rs TIIE flEE: OMAHA, AUGUST ' . YjU. r f..j i i I WANT ADS Want ads received at inr time, but to 7nsur proper classification must be, nre- ' rented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7: p. m. for morning end Sunday editions. Want ada received after . enrh hours will be under tho heading Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. One. tlma. 13 oenta a Una. Three time within one week, t cwnts fne each insertion. Seven onacutlv times, T "mil a Una aclt Insertion. CHAWOB RATES. Three time wlthia i-ne week, 10 cent a I:la aach Insertion, Seven consecutive tlmm. I cents a line each Insertion, Count elx average word a to a Una. Minimum charge, 10 centa. Ton ran plaoa roar want ad In Th4 Bee cy telephone. TELETHONS TYLER 1100. Unclaimed Answers to the ii Swappers' Column" ITundreda of other anawera have been railed for and delivered during- the lnat Week. It ta reasonable to suppose that all of the people below have, made the desired swaps therefor, do not call for the bal ance of their anawera. Bee Want Ada ura ret result s. c. s. c. . a 8 a. no. s c. i w n nflR ivn 11 fl fet WM 111J 1304 12f7 M M m 111 1 12M n . fK? so.; nn 1211 iwi HI Hie. 2A4 11 r loot U 1223 1W fi rt yvn 1117 12s i 4 t77 inns jn 1232 1270 ?T 971 10i 117 12S IfTI icvt n 127 in 54 (HI lose nm 1540 L"S4 t &MI in 11M 1241 121 tit IS 1104 UK 12U U04 3 MARRIAGB .ICB!fSBi. The following marriage llcetiaee hay beem laaued: Nam and Re-aldenoe. Age. August Eandenburg, Fort Dodge la.... 41 forth Fleernan, Omaha 17 A poll nary Walega, South Omaha U lUeoliadya Zoporowekl, Bcuth Omaha... U Henry Haa, Omaha ii Kdna Toung, Omaha, M f tanlalava Ibesrk. Omaha. over 31 Laura i. traler, Omaha o-rer IS Vtlllam le MrPherrtn. Omaha over II Hattla . Forbes, Omaha orer 11 Jay H. Bucklea, Bloux City la M lues M. Btrobehon, Ruskln tO TODAY'S OOMTLKTH MOVIE PSUKi RAM Excloaively In Tho Be IMHBKwa. ' CAMERAPHONE. 140J rOTTOIAR The Motor Buccaneer. J-reel Eaoanay. . I"on t Monkey With the liuas Baw, Kal. Meller rrammer, Hellg, Jlll-P THEATER, 1BTH HARNKI. The Table of Iearnlng How and When. Myaterloua Iodgera. r-erlla of Pauline, Herles No. 7. FAKK TliEATtK. U NO. lTtl BT. Two-reel senaatlonal feature. Western drama, Kterltng comedy. PAKLeOH THEATER, 1408 UOUULA& The Medicine) Bag Haa Papers, t-reel. PRINCE88 THEATUl, U17-iai Douglns. J . Out of the Itepths, Rex., drama, featuring " Rupert Julian. Aleaqulte pete a Fortune, Z: ' Wee. Com. Tale of a Hat. Bterllng Com. ALAMO. MTK AKD FORT. Allah nil. special I-reel Eclairs, tramatlo Mistake,' Koid Hterllng. 1'IAMOND THBATKU. illO LAKE BT. Honor of the Humble, I-reel Vlctugraph. The Strange Signal, Front. Bnookoe a Dlagulae. Sterling comedy. FHAKKMN, 14th and Franklin Bts. In Wolf's Clothing, 2-rnel Kalem. Bweedlo and the Lord, Eaaany. Love) and Flames. Iubln. HIPPODKOMK, MTU AND CUMINCk Trinkets of Tragedy, two-reel Esaanajr. A Train of Jnc4danta Vitagraph. Lame) Dog's Treachery. K al em. IT THEATlUt. 18TH 4k LOCUST. The Elder Brother. -reel Kaaanay. The Ieadly Battle at Hlckavllle, Kalom. The Meal Ticket, Blograph. LoniROP. 34th and Lothrop Bts. Our Mutual Girl and three other good reels. La n yon 'a popular orchestra will furnish the muaie. LOYAL TH HATER, 24(4 CALDWELL. Trey O'Hearta, No. (Dead Reckoning), S-r. Gold Beat. All at Bee, Neator com. Ttehlnd the Veil, Re. PA LACK THEATER. iM Davenport Bt. Wife a busy Day, Joker Comedy. Tribal War In South Seas, S-r. ' Bison, and a good comedy. Bl'UURBAN THEATER, 4th and Ames. Wsrfare in the Skies. 8-r. Vltegrapb, They Bought a Boat, Bio. The Glpay Talisman, Bio. - 1 tttte. APOLLO THEATER. 2W4 Leavenworth, The Rival Rallroad e Plot, 1-reel Kalem. 1 he Fable of Two Mandolin Players. Ess. Taken by Storm, Vltagaph. COLUBBIA 1710 8. 10T1I ST. 1 he Old Army Coat J-reel Kalem. Hearat-Belig. A. Matter of Record. Lubln. COMFORT THEATER, 24th and Vinton. The .Curae) of Cast. 2-reel. Tho Redman's Heart. The Girl of the Beaaon. FAVORITE THEATER, 171U Vinton Bu The Bluff that Dreama Are Made Of. Memories tn Men's Bouls. Vila graph. Thi. District Attorney's Burglar. Blog. FA V. AIRfH)MH ANNEX 17 t VINTON ( Bundav, BepC t. Perils of' Paulina, Rerles No. I. GEM THEATkJt, t'nl versa! Boy .No. i. For the Secret Bervloe. 1 & 18TH ST. l-real Rag. HANfiCOM TUEATER, tnh , Castellar." The Sob Stater, 1-reel Rex. A Resell Romance, Bterilng comedy. Lv R1C THEATER, lii7VINTON 8T Lure of the Geisha, I-reoI Bleon, His Wife's Flirtations. Sterling comedy. PA6TIMK THEATER, tSd 4 Leavenworth On the Verge, 1-reel bison and a good comedy. to Admission. Iq. VhNEZIA THEATER, lill BOUTH UTlt. Tray O Hearts No. 1 (r lower O FUanej, (-reel Gold heal. A Strong Affair, Sterling comedy. !RIOME THEA., FARNAU PARK The Vampire's Trail. 1-reel Kalem. The Honeymoonera. Vltagraph. Her Trip to New York, Kanay. Monroe theater. t faknam. Trey o" Hearts idead reckoning) Berlea 4. KiKH.kee's Dlagulae, with Ford Bterilng. lalnt of an Allen, Powers, drama. gMS. PENPOH. THEATER. B0f MAIN ST. The Trey o' Hearta, ftory N I (Baa Ven ture). The Polo Champion with Mag Aaiior. behind the til. Smalleys. Ceaiacll stiafle. ROPER THEATER. H7 BROADWAY. timers nomance, iveator. iLounterfeliera. 1-reel Vict a I a oaaaaaw PESSE. . J4TH & N STB Olio 1-able of Father's Second Time oa . Earth, basanay. The White Mouse. 1- i" sTtorm at Bea, Kalem. magic theater, in a a o btb. J m Wehb, Senator, t-reel Imp. TaatTllia. UUVRRA THEATER. Ill NO. MTH. 'a'jdevtiie. Rt-m.ic. 2-r. Than. dr. The Peach Brand, ' I'.l dr. Outmwa' NVinMii, Than. mm. rt i i i- I ' i t,T ii Ar f c7u:'rn r uitii ferries No 10 of the Million Dollar Mya- ' i "! oe mown bere Wednesday. lAr-a'g (aria, MVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond invea you that prosperous look; beat of quality, lowest prlres; tKe elevator and save money. West ern Watch Jewelry Co. 217 Karbach. COHRF.TT. the man that rlesna every thing. Data cleaned and blocked. Get your full clothes rleanert now. Low prices, neat work, prompt service. DeMveryree.JIarjiey St. Doug. 4.T81. FOK siictioneerlnsr.f airklnds" of Jewelry and general mrrhandle, write If A. Roth. 1.111 Dooglaa bt. Doug, srro Twenty veara' experience. MEI.HA Boiler Compound Co.. a boiler compound for nick boilers, dla xi . holler acale, not holler Iron. Melha, doea not pit fluea, nifly removea old acale, adda efficiency and economy to rour boiler plant. Call or write for et. mate. Q Omaha Nat. Pank. I. S157, after p. m , and on Hundaya f. Rl. N EW and econd-hand electric fana and motora. LeBrnn Elertrlo Worka, . Sl B. 12th. rouKlaa 2171. OMAHA FILLOW CO. 1721 Cuming Ioug. Jd7. Renovatea feathers and mattreaaea of all Mnda. makea feather mattrc aeea an d down covera. PIANO tuning. R. Rrandon, 7 rear a at llayden'a. Recommended by beat miiaMana. W. 4W2. 4!1 N. th Ave. VACUUM cleancra, td M, 17. w, a few rtnya only. Guard your health. Knltary rvet Co., KH Bee Bldg. WK rent, repair, aell needle and part, for all sewing machlnea. NE- ei a. iMh and ITarney. fouglaa la. Affiuawt,. Miaw y.'.B P- T"OM" COMPANT. 1237-M city Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler ln Addlaa; Maehlnea. Dalton Addlnv Vf ... a, . .... I iH.u. Z 77IT ; : :.. . ! . . .... v.u. tTaiesi w. o. w. D. &U& Aate and Magaet Rrailri Magneto rtpalr work a aperlalty. n. mis, Aaetloaera. Dowd Auction Co.. 1J5J W. f). w. Red m Areblteea.. Clarenne W. Wislngton, KB W. Uth. t 4arj. I-.vereit S. Iodda. Hlf Paxton D. Z'M. Attraotiona Jwwf!:- h Po,Mot.on picture machine and film bargain! Barbers. Chairs, lfk shsve, neck shave, lmr Far. BATHS, Ito; SHAVE. 10o. 120 N. idth nine Prl atlas. " HORNBY CtJ-Blue printing, under new , ownership, m Omaha Nat Bk D aiST. Hrasa Fewadrlea. " Psxton-Mltchell Co.. rth and Martha gt,. Balldln aad kHlrl H. 1T1ANTA. til Paxton Blk. Doug. CT. Callfnrala Lands. ' W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nst. Bk. P. WIS Card Blg-as. Office door lefg. Mynster. Psx. Bk, t. S1B7, late retw. MBS. F. A. WOOD, JI01 Psrker, W. M95. Chlroaraetora. J. C. Lawrence, T. C. Ettl ITowaM. T). at L. Oedilla, D. C, BM Bee Bldg. Doug. 4ilM." W E.Piirvlance. D.C. 4" Pax. Blk. D.4eU L. C. HAYES. D. C. teO bee Hldg. R. rb. China, PalatlaaT. Ruth Lstrhford. deonratlng. firing. R. 4941, Civil Baglaesra, M. J. I.AQY. m BET1 BLTX1. r. in r. Cream Reparaters. The jharples Bfeparator Co.. 11th Fern. Uaaelas; las tract ion. Lsat mo. summer rates, Msckle's, P.B44& Turpln's Dsniing Academy, 2Mh A Farn. Dentlate. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 1M0 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 4S Brandeli Bailey, the Dentist 706 City Nat l Bank. Taft Dental Rooma, lb!7 Douglas. D. I114. Detertlvra. JAMES ALLAN, til Navllls Blk. Fvl dence secured In all caaea, Tyler UM, DrtHBiaklag, Terry Dreaamak'g college, 0th A Farnam. Experience of all kinds, Usy work, reaann able, guaranteed, tm Dodge. T. 1JV4 SUMMER draaaea a apeclalty. Web. DU70. Sewing any kind ressonable. Doug.-Mli. DRUGS at out prices; freight paid on $1 ordsrs; catalogues free. Sherman A MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Eleclrle appllee. LEBRON Elec. Wkg., Sis S. Hth. D. im Hvervthlnac for Wosaen. tlumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton blk. L.- SJsa. HEMSTITCHING Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 107 . 18th. Woman's Exchange. 4M Pax. Blk. R. 4ll. ('acre.te Knailnswre, C.agnebln-Wella Co. 410 State bank. D. rtS. Fnrrtera. BEN FEN9TER, 1418 N. 14th St W. T7TT. Klerlats. v L, HENDERSON. 1511 Farnam. D. 1264. M s mber Florist Teleg raph Del. An n. HEB8 Sk BWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt A. DONAHUE, 1&3 Harney. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists. 1X04 Farnam St Live glock Hemedtes. OMAHA Remedy Co.. tn 8. 11th. Red 41 lair lireaslnat. Harrer Method, R, t, Ralrd Bldg. TA Hi LlshUaa-. Pltlam ssa Wlrlnaj. TIIOilAS DURKIN FJoctrlo fixtures and sunnlles. contract. tng end repair work done reaaonabla. Hit CU.M1NU. 1KJUULA8 lol. Mail and Arte. A GOOD piano teacher la organising her fall clase for both beginners and ad vanoed pupils. Call Harney 1973. Mfra. ssa Window Band. Cleaners. OLD shades made like new. Midwest Bhade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. liar. fc(l. Mnasenaea, Miss Jacobs. Mass.. Batfc. Wee. Trt P. TU. Rlltenhouse Co!. 114 Baird Bldg., 17 4k D. ANNA MARRSi" VI; ISM Farnam St. Apt I. Id floor. 1). KM. Mlaa Rex, Maaa.. 224 Neville Blk. 10 to 1 Miea Flaher, maaa., elect, treat't Red SOSi. MaaesKe. Mlaa Gibson. R. 224. Ntville Blk. MABSAOK. lot 8. 17th St Mrs. Bteele. Mrs. Bnyder, eleo. trt 140 R. Ith. D. 43Mk M AS ftV. Swedish movement 411 JUAOOAUIi B, p,ar ru,i,, sail CLARA LEE. massage. Douglas 1751. ELECTRIC Passage, rath, visa JivUpchurch7tl4 Balrd JUdg. Mssaage, Mlaa Walton, R. 124. Neville Blk? Manicuring, Kathleen Mack. Iou. 7.V2 Meaaeaaer nnd Trnnafer. WHITE LINE, tm SD. lltn. Douglas SJll Mllllitrr, BWITCHEfl from combings. II SO. Psyche free, Mrs. H. M. Eck, 104 B. 18th. D. 11J. sfevlaa. atornaie nnd Clenntna;. W. C. FERRIN. Uth and Capitol. Ty. 130. Oealtsle, Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Pre. alcCartcy, nil W. O. VY. bldg. Paleaia, H. A. fetutges. 3 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. baraoll, Paxton blk. Tel. RdTU7. ANXOCXCEMENTS. TO ALI. my new and old customers I wish to announce I am handling a full Una of clothing. Jewelry, etc., at 1121 Dodge. . i I FRIEDMAN. N. E. Cor. 14th and Podge. LUCKY wedding riiuia. brodef eard a. Wedding announce tnera. iHiug. Ptg. Co. tiood 1uur; 4 Iba., $1. Wagner. kl N. 16th. HAZEL laf Pile Cones. Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pllee; 10c postpaid; eamplea free. Butrmaa A McCunnell Drug Co.. Omaha. GET a private booth in mv anil noon lunch. 1 tTU LOCU. ti a Uth tu. LIVE win?. Bl "HI NESS KfiS OK OMAHA I'alnllnai. PAINTING and papering. H. D. Gard ener. Phone Benson 75 J. I'alfat le rloytnrat, AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. Hth BL Prlatinar. WATEBrt-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing Tel. Doug. 2190. 24 o, Uth BL rOrr!iASPrlnTlr,g Co Tel. Doug. 4447 COB KY . M k EN 'A K PTQ. CO. D. 2i44. R1EB-H ALL I'tg. Co. 1M Capitol. I). 1102, CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 17M." Rnark llitermlaatsr. B. B. B. Roac'.t Powder at your druggist gate and Tlmeloek F,eerts. ' k; AFE combinations changed, opened, re ' paired. F. E Davenport. 1 Dodge-Dimi hoe Rrpalrlag. Electric Bhoe Bep. Co., 117 Bt Mary'ai, REASONXiiLeT Fsrnam Rep. Co. 313 S. 24. Steel I elllacs. CARTER Sheet Metal Worka, 110 S. 10th. tore and Office Ktxtaree, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv iug, eta. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture tnd Supply Co., 414-U-U a l-'Ui. D. 17J4. Tonel gappllea. OMAHA Towel Supply, W7 S. Uth. D. tZA I'ranka and Mattraaee, FRELINO A STEIN LE, Vf Farnam St DR. O. K. YOUNG. VH1 Center. H. VX Wines and Llawors. ALEX JETES. 201-1 8. 13th St Wines, liquors, cigars. Piste dinner U to 1, 10c. OUiBK Liquor House, 422 No. Pith., 1 qt cold beer,2V;.Wrlte for price Hat. I. 4.162. HENRY POLIXck LIQUOR HOUSE? uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. I1EU WANTED FEMALE Ilensekrrpera and Vosaeatles. THE 8ervant Olrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the dealred reaulta This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. it M Harney WANTED A good maid for general housework, call Bundsy-or anyday next week. 114 N. Win St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. 3010 Dewey Ave. H. 2WH1. WANTED High school girl to asalat with housework; hoard, room, washing and small wages. 4012 Cuming. W AN'J'i;l lrl or woman for housework for suburban homo. general It. G617. WANTED A general house girl; must have references; small family and no washing. 910 Bo. 3fth Ave. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. Call evenings after t p. m. 110 N. 4.1d St. WANTED A girl for general housework; no washing. D634 Lafayette Ave. Tel., H. eWO. WANTED Experienced girl at 1 , lid Bt; must he good cook. Tel. Harney h6. COM PET EN f girl for general house work. Ul So. ith Bt. Harney U7. WANTED Olrl for general housework, small family, no objection to middle Sgcd women. M10 N. 43d St. vAivih,U Olrl for general housework; smnll family. Telephone Bouth 1071. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. HftoS Dewey Ave. H. Iti23. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $70; stenographer, . 110; stenographer and bookkeeper, thO', stenographer, If). Watts Kef. Co., 140-42 Brandels Theater. Factory aad 1 ranee, APPRENTICE gin. Oppenhclro Parlors. WANTED Pr eaters men's clothes. 2211 for' women'g Farnam Bt and MILLINERY apprentice. 804 8, 11th St MlaollaiMMna. WOMEN wanted for government clerk ships; 170 month; Omaha examinations soon; specimen questions free. Franklin Institute. lept 668-0, Rocheater. N. Y. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as seTangers are Invited to visit tht Young Women's Christian Association building at Bt Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union Station. HELP WANTED 51 ALE Agents, Kalriigra and Solicitors. WANTER SEVERAL NEAT APPEAR ING YOUNG MEN WITH BOM 10 B ELID ING ABILITY TO TRAVEL WITH MAN AGER. STEADY IValTlON TO PRO DUCERS. APPLY S33 BRANDEI8 HEATER, TUESDAY, 10 A. M. SALESMAN W'ANTEJV-Welt known manufacturer of factory labor-saving equipment has selling agency open with protected territory. Commissions propo sition on a business basis for big caliber man seeking unusual opportunity. P. O. Box M, Chtcopee Falls, Mass. Clerical nnd Office. WANTED Young man as cashier for new bsnk; must Invest; splendid opsnlng with future. Addreas L R. Myers, Gen eral Delivery, Neosho. Mo SALESMAN, furnishing goods sxperi ence, 176: stenographer, 176; stenog rapher, 17V; bookkeeper, ISO. Watts Kef. Co., MO-41 Brandels Theater. IF YOU are looking for a high grade po sition, see the CO-OPERATIVE REF ERENCE CO., Ita&-1 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drugstore snaps; Jobs. Knelat. Bee Bldg Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the demand is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Writ for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2S1I N. KHh St. Bt. Omaha, Neb, WANT!) D Carpenters. N. Larson, Wauaa. Neb. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeka completes. Good money made. Beat trade in existence for poor man. Machinery can't kill It. Our graduates greatly in demand on account of our thorough training. Call or writ. Molar Barber College. 110 B. Hth St. WANTED Experienced file setters, K00 per dsy; Fontenelle hotel. Welter Hess. M Iscetlanowas. PARTIES desiring young 'men to work for their board while attending school tbls winter should make application at onoa to Boyles College, phone Douglas The fall term opens September L MEN with pstentsble ideas write Ran dolph V Co . Washington, D. C. TEAMB wanted. W recking Co. If. Gross Lumber and THE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successf"! graduates than aB school in this country. "There's a reason." Write today for our catalogue ;('), 1417 Dodge. Omaha. Neb. PAXTON blk., abetter! na School. Rra. flL MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition. 16; set of tools given; wages paid. Trl Clty College. Uth and Douglas Bts. WANTED Names of men. It to 4a. wish- Ing to be Omaha mall carriera. month to begin. Y 104. bee. IIEL1 WANTED . MALE AND FKMALB U.u GOVERNMENT to be open lo m.w and women; t& to month. Write for Hat, Franklin Institute. lept 321-0, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKI Situation aa chambermaid or general housework, IvUl burdvUe bt, or WANTKD SITl'ATIOXS DAT WORK, bundle waahlng. H. 73,'. ?tenoraiih r denlrea work. vm. 'I rana crlhlng at home. Heat refer. t. Bee. DAY work wanted. Phone Douslaa K'a. LAUNDRY to take home. Wehatriii.'' RKLIABLK, practical nure wlihca pT manent (maltlon l. EXPERIKNCEI) and cf.mpetent tele phone operator dealrea position aa P B. X. operator with concern where there la chance for advancement to clerical imaltion; hlh arhnol -flu atlon; refcr ene. Addrrm F 2.V5, Bee RELIABLE colored man wlahea Job a Janitor, fall Hnr. 67i. SITUATION VVANTITD-By experienced colored girl. W. 6."9.. COMPETENT woman deelrea position aa child a nurse; reference'. Addreas . 43n. Hee. POSITION sa hotiaekeeper. by lady with little boy, In or nesr Omaha; references. Call or write, Jlra. A. Cass. 4713 No. 42d St , Omaha. SEWING by day; experienced dress maker; reasonable. Harney 12. COLORED woman watitg any kind of houae work. Will go out of town. Phone Webster 7375. YOUNG man of good hahita wishes posi tion as chauffeur, either private or truck; steady and reliable. Can give ref erences. Harney ). YOUNG msn wants work of sny kind where there la chance of advancement; well recommended as to ability. Call Harney 4i0. A COIjORKD p1rl wants position doing housework. W'-ab. XuV. COLORED woman wanta cooking In private boarding house or In hotel in a small town. 2921 Grant St. HOUSEWORK, washing and Ironing done by Mrs. M. Nelson. Harney 1WS. POSITION wanted by lady aa house keeper. Have boy 6 years old. Ex perienced. Addreaa It. 4C1, Bee. BUNDLE washing and ironing. H. hf.i. AUTOMOBILES WANTED-Ford for lot in north part of town; will pay rsah r!lf terence. K. flowi. FOR a high grade, lined car at a right price, see Howes, 22IS Fnrnain. D. K,". Greenoush .)maha Rad Rep. Co. 2'20 Far. 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdnrfer, 210 N. 11 GARAGE FOR BALE Northeast corner 2th and Davenport Csll Iougls 701D. "Llndberg"Fore door, body bldg.. 40 A Far Industrial Uaraxe f ,o., aith A Harney Sta. OMAHA territory is open for the exclu sive sale of a well known make of automobile tire. Bee C. R. Lawrence to day at Paxton Hotel. Motoreyclea. HAP.LEY-DAVIDSON ' MGTORCYCIES. Barnalns in used machlnea. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 27US I-eavenworth. Pope Motor Co.. 2S72 Leavenworth. R. IVA. IKI4 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains In used machlnea. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., lttth and Chicago. D. 37Z5 Llndborg Bros.. 2572 Leav.tFlylng Merkle). lil.Sl.NKSH CHANCES BUILDING Want a good grocery and notion business for this brick store building, full of new machinery on full fio-ft. lot in the best business center; paved streets: In Bouth Omaha; well rented on lease, paying 6 per cent on $5, "00 and ono-thlrd of lot occupied. S. U. 12.18, Bee. C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchanges. DRUG STORE In a good town for sals; will Invoice about 15,600; only drusr store. Address Y 141. bee. DRUO STORE, suburban; best in city; terms. Call Webster 34:: For" BALE A llvo get eral store business In a small town In central Nebraska; -ela average about $2,200 a month; stock will. Invoice about IS. W0; must sell quick aa firm is going Into a wholesale busi ness. Aaaress itu, bee. FOR BALE My pool room, bowling alley and barber shop. -Will sell at once. Write now to Geo. B toe k eland, Lu verne, N. P. HARDWARE Small stock, fixtures snd repair shop for sale, 3ti20 N. 30th. Web ster m. HIGH-CLASS business openings, Westen. JOHNBON. ii PAXTpN BLK. RhlD llJt, KNOW YOUR BUSINESS BETTER by Installing the Monarch simplified Book keeping System. Anyone can keep It; saves time; saves money; shows at a fiance how your buelneea stands at any I me. Send for booklet describing this wonderful ahort method system. The Monarch Printing Co., Council Bluffs, la. LAWYERS find that location, prestige and service mean much to them in building up their business. Offices In the BEE BUILDINO fulfill all these requirements and mora. Office Room 101 PLUMBING shop In town of 6,000; one other shop; no trades; $2,000 cash. Ad dress Y 18. Bee. RARE OPPORTUNITY for good business man with $2.0U0 to $3,U00. Investigate this. Addreaa H. 2:i BOUTH DAKOTA Rexall drug store for sate; sales n,wu year, f or pellicula addreaa A. Draper, Bryant, B. D. TO GET in or out of nuainesa, call on OANQSTAD. 404 Bee Bldg. D 3477. THEATE'RB buy, lease or sii" your theater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchango Co.. 14ot Farnam at Douglas 1W. TO QUICKLY sell your buslneea or real estate, write Kenneheck Co., Omaha. WANTKD-An IduaZ Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph Co.. Patent Attorneys. Wash. Inston. D. C. Hooanlnaj Honses tor Sal. l-ROOM mod. flat excellent furniture, good roomers, for sale cheap if taken at onoe. 1HU Chicago St Doug. 4448. EDrCATIUHAl FOR SALE at a discount, a full unllrn Red scholarship la Boyles Business col lege, Omaha; good for either ahortnand or business courses. Apply al the ottice of umtna tee. The Van Sant School Stenography Pay school. 1:00 to 4: 00. Night school. 4.15 to Uth and Farnam Bts. Dougfaa 6647. 19U FALL TERM OF y.OYLES COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 1, DAY AND NIGHT. The new catalogue Is ready. Call or f hoiie for It Business practice, boo k keep ng. penmanship, salesmanship, banking, stenography, stenotypy. typewriting, telegraphy, accounting, filing. Drtvale aecretarlal work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work tor ooara wniie attending. BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Sta Omaha, Neb. M0SI1ER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1 VnaurDaased claasea In all buatnaaa iiyl English branches, abort Us nd, stenotypy, teiexrapny and typewriting, students sdmltted al any tims. Graduates guar antees) good posltiona. Placee provided fur young people to work (or board. For a new. free catalogue addreaa MOSJ LER-LAM PMAN COLLEGE . Ull Farnaui Bt. Omaha, Neb, KOIt RALE Fwrnllare. New Id hsnd f urnlt , cash or terma, reasonable. Amer. Furn Co., "j" N. Igth. KEVEI1AL van lontia of furniture and some pisnos. Omaha Van and Etoraite Co.. N! Ko n,th St. FUKNITl'RK for living room, dining room, bed room, refrlaerator, piano. li!J Po. 2Mh St Tel. Harney 1.M:. Maa'rul iDstraments. SlUhtly nae high grade piano. v. 17M. Fi'K hALK A piano. Wia Dodge. Typewriter. TYPEWPITSIt.s sold, reined, impaired C e n tral i wi -ite- Ex hange. 80? 17t)L llh.N r an silver typewr-v.-r, 1 niu..ihs for . The tillvcr 'lyiewriter Co D. 2H19. Ail makea typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter. 1K" Karnam. D. W)31. BKNT Remingtons, Monarchs and Bmlth Premiers of their makers, The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12M. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chine) sent out. Rates, three months for 16 for underetroke machines or 13 per month for latest modl visible writers. W..trluuFOII. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. 600M. BRICKS at $1.60 per M.; also 100M. feet of lumber at works. 11th and .lack son Bts. .Buildings hoUKAt and wrecked. Trester-Kelly .Wrecking Co. Web. 4w. 2-hand mch. Grose Wreck Co., 21 Sc. Paul A NO. 1 BATH TUB, BVa teet. Tresler Kelly Wrecking Vo. W. 4S0S. FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds; easy payments. The Brunawlck-Balke-Collcnder Co., 4c7-4o 8. 10th St WAGON umbrellas. Wagner. H N. 16th. Closing out 10 good sewing machines, by dressmaker. 14 to lift. W. 3B. 219 N. lfith. ALFALFA MEED, $S.&0. Best known variety for corn belt. Thoroughly adapted. $134 per acre one season's crop. You would not believe actual yield for 10 years. E. L. Bowers, Verdon, Neb. FOR SA LE 165 rolls for US-note player Piano: reasonable. Call Red 8034. BARGAINS Good slightly used upright Idation from $' tip. Harr Piano Co., 3d Floor Boston More Bldg. D. 2017. Hoomlag Honses. THE best paying houae In the city, 10 rooms now paying $51 over the rent Must sell this week. Other business will take all my time. See owner, 4o9 B. 25th Ave. Terms. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horses aad Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In the city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danforth Co.. new locstion. 15'J-31-33 N. 16th St. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council bluffs Street Railway aompany to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned IA and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. MONET TO LOAN NEED MONEY 7 Bee us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 808 Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Baa Bldg. T?TirfnroCure,I In a few days without lvuPtuIcpaln. Call or write Dr. Wray, 306 bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1HD4. o Rupt lira vureu in a lew nays wiinoui Ul" Daln. Call or write Dr. Wrav. 90S Bee., Bldg., Omaha. Established 1894 o PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga fines. W'e collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 1136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge? St YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Womvn's Christian Association building at 17th Bt. and St. Mary's Ave., where they wlll be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid St the Union Station. Mrs. Mary L. Winter, scientific and pro gressive, teacher and healer. 4912 N. 17th. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES AGENTS. Investigate; 100 per cent profit; season now on; get busy. Chicken Life Sever Co., 2021 Cuming Bt STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof, 7ao a hundred at The Bee office. WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. tj. tteea. i.v r arnam. Doug. 6146. WK BUY Id-hand clothes. 1421 N. 14th. WANTED TO KENT WANTED Some one to eteot a building In West Farnam for commercial pur poses; will lease for term of years. Ad dress M 400, Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST BHIP live stock to Bouth Omaha. Suva mileage and shrinkage. Your consum ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock, tomtntaalou Merrbaalt, MARTIN EROS, tt CO.. Exchance Bldg. SWAPPER' COLUMN AUTOS Wanted Ford car for lot In north part of town, will pay cash dif ference. Address 8. J. lino. Bee. A NEW Ansco folding kodak, 24 "4, leather tourist case, for same and por trait attachments. Will swsp tor hard coal burner or range with hot water at tachment, or good bicycle. Address 8. C, 1001. AUTO White Steamer Auto. Beat of tunuiuon. nnu mi your Aaaress B. C, 1344 Bee. AUTO Want to swap for a late date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented ln Couth Omaha, on principal business St,, 16th and 4k Q streets. 8. C. 1344, Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifl cstion. AUTO-WANT TO SWAP RUNABOUT auto for cement blocks, building ma terial or contract work, for a cottage at Carter Lake club. B. C. 133G. Bee - AUTO One of the latest Stanley Steamer runabout cars out In perfect condition; all ateel spokes; a classy high grade car; you can go and come with a certainty; a hill climber, high speeder and one can go and come without any tinkering. For cement blocks, building material or con tract work. Owner means business, s. C. 1J4J, Be 0 Ai'REi) good ninoolh lsndi close to town, for an Omaha cottage; will rarry difference on land N. H. Jonea, Hast ings. Neb. GOOD GOLD WATCH-Gentleman'a sue, for furniture. S. C. 1370. BUCJGY Good 2-sealed. rubber-tired, for plastering, carpenter work or painting. Address B. C. 13. Bee. BUILDING MATERIAL Want to swap lor cement blocks, brick or other build ing materals or contract repair work. Owner has an auto and other personal property and means business. 8. C. IU1. Bee. CARPENTER work. Yes. I will do your carpenter work and take -anything of value ln exchange. Addreas B. C. It i. CARPENTERS Will em.cbBji"i bn. buggy, saddle, harness aa (list Payineul oa building. South 2uA, I SWAPPERS COLUMN COUCH To trade for something else; also kitchen cabinet. What have you? Address S. .-. Bee. ENCYCLOPEDIA Have a fine set of Hrltsnnlca. Will sell cheap or trade. What have you? Address H. C. Bee. EQUITY IN SEVERAL GOOD NOTES amounting to about 14.00 Will trade for land or buildings. Addreas B. C. 136L Bee. , EXCHANGE FOR AUTOS CLEAN ntock general merhendlse (no gro ceries); Invoice about IJ.e1). Address S. C. IX. Bee. FOU KX 'HANOU One 40-X0 Garr-8cott gas tractor, run sbout six daya; own er's health has failed: must have an ex change. Purchaser could get a i or 4 weeks' run in this vicinity. Also one 36x56 Nicholas Shepherd separator, run about 50 days, in fine shape. Address William K Wldm a n, Blgelow. Minn L1K BILL FOR SA1.E-A $60 DUE bill good for first payment on new piano, or will sell at a liberal discount. What have you In exchange? Address S. C. 10M), care Bee. FURNITURE for c 45-room hotel near Omaha, M.tiiO. Imw ist rem on the building. What have you to offer? Address t. C. 126S. care Bee. KODAK A new Ansci folding kodak. . 2Sx4',4, le.t rrer tourist case for same snd portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or good bicycle. Address S. C. 10P1 - I 1GEOXS I have 6 pairs of t well bred Homer pigeons to trade for chick ens, bicycle or anything a boy can uws. Address 8 C, 1K64, Bee. MUSIC FOR PLAYER PIANO Have choice library consisting of over 2) rolls latest popular und classical music for 8-note player piano. This music is almost new, none of the rolls or boxes soiled or torn about half of It la "hand played." Want late model motorcycle in good order, or might add cash for run about auto In good condition. 8. C. 12:11, Bee. OFFICE FURNITURE Will buy some good second-l and office furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address B. C 1240, Bee. ONE 6-YEAR-OLD DRIVING MARB with fine colt, rubber-tired, hand-made buggy, harness, wagon. 1 Incubators, 1 registered plga. flock of Buff Orpington chickens. Want automobile. Addreea B. c, irr. PIANO Elecant piano; swap for land, lots or acreage, value about M00; will pay difference. Addreas a C. 1367, Bee. PIANO In excellent shape, for building to be wrecked, auto or for truck. Ad dreas 8. C 1871, Bee. PHONOGRAPH EDISON. AND 40 RBO orda to trade for diamond ring or what have you? 8. C. 1031, Bee. PIANO Fine high-grade piano, will ex change for diamond, or sell cheap for cash or might consider small auto. Ad dreas a C. 136S, Bee PIANO Party leaving cWy offers good used upright Hunter piano for $65. A bargain hero for some one. Address S. C. 1.158, Bee. PIANO PLAYER Will trade for auto. Player in good condition, practically new, was $760. Address S. C. 1249. Bee. RAINEY EXcIlVnGE Will trade Rainey Mail Exchange for a Ford or any other small car. Address 8. C. 13.4, Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or sale. ' Phone 21661, Council Bluffs, la. 6CALE Have a Toledo 1-lb. candy scale, nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used in a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address 8. C. 1288. Bee. STENOGRAPHER Here is your chance. I have a new stenotype which I must dispose of immediately. Address 8. C. 1273, Bee. STAMPS Have collection of 10,000 of dif ferent dates and countries: very valu able; can't be duplicated. Will trade for runabout or what have you.. Address, 8. C. 1362, Bee. STOCK saddle and ,'JO-callber Winchester carbine, cheap for cash or trade. A. H. M., 235 Merrlam Block. Council Bluffs, la. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Will trade almost new, latest model Under wood worth $65 tor good motorcycle. Might add cash If warranted. B. C. 1351 Bee. YOU had better have that old house painted and fixed up, then you can sell It Will save you S31, per cent on your job. Will tell you just how to do It free of charge. Auareas b. u. isto, uee. WATCH What will you exchange for fine Swiss watch with solid gold case 100 years old,, and a beauty; also have pearl ring about H karat. Addreas S. C. 1354. Bee. WANTED to trade, some Rainey Mail Exchange stock for a 1911 Ford run about Address 8. C. 1360, Bee. FOR RKXT Apartments aad Flata. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have listed every vacant house and apartment in tne city. 'Phone ua for further Information, Doug laa 447y. Fidelity Storage St Van Co. 10-ROOM flat, modem. H. 647. CHICAGO ST., 2110 7-room new modern flat, hardwood finish, $46. D. 7556. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; S-horse van and 1 men, II 26 per hr.; storage 11 per mo. Satlslactlon guar. D. 4338 A Ty. 2& Phone Douglas iOO. 608 Bee Bldg. OGDEN ANNEX looms, with kitchen ettes council uiuria PLEA8ANT 4 and 6-room apartments; warning wt no, mn oi VERY choice 4 or 5-room steam heated apartment on West Farnam Bt. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1M)2 FARNAM ST. Gordon Van Co g 111 N. llth Bt Phone U. !4 or H. Mil 7-ROOM, modern brick flat, fine condl tlon. 2614 lKKlge, B.W.UU. t-', 440. 4-ROOM flat, newty papered and var nished; 2424 Leavenworth St.; $15 por month. Apply J. 1. Kemp, Dougiga 9sl, DKB1RABL.E apartment, 4 rooms and bath in i.iuurnia aiwiiucni. on janitor. Call Douglas 6237. -ROOM apartment In tho Sherman, beauty; pleased to show you. Btrong 1501 Sherman Ave. $16 Five-room, modern flat 3604 Leav enworth Bt. Tel. H 3128. -ROOM apartment in the Sherman, beauty: uleaecd to show you throusrh. SOOl Sherman Ave. ' FOUR new and up-to-date 6-room flats; every convenience; rent reasonable. 2Jd near Leavenworth. Call O'Keefe. HEATED apartment 2d floor., five large rooms sitting roam, dining room, 1 bed rooms, kitchen and large bath; 7 closets; trunk room -attic; $5. Suitable for 1 grown people. 222 Miami Bt. Phone Web. 1560. MODERN 4-room tlat. water, gas and toilet $12, 2418 Leavenworth St. Apply, J. I. KEMP. Douglas 97. Z YOUNG working men, private family, In walking diatanco; full particulars first letter. D 410. Bee. 1-KOOM mod. rn flat. $J&. 614 N. 22d. 4-ROOM FLAILS, $16. TYLER 1771. 8TR1CTLY modern, up-to-date St Louis tlat. rooms, close in Csll Red 30a. -I(iH)M modern flat. t5. 614 N. 22d. 6-ROOM brick flat, modern, 2106 Clark St Tel. Webster 6725. Bears si4 ntonnta. REEDHUKST To7Nourl ROOM and board for two; private resi dence; H. park line. 1707 Park Ave. WOMAN and son want board and room on farm for three weeks. Aduresa M , Bee office. South Omaha. Pnrnlaned Hssarkesslag Roesas. CI-OSE In. mod , reasonable. 2246 Farnam. litis Ituug Housekeeping rms, steam hi FnrnlaBed KatOBsa. 2J0 NO. J.1D Comfortable modern front rooms with small family; walking dis tance. 6 ROOMS, all modern, near car. H. "130. Neatly furn., 01 oil reasonable. 117 K. 30th. FOR RENT Famished Rooms. T?PT1TlFVI' 8. 20th, mod. rooma, lirjUi;fjA tPm n.wti reaaonabla, I LEASA NT, cory room for laJy. reason able 1 107 N. th. Call Harney NEWLY furnished rooma; walking dis tance; down town; home cooking, all No. 2fth Bt. Doug. ft??0. CLEAN, newly furnielied, large, I rooms ensultc; housekeeping complete; splen. did location; only $3.75 a week. Z&s Psrker St. TH I1EK iarae rooms with closet and bath. 273M 'a Id well Pt. BOUTH e"ast rooms, nicely furnished. private rnmtiy. ii:ik ft. .list. H. 413. 2401 Harney, desirable, mod.; walking dla. Fnrnlabed Honses. WEST FARNAM district. furnished house; 1 year. 3fr66 Hnrney St. H. 1K71. 6 Rf K)MS, modern, detached house, West Farnam district. Harney 6S57. S ROOMS, mod., new. nicely furnished bungalow, with piano, reasonable. Web. 88.11. V Ilowaekeeplnsr Kooma. TV, 8. 18TH ST.i-Housekeeplng and sleep ing rooms; mod, house. Phone T. 1021-W. SO. lth ST., 725 Houaexeeping rooms en suite; first floor; also sleeping rooms. Tyler 1VT1 W. THREE rooma, with water, wash room. 620 S. 18th: $16. THREE nice seconl-ro.jr rooms, modern house. Tel. Webster 8070. Cnlnrnlshrd Housekeeping- Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, with kitchen. for light housekeeping. 2817 Poppleton Ave. Hotels aad Avartmeata. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly ratea t3 and up. Douglas 7083. OGDEN HOTEL, rooms $2 per .week. Council Bluffa. DODGE HOTEL-Modern. Reaaonable, Iloaaea aad Cottages. 8-rtOOM strictly modern house In Al con dition, location 2812 Psctflc St. Call at 1060 80. 2Sth Bt. or phone Harney M46. 6-ROOM mortem cotrege. in Field club district, with or without garage. In quire 1014 S. 3Sth Ave". Harney 1652. t-H,, new. mod., 1814. Spruce, $:'0. W. 260t See Our Rental List. y Bankers Realty Investment Co. Ground floor Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 293. e FOR RENT Now 6-room modern house with large basement, or three rooms up stairs. Very reasonable. Two blocks west of Neb. Unl. Medical College. Call H. 8ipn. See This Double House. If you want a good, clean, handy place to live, CALL US, we will make the rent right. PETERS TRUST CO.. 4202 Cuming St Douglas 898. FOR RENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list ran be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Sz Storage Co.. 808 S. 16th 8L TTnnaon ln all parts of the city. Utilises CrelKh SorilI & Co., B( Bee Bldg. Free Rental List Complete information about every va cant house and apartment in the cltv. This service is free. Tel. Douglas 4477. r loeiuy storage a Van Co. 6-ROOM cottage. W24 Ohio. W. 4M3. MODERN 6-room houae. Call Doug, lf.28 NONE to compare, alt modern 7-rooui nouse, also -room nat. zaj js. Z3d. GOOD 7-room house, all modern. 2.-01 Meredith Ave. $27. Phone Web. 3335. NEW 6-room house. Inquire 609 So. 62d St. Call- Harney 6S07. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th & Jackson Sta. Phone Doug. 1516. Maggard's Van and Stor age Co. Reduced Lsrge van, 2 men, $125 per hr.: drv u men, $1 per hr. 1713 Webster. Dour. Uil V"WM mod, house, 1510 Dorcas. D. 6210. 6-ROOM cottage, moderri except heat! ... ...... in. jnio Ol. W. 371S. J. C. Reed eixp. Co., moving . packing Sz storaga, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146: -R. house, mod, ex. lit. 836 Pk. Av. D. 916. ?'0i!? 7"n" hou"e- """I- heat, 2619 1 "ini oiatance. w. J726. SIX ROOMS, modern, Kountsj Place: 2'27 Lothrop St. $30. See R. L. Shepard M-7 ROOMS, parlor extending acrona tho entire front of the house; oak fin ish, colonnade openings; four bod rooma ju utiiii, ime neisnoornooa; near car AMERICAN 8ECURITY COMPANY"! 17th and Douglas Bts. Douglas 5013. 2811 Woolworth Ave., S rooms, mod. $25. 2230 Chicago, S rooms, mod. $30 or 1 rooms. $60. 1660 N. 20th, rooma, mod. $30. 2706 Farnam, 8 rooms, mod. $50 RING WALT, Brandeis Theater Bldg. NEW S-room house, modern, hot water heat Dundee. Phone H. 2558. FOR SALE or rent, 8-room modern house, at 2915 Bristol St. W. 4218. o Barns. GOOD barn, room for t or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St Call Douglas 43. B tore a ana nrftces. FOR RENT An office with reception room, reasonable. $14 State Bank Bldg. FARNAM or ' 17TH STREET OFFICE LOCATION, AVAILABLE NOW. THE BEE BUILDINO CO., Office Room 103. REAL ESTATE FARM Jt RANCH LANDI FOR BALE! 1 Kansas, ACREAGE EQUITY IN ELEVEN LOTS Splendidly Located ln WICHITA, KANSAS. Will sell cheap, or trade for automobile or equity. Addreaa C. v. Long, 18M N. I7th bt., Omaha. Phone Webster S31L Minnesota. NO FAILURES In Pine county, Minne sota; close to tett markets; choice lands, easily cleared. $2u per acre; easy terms. Hunt-Johnson. Hinckley, Minn, aebraakau CHEYENNE county, Nebraska lands, for sale and exchange. Write tut free booklet. Chris Hi-jr.ey ft Co., Fairbury, Neb., or H. C. Casaelman, Lotlge Pole, Cheyenne county, Nebrnsks. FOUNLV-820-acre homestead in settled neighborhood; fine farm land, not sand hlils; cost you 1200 filing leg and alt J. A. Tracey, Kimball. Neb. FOU SALE Lest large body high-grade, medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C Bradley, Wol-l-ach. Nen o evr York. BAROAINS-$2 cash. 12 monthly buys 10 lota on Long It land. N. Y.; full price, $40 (only $4 each). Vail, 133 William t. New York city. N. Y. WIllDDlll, Upper Wisconsin j Seat dairy snd general crop stats in tha ' Beat dairy snd general crop stats in tha union; setuers wauled; lauds for sale at low prices, on easy trms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant Stata acres wanted. Write about our grazing lands. If interested ln fruit lands, ask (or booklet on Apple Orchards in Wisconsin. Address land Dept., boo Line Ry.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlseelianeons. IK INTERESTED In land In southern Iowa and southern Minnesota write tna F. L Jones 1-and company, W inters t la, for their list of $50 farina. i 1 i1