-'V Formal Opening of New High School FREMONT, Nba Bept. 5. Sperlnl Tpl grm.) The new high school building irr vu formallr 'oprned to th ruhllo onlght and th .xrrle wre lnrgoly t trndrd br the people of the city ani the surrounding country. The b.ill'llng was lighted from top to brittnm, end d'lrlng the two houra follow ing o'elork It waa Inapected from naae moiu to roof. ' Thor" waa protfram of mimic Hnd perhea, and at the end tha billllng wan pronounced formnlly lrdl ciitrd to th achool dlatrlot of the dltjr of Kremont. British Arrest a G ALICIA WILL BE ROSSPRQYIHCE Grand Duke Nicholas Issues Order ProTlding for Military Admin istration of Country. DETAILS OF LEMBERG CAPTURE General Staff at I'etroarrad laaaes tatemr.nt fonrrralnn Flgatlaa; ta ballrla Karrar Tanr. nahly Defeated. SCOTCH TO THE FRONT Scotland's famous "Black Watch" off to take ship for fighting in France. This regiment has back of it two centuries or longer of strenuous effort in every war England has been engaged in during that time." Its ra?rching tune, played on the pipes, "Dinna ye ken the Forty-second?" is almost as famous as the regiment. . German Girl Spy IX3NDON, Pept. 8. A . dlapatoh t Reuter's Telegram companjr from Dteppa ayn: A German girl apy was arrested yes terday by English aoldlera on the brldga over the Olae river at La Croix. In her poxaeaalon were the plans et all the roads and bridges around Jarla. She looked to be not more than IT years eld. "A German apy dreaaed In an Engllah uniform waa caught the s&ma'day and shot Immediately by an 'English officer, because he made a gesture as It to take something out of hla pocket instead of obeying an order to throw up his harrtJ." THE OMAHA SUNDAY UV.V,: PTTTIiMBFR . 1014. Il Ll.ETI. LONDON, Sept. 6 The Rome cor respondent of the Exchange Tele graph company gays dispatches from Vienna annouuco that following Its uecess at Lemberg the Russian cen ter has suddenly begun a movement northward 'against the flank of the armies under the Austrian generals, Aufenbur and Dankel, who have beeu successfully operating against Lublin and ZJamohac. SIXLET1N. LONDON. Sept. 6. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph , company from Rome says a message received there from Petrograd states that the Russians have cornp'etely routed the Austrlans near Tomaszow and that 1 two generals are among the Austrian dead. PETROOARD, Sept. 5. Grand Duke Nicholas, commander-in-chief of the Russian forces, has Issued a general order providing for the mili tary administration of all foreign territory as fast as It Is occupied by the Russian troops. The order calls for the creation of a special province consisting of the territory occupied In Austria-Hungary and the placing of It under the administration of the commander of the armies operating In the theater of war In the southwest. Statement of General Staff. The Russian general staff today Issued the following account of the fighting, which led to the capture of Lemberg, capital of Galicia: "In the offensive against the Lub-lln-Kholm front the main Austrian forces deployed on the Zavlchost, Tanoff, Blelgoray, Tomachoft and Belxlne. . The second Austrian army composed, of third, eleventh and twelfth corps and five divisions of cavalry gathered . in ' the region east of Lemberg to cover this operation. "When the Russian troops were taking the offensive the Austrian concentration had not been com pleted and topographical considera tions compelled the enemy to rein force the army still more with the troops of the seventh, thirteenth wmX ' .. h j-m mm y i ' 1 ' ti " f I ' ' lit 5 ; J--! ? I ' ''I ii "I i 1 1 ii i r-Yix 1- . . a ' ' vO fr ASQDITH APPEALS FOR FIGHTING MEN British Premier Urgei ivery Able bodied Man of Military Age to Join Colors. NAVY ALREADY DOING ITS PART Ena-llah IVarabtpa, lie Snya, Have Hunted Gej-man Mercantile Marine from the High Sons. , LONDON, Sept. 6. Premlar Aaqulth to day made the first of a series of appeals and fourteenth corps, thus making j for the Increase of the British - land a total of twelve divisions of several brigades of the landsturm. "Our troops in the Lonthk, Dubno and ProBkuroff districts crossed the frontier on August 20, and marched on Lemberg for the purpose of thwarting the, Austrian covering movement, and acting against the flank of their offensive was ham- forces, At a meeting at Guild hall he de scribed the empire aa involved In a bloody arbitrament of might versus right, and urged every able-bodied lirlton of mili tary age to join tha colors. The navy, the premier indicated, was already doing Its part. It had sealed up the fleet, he said, and was thirsty for a test of strength In the open. British warships, Mr. Aaqulth said, had Germans to Americans The Circular Given to Our Citizens as They Quit the Fatherland. Pollowlnr is a copy of a circular that ta being handed to Americana leaving Germany: A FAREWELL WORD. AMERICANS! - Citliena of the United States: In this earnest moment In which you are leaving the soli of Germany and Ber lin, take with you from German citizens, from representativea of trade and In dustry, who are proud ta entertain friendly commercial relations with the United States, a hearty farewell coupled with desire of a speedy return. Together with this farewell we beg you to do us a favor. As our guests, whom we have always hopored and protected, we ask you to take thla paper with you aa a memorial and to circulate the aajue among vour authorities, press, friends and acaualntanccs. For. we are well aware that the enemlos of Germany are at work to make you the instruments to lower Germany's peo ple and army in the face of the whole world In ordc-r to deceive foreign nay tlons as to Germany's policy and eco nomical power. AVe ask you aa free citi zens face to face1 with free cltlxens, to clr;ulate the real truth about Germany among your peoplu as compared to the Ilea of our enemies. We beg you to take the following main points to heart: 1. The German emperor and the Ger- man nation wanted peace- The cunning - . . . A i nuiiiru nit, uciiiinn inn i.ai i lut' 1 1 1 t i its t fi i i nrvu'n r i in in ni nur DimimriitB perea Dy tn numerous arnuents or rrom th. htBh nH whn thm faw nave foed tna ,word lnto tna h.nd. of the the Dniester river flowing across all German cruisers which still infested the the routes. Moreover, the enemy ' distant ocean had been u'sposed of, as they would be very soon, the navy would have achieved for British and neutral possessed on the Dnister river a aeries of fortifications' destined to defend bridges from which they menaced the Russian left flank and communications with Russia. "In the period between August 17 and September J, the Russian left wing ad vanced 230 verats (about 147 milesi, fight ing all the time. The bulk of the hostile forces, entrenched In powerful positions at Kamenka and Galltch. offered battle and were thoroughly defeated in a des perate struggle. Lose Twelre Tboataad Men. "Between Auguat 81 and September 1, In one district of the upper course of the Gulla XJpa alone, where the enemy's line waa broken, the Austrlans lost 12.J00 mon In killed or woundad.' 1 "The retreat of the enemy after his de feat at Lemberg assumed the character of disorderly flight' and panic, and the Russians took 209 guns and tens of thou sands of prisoners. It is believed that the remnant of the second Austrian army is now no longer of any military value. "On September 2, when the Russians were drawing up within' cannon shot of Lemberg, the surrounding forts did not stop this advance. The same day Lem berg was closely surrounded by Russian troops and was captured with enormous ciuantltles of var materials. All tho buildings In town were packed with Aus trian wounded, who had been abondoncd tn the enemy's headlong flight. Strategically Important. "Beside the political and military im- Germany. 2. After war has been forced on us the German nation, emperor and Reichstag have granted everything In the most brilliant unanimity for the war. No dif- commerce a security aa complete as it i Terence prevails In Germany any Ioniser had ever enjoyed in days of unbroken peace. v To Guard ghorea. "We rely on the navy," he said, "with the most absolute confidence, to guard our ahores against the possibility of In vasion and to seal up the gigantic bat tleships of the enemy In the Inglorious se clusion of their own ports, whence from time to time they furtively steal forth to sow the sea with murderous snares which are more full of menace to neutral shipping than the British fleet; and while the British navy does all this It is thirsty for a trial of strength In a fair and open fight, which Is so prudently denied it." "We now find ourselves Involved with ! the whole etrength of this empire In a bloody arbitrament of . might versus right."- the premier declared, "that has been entered into with clear Judgment and a clear conscience. What would have been our place among the nations If we had been base enough or so paralysed In our sense of honor and duty as to be false to our word and faithless to our frlendsT We should have been standing by with folded arms and with such coun tenance as we could command while this unprotected state, Belgium, waa defend ing its vital liberties and making a heroic stand agaJtutt overwhelming forces." Heroism of Belgians. Continuing, Premier Aaqulth detailed the heroic efforts of the Belgian forces. He mentioned the siege of Liege and enumerated countless outrages on the portance of Lemberg, as the center eCpart cr wnat he termed "buccaneering Galicia. its capture is very Important j adventurers." He declared that the great from a strategic point of view, as :t ton- j e3t crime against civilization was the tm - ' i.i . v "i i . ri-1 i 1 . . t. nl a Aust," the premk-r continued, "was per- ttltutes a great railway Junction, com mending the lines leading to the rear of the Austrian army, which Is now halted In line with Opole, Gamostle and Bels. "Ts capture of Lembere; will enable the Russian army te push forward with still greater intensity." Bulgaria Neutral, is Assurance Given PARIS, Sept. I. A Ilavaa agency dla patch from Athens says that the Bul garian) minister to Greece has assured the government that Bu-.jur'.i has Seclded to maintain the strictest neutrality Until the end of the war. PEKING IGNORANT OF WHAT IS GOING ON IN TSING-TAU WASHINGTON. Sept. B.-A meaxage to the State department tonight from John MacUurray, aecretary of the American legation at Peking, said no word had been no dlfferencve between party, confession, rank or position, but we are an united na tion and army. a Our military organisation and our mobilization has proceeded with splendid precision. The mobollzation was accom plished during the course of a few days. In addition to those who are compelled to serve, more than 1.200,000 volunteers have offered their services. AH civil or ganizations, from the head of Industry and finance to the smallest man down ward, vie with each other tn words of voluntary aid and welfare. 4. In the field German" arms have had splendid successes In the first days I mobilisation. In the east the Russian enemy has been driven from the German frontier. In numerous small fights by our troops In conjunction with those of the Austrian Hungarian - Hungarian monarchy. By successful coup d mains our navy has been successful in damaging and alarm ing our Ruaslan opponent In Its Baltic naval porta. The Russian port of Llbau has been burnt down and In Russian Po land revolution has already begun. Rus sian mobilization Is a long way from be ing accomplished, the troops are badly, pcorlv nourlhed, f-nd many deserters rell their wagons and horses. In the west the German army has gained imposing victories over Belgium una rram-fl. in Belgium, where the population un. fortunately committed the moa baroua atrocities against neacet rba?: I -; ul Ger-Jable mans before the war broke out.-aompar-atlvely wak German forces conquered the strong fortress of Liege a few days after the mobilisation, inflicting severe damage In tho enemy and opening Up the whv via Belgium tv Franco. Valuable victories have been obtained over Krance on the Alsatian frontier to ward the strong French fortress of Bel fort aa well as In the direction of the fortress Lunevllle. At Muolhausen one and a half FVench army division were overthrown and driven back over tne fmntler with heavy losses. The strong and effective German fleet Is on the watch against the English fleet, England's risk is great In staking Its reputation as the atrongeat naval power on one throw asralnat the German fleet Further, England runs tho danger that ita lurvn nnlnnlea ' aiioh as India and Egypt, will aelse a moment that has been long desired tto revolt. It la for the United States to utilise the present moment to frustrate by pow erful Initiative England's endeavor to keep down nil nations. Including America, In the trade and traffic of the world. Citizens of the United Statea! Take the conviction with you to your homes that Germany will stake Its last man and ita last penny for victory. Germany must conquer and will conquer. Remember! That after a successful victory Germany will make new political arli economical pogreaa ' and that America, aa a shrewd business-like state and aa a friend of Germany, will parti cipate in auch progress. Todar we beg you earnestly to convey to your fcllow-cltlzena that the German nation, as the safo refuge of civiliza tion and culture, has always protected the loyal cilizena of Its enemies In every manner In contrast to Russia. France and Belgium. By circulating thla ahort memorial among your felrow-cftlzens vnii are likewise ensuring that also In the future the United States will learn the truth, about Germany's battles' and victories. Your friends here will al ways do the best tn their power to ap ply you with genuine newa. We wish you a happy voyage toward your home, ao appreclateted by all Germans, and hope to sen you again In a victorious and prosieroua Germany. RWPRI0SKNTATIVE8 OB TUB GER MAN INDUSTRY. . . Berlin, Auguat 13, 1911 Ferrata the Papal Secretary of State ROME, Sept. 6 It Is officially an nounced that Cardinal Dominic Ferrata has been appointed papal secretary of state. UkuJ .ii.. "o a tnsla Cardinal Pominic Ferrata, the newly appointed papal secretary of state, was born In 147 In Montefiascone, Italy. Ills work as papal nuncio at Paris and as prefect of the congregation of blehopa in Rome stamped him as sS finished dip lomat. He presided over the Eucharlatln congreas held last year at Malta. In 3901, when the Is ? Cardinal Rampolla resigned aa papal secretary of state. Car- Ferrata was mentioned as a prob randldate for the office. Raisuli, Moorish . Bandit, Reported Dead LONDON, Sept. 6. The Exchange Tele graph company's Tetuan, Morocco, corre spondent rays that Rataull, the noted Moorish brigand and pretender to the throne of Morocco, has died In the coun try between Tetuan and Tangier. Ralsull gained fame In 1904 when he cap tured Ion Perdloarls, an American, near Tangier and demanded a ransom of $50,000. Theodore Roosevelt, then president of the United States, then demanded of the sul tan of Morocco "Perdlcarls alive or Ralsull dead." nnrklea'a Arnica Salve f prevented blood poison on Mr. G. W. Cloyd of Plunk, Mo. Tills soothing salve healed a dangerous wound. 25o. . All drugglats. Advertisement. In Keeping With Our Usual Custom Our Store WILL CLOSE MONDAY At Noon LABOR DAY w K ANNOUNCE, boennning Tuesday, our first great annual Full ovont HOMEFITTER'S WEEK Sept. 8th to 12th Inclusive A sale of everything needed tor tho home to make it attractive and comfortable, during the Fall and "Winter months. Every section contributes extra attactions in the way of new goods and special values that will appeal to you. See Windows and Monday Evening's Papers. BURGESS -N AS COMPANY "Everybody's Store formed by blind barbarian vengeance. Sooner than stand aside, we would see this country of ours blotted out Jrom the pages of history." The UrltUh prime minister dcclsred that the Invasion of Belgium was the firft step-in a greater policy to crush the freedom and autonomy of tha1 free states of Kurope. Criminal Mistake. . "It would be a criminal mistake to underestimate either the magnitude, the fighting qualities or the staying power of the forces arrayed agalust the allies." the premier went on. "It would he equally foolish and InsenslMe to belittle our oan forces, whether In reslatanre or attack." He praised France and Russia, as two of the greatest powers who did not mean to separate themselves from Great Britain any more than Great Britain meant to separate Itself from them, lie declared that if Great Britain were to play a worthy part In this war It must enlarge the sea la of Ita forces. Increase Its numbers and .multiply many times Us ft "-TP HERE IS BUT ONE L FAIR AND HONEST WAY To Determine the MERIT of a Readyto-take Medicine received there today from Talng-Tau. Com t effective fighting power munlcation has been interrupted for sev eral days, the mesbage said, and Peking was la Ignorance aa to wbat was occur ring at KUo-Chv Tha premier made the declaration that his .object was to Impress on the people the Imperious urgency ef this supreme duty. The people, who have taken " Peruna know what reruna is. The people who have read about Pe runa or heard about Peruna, have a more or less imperfect knowl edge of it The true test, the only fair and honest way, is to try it Read the remarks below, made by people who know Tcruna. If you are interested, send to us for the "Ills of Life," full of similar tes timonials from honest men and women all over the United States. Mrs. A. II Btouffer, TL It. I, 6a betha, Kas.: "I'eruna lias given me health and etrength; It Is the best medicine that was ever .made for women. My friends say they never saw such a change in a woman. I talk, to every one about Peruna. I cannot say too much for It" Mr. Isaaa Horrenga, Fremont, Mich., writes: "I was taken sick last spring;, finable to work for three months and a half. My weight was reduced to 13S pounds. AX last I was advised to use FERUNJL I bar now gained my usual weight. PERUNA rave me a splendid appetite. I feel strong." Miss Marie A. Lesser. No. S21 86th St.. Chi- ;wai t roil ii i to with systemio catarrh for years. The ca- Pi tarrh had got ail through my sys tem, head, throat, stomach and other Internal organs. Tried many remedies. Did no good. Took Peruna at the suggestion of a friend. Was surprised at results. I am now perfectly well and strong. That weak, tired leering- has left me." Mrs. Alvtna Plamann. No. 202S Elm Et, Milwaukee, Wis. "I am now able to do my housework again, and have a good appetite. Peruna did it for me. We always keep Peruna in the bouse. We all use It my husband and children. I thank you a thousand times lor your ndvicV I " THE NEW PACKARD - "3 "3 8" IS HERE This latest" Packard" Six invites your patronage. TKc.sum of these distinctive features can be found in no other car.. Twenty Packard Body Styles Exclusive, Imported k Upholstering Materials Left -Drive with Left Side Levers Short Turning Radius Packard Centralized Control Board Packard'Bijur Electric Starter Packard'Bijur Electric Lights 0 Separate Magneto Ignition Packard Unit Power Plant Mud'tight Motor Concealed Force Feed Oiling to ThirtV'five Points Water' Jacketed Packard Carburetor Water' Jacketed Intake Header Packard Hydraulic Governor Seven-bearing Crank Shaft Packard Wheels - I 131. Packard Radiator Packard OneMan Top Packard Windshield Six'inch Depth of Frame Packard Rear Axle Transmission . Packard Worm Bevel Driving Gears "rhc Bridge Builder s Factor of Safety WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION Deliveries of the Packard 'VV commence October I. Embodied in the "5'48" are all the essential features of the "3'38" with a bigger margin of surplus power.1 O R R M O T 0;R- SA'L'ES. COMPANY 2416 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska 'is