lfir,: ImiAiiA, i miA, Si.. ...,. l.iU. FOR RKJfT Iloaees and tottaaes IN KOCNTZK PLACE. "wm house. 3211 No. lstii fit.; oak fin ish, sleeping porch, $:. 8 rooms. lfi?i Fiencer, NEW, beautiful Mtnf, good location, 15. Pee thin at omf, HASTIN'ia ft 1 1 KTDKX. VS14 Harney St FOIl RENT " Wo have a complete Hat of all house, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be seen free of charge nt Omaha Van A Storage Co.. K S It.th St. HnilRPB ,n Psrts of th city. Creigh Sons . ee Pldff. Free Rental List Complete InformatlDii about every va rant houso un apartment In the cltv. This service la free. Tel. Douglas 4477. Fidelity Ptorenre ft Van Co. NONE to compare, all modern 7-roonl house, also 4-room flat. 2lH N. 23d NEW 5-ronm houaT inquire 60USo7T2d St. Call Harney 6S07. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing- and shipping. Iflth ft Jackson Sts Phone Doug, l.llti. Maggard's .irSS 717- . . rates for to dyi. I4trt van, I men, tl 25 per hr; dray a men, $1 per Tir. 1713 Webster. Pong. li!6. ROOM house, all modern, tree water. N. 10th. Tel. D. -K. house, mod, ex. nt.. frslpk. Ay. n. 016. Store abrt Offices. OFFICE WITH VAULT Suite of 3 rooms On 3d Floor with water, electric light, and vault .in. THE PRE RIILDINC1 CO. . ' Office, Itoom M3. Harua, aD.brn- room for p 1 horses. 1817 Webster Kt Call Douglas 4& REAL ESTATE . FAHM at RASXH LANDS FOR A 1,13 Coloraoo. CATTLE & HAY Ranch, Pan Luis Valley, Colo 1.CS0 crea; level, good anil, cuts fioo tons hay, close to government mountain range, a real bargain; I per acre. Oolng out Monday. Come along look It over. QBORGR F. BARTON. Paxton Hotel. Iowa. $2,000 Cash Makes First Payment On 120-Acre Iowa Farm If you want a good Iowa farm, located close to town and Within forty-five mllea of Omaha, on the main line of the North western road, you should Investigate this 1.0-acre farm. It la located 4i mllea north of Woodbine, la. There are about ninety acres under cultivation, about one Iialf acre In orchard and the balange. pasture. Haa six-room house and other outbuildings. Price, 100 an acre. Here is an opportunity to own a splendid Iowa farm that you will be able to sell before lopS for 1125 to $.160 per acre. Owner rnlrnt take tone Omaha property in trad for part Hastings & Heyden 1H14 HARNEY STRfeET. Minartuia, MINNESOTA state fair visitors: Don't 'go home without seeing the St. Croix valley. Chisago county, garden spot of nil Minnesota. In Its radiant beauty, and examining Its dairy and stockxgrowlng lands. If you aee this section, you will not be contented anywhere else. 64 mllea north of the Twin Cities, on Northern Pacific railway. The valley that look the world e corn growers' prlre for three years. Come, , If you can, Write, if you can t., fori free lists and literature. 8t clr0,x.Jall'y Lanl Loan Co., Rush city, Minn. - NO FAILURES In Pine county, Mlnne ota; close to best market; choice lands,-easily cleared. -120 Dec- acre: easy terms. Hunt-Johnson, Hinckley. Minn. Nehrnaka. This to You, Mr. Farmer If you have $1,000 or more to pay down on a good farm, we can fit the term to your nettts and eeH you one that will pay for ItHelf In a few years. Read these descriptions of Irrigated farms In the Scott's Bluff country, where water la abundant and where big crop ere seen every year. NO. 512. Aa fine an 80-acre piece of land as Ilea out of doors. .You never put a plow Into richer soil or soil that will bring , better crops. There Is a sure three foet of water for every acre, and for alfalfa, grain, potatoes or sugar beets there la nothing better. It Is level, easy to irrigate', all hroken and ready today for crops. Nice farms all around It, and only ti miles from town. Price, $ii0 per acre, and eauy terma NO. 503. This 160 will please the most exacting farmer. It Is only 4 miles to town, has a nice, comfortable, 6-room house; a big, new barn; a small tenant house and is all well fenced. There is a nice little grove and some ama'l fruit; about SS acres of fine alfalfa, the balance in sugar beeta. corn, barley, etc. The soil is the very best, and with a fine water supply (same as above) raises big crops every year. It is one of the choicest farms in the valley; only bait mile to school. Price, $110 per acre, terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block. Omaha. KOR BALD One oT tliebeat "farms with fine improvements at a very low price; In Boyd Co.. Neb. Addresa B. C, care Corn Exchange Bank. Bpencer. Neb. o. Can You Beat It? SO Acres, Sarpy county, 30 miles of Omaha; SA acres under cultivation. 23 acres timber and pasture and thin land; good 4 -room house, barn, corncrlb and well. The land under cultivation will how for Itself. If cleared of timber there would be a good TO acres as good produc tive land, year in and year out. as ever laid outdoors. For Immediate sale. The price la scandalously low today, and for certain reasons It will greatly enhance in value. Lo not answer thla unless you want a good cheap farm. Prl'-e $3,750; $750 cash. $1,000 more March 1. 1915, bal ance $2,000,' per cent. No trade consid ered whatsoever. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. ' X. K. Cor. 23d and M Sts.. Bouth Omaha. etv Turk. BARGAINS $ rash, K manthW buys 10 lots on Long If land. N. Y.; lull price, $40 'oniy $4 each). Vail, 133 William 6L, New York City, N. Y. Wiaesiwlav Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and geuerul crop sia.it in the union; seiuers .r.anied, lanua tor aaiu at low prices, on easy bimi. Ask for book let Si on Wisconsin Cr.tral Land Grant btata acres wunud. vVrito about our grasing lands. If InUKLted In fruit lands. ak fur booklet on Ap:le Orchards in Wisconsin. Addrcas Land Dept. 8oo Line lty.. Minneapolis. Minn. M laeeliataeoaa. IF INTSREJSTKD In land la Southern Iowa and southern Mlnneaola write tlie F. L. Jones Land company, Winlersut. la. for their Hat of farms REAL KSTATK LOANS WANTKi Ctly loans, l.un Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Ejlt Nebraska farmaT UKKtm REAL KrtTATa; CO., 1016 Omaha Nat l. po'ig aa 2713. REAL ESTATE LOANS HON KY on hand for cttv and farm loans. H. W. Hinder. Clty Nt'lllank Hid. (C CITY LOANS Peri la-Carlherg CoTT " t ?'0-312 Hiandela Thter Itl1n. WANTKI C 1 1 y loans snd warrant W Farnairi Smith Co., 13M J;'arnni. HAimVsON FmoHTON,' lOmN"t;l. CITT property. Leige loans a eiecilty. JW H. Thorns s, m State Hank Bid. Jli to 110,0) made promptly. F. D. Wead" Wead Rldg., Kth and Farnam Sts. CITY and farm loans, 5. S't, per cent. J. II. I'uniont ft Co.. ! Farnam, Omaha, 6FK u first If vou Want a farm loan. United Ftntes Trust "o.. Omaha. Nab. PRIVATK MOXKY To loan on Omaha hnhvos; reasonable rates. W. T. SMITH CO . 1111 Cltr National Bank. REAL estate wanted We hae several cu-tome: a for 4 and 5- I room ottsges on payments of $100 and VAW cash, balance monthly. THE VOGEL REALTY AOKNCT. 1015-10 W. . W. Hldg. IlKAL ESTATE rUK EXCHANCifc ' plnwn for other musical tnstru'ts C 2017 j 400-Acre Cattle Ranch j In Stead Countv, South takota. two miles iron! ixnni, tir nt its in hiisiib, wribihv tll'flhie; plenty of water and some timber along creek. Trice 112 60 per acre. Will exchange for city property. The Vogel Realty A coney, V113-W W. p. W. Uudg. AftSTR lCTS OF TITLE. KKHR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern nhstract office. 305 8. 17th St. Phone Douglas 64S7. P.KEI1 Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska- 2T41 Ilrnnduls Theater. HKAIi ESTATE NORTH 6IDE NEW, 7-room house for sale by owner. 3435 Webster Ht. :r lrfa41 l v- 1 v .')X,.V.. Thin Neat 6-itooin An ,u iu.'.ii Uungalow CAN BE BOUSHT ON EASY MONTHLY PAY MENTS. . This house, located In one of Omaha's new Beautifully Ieveloped Building Ad ditionswhere building restrictions In sure good homes in surrounding neigh borhood. The house Is substantially built, has all modern conveniences and Is very conveniently arranged, Is lVi blocks from car" line. Telephone' Doug. 226 for further de scription. Bankers Realty Investment Op., Ground Floor Bee Bldg., Telephone Doug. 2926. EASY PAYMENTS . Four rooms, brand new, with atalrway to floored attlo where two more rooms can be finished, city water, cement cellar, cement walks, east front lot, just a I'ttle south of Fontenele park: one lot $1,600 or $1 K50 with two lots, located 401 N. 43d St.; $. cash with monthly payments will take this nice home. 0. G. CARLBERG, 310-312 Brandela Theater Bldg. -4 IDi "i'1inSrlrtfiY ni 11 nr'naVi This House U For Hale on Easy Monthly Payments. Five. Room and Screened-ln Sleeping Porch. THIS HOI.'SU JUST FINISHED. This all modern house la H blocks from car line has rooms downstairs, with acr?ened-ln sleeping porch and two rooms upstairs, with bath. Telephone Douglas 29241 for further de scription. Bankers Realty Investment Co., Ground Floor Bee Bldg., Telephone Doug. V920. 7-Koom Modern Cottage, 24x3 Only $3,200 Large basement, bricked up, with ce ment floor; south front lot. Mxl28; ce ment walks with coping; good location, at 3028 Fowler Ave. . W. II. GATES, Room 647, Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1244. $100 CASH BALANCE $16 PER MONTH Five-room, partly modern, nice large lot, 60x1-8, plenty of shade, chicken house, close to cart and achool. Price only $2,000. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-t6 W. O. W.. Bldg. Bargain 5-Room Cottage ; $1,475 $100 Cash, Balance $15 Per Month This la a nice cottage; corner SOth and Rugglas, on f'th Kt. car line. This house Is not new, but In good condition. Haa city water and gas, paved street, paving ell paid. Norfis & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. New Strictly Modern 6-Room Bungalow. Easy Monthly PaymenXs. This beautiful, well-constructed bunga low Is located 1 block from car Hive and 2 blocks from school. Principal rooms in oak: full cement basement, guaranteed furnace. House conveniently arranged and complete In every detail. Televhone Dune. 2321 for further de scrlpt.cn. Bankers Realty Investment Co., . Ground Floor Bee nidg., Telephone Doug. VOi. REAL. ESTATE WEST SIDE 3302 Harney St. WALK tiR RENT. Ine room, strictly modern. Glover & Spain Douglas $9tt. RKAL FNTATE NOVTH 8IHK Best Buy Field Club District, $4,700 fclx-rtom modern f-slory house, hand somelv finished and decorated and in tip lop condition. dak finish downstairs. Farape; east front lots one-half block from Woolworth Ave. Paving pa'd. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler I."?. 2fl-l-li-14 State Hank Hldg. COURT orders un dersigned as REF EREES to make SALE of Business PROPERTY Lot 7, block 174, Omaha, being a 3 to 5 story brick building near U'lh and Jonea Kts. , It has best trackage In wholesale dis trict front and rear, and concrete loading platform; suhject to approval of court, will be sold Saturday. September S. 1M4, at 10 o'clock a. m., at east front door of court house. We will also sell three residence lots one near Oeorge A. Hoag land's roa'dence lots in Dundee and two on th, north of Allies Ave. Fred l. Wead, Harry Tukey and V. U Selby. referees. REAL ESTATF MISCEI.HNF.Ot H YOU QUICK SALE More building 20x"i0; price. $S0rt. Phone W'rh 4S74. 24th and Ames Ave R. H. LANDKltYOl real esile, insur ance; moved to 201 Neville. 1. :W. Troom house, renin tor $U.dm. must be sold at once: $3u0 will handle It. H. (TIL "EAL ESTATE Bi ni RUAN oath Oman. $200 CASH, BALANCE $20 PER MONTH. Seven-room house, strictly modern, over looking Spring Lake park: beautiful shade, nl-e large lot, good neighborhood. Price only J2.0W. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 101M6 W. O. W. Rl.lg. Dandee. ' $500 Cash ; Balance Monthly lluya a good 7-room house in Dundee, on Davenport Ht., east of 61st St., beauti ful location; house well built, all modern. Investigate quick, D. V. Sholes Co. $18 City Nafl Rank Bldg. Doug. 100-Ft. Frontage 2 Lots in Dundee Located In the hleheat part of Dundee, overlooking the country In all directions; also tho city of Omaha. Nicely terraced lot; on paved street: in a good locality. Owner will sell these two cohlce lota for $2,000 or will sell one separately for $1,000. Can arrange terms. HASTINGS ft HtYDKN, W14 Harney St. See Happy Hollow Today ' Located between Underwood Ave. and Dodgo St. and &2d St. and Happy Hollow club irrnunda. Taka West Farnam Dundee car, get off at Underwood Ave. and Boulevard, walk southerly along the boulevard and notice the many beautiful homes already built. You Wait for Nothing In Happy Hollow, for here you have city water, sewer, gas, eleotrln light, paved stieet, (urge lota GO to 100 feet In width with a variety of frontage, each affording 4 fine view of Falracres, Happy Hollow club and golf grounds, Kim wood park and surrounding country. New Street Lighting System In Happy Hollow bordering the Uncoln Hlgwky, boulevard and all streets, wit In all wliea for same in underground con duits. Thla la one of the best and moat complete street lighting systems In the went. Do not fall to drive out and see this beautiful addition lighted at night. You Have a 1 Guarantee when you locate In Happy Hollow that you will have substantial residences sur rounding you built of permanent ma terial. You know there will be no stores or apartment houses opposite you. You know you will be one of a number of home owner located in Omaha's best new residence district. Don't Miss This Opportunity but PICK YOUR LOCATION NOW. If yeu haven't all the money we will make easy terms and assist you In securing a losn In order to build. Hats with prices will be mailed you upon application. Come in and let ua asaist vou In securing a location which ia a good place to live and a safe place to Invest money. - ' George & Company Tel. D. 758. )$-li City Nat. Rank Bldg. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acres on Military Koad' $23 Caslt $20 a Month Paved all the way to town. This Is a splendid corner. Will divide Into twelve lots. The advance in value In this piece is certain. Price. H.W0. ui4Tlra UFVIIKV tail Hsrnev Ht Acre Bargains 30 seres, all In fine bearir.g orchard, good 5-room house. Price $1,WW. 15 acres; 8 acres In fruit and shrubbery, 10 acres In alfalfa; extra fine improve ments; s'x blocks to street car Hue. Price $15,0CO. acres on boulevard; fine View; Im provements cost jo.oto. price is.mxi. 6 acres, lots of fruit; good location. Im provements first rlaaa. Price S,cM). 3 acres, aonr, fruit land, lays tine, im provements ery good. Price $4,IW). 3 acres, same location as iaat named; all It fruit. Price U.iM. fti acres: on Laved street. Just outside city limits; good 6-room house. Pries $V ro. 6 acres st Benson, unimproved. Price $4.0(0. O'SeiP It. E. & Ins. Agency, 16oS Farnam St. Phone Tyler 10J4. One Acre , $10 Caah $10 a Month IJenson feet on one street, 164 feet on an other; an ideal piece; one block from Military Ave. You will like this acre. Price, $.-,76. HASTINGS HKTDEN, P14 Harney t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET New Yorkers Aik RemoTal of Duty on Canadian Wheat. CORN ADVANCE KELTS MARKET I'rleea nt other nralae trengtkearel ken Yellow C ereal Metaea with tialna Karly Keel Ina weak. OMAHA, Sept. 3. I!I4. A petition reached the official In Wash Inuton for the removal of the duty of tor ler bushel on Canadian wheat coming Into this country. It is figured that the removal of this duty would lower the price of flour fully .VV a barrel, aa it wollil place the Canadian grown wheat In direct competition with tlie wheat in this country, which would mean the low erliiR Of the price imo a bushel. It Is ald that those Interested In this move ment are mainly New York people who have been Inwstlgntlng the high prices of living and who feci that tho farmers of the United States who have enjoyed the prosperity for many years should sell their wheat now, as the price Is certainly higher than they have received for some time. The advance In corn was the principal helo in the wheat market yesterdav, as closlnn prices tor the latter were SiTWo hiKher. The cash trade In wheat we re IMrto l at ItVi OU) bu . of which 1V00 were s.ild to be for export. Minneapolis advices claim that the demand for caeh wheat there Was not keen and that there waa lean doing In flour, with the feeling weak for both. The lloue market was reported as active and tirm. There has been a delayed movement of wheat In the northwest, hut with favor. able weather the receipts at the leading markets there tire expected to show a niarked Increase over those ao far on the new crop. Nome winter wheat has been taken at Minneapolis because of the emaller run of sprimc whont than would lave been seen under more favorable conditions. Corn was a strong market, and closed wMth gains of W1V yeaterday. The feel ing was weak early, but new buying de veloped nnd prlcps were carried up sharply. letter the buying powr became decidedly prominent as a partial result of the tigures compiled bv H. VV. Know. Cash sales of corn yeaterday were small at 7S 0 bushels and vessel room was chartered for Tifi.noo bushels. Total sales of oats for foreign shipment ia said to be na large aa BOtVOOO bushela, but this amount was not confirmed. The provision market waa depressed" by the showing of local stocks. Rmnller sup plies of lard as well as ribs were gen erally expected. Wheat was iiSo higher. Corn was unchanged to Ho higher. oata were 'tc to -4c higher. These sales were reported today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. 1 car, l.o: 1 car, $1.0814; ft cars. $1.08. No. i hard win ter, S enre, $1 07. No. 4 hard winter, 1 cor, $1.0A. Re tec ted. 1 car, $1.02. Oats: Stan dard, 2 cars, 4Vtc. No. I white, 21 cara, 4S?. No. 4 white. 3 cars. 474c; 4 cars. ! r .... .1 - A BM f ft . 1 m-- UlLy ' . ' b'OUD, J ..in, hi., x m , -' . Corn: No. 1 white. 1 car. 7 Ho. No. 1 yellow, 3 cars. 7c. No. 1 yellow, 6 cars, 70p.. No. t yellow, I cars, 7BHc l"Jo. 1 mixed, I cars, 7fiHc. No. 3 .mixed, 1 cars, 7r'tc. No. :i mixed, 1 car, 75V!; 4 cars, 76c. No. 5 mixed, 1 var, 74c. No. 6 mixed. 1 car. 74c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. $ hard, $1.07Hi 1.10H: No. $ hard, $1.044U 1.0.H: No. 4 hard, $l.00tu1.Ofl; No. 3 spring, uW&'1.ioh: No. 3 spring, $i.or.v 1 "; No. 4 spring, ll.OO'ii'l.OS; No. 3 durum, Jl.O.'Vol'WH; No. 3 durum, $ 1.01 tf 1.024. Corn: No. 1 white, 77&7Sc; No. 3 white, T7V,Jf77c; No. I white 77i77V4c: No. 4 wnue, ii'Umc; i-" v. d wniie, m'iriioj No. 6 white, 64cj No. 1 yellow, ib 7c; No. 3 yellow, 75vWr78e; No. 3 yellow, 7n1'rr7f.c; No. 4 yellow, Tbhlic; No. S yellow, 75r?5Hc; No. o yellow, 74HdHc; No. 1 mixed, 7AW7Si,4c; No. 3 mixed. 764 7514c; No. 3 mixed, 74o'7&Hc; No. 4 mixed, 744i7rc; No. $ mixed. 74'4a74VIe; No. 6 mixed. 7374c. Oats: No. 3 white, 4K4H8V(c; standard, HK-4i; No. 3 white. 47iffj48o: No. 4 white. 47i 47c. Harley: Malting, !78o; No. 1 reed, niwc. nye; xno. j, ssywwc; no. 3. tW5ij' Clearum-ea were: Wheat and flour equal to DC3.000 bushels; corn 60,000 bushels; oata, ,uoo bushels. Liverpool closed: Wheat, nominal; corn, not reported. Primary wheat receipts were 1,(23,000 bushels, and shipment . 244,000 bushels against receipts of 1,433.000 buaheia, and shipments of 1.483,000 bushel last year. Primary corn receipts were adl.OJO Ibuahela. and shipments &JX.0O0 bushels against receipts of l,i2,00O bushels, and shipments of 370,0000 bushels last year, Primary oata receipts were 1,219,000 bushels, and shipments i,i&x,ouo imsnels, against receipts of 1,474.000 buaheia and shipments ot 1.017, goo biwhels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTa Wheat Oorn. Oats. Kye. Barley, nicago it. mi f , . Mlnneupolls 3W ... ... , , Duluth 240 - ... Omaha 23 32 47 1 1 Kansas I'ltyJihi 17 18 . . B. Louis IVT, CS 113 . Winnipeg ....SIS ... . , CHICAGO DRAIN AJID ritOVHIOM Feat ares of tke TraallBST aa Closing! Prloea on Board of Trade. CHICAUO. Sept. S.-Dsrkenlng prospects that Turkey and Italy would enter the Kuropean war brought about pew hlgti unco records today in tna wheat market here. There was a strong close at tuyi iV) above last night. Corn rose 1Si&uo net and csta ikSjlo. The outcome In provi sion ranged (rum 26c decline to aa ad vance of ta. Wheat was on the Jump from the very outset Tor tho first time tho English traie was showing alarm over the bteadstuff supply. British officials were reported as buying flour on a large scale, all milling interests of the United King dom running heavily and both American and Canadian wheat In eager request at Liverpool. In the last minute of the session, the market soared nbove any previous figures of the year snd at the final bell May delivery was not to be had for leas than I1.JC4. as uaalnst $1.26 at ths some of the wildest excitement of any advance before In the present war. Corn and cats, like wheat, went to new high prices for the year. Ths outlook for a short yield hed much to do with the bullishness of the corn market, fiats fell the stimulus of big exports. The sea board admitted that kou.ouo bushels had ben sold to foreigners. Kealtlng sales caused provisions to aver age lower. In the enu, tnouan. a reaction was taking place on account of the all around strength of grain Orsln prices furnished by Txjgan tk Bryan, offlee 315 Kouth Hlxteentii street: Artlcler)en. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheal Kept Dec. Ma v. 1 12 1 UTii 1 lSVjl 1 12 1 1C4 i 144 1 11 1 l 1 21 sou 1 lr.17 1 USj 1 iravtfc: 1 1 2fi4 I 1 X Corn Kept Dec., May. 804 814 72T1,74'4fr7Y, 76 I 77H 74'i74 7S 774 4ft 741,6 7fc 4K74 Oats Kept Dec. May. Pork Kept 4 4 I 4Mi 624' f.8- MS! n 20 00 2000 2000 2000 2000 23 17 22 U ti 40 22 bO 10 07 88 10 07 10 05 10 22 10 06-07 10 30 10 22 10 8J j0 72 10 8J 10 77 13 36 13 St It 25 It M U 2.1 11 7 12 00 12 n 11 90 11 4T-471I 66-t7 II 0 M 26-3Tj Lard Kepi tit t. Jan. Hiba Kept Oct. 10 00 10 17-15i 1 10 76 12 38 12 16 11 M Jan Chicago Cash Prices V heat: No. 2 red, $1.14'Ul 17'4; No. 3 hard. 1.14yi.l7S4. Corn: No. 8 yellow. ll'.'qKJV; No. 3 yel low, HilQ. Oats: No. i w.ilte, &'Uc: standard. WSc. Hye: No. 2. gflM. rc. Harley. eMr7si-. Timothy. $4.5u4:ii.OO. Clover, nominal. Pork, $20.10. Lard, I'J.iO. hi bs. $12 ora i.'.ejii. HI TTKR Steady; creameries, ttViOOc. KOOH Steady; receipts, 4,343 esses; at REAL KSTATK ACKEAGB 2 Acres Riffht Slopo for Poultry $20 Cofch-$15 a Month. In Benson Acres addition, Joining Ben son. A double corner, facing south and east, on Clifton Drive, and Oraceland ti rrio ti n-'ji HA8TING8 Jt IIBTDBN, MU Harney Bt mark, case included, lfcrrSiV; ordinary firsts, IWrVIc; firsts, :'l',t.3o. l'OTATOKN -Higher: receipt". ?r. cars; Jerseys. -"f-titxV: MttMgsn, l'rnns Ivsnia and Wisconsin. WiTir. IWI.THV-Allvea higher; springs, fowls, ll'ts. z r VSiailA tlEKnik KltRKKT, . ni'TTKR No. V Mb. cartons, 31ei No. 1. S-lh. tubs. V. f'HKKSK Imported Pwlss. 40c; Ameri can wlss, 2So: block Hwlas, Mc; twins, lsc: daisies. lc; triplets. l:c; Young Americas. C: blue label brick, Ilk-; Urn burger, f-lb.. J0v: l-lh.. V; New York white, lo; Imported Trench Hoquefort, 4SC FISH-Trout. 17c; large rrapplea, 10O 16c: salmon, li'tllic; halibut, c; channel catfish, 1Sc; pike, 17c; pickerel. 10c. I'Ol'LTltY-Hrollers. ir.v,c; spring chick ens, 14c; hens, !2o: cocka, c; ducks, hV; geese, so: turkeys. 12V; pigeons, per dot., Wi-; ducks, full feathered 10o; geese, full reathered, 8c; suuabs. No. 1, $I.M); No. 3, 50c. HKKK Cl'TS-No. 1 ribs, 21c; No. 2. 1SV; No. .1, I4H. No. 1 loins. 23V i No 2 l!c: No. 8. l.4o. Nn, 1 chucks, lic; No. 2, ll,e; No. 3, 10vo. No. 1 rounds. lM,e: No. 3, 14V: No. 3. 13V- No. 1 pistes. So: No. 2, Sic: No. 3. T'ic Prices quoted by the Ulllnsky Fruit company: FitriT Orangea, extra fancy Valencia. Ws. 112s. lltfa. ;r.0s. 17Hs. 200s and a'-s. $.171 per box. lted Knll Yalenclas. all aires, $.150 per box. lemons, fancy SOOs. Sens, M60 per box; 420a. $7.W per box. Grape fruit, extra fancy 64s, $4 60 per box; extra fancy s. $4 00 er box; extra fancy Ms. $S.W ir box. Indian Klver B4a and 80s. $00 per box. Apples, Helleflower, four tier, $1.(W per box; 6-box lota, $155 per hex; 10-hox lots, $I.V per box. Oraven stln, $1.60 pvr box; 5-liox lots. $1 46 per box1: 10-hox lots or more, $1.40 per box. Cnntaloupes. California Standards. $i .00 per crate; Jumbos, $1.76 per crate; Ponys, $t.60 per crate. Colorado Ilurwell canta loupes, $1.00 t-er crate. Watermelon, le per lb Plums, ItaWan prunes, $1.35 per crate; -craie tots, ji.sm per crate; 10-rrate lots or more, $1 DS per crate. Idaho prunes, $1.26 per crat: 6-crate lots, $1.20 per crate; 10-crate lots or more, $1.16 per crate. Hun garian or dross prunes, $1.60 per crate. PeaVhes, Colorado or I'lah Alhertaa. per bu., $160; 10-bu. lota. $1.46; 26-bu. lota. $1.40; Colorado. .I'tah or Washington,, boxes, 6c; ion-box lots, KV; kXV-hox lots, 0e. Pear, Medford ltartleta, per box. $2.00; Washington Itartletts. II SR; Colo rado Bartletta. a tiers per box, $1 60; Colo rado KlemlHh, $1 mi; Howell, $1 7f.; : Duchess, f 1 .75: Sheldon $1.76. Oraiies, 1 Malagas (( 'nllfornla. $1.3.1 per crate: I 6-case lots, $1 ;w per case; 10-rase Iota or more, $1:25 per case. Tokays, $1.75 per case; -case lots. $1.R5 per case; 10-case lots or more, $1.80 Home-grown grapes, per basket, lsc: 100-bnsket lots, ISc per basket Ilitnanas, per bunch, ll.TMi J 60. VKORTA HLf'.R Cnullflower, Denver. ItHc per lb. Cabbage. 240 per lb. Onions, 3Hc per lb. Peppers. 6O0 per basket, fancy tomatoes, 5rto per basket. Cucum bers, hot-house, l-dns. basket 76c per bas ket. New beets, carrots, turnips, 2fic dos. Celery'. Michigan, S5o per doa. Celery, Iienver, Jumbo, $1.00 per dug. Head let tuce, 60cft$1.60 per dos. Leaf lettuce, 40c per dos. Onions, home-grown, 18c per dog. Radishes, 60c per dos. ilarllc, Italian, 20c per lb. Horseradish, $!. per rase, bhelled popcorn, 4a per lb. Asparagus home-grown, the market price la about 30o dos. New potatoes, 76i per bu. Vir ginia sweet potstoes, $3.78 per bbl. Ala bama sweet potatoes, $1.(0 per hamper. NUTH Salted peanuts, $1.60 per esse No. 1 California walnuts, 184c per lb pooans 12o per lb ; filberts, 16c per lb': almonds. 20e per lb. " MlSlKLIANKOl'B-Bugar walnut dates. $1.36 per box. IJmes, 81.75 per basket Crackerlack, $J.W) per rase. Crsckerjack' per hslf-case. $1.76. Checkera, $.1.10 per case. Checkers, per half-case, $166. Corn aad Wkeat Resloa Itnlletlu. ,."r 4 wheat region bulletin of the I nited ftates Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at I a. m., 7Dth meridian time, Thursday, September J; - OMAHA DISTRICT. . Temp. Haln- utation. High. Low. fall Ashland M 48 .00 Auburn 80 60 .00 Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Mroken Bow... TB 43 .00 Columbus 44 46 40 4: 62 43 61 tl 48 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .v .011 .00 .00 .00 .00 .uo Cuibertson ., Falrbury .... Fairmont ... Grand Island Hsrtlngton . Hsstlngs .... Holdrego ..... Lincoln North Platte Oakdals i 1 0.: . 78 4ft Omaha 74 Tekamsh 78 (0 lit 44 47 48 40 42 60 Valentin 74 A It a. Ia 73 Carroll, Ia 73 Clarlnda, Ia....T4 Hlbley, la 7t Sioux City. la.. 74 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m, DIHTRICT AVERAGES. No. of - Temp. Rain- District. Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 18 82 64 40 Louisville, Ky... 22 84 40 l.ao Indla'polls, Ind.. 18 7$ 64 0U Chicago, III 24 74 tl .no Ht. Louis, Mo.... 22 74 64 .20 Des Moines, Ia.. 24 74 62 .uo Minneapolis ..... 62 70 42 .10 Kan. City. Mo.. 34 78 64 .00 Omaha, Neb 17 7 48 ,uu The weather continues cool throughout the oorn and wheal region. Light to heavy frosts ocourred In North Dakota, with temperatures slightly below f reel ing. Ii. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. Now York Ue.aeral Market. NEW YORK. "ept. 8.-HUOAR Raw, market firm; molasses, 6.37c; centrifugal, 4.02oj refined, ateady: cut loaf, 8.16c; rushed, 8 05ci mold "A," 7.70o; cubes, 7.60o; XXXX powdered, 7.40o; powdered, 7.8fx!; fine granulated, 7.3Rc; diamond "A," 7.26; confectioners "A," 7.1Bc; No. 1, 7.0uo. BUTTBIV Steady; receipts 8,600 tubs; creameries, extras, 31432c; firsts. 2S'V3 81c; seoonde, tftyittc; process extras, 260 36Hc; ladles, ourrent make, firsts, 23V4d 34c; seconds, t2VW23c; packing stock, cur rent make, No. 2. 2 lit 22c CHl0ia4hJ Irregular; reoelpU 1,400 boxes; slate whole milk, fresh white and colored, specials, lSc; state whole milk, average fancy, 1&ycNco; aklma. 18-iiUc. , F.IWH-Hrm; receipts 10.2iO cases: fresh gathered extras, SCJle; extra firsts, 27hji ion; nrsts, fcHnao; seconds, H'lfic, state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery. whites, &Vy.t6c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered whites, .tW7o; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns. SOlilia; state, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered browns and mixer colors, 264T30c. POl'LTRY-Llve. dull; western chlok- ena. Druiiera, ire'ii':; row is, i7V4):; tsrkeys, 13414n. Dressed poultry firm; western chickens,, froxen, ltSCc; fowls. lUVMisc; luraeys, iisawic. Minneapolis Oral a Market. MINNb.-APOI.IH. Peot. J WHEAT was up iV4o soon after the opening Heptember, $1.10H'il.ll.H; No. 1 hard, 1.2',; no. 1 northern, $l.l7Wl-24Ti; No. I rortnern, i.lirttfri.Kt. FLOUR-Advsnced lOo a bsrrsl. BAULKY teOc. BRAN $21.00. (IIKN-No, 8 yellow, 75S7lkl. OATH No. 3 white, 444u. 8KED Flag, $L6u41.6i.'x. Kansna t'lly 4;raln and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Bept. I.-WHBAT-No, t hard, $1,044; No. 2 red. ll.Otf; Heptember, 81.07; December, ii.ii': May. 41.IMH. CORN-No. 3 mixed, 78c; No. I white, 80c; Itecemoer,. 71SV. May, 7'Pc, OATH No. $ white, 6uc; No. I mixed 4641-470. BUTTER Creamery. 28c; firsts, t4c; seconds, 24c: packing stock. !lc. 1 KOda-Firsts. 224c; seconds. 18o. I'OL'LTHY Hsna, 144c; broilers, 16c. ' t. Lenla Qratn Market. ST. iJTtVlA. Rapt. I.-WIIKAT-No. 2 red. $1.124'(fl 14; No. 3 hard. $1.1241.1i; September, $1.13: December, $1,144. . 4XJ11N No. 3. 7Mi'ffls-c; No. I wh te. $14; Heptember. We; December. 7440. OATb No. I. ewiwoi o. 3 whits, 514o. v , Liverpool Grain Market. IJVERPOOL. Bept. 3 WHfclAT-Boot. firm: No. I Manitoba, Us 7d. Futures. strong; October, 8s 9d; Decembers Sad U Id. COKN-Ppot. nominal. Futures, steady: October, 4a 7J. The Pee Want Ad Are the Beit business Boosters. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK, MARKET Grass Bfff Steert Higher and Other Cattle Steady. HOGS ABOUT TEN CENTS LOWER Pat I. am he .Active and Ten to Fif teen t ents Ulster Fat skee.p tearty to Ten HUker Feeders gtroag. lfTH Ileceipts were: OMAHA. Sept. .1, ISM. Cattle. Hogs Bhn Official Monday.... Officlnl Tuesday.... Official Wednesday Intimated today ... .12.M2 . 5) . 4 46S 4.2J0 43.814 8.II4 ,67 ,) 3.1.W7 Four days thla week. 24.41 24. ("i 111.712 Kama days last week.. 21. 71 I,P7S 104 010 Kama two weeks ago.. 17.121 24.4K3 8:1.3:7 Haino three weeks aao.lO.uu.1 l fa.J 1,1 (kt! Same four Weeks ao..lfl,:iS .Mt (It tame time year ago. ,.2b.24 28.140 107. 67 The following table shows the prlree for hogs at the Hoiith Omaha live atocg mar ket for the last few days, with compari sons : Date. I 1MI4. 1111.1. 'VU1 llvn.'ISlA.limt.ltyOS. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 17 18 1. 72V.I I 8 evl 7 7SI 3 4 7 771 8 M4'l 7 mI 8 X2 7 ! $ JI 8 0l I m: i J 171 8 301 7 471 44 7 17 8 241 7 711 3 41 7 19 8 33 7 4i 81 Id r. 7 .W 8 V 0 8 0 tn.l Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. ept. fept. Kept. n. 23 3.1. 24. 8 041 7 r 7 4l 8 3 8 04 7 ar.i I 641 S3 t 16 18 66 T 63 7 Ml 8 441 7 ! 4 M 7 101 8 70 7 71 8 34 7 Ui 8 47 7 ' 4 3$ 8 C 7 4 41 7 13! 7 w 44 7 15 I 41 8 47 7 11 01 7 73 7 02 IH 7 77 4 53 707 S7! 782 (46 7 12 8 45 7 i 4S S P.I 7 87 4 63 I 101 8 TCW 8 10 8 7flV 7 $1 8 78Sl 7 K7 I 25 27. 8 74.i 7 at 8 31 2X 8 84 7 M! 8 31 20. S , 7 8 8.1 SO 31. 1 3. 3. 3 m 8 894 3 r-. 4N! 8 2!) 7 7 7 7 so 8 32 8 r rtunday. CATTIJC-There was the usual m odor s' run of cattle for a Thursday In sight this morning, only 6 cars being reported in the yards. For the week the receipts foot up 24.460. being tho Isrgeat of any recent week, but smaller than a year ago by almost 2,000 head. Among the receipts were only a very tew beef steers snd as there waa a de mand for a fair number of cars tha mar ket opened esrly and active. The offer. Ings of grass beef were soon disposed of at prices that were strong to loo higher and some sellers were actually quoting It ss much as 1015o higher. There were hardly enough cornfeds In sight to really make a test of the market and none that wero especially choice, although there waa on bunch of yearlings good enough to bilng $9.76. For the week cornfeds have not shown much change from day to day. Western grassera, which broke sharply early In the week, have been re covering and are now back where they were a week ago. Cows and heifers moved off quite briskly this morning under the Influence of a moderate supply and a very fair buying demand. Pricea Were fully stesdy. All medium grades of cows and all canners are strong ss compared with the duos 01' Iaat week, but the good to choice cows and heifers are hardly back to where they were a week ago. Oood feeders, thst Is, cattle having fle-h, breeding and good colors, have been t-teadv all the week and are Just as high as a week ao The less desirable kinds of feeders and all kinds of light and thin stnekers snd feeders are lfcti'-so lower than last week. Quotations on cattle: Oood to cnoloe cornfed beeves, $MMMH0.3B; fair to good cornfed beeves, $.75 60; common to fair cornfed beevea, $7.7iKjr8.7b; good to choice range steer. $7 40 fc0; fair to good range steers. $.7MV7 40; common to fair range steers. $0 Otv,r4.7S: good to choice grsss cows, $0.2607.76; fair to good grades V.M tjr42,; common to fa'r grsdes, $''wtl6n: good to choice stockers and feeders, P7.60 3 00: fair to good stockers and feeders, $.7Mr7.60; common to fslr stockers and fe-d.rs, $8,0014.76; stock cows 1 and hs4fors 36.2f-U4.75; stock calves, $00(u.00; veal ralve.i, $8.0W10.60; bulls, stags, sto., t.4t 7 00 BKF.F BTEUrtS. Ne. I... 11... 16... At. IT. No. T- -r. 1018 n S.. J sfEKRis'AD'Vft'X'RJJNtirl. HI ITS tt .'-.... w cnr.ORAl0. 40 feeders. 16 feeders. 1 cow W2 Tin 13 steers loos 878 7 00 1 COT.' 1OH0 1110 I 76 8 feeders... OTI 4 73 4 76 $74 7 10 38 steers 1131 4 steers 1167 4 rows 1023 13 cows low) 8.1 steers W.1 16 steers 1047 5 sters 1144 S steers 10D0 2 steers 1216 16 steers 1082 7 10 7 10 t 36 I N6 4 46 7 06 70 I 70 IS T Steers U35 24 cows WOT 44 feeders... vOT K T 00 66 r 19 steers... l 60 steers... 4 steera... 10 steers... 8 steers... 9 steers.,. steers... 074 ..la ..1121 ,.10e0 ..1020 ..1144 70 4 70 7 06 7 06 4 70 4 70 00 I steers 1023 J. H. Segelke. Colorado, 4 COWS 102.1 6 M 23 nclfers... 681 I 60 (HIUTII DAK.UTA. 8 heifers. 4 stags.... 42 cows 15 feeders. 5 cows.... 724 4 25 3 calves.. . 143 . 8W . 801 . 716 . )0 .1260 ( 60 890 7 841 , 7t0 6 76 6 75 8 66 6 70 It cows.... 42 cows..... 3 feeders., 3 cows.... 5 00 t 76 8 66 6 40 6 40 I to 8 35 8 40 6 86 8 60 5 60 1 bull. 7tl 6 00 1 bull. WESTERN 14 NKHRAHKA 14 feeders. 4 heifers., 6 feeders. 2 bulls.... 3 cows.... 704 4 70 1 bull.'....10110 491 4 2.1 4 35 745 60 . M 6 25 7 tecderew IM0 11 feeders.. KS1 i bulls lORB 8 heifers... 748 1 steer 00 2 rows KM) 22 feeders... 8M 8 heifers... 1026 1 bull 6W feeders... 674 It feeders... 704 60 feeders..: 604 13 feeders... 870 7 cows H74 1 ibulls 1170 13 feeders... 815 3 heifers... 72T sixers 632 1 steer 760 3 heifers... friO 16 feeders. ..1077 7 feeders... 40 18 steers 848 ( steers 8H7 1 bull 70 8 feeders... W I heifers... 664 4 cows 10S7 4 00 8 70 4 26 8 23 7 40 7 10 I 10 8 10 6 80 I 60 t 76 6 70 8 40 3 76 8 36 8 10 7 10 8 66 8 80 8 40 ( 05 8 70 8 80 $ 28 t 00 t bulls HMO 6 80 Wllllsm Bohrweld, Nebraska. T feeders... 23 4 86 1 heifer.. StfO M0 1 cow M 5 31 lcow U steers Mil 7 70 It. BHunderson. Nebraska, 1 cow km 4 76 10 eows 880 11 cows 874 6 DO 1 COW., 1040 I 10 WYOMING, 14 stuers lit steers, 10 steers, (0 steers 8 cows.. ...1104 2 J 80 7 0 23 steers 42 steers ,.1185 ,.11M 7 65 7 30 T 30 860 7 26 6 20 7 15 7 75 8 80 7 40 46 8 40 8 20 6 40 7 00 7 25 6 M 7 80 8 00 8 40 4 24 4 26 ...110$ ...1170 ...117$ ...1073 44 steers, ,..1177 7 ao 8 2b 8 20 8 36 7 76 T 10 8 80 6 40 4 70 7 00 7 18 8 60 7 25 8 15 60 8 86 7 40 8 86 15 cows y-3 2V feeders.. 814 18 cows, .1007 1 cow.... 46 steers.. 11 steers.. 18 steers. . 10 steers.. . ICO .12to .ia4 .1113 .1117 ,. 2X5 13 steers. ...Mn 30 steers IS Steers 1210 1171 1H IH4 44 steers. 18 cows.. 8 steers. 22 steers. 14 calves. 10S7 1043 8 cows. ...10W 20 cows Bs5 7 cows sol 18 feeders., tail 14 steers.... 83 81 cows 821 11 feeders. .1115 I calves.... 200 p 6 steers. ...1112 13 feeders. .1043 14 heifers.. 7io 10 steers... .11 16 cows fr3 8 cows 777 13 steers.. ..1041 43 steers. ...1111 8 cows..... 963 8 cows 783 a rows BZ9 6 cows 4M 8 15 HOOH Hupplles wero very moderate for a Thursday, about ninety-three loads or 4,00 head being reported In. Total for the week to date Is 34,000 head, more than 4,000 smaller than last week, and over 1,000 lighter than a year ago. For a dull, Uraagy, uneven market, to. day's trade had Wednesday's beapted fey a considerable majority. Hhlppors and speculators were fairly active on tho early rounds, buying mixed bogs at prices that were possibly M10c lowr than yesterday, and good shipping grades at a lotylta de cline. Their purohaaee amounted to a fair share of the run, but wars not so Urge aa on Wednesday, Packers who havs been extremely bearish all week, kept up the samo too. tlos this morning, and In ths face of a made their first very moderate supply offers at figures that were at least 10c lower. Hellers, who have been forced to acoapt lower prices all week, while other markets were holding their own, made a determined effort to check the decline again today, but the killing de mand was very sluggish, and while no hogs sold to packers durlug the early part of the forenoon, they finally suc ceeded In picking up a few strings that wsra all or frgiuo on, and tn some In. stance wero a flat dime lower. lOvsa after these sale wero made the trade remained very sticky, but the buyers refused to better their offers. In fact In aoma instances tney supped on their early bids, and In the end tho big end of the supply moved slowly st figures that show almost a flat dime decline. Just to emphasise the slack condition ot the trade, pnceo weakened still more towards the oiose, and severs who had hogs left at this tlms quoted ths bids made on them as anyway loialftc lower than Wrdneeday's average, ami 1 loc t.elnw yesterday's low close T fully The limit end rf the Hicrs sold st $ ai w ith a fair elioAlnir as l.luh as IX m s ui w :' vuii a etmriKimg rt 1 ir. Inter sahe ln'iil'd l,.wn around :-.7n, p. nog the bulk at h7sm.!io The avng to take hold of them, ar.j even heavy shipping and speculative purchases of Iho last two dns failed to hold things up to any extent. WIKKP-Whh Itt.Ooft head of sheen and lambs reiwrted In. as acalnst 1.1.KH0 lsat Thursday, and JisM4 on the corresponding day a year ago, pricea nn both ewes and lambs had an npnard trend this morning, most everything in the killing line selling as fast na sorted from the lender offer ings at prices IWIAc better tin ft! t lamha and steady to a dime higher on the light eupply ot ewes. As usual of late, few yearlings or wethers were available. The range on fat lambs was around $7.O0Hr7.2., the latter figure being aa high aa any sold, but If any sirlotly good lambs had been here In all probability they would have made a hither top figure. The general quality of the lamb offerings waa lacking as compared with the Iaat few daya. The feeder end of the receipts waa dis posed of almost as soon as buyers couM get around to it on a basis steady to strong. As usual feeding lambs were most In evidence and moved largely at $.IHir.sn. Practically everything at all decent as feeders waa cleaned up In good season. The features of the week have been liberal receipts and a decline In pricea. Ths supply of tha four days thus far amount to 111,713 head, against 104.010 dur ing the same time last week and 107.T,7 a year ago. Current quotations on fst sheep and lamha and also f ceiling lambs are generally about 10fn6c lower than the close of Inst week, while there haa been little If any change In aged feeder offer ings, owing chiefly to the light supply. Quotations on range sheep and lambs: Lamba, good to choice, $7. 20077.40; iambs, . fair to good. $7 107 20: lamba, feeders. $! Jofi7.0R; yearltnaa, good to choice, IS.MV& 6.80; yearlings, fair to good. $A.16e6.40; yearlings, feeders. $6.4v0t.80: wv there, good to choice, IK.OrWfll. 15 : wethers, fair to good. $4.8Ojf5 00; wethers, feeders, $4 .Wig 4 70; ewes, good to tXiolce, $4.ftmtr4.90; ewes, fair tn good. $4 6004.80; owes, feeders, $140 by additional gains. Ml Idaho feeding lambs 64 $70 ft7 Idaho feeding lambs 6.1 $ 80 204 Idaho feeding lambs 64 8 80 H7 Idaho feeding lambs 63 8 80 JO Idaho fat lambs 43 8S 113 Idaho tat lamba 43 85 . 1)3 Idaho fat lamhn 42 8 84 74 Wyoming feeding ewes 48 8 80 10 Wyoming feeding ewes M I 86 228 Wyoming feeding ewes 82 I 80 168 Wyoming feeding ewes 89 1(0 10 cull feeding ewes 78 , t 26 AM Wyoming feeding lamha 83 8 46, IS Wyoming feeding lamba 43 8 34 64 Wyoming feeding lambs 60 8 84 117 cull feeding lambs 85 6 60 847 W'yomlpg feedlnr lamhs 60 $ 46 61 Wyoming feeding lsmbs ,.i... 44 8 20 Wyoming feeding lambs 65 8 80 a Wyoming fat swes 107 4 4b CHICAGO LIVR STOCK MARKET rattle La rtosrs Lower -keep marker. CHICAGO. Bent 3. CATTLr Reoelnf s. $.600 head; market lOo to lo lower: Leaves, 36.7VrjlO.80; steers, 8H.30tj4.30; stock ers and feeders, $S.404i.16; cons and heif ers. HV(1-,a6; calves, $7.5i21I.6a HCX 1H Receipts, 14,000 head; market ISrj to 3uo lower; bulk of sales, $4.8669.40; light, $l.0629.4a; mixed, $K.tkti-.4t; heavy, $s.GKU9.86; rough, fii.40iii4i.7bi pigs. $6.00 fctl.40. CHEEP AND LA MR ft Receipts, 14.000 hand; market 10c to 30o higher; sheep, $4.7H6.Wj yearlings, ti.bHrtl.40; lamba, $tS.ow7.at. Kansas City LIto atoolc Market. KANSAS CITY, Bept. 1, CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,600 head; market strong; prime fed steers, $.76al0.40; dressed beef steers, $7.7ri.HO: western steers, $4.6uii0.26; stock ers and feeders. $5.7Wl.60; bulls, $&.2V(j.75; calves. $4.6Oiicl0.75. HOOS Receipts, 8.000 head; market lower; bulk. $!.OO0 .26; heavy t3.20u9.80; packers and butchers. $.0ftiv.26; light, $?.,fifi.30; pigs, $7.6O!$.60. BHKhIP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,700 head; market higher; lambs, 87. 2:7.46; yearlings. $.1.KkJ;.2S; wstlitrs, $e.2u.40; ewes, $S.O0(8.$6. at. Loots Live Stock Market. ;', ST. IXJUI8. Bept. 5.-CATTLE Receipts, 10,000 head; market strong; native steers, $7.Gotf 10 f; cows and heifers, $o.XVy.60; stockers and feeders, $5,0047.60: southern steers, $4.00ii4.2&; oows and heifers, $4.(Wfc 4.fr0; native calves, $S.0OU10.75. liOOS Receipts, 7,800 hesd; market lower; pigs, and lights. $7.0uu.4C; mixed and butchers, $.0(v.46; good heavy, $3.30 CW.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ,00 hesd; market strong; native muttons, $4.00 tifi.oO; lambs, $7.wW.75. long City Live ttoek Market. ' BlOrX. CITY, la., Fept lATTLB Receipts, 300 head; market steady; butch ers, $6.6007.26: cows and heifers, $S.5W6J0; tanners, $3.703iT.2a; stockers and feeders, $;1.60(4i.tiu: calves, $7.0o'.&0; bulls, stags, etc., $6.60476. 00. HOtlS Receipts, 8,700 head; market 10c lower; heavy, $X.9ik9.i0: mixed, $4.7 $.W; light, $8.f4f8.T0; bulk. $8.704.80. UlPiKP AND LAM US-Receipts, 10 head; no quotations. at. Joseph Live 8toek Market. ST. JOSEPH, ept. 8.-OATTLE Re icelpts. 1.300 hesd; market strong: steers, $7.(iOtH0.25; calves, $.00wl0.60. HOUK Receipts, 6.200 bead; merktt, lower; hulk. $9 lOtifl.20. " HHKKl' AND LAMBS Recelirts. 100 head; market steady 1 lambs, $(i.75$j7.W. , Omaha Hay Market. PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland. 111.109 12.00; No 1. $110011.60: No. 2, $a.0O81L4u; No. t, $7 .0nf9 00. Choloe midland, $11.6-1; No. 1, $10,601(11.00; No. 2, $.0u'al0.t4; No. 3, $7.OiTf1l.0O. No. 1 choice lowland. $8,000 $.00: No. 1, $4.00r(T8.00; No. I, $4 OOtROO. STRAW Choice wheat, $4,&05.00; choice oat or rye, $5.00tK.60. ALFALFA Choice, $13 6814.00; No. 1. r$0(Kftl3.0o; No. 2, $10.00912.00; No. 3, $7.00 tj'10.00. . Cof too Marke.t. NF7W YORK, Bept. 3.-OOFFBE No mgtertal change was reported la the coffee market hero today. Buyers are said to be operating: only tor Immediate needs. Holders of desirable coffee are atlll ssld to be firm In their views owing to tha gradual reduction lit available supplies. Hlo 7s were quoted at 7o, and Santos 4s at 12c. Tho Rio market was 175 rSIs lower at tho close yesterday, while the Hantos curb was unchanged. now ion nmi nusn, NEW YORK, Sept. 3.-PRIMQ MER CANTILE PAPER 7 per cent. 8TKRL1NO KXCHANUE Nominal; for cables. $.0(46.06; for demand, $6.046.06. HILVER Bar, 63!4c IJNDON, ept 3. MONEY 13 per oent Discount rates, StP4 per cent Kvaporated Apples and Dried Walt. NEW YORK. Bept $. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet DRIED rKUITS Prunes, firm. Apri cots, easy. Peaches, quiet. Raisins, quiet Dry Goods Market.. NEW YORK, 'Sept 3. DRY OOOD8 Try goods m&rketa were active today. Gray goods firm; English buyers were in. the market for duck. Worsted dress goods in fair demand. , Bank Closuring. OMAiHA. Sept. t Bank clearings for Omaha today were $3, 154.6X3. 1, and for tho corresponding day last year $2,43, 41.48, Cotton Market. LIVERPOOI Sept. $.-COTTON-pot in moderate demand. Bales, 2,300 balsa. ' Metal Market. BT. LOUIS. Bept S.-METAL-I.esd. unchanged; $3.75. t'pelter. unchanged; $.M. Coffro Market. NEW YORK. Sept I COFFEE Rio. No. 7, 740. as gns sna sjsa ss arracNaiBarr wtts mr 4 eona bi lisjcomiW. J.D. Hom, HmwsmI. (Ust ,wriU4i: ''Ttw'tMi m . I. 04jrn4f, IIMWSII, Ksgsj , wtnsn. S nyspr jxne-ss wmw Wit all tm fr ttj tMit, tidtdj 4 s$4k4isi sbIi,44m4j 4n lut ymf." TswUswwifcirvtiJ ttaiotf fr, fiowin pirtursMi rf htrwi. AJlrr4) rilVflMAUPACTUIIIM4, CO, UlRft traoe shows a decline of Junt shout 10c- The markets of the week to date ar L smong the most unsatisfactory of the I year. Supplies have been very moderate 1 throughout the week, but mtckei-s refuse a. I 'he 1.