Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 05, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    T11K BEK: OMAHA. NATlillPAY. SK.rTF.MnHH . 1!14.
Btri Boot Trimt XV Now Beacon Press.
fidelity aUoraf sad Yea Co. Poof. 151C
Uhtlng rirtarea, Bura:eas-Oranlen Co.
Beentlful All Malm Bomn Tor Bale
on the easy payment plan. Bankers'
Realty Investment Co. Phone Doug. M.
Xleetrle ru Stolon The Omaha
Vapor Stock company, Eighteenth and
Marcy streete, hat been robbed of an elec
tric fan, a typewriter and 50 cents worth
of Msmps.
' Ho Dry Cleaning Eataallahmant A
thief has. taken from the French dry
cWnlra; establishment, 215 Cuming atreet.
eight pieces of clothing, ranging from
whole aulta to single articles.
"To4aya Complete Mori FTorraift"
may be found on the first page of the
classified section today, and appears In
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find, out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Davison la Improving Preston lavl
aon, chief rate clerk of the passenger de
jartment of the Union Faclflc. operated
on for appendlcltla, is much better, and
the attending physicians assert that he Is
likely to recover.
.Betallers Xeet Thursday Bvenlnr
The first of the fall meetings of the As
sociated Retailers of Omaha is to be heU
r.ext Thursday evening at :15 at the Pax
ton hotel. Election of officers will be the
principal business after the dinner.
Sentenced (or Barring and Bteallnf
George .White and William Howard of
Council Bluffa were sentenced to thirty
aya in Jal for begging on the street and
attempting to steal a watch from the
person of E. P. Palm, Z! Meredith
Forward to California H. W. Forward,
general freight agent of the Erie road
and located in Chicago, who has been in
the city during the last week, visiting his
brother-in-law, Ben B. Brookfleld of thi
Union Pacific, has left for the west, going
to California, where he will spend several
Ad Club Boosting State Talr An
earnest effort on the part of the Omaha
Ad club Is being made to get out a crowd
for the Omaha day at the Uncoln State
fair on September 10. A special car on the
Burlington has been arranged for by the
organisation and will leave the local depot
at 9 a. m.
Peterson la Serious Condition E, T.
Peterson, chief clerk In the office of
Commissioner McGovern, suffered an at
tack of heart trouble yesterday while at
work and was taken to a local hospital.
His condition Is serious. Peterson has
been connected with the city engineer s
department for over seventeen years and
Is well known.
Governments on the way. parts of
i school ss a method of getting subscrlp- ' at the rate of sixty-five miles an hour
' Hons.
I Mtorerle I op Hart.
Motorcycle Officer Bert Hiatt wea
cut and bruised In a doaen
his anatomy, and his new
motorcycle was demolished last night
when he spilled while pursuing, an auto
Harry MrtMIIUma Promoted "
poatllile Position Boad with
Armnar Company Sat fr
rttrt Are Active.
j The accident took place between Thirty
i third and Thlrty-focrth streets on Q.
A high powered car. coming from the
direction of the Seymour ("Vuintiy
club at a murderous rate of speed Paid
no attention t the wheel cop. He gave
chaso and was gaining on them when
he had to turn suddenly to order to
sviKI tilt ling a small machine which
tinned suddenly Into the road.
Maarte t IIt (insslp.
Mrs. V. J Curren and daughter.
Heomle and Marlon, are visiting at Cal
houn. The 1-sdiee' Aid societv of the First
Presbyterlsn church will serve dinner
Thursday evening, September IT. at the
cnurcn. xwenty-tniro inn j eireeia.
For Rent Modern fnmlshed room. RIO
S. lth St. T. A. Kerns. Ho. Omaha of flco.
Offlre space far rent In Bee office. BIS
N street Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. fouth IT.
The funeral of Iavtd Hlebua, wko com
mlttiM suicide last Monday evening, will
be held from the residence, S027 8 street
to the Laurel Hill cemetery. Rev. R. I
V heeler of the First Presbyterian church,
will officiate.
At a meeting of Modnrn Woodmen of
America camp No. 195 It was decided not
to raise local camp dues.
The 1914 club will rlv a csrd party
the Moose Home, Twenty-fifth and M
streets, net Friday afternoon. Mrs.
StoddaTd will be the entertainer.
Prinee Pushes His
Motor Track Plan ,
With Much Speed
Horsemen at the local stock ysrds msr
ket have received advices froSi New Tork
City that buyers are' on their wsy west
to purchase an' unlimited number of war
horses to be used In the war now going
on in Europe. It Is yet a mystery what
countries are buying but It Is the general
opinion that England and France are the
most probable. The local horse men are
more Interested In the fact that the buy
ers are actually on their., way west and
that they have the ready cash and plenty
of It- Every effort possible is being made
to fill up the local horse yards with as
many eligible steeds as possible.
According to the advices from New
Tork City the majority of the orders will
be for cavalry service. A number of
strict regulations as to the quality and
breed of the steeds la required by the
United States army and also by the mlll
tarys of Europe, but In thia case, the
ordinary horse will not receive as strict
an examination.
The local market has not been very busy
this year In consideration with Its former
growth and local horse men will make
every effort to secure as many horses for
the European buyers' inspection during
the remainder of the week as they can.
McWIlllams la Promoted.
Harry McWIlllams of the local Armour
plant has been promoted from the posi
tion of assistant manager of the butter
and egg department to teiat of road sales
man from Holdrege to the Colorado line
with headquarters at Holdrege, Neb.
McWIlllams Is a prominent South
Omaha man, active In the Young People's
work . of the Methodist church and a
member of the Trl-Clty Baraca union. He
Is alco a well known Young Men's Chris
tian asoetatlon man. The promotion was
a surprise to his many friends because he
has only ' been with the Armour plant
nine months and is rather a young man
to Je sent out on such a responsible road
Market A wait Ins; Expectant.
The stock market remained about nor
mal yesterday during the entire day. The
bearish attitude of the packers at the hog
market waa resumed and In the face of
a very moderate supply of hogs they made
their first bids at more than 10 cents per
hundred lower. Ewe lambs shot up a
notch, taking on a 15 cent raise during
the latter part of the day.
There Is a strange stillness at the mar
ket, prevailing over both the buying and
selling divisions. Everyone is expectant
of the big order for the European coun
tries at any time and all are in readiness
for the clean-up of the market if such
should occur. t
Alleged Boxcar Theft.
Special Agent Trouton of the Burlington
arrester a man describing himself as
"The Prettiest Hats I Have Seen Anywhere"
Plans are being perfected for holding in
Omaha the greatest motor cycle racea
on the largest track for speed ever built
in thia country. It will be one-third of a
mile In circumference, pitched at - an
angle of sixty degrees to hold the speed J Henry Smith, Thirty-sixth and M, for j
A Nw Arrival-'
The Much Talked of Satin
Basque Waists $5
THK.Y eanie iu by express
Thursday morning mid if
thtur daintiness and beauty are
a criterion they 'will go out iu
a hurry.
Made of a superior quality
of satin, very similar to the
style illustrated here, with self
collar and cuffs and finished
with buttons.
Naw blue and black.
The Price, $5.
Bnryess-Iash Co. Second Floor.
This Is What We Hear From Every Woman Who Has
Visited Our Trimmed Millinery Section
A XI) the lints are not alone- pretty, are not aVhe the best
possible expression of correct style, but they are also the
best values obtainable for the money.
Take, for example, our hats at 110.00. We know they ra t be dupli
cated Plewhere at anything like thia price and the saving Is Just as de
cided at all other prices.
NEW TRIMMED HATH, $7.50, $.7R, $10.04), $12.50 AND $IJV.OO.
Hundreds of exquisite now conceptions, no two alike, made of the very
finest Imported materials. Each hat possessing that dnah of Individuality
and distinctiveness whlchovery woman so earnestly seeks.
I'litrimnHMt laU, 1 .OH
Elegant silk velvet
turbans and sailors.
All newest blocks,
at $1.0H.
I n trimmed llatfl, f 3.98
Silk velvet, cossack
and, Belgium turbans,
all lined, at t2.0ft.
I'ntrimnicd Hats, $;.
All black Lyons silk
velvet sailors and
small Jaunty shapes,
Saturday, 9.1.08.
In black and colors, an extremely large selection of smart ideas In stick-ups at 08c and $1.0;.
B arr ess-Bash Oo Beooad moot
$5,00 SILK VELVET HATS AT $2.98.
Trimmed with the new silver and gold laces and birds' wings ami flowers,
hats made to retail at $5.00 and are worth it, too; Saturday, choice,
at '
Small, close-fitting turbans, soft crowns and high side effects, $2.00 value for $1.00.
Barg-ecs-Wash Cc. Basement,
Annual September "Gift Sale" Saturday
Of PURE DRUGS and Toilet Articles
A UNIQUE event that brings you wonderful saving advantages on Pure Drugs' and
Toilet Articles for , your medicine chest and dressing table.
I 1 1' a TT" Saturday' with every purchase In this section amounting to 2Sc or more, a gift box,
LN H lH containing seven or eight sample, packages of well known toilet and drug preparations,
such as: Dljer Kiss Perfume, Corylopiils Talcum Powder, Cream Elcaya, Velvetlna
Powder and cream, Evening Jasmine Powder, Mennen's Bath Pov.der, Melba Powder, Mentholatum, Kon
don's Catarrh, Syool Soap, Palmer's Perfume, Hudnut's Cold Cream, Qulneeg Shampoo, Mennen's Talcum
Powder, Klein's Soap, H. & H. Cleaner, Jay Walk's Corn Pads, Trilby Toilet Soap. TntTTV "C"C
Burnasco Theatrical Cream, Massatta Talcum Powder, representing a valuation of 1 rv 1.1.
K Art aw -lK north nnvrhlBA I. AAmAm
t. Tooth
. Pow-
1 .vjf ' o
foyyi for
Jap Rosa Soap,
cake ....
Ch iyt.
FVsls N apt ha
Soap, 10 9Q.
eats. . . .
Soap, S
cakes. . . .
New KID GLOVES for Early Fall
WE consider ourselves very fortunate Indeed in receiving our import
order of kid gloves for Fall and Winter. Among them are the fam
ous "Reynler" gloves for which we are exclusive selling agents for Omaha
and vicinity. Tnese. celebrated French.
gloves include the Yavored styles and col
New "Reynler" Glove fi2.00 to TjUI
AND better values have seldom bean of
fered at the price. One or two-clasr.
P. K. or overseam swan, single row or
heavy embroidered backs, white, black.
tan navy and gray. Special,
of 190 miles an hour. It Is being pro
moted by John 8. . Prince, who years ago
made Omaha his- home, organized a com
pany and built the Coliseum, and who is
well remembered by a lot ot the old-time
sports who ueed to enthuse over the high
wheel bicycle rkos, . "
The stadUinAin proposes for.-. Omaha
will ' have a , seating oapacity of 10,000
people. A large suhwa'y will pass them
Into the arena or infield. There will be
parking space around the outside of the
Btadlum of sixteen acres, fivery racer
will have his own little motor . room
twenty feet square, in which he can keep
his machine always tuned up- ready for
the races at all meets. :,
Th structure will be pushed rapidly to
completion, and Mr. Prince expects to
have It ready for practice inside of three
alleged forcible entry into a boxcar In !
interstate transits A rtosen baskets of
grapes, boxes of crackers, candy, etc.,
were brought to headquarters as evi
dence. Sffraa;rttea Are Bo.
Local suffragists sre preparing to take
the city by storm In a strenuous cam- j
paign that is to bo carried on during the
next few' weeks. lst Wednesday Mrs. I
M. B. Munson. spoke to several hundred i
packinghouse men on the packing com
pany's grounds.
Next' Saturday noon' Mrs. Antonette
unk of Chicago, ths originator of the
"melting pot." will give an oration in de
fense of auffrage at the corner of Twenty-fourth
and N streets. Trie same even
ing Mrs. Ororge W. Covll of Omaha will
make a speech at the corner of Twenty
fourth and M streets..
Anti-suffraglsts have not lined up as yet.
but there la a large . number In the city
and It is thought that an organisation
will be formed to co-operate with the
Omaha association.
School Paper taurr Way.'
. It was announced yesterday that the
On account of Mayor James C. Dahl
man's announced opposition to the ' an-.
nexation of Dundee or any other suburb, j first Issue of the.Tooter, the high school
unless South Omaha la-included . in the paper, would be published to the students
proposition, the project recently launched
Bromo Seltser. 25c sise.
Beef. Wine and Iron. 1 pint. . .42
Sal Hepatlca. 36c slie,.. 18
Byrup of Figs, 60c sie
Wyeth's Base and Sulphur, 60c aue
at 34
Horlick's Malted Milk, $1 also 69
Hospital sic Malted Milk. $3.60 vise
for 82.J4
Plnkham's Compound, SI site. .QOc
Toilet Paper,
prepe fin 1 s h,
f4orrr,.,. 25c
Hon s e h o I d
Ammonia, one
Vacuum Bottles
Quart size,
$4.00, for
Jn Dunde by Laurie J. . wuinoy ana
others has. been temporarily dropped, and
the meeting Called for last evening at his
home was not held. ;
In the face' of the msyor's opposi
tion,". Mr. Qulnby said, "it Is evident
thst the city 'commission would not sub
mit the question to Omaha voters, even
if Dundee should Vote favorably, to an
nexation. Therefore, It could be brought
before Omaha voters at the fall election
only on an Initiative petition of about
4,000 names, which it would be Impossible
to get within the short time before No
vember X So we have dropped the
matter tor the time being.
"It is a humorous situation, that al
though the Dundee opponents of annexa
tion say they are against It because they
want no Dahlmanlsm, Dahlman himself
is also opposed to Dundee annexation
without South Omaha also. The mayor
and hia opponents ' seeem to have got to
gether at last." '
' Among the Dundee villagers who favor
tht scheme with Qulnby are: Sylvester
Bush, Frank J. Ellick. H. W, Morrow.
John A. Moore. Herbert 8. Daniel, Paul
' Slfson, Dr. O'Neil Rich and Byrd F.
Miller. .-. ...
on- Septemler 23. The contract for the
printing of the paper was awarded to the
lowest bidder, the Magic . City Printing
company. I
The young men In charge are hard at
work securing advertisements of the busi
ness men of the city and are meeting ,
with more or less success. The make-up I
of the paper will be considerably changed !
for the better this year and new methods !
of editing the paper will be employed by
the editors. I
A contest, with several local Jewelcrj
as contributors to the prize list, will prob
ably be employed during the first week of
A large assortment of brush
es, combs, etc., will be specially
priced for this sale.
20-Mule Team
Borax, 1 Q
pound. . . .
Massatta Tal
cum t jf
Powder. 1)C
with, one ounce Da
brook's Locust Bios
som Extract, 29c.
Abonita Cream. 26c slie 104
D. tt R. Cream, 100 also It
Woodbury's Facial Cream, J6c slxe,
ror Iff!
Talcum Powders, I6e kind ; . . .10
Talcum Powdera, 16c kind 6
Monoxide Tooth Powder, 26c site
for 144
Palinollve Cream, 60c alae S4c
Pasteurlne Tooth Paste, 25c sa.
Swans' Down Powder, 26c slse 13
Manicure Sets, 98c kind E0
Canthroxl IPom p e 1 a n
Cream, AQ
76o slse. 47C
Rubber Gloves, 60c kind...
Hot Water Bottles, 50c kind.
Fountain Syringes, 50c kind.
Hot WaUr Bottles, $1 kind. .
Jad Salts, 76c
S . . .49c
nnresa-Wash Oe.- jffsaa noor.
RIBBONS at 26c
17 ANCY silk ribbons, in new Ro
man stripes, plaids, plain sa
tins, taffetas and moires, all the
new color effects, 6 inches wide,
yard 2Ac
Barress-lTask Co. Mala rioor.
HandkVch'fs, 7ic
WOMEN'S plain pure, linen
handkerchiefs, hemstitched;
also men's linen lawn handker
chiefs, nemstitched; very special
Saturday, "t 7 Vic
Bargees-sTash Co. Main rioor.
Pretty New Organdy
Vestees at 50c
ND they certainly.
ill go fast, for
w never had anything
so pretty or near the
quality at the price be
fore. Made of a fine qual
ity organdy in four
new styles, one of
which we . illustrate
The price, BOc. .
Borgsss-BTaSk Co. Mala rioor.
Rev. A. R. Wise. 8. J.. I the new fac
ulty manager of the Creighton University
files club, the official musical organise
tion of the local school. The announce
ment was made Thursday by Kev. KoDeri
Kelly, vice president of the university.
Father Wise, who la well known and
I vit In Omaha, succeeds Rev. Archibald
Tsllmadge, S. J., who organised Jho club
four years ago and haa managed tt since.
"Rev. Mr. Tallmadge has gone to Detroit.
father Wise baa been a member of the
faculty of the arts college for yeara and
Us extremely popular with the students.
During the last year he acted as faculty
director of athletics and is succeeded in
this position by Father Corboy.
The varsity glee club, which has
achieved an enviable reputation In thia
section, will continue its plan of giving
high-class musical productions, including
the annual public appearance. As soon
as the arts college students return to
clssses next Tuesday a call will be issued
and practioe resumed.
TlrkllBS the Throat
quickly relieved by IT. King s New Dis
covery, the great cough and coif remedy.
A safe and sum medicine. 40c and 1. All
diUigisls. Adverllseor
?vere Blood Vanish
With Magic Effect, Great Renv
edj Make Disease
At almost say drug store you may ob
tain H. 8. 8., the famous blood partner,
ud you thca hsve tue veritable wliard
that makes all blood troubles vsnlsh. Your
stomach takes kindly to 8. 8. 8., it rushes
Idio your blood. Is a purifying ware, makes
tjie liver, kldaeys, bladder and skin work
In harmony ; stops accumulations thst have
caused rheumatism, ratarrb, swollen glands,
sore throat and akin eruptions.
- Just as food makes blood, so does 8. 8. 8.
follow tbe process of digestion to stimu
lus aatural serrations to protect us against
tbe ravagt-s of disease germs. . Ws are well
aware of the fact that these germs are
apt to be latent within us to break forth
la violent eruptions of tbs tkla whenever
the system Is In a low state of resistance.
And tt Is to both prevent these eruptloas
or te get rid of tbem that Nature gave os
such an ally as 8. 8. 8. It la purely
vegetable, contains mercury, and yet It
overcomes those serious troubles for which
mercury ' kss bees employed for ages. la
every community are people who kaow this
to he true. Tbey ewe ta 8. 8. 8. their
recovery. Get a bottle today Refuse all
substitutes. Bead tbe folder around the
bottle that tells oi ths wonderful work
being dooe by the medical department la
assisting users of 8. 8. 8. for a special
book oa blood trouble address Tbe Bwlft
Specific Co- 61 Bwlft Bids.. Atlanta. Oa.
G oing Back to School Tuesday
Get the. Boy s New Suit Here
AND como Saturday while the se
lection is best.
We are featuring for Saturday
two special numbers:
Boys' Suits With Two Pairs of
Pants, Saturday at $4.98.
There's a splendid assortment of pat
terns In cheviot, casslmeres, serges and
corduroy. The pants are full lined with
all seams double stitched and taped, Sat
urday, special at $1.98
Boys Norfolk Suits at $3.98.
Made of cheviots, casslmeres, serges and
corduroys in a variety ot models and a
wide selection of patterns. Some have two
pairs of pants, at $3.98
Burgess-Wash Co. Mala rioor.
It's Time to Throw
Away the Old Straw
Buy School Sup
plies Saturday
HLKE is but an idea -of
what you will find in
the Stationery section.
Spelling blanks,
each Ac
Water c o lor
paints, box. 21V
Inks, best qual
ity, at. . .8c-10c
Chalk, one doz
en for.-r. . . ,6c
Lead pencils,
all kinds. 1c
to . loc
Rulers, several
kinds, at 2c, lie
and .J 10c
Pencil tablets,
large size. . .Be
Pocket no(
books, each. 5c
Pencil tablets,
special, l for 5c
Colored school
crayons, 6 in a
box lc
School straps,
two kinds, each
Be and lut;
Ink and pencil
erasers, each.Sc
School compan
ions, each, Ac,
5c and J Or
Carbon pencils,
each 5c
B 1 a c k b o ard
erasers, each 5c
History paper,
100 sheets. 10c
Typewriter pa
per, tli sheets
for , . 5c
BarreaaTah Co. Mala rioof.
BOYS' or girls' school hose, floe
1-1 ribbed black cotton, seam
less foot, sites up to Vs. pr., 10c.
CHILDREN'S union suits, medi
um weight cotton, cream col
or, drop seats, &3c.
anrresa-aTaau do. ssemsot.
AND come here for your new fall
hat. It's here In the very style,
shape and color bent suited to you.
The new shapes for fall Include
m u s h r oom,
pencil curl
and drooping
brim, with tbe
crown a (rifle
higher than
last season,
finished with
a wide band
and 4 bow in
contrasting or
same shade.
All the new
shades and black are represented at
$2.04), $2.SO and $.1.O0.
You know their worth; we have
them at $1.50 and $1.00.
arress-lfaah C . Mala rioor.
Introducing to You Saturday the
"STAR" Brand Shirt for Men
SOME of you who will read this
need no introduction, but we
are to pleased with the line for
Pall that we want every man in
town to know it.
The display is the best we have ever
made, and we invite you to come and
look them over because to look will
mean to buy, they are so superior In
quality, pleasing In co(or and pattern
and perfect fitting.
There are More .Than 50 Styles
for Selection.
The materials are fine madras and percales, also silk and wool
mixtures. They are Indeed the real gentleman's shirt for Fall.
The prices, $l.AO to $0.50.
Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose, 25c
Hlack, made of the finest silk, lisle yarn, full fashioned with a low
spliced heel, double sole and double hem top, positive 60c values, pair, 25c
WOMEN'S 25c HOSR, '15c.
Kxtra fine quality black mercerir.ed hose, 4 inch double garter top, high
spliced heel and double sole, full seamlens, first quality, real 26c value,
pair, 15c. '
50o UNION WITH, !Hc.
Women's union suits, medium weight white cotton, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length, good weight, first quality 60c. kind, pair 3c.
For women, black, gray, tan. bronze and other colors with high
spliced heel, double sole and double garter top. some of them have slight
imperfections but will not effect the wearing qualities, Saturday, pair 77c.
Bnrresa-sTash Co. Mala rioor.
Women's Shoes With Style and Comfort at $3.50
HE are (several very pretty styles and every one possesses that much
sought quality of comfort.
Made of patent leather, jam metal and vici kid with cloth or mat kid
. The soles are verv flexible, full" Jjouis, Spanish Louis, Cuban and
tarv heels. Exceptional Values, at pair, $3.50.
T e New "POINTCARE" SHOE at $5.00
THIS beautiful drss shoe is the very last word in Fall shoe style; made in but-
n ...tom nn thtt naw French last with ahort vamp: light weight flexible
hand finish soles and high French Cuban heels. The material Is light weight
patent kldskln vamp and fine black cravenetted cloth tops. A very superior shoe
in both style and quality, $5.
llo'' and Youths' School Shoes. .
Rutton and lace styles, gun metal and box calf
leathers, solid oak leather sewed soles, briad toe
lasts that fit perfectly and give comfort every min
ute. These are the best shoes made at the price.
Youth' size. 9 to 18 H, pair, $2.25 to $3.00.
llo)V uium, 1 U)5H, pair, $2.50 to $8.50.
mmzzA tons
V&m i 1 i
Misses' and Children's School Shoes.
Button shoes for schoel wear, made from selected
gup. metal stock, with flexible, sewed rock oak soles,
broad and medium toe lasts, perfect fitting and very
comfortable; the beat micses' shoes made.
M Uses' slza. 11 U to 8. for. pair. $2.25 to $2.75.
Children's sixes, 84 to 11, at, pair, $2.00 to $2.50,
Borg-ess-aTash Co Hals rioor.
MUae' and Children's Krhool Hhoe.'
Made In button and lace styles from gun metal
leather, solid soles, good fitting lasts that are roomy
and comfortable.
HUM 11 H to 8, pair, f 1.4V; siea O to pr.,
Ilo is' and Youths' Hchool 8hoes.
Both button and lace styles, made from full weight
calfskin, solid soles, good, durable school shoes.
Maes 1 to 5H. pair, $1.05 and $2.25; sixes 0 to
13 H, pair, $1.81) and $1.85.
Barreae-aaaa Co Booaomy aem it.
Men's New Fall
Neckwear, 55c
THE first showing a
splendid line big fall'"
shaiies in a wide variety of
new fancy silks, all the new
color effects, our special
price for Saturday to start -fall
goods moving, is. . . ,55c
Neckwear at 75c.
Another line, extra full shape In
new designs of fine quality Bilks,
tbe price 75c
Neckwear at $1.00.
A line of black and white, the pop
ular combination for early Fall,
shown almost exclusively in the
single line shops of the East as
tbe latest, "erase", at $1
Neckwear at $1.50.
Very large shapes and exclusive
novelty patterns, Saturday,
at ....$1.50
Men's Night Shirts, 69c.
Made of a good quality muslin,
neatly trimmed and specially
priced Saturday at O0
Bnxoss-Vaah Oa Mala no.