Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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One-Third of Student Body of Ox
ford University Are OiTen
Commissions in Army.
Fere the Freaeh Cities They Marc
f entered Gtre rotrlllens
ta Heln r7 for P
peaae ef War.
" LONDON. Sept. . Scattered and nmt-
w tlmee conflicting new. dispatches poured
Into London today, which la going to
v makf up a mora or Iras accurate picture
ft or what la tailing place In the various
theatera of the war.
n' A dispatch to the Chronicle from Rot-
t'ttlam says a large number of refugee.
have reached Terneuieh from Saint Nleo-
laa, a town of Belgium In east Flanders,
t' twenty mllea northeast of Ohent.
t Another InrUlent la reported regarding the
duke af Westminster, who waa recently
mentioned aa among thoee whoaa bravery
C in the field or action had attracted etten
C tlon. The duke, It la aald, la aervlng aa
r aide-de-camp to Field Marahal Sir John
Krenrh. Ha encountered a patrol of
I I'hlana while he waa carrying orrtera ty
f automobile. Ha put on the utmost apeed.
but numerous ahota from the Oermana
t atrurk tha machine and one mortally
v wounded hie companion, an officer. The
latter hair rose, attempting to aalute, and
a fen back dead. The duke, aeelng hla eon
t paninn collapae.. rose In tha car, saluted
I the dying man and aald:
e "Oood bye. boy."
Collrae Men to War.
i The universities and collegea ara con-
tiibutlng their ahara of men tor tha war.
Tha vice chancellor of Oxford university
i haa recommended to tha war office the
i names of 1.113 undergraduatea for com
1 missions In tha army. Of these. 1,000 al
I ready hava been -commissioned, which
gives one-third of tha student body to tha
f army, and more than that proportion of
: British subject, because there are many
foreigners among tha undergraduates. All
Souls college haa provided three officers.
Dr. W. J. Maloney, a professor at Ford
ham university, haa accepted a lieu
' tenancy In tha British medical eervlre
and will be attached to the staff of tha
eurgeon general. Dr. Maloney recently
married Mlae Margaret 0. McKIm of New
v Tha Boulogne correspondent of tho
j Times days the Oermans hava demanded
I war contributions from fTrnch cities as
( Lille, ll,40n.W.
Amiens, IJOO.OOO.
Armentleres, 1100,000.
Lena. 1140.000.
lie ssys the prefect of the Department
Du Nord haa been Imprisoned.
(Continued from Faga Ona.)
theater while suffering: heavily
through weakness In the eastern.
Sevrntk Fraeki Army FarmeA.
"The1 British expeditionary army
has conformed with the general
movement of the French forces and
acted in harmony with the strategic
conceptions of the French general
staff. Since the battle of Cambral
on August tt. where the British
troops successfully guarded the left
flank of the whole line of French
armies from a deadly turning attack
supported by an enormous force, the
seventh French army haa come Into
operation on the British left
"Thl in conjunction . with , the
fifth army on our right has greatly
taken the strain and pressure off our
"The fifth French army In particu
lar on August 29, advanced fr6ra the
line of the Olse river to meet and
counter the German forward move
ment and a considerable battle de
veloped to the town of Guise, In
this the fifth French army gained a
marked and solid success, driving
back with heavy loss and In disorder
three German army corps the tenth,
tha guard and a reaerve corps. It
is stated that the commander of the
tenth German corps was among the
Tea lame Atlev Brltoaa.
"In aplta oi this auccesa, however, and
all tha benetita which followed from It,
tha general retirement to the south con
tinued and the Oerman armlea, seeking
persistently after tha British troops, re
mained in practically conttnuoua contact
with our rear guard.
' During tha whole of tha period march
ing and fighting have been continuous
and In tha whole period tha British
casualties, according to the latest esti
mates, have amounted to about 1&.000 offt
cera and men.
"The fighting, having been ' In open
order upon a wide front, with repeated re
tirements, has lad to a Urge number of
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American Newspaper Men Deny
Stories of German Brutality
NEW TORK, fpt. -The Associated
Frena haa received hy wireless from Ber
lin a message which follows. It wes sent
from Al-La-Chapplle to Rerun for
transmission. The authors,' all of whom
ara well known American newepaper men,
wera originally assigned to Brussels, but
without auroeae. The telegram waa partly
mutilated by Interference and certain
words are missing, but the text here given
Is clearly that Intended by the nuthora:
'In spirit we unite In rendering (sir)
German atrocities groundless as far as
wa ara able to. After spending two weeks
with and accompanying the troops up
wards of inn miles we are unable to re
port a single Instance unprovoked. Wa
are also unable to confirm rumors of mis
treatment of prisoners or of noncom
batanta with the Herman columns. This
la true of Iouvaln. Brussels. Lunevlllr
and Nancy while In Trusslan hands. We
visited Chateau. Poldre, Fakhra and
Beaumont without substantiating a single
wanton brutality. Numerous Investigated
rumors proved groundless. Everywhere
wa hava seen Germans raying for pur
officers and men. and evrn small nartlea. 1
losing their wsy and getting separated. !
It la known that a very considerable num
ber of thoee now Included In tha total will
rejoin the colors ssfely.
F.aesny's Heavier.
"These losses. If heavy In so small a
force, have In no wise affected tha aplrlt
of the troops. They do not amount to
cne-thlrd of the losses Inflicted by tha
British force upon the enemy end the
sacrifice received In the army haa not
been out of proportion to Ita military
'Drafts of W.fOn hsva reached our army
or ara approaching the men on the l"rs
of communication and advantare has bean,
taken of the five quiet days that have
paased alnra tha action on iteptember 1
to fill up the gaps and refit slid consoli
date the unite. '
Gernmna Nesleetluff Paris,
"The latest Information about the enemy
la that they are neglertlng Paris and are
marching In a southeasterly direction to
wards tha Marne and towards the left
and center of the French lines. The first
Oerman army Is reported to he between Li
Ferte-Hous-Jouarre and Efflses Boffort.
"Tha aecond Oerman army, after taking
Rhalma, is advancing on Chateau Thierry
and to tha east of Inst place.
"Tha fourth Oerman army la reported
to be marching south and on the west of
Argonne, between Aulppes and Villa
Jotirhe. All these points were reached by
the Oermana on September 3.
"The seventh Oermsn army has been
repulsed by a French corps near Dlen
vllle. It would' therefore, appear that tha
enveloping movement on tha Anglo
Franco left flank , has been abandoned
by tha Germans, because tt was no longer
practicable tr continue such a' great ex
tension, or because tha alternatjve to a
I reel attack upon the allied lines, Is
Reason 'Wat Apparent.
"Whether this change of plan by tha
Germans Is voluntary or whether It haa
been forced upon them by the strategic
situation and tha great strength of tha
allied armies in their front, will ba re
vealed by the course of events.
"There Is no doubt whatever that our
men have established a personal ascend
ancy over the Germans and that they ara
conscious of tha fact thai with any
thing Ilka avan numbers tha reault would
ba doubtful. The shooting of tha Ger
man Infantry Is poor, while the British
rifle flra haa devastated every, column
of attack that haa presented Itself.
"Their superior training and Intelligence
hava enabled tha British soldiers to use
the open formation with affaot and thus
cop with the vast numbers employed
by the enemy. Tha cavalry who hava
avan opportunltlea for displaying personal
prowess, and address, hava definitely
established their superiority. Tleld Mar
shal fir John French's report dwells
on tha marked superiority of tha British
troops of every arm of tha service
British Cavalry Eicela.
"Tha cavalry,'" ha says, "do aa they
like with tha enemy until they ara con
fronted with twlca their numbers. Tha
German patrols simply fly before our
horsemen. Tha German trxns will not
face our Infantry flra. As regards tha
artillery, they never hava . bean opposed
by less than three or four tlmea their
"Tha following incidents have been
mentioned. During the action at 1-e Cha
teau, on Auguat Ss, all tha officers and
men of ona of tha British battering had
been killed or wounded with tha eaceptlon
of one subaltern and two gunners. These
continued to serve one gun and kept a
sound raking firs and came out unharmed
from the battle field.
un a not bar occasion a portion or a
supply column was cut off by a detach
ment, of German cavalry. The officer In
charge was summoned to surrender. He
refused and, starting the motor off at
full apeed, dashed safely through, losing
only two lorries.
"It la noted that luring a rear guard
action of the guards' brigade on tteptem
ter I, the Oermana were seen giving as
alt t a rice to our wounded.
"The weather has been very hot, with
an almost tropical sun, which haa made
long marrhea tiring to the soldiers. In
spite of this, .they iook well and hardy
and the hoi ace, are In excellent condition.
"In short. It may be aald that the war.
chases and respecting property rights ss
well aa' according civilians every con
sideration. "After the tattle of Blase (probably
Bsrsel, a suburb of Namur. we found
Belgian women and children moving com
fortably about. The day after tha Oer
mans had captured the lonn In Merbes
Chateau we found ona cltlsen killed, but
wera unable to confirm lark of provoca
tion. Refugeee with stories of atrocities
were unable to aupply direct evidence.
Belglana In the Fambre vslley discounted
reports of cruelty In the surrounding
country. The discipline of the Oerman
soldier Is escellent ss we observed. To
the truth of these statements we pledge
our professional nnd personsl word.
"The Associated Tress.
"flaturday Evening Tost and Philadelphia
Public Ledger.
Chicago Dally News.
"Chicago Tribune."
so fsr aa It has advanced, haa given moat
promising opportunities of adding to the
reputation of British arms and of achiev
ing notable and substantial successes.
But we must hava mora men ao aa to
operate on a scale proportionate to the
ettength and power of the empire."
(Continued from Page Ona )
that up to September t, continuing their
operation. In that district had captured
three flsgs. twenty-three guns, eighteen
machine guna. two aeroplanes, 1M officers
and 12,000 soldiers.
"Since September 4, having broken tha
reslstence of tha Austrian., our troops
hava been continuing their offensive to
ward the south.
"All report, concerning alleged vic
tories of Oeneral Von Auffenberg near
Zamose and Tyachowssy ara wilful false
hoods and Intended to lessen tha Import
ance of tha Russians In Oallcla, where
In tha direction of tiembarg alone, tha
Russians took rich booty, namely 70,000
prisoners, more than 00 guna, thirty
locomotive., IV) truck, and numerous
convoys of supplies."
Raeelaas aa Offeaalre.
The Russian general staff tonight Is
sued the following official communica
tion: "Along the whole of the Auatrlan Una
the Russian troopa on September 4. pro
reeded with an energetic offensive move
ment. Tha Auatrtana' center suffered
most from the Russian attack. In the
region west of Kranyatgw tha Auatrlans'
Forty-flth regiment of Infantry, which
had been completely' aurrounded, waa
forced to a man to surrender, together
with Its commanding otfcai and forty
four officers In all 1.600 man.
Tha Oerman division which was
marching to help tha Austiians, was at
tacked on the left bank of tha Vistula
fiver. Russian troop, have occupied tha
StryJ river region.' ''
"The Russian cavalry already la among
the paases of tha Carpathian mountain..
On tha ast Prussian front wa have had
nothing but alight skirmishes, which ara
without significance."
Another official communication Issue!
under data of September 4, says:
"The Russians hava commenced a gen
eral offensive movement between tha
Vistula and Rfiig rivers. The Austrian,
did not expect a vigorous offensive at
Weinberg and hoped to resist It
"The Russians estimate that they
seised a year's provisions here.
"Tha Oallclan nrlsoners at Lemberg
wera set at liberty. Tha Csech. have
refused to march against tha Slav.
"Wounded who have returned to Petro.
grad .ay the Uetmane In their fighting
rely mainly upon artillery and give way
before bayonet attacks."
Leaaberg- Defeat a Raat.
nuMK (via uondon), Sept. g-A news
dispatch from Vienna says tha defeat at
lemberg waa a rout of the whole Aua
trlan. army operating In Oallcla and that
tha only hope now la In the Oerman con
tingent which la rongeating all the rail
way tinea toward tha northeaatern fron
tier.' It Is asserted that tha Austrian
general staff Is urging the Oermana to
dispatch some bf their CO-mllllmeter gun.
to Oallcla.
Ofli.-lsl report, from Petrogr.d say that
although tha defeat of tha Ruaslana at
Tannenberg waa regretable. It IS serving
only to stimulate tha fervor of tha people,
tha army and tha government to multiply
their efforts tor final auccesa. which tha
whole nation considers Inevitable, as tha
Oermana In making what waa perhaps
their most strenuous attempt dlarupted
only one-twentieth part of tha Russian
Since tha war began the government has
not permitted the operation of wireless
telegraph apparatus. It haa been sus
pected, however, that seme wireless oper
ators wera at work and a search revealed
an outfit on tha roof of a boarding house
frequented by foreigners. Two students
who had erected the plant were arrested.
Take Maay Prleaarrs.
Desperate fighting rontlnuea along the
front from I.iitln to Kholin where the
Tenth Austrian army corpa made an at
tempt to break the Russian line." says
sn official statement Issued here tonight.
"Tha Austrian, were heavily repulsed
and (.000 wera made prisoners. Tha Rua.
aiana secured varloua documents In which
the Auatrlan generals made urgent ap
peals for help from Germany.
"In Oallcla thirty tocomottvea and an
enormous amount of rolling slock were
"Tha Ruaalana entered tha railway sta
tion at Lambert and found It crowded
with train, loaded with ammunition, dy
namite, ben.lne and medical stores. Tha
Ruaalana raptured the atatktn ao sud
denly that three motor rare which wera
on the point of leaving, fell Into their
"In the neighborhood of Bvolen, a Ger
man aeroplane wa. brought down and
tha aviator raptured.
"At Vlotalavak a Uermaa armored train
coming from Alexandrovo attempted to
shell tha loan, but waa beaten err."
Stoasaek Treaklea Dlaapneair
by using Klectrlu Bitters. Best remedy
1 for liver and kidney. Indigestion, dys-
P Pla and all stomach troubles, toe and
II. All drussists. Advertisement
IfrtC? Til I1DDI0TUP 1
MUoLliU UriuMMj,
(Continued from Tsse One
off !ria Is have been ilrrulatlng since ths
outbreak of hostilities The effalrs of
Ee-ypt. aenil-aoverelgn stale, under the
suserslnty of tha sultan, practically have
leen administered by Greet Britain ever
since the bombardment of Alexandria and
the suppression of tha Arabic Insurrection
thirty-two yeare age. The natives have
never entirely lost their sversloVi. how
ever, for the Intruders and Britain believes
Germany haa for a decade been busy
formentlng sntl-Engllsh feeling. Word
of the sultan's friendliness of late to
Germany and Austria Is believed by
British officials to have ben spread to
Egypt, an appeal being made not only
to the nationalist sentiment of the na
tives, but their rellgloua feelings.
Frenre only haa charged In her com
munications with the American govern-,
ment that the German propoganda Is
ousiiy astir inciting Mohammendan up
lislngs. not only In Egypt, but In India ,
and Turkey
Fear General t prising;. '
The Intimation from Great Britain that I
It would be plea.! to see American
warship. In Turkish port. Is In line with
what France inform a c. i
two week. ago. Various nations have !
atated In view of tha appeal that haa
been made to tha Mohammedan, that they Tarnopol, wnicn n.a neen s ,. -feared
a general unrl.m. a.alnat rhri.. I trenched, at 10 o'clock In the morning of
On account of the delicacy of their po
sition they feared to aend warships for
tha car of the Chrlstlsns lest the move
be misinterpreted a. a general hostile
measure toward Turkey.
England, Franca and Russia have re-
Iterated that they wished to do pothlng
which will aggravate Turkey to abandon
her position of neutrality.
All three nations, therefore, now are
looking to the United 8tatea to protect
their subject. In case tha expected Mo
hammedan uprising developa.
North Carolina to Stay.
While the cruiser North Carolina has
been sent on a mission of relief. It gen-
- 1?
l I. Ill l 1 v . . srS.. 3
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LINCOLN, Sept. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 1 1
Lincoln Beachey in Looping the Loop, Upside Down and Startling Drop Flying.
, Three Harness and Two Running Races Daily.
Patrick Conway's Band. Indian Village, Vaudeville, Fireworks, Etc
JOSEPH ROBERTS, President. W. R. MELLOR, Secretary.'
eraMy la underetood ahe will rendesvoua
, In eastern Mediterranean waters for the
"""T or her preeenca. There la
vn ulk of ending the Tennessee with
ner so as to be ready for any emergenry
(Copyright. 1914. by Press Publishing Co.)
PETROORAD. Sept. 6 (Special Cable
gram to the New Tork World and Omahs
Bee. ) leiayei in Transmission. a
mounded Ruaan aoldler gives the fol
lowing account of the fighting areund
Tarnapol to the eaA of Uemberg:
"Our division croased the frontier at
aeveral points which had Just been va
cated by Austrian and by forced
marchea covered tha forty-five mllea to
Tarnopol. On the way wa had no se
rious fighting. The Inhabitants of Osll
clan villages hide themselves at first,
but when they saw they had nothing to
fear from ua they recovered confidence
and reappeared.
'At mnmm rriecea we were met bv TTO-
reMions headed by prleata bearing corsses.
.,,,.( -,ff.Hn of bread and salt.
Some villagers brought our soldiers
?ttvk ? FlZl?'""'
fo,r 'h,ch lhjr ntTi' w. ,
' nly wom'n 'J"?
th0 country, a. the men had all been
enrolled in the Auatrlan army. The cropa
had not been harvested. We approached
August a, the Austriana received u with
a hot fire from field and machine guns.
Our regiment, supported by two other.,
flung luelf Into the attack and for three
hour, the battle raged. When wo got
back to the trenche. tha Austriana did
not wait to meet our bayonet attack, but
fled precipitately, followed by our cav
alry. Lter the Austriana offered stub
born reelatance In tha town Itself. Our
troops were met with fire from machlno
gun. mounted In church towers and on
houses. The Austrian, also fired on us
from windows. We drove out seven or
eight battalion, and captured several ma
chine guns,
Bee Want Ads Are the Boat Business
. Anatural question. Every
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Phone tVnjg. 1S97
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2iP r.
Four Divisions Are Moving South
Bather Than Toward the
French Capital.
Reports That It Has Plenty or Mea
and that the Morale and Fi
nancial Condition Is per.
fertly Hnttaractorr.
WASHINOTON. Sept. .-I)li.uatchea to
the French enibassv '.odav from Bor
deaux, Indicate the Oerman forces In four
divisions are proceeding In a turning
movement toward the south rath.r than
pushing forward to rarls The first
army, d'spatchea eay, reached LaFerte
and Montmiral; the second reached Chan
tllly and continued southward. Rhclms
has been occupied by the third army, and
the fourth also moved southward.
"Fighting continues In Lorraine with
decisive results," tha dispatch added.
"The situation as to material end the
morale !n Paris are reported and the
financial situation I. pronounced satisfac
tory. Have the army needed for the de
fense of the capital."
Many Enlisting;.
The foreign office states that enllFt
ments are going forwarl In Great Britain
at the rate of a division and a half a day.
Few unemployed are reported and the
financial situation Is pronounced satis
factory. Teething Badies
Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Spp
purchaser should ask it.
cannot answer fairly,
deserves ostracism.
lOte.J i
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sife.i;t iJ
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Who prssenta to onr loyal eUentela
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city cumeuy 4 iTBos;;0",r;,.0,d
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ETlA.ntly Charlie forgot sboat l
p.nw wb.n h. costum4 hli troupe.
Femtnln. Omaha will be anvlou. when
beholding the gorgMu. array of real
kimono. dLptayed during -th. Uragnn
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numbers, too.
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Chw gum If yo. Ilka, but n imoking.
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K.ufmin Brother.. Brltt Wood. Eugfn. Trio and
"Th. Travel Wwkly.
PHcm: Matins Gallery, 10c; bMt aeata C.i-
orpt stturday ud Sunday), lie. Niguta 10c, ii'.
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lrUes 1 Matinee. 6O0, $1 Brgs. 6O0, fl.50.
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Dancing Boating
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Dodge Bursal.
sL'llU'M.T''ltJiJWai.wtiUH),.iisjB. "Mmwuiwiiiimm'w'fii. .'. .MfULmmmmmmm