no THE IJEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1914. AIN AND PRODUCE MARKET uch Wheat . Reported to Have Been Stacked by Fanneri. FLOUR SITUATION IS STRONG JM liter Hare Oaly I.ltt nt rrnd mrt in Hnn Cera fttrows;, llb llr Old Mall em Bayln Ride. OMAHA. Auk. H. 1914. Secretary E. J. Smiley of tha Kansas i Gialn I Patera' association In an Inter view aays that Kansas has rained lsn.mrt,. QW bushels of wheat and tht 40 per rent ff thla crop la stlrl In the stock on farm. mo tiso aeriarea that Kansas aa we 1 as southern Nebraska and northern Okla homa haa ahinnrrf not to exceed SO nor fnt of the wheat rrop. Corn losses In Kanni were heavy be Cauae 01 the lack of moisture In soma eectlons and tha hiKh temperatures at times over nearly tha entire state. Wheal values will Minli:..; In nlvnt fn tha war situation. As viewed from an (partial standpoint, the countries now t war will h obliged to Import enor mous quantities of (train and nearly all of this wheat must coma from the United States. J Russia will not permit of any asportations of whcot, save to cer tain sections of the United Klnirdom and then only certain amounts. Australia haa cut off the exportation of foodstuffs and Argentine will have a smaller quan tity of grain than usual for shipment to Importing countries. The clearance of breadstuffs from America will he lsraer for tha next two weeks as the figures Complied are said to show that the ship ments to the United Kingdom aa well as to France have been enormous. The flour situation at Chicago as we!l a In the west Is It) tha strongest position la years. Millers have little spot flour to sell abroad, as the domestic trade Is absorbing everything obtainable. Corn remains strong, with some of tha old time bulls still on tha buying side on II tha decline. The east Is taking mora of out corn than for some time, becauso of tha small offering of that grain of good quality from Argentine. It Is ex pected that tha Danubiaji shipment will , be liberal In tha near future, but that we will see but small shipments trom the southern hemisphere. A Chicago concern received a cable from Liverpool Saturday asking for a bkt on Argentine corn for swptember shipment. - Kxportatlons of oata from the United dates will show marked Increases when tha sea Is open to commerce. Besides the big purchase In America, It Is said that Canada haa sold good quantities to Great Britain. Wheat was lo to 4 higher. "orn waa unchanged to c lower. Oat Were lo higher. These sales ware reported today: Wheat: Ko. I hard winter: S cars. tl.ON; 1 car, $1.0714; S car. ll.OiM: 2 cars. $l.o. No. 3 hard, winter: 1 car. 1104; 1 car. tl 07V4: cats, li 07; 1 car, ll.OS't; 2 cars. II. OS; 2 care, !..; 4 cars, il.w,1; I cars, i.u; 1 tar, ll.MV No. 4 hard winter: t car, 11.07' 1 car. 11.00. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, U US; 1 car, $1.0?V; 1 cars. II .01. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, U.02'4. No. X durum: 1 car, 11.01. Rye: .No. 2- 1 car, 9c. No. : 3 cars, MVc. oats: 8tndard: scars. w74e; No. t wntte: I cars. 47"ac: 3 cars. 47c. No. 4 white: 6 rsrs, 4c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, e&'v:. No grade: V far, 4sr. Corn: No. 2 white: 1 iir, ,7c rxo. x wnue: 1 car, i'c; 1 car. 7c. No. 1 yellow, cars. 76c; No. I yel l,w: 2 cars. 7f.te No. I yellow: car, Th'v. No. yellow: 2 cars. T&e. No. 1 mixed: J car. 7c; I cars. "iWc; 24 cars, 75c. No. 2 mixed: 1 csr. 7tc. No. ( mixed t cars. 75c; 1 car. 7c; V car. 74V; S car, 7'4c. No. mixed: 1 car, 75c; 1 car. Tlc; 3 cars, 74HC. Clears nee were wheat and flour equal to W,000 bushel; corn 7,ftW bushel; oata 1W.0U0 bushel. Uverpool closed: Wheat, 1 d, higher; t-nrn. not Quoted. . Primary wheat receipt were 2.719,000 bushel, and shipment 1,615.000 bushels. Frlmary corn receipt were l.axi.OjO bushels, and shipments km.uuv Dusnnis. ahinmenta of holiday bushels last year. 1 Primary oat Teoelpta wwr 1.4K1 ,000 buahel. and shipments M&.OUO bushel. CARIjOT RECEIPTS. W heat. trn. oat Chicago .... &llnnea.pol!a DuliitV Omaha" Sansa City M. Iula . . 2 7ao art , o 1 M 47 W V InniiMig 3R0 Omaha Cash Price- Wheat: No. I hard. H.OftVil.O: No. 3 hard. fl.OtVidy !.'.': No. 4 hard, sectiai.OT.: No. I durum, fl.0H5fll.01; No. S durum, OScttll.OO. Corn: No. 2 white, 71ir77o: No. I white. 7 Wac: No 4 white. 75WAf7c: No. 2 yel low. 75Htr7Mc; No. I yellow, 7&mrWfc.,l No. 4 yellow, 7SP76'c; No. 1 mixed, 7449 7Sc; No 3 mixed. 74i4&74c; No. 4 mixed. 74fl-74tc. Oat: No. 2 white. 47H, i"tf, standard, 4714f47Hc; No. 3 white, 4Tif7'o; No. 4 white. 4H4U'4So. Barley: Malting. 7W76c; No. 1 feed. Wirffe Rye: No, 2, 7714fiSc; No. I. .6iVo. rmcAGo gkaix Aim rnovisioxs Feat a res of the Tradlaa; aaa (leslac Prices Bear4 t Trade -CHICAGO. Aug. SI. Wheat lumped rapidly today, Influenced by signs thst Fjurooean need for supplies from this side ot tha Atlantic waa becoming more acute. After a bulge that 1n soma rases amounted to s rents a bushel, the market closed firm at a gain of 8To to 4c net Com finished ?c off to 4C up, oats with en advance of VWc to trac and provl elons varying from i decline to a rise of 26 cents. Perhaps the most Important new af fecting the wheat market waa tha an nouncement that world shipment were virtually all from North America and for the most part were made up of wheat that had been grown In the United ftatea. Moat of tha wildnesa in wheat was rlpht at the start. Simulators were nearly unanimous In taking at once to the buying sid. Before the session ended they ware joined by flour manufacturers who were said to have received a limited number of export orders on the basis of c5ta before loading. On a aecoiid strong well tha September delivery touched the extreme high point of five days ago. The later month were mftlVso short of pre vious lilTtt quotations. Prospects of fairly large deliveries here tomorrow on September contract tended to ketp corn depressed. The market, however, showed a good rltal of sympathy at times with, the strength of whest. Good rain and I liv er a 1 receipt were against the bulls and axport demand lifted oats but profit tak ing by longs led to a material reaction rmm the top level reached. Advancing prices for hogs carried Pro vision up grade. The only declines were due to the closing out of September con tracta bv scattered longs who did not de- lire to take deliveries tomorrow. ("rain price) In Chlcae-o. furnished by fn sr nrvan. au n. inh rt.: Artlclwl Open. High. ( txw. Close. lHat'y. Wheat Dec. May. Corn 1 w 1 14'dl 1 l... 1 2li 113 103 J 11V, 107 I M'a' 1 14 1 15 1 IHi i a1 i n iks ii , 7 74 0 71V 7i 7IS 7, J '4 74 74 7M, 4S i 4tSfl 4W- i: 6iy US (4V, M W 75 MM 30 U M0 23 00 C a U tt io io ot s it r, to ,-(, lOO.s, 10 47 10 ItCH, 130 II 00 10 11 0 10 77 4 11 7S II i;v. U I2S 13 45 12 40 1 13 17V 12 40 1 11 14'i-VI . May.lThuHO fjsts I t-ept.49t40 I)ec. May. iMi'J fork .spt. - Jan. !. rd -pt Oct. 75 It W 1 .&. i :t,J Ja R:r-s l SO br-pt. 13 tt Chicago Csah Prices Wheat: No. 3 red li l.-aiMV; ro 2 hard. ll.Uul.iaV Corn ;o. 2 yellow. W'tgalc; No. I yeltow, bOV MaavggTgg vttk kinaW as- Mnt. auta a4 t'irvws ta oe hmvcUr r vinruwt. n4 bor ett mmtk toa :'', tM tl a ii4 bone rut ajul l.urk i eiuMUiatunw'rfMr. a. i o iq S kmw Mil. In, ' .u.B t , m v it, fwjow kHtwH. t l. b.. Hwwrll, C'4o., m: and rt. liuwir v ii.turaa at hu ctf. A,MaK.aaira.o gauaa, swaaa. !pr lrr-z&z Hurley: W-rWr. Tlnv'thv: $ 1 1 "lover: 1J.ii. pork: Nominal. Lard: TrZVX merle. !l'4;yv. KtXtR -Steadv: iTiflnn, 111." rases: lit tnnrk. cses I n I m.-. . ifi! ordinary first. ?"'-f)?lc; first. r.i6:2'c. IMTATt'KK-Kimilv; rfnlpl. 7B ears; Jrrcev. T4fl Minnesota, Onto. KV&C. rorrvrnv aiivo lower; fowi, k-cj springs, MCW YORK t.F.KTlU. MtKKKT Maotatloas f Ikr Da) a Varloa tamaaadltlea. NKW YOKK. Aug. SI.-FIX'R Firmer, nrl e nominal ika r Min.t. irregular; rvo. 2 ren II 1; .NO. 2 hard, U.K.; No. 1 northern iMiluth. tl.2.'i; No. 1 northern. Manitoba, H.ZfiS, all nominal c. I. f. Buffalo. Fu tures without trsnsscllons; Peptember, II. IS; fx-cenilier. II S2. Mors steady; stste, common tn thoVe, ini: crop, ai'V.i'n-; 1912 crop, 4lJl"; I'a clile coast, liIJ rrop, W2c; l:12 crov, 14'il.c. HIUKK Ntrady; Rngota, 2S'ir2'ic; I'm ersl American, a'c. wool Firm Domestic fleere XX Ohio, 31c. CORN Kpot. essy; No. 2 yellow. M;e c. I. f. to arrle; Argentine, strictly prime, P0r nominal, delivered. OATH Kpot., firmer; stsndnrd white Sf.uiitic: No J, B6tifjo'4c; fancy clipped white, ofi '. II A Y Htradv: t.rlme. fl.infr1.12u; No 1, fl.nrjtilirvj; No. 2, 'Sfrci'uli.OK; No. 3. Wv-. I.KATIIKIl Firm; hcmlmk firsts. 310 Z2c; seconds, .Krilc. I'ROVISIONS fork, firm; mess, $24.7.VU jr25; family. t27.0iii'A.on; short clears, f28.l .(. Heef, unsettled: mess, I'a.Wot 2t.W: fshllv. 13 ntV'o .10 Or l.srd. strong;, mM.ll. wii lift 0ii 10 70: refined, firmer. continent. Ill 2f: South America, 11.0; comiounl. D.60fr.75. TA!.lw uulet: cltv. ac nominal; county, 6tlc; special. 6'4c nominal. OMAHA 'JC5IBR4L MASIKFT. PITTER-No. 1. 1-lb. cartons, lie; No. 0-lb. tub. . CHE EPIC Imported flwlss, 40; Amerl- n Swiss. 2Cc: block Swlsn 23c; twins. He; daisies. 1ic: triplets. lc; Toung mericas. 2uc: blue label brick, lc; nm- uraer. 2-lb.. 2rtc: 1-lb.. 20c: New York white, lc; Imported French Roquefort, 4P. i FISH Trout. 17c: large crapplea, l'7 l.V; salmon, 12';lfa. halibut, '-c; channel catfish, Ur; pike, 17r; pickerel, loo. POULTRY Broilers. c; nena. iir: rocks. Vc; ducks. He; geese, c; turkeys )Ac; plegons, per dosan. w , nucxs, run feathered. 8c: geese, full feathered, 3c; squabs. No. I, fl.&O; No. 1. 80c. RWF.F CI TS No. 1 rins, lie: ISO. x. ISVfrc; No. ,3, I4'4c No. I loins. 2c; No. 2 19c; No 3, IfiV. N. 1 chucks. 12'ic; No. 2, 11'; No. 3, lO'ic. No. 1 rounds. i;.'c; No. 2. 14Hc; No. 1, n4c- No. 1 pistes, &c; No. 2. Hc; No. I. 74o. (Tares quoted by tne uuinsky r run compsnv: FRUIT Oranges, extra fancy valencies. Ms, 112a, !:As, 150b, 17f,a. 200 and 2uOB, 13.75 per box. Red Hall Valencia, all lxe. f.1.50 per Nxt Iemon. fancy 300s, SOU. is.Ro per box: Wim, I7.W per box. Grape fruit, extra fancy Ms, IIW per box; extra fancy via, 14.00 )er box; extra fancy 2"s, IS V) per box. Indian River A4s and fiO. 00 per box.- Apples, Helleflower, four tier. 11.60 per box; 5-box lots, 1156 per box; 10-hox lots. 11.60 per box. (Iraven- st '-In, II. M per box; a-box lots, II. to per bog; 10-box lots or more. II. 40 per box. "antsloupes. California Standards. 12.(10 per crate; Jumbos, tl.75 per crate; Ponys, 11.50 per crate. Colorado Rurwell canta loupes, ll.Ort per crate, watermelon, le per lb. Plums, Italian prunes, tl 33 per orate: s-rrata Iota, 11.30 per crate; 10-crate lots or more. 11.26 per crate. Idaho prunes. 11.26 per crate; 6-crat lot, 11.20 per crate; 10-crate lots or more, 11.15 per crate. Hun garian or Oross prunes. 11.(0 per crate. Peaches, California Salaway peaches, 70c per box; loo-box lots, 07ViC per box. Washington Elbert, 70c per box; 100-box lot, S7MiC per box: ftoo-bog lot, e per box. Pears, California Uartletts, 12.00 per box; I-box lots, II. W per box; 10-box lot or more, 11 Ho per bog. Washington or olorado extra fancy, fl K per box; In box Iota, fl.M per box; 25-box lot, 1171 per box. Flemish Ueautles, Washington or Colorado, II per bog; -10-box Iota, per box; Si-box lot, 11.60 per box. Grape. Malaga, fCal.), 11.36 per crate; 5-casa lots, 11.30 per case; 10-case lot or more. 11.25 per case. Tokay, 11.75 per case; ft-Case lots. l. aft per case; 10-case lot or more, 11.80. Home-grown grapes. per basket. i:c: 100-basket lots, ltc per basket. Bansnas, er bunch, Il.ib2r3&n. VKGFTABI.Efl Cauliflower. lenver, 13V4e per lb. Cahhage. c per lb. Onions Ho per lb. Peppers, SOc per basket, Fancy tomatoes, 5rto per basket. Cucum bers, hot-houae. 2-doa. baaket, 76c per bas ket. New beota, carrot, turnip. !. dox. elery. Michigan. .1f per do. Celery. Denver. Jumbo, 11.00 per do. Hea4 Jet tuce, 60cftll.50 per dox. Ieaf lettuce, 40o per do. Onions, home-grown, lRo per dox. Radlahea, eoc per do. Garlic, Italian, 20c per lb. Horseradish, 11.55 per rase. Shelled popcorn, 4c per lb. Asparagus, home-grown, the market price I about 80a do. New potatoes. 75c per bu. Vir ginia sweet potatoes, 1.75 per bbl. Ala bama weet potato, 11.50 per hamper. .nuts salted peanuts, fi.w per rase: No. 1 California walnuts. HV per lb.; perana, lJSo per lb ; filberts, 15c per lb.; almonds. 20c per h. MISI'KIJNEOI'8-Sugar walnut date. 11.26 per hog. IJmes, 11.75 per basket. Crackerlark. IS 50 per rase. Crackerjark, per half-case, 11.76. Checkers. 13.50 per case. Checker, per hslf-case, fl 54. Cra aael Wheat Itegina Balletla, Corn and wheat reaion bulletin nt tha t'nited State Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hour ending at t a. in., 7oth meridian time. Monday. August 31, lt14: OMAHA DISTRICT, -Temu. Rein itiation. High. Lw. fall. Sky. Pt. cloudy It. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Raining It. cloudy Clear clear Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Aaniand wi 73 Auburn 2 17 .01) .1 .79 .110 .no ."0 . .00 . .no .4 . .82 ,IO .00 .on .00 .41) . 1.30 .no .00 Broken How M si 64 7 t 64 0 3 M 7 58 6 M 6 3 5 7 M MA olunibua KH Culbertaon .... 8! b alrbury K Fairmont tl Grand laland. (artlngton ... it M tasting Holdrege Incolri 90 North Piatt.. 88 Onkdal S4 Omaha Tekamah 88 91 K8 m 17 91 M M Valentine Alia, la arroli la larlnda. la.... Sibley, la sioux city. la. Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of --Temp. Rsln Dlrtrlct. Station. High. Low. fall. Columbu. 0 18 so SO .i0 lxmlsvllla 21 80 M . .10 Indta'potls Ind.. 13 9" M .00 Chicago. Ill 24 13 M .40 St. Louis. Mo ... 23 84 M 1 U les Molnea, la.. 24 88 an 1 SI Mlnneapoll .... 62 80 58 ,S0 Kn. City. MO.S4 sa aa .ill tmiha. Neb... .17 58 4 .40 The weather Is somewhat warmer In the western portion of the corn and wheat region. Shower a occurred in an except the extreme eastern district. Ralna of one men or more oecurrea ai station In Iowa, Missouri ana? Illinois. I A. Wf'lyMlt. Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau. Mlaaea rails Ural a Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug 31. WHEAT Septenitn-r, tl li; December, tl 1"; No. 1 hard, fl.2.; No. 1 northern, tl 17tl23. No. 2 northern, fl 131 21. WHKAT advanced about rent today. FU il U-lna.Hv demand. BARLKY-4.l74c RV F-V!'. i HRAN-IJ2.60. CORN No. I yellow. 767c. OATS No. I white. 474J"47C-FLAX-fl.S3Hnl t4 kaaiaa llr t.rala aael Prevtateae, KANSAS CITY. Aug SI. WHEAT No. I hard. l.(Hill0; No. 2 redv II vu) i ; nepiernuer. i i; Ueceinber, ll.UiS., Msy, II lt.'ol 161.C. CORN No. t mixed. 8ic: No. 2 white. 8HV-; September. c; December. ti i ; May. 7a'74c. Creamery. 2tc; firsts, 3S"c; econds. 24c; packing, 21c. K ; ;s Firsts, ."c; seconds, 18c. l"OL LTKY lltnj, Xtc broiler, V. MkM LIYE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle at All Points Are Large and Prices Lower. GOOD MONDAY'S RUS OF HOGS Heaviest Raw f ghee mm4 Iambs tare Reglnalag ef Ike Raage blpplag Seasoa Trade glow 4 Teadeaey I.awer. POUTH OMAHA. August SI, 1914 Receipts were: Csltle.Mog Bheep. F.etlmated todsv 12, 4,'"i0 .) day a Week ago f.V-K . a7.4X fame day I wks ago., f. 1 rrr 4. V 24.393 Ksme dsv 2 wks ago.. h.cKI ": l"..4l Kame tiny a jear Ago 7.9ns 3Mi 30XW The following tsble shows the prices for hogs at the Booth Omsha live stock mar ket for the Isst few days, with compsrl ons: Hate., (lOia. 1H2.l1l.lll0.ll!V.ilnK. Aug. 17. Aug. 18 Aug. 19 Aug. 20. Aug. 21. Aug. 22 7SV.I I I 7 171 f 30) 7 7I 44 7 171 I 24 7 72, 41 7 1 I 23 7 Ml 31 I 7 75 I 8'4l 7 77 1 I 0 I H4W 7 Wi 8 lis. I 3,. 7 .131 f V M'4! 7 M: 8 04 7 27 7 4J 6 . f aV I 08. 8 04 7 261 f 54 33 Aug. II., I I M I IW 1 15 8 en IM t 7!VH 1 7 Mi f 111 7 12 S2 t 7m 7 HI 1 7 Ml 8 7)l 7 71i 0 :v4 I 7S-7 7 I 2u 7 121 f 87 1 7 H 3s t 7V 7 H 8 31 1 8 0S 7 ISS; 41 8 m 7 C2 8 311 7 13 7 4 8 StVHj! 7 V 8 K? 7 li ,8 81 47 I 7 i 8 W 7 ll OH 7 7. ...... 8 2 7 0l" 8 Ml 7 77 53 Aug. .4. Aug. 8f. Aug. LH. Aug. 27. Aug. 28. Aug. . Aug. 30. Aug. 31. C ATTIRE Receipts of cattle this morn ing numbered 4f7 cars, being the largest receipt of any day since September 2-d, when 623 car were reported In the yards. At the same time Chicago and Kansas City were a Is.) heavily loaded to the ex tent that there were really more cattle In sight then the requirement of tha trade demanded. The natural conse quence of such a condition was that tha trade everywhere waa slow and Cull with the tendency of prices sharply lower. The forenoon mas well advanced before buyers and seller really got down to business snd It was later than usual be fore anything like a clearance was ef fected. There were only a very few cornfed In sight and there was a very fair buying demand the market on that kind waa steady and the offering for the most part (hanged hand In very good season. There wa nothing very fancy In eight but there were cattle good enough to bring no. i trass beer steers were weak to KU Inc lower than last week. Canner rows were In active demand and the market on that kind fully steady. On the other hand the butcher cow of fair to good quality were very alow and 16i 35c lower. - . The brat weighty feeder did not show much change, being in some case close to steady It not fully steady owing to the moaeraia supply or that kind or stock. The other grsde of feeder were mostly lO-lio lower than last week. quotation on range sheep and lamb: Lambs, good to choice, 17.207.40; iambi, fair to good,' 7.1Ora7.20; lambs, feeders, f4.60fc7.l0; yearlings, good to choice. .",.40rrf. 6.90; yearlings, fair to good, d.l.Vrft.40; yearling, feeders, f.V4OtrJt0: wethers. good to choice, f6.on16; wethers, fair to good. I48irt5,00; wethers, feeders. 14.30 4.70; ewett, good to choice, I4.SW4.M; ewes, fair to good, I4.5O94.H0; ewes, feeder, 13.40 tr3 M. . , . . , . , Uuotatlona on rattle: Good to choice cornfed beeve. fO.iiO 10.36; fair to good cornfed beeves, f 7Mi 9 60; common to fair cornfed beeves, f7.7yii8.7G; good to choice range steers, l7.5txii8.7K; fair to good rar.g steers, f7.a(07 .60; common ' to fslr range steers, ' f L'6417.36; good to choice grasi cows, fa.264il7.76; fair to good grades, 15.60 4(ti.2o; common to fair grades, I3.60fy6.60; good to choice stocker and feeder, 17.60 JS.W): fair to good stocker and feeder. 7.0Ka7.60: common to fair. Ktocker and feeder. J6.l&7.tPO; stock cow and heif er, f6.26&4.7!; stock calves, fti.OOS8.0i; veal calvea, fK. 0" cf 10. 60 ; bull, stag, etc., $.40.4). Kepreientatlv sales: BEEF STEERS. Na. At. Pr. , Ns. At. Pr. II 11.14 14 17 ... mo I at BTEEKS AND HEIFEKA. 21 1st t : ' Bt'MA. I m l o i tne i w, 1 ., 4!l I 00 . I .,.1140 I M 1 SCO- t 44 1...........1IM IN 1 1 IN . CALVES. . . 1 lie is STOt.KKRS AND FEEDERS. tl 1 IM f 81 HM li . . 17 feeders... .T1 85 i . NEBRASKA. 17 feeders.. 84 A - 2 feeder.. 8K 8 85 1 feeder... J t W row 10M f 10 1 cow S30 8 10 I feeder.. 8K 7 25 cow ft 4 1ft 11 cow 1108 e 00 feeder.. 747 8 60 12 feeder.. 772 8 ' I bull...... 1310 5 71 8 row 903 6 00 S3 feederav. VM t 70 19 oow 10PA 4) 10 S feeder.. 900 5 75 1 feeder... SsO 7 26 21 feeder.. 1072 7 2ft I cow. I12D J 86 1 feeder.. 611 f fto 2 feeders. 71 ft 20 heifers... fcfO 8 25 ft feeders.. 9Mi ft 75 1 feeder... .) 6 70 $ cows. . .. 990 4 60 2 heifer.. 9h6 ft 3D 4 feeder.. 871 ft 80 37 feeder.. 12 ft 76 8 feeder.. rt .ai 1 cow fttt 4 60 10 heifer... 9:f7 8 30 4 heifer... 1117 4 90 8 feeder.. I0 t 75 28 feeder.. 813 I fti 2 feeder. . 9!0 0) 18 row 9 f Oft 3 cow 998 t 00 ' 7 feeder.. 710 on 8 cow 772 f 00 1 bull 1090 6 40 14fredera..ll24 7 45 15 feeder.. Hti T 40 ft heifer... 818 ft 8ft 21 feeders.. 1092 ,1 SO 10 feeder.. 8itf ft 8ft $ bull 1270 ft Hh 2 cow 1145 5 85 S cow 98 ft fft 1 bull. .....1340 & 90 1 bull 04 M) 4 feeder.. 1W 7 ) 5 heifer... 96 ft 00 8 heifer... 8H8 40 . W. Beck. Nehrak 41 feeder... IJW 7 90 1 feeder. .'.123 7 90 ft feeder... 1248 7 10 I feeder.... 161 ft 7 90 t iee.ier....U') in f eeder. . . . 13-J) 7 20 4 1eer 1297 7 1. 4 teer..'.,.1270 T 15 a steers i4Uo 7 16 Huffman Brother. Nehraeka Sow" M' 40 4 feeder... 683 ft 50 ft feeder... 620 ft So 30 mixed ... 7:4 T 76 a neiror...- n.s so . 17 heifer... 74 1 75 I heifer. .. 95 7 75 1 belfera na in ft nlfars...,7.14 7 7ft 11 feeder... 920 TOO ""rem Lno; .(, c,ti. Company. Neb, r reeder...lirin 7 23 26 feeder... lftj 7 26 21 feeder... 1K 7 26 2 feeder .1005.. ft 50 O feeder.. 861 (go 23 helfara.. 17 $40 H. Lenlff, Wyoming. 4 feeders... 1048 1 to W. A. Wilson, Wyoming. ai leeoers... j ( 75 I feeder. .. 153 ft 00 l?.Ten.r.::i;",70'Vl75 omin,. Art Serff. Wyomlna .v..., .-i were mooerata for a Monday, about sixty-three load a or 4,000 head, being received. Thl I slightly larger than both last week and a year In aplte of the fact that all other mar l reported stronger prices, the local ,,,T..,?pn', vry du"- Moh shipper and killer buyer were of the opinion that prtcea at thl point were entirely too high, and they proceeded to hold thing down. In fact, shipper and speculator .......... i.imi IO ret m at au, and the whole of the supply was left at the dis posal ot tha packers. During the earlier- round buver even refused ta make an offer on anything ex cept the best hogs, and when thav rm.iiu '"" oiaaing price were no more than steady wlln the general market Saturday. One packer picked up two or three load of hog that Just suited him at price mai were quoiea at MTiuo nigner, paying high for good quality butcher. Other buyer failed to better their blda to any great, extent, though, and, after holding out until nearly 11 o'clock, seller started to cat loose at prices that were sieaay to a mexei nigner, tne big end of tha hnga selling on this basis. Toward the close the sluniDv feel In which had been In evidence all morning, became more noticeable, and Dricea ak. ened, dropping first to a steady basis, ana a nine later 10 a somewhat lower level. Salea mad at thla time were In no inatanre mora than steady with Sat urn y. wnue a nuinoer ot them were uuoird aa weak to a nlokel lower. At midday there were still several load In first hand, and the blda made on them were quoted a being In soma caae a dim lower. , Bulk of ta sale a were made at H M7 00, against .Saturday fit fug 00 trade. There waa a sprinkling around fBVn 10. and top reached f.l&, a nickel higher man toe nignesi figure paja Saturday. Ns. Ns. At. Sit. Ir. t. ...4 ... IM .. IJT ....t ...HI Ml. ...tU ... IM IH .. M IH ...ti ... IM ...Ml . IS . f M I M .. t1 I ...JU I 1 tT MS m.... .it ... m S I M t m ... m II t 3S M I ; Ul M I M u r W I t IS IH M Ul M I St fJ M I '. 14 M Ml ... II 14 ft. 40 II It - ;i . ra. z?4 iw I H ; ?4? m ( M v. m is rs4 ... t i ? 44 i ... i itl l.n PIC,". .... ... t ta it 74 ... t SIIEKP Foutu Omaha led all markets ln In sheep reielpta. not herring even Chicago, aa todav'a run amounted to 4F.08P head, the greateat number of ahep nnd lambs here on sny one dsy alnce the IsKt week In October of Isst yesr. Iast Monday 37,W hesd were yarded and on the ssme dav a vesr sgo the receipts were nn.SrW head More than half of the receipts this morning were on the feeder order, which le to be expected at this time of the year. All outside points weraj liberally supplied lth offerings today, the supplv at Chicago being reported at ao.OiiO head. . , Despite the liberal supply of offerings nt the disposal of buyers both sheep and lsmhs bad a fairly active movement but prices showed a decline generally of loy l.V from the close of last week The range on fst lambs wss around f i., the Islter figure being ss high a any lambs sold. Nothing trlctly choice of the right weight waa available. The mut ton upplv moderate like It ha been several days back. The clearance wss seaaonable. Price were also lower at l'whl'e' Isrge supply of feeders espe cially lambs, was on hand the Inquiry did not aoem a active a at the first of last week, and prices a a rule showed a dime decline. Feeding inmbs sold largely at 8nni7.rt0. Some breeding ewes moved earlv at tfi.10 snd feeding ewes it H. Not' many feeding lambs changed hsnds until sfter 10 o'clock, but In the end most everything hd a satisfactory of a healthy Ind cat inn a continuance trade at current quotation. No. 65 Nebraska fat lambs 1rt Wyoming fat lambs , 2i Wyoming fat lambs 194 W jomlng fat lambs Av. .. S3 .. 73 .. 73 .. 73 Pr 8 7b 7 30 7 30 7 30 CHIC A KO LIVE STOCK MARK KT tattle Steady Ho; Steady Sfceef) Steady to Lower. ctnnino a,,r i CATTIK Receipts, Jftono hesd;'msrket steady; beeves, fH.7Vi 10 90; steers. tft.S&'dO 35: stockers nd Teen ers, .'.eO".1.:; cows and heifers, S.1.90fJ 40; ?slvea. r.KOrail.r.. HOGS Receipts, .TO.rtt0 head; market strong, mostlv 10c higher: bulk of sales. 11 9.9 36; light, t9.nnj9.5o; mixed. fx.HW Dir.: hesvv. t8.6rJi9.4.i; rough. ft.65i!8.80; t igs, tr, 6ofi8 5rt. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts,' 40.000 head; market steady to 15c lower; sheep, I4 7O-O6.60; yearlings. f6.40raft.3S; lamb, Io ,0 I&7.75. Kaasaa City .Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 81. CATTLE Receipts, 19.000 head; market lower; prime fed steers, 9 iV10.60; dressed beef steer. fH.Owa'J.50: western steers, fS.:(u) 136; stockers and feeders. ffi.OOS-26; bull. f6.2.Vi.76; calves. $i.ftm0M. HtxiS Receipts, 7,tXW hesd: market higher; bulk of sales. f9.06Ci9.30; heavy f9 1.Vif9.30; packers and butchers, f9.1o4J t.! llt, f9W9.36; pigs, $i.6i(t.76. SHEFP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.400 head: market, lower; lambs, Ki.7nfj7.40; yearlings, t5.50ft.00; wether. V'. aUo.60; ewe'i, $4 405.16 St. Vbmlm Ut( Stck Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. 31. CATTLE Receipts, 7,900 head: market teady; na tive beef eteere, fr.SoTilo.&O; cow and heifer. I5.00fi9.fi0:. stocker and feeder, f6.OOrft7.60: southern steers, td.ttVij8.26; cowa and heifer. ft.0OT.6O; native calve, .00m9.0i). L . HKJ Receipt, nrao, niiri higher- pigs, and lights, t7.004i9.53: mixed an.l butcher, $9.26tje.aO; good heavy. t9.3o . . , n., r 1 ... . A Vl SIHSKU A C LI l,a.nun hcd; mrket teHdy: native mutton, f4.O0ra-6.00; lamb, f7.004jl7.7a ' Slonx City Ltva Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la. Aug. 31.-CATTLI-r 9 rjin head: market ateady: butcher! t.i1j.26; cow and heifers, l.15 ftft.25: csnners. It .wat.; "101 acre a nu feeder. lft.4Ofi7.10: calve. r.OOftflO.OO; bull, tag, etc.. t6.vfrt.50. HOGS Receipt. .ow nesn . 5" "" lu.vt tKft.VnO lO: mixed, fa 91X18.06; light. au at'i-t go. K.ilb nf .eiea. 38.90t8.9n. mm trap AND LAM B8 -Receipt, 1.300 head; io quotation. St. Joaej.1i Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 31. CATTLE Re- e.irxa soo head: market ateady; teers r.00ffi10.25; cows and heifer. $4.259.50; lalve. f.flttrl0.5O. HOGS Keceipt. x.w neao. niaraci higher: bulk of sales, 19 10i9.224. SHEEP AND L AMBS Recelple, 3.000 head; market dull; lambs. t7.09W 05. unisa 11 r .Tiati-i-. OMAHA. Neb., Aug. S1.-PRA1RTE HAY Choice upland, none here fll.60; No 1, none here. 111.00; No. 2. fS.oatriO W; No. 1 fti.O0SjM.O0; choice midland, none here, tll.OO; No. 1. flOSO; No. 2. fSOfrlT 10.00; No 3. fftOO.OO; No. 1 choice low land. t.00fS10.OO; No. 2, t7 .0059.00; No. i, f;, .0ur(i7.00. STRAW Choice oat or rye, fo.0nrff6.60; choice wheat. t4. 506.00. ALFALFA Strictly choice. !18..V)'5.I4.00: No. 2. f9. 5010 60: No. 1, S12.t8'13.00; No. 3, not wanted, f7.0O6O.00. j Ceffee Market. NEW YORK. Aug. Sl.-COFFEE-No change wa reported In the coffee situa tion here today. Some of the cost and freight offers from Brsiil were said to be a shade lower, but owing, doubtless, to the uncertainties of fresh Importetlon. local holder were ald to be firm in their view and price were unchanged, with Rio 7s quoted at TW and Santos 4 at 13V. Today' Braxlllan cable reported receipt ot 7.0no bag at the Braxlllan porta on Saturday, and Jundlahy receipta were 7.000 bag. The Rio market was 75 rels higher at the close ,on Saturday while the Santos curb wa unchanged. , , . KvaBorated Apple aad Dried Fralts NEW YORK, Aug. 31. EVAPORATED APPLE-S nasier; fancy, lWUHo; choke, IVtlO'c; prime, HtriSVic DRIED FRI'ITS Prunea, quiet; Cali fornia. IMf'HHr: Oregon. loifflSc. Apri cots. esv; choice, KmitCi extra choice, 12t,12V; fancv, ISHc. Peaches, ateady choice, v,t4i4c: extra choice, ftVllWe; fancy, "1'tl'c. Raisins, quiet: loose Mm ctels, l!tt'V; choice to fancy eeded. 78Sc: seedless, ft'tlr; London layer. $1.75il.B. OH and Resta. ' NEW' YORK. Aug. 31.-ROSTN nominal; trained, common to good. $3.75. TURPENTINE Inactive; machine, bar- "sA VANS ATI. Ga.. Aug. Sl.Tl'RPEN TINK nominal, 46c; no sales: receipts, 277; shipment, l.ftf.7; stock. 29,04. ROSIN nominal: no alea; receipt. 62; Shlments. ft.208; stock. 113,984. QUOTE A. B. t3.50: C. D, $S.63H: R F. O H. I. fSR5: K. 14 16; M. 14.50; N, t00; WQ, t6 25; WW. tft.86. fw Yark Miar.r Market. NEW TORK, Aug., 11. MERCANTILE PAPER. 7 per cent. STKRL1NG EXCHANGE Nominal: for cables. 6.087Mr6.0726 per cent; for demand. ft0trn0Ata per rent . s PlI.Vr.K-Hax. 0-5 per cenu St. I.aala tiraala Market. ST. IjOUIS Aug. 81 WHEAT N a. I red. ll.lll.i:H: No. 2 hard. fl.t1.14 a.ntmhr I1.10A.: December. 11.13V. CORN No. 2. SfjKfc; No. 2 white. 81 83c; September. wc; iremor, uv. OATS No. 2. enc; No. I white, o-c. Dry Gnat Market, NEW TORK.XAug. SU DRY GOODS Market quiet today. Colored good were strong because of scarcity of dye atuff. Cattem Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 31 xOTTON-Soot. good business done. malrTVy In the better qualities. Sale. 4.7CO bale. Klarlsi Batter Market. ELGIN. Aug.. 31. BUTTER-31C asked; toHo bid. No sale. Metal Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31 -MKTALS-Lead quiet. 13 7a: spelter quiet, fa. 00. . REV. 0. D. BALTZLY TO BE BACK HOME WEDNESDAY A BiaT haa hn received la Omaha from Rv. O. T. BalUly. paatur of th Kouota Memorial Luthem church, say ir.c that h had arrived at New York. would be home Wednesday and tak up hi pulpit duties oo Bunds y. Rsv. Mr. Kaltsly had been traveling In Kurope and considerable anxiety had bee a felt as o ku safety. Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the United Ststea for' the week ending August Z7. aa reported to Rraotree a Journal, New Yo'k. aggre- : gate l2.i'.7.tfV"0. against 2.177,"v.uTj last aeek and IV-'.21! in thla week last year. ( anad'an clearings at arcuate $12y.-! S.T,.onn aa against f IM.Iftl'.'ioft.laet we-k andj fl.H'.;2.oiio in this week Isst yesr. Follow-i Ing are the returns for this meek and last, I with percentage of change from this wek lap! year: I I I Amoant Derllnr. I I OTIE8 Nw York rbtraan I'hiladelpbla Boaton tt. Iyila Pltubtirsh ganeaa rttr Ran Kranrlace Palttmore ,. Ieiroit Ctnrlniiari Wtnneapelts Clevelaad Is An: Nw OrlMas OMAHA Milwaukee Atlanta liDlltrrlil Seattle nuNalo Portland.. Or St. Paul Penvar Indlanapntia PrnTl4enee Memphla Rtrhmond Forth Worth St. Joseph Waahlnslon. D. C Mandrill Altianr Celumhus Salt lha City HTiuiah Toledo Pea Molnea Knchratar Hartfora nttluta Spokana Norfolk Maonn Peorta' Oakland fllotix Cltr Jackaonrllle. Fla ir'2S..,l.or)l....8J.. .7. M. ono 4 1 ll7,IWt ri 1. 8 lftO.ftavmwt! 14 6 si.rero 11 S0.4.17.nrm ... . I.I ..?. tn.i 1.3 .... I X5.IM.fW .... s.f HI.l7l.onni 4,5 .... M.jmi not)1. ... 11.7 I ,4l4 "0' ..' tJ.17t.nnn W.I:.... ' 1 tM.f'i .... 14 I St.882.eiH)! lt.72l.onni.... 7 I UMIOnnj... 10 14.111.000:11.1 .... s.lM.snn. 1 in.7f-4.onn' 7.8 ll.ViH.Ono.... 4.4,.... 0 O'.K.nnnl 18 4 ; .tl.nool 1.71 7 aia.nno' if....; 7.14S.el.... I I t.9t,noo .... It 4 lai.nnni.,.. 14 4.36,".ooni.... It 1 liannnl 44 .!ni.(Kn rJ i l,(W onn' . ....,nn .4 l.735."n 4 4 una oon!.... 11.4 t.l.noo 1.8I.... l.i2.oonl....!U.i I.in4.nnn 4,445 soft I ft.ftl.... 4.4 lM.nni....! .4 4. ton. oon 10 f,'.... l.tao.nmi 1J. 9 t.jis.onn 11 2 207.0O0 14.1'.... I 1. atno.i2..... I ! .lM.omil....lll.8l ! i4.nnoi i.j1 I 2. P'4.onnr.... 112.3 ;.Si.noo I 1.1 J.iHK.nool I 4.3 S.71 nonl 4.0'.... t.imi nonlil a!.... S.4J.nno: ft.Jl.... ;.(j.nonl....l I I J on.ooni tl1.... t.lWi.ftnoi....l 1.8 l,(t51,nnoi....ln. 8,121. nnol... .'H.I j.l.M.onn'io.T1.... l.isj.nnnl. , ijj.a 1 nit.rnn ;.7.... Mi.nooi....! 2 t TUrrntnaham .' Wichita Grand Rapids ...I New Harea Syraeuaa Prranton f-'prlnsriald, Maaa Worcaater Pan mo Tarorna , rhittanooga 1 rtafton Lincoln femont Bishop Mclntyre to Have Presided at State Meeting Bishop Robert Mclntyre of the Metho dist Eplcopal church, who died at Chi cago Sunday, wa to have presided at the annual conference of the Methodist churche of Nebraska, to be held at Fre mont beginning September 16. When the deceased wa taken 111 Bishop Theodore 8. Henderson of Chicago was appointed to take hi place t the head of the con terence. o the latter will come to Ne traskg for the big gathering of Methodist minister from all over the state. Bishop Frank M. Bristol of Omaha Is reported to be Improving In health at Lake OkoboJI. and 1 expected to return home soon with M family. Bishop John L. Nuclson. formerly of Omaha, U now marooned In Switzerland with hi family, but Is reported afo. Binds Woman and Then Ransacks House WAHOO, Neb., Aug. n. (Special Tele gram) Bloodhounds without result worked up until a late hour this morn ing trying to locate th man who Satur day evening robbed th home ot Mrs. Peter Peraon and left her bound upon a bed. Mrs. Person, 2! year old, while waiting upon the porrh tor her husband to re turn from Malmo, where he wa work ing, heard a noise in the house. Upon going in to see what It wa tha robber grabbed and bound her securely, placed her on the bed and ransacked the house. He secured a diamond ring vat id st 110) and $15 In money. Posses were formed and twenty auto of men were1 sent out to watch all rohds, but they j returned thla morning stating nothing wa seen. Japanese Bombard Tsing Tau torts TBI NA. Shantunf, China. Aug SI. CannonadlnK w heard here at interval throughout the day. It 1 believed that the Tslng Tau forts are engaged with the vessels of the Japanese blockading fleet. PEKING, Aug. Information has been received here that Ta-Chlcn. a small ihUnd outside ot Kiao Chow bay. has been occupied by th Japanese. The German fortification of Thing Tu front on Kiao Chow bay. REV. N. M'GIFFIN TO BE INSTALLED AT FREMONT Installation of Rev. Nathaniel McOlf- fln. D. D., aa pastor of the Presbyterian church of PYemont will take place there September . He waa formerly pastor of Low avenue church of Omaha. The Installing ministers will he Rev. D. E Jenkins, D. D.. and Rev. A. B. Mar shall. D. P., of Omaha. Rev. David Mil ler of edar' Bluff and Rev. Nomian V. Olney of Colon. Rev. rr. McOiffin spent Sunday in Omaha and preached In hi former pulpit. Burlington Completes New Wyoming Line The Burlington haa completed track laying on It line from Casper to Orin Junction, Wye Track ar connected up with those of the Colorado A Southern, giving Omaha a new line of road to th northwest. Th distance between Casper and Orin Junction I lxty-seven mile and the track acme thl stretch of country wa laid In jhat two months. Train service will not be established until the new lln Is ballasted and put In first clss condi tion. The ballasting Is now finished five miles east of Casper. IRISH WILL MEET AT BOYD TUESDAY EVENING A maa meeting of Irish cltlcen or Oroaha and tha adjacent territory will be held under tha auspice of th provisional committee of Irish volunteer at th Boyd theater Tuedy evening. Dr. W. J. Mc Crann will preside and Introduce aeveral apeakers from Nebraska and Iowa- The European war will be discussed from the Irish and German point of view. Val J. I Peter will apeak on th war a It applies to Germany. Beginning Tuesday, Sept. 1st. This Store Will Be Open From 8:30 A. M. Till 6 P. M. Except Saturdays; When Closing Time Will Be 9 P. M. as Usual. VSaaMMaanaaeaiertaaaaaasaaai Boy$ School Suiti Greatly Underpriced $1.25 Dress Goods 83c All silk Imperial dress satin mescaline, 3(5 inches wide. A splendid quality in black, white, cream and full line of colors, on pale 88c $1.75 Crp do Chin $i.3 All ullk, 40-Inch wide, In every wanted new color, remarkable bargain, yard 81.38 I ti I A Bargain Day in Cloak Department Odd Lots, Broken Lines and Sample Garments, sac rificed for quick and complete clearance. Women's Fall Coat Med- 1 5c lum weignt, in noDoy new i styles, best colors and mater- f lals; on sale at J Klosflt Underskirts Big sample line in all colors; on sale at 83.05 3.V Gingham Aprons. .... 19 91.50 OreNKing Sarquea. . . .49 Humlretia I'pon Hundreds of Nobby New Irresses in all most desir able materials, colorings and styles, exceptional values at.... 815.00 810.50 825.00 tfP Underwear Section Domestic Room Men's Balbriggan Union Suits, all sizes, worth 50c, at 35 three for Sl.uo Knit Underskirts for boys or girls, all sizes, 2 to 12 yrs. 15c values at 9 Men s. Ladies' and Children's Hos iery, all sizes, 12c values, 8i Children's Rompers and Creepers, black sateen and colors, sizes 6 months to 7 years, worth 50c; on sale at 25 Ladles' Muslin Gowns, Combinar tion Suits and Skirts, lace and embroidery trimmed, worth to $1.50, at. . 98 60 and 40 1,000 Pieces of German China Values up to 25c Pie Plates, Saucers, Pickle O-f- Dishes, etc; to close at, choice Ov flew Goods Shown in Busy Domestic Room Wonderfully broad assortments of new Fall Merchan dise, Blankets, Flannels, Bath Robing, Comforters, Sheets, Sheetings and a general line of best domestics. Linens of all kinds wash dress goods of every description. Same low prices as ever prevail throughout. Two Carloads of Extra Fancy Elberta Free stone Peaches for Hayden Bros. These were shipped by the grower to sell for him. This is the ffnest fruit ' that has been on the Omaha market this year and the lowest price. Tuesday we will sell these 7fif two crs. at, per crate I Uli Th lit of th Bartlstt fears. Bimhel boxes extra funcy Colorado Bartlett Pears, Tuesday, box, $1.75 18 lb, best Fur Can Granulated Sugar gl.OO 10 bars Beat 'Km All, IHamond C, I.enox or laundry Queen White Laundry Poap 950 7 bars Electric Spark or A 1 Naphtha Snap 85o 7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch.. 8So 4 lbs. best Hand Picked Navy Beans for , 850 5 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn meal . . ' 19o 7 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal . . 86o The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, rkg 7Ho The best Tea Slftlngs, lb 130 rlT TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST OPPOSE TORRENS' SYSTEM Title Men Would Change Land Reg istration Method. AFFECTS THEIR , BUSirTZSS 9 ' Presrat Pla ol a Adaptable la I nlted atate aa tt is Id Mon- archies Visitors at the Dea I .ait Mgbt. Oppos'tion to the Torren ystem of land tltlo regUtratlon Is the dominant not In the addresses, discussions and conversations of the 800 title men from all part of the United Stte who are gath ered at the Rome hotel for th eighth annual convention of the American Asso ciation of Title Men. The Torrens sys tem. In a measure, eliminate the busi ness of the title men aa it provides for, registration by county register, which would take the matter largely out of the hands of the title men. It Is a system which originated In Australia about I860, and today obtalna in some twenty states of the Cnlted Stte. "It i a system adapted primarily to real estate buslnesa In countries governed by monarchies," said Preldent M. P. Boualog, "where all title are primarily n.bject to the act and whims of kings. It doe not belong in a free country under a constitutional government: It ties up real estate activity and impede progress in It slow and cumbersome method." BoaslOB Oppose System. President Bousiog vigorously opposed it in hi opening address. "We are op posed to It because it i impracticable," h said. "It I not because w are op posed to change. The opposition to the spread of thla system in the United State Iran beat be aocompliahed by thl araocia- J tlon. and whea we have perfected the American system. It is thl association that shall have th credit for It." H urged closer co-operation between the stste and national associations. Mayor Dahlman made the address of welcome. Hugh Shepherd of Mason City, la., made the first response, followed by a number of other. Governor Morehead who waa scheduled to make tha address Routing Bargain in School Shoes All Wool Suiting 98c 44 to 54-inch wide at 98o Roman stripes and French plaids, in all the very new est colorings, big variety for your selection 08c "lie Wool Ureas (Mods 4 He A big line of wool crepes and all wool serges, 44-lnch wide, splendid line of colors Including black, 75c a yard values 4St Summer Tailored Sulfa j That sold to $30.00, mostly iflne serges, materials alone worth more. Long Silk Kimonos To $5.00 values, all colors; at 82.05 jong Crop Kimono Good col ors, made to sell at $4.00; at, choice ...... 81.95 Unequaled Linen Values Huck Toweling Plain or figured, pure flax, values io 75c a yard 50c Heavy round thread Linen Sheeting, pure flax, values to $1.23 per yard 89c Hemstitched Sheets, 81x90, made from best sheeting, values $1.25 each 81.00 Scalloped or hemstitched Linen Sheta, extra large siee, worth $7.00 a pair, each 82.00 Advo Jell for dessert, nothing like it, Pkg 70 (See the beautiful demonstration Corn Flakes, pkg 6o McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb.,.18Uo Oolden Santoa Coffee, lb 830 Th Butter and Cheese Market ' of Omaha for th People. The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, per lb : 33o The bet Country Creamery Butter, per lb .....89o No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, lb 86o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, lb 80o Fancy Domestic Swiss lheese. lb. 85c Coaoord Orape for Jelly, basket 16o Blp Tomato, larg market bas ket 15o 15 lbs. New Potatoea to the peck. 850 New C'abbsee, per lb 8e 4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrot. .50 'ireen Peppers, market basket... S6o Fancy Denver Head Lettuce, head 100 Fancy Denver Cauliflower, per lb.loo Large Egg Plants, each." 7t4o S stalk fresh Celery 10c Wax or Oreen Beans, lb..., 5o Something great coming Sunday, Sept. 6th, in The Bee'g Want Ad Section of interest to every Bee reader. Watch for it! of welcome In behalf of the" state, did not appear. RICHARD L. METCALFE TO STUMP STATE OF MAINE Richard L. Metcalfe, mho returned to hi temporary horn at Washington, D. C. after the primary election, la now to stump the state of Maine in behalf of the democratic oongressional ticket. In a letter he say he la to go thera to be gin hi tour Wednesday of thl week. He make thl tour in behalf of the ad ministration candidate for congress. In pita of the rumor that he and Wilson have fallen out FEDERAL JOB SEEKERS MUST SEND THEIR PHOTOS Hereafter Uncle fam will have to a picture of every applicant for aw federal Job requiring a written aaamlna- tlon. according to an order made public by Secretary Viola Coffin. Applicant for Job aa common laborer and fourth-clasa postmaster hip ar excepted. f