10 THK REE; OMAJIA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1014. f " 1- By MELLIFICIA, Friday, September 4, 1914. VEN tl Eeodi VEN the children are novM by the appeal of the Visiting Nurse as sociation and the announcement of the Tag da? to be held Wednee- for ita benefit. At a meeting of the worker held this morn ing at the city ball little Carl Renstrom and Earl Kingston, each of them 11 years old, approached Mrs. Adolph Stora. "May we help on Tag day?" they asked. Mrs. St or i promptly enlisted ttvem as her assistants. Mrs. Ellen Stewart and Miss Bessie Randall, superintendent of the nurses, responded to a call for volunteers to be at the mark d. strict at e o'clock In the morning. Mrs. Philip Potter admonished the women to be on hand at the city ball promptly at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning to receive the keys of the city from Mayor Dahlman. "If the mayor will be on hand that early, you ought to be here also," the said. The women decided to station no workers near the school buildings for fear the children would torment their teachers the rest of the day with their tags and because the schools give generously to the Visiting Nurse association at Thanksgiving time. About seventy-five women were present at the meeting. TO DECORATE FOR STATE FAIR Local Boosters Will Wear Badge and Trim Autos in Colon. CHOICE TICKETS ARE ON SALE nmf Admittances to He Sold at Varlnae Flares la Omaha and Soot a Omaha -Maay t lube Rooatlaa; Rvent. From buttonhole to windshield of auto mobile, the Omaha and South Omaha erowds that will attend the state fair at Lincoln September 10 will be streaming with a vsrtegated flare of badges, pen nants, hunting and streamers. Official badges will he distributed on the trains na at the Ak-flar-Bcn office to all those rho are going to Lincoln from Omaha nd Month Omaha on that dev. T.- nants may also be secured from Mecre- European Travelers. Miss Ethel Lynn, a teacher In Central school, who was In Geneva, 8wltserland, August 1, arrived yesterday on the Arabic In Boston. Bhe aalled from Liverpool and will be home the first of next week. tr. and Mrs. Felix leepeher of this city, who have been In Paris this sum mer, plsn to sail from Kngland Septem ber 1. All of the relatives of Dr. Dea pecher have moved from their homes in the suburb of Paris to the south of Trance. The men of the Deepecher fam ily are with the Trench army. At Carter Like Club. Mrs. Roy O.thers entertained at lunch eon st Carter Lake club Thursday In honor of her aunt, Mlas Dorothy Shorter of Cowea, Isle of Wight, Englsnd. Ms Shorter Is principal of Was borne college there and' leaves Monday for her last term In England, since she Intends to re turn to America in the spring to make her home. Mlsa Shorter has traveled around the world and this Is her third trip to 'America. A surprise was sprung st the luncheon when Mrs. Fred Shorter announced her engagement to Mr- Arthur Morgan of Xstnvwr. The marrlajra will take place In the spring. Covers were laid for twenty six guests st the luncheon. Dr. and Mm. F. Kant entertained st Inner at Carter Lake club last evening In honor of Dr. R. L. Mants of Cedar Rapids, la. Covers were p'aced for eight guests. The Thursday Bridge club had luncheon at the club, following which the afternoon was spent at bridge. Those present wars: ' Misses Misses Inei Latey. Allle Hoiutoa, Blanche Whltlock. Mm Oreen, Mesdarnaa Meedsmes : Miles Oreenleaf. J. B. Good. A. P. Whltmore. Mrs. A. T. Jager entertained at lunch ' eon at the club Thursday. Covers were I laid for: -v Bead ernes C. Slpple. R. c. Btoddsrd. O. Dybbro, Mesdsmee ; Oeorge Howell, W. Kenwfck. ! B. Howell, i Leo Hoffman, Mies Ethel Tlemey was hostess st ard K,j,y M j,,, P(t.r uncnoon wnen nor utiu laciuunu. rosea. Mr. Philip White was best man. After the ceremony, supper wss served to seventy-five guests. Mr. snd Mrs. Mor ton left for Denver snd Colorado Springs and will be st home after September 26 at SD17 Burt 'street In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mis Helvye Olsen lias returned from sn extended motor trip In California. Mr. end Mrs. John B. Ankeny of Dixon, Neb., motored over Monday for a visit with Mrs. Ankeny's slater, Mrs. C. P, Llndberg. ' Mrs. Harley Moorhead and children returned home1 yesterday from . Ike OkoboJI, where they spent the summer. having leased the Patterson cottsge. Mr. snd Mrs. Chris Hansen have i turned from their summer trip to' the mountains of Colorado and are at their home, MO South Twenty-sixth street. Miss Mayme Hutchinson, who has been spending the summer st Ban Frsnclsoo and Los Angeles, hss returned and taken apartments at the Georgia,' 1010 Georgia avenue. Registering at the Hotel . McAlpin in New Tork City from Omaha during the week have been Mr. Edgar H. Rubel, Mlas Josephine Grant, Mr. Uenrfte W. Randall Mr. George T. Wilson. Mr. Max Orkln, Miss Mabel C. Allison and Mr. J. A. Whslen. Mrs. IS. O. MrOllton will leave for- the east Sunday to accompany her deugjjjer, .Mlsa Bleanor -McUIHon, and Mlas Wini fred Rouae, who will enter Smith college. Mr. O. J. De Vore and family of Ponca City, Okl., motored to Omaha Tuesday for a visit with Mr. De Vore's sister, Mrs. C. V. Undberg, and Mr. Llndberg of 1X14 Ogden street. At Ton ten ell TseV Mra Florence Petersen hed twelve guests at a luncheon Thursday, Those present were Mrs. R, A. Kelsey, Miss Henrietta Kelsey, Mra. C. Danism, Mrs. A. Petersen, Miss Lillian Petersen, Mlas Kelsey, Mlas Petersen, Mlsa Helen Peter sen, Mrs. Howard Petersen. Miss Norma Petersen, Miss Stacla Kelsey, Mrs. Rich. Mlsses Misses Hasel Anderson, Aramlnta Anspach, Helen Anderson, Henrietta West, Florence M oiler, A lam Boreneon. Helen Sorenson. , Others entertaining at dinner last even ing were John Beveridge, who had four 'guests; R. M. Gathers, three; B. H. Ward, four; R. Wenstfand, four; Uoyd Corliss, five; James A. Woodman, ona. Tor St Louii Visitor. In honor of Miss lUsel Broaden of St Louis, Miss Ethel Albach gave a dinner eJid card party at her home Wednesday. Covers were laid for eight and the prise was won by Miss Freda Cayley. Seymour Lake Country Club.. ' Mrs. F. B. Ames entertained the fol : lowing at luncheon yesterday: Mesdamea Meedamea Blanchard, p. I). Callahan Richard Novak. 0f El Paso, Tes. James Hush. Mrs. R. E. Suhlndel had thirty-six guests at - luncheon yesterday and the , afternoon wss spent at bridge. Suitable t prises were awarded for the high scores. Mra Wesley P. Adklns wss hostess at ( a small luncheon, followed by a ken slngton. Her guests were: Meadamee Meadam T. R. Graham F. C. Sllmeon, of Lincoln, T. U McGarry ' George A llinsham of Council Bluffs, of Council Bluffs, Mlas Hssel A rod. Mrs. A. 8- Mi diem entertained a lunch eon sad dancing party having as her sruests: . Meadanw-e Mesdames 1. M. Jxrd. it M. Anderson, XohnUrlon. ' M. I King. ' James C. Dahlman, David C. Dodds, Mrs. John Rlrker and daughter Thelma have returned from a two weeks' stay In Oakland. Cal. Mrs. Nathan flomherg, 43l Fowler ave nue, entertained at Fontenelle park Thursday for Master Don Romberg on his fourth birthday. Those present were: Mesdamee Meadaraea Thomas Gannon, Austin. H. C. McKrtde, Don Bomberg. H. W. Simpson, John Simpson Bomberg. R. K. Dickson, Masters Masters Walter Gannon, Marvin Blehon, Harold Pepper, Hubert Pepper. Misses Misses Katherlne Gannon, Ruth Oewlnner, Helen Bishop, Ruth Dickson. Lola Bishop, . Personal Mention. . A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. De Forest Richards. Mrs. Rich ards to at Hull, Maas. J. H. Parratt George Alwlne, Charles Kobte. H. E Said. E. Allyn, Joseph Jamison. George Jones, James Corr, . G. TomUnson of DaiUta. Tex. Mlsa K. F. Worley. The South Omaha High school class of 1311 held a reunion at the club and en Dwlght Powell, Jlenry Martin, C. M. Skinner, John Beklna, A. A. MuiJraw. A. P. iHirkeea, T. U Cianba, James Herr, 8. M. Moiham of Crawford. Neb. Omaha Merchants to Go After Trade in South America Ships sailing out of New Orleans di rectly through the Panama canal to the west coast of South America are la a position to handle Omaha made goods In commerce with South America. This the Omaha Manufacturers' association learned from correspondence wUh New Orleans. The Manufacturers' association at Its first fall meeting discussed the prospect of pushing commerce with South America in the present war crista while the German and English goods are not going to South America as rapidly as they had been before. It was decided that an expert from St. Louis should be called to Omaha next week to talk to the manufacturers at an other meeting. The day haa not been set. He will dlsauss the mstter of opening up larger trade relations with South Amer ica. . A letter from the Chamber of Com merce of New Orleans staled that a steamship company from that city was sending out ships every two weeks, and tery J. I. Weaver st the Ak-Sr-Hen of fice. In fsft. Ak-.nr-Ben pennants sre of value In this trip, fnr automobiles are to be parked free of chnree In the fair grounds only If they fly Ak-Ser-Ren pen nants. If they don't fly the pennants there Is "nothing doing." Arrangement have been made for the automobile parties to meet at the Lin coln hotel at 10 o'clock to go In a body to the fair grounds. They expect to exe cute at grand parade through the streets with pennants In the wind before start ing for the fair grounds. Ticket. Sale Ideally. In order that the Omaha and South Omaha crowds mav be well unnlio with tickets for the grandstand for the races, tickets will be on. sate In Omaha before the daycomes. Commissioner Robert Manley will have them for sale st the Commercial club and BerretHry J. I). Weaver of Ak-Sar-Ben at the Ak-Sar-Ben office. Also the secretaries of a dozen or more clubs, lodges and fraternal societies In the CltV Will SI'll llrWal, A n.l.l card of fast and classy races hss been scheduled for September 10 in honor of Omnha and South Omaha day, and It will be possible to pick out choice seats and reserve them beforehand. CONTRACTORS' BONDS TO DOUBLE IN THEIR COST An Incryese of inn per tent In the cost of contract bonds, effective by September 1.1, is worrying contractors. For 'years the rate has been one-half of one per cent but notice Just received! in Omsha from headquarters of the bonding com panies la to the effect that It will be advanced to 1 per cent. Kxplainlng this raise. Jlarry Koch asys: "Formerly, contrsct bonds were only to insure faithful performance of the contract. But " court decisions have gradually Increased the scope of the bond, until now even psyment of' the contrac tor's bills have been ruled ss being cov ered by the ordlnsry contract bond. Un expected lornes resulting from such Ju dicial interpretation have made an In creased rate necessary to keep the bond ing compsnlee from losing money." More Than Hundred Joyriders Arrested in Last Four Days During the last three or four days nesrly 125 arrests have been made by Motor cycle Officers Emery snd Holden In their endeavor to put a stop to reokless end careless sutomoblle driving In Omahs. Wednesday morning about 2:45 o'clock sixteen actors snd actresses . from the Gayety and Empress .were arrested for disorderly conduct. The trial was post poned until FYiday morning when all were discharged, as It appears the only complaint against the people was that they were all packed into two machines which gave rise to suspicion on the part of the officers st that time af the day Thr-y were well frightened bv ttie'r ex perience In police ' court and promised the Judge to be more discreet In the future. F. M. Fuller from Council Bluffs wss given a fine of 110 snd costs tor speeding. O. 8. Seabeahm got 125 snd costs, sus pended, for the seme offense. Walter McOulgan. 1IS Nicholas street, was let off for II snd costs, neinj only a youngster. Roy Blark, a merchant of Oakland", la , hsd a companion snd two yo'inj women out for a spin snd they were srrested for disorderly conduct at Nineteenth and Ixard streets. It wss asserted thst the machine had been ;o.-ivrtd into a "spooning parlor." The you.ig people, however, excused their actions by siylng that as the boys hsd n coats and It wss cold the girls were trying with their macklnswa to keep them warm. All four forfeited their bonds. LOCAL ITALIAN RESERVES TO GO HOME TO FIGHT Nineteen Italian reservists sre hooked to leave Omaha over the Northwestern September 19. They are answering the call of the king of Italy and are going home to fight for their flag snd their country. Suit Sale Saturday To encourage early buy ins: we will offer about 100 women's suits at a big Having. Please bear in mind that these suits are from our regular stock ami which have arrived during the past few days. They are the correct and established styles, 45-inch length or longer jackets-r-colors are Russian green, negro brown, black, navy, plum, $25.00 1 and $27.50 values $17.50 $30.00 and $32.50 values $23.50 jTODAY, SATURDAY, SEPT. 5thc l9fQ Waists (Givei May JKEE elect any Two Ladies' Waists From Our Present Stock, and . PAY THE: PMC E OF ONE The Other Will Be Given to You FREE Any TWO $1.00 Wiists. $1.00 Any TWO $1.50 Waists. $1.50 Any TWO $1.95 Waists, $1.95 Any TWO $2.50 Waists, $2.50 Any TWO $2.95 Waists, $2.95 None C. O. D. None on Approval. This most sensational Waist offer eclipses all past performances. Positively the opportunity of a lifetime. You have the unrestricted choice of this beautiful stock and get TWO waists for the price of ONE. The Julius Orkin policy of not carrying over, merchandise from one season to another is our only reason for this won derful offer. Any TWO $3.50 Waists, $3.50 Any TWO $3.95 Waiss, $3.95 Any TWO $5.00 Waists, $5.00 Any TWO $6.50 Waists, $6.50 Any TWO $7.59 Waists, $7.50 All Sales to be Final. None Exchanged. MATERIALS Crepe de Chine, China Silk, Satin Mes saline, Georgette Crepe, Organdie, Cot ton Voile, Chiffon, Linen, Taffeta, etc. Jufiti s y mm 1510 ZOT7GX.iLS ST. "The Waist Store of the Town" e Joyed dinner together last evening. Coy. tnt lh. cmirv would be In a position . w. muu wr M lasts- Mis sea Genevieve Rsferty, Lorette Reed, Ann Knight. Margaret Lwta, siabel Imbert. Ann Fluor, , Htanch Herald. traoe Herd. Lailiau Ilt'kman, Carrie K reuse, Meeara Kari Kenworthy, ' Kuy V. Ilaoo. t'art Keret. i lli Onek, .-Ted Bratton. ; V ward Lwry, ' A. HigKlru, Ore re Bratton, Rose Lamert. Hertha Ichnovakv, Kiith Ewlng, N. Heeerh. Orare Walsh. Thraa Hemann, Florence Colllna. Messrs. L.ysle Knight. Henry Reainussen, Io A. C'ahlll, Charles burke, John Kohn, George Bmlth. K. Hayes. llortoa-SUack Weddinf. Miss Margaret Maria Staack and Darld Morton were married at the home of ths t Je's mother, Mrs. Fred Btaack, by Rev. Leonard Oroh of St. Mark's LMth eran church Wednesday evening at I o'clock. Mrs. T. rarlett played the Lob. engrtn wedding meroh. t he bride wore white crape de ohlne. trimmed with shadow lace and pearls. Fbs carried a shower bouquet of brtds's voaea. Mlas Lucy Marti was maid ef honor, tfhe wore blue crepe de rhlne, trimmed with shadow laodg and carried Mrs. Ward's roses. Miss BotUia An dreeeen was bridesmaid. Bhe wore a pink crepe de chit gown, trimmed with tadow Uce, and carried Mrs. Ward's to handle Omaha cargoes ss well ss those of New Orleans. Is Your Boy Ready for School! School starts Tuesday. Have you bought shoes for the BoyT If not, get htm a pair of PTEEL ilOD y)l!0ES Saturday. They outwear two palra of ordinary Boys' shoes. Boys' 1 to & 4, 2.SO Utile R-onta' 9 to 1 3 . $2.25 1419 Farnam St Buys School Clothes for tho CHILDREN A small V)'"t each wrrk keops your children anionic the wen-dressed cla. We guarantee our children's clothe to give hnt lsfaction. . FOR BOYS A big showing of Boys' AH Wool Suite, made to stand the wear and tear. All styles, in cluding Norfolk. In blue, brown, gray and fancy Scotch mixtures. Priced from $3.50 np. ONLY PART OF CROP MOVING LOAN BEING USED LOCALLY The balance of the crop-moving money to be loaned by the federal government to the Omaha banks, has not" yet been re ceived In Omaha Thus far the banks hsve received only a quarter of the mil lion dollar loan they sre to receive. They have as yet received no announcement ss to when the balance would come. The banks are not In a hurry for It. however. as they are compelled to pay Interest on It from the time they get It, and the rush for crop moving loans has not yet commenced. a vosn ir.ipunzrjiuz for Infants e Invalids HORLICEI'S It means the Original eail Geausna MALTED MIL! I "ClActi Jmitaticn? Th Fwod-Drink for all Ages Rick milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infanta, invalids aad growing children. Purenutrition.upbuilding the whole body. . Invigorates nursing mothers aad the aged. More healthful than tea or cotfc. Take smb SHbetHete. . Ask for HORUCK'S IIOrdJCK'S OMitaUs Pure Milk FOR GIRLS Pretty Ooatg aud Hats for little girls, for both school and dress wear. Brand new stock, and all sold at lowest prices. Our way of doing business will please you. CASH Oil CREDIT-Prices Just the Same J2) L3 THE KING Of Credit Men 1417 Douglas sMsBbbbQ Real QoMnSy a Faultless Fashion W male our append, to womtn who demand the above qualifications what ever the price. We sell to Women who know the fallacies of false economy women who believe, as we do, that cheaply-made "shoes are not GOOD at any price. Oar Jine of Fall Shoe for Women !a oom;lete. Priced from 3 to 1 in Dlssy Head, Flatterlag Heart, Fle4. lea aeehs. These sre signs of kidney and bladder trouble. Tou'll have headaches, too, back, aches snd be tired all over. Don t wait longer, but begin taking Toley Kidney Pills at once. It won't be long before your miserable akk feeling- will be gone. Tou win aleep well, eat well and grow strong snd srtlve again. They are a tonic and your entire system as well as kidney and bladder will be benefited by their use. Try them. For sals by all dealers. Advertisement. LIQUOR and DRUG Treatment 1603 8. lOtb 61 Phone D. 75S6 OMAHA r ; 1," " L fire?" h iota 2aDouauA For Brealrfast Foods I! tkaVllwfliiZiwasgan 2 There's nothing more appetizing than cereals Dot or coia gerved wn Cottaqe StewtllseMl Uametsned Cottsge Milk comes from healthy cows and is dented la our spotlessly clean factories. It is ths richest milk with nothing taken out but water and nothing added. It hut Indefinitely. For purity .freshness, flavor and economy. vvtwB i. uiicLciwa. usenwner. ever yon nave oeen using botti cream wmub oesesuppi today. In Two Sisew 6 and lO CENTS t(ltf CeoWZWers AMERICAN MILK CO. pa.. ' m i con- aB MMM&.a P tine iiviixm uuik wun noming taaen out out i x ri. ft t water -snd nothing addei It lasts j$k&,&t Jh sje lit. f m i- a fW A JT - m 7 ' mm Most Modera and SanlUry Brewery In the West. Family trade supplied by: Houth, Omaha WM. eXTTER, 2502 N Ktrwoti Telephone 8ouU 83. Omaha UVGO K. B1LZ, I9t Oouatas btreef Pboue Itouglaa 8O40. OvoncU lUuffs OLD AUK MH. 1812 South Sixth Street: Phono SOUS. The most desirable furnished rooms are advettlsed In The ltee. Grt a nlos cout roor4 fur the summei. Let The Bee et you a ood job. Situations Wanted ads are free Slomeseekers' Rates to Florida VIA lllinnio fionYrnl On the first and third Tuesdays of each month, Home seekers' tickets to Florida points will be on sale via ILLINOIS CENTRAL at greatly reducd rates. Return limit 15 dayha Winter Tourist Tickets on sale on and after October 15 th. Rates and information, City Ticket Office 407 So. 16th St Omaha, ' TeL Dou. 2ci s