TKK BEE: OMAHA. SATUKDAY, SKH'EMnKtt 5, 1014. E83S383 CHEERING i;HE CROWN PRINCE IN BERLIN When Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany returned from Pottsdam to Berlin on his way to the front, he was given a great reception by the public. The photograph shows the crowds on the streets of Berlin cheering the crown prince as he passed in his automobile. New Fall Suits BERG SUITS ME. 1 El are pushing us for room, and to make it wo are cutting what summer suits wo have left deeper than ever. Some of these suits are just the weight many men want to wear all winter and they are. really wonderful values at $1022,1125y$i252$15S2,$17i2 However.... If you are wanting the now fall and winter models this store represents the world's greatest $1 COO f0 $4fl00 and best masters P1 10 ytV 1 : ; y : ' WILSON APPEALS :;yh .r-iv C ' S rUK WAK KEiLIhr tolerant only thoM who dodge repon- J " 2 I I H I , tlulity or who r not, frank'. with them. . .. . .L..S .:, 4 ' 'rl J H I ! form It without hesitation ot apology. palpably almost as if we worn par- J I" JJ : Test Our School Suits In fitting out the boy for the strenuous days Hint Login next week you will find it hard to understand how this storo ran give so much qual ity, durability rnd style for do little money. Every suit is n new model, pattern and fabric We are Pjecializ;ing blue serges with two pairs of trousers as well ns fnncy mixture? at W "1 fcf . -!,,. 4XTt 131 New Waists, 45c Up Underwear, . 45c Up $2!2 to $10i Hosiery, ... 15c Up GERMANS SEEK TO CONTROLTHE NEWS Effort Made Early in Year at Secret Meeting; to Put Telegraph Com panies Under Agreement. TO IMPBOVE FOREIGN TRADE Fnrpoae Described as an Endeayor to Promote Industrial Prestlgre Abroad and to be Financed by Subscriptions. , IvONDON, Sept. 4.-The foreign lusinada-pulllo altepatctL dated at. Br- ltn. Tcbrtiary 27, last, from Sir Hdwart Gobi hen, formerly British ambassador at Berlin, to Sir Edward Gray, the secre tary for foreign affairs, telling of a se cret meeting In Berlin a short time previously to discuss plana for the Im provement of German trade abroad. Kir Edward says: "A short time ago a meeting. , of which the secret was well kept, was convened at thu ministry of foreign affairs. The for eign secretary himself was present and the meeting was attended by members of the leading industrial concerns of this country, such as the North German IJoyd, the Hamburg American Steamship company and the Deutsches bank, the Siemens and Halske and Schukert works Allegemelne Electrlcltaets Oeselleschaft, and the Krupps and Cruson works. "This meeting formed a private com pany for . the purpose of furthering Ger man Industrial prestige abroad, which Is a conveniently vague purpose. The com pany will be financed by prlTate sub scriptions. The government will first ' Allegelmeine Electricltaets Oeselleschaft, the necessary revenue. "The private subscriptions amounted to IGZ.aOO, but the delegates present at the first meeting were so enthusiastic that definite promises of annual subscriptions of 1126.000 were made and the company promised to add $62, WO per annum. t German News Inclusively. i 'Th company has, entered Into an Agreement with the Agence Havas, by duty which I wish with all my heart II might have been spareVl; but It Is a duty which Is very clear, and therefore I per form it without hesitation oi apology. 1 come to ask very earnestly that addi tional revenue be provided for the govern ment. "During the month of August there was. compared with the corresponding month last year, a falling oft of $10,629, 6S8 In the revenues oollected from cus toms. "A continuation of this decrease In the same proportion throughout the ourrent fiscal year would probably mean a loss of customs revenues of from sixty to one hundred millions. I need not tell you to what this falling off la due. It Is due. In chief part, not to the reductions recently made in the customs duties, but to the great decrease In Importations; and that is due to the extraordinary ex tent of the Industrial area affected by the present war In Europe, conditions have arisen which no man foresaw; they affect the whole world of commerce and economic production; ind they must be office I faced and dealt with. "It would be very ynw;se to postpone dealing with them. Delay in euoh a matter and ' In particular clrcumstanoes In which .we now find ourselves as a nation might Involve consequences of the most embarrassing and aapiorable sort, for which I, for one, would not care to be responsible. It would be very danger ous In the present clrcumstanoes to create " a' moment's doubt as to the strength and sufficiency of the treasury of the United States, its ability to assist, to steady, and sustain the financial opera tions of the country's business. "If the treasury Is known or even thought, to be weak, where will be our peaca of mind? The whole Industrial activity of the country would be chilled and demoralized. Just now the peculiarly difficult financial problems of the mo ment are being successfully dealt with, with great self-possession and good sense and very sound Judgment; but they are only In process of being worked out. If the process of solution Is to be com pleted no one must bo given reason to doubt the solidity and adequacy of the treasury of the government, which stands behind the whole method by khlch eur difficulties are being met and handled. Cost Too Groat. "The' treasury Itself could get along for a considerable period, no doubt, with out Immediate resort to new souroea of taxation, iflit at what cost to the busi ness of the communltyr Approximately which the latter will In the future only I $75,000,000. a large part of the present puhllnh news concerning Germany if It ts j treasury balance, Is now on deposit with supplied through Wolff's telegraphic ! national banks distributed throughout bureau. The latter will receive Its Ger- I the country. It Is deposited, of course. Sni of Our Making. "The occasion Js not of our own mak ing. We had no part In making It. But It Is here. It effects us as directly and palpably almost as if we were par ticipants In the circumstances which gave rise to It. We must accept the Inevitable, with calm Jurgment and unruffled spirits, like men accustomed to deal with the un expected, habituated to take care of themselves, masters of their own affairs, and their own fortunes. We shall pay the bill, though we did not deliberately Incur It. "In order to meet every demand upon the treasury without delay or per ad ven ture and In order to keep the treasury string, unquestionably strong, and strong throughout the present anxiety, I re spectively urge that an additional revenue of $100,000,000 be raised through Internal taxes devised in your wisdom to meet the emergency. "The only suggestion I take the liberty of making Is that such sources of revenue be chosen as will begin to yield at once, and yield with a certain and constant flow. "I cannot close without expressing ths confidence with which I approach a con gress." with, regard to this 'or. any other mslter, which hss shown so untiring a devotion to public duty, which has re sponded to the needs of the nation throughout a long season despite In evitable fatigue and personal sacrifice, and so large a proportion of wise mem bers have devoted their whole tlmrf and energy to the business of the country." inan news exclusively from the new com ranr. "The compsny Intends to make a simi lar arrangement with Reuter's Tele graphic bureau for those foreign coun tries In which Reuter controls tele araphio communication. If Reuter de ' rllnes. the Deutsches Ksbelgeselleachaft, on call. I need not point out to you what the probable consequences of Incon venience and distress and confusion would be if the . diminishing income of the treasury should make It necessarily to rapidly withdraw these deposits. And yet without additional revenue that plainly might become necessary, and the a smaller German news, agency, which time when It became necessary could supplying from certain countries such as not be controlled or determined by the Mexico, working In agreement '"convenience of the business of the JA'olffs Telegrephle bureau. Is to bccuntry. It would fcave to be determined financed by the new company, which isiy th opepaUoiia tni nacsriUes of the to run a service in competition with treagury ltBeIf rUkB ar, Ilot Reuter's." jsary and ought not to be run. Wa can The dispstrh furtner siaiea n " -; not too scrunulouslv or carefully safe- 1 guard a financial situation which is at best, while difficult and I delay are not the worst forms policy under such conditions war continues In Europe, abnormal. Hesitation and of bad further stated that the concerns represented si ing, sgreed to pay Into a pool amounts eouH.1 to those they had been accustomed uhr.m,! for advertising In for- ' rign pspers. : Tfc totnl of this Item alone, the dls. pstch s.lde.l. c?t' w-d to be not less i Must Mai Borrow. than $12i009 per annum. The dispatch, "And wa ought not to borrow. Wa .concluded willi '.I ' s'.atoment that the j ought to resort to tsxation. however we new systrm was to be Immediately in- j miy ,esiol tn. necessity of putting ad augurated In Ponth American countries, i ditlonal temporary burdens on our p'eo- I pie. io sen oonds would ie to mass a j most untimely and unjustifiable demand I on the money market; untimely because Yacht Will Take Gold Into Harbor j of Constantinople Exodus from Paris to Switzerland On GENEVA. Sept 4. (Via Paris, l-M p. m.) The exodus from Paris to Switzer land has begun. A train Service, three times as frequent as under normal con ditions, la bringing quantities of refu gees, mostly women and children, from the French capital. All the trains are overcrowded. There are some Americana FancyVestSpecial If you want to toue up an oKl or last season's suit, here ia your chance. AH of our fnncy vests, regardless of former price, marked at a quick sale price among the refugees, whoare seeking to return home by way of Italy. A number of Belgians also are coming In from France. . Switzerland Is perfectly quint. The crops are good and there Is plenty of food, and the good hotels In the cities are maintaining normal prices. Hun dreds of Americans, now that the money question has been settled, have decided to remain In Switxerland until the war is over. Ths most desirable turntsned rooms ars advertised In Ths Be Get a nice cool room for the summer. 81.50 for Saturday. $6.00. Values up to m. Fall Hats Are Ready For Picking Pick the right one, for a man's crowning glory is his hat. None but the best styles and makes find room in our hat depart ment $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 i Stetson's Swell Creations $3.50 and $5.00 Ttiis Luxurious $ Turkish Rocker.. Be "Style Careful" Says Julius Orkin In Buying a Fall Suit at This Time of the Year, Style Is Just As Important As Price. An $18 Value at This Unusually Low Price. Special Terms-$1.00 Cash, $1.00 a Month THIS MASSIVE OVER STUFFED IMPERIAL LEATHER ROCKER is without doubt the great est bargain ever offered in this city. They are absolutely guaranteed and far superior to any rocker generally advertised at $18. The frame is strongly and rigidly constructed of thorough ly seasoned hard woori The platform or base of rocker is very substantial, finished either ma hogany or oak with deeply carved claw feet. Eack is diamond tufted with a contiruons raffle extending around edge, while the seat is of smooth covering upholstered over oil tempered springs. Only through our tremendous buy ing power are we able to offer you this most tf Q 4 jr exceptional bargain ' for Saturday's selling at t.hta low tt WASHINGTON. eVu --".ry Pryan said today that the American navsl yacht Scorpion would meet the crulBer North Carolina outside the Dardsnelles to take off te I1M.W0 In fold for ths relief of AmerlcsJis. The secretary eald that whll rf ply had yet been made to the commuhl rutl.m of the Turkish government that it would le unsafe for the North Carolina to venture through the mined waters of the Psrdanelles. the American govern ment ulans to use the Scorpion as sug .esWJ by the grand vUler. this is manifestly not the time to with draw working capital from other uses to sy the government's blllsi unjustl fisblu, bees use unnaoessary- "The country Is able to pay any Just and reasonable taxes without distress. And to every other form of borrowing, whether for long periods or for short, there is the same objection. These are not the circumstances, and at this par tleulsr moment and in this particular no formsli "Ufency not the market to borrow large sums ot money. What we are seeking Is to ease and assist .very financial tran ssctlon, not to add a single additional eniberrafcsment to the situation. The people of this country are both Intelligent and profoundly patriotie. They are ready to meet ths present conditions In the Never In my experience In the suit and cloak buslnees was It harder to buy right than for this Fall's trade. . During the month I spent in the j Kast in tne style centers, raaicai changes were twice wrought In the style for milady's fall suits. I spent three weeks watching and waiting for the styles to "settle." and when I bought I secured the au thentic styles the same as will be shown as correct in the largest East ern stores. Unfortunately, many buyers in the early market loaded up with fall gar ments, which hare already been with drawn from manufacture, in favor of the present styles. The short coat of the ladles' fall suits, which were manufactured early in the season, have been replaced by the 4 5-inch length, and on Saturday i I offer two special values in these correct styles that will appeal to all women who want to buy now, and at j the same time feel sure mat tney hare bought the right models. For $17.60 I will sell Saturday ladles' suits that are actually worth 1 126.0(1 and $27.00. For 123.60 you will find beautiful suits that should bring 130.00 to 132.60. An Inspec tion will convince you that the val ues can't be dupltpated in Omaha sale or no sale. And more free wals Rt'"d! The ladles certainly read my adi, be cause the way they're taking aavau tage of this offer the past two days has convinced me beyond a doubt. Come along, then, Saturday; buy any waist you see. and I'll present you with one FREE of exactly the same quality and price as the, one you buy. You select the one you buy, and you select the one I give you. It's simply novel Idea of mine to clean up all waists where only one, two or three of a lbt remain. Hun dreds for you to chose from. JlMlfi ORK1V ' -1210 JJuiulna. yWmM&ffi .Wrasse r;q r ' ' ' 1 ' " ''lisaWWsfMsKIBeBwm SSS I MBji Let Hartman Feather JgiM Mf , Your Nest fiffij llllll Uillllll ' ' ," Mill g LI II III rrrga! M jpffHTTWl .utLj.iLL.u jiMiPwninimiii DitisMMlMil Xjp IOUf NeSt I f Gar Spec ml Outfit j -7T!llll'P, i II Hi ( I A rooms fa a II IliM . j! g Completely 11 HI JfeT FURNISHED ) J ! $5.00 $QQ M "J Monthly.. -77 VlF-i 7 , I V ' Credit To Complete j iw- Out-of-Town j Lmr27?i Catagogue Mailed - ! eM Trad. J F"e n i . .uiuuiraBMSsay i 11 ti war 1 f !H ' &$tjA tjfervZtl6K 'A ted with Hartman's easy running slides. A great value; ThO' A GENUINE RUG BARGAIN 9x12 Ft. Monarch Brussels Rug $10.95 Mail Orders 1 Filled ELEGANT COLONIAL DINING TABLE FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING VE OFFER THIS SPLENDID COLON IAL BIX-FOOT AMERICAN QUARTERED IMITATION OAK DINING ROOM TA-BLB. Constructed throughout of selected wood, beautifully polished. Pedestal la massive, built on mission lines and supported by four heavy colon turned legs. Table top is large and fit ted with Hartman's easy running slides. A great value; very specially priced at. . FAMOUS MERIT RECENT STEEL RANGE, Colonial type, strongly con structed. Top Is made In three sec tions with six 8-inch holes. Large sire oven, deep fire box. duplex (trate, elaborately nickel trim mod and full nickel towel bar. Store sets oa extra bea-vy steel base. A wonderful value. priced at. K wooderft specially $23.50 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS ST. A HANDSOME AND LARGE SIZE DRESSER. Constructed of well sea soned wood, finished in American quarter sawed imitation oak. The base has four conveniently arranged drawers fitted with wood pulls. Mir ror Is of French bevel plate. Specialty priced for tomorrow at. , l$7. 68