 11 624 11 Jan.. Lard Oct. Jan. Ribs Oct. Jan. 10 20 1 13 12-IS 11 '774 Wheat was 3ft 6c lower. Corn was S.'9l4c lower. Oats were SWlc lower. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 2,42.0K bushels; corn, 3,000 bush els; oats, 528.000 bushels. Liverpool closed: Wheat. Saturday, closed 24.1d higher; corn, Saturday, closed. Id higher. Cables are now a day late. Primary wheat receipts were 4,227.000 bushels and shipments 2.070,000 bushels, against receipts of 3,678,0K bushels and shipments of 2,3M,000 bushels last year. Primary corn recetpta were 1, 176.000 buahels and shlpmenta 818,000 bushels, against receipts of 2,342,000 buahels and shipments of 1,118,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 2,362,000 bushels and shipments 1.679,000 bushels, against receipts of 2.622.0O0 bushels and shipments of l,S96,0u0 bushels last year. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 244(6000. EGGS Steady; receipts, fi,W6 cases; at mark, caaea included, 18(J22-o; ordinary firsts, 2044i214"; firsts, 224fj23c. POTATOES-Higher; receipts, 86 cara; Jerseys, 75fWo- Minnesota Ohio. 707;ic; Wisconsin and Michigan. ir70c. POULTRY AJive, unsettled; prlng, 144c; fowl. 154c NEW YORK GENERAL 3IARKET Quotations of the Day on Varlons Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. B.-FLOUR-Flrm; prices normal. ' WHEAT Spot, weak; No. 2 red. $1,194; No. 2 hard, $1.1841 No. 1 northern Duluth, $1,204, snd No. 1 northern Manitoba, $1.244, all nominal, c. 1. f. Buffalo. Fu turea without transactions:, September, $1,244: December. $1.2iV HOPS Steady; state common to choice, 1913. 30tr37c; 1912, lViflSc; Pacific coast, 191S, lS4T21c; 1912. HtilSc. HIDES Steady; Bogota, 284294c; Cen tral America. 27c. PROVISIONS Pork, tedy; me, $24.75 25.25; family, $27,0049.00:, bort dear, $3.0026 00. Beef, unsettled: mess, $23 0024.00; family, $29 OC-Q 30.00. Lard, easy; middle west, tl0.4Oti-10.60; refined, teady; continent, $11 26; South America, $11.70; compound, t8.6lt(8.75. , TALLOW tjulet; city, 4c, nominal; country, 66!o; special, 6e. CORN Spot, weak; Argentine, strictly prime 92c nominal, delivered; No. 2 yel low, 874c c. I. f. to arrive. OATS Spot, steady: standard white. bVS(tae: No. , 574(674c; fancy clipped white. 694&lHo. . , . HAY Steady; prime, $1,124116; No. 1, $1.0.-41 1.10; No. 2. 95crtl.O0; No. 3, 90c- LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, ll0 82c: seconds, 331c. . ,-,., NEW YORK, Sept. t. BUTTER Gt.Hv recelots t.814 tubs: creamery ex tras, 314fct32e; firsts. 2'4'o30c; seconds. 2tt I02sc; process extrss, mn;iw, ism-m, cm rent make firsts. 2344j'24c; seconds, 2244c 23c; packing stock, current make, No. 2, 21r-22c. I'llRESK-Unsettled: recelots 930 boxes; state whole milk, fresh, white and col ored specials. lc; state whole milk, aver age fancy. 1544flc; skims, vnc. EGUS Firm; receipts 16.142 cases: fresh gathered extrss, 30032c; extra first. 28i 2i)c; firsts, 26-'u'-7c; seconds, 24a-.5c; stato Pennsylvania and nearby hennerv whites, 37438c; state gathered whites. ibfc3lc: state hennery brown. 32c; ut gathered browns and mixed colors, V030c. POULTRY Live, easy; western chick ens, broilers, lH4617e; fowls, li&T7c; tur key. Ilftl4c; dressed, firm; western chick ens, frozen, 1424c; fowls, tftjj 194o; tur key, 19(5 25c. Kansas City Uraln and Previsions. KANSAS CITY, Sept 8. WHEAT No. t hard. $1.091.11; No. 2 red. tl.O831.10; September, $1.06; December, $1,004; May, $116v.. CORN-No. 2 mixed. 77480; No. 2 white. 794c: September, 74c; December, 7tc May 7(y814e. OATS No. 2 white, 52c; No. I mixed. 47I&474C t. Lonls Grata Market. ST. IOUI8. Sept. t WHEAT No. 2 red. 1.H41 164; No. 2 hard. II 12461. U, September. 11.134; December. $1 15. CORN No. 2. tic; No. 2 whit. t2HVSj3c; September. 79c; December, 744c. OATS-No. 2, 6Ku614c; No. 2 white, 64c. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fralt NEW YORK. Sept. I. EVAPORATED APPLES-Hteady: fancy, llHVic; choke. 4fiio4e; prime, S4ti'4c. PRUNES Firm, but Inactive; Cali fornia. 37U4c; Oregon. lfrjlZc. Apri cots, steady; choice. 12ai2',c; extra choice. ,ft74c, fancy, Raisins, steady: loose musestels, 'H1c; choice to fancy seeded. 74.fi-Vc: seedless, 64fp 14c; London layers, tl 7V&1.M). OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Orast Cattle of All Kinds Strong to Ten Cents Higher. C0RNFED BEEVES SLOW SALE lloaa Opened FMe lit a her, ( loln with tdnnrf ,st Sheen Are "trady aad Knra and l.amna eady to traaer. rOl TH OMAHA, September . P14 Receipts were Cattle. Hogs Sheep Official Monday g.xs t.to ;t.: rstlniate Tuesday .7 Two days this week lf..i Same days last week IS. 4:'-' Same days 2 weeks ago.lo.N:4 Same days 3 weeks ago.l2.44 Same days 4 weeks ago. 7.4U Same days last year IVi44 3 4.i 12..V14 r:.4vi 1 2.f"4 .744 i,t .Mil M.t4.M 7t.r 7r.l:W t.07a .i) 7.f4S 10f..t73 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, bogs and sheep at the Hotith Omaha live stock market for the ear to date, as compared with last year: PI4 PI.1 Inc. IVe. Cattle Mt!.IJ7 iV.s.lV 3R.2.1! Hog I.72v;3 l.!lii.OI7 17,4 Sheep 1.7.".lfl2 t..VS.l 207.1. The following table shows the prices for hogs at the Houth Omaha live siock mar ket for the last fvw days, with compari sons: Date. 1H14. II91S. 1S12 I!M1 .11910 11909. I1. t 90V t (9! 8 041 7 t 641 31 I 7 M 8 101 7 161 t 6 7 63j 8 7941 I 11 7 0 I 4i 7 HKi S2 t 7941 7 1 7 10) 8 701 7 711 S4 I 784 7 87 S 26 7 121 t ST, 7 S US 8 7441 7 911 8 31! I 8 fi9j 7 : 41 8 84 7 92i 311 7 13! I 7 69 t 4(1 t tb 7 961 t S.1 7 16 8 911 t 47 7 99 ' 8 ; 7 11 Ol 7 73 I 9941 8 29 7 02 8 94 7 771 63 8 9741 7 H 7 r 8 79 7 82, 44 t 94.l 7 7I S 32 7 12, S 8&! 7 tOi 4 Sept. S.I 8 K4L-i 7 AM 8 271 I 8 9.1l 7 87 1 M Sept. 4. 8 7241 7 4 8 241 7 17 7 86 1 67 tept. 6. 8 7 is 8 2Xi 7 OS TO - "i Sept. . 7 80 8 27 t 92' 9 17; 7 87 1 Sept. 7.1 8 6 I .8 S.. 94, 7 M l Sept. 8. 8 U! 7 87' 8 91 1 7 921 ' 4 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live slock at the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P. Ry. 1 Wabash Ry Missouri Pacific Ry 2 Union Pacific Ry 62 C. ft N.-V east 4 C. & N -W., weal 97 C. St. P.. M. A O. Ry. ..4 C, B. A Q , east 1 C, B. & ., west 74 C, R. LAP, east 6 t, R. I. A P., west 1 minors Central Ry 1 Chicago Ot. western Ry. t Total receipts 243 DISPOSITION-HEAD. 1 ii 12 a i 12 2 i l 44 24 121 , Cat tie. lings. Sheep. Morris A Co.... ;-0 4S1 2.9 Swift A Co 7K Cudahy Packing Co 7t Armour A Co M! Si hwartx A Co 41 Morrell ..! 1 So. Omaha Packing Co. 21 St Clair Packing Co.... 13 V. B. Vansant Co.... . 2tf Benton, Vansant A L. . 172 Hill A Son 248 F. B. Lewis lt Huston A Co 70 J. B. Root A Co 68 J. H. Bulla '. 109 L. F. Huss :. 140 McCreary A Kellogg.... 276 Werthelmer A Degen... 340 H. F. Hamilton! 37 Sullivan Bros 34 Rothschild : 35 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 60 Christie 77 Hlgglns 12 Huffman 16 Roth 22 Meyers 22 Raker, Jones A Smith.. 124 Tanner Bros f John Harvey 275 Kline M D A F 18 Krebs .i 10 Other buyers 616 681 911 17 4.387 2.wri 1.886 4, S4.1 JO.SfiO'; Totals .'..61,184 2,60 33,949! CATTLE Receipts of catU this morn lng were fulr, but for the two days the(ij-v- total foots up only 15,039, as against 18,492 for the corresponding period last week and 18,044 for the samu period a year ago. Lnder the influence of a good buying demand the market on grass beef steers opened early In the morning and was active, especially on the better grade. Prices were generally strong to a much a 10c higher, and the big bulk of the offerings changed hands In good season. Cornfed steers on the other hand were slow and dull, buyer neglecting them in favor of the belter grade of grass beef. If would appear that the high priced cornfed beet is not selling any too freely at eastern consuming centers. Cows and heifers were In active demand this morning and sold very freely at price that were fully steady or strong to a much a 10c higher than yesterday. Feeder buyers were strongly In evi dence this morning and tho market on the desirable kinda of feeder cattle was strong to 10c higher. A feeder buyer paid as high as $h.W for a bunch of choice fleshy westerns to be taken back to' the country fr a short feed. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed beevea, $U.60il0.25; fair to good cornfed beeves, $.76ru.60; common to fair cornfed beevea, 7.7(U8.76; good to -choice range steers. 17. 40m S. 60; fair to good range steers, tft.7F.fif7.40; common to fair range steers, MOfKi75: good to choice grass eows, $6.26(7.75; fair to good grades, ti.W b -'.-; common to fair grades, 3.7i$5.60; good to choice stocker and feeder. $7,60 trlOO; fair to good stocker and feeder. lb.754T7.60; common to fair stocker and feeders, $6.004.76; stock cows and heifer, $5.2oirj6.75; stock calves. $.0O(if.00: veal calves, $3.00&10.&0; bulls, stags, etc., to.26v l.wi. Representative sales: BEEF BTEERS. No. Ar. Pr. No. At. Tr. 14 1272 26 COWS AND HEIFERS. lo'" "3 4 36 Ml I 90 137 4 - 5 7 1170 00 ....1070 4 76 4 6M 4 10 ... inio 6 10 I 624 ( 4S .... ii 6 60 1 10 7 25 BULLS. ....1370 6 70 1 .....1040 I t 1 1 t , 4 oeo 6 To 1 1110 1 no 770 6 70 CALVES. 120 7 50 1.. 261 J 60 I.. 170 I 00 I.. STOCKERS AND 160 ) to ZtO 60 100 10 44 FEEDERS. 136 0 610 1 OU 744 T 00 776 T 00 6M 7 0 V0S T OS 460 t 26 1274 I 10 14... .7li3 6 JS H. . . HI 4 00 4.. .DM I 26 II.. ,. 400 4 76 11.. .617 ( 75 74.. .. 62) 60 I . ,.161 4 4 .. 644 lit iJ.. . . J 4 15 4... U... 11... WESTERNS. John Buchflnck Neb. A v. Pr. No. A v. No. 3 cow. Pr; 7 80 .10M 40 J teer....H40 14 feeders.. low 7 40 G. E. Heney Neb. t tcer.. too 10 feeders.. 7 7 00 12 feeders.. 971 7 36 1 bull 1408 6 76 2d feeders.. 893 80 grows 1096 t 00 J. H. Monohan Neb. 9 cows 1011 40 t cows lORa f 7J 4 feeders.. 1M0 7 00 cows 1028 6 75 46 feeders.. 1073 7 60 41 feeders . 10s 1 J u) Hunter, Casteele & Hunter Wyo. 190 feeder. 967 7 66 F. Car rat her Neb. M feeders.. 1214 -7 40 steers. ...1201 7 25 43 steers... .119i; 7 2u 3 steer. ...12(8) 6 20 P A. Yeast Neb. heifers... 41 7 40 13 feeders. .1133 96 6 40 8 feeders.. lnri 96 3 cow. II cows 841 C 40 Sutton & Yeait-Nob. IS cows 970 30 38 cows 941 II 80 It cows 934 6 85 24 feedsra. .1083 7 10 17 steer. :.. 101 t 60 30 feeder.. 1060 7 26 F. O. Blalr-Neb. 41 feeder.. 94fi 7 30 tl feeder.. 1177 7 40 6 feeder.. 1180 66 14 steers.... 1UU6 6 60 P. B. Keys S. D. 39 steer.. ..12i JUS 1 steer 10M) 6 00 I bull 1430 ft) 2 cows 1016 6 40 Jack D vis-Wyo. It steers . ..Il.f7 136 6 heifers... 990 1 101 Diamond Cattle Co. Wyo. feeder.. 10J1 8 20 241 heifers... 92 7 15 66 cows 972 80 ' J. E. Pflter Wyo. 27 steer.. ..1217 8 00 30 steers. ...119 too t heifers .. -75 10 cows - (70 6 steer.. .. I 7 10 1 bull 1150 (76 F. O. Hrtg-Mont 45 feeders.. 92 7 40 30 steer. ...1165 7 IS 31 cow 10vl 30 D J. -Vaughn Wyo. ..WP 7 A. N. Hotcliklse-Wvo .. 1223 7 7.i 17 steers .1144 7 2. J A. Adamson Neb. .. 3T 7 7r. 21 feeders . 12 7 7S NFRRASKA. ... mi t it cows v i 1? 7 !j X cow s 7 10 . .li:. W 2 feeders.. -. ?o .. lOl S cow 32 b 5 WYtlMINCl. ... 7M 2 steers. ...11M 7 . . -.2 7 II steers ... M .'- V. ...toil 7 s steers... lot.1 7 no ...ll 7 .- i steers... .10' 7 " ,,.U 7 ." 7 steers.. ..I0J7 7 00 ORF.i'lON. ...1?W 7 1.' steers ...11f-4 7S i.. 114 7 " 22 feeders.. 11 id 7 SO i. IOI.'i 7S MONTANA ...10ki 7 !!. 1". Knchser. Nebraska. 21 strers.. IK steers . 2 feeders " row s . . ferdcis feeders 1 cow i 4 steiTS. . i 17 rteers. . IS steers. . steers. , "4 steers ?4 feeders " Hi' ru, 1" w s... 25 heifers ..1144 40 b rows ... ..U : Lee lewis, Nebraska. .1" ft H 18 feeders.. 1Hf 7 3T- feeders... 8.V) 7 3.1 7 80 1 hull 1350 8 75 9 fee.lers ..1146 Sper Brothers. Montana. 1 bull 12M 6 ? bulls... 38 steers.... Wl 7 25 23 steers. 16 heifers... fM4 40 1 cow.... IS X 6 75 941 7 ( S. & 21. 2 cow s 840 5 2R Homer Craln, Nebraska. 1 cow 970 6 60 20 cows.. ... 9S4 15 ' .lake Herman, Nebraska. 44 feeders.. .1?7n 8 00 I cow s Il 1 cow 1130 6 00 3 heifers... 9M J Coknr. Nebraska. 6 60 6 26 heifers... 7J0 6 40 13 feeders. 3 feeders... 60 7 35 W. S Coker. Nebraska. 16 sterrs.... 817 7 35 3 feeders. 2 heifers... 615 60 6 heifers. rouiiuno. 978 7S 703 7 .V. 6 I" feeders. 4 cows.... 1010 7 00 17 cows.... 10JO 00 6 feeders. 1032 720 8 40 D 70; HOGS An extremely light Tuesday supply showed up, but killing orders were xery short and while some of the earlier sales looked to be fully a nickel higher. a gooo snare or the hogs sold at prices that were no better than eleady. In tact, some of the sales made on the extreme close did not appear to be oulte as good aa Monday s average market. The trade opened ver dull and It was well along In the forenoon before much of anything was done. There were not many hogs that interested the shipper, snd packer preferred to take their time before filling their light orders. When first bids were rinally made they showed eome advance and the earlier antes were all of a nickel up, some being quoted as M(il0c better. After the more urgent orders hsd been filled, however, prices slipped off until they were no more than stesdy with yes terday, and although sellers tried hard to get back to early prices they finally cut loose at generally steady figures, while, as wsa mentioned before, the ex treme close could hardly be called as good as yesterday. The general market la eleady to 6o higher. Bulk of tha sale was made at $8MJ.70, the long Mrlng celling at $8 The fact that the tup failed to go over $8.80 was dun partly to the slack shipping demand nd partly to the absence of prime llgrt hogs. Killing demand remain very alack, and with alien short orders puvera pick the best or the receipts, lea'vlnc the common kinds till the last, when, In the event of a weak close they get the full benefit of the decline. Last week shippers and speculators supported the market by buying all grade freely, but so far this week shipping orders have been extremely light, and the msrket has been a verv dull and unsatisfactory prop osltlon. the packers continuing last week a bearish tnctlrs even In the face or the llvhteat receipts In months. E-tlmntes culled for forty-six cars, or 8 000 head, putting the total for the two days at 4.400 hend. This Is lust shout one third the six of Inst W'eek's receipt. i for the same days and is 3.600 smaller than for the corresponding daysl last year. No. u.. 2.. t . ".. 43.. (9.. 44.. 10. . 18.. 47.. 41.. 7.. .. M. . 41.. Av r, i h. Vr. ... IS t f. Ml im so nm m 1 so itn 1(0 m set ... 1 So 171 Jtn I so Sin so I M 814 tO IM ... IM 0 rrvt 74 70 7 7 I 7 7o I 7 I 70 I 70 I 70 I 7 70 70 ( 7 8 70 I 70 a 7i4 I 71 I 78 I W ..17 ..tot ..in ..824 ..174 ..til . .Mi ... a W IM ISO 1 J 4e t m ... I 46 n a inn I ..IM ion ,.f-7 M t SI 1 as 41:;... . 8!4 .106 .216 .140 .. 1 I 06 40 I T4 .. I 67.. til oui.-t.-rArtivitv nrevalled in ewes and lamb and prices In the msln were steady to strong, hut It wa possible to pick out rm salea that looked not quite as good and others that looked a shade better, there being one string of lambs that brought $7.2 yeaterday. which moved at $7.86 this morning. Mutton a a rule wa active at steady prices. In the matter of recerpt they were oomparitively moderate, footing up about 80,000 head, being around 3.H07 hort of a week ago and 18.122 Short of the corregpondlng dy a year ago. There wa no Important change tn quality. For the two lays thus far the receipts show a decrease from the same time laat week of 21,470 head, and compared with the same two day a year ago mere ia a biiuiioco v. w, head. , . . Kat lamb were cleaned up by 10:80 o'clock, and ranged largely at $7.10ir7.S5. while the light upply of ewes old around H.7W4.W. ...... Feeding lamb reached the $7 mark gain today, as several sale were made t that price. The bulk of the feeding lambs were dlspived of early and readily at $6.5037.00. As usual of late, aged feeder offerings were acarce, but among the offerings were ome feeding yearling that old during the opening trade at $6 75, and a bunch of feeding ewe at $3.75434.00. There seemed to be an Im provement In the feeder demand, result ing In good strong price being paid. Buyer from the country appeared more numerous than yetrday. Quotations on range theep and lamb. Lamb, good to choice rr.26ai.60; lamb, fair to good. t7.10S';.2S: latnbe, feedera. $.25fi7.00; yearlings, good to choice, 16 40 690; yearllnKS, fair to good, $6.1545.40; yearling. feeder. 60.4w90.eu, weiners, good to choice, $5 00435.15; wethere. fir to good. $4.4f5 00; wetnera, feeders, $4.S0 4 70; ewes, good to choice, $4.7o6.0i); ewe, fair to good, $4.50(h4.76; ewes, feeders. $3.40 C-3 90. Representative saies. No. Ifi3 Wyoming feeder lamb Av. .. 6.1 .. 53 .. 63 .. 63 .. 53 .. 53 .. 63 .. 63 .. 63 ... 53 ..111 ,..112 .. 81 ... 8i Pr. tt 85 6 85 85 55 85 6 85 85 t 85 86 t 86 4 80 4 HO E 60 3 .V) 6 60 109 Wyoming reeuer mm us 2l Wyoming feeder lambs 284 Wyoming feeder lambs 7 Wyoming feeder lambs 82 -Wyoming feeder lambs 14 Wyoming feeder lambs 6.-1 Wyoming feeder lambs 249 Wyoming feeder lamha u Wyoming feeder lambs 2C:i Wyoming ewes 17f Wyoming ewes 172 Wyoming feeder yearling., 194 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 67 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 79 81 82 82 52 f.l 63 53 65 53 63 , 63 , 63 , 63 , 63 , 6 1W Wyoming feeder yearlings... 197 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 105 Wyoming feeder yearlings... M Idaho feeder lambs 15 Idaho feeder lambs I3fi Wyoming feeder lambs 22 Wyoming feeder lambs 122 Wyom'ng feeder lambs....... 2?8 Wyoming feeder lamb 182 Wyoming feeder lambs 272 Wyoming feeder lambs 87 Wyoming feeder lambs 87 Wyoming feeder lambs 144 Wyoming feeder lambs 1.8) Idaho lamb 5 40 6 4-) 6 40 70 70 t 85 t 85 t 65 t 86 6 85 t 85 ( W 6 85 t 65 7 16 St. l.ool LIT Stock Market. ST. I)UIS. Prpt. 8. CATTLE Receipt, 7,400 head; market, steady; native, beef steers. tl.Wa 10.60; cows and heifer. I5 0O-OT.60; stockers and feeder, $5.00.60: southern steers. $i.(sy(i.0O; cow and heifer, $4 u 60; native calve, t.00jr 10.76. HOGS Receipts 7.800 hed ; market, hlpher: pig and light, l7.0Gfy9.30; mixed and butchers, t?.0O'i35; good heavy, $y 2fi9 r)0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 700 head: market, stead v; native mutton, $4.00600; lamb, $7.007.75. Kansas Illy Live, Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 8.-CATTLK Receipts. 15,0ii0 head: market, strong: prime fed steers, $9.76'alOW, dressed beef steers, $8:i9 60; western steers, $.7.t4Ui 9 25; stockers and feeders. $8.uuti.26; bulls, $6.2Vl.26; calves, $.6Yu 10.60. 1118 .S Receipts. .:O0 head:, market, higher; bulk of sale. $S .9Mi4). 16 : heavy, to lii9.20; packer and butcher. $8.9 9 2D; light, $8 759.10: pig, t7.5uo8.a0. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipt 11,000 head; market, steady; lambs, $0.907.65; No. At. 8b. 67 110 70 JM 1W T6 I7 1 0 117 1?0 7 Sit 120 l 21S nt 16 140 16 2M ... it, n 1 M ft ... 10 mi 0 IM 1 J ... JS ! .- M M - SO H7 IS SM 10 J28 ... 47 MT 129 61 2-1 11 IM t IT..; J6 1 70 141 1 yearling" t5rrM2i; wethers, t6 25$6.im; ewes, $49t"J5.36. tlllt At. ) l.lE TO( K MM4KF.T tattle teady 4n Ten t ents lllaher hern Steady In Mrnna CMICA(li). Sept 8 I' TTI.i: - liereliile, !8.ii head, market, stench to 10c higher, breve $ MlitlO J.I; Mec-s : 3.-'9 ,T.; stink ers anil (enfiers, Jf. t'-'t V cows and helf eis l 7.' i .". i. euves. $;..' o 11 . Slll.l-;)' AN 1 'I. A M lif-llei elpts. "::!i bend, market stesdv to slronv. . sheen. 4v ii ,.ni; vrnrllngs. $. tl. jii, w. lambs. $... H17.9'. lnn III) l.hr lck Market. SHU X CITY. Sept. 8 CATTLE-Receipt. M Ived. market stead; iate steers. $7 ii! . but. hers. f. .i7 25. cow and heifers. (4 i 1-; canners. :f . fi.Vifl; stockers and teeders, W.tvfT.0; calves. t6.0tt 10.00; bulls, stsgs. etc, ...0,'it' 7J. IIOtl5 Receipts. 20.000 head; market ".0 il.V higher; heaw. t- vit8i); mixed, ts ) 478 tin; light, - 5i'ti S .t. bulk of sales. $8 o It 8 o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3) head - No floatations OMAIIA -JfCKKRAk. slARKFT. BUTTER-No. 1 1-lP. carton. 31c No. 1, "-lb tubs aV CH FKSE-lmpyrtcd Pwlss 40e;'Amerl- 18c; daisies. "l9V: triplets. 'l9c; ' Youn Americas, t'c; blue label brick, 19c; lim- ',".r5, .?.""' ':"V. Vfw V,r.K wnue, isci importea r renin ituijiwmri, c FISH-Tront 17c: large crspple 10H 15c: salmon. I2fil6c; halibut, 4c; channel cetflsh. t.V; pike. 17c; pickerel, loo. POULTRY Broiler, 154c; spring chick - en. 14c: hens. 124c: cocks, Mr; ducks, l'V; geese, sc; luraey. u-6c: oixeons. per 0.0, , (n f ,h or ot. Thy 90c; ducks, full fenthei.i. Ilk-; g "S". full , , fethered, 8c; siuabs. No. 1. $1.50; No. 2, had the "punch. P. K. McOovern, presl 6)o. I dent of the local branch of the postnfflc J'V lZiT: r 2 loins. 174-; No. 3 loins, M4c; No. 1 ! nd assure 1 the Ak-Sr-Ben people that chucks. 12e; No. 2 chucks, 104c, No. 3 the local association Is doing all In Its chucks. !; No. 1 rounds. 154c; No. 2. ,,.., , n.-,.in h hltr rieelcation of . 4- II... v.. 9 t. II..- Vrt . rlates, 8c; No. 2 plates. 8c; No. 3 plates 1 n Msrket quotation furnished by Olllnskl Fruit company : FRUITS -Orange, extra fancy Valen cia. 98. 112. 12s, 150a. 17s. 200 and Sin, $3.76 per box; Red Ball Valenclas, all s ses. $3 60 per box. Lemons, rancy 8s. $8 00 per box; 420, l 50 per box. Ap- rles. Ilelleflowers, 4-tler. $10 per box; lelleflnwer. 4-tler, 5 box lots, $166 per box; Belleflowers, 4-tler. 10 box lot. $1.60 per box; fancy Washington "T" brand Orlme. per box, $1.75; California Seed lings, per box, $1.60. Uulncea, California, $1,771 per box. Cantaloupe, Cll fornla Standards. $200 per crate; jumbos. $1.75 per crate; pony. $1.50 per rrate; Colo rtdo Burwell cantaloupes, $l.o per crat. Watermelons. 1c per lb. Plum. Italian prunes, $1.35 per crate; 6-crata lola. $1.30 ter crste: 10-crate lots or more. It.Io per crate; Hungarian or dross prunes, tl 50 per crate. i'eaehea. Callforn'a Salway peaches, fine per box; 100-box lots. 80c per box; Washington Elhertas, 65c per box; 100-box lots, 824c per box; 600 box lots, floe iwr box. Pear. California Clarglou. $2.00 per box; 6-box lot. $1.95 per box: 10-, 1 I...- n. 1 1 Ul n-. l.r. n'l.kln.' ton. extra fancy. $2.00 per box; 10-box lots-, $1 90 per box: 2fUbox lot, II 85 per box: ex tra fanny Rogue river Bartletta. 12.26 per box. Orapea. Malagaa. California, $1.35 per box: 6-crat lots, $1.30 per box: 10 crate lot or more. $1.26 per hnx, Toky, $1.60 per box; 6-erate lots, $1.40 per box: 10-crate lota or more, $1.36 pet" box; home grown grpes. per basket, 19c; Iflo-basket lot. 1c Banana, rer bunch. 1.7&4i-3.M. VEOETABLF.S Cauliflower. Denver, 124c per lb. Cabbage. 24c per lb. Onlona. 24c per lb. Peppers, 50r per basket. Kancy trims toes, 50c per basket. Cucumbers, hothouse, i do, bssket. 76e. New beet, enrrnts turnips. 25c per do. Celery, Michigan, Sfo per doi.; Denver. Jumbo, ll.fO per doi. Hed lettuce. fA-fl'JI.50 per do. ; lef, 4oe per do, onions, home grown, 16o per do. Radishes, &oc per no, ttarllc. Italian. 70c per lb. Horseradish, $l.if per case. Shelled popcorn, 4c per lb. Asparagu. home-grown, per do., market price ahout 80c par doi. New potatoes, 85c per bu. Virginia sweet potatoes. $3.76 per bbl ; Alabama, 1160 per hamper. NUTS-Salted peanuts, tl 60 per case; Nn. 1 California walnuts. 184c per lb.; pecans, 124c per lb.; filberts, 15c per lb.; almonds. Wc per lb. MISCELLANEOUS Sugar walnut date $1 25 per box. Lime. $1.76 per basket. Crackerlack, $3.50 per case; per half case, $1.76. Checkers, $3.60 per case; per half case. $1.76. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. Corn and wheat region bulletin of tha United State Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hour lending at I a. m., 76th meridian time. Tuesday, September 8: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rein station. High. Low. fall. Sky. Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy - Cloudy Cloudy Raining Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Ashland 7 t)0 82 68 56 OA 1 67 67 64 68 69 68 n 64 67 66 68 62 63 65 62 64 .47 Auburn Broken Bow .. Columbus Culbertson Falrbury Fairmont Grand Island.., Harrington .... Hastings , Hnldrnge Lincoln North Platte., Oakdale Omaha Tekamah Valentino .... Alta, la , Carroll, la , Clarlnda. Ia... Sibley, la Sioux City. Ia. 73 7 89 sft 89 77 73 8 81 83 89 SO 88 8 08 4 3 M 4 4 8.00 .02 .80 .00 .00 .04 .04 .60 .00 .00 .82 .("I .04 .72 1.26 .01 .68 1.04 .60 .41 .40 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of -Temp. Rain- District. Station. Columbus, 0 18 High. Low. fall. 76 84 7 68 80 4 4 90 74 61 4 68 50 62 62 4H ffi 68 .00 1.20 1.30 .30 .00 .50 .30 1.80 1.00 Uiulsvllle, Ky... 22 Indla'poll Ind., Chicago, III St. Ixiula, Mo..., Den Moines, la.. Minneapolis Kan. City. Mo.. Omaha, Neb Rains continued general throughout the corn and wheat region during the laat twenty-four hour, and excessive falls again occurred at points In Kansas and Missouri, and heavy falls extended east over Indiana and Kentucky. The weather continues cool throughout the entire region. L. 'A. WELSH. Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 8. COFFKE.- -The coffee market ahowed an easier tendency today owing to a continued slack demand and reports of another decline In the price of cost and freight offers from II i axil. Difficulty Is still reported In financing fresh purchases, but In spite of the un s tiled exchange situation considerable coffee la being cleared from Brazil and the amount of coffee actually afl-u'. for this country from Brazil Is lsrgcr than at the same time last year. Brazil was reported to be offering well described Santos 4s here today at from 87fi4c, and the local spet market was 4c lower at 74c for Rio 7s and 124o for Santos 4b. lagar Market. NEW YORK. Sept. S.-SUOA R-Raw. firm: molatae. S62c; centrifugal. .27c; refined, firm: rut loaf, 8.15c; crushed, 8 05c; mould A. 7.70c; cuties, 7 5oc; ,XXX pow dered, 7 40c; powdered, 7.36c; fine granu lated, 7.26c: diamond A. 7.26c; confec a 7 16c. No. 1. 7.05c. 1 Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. SepL I COTTON Spot. Improved; price 20 point lower; middling fair, 7.04d; good middling, g.6sd; middling, 6"0 d; low middling, 662d; good ordinary, 4.5od; ordinary. S 92d. Salea, 2,700 bale. Hank Clearlnor. OMAHA. Sept. 8. Bank clearing today were t3,314.426.H and for the correspond ing day last year $2.S54,63.67. 1 NOTICE A. J. Johnaton, the owner of the big Sprlngdaile S,(KM-iXcre ranch nar Hprlngfield, MInkouH, will put on the market the laat of this month 70O lieoul of thre and four-year-old btetrs. This Is said to he the finest bunch of teer in that part of the state. The rattle ran he een on Mr. Johnatoufa N.OtMI-acre ranch near Spring field, Mo. Address A. J. Johnaton, Woodruff llldg., Hpringfield, Mo. POSTAL CLERKS AT THE DEN Join with Citizens of O'Neill in Visit tf Kyig Ak. ALL JOLLITIES IN GOOD ORDER I'.venlna of Fan itenl Watching lctlma t.rorr Acquainted nllk Mvertes of the llntej l)e lied lint. A few h.indred pp'tnl clerks from all parts of the I'nited states were Initiated at Ak-Sar-Men Den Inst night along with nearly a hundred men from tt'Neill and other towns along the Chicago North western railway line. It was a particu larly appreciative crowd. It a a crowd that laughed and cheered. They liked tl.e "I've got your number" song. They enjoyed the chorus of "I want to go to Mexico," and they were pleared at the ect:gs and rut -up.t of Satan's right hand bower the coal stoker. It might be not mils t say they enjoyed witnessing the tango so furiously executed by J. Allmond of ImMtanspolls with Madame Stcelshank. ! n husky cornfed ilsme that King Ak j keeps for this purpose. ! Then tame a line of sieaklng George ! F.. Hnversthk presided. W. P. .lame of I Birmingham. Ala., and C. E. Foter of ,.., .v,n, t, tM i-attlltio- ood , ' . 1 tnre. They were southern store, but. well, they would have been good whether - -...r--- clerks from all parts of the United State. Oeorre tlerner of Council Bluff, presi dent of the Knights of the Full Moon, ex pressed his appreciation at being Invited to attend a show of Ak-Sar-Ben and in vited all of Omaha to Council Bluff for the festivities of the Knight of Full Moon In the winter. Tho Board of ttovcrnors held a brief meeting In the evening before the show. They failed to agree thu far on a nam for the electrical parade. Thl 1 to be settled soon, hoVever t GombaulPa Caustic Balsam 1 Hi! Imitators Bat 1 Cornpililort Bate, peedy and Fosltlre Cure tot Oars, IsUnt Ithit, 0m4 Book, traiae Taain, Vswaser, Wi4 Jufft, J ail UaieBoas frost IptTia, His t Von aat ethor Soar tsnor. Osras all skla limits r rUe, TUrsia, Diphtkoria, Enasvs all Sua claw boat fisraes r Oattls. A a sTneitaVmisty for Khsntattrsi, aroint, gar Throat, we., 14 lo UTaiuo&iZ lTry bottle ot Oooitio SUiam said it Worrsntod lo vtTO tsUstMtloa. rrloo tl.lo pmr bottlo. Sold tir OmifU to, OT oont M em erooo, okanreo poJd, wlih hill etrootiooo for fte ooo. i-bob4 for eoooiUMBTe simian, MttoxosUis, eto. Aodraos i"ht Lawrtncs-Wlllliint Co., Clevtlins, 0. TOPS HACKS SEAT COVERS TIKE COVERS LINEN toVERS CUSHIONS DUST HOODS RADIATOR HOODS TRANSPARENT SHEETING LEATHER REPAIRING FENDERS T)VERED AND REPAIRED HOWS STRAIGHTENED DENTS REMOVED FROM PANELS . Anything In Lttlier or Fabric That Can Be Done. The Holly Auto Trimming Go. "EXPERTS" . B31S Karaey Street. Omaha, Web. Dong. 3788, Our Work Speak (or Itself. It Teara With Brummond. Kcducei Strained, Puffy Ankles Lymphtnrjti. Poll Evil. Fistula Uoilt, Swellings; Stop Lamm eta and allays pain. Hea.li Sores, Cuts. Bruises, Boot Chsfes. It is an ANTISEPTIC AND GERMICIDE ISON-l-OlbONOUH) Does not blister or remove the hiirand hone can be worked. Plea taut to etc. $2. 00 a bottle, delivered. Detcribe your case for ipecial instructions and Book 9 K free. ABSORB1NC. JR.. anUMptle Unlainit lor aiankM ra 4ucm Itralaa. ninlul. Kmmmo. SvoUcb Veina. Milk tt. Goat. ConcMlraicd onlf s low drop, miuired atassssli arrlon. rrie tl par ooelo ot aoaWrt or 4cMTrrc4 VV.7.V0UN0, P.&F.,liHIswlUerln0td.Mtsa, The Situation Our wroklr Markat Lattar uat laauod eoe talna o cumprohanalvo oUysla of too prca oa market situation, tha lmmadlata outlook, and tha laiaat lol-irmatloB on about firteoa atoi-ka that or wortbjT ot coaatoarstiua at this particular time. L'OHIKM MAILED VlKlN REQUEST "N'othlog lo Kali But gorvlce." JONES & UAKER TOOK BSOIIB8 Bask floor. I H I -a balla Kt., 18 Bread .. t hlragrt. Nit York. IMro-t private wire tn N. T. and Pooton. 4 I I