L f ' rssBBBMws'-7vBaaaasBaMssiaMiaBBsaBm I1 THH I IKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NKl'TKMBKK 1. 1!M4. uur -vutuiiiii uuii Can 6c easily selected from our extensive showing of attractive new garments, all of which are reasonable in price. The Amoricnn designer lias shown a surprising wealth of originality and genius in creating the newest suits for fall wear. Thrown upon their own resources they have produced style ideas of which Americans can well be proud. Well Tailored Suits of Desirable Fabrics in Attractive Suits at These Special Prices No Extra Charge for; Alterations. The Store for New crepe de chine blouses . $6.50 HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH FRENCH CONSIDER MOVING CAPITAL AWAY FROM PARIS . .i . . . . ' (Continued from lage One.) compelled' to fall" back before the German advance in the neighbor hood of La Fere, which Is more than twenty miles nearer Paris than the Cambral-Le-C ateau line, where the allies reorganized after the Germans crossed the French border. ' Fighting is also reported in the vicinity of Amiens. 1 La Fere is only a little more than sixty miles from Paris as the crow flies. The Post says: "A statement Issued by the French embassy dlsdloses a situation of much gravity. A German army was bn Saturday attacking from the east the line from La Fere to Guise, and, though unsuccessful at Guise, was . making progress at La Fere. These two German armies were therefore bnly, forty miles apart 1 "The' German army attacking on the front at Guise and La Fere has ' clear country behind, and a sharp offensive turning movement on (the southeast by this army will interpose it between the French and Paris." "Troop to Defend Paris. ' PARIS. Aug. SI. (12:08 p. m )-All night Inns troop trains have been arriving at the capital ami passing by. rail around the city to the location! In the encircling fortifications to which they hsve been ne slgned. There Is great activity on the part of the municipal military administration In completing details of plana for the de fense of Paris. :15 a. m The declelon of the military authorities to clean the sone of forts around Parts does not affect the sone Im mediately surrounding the old fortifica tions of the city. It only applies to de tached forts such as those at Mont Valertea. lsey and others. Under this decision all the buildings and small structures of no great value . surrounding the forts will be pulled down. Steps have been taken to provide shelter for all the homeless persons. Many Leatvlasr Paris. v ,i..i . .ln. .k military sltustlon on the frontier, ha. been made public up to noon today. Ths unusual animation to be noticed on he streets: of Pari, today was c.ueed I .the chiefly by the thousand of persons who are preparing to leave the capital. Per eons are departing and taking their fam. 11 lea with them as a matter of prudence. It la felt here that the fewer the number of non-combatSnta in the city the better. ' Tickets for trains leaving Tarls today to tha west and south were all sold out last Hlght, ' - Gsrauas Not Confident. LONDON, Aug. SI. (8:55 a. m )-The Times correspondent ' st Ostend records at second-hand a conversation with a German officer from Bruesela, who said that frantic efforts were being made to Inflict a crushing blow on the allies, es pecially on the English forces. Notwith standing the success achieved by the German army the dispatch saya there Is a feeling amoitg many German soldiers that they ars fighting against too great odds.. Deapite all efforts to conceal the news from Prussia, it is stated information of a disquieting character regarding events there Is beginning to. circulate among the German forcea snd this feeling or anxiety was Intensified when two divisions, totalling S0.00O men. passed the Meuse by the bridge of Andenne at Sellles, between Js'amur and Lleee. en route for German Holland. The emperor has made It known to every soldier thst his orders sre to take Paris or die. the dispatch concludes. Railroad Tickets Limited. A Havaa agency dispatch from Ghent says that district is now clear of Germans snd that railway and telegraphic com munication have been resumed with Gra mont. Ths military authorities have or dered the railroads to limit the Issue of tickets to Antwerp to the strictest mini mum. The object Is to prevent provisions being taken from Ghent to friends In the fort ress and to prevent spies taking advan- tage of a crowd to obtain Information re garding the fctelglan forces st different points. Gerasaaa .le Oat List. BERLIN, Aug. 3a Via Copenhagen and Ixindon, Aug. 31, 12.25 p. m ) The twelfth list of Oermsn losses wss made public to- $24"50 - $29,S0 $35.00 Shirtwaists Mil 1 fwVd 91 llJ JGTREET3 (lay. It contain" 1,0". nrnnri. Total of German casualties mails public up to the present time Is sa follows: 1,141 dead, 3,226 wounded and 1,711 mlss lug. No news from either of the (iirmm fronts had been given out up to mllnlght tonight. As an evidence of the cnthus'asm of the German people In the war It Is announced here that 2.000,000 volunteers have pre sented themselves for aervlce. As the result of the patriotism shown hy the socialists of Germany, the Antl Poclallst association has ceased Its ac tivities, at the same time expressing the hops that it will not have to resume after the war is over. Haron Kurt von Irsner, second secre tary of the German embarsy at Washing ton, has reached Berlin hy way of Gib raltar, lie ran great risk at Gibraltar of being srreated by the British and detained during the war. Nothing has been hesrd hers of Lieutenant Baron Horat voti Lers ner, a brother of Baron Kurt, and also attached to the German embassy at the American capital. Malls from the I'nlted States, which during the first few days of the wsr ac cumulated on the frontiers, sre now be ginning to be distributed. Dispatcher from London snd Paris at the commencement of the war predicted the rapid dlelntegratlest of the mnitary power of Germany hjve been received in Berlin and are commented with great ridicule by the general staff. KAISER'S TROOPS TAKE OFFENSIVE (Continued from Page One.) events subsequent to the defeat of tho Kuaslans kt Krsnlk, says the Austrian army advanced !n the direction of Lubln with the object of making It Impossible for the reunion of the Russian army of tho Vistula with its right wing. This Is the principal Russian army opposing the Austrian. Germans Short of Mea. LONDON, Aug. SI. (5:60 a. m.)-The Post t. Petersburg's correspondent says: "It Is significant that In the recent fight ing not only the German field forces, but ths fortress garrisons from Thorn and Graudens (In east Trussta. east of the Vistula) took part with a strong force of heavy artillery. This proves that the Oermsns sre finding a serious shortsge as I regards men with whom to oppose the Invaders. I "Th ttialM - , . , . . . euu aavanc- III VLt.'.u! , ,h""e h" nZS'Lt). If "rUnd K'- .-at ,. t i . "y L ' . ! u''T .'f,"a"y nt niiu ine outlying defenses of Koenlgshorg, which they se cured. This, of course. Is very far re moved from the capture of the fortreas. on the Austrian front obstlnste fls-ht. Ing continues. The nusslana have taken 5.000 prisoners east o lumbers and 1.000 near Tomaeheff, while east of that ren er the Fifteenth Hungarian division waa surrounded and whole regiments are sur rendering. "The main objective of the Auatrlans arleara to be Lublin, where desperate rignung is In progress." Aa.trlaas Take, C.reat nimu. LONDON. Aug. 31 .-(7:15 a. m.)-Com-mentlng on the temerity of the Aautrtans In croeelng the Vlatula. apparently with the Intention of Joining hands with the army engaged In the province of Lubln, the Kt. Petersburg correspondent of the Times saya: "Hy placing the Vistula between them selves and their base at Cracow, the Austrian are running a terrible risk. We must conclude that their aid ia ur gently needej In Lubln, where, accord ing to the headquarters staff, desperate fighting has been In progress for nearly S week. "Colonel Shumsky, military critic of the Bourse Gasette. commenting on the oper ations, concludes that Instead of their at tending their design of outflanking the road of the Russian advance upon Ber lin, the Auatrlans themselves are com. 1 pelled to retire to defend Gal Ida WILLIAM ROUSE DIES FROM STROKE OF APOPLEXY William J. RoiMh. aged 44 years, pro prietor of the Carleton hotel and for merly manager of the Drexel, died yes terday afternoon from a stroke of apo- ,,,'"sr-Dece,"1 WM well known In Omaha and throughout the state and came here from Frankfort. Ind., in 19H). Surviving besides the wife Is one son, Paul. Funeral arrangementa are pvndlug the arrival of relatives. Bee Want Ada Are ftad and Used by Ambitious Mea and Womeju MILLIONS BATTLE ON THREE FIELDS European Nations Waging Death Struggle on Austro-Russ Line in Prussia and in France. CONTRADICTORY NEWS OF EAST Impossible to Tell by llrnorta from 7. on Which Side I Wlnnlns .rrmnna Arr Advancing In the Went. LONDON, Aug. 31. From all the fr-prfad liHtslo lines only bulln- tious of Napoleonic brevity have coi'io in the last twenty-four hours. History Is being made on three Brest fi ids of action along 200 miles of French frontier, on 200 miles of the Austro-Hunsarlan bor der and through a wide area of tantern rrussla. Silence has covered Austria's war with Servia for several days, but that has become a minor detail of i the death struggle of the European I powers with millions of men en gaged. The Russian front Is the scene of events of the greatest magnitude, but between the claims and counter claims of the belligerents there is such a vital difference that It is im possible to form an estimate of which wsy the balance swings. !NTe Delayed. From northern France the news appears to follow events by three or four days. The French embassy an nounces that there has been hard fighting on the right wing of its northern army near MeKleres since Friday, and also that the German forces are making progress in the La Fere district, which apparently means that the French left wing has retired somewhat further, but it is not revealed how near the Germans have approached to tho LeFere fortress- The British official reports, is sued Sunday, show that the British army no longer constitutes the left wing of the allied forces, but that tho French have re-inforced them on the west. It further says that the French have been fighting both east snd west of them and have brought the German steamroller to a stand stll for a time. Rich Reatlon In Grnap. The, Germans are believed to bo forging another steam hammer for a heavy blow and Great Britain anx iously awaits word of a great battle In which Its army may be a focal point. How far the Uhlans have spread Into French territory, it is Impossible to learn from the many w.ld reports fugitives have brought into England, but a rich country with important manufacturing cities lg evidently In their grasp. From Holland and Belgium come circumstantial reports that the Ger mans are moving part of their Army by trains back from Belgium. Ap parently these troops are destined to meet the Russians, and, If the re ports are true, it may mean that the Germans feel strong enough on the French frontiers to spare part of their force) or that they consider the repulse .of the RuBBlan Invasion more important than throwing a great army into France. ' i . eat Victory Cheers. Tic British people find cheer in the exploit of their navy which sank three German cruisers and two de stroyers . tn a daring dash under cover of a fog into the sone of fire of tha Helgoland forts, and In filled a loss of nearly 900 men on the German fleet at a cost of twenty nine lives and a total of thirty-eight wounded, and damage to three Brit ish warships which will be re paired within ten days. Another raid by German aircraft ifbulted in the dropping of several bombs Into the city of Paris, to which American women tourists persist in going from London in the face of official remonstrances. Among the Germans prisoners of the naval action Is the son of Ad miral Von Tirpltz, the German min ister of marine, to whsm the first lord of the admiralty, Mr. Church ill, has sent a message of his son's safety, while Count Von Schwerln, nt phew of the German emperor, is a prisoner in the hands of the French. A BrltUh colony plsyed its first part in the war when the Germany colony tn Samoa surrendered to an expedition from New Zealand. DENY CHARGES BY THE GERMANS (Continued from Page One.) the Turkish government but had not yet been delivered to It Ilia majesty's gov ernment has not only offered to pay In full and return the ships In good condi tion after the war or supply equivalent new ones, but also additional and gener ous compensation for the use of the pre empted ships during the war." At the British embassy It was said to day no serious attention mas being given to reports emanating from official Ger man sourcea of attempta to arouse dis affection among Mohammedan subjects of Great Britain ia India. Kgypt and else. where. Embassy officials said Germany had long been seeking to enlist the friend ship of Musselman communities but this had not produced any notable evidence of disaffect ion. WXliON, Aug. SI -(4 06 p. m Pre niter Asquith publicly reprimanded the lxmdon Times In the House of Commons this afternooa for taving published the HEIRS TO THRONES IN THE WAR Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm of Germany (on the left) is in command of an army corp3 in the attack on France. The Prince of Wales (on the right) has joined the English army as a lieutenant in the Grenadier Guards, one of the regiments sent to the assistance of France by the British. WW tt -.--- -a . ast . . w 3tr Y .- 1 "y -ytvf if: ' 7 V i: ych f 1 I V -4 ( , " , i I IIS ti'y -I'M .:,-: I t ' ,( ? ,! h v i rJ i ? i i I 'i I 1 ''' s' ' ' i ' If r -""i hi .. . as ,y. v,te sf jb , jr . ..... . j tkaas. m l 61 dispatch which created such excitement Sunday mornlnsr. 'The publication of this dispatch," said the I'remler, "seems to me a regrettable exception to tho patriotic reticence which tlio press as a whole has shown up to the present and 1 trust It will not recur." Mr. Asquith opposed the suggestion to allow correspondents to go to the front, but admitted that the public was entitled to prompt and authentic Information as to' what waa happening there, and eald that arrangements were being made which j he hoped would prove nsequate. Reverting to the Time dispatch the premier then said: "It may become necessary to ask the house to pass some drastic legislation, which I shall be very loth to propose until the urgency becomes extreme." The London Times on Sunday morning printed a dispatch from Amiens, Kranoe. in which the correspondent took a very pessimlxtlc view of the situation from the standpoint of the allies. BRITISH MID U. S. SHIPS FOR FOE; NO EAGLES SCREAM (Continued from Page One.) tention. Two Germans aoard the China claimed &wlss cltiieuahip and were not held. All German residents of Hong Kong, Captain Thompson re ports, have been held. . Manila newspapers of August 8 arriving here confirm the captiln'a story. They say that after the Man churia had balled from Manila a ru mor gained circulation there of a plan to arrest the Germans on board the Manchuria after she reached Hong Kong and that on this account it was understood she would not touch there, but would make Shang was not followed. (oiapti) lias No Word. KAN FRANCISCO. Aug. Sl.-The Pa cific Mil Steamship company has no ad vices here from its original agents that thers has been any boarding of or inter ference with its vessels, under the American flag. Officers of the company thought they should have heard to the contrary, had the facta bene such. They believed the officers of the China must have been niisutvlerstood or mUquoted. The officers of the Japanese line had no Information on the subject whatever. The Manchuria followed the China from tlong Kong and should now or shortly be at Yokohama. Supposedly the China got lis Information from the Manchuria by wireless. Kidney Trouble Weak Back. Signs of breakdown tn health. Eleo trie Bittrs gives sure rvllef and lasting brnerit from It's use. 60o and fL All ruejgists. Advertisement. I . i III 1 ... J 4'- HUNDREDS LOST IN FIGHT AT SEA (Continued from Page One.) the destroyers crept within tho German lines between Helgoland and the German ooast. "An aeroplane sighted them nnd gave the news to the Germans, whoso destroy ers then came out. The British destroy ers lured the Germsna to the cpen sea. where other destroyers were waiting, spread out In fan shape. German Trailers Come Oat. 'A small engagement followed, and then German cruisers came out. The British light cruiser Arethusa, after u sighting shot got Its range splendidly and hit the foremost gun of one of the German cruisers, demolishing it. Tha Arethusa then fired a few broadsides at the enemy. Its practice was excellent. It hit a German cruiser, which at once burst into smoke and flames, but soon afterward a German shot did some dam age to the engine room of the Arethusa. "The destroyers IJberty and Laertes fought a grand fight. A shell brought down the mast of the Liberty. The Laertes was hit amldshlp, a hole was shot through Its funnel. Its forward guns were damaged and It received also a shell In the dynsmo room, snd a shot ANNOUNCEMENT THE NEW HARLEY HOTEL 20th and Farnam Sts. OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st A thoroughly modern hotel, newly and well furnished. PRIVATE BATHS. FREE SHOWER BATHS. Rates $1.00 Per Day. With Private Bath, $1.50. Special Rate3 To Permanent Guests CONANT HOTEL C0.; Props. Phone Douglas 6625. COAL AT CUT PRICES Ths advent of cooler weather suggests "Coal." Now is the time to lay in your winter's supply. Freshly mined coal Is arriving daily, and prices are at their lowest. We are ready for delivery, and carry a full line of the best grades of all kinds of coal. Call us our telephone ia Douglas 63 and let us talk the situation over with you. ROSENBLATT CUT PRICE COAL CO. 1223 MchoU. M as . .. M II aft which wrecked Its cabin. "It was hot worlt, but at that moment the British light cruisers and battle cruisers appeared. It was the moment for which they had been waiting and their execution was deadly. The first shot from one of the British battle cruis ers sank a German cruiser which had I been battering a destroyer. The German floet then turned and fled, but was pur sued by British destroyers, which did ter rlblo execution with the'r four-Inch guns. "Many of the Germans landed after th battle from the British Biilps were wounded by revolver bullets. It Is de clared the revolvers were used by Ger man officers to prevent their men sur rendering to the British boats which had put off to save their drowning opponents. Some of the boats lowered to the rescue of the Germans, it Is said, were fired upon by German cruisers. Carranza Closes Port of Vera Cruz WASHINGTON, Aug. Sl.-BrlRadlor General Funston has reported to the War department that Provisional Presi dent Cart ansa hns declared the port of Vera Crux closed. Funston states this will have a serious effect on ths city's food supply. Dee Want Ads Are Head and Used by Telephone Douglas 530. Robbing the Bottle That's what you do when you take the cream off the top of the milk bottle. There's but little food value left in the blue rcilif. Cottage EVa?05 ED Sterilixed Unsweetened ia rich and creamy to the last drop. You can use part of it full strength) for cream and d'Uite the reit for cooking purposes snd always hsve the proper food value. Cottage Milk Is pure, rich milk with most of the water taken out and with nothing added. It lasts indefinitely. Get a supply today and see how superior it is to bottle milk. 77ie Milk Without (As Cooktd Tatta In Two Sizes S and lOc At all Good Dealers Or phone CuUen Brokerage Co. ImuRlns 44t;(. 21r. nrsmletn Thp'r PMs , Omshs, Nb. AMERICAN MILK CO. CHICAGO argam lay Wednesday. Sept. 2d Welsbach Burners, Odd Glassware and Inverted Lamps, Toasters, Sad Irons and Miscellaneous Appliances at Reduced Prices Omaha Gas Co. 1509 Howard Street THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPEE.. AMUSEMENTS. DftHMULId Matinees Daily AKXBTTE XELLIKMAN in KEPTUNE'S DAUeilEB Trices, Matinee ISo-aac; EviUng SSo COMING HINT NO. 5 Are iron oldt In this fill I? play you will look LIILC- back upon the glad nilln mil tha mmA STONES miles you bays trav eled. MO&Z TOMORROW Ths Sensation of Europe ana America Douglas 494. Phone ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. This week: Bob Matthews, Al ahayne & Co., Trovato, Miss Wlllette WUltaker, Kiamer Morton Australian Wood choppers, diaries Yule, Fred Munler & Co. I.lbby & Barton, Kxclustve AnlmateJ Photography. ... Price: Mt Otllery. 10c: bt sts (cpt Pt md Sun I, tc. NMhu. lflc. M. " 'ie "OsUS TXT If CEsTTEB" CBjrtl trfTfl Daily - 10-25-8 cffSsSS.- CUS FAY iS. CAY ETY GIRLS Burlesque Harrv K. Norton, Zella Russell, Keely A Mc'Cloud, Mae HviWen, Three Haywood snd LADIES' MILITARY BAND Ladles' Dime Katinse EyeryWeek Day. Lake Vlanawa DANCING, BOATING, ROLLER COASTER AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS. Park Closes Labor Day Evening, at Jl P. M. BASEBALL Omaha vs. Topeka mOUXU FAKK. Bept- 1, 2, 8. 4. Friday, tx-pt. 4, ladles' Daf Osmes called 3 T K. fill aaassaaBBiasBSHicjBSBSS V f 1 1; t-mi.: Trf"? j I 4 i i