THE I'.IIK: o.MAHA. MONDAY. AlMU'bT .'ii. 1114. WANT ADS Want ir,..vci nt iiiiy time, but to Insure proper -i.-iaii i-'ation ti ust be pre ronted before 12 o docs; noon lor edition and T:T p m nr morning and Sunday edition. Want ads leoelvoo after such hour, will he umlrr tno heading 'Too 1-ats to Clnn.ifv." CAM! HATK.. One time. 12 sent a I'ne Three, time, within one vcek, renin a line cacVi Insertion. Seven -consecutive times, 7 1 cnta a line each ineartlon. charge katks. Thro tina-. within me wre'.c, 10 cent, a. lino each'.lon. Seven rnnjsecuUve times. 8 rout!) a lino each Insert am Count s.x v e-r e wainls to a line. Minimum chnrve, 20 cents. Ton ran place jour want ml In The Bee by telephone TELJCniONK TYLER j Uncl.innod Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred, of . ahcr unnvrrn have hern railed fw and . Icllvered ilnrlnc the l".t week. It I rn inable to that all itf the people belc rw have made the de.lred aw aps therefore, do not call for the hl-arr-e of their answers. Bee Want Ada Hire get results. h. c. i . s. c. p. r. h r. s. r. 9ti ft: VK, l.'r.' iv.1 PH !: !"1 ' 1 1 12 1?t l.'.-T i"l x :. iu; I3s li"t w wr: w ii;i l-ii 1 ''.1 .II : lt'JI 12H l?rt4 ii2 in ii- v.'J'i i7 w;4 infJ iifi? i;a i-w !C4 J1T7 inift 11".? 1-1- )-'7 07 1"9 1 1 Vf 12"'i 1 J71 ? y) If .OS llS 1:TT IL'TJ !S1 Wil inr. lit: ' 1341 l.M (a n US'! iw m:- y. JU 4? l.VH 1J v TODA.Y'H CCXMPUETB s movie riiotinxM .CxcluaiTely in The iice tiwaiivnrai. CAM RHAT HONK. 14W HOrUlH. The Motor Huccitnrer", 2-reel tC.anay. I'on't Mnrb'V With the liuist Saw, Kal. Mi ller I "rammer. Hells. JUPH Til k'a-TKIiT' K.TIC AM' II AHNEV rtHiny. the Ln Killer, i-re-! Vila. rnin. The Alan or the Faat, VltaKnaph. 6 cent. tola f rent.. a'Aftk THKA i tilt! bl NO. 16111 bl Two-ravl .eii.tiy !on.l feature. We.tein drama. rtterlliV? comedy. 1'ARbOH THEATKK. HTIi and Uouglaa. The Medicine Bag. 3 reel. Indian feature. I RINTKHHTHBAIKIt Ule-W iMU'diH Wairen Kerrlaan in "Tbere'a a Ue.tlny." lw of the L,iutiberjack. 2-wel Hi.on. Well! Well! A deep Joker comedy. ALAMO. 2ITH AND FOItT. Allah Ull, .pedal 3-iel rVialre. t'rainatli' Ml.take. Kind StullnK. P1AMONU TI I KATKll, 2410 L.AKK 8T. Honor of the Humble. 2-reel Vlttograph. The StranKe Hlisnal, Kron. hnor.keM'. Dl.iRiiiae, HlerlinK onmedy. KHAN K 1.1 N THKA., 1!TH A KIUNK1.IN The Operator at black Hock, 3-r. Kalem. I'lira la lira. Vltagraph. Within the Nonae, L,ubln. H1PPUDHO.VHS. 26TH AND CUMINU Trlnkrl. of Traced, two-reel Eaaajiay, A Train of lnrklanta. Vltarapli. Lama Dok' Trnarhery. KaJein. IT THKATEH, KITH AN1 loCLST. Ulllan'a Ullemma. 2-reel Vitagruph. The Pro.pectora, Hlaon. The lad From Otd Ireland. KaJem. JAJTHROP TH KATKR. 8212 NO. 24TH 8T Voire at the i'lione, Kay-Hee. The Pream Phlp, Keilanre. The Water Dog, Key.tone. l.OYAr, THKATRR, CALnWKLU Trey O-Heart.. No. 4 (lead lterknnlng), 2-r. Oold Seal. All at Hea, Nestor com. rtehlnd the Veil, Ilex. PALAt.UC TIIKATKR 2-W IA VEiNIItHT. A Wild Ride, Sterling comedy. Circle No. 17, 2-reel Hex., and a food corned y. 8I B1 HHAN THEATKK. 24TH & AMES. The Locked llou.e, Vltagraph. Willie. 2-reel Hellg. The Storm at Sea, Walem. oatfa. APrOIAO. 224 L1SAVF.NWORTU. The Vamilr'a Trail, 2-reol Kalem. The lacked Room, Vlturapli. Slippery Mini', lillemma. Ka.nnay. COLUMBIA THEATKH 1710 K, TKNTH. J)avll Uarrlck, 2-reel Vitagraph. Mipery Hllm and Hla Tombatone. The Man and the Ma.te-r. Biography. I. 'UN SORT, 24TH A VINTuN. The Million lollar My.tery, 2-r. Kpl.ode No . The Broken Barrier, 3-r., Anier. The Coattaila. Rey.tono comedy. FAVOR1TK TIIKATKR. 171 VINTUN. Warfare In Uie Skle., 2-rce Vltagraph. Blippcry h'llm'e Dilemma, Ka.anay. A Siren of the De.ert. l.ubln. Favorite Airdymo Annex, 17th tc Vinton. Peril, of Pauline Perle., No. 4. :K.I THEATER. 12M MM "I'll 1ITH. Trey O'Hearta No. 2, 2-reel 1. Seal. 1W Calibre Knenahlp. Nc.tor We.u-rn. Hi. Wife'. Flirtation. Sterling comedy. han boom' f ii kaTthIvsYkllak He.c-ued hy Wlrele.a, 2-reel Blnon. The New Cook. I' Ike comedy. LYRIC TH EAT E R. i I W V I N TUN BT Through the Flamea. 2-reel Reg. At 3 o'clock. Sterling comedy PASTIME THKA. '23 & LEAVENWORTH. Lady of the, 2-roel Imp. BUly'a Vacation. StrrltnK comedy, nc AdinlM.lon ir, VCKKZI AT il KA T K R.l2 1 FsOCTpTuT 1 C. Tray O'Hearta No. 1 (Flower O Flame), 3-reel Oold Seal. A Strong Affair. Sterling comedy. v vat. AIRIWMK THKA . FARNAM & PARK. The Man With a Future, Lubin. Tho Meal Ticket. Blograph. The Reveler, Sellg. MO.VKOK THKATElt, 2j." FARNAM ST, J. W. Kerrigan In V eight, and Mea.iui. Plckford and Haggot In live'a Refrain; Our Mutual C.irl No. SI; The Cure. Iienia. BENSON THEATER. l-V MAIN ST. A Mexican Spv In America. 2-reel Bi.on, alth W'm. Clifford. An Awkward Cin derella with Holi lennrd: an lOclair dr. Council b.nfta. IlOPER THEATER, 637 BROADWAY. Vnlversa! Boy In Chines My.tery, Imp. For the Secret Service, 2-rael Rex. lost. Oaxanta. REBSK THEATER. 24TH AND N. At the End of the Rope. 2-rcel Kalem. Sometimes It Work.. lAlMn. ''he of a Waltre.a. Vltagraph. MAGIC THEATER. Oubliette. -reel Bison. IITH AND O J LH AM BRA THEATER. 1X14 NO. 24TH. Vaudeville. H morse, lr. Than. dr. The Peach Brand. Hel. dr. Outlaw.' Nemi.ts, Thau, i-oiii. oRPHEVi"l4TH & M. SOI TH OMAHA. S. riea No. 10 of the Million Dollar Mys tery will be shown here Wednesday. '.Two thrilling parts. AX XO IX CEM E X TS. TO ALL my new and old customers 1 wish to announce 1 am handling a full line of ilotlilng. Jewelry, etc., at li Dodge. I FKIEDMAV. N. F.. Cor. 14th and Dodge. Ll'CKY wroldlng ring., Brodegaard'.. AVeddmg aniiounc-ioeuts. D-iug. Ptg. Co. i-njA Flour; lbs. II. Wasuer. sol N It'.tTi. Ii AZr-L lraf 1'iie Cones. Best ic.nedy for itching, bleeding or protruding piles; fn- pjstpaiu: samples fruc. bberiuao at M' Cemi, Drug Co . Ointhi. GET a laVvate boutb 111 my t;n:l loom for boon lunch. I'LTJl.O'.'ll. ill 6. l.ib i.iw. wir.u m v fx OI-" OMAHA A. B. C. of Omaha; A Diamond gives ,, that j ..!,,--- i';,"f ;!;:rv,';;::"i r;.::.." ,, m. vary. a. nt-I- Ar .DneHv i'o 1 , . : ha 'i , Cfltlt;iT. lli inM thiit 1 Incni eM thin,. 11,'iin 1 l.mned hikI hl.o ked. Hit rtl.r r.ll .I.-.. ....I n.M' l.ow prii', n'l work, prompt eerviro. Mnrr anil fllce Fltre. I 'el i very free. l.',i.. I larnf.v ,l I mmu. .;S2. jDK.-KS. aaftn, rilvi. ahoaraait. (halv 17 (.t a.i.-ti.7,i,-";.rlt5 of ah Ki'id of Inn. elf. N e buy. .ell . Oiimli. latur. M welry and Kenera! mT-li'.mlie. I end bufply .o. H-l l S. l.tli. I .nte 1 1 a. j,,th. I'll I'oiaiis M ; '"'ic. .. iv.enlx rnr ruperum TV T Ul.ltA Holler ( "oti, pound Co lioiler I ' J.V1 rointiomid for m k toilers, .lb-- ,-,,.-m l.ollr.e i.i.i 1,.,,, oM'!,'n.,'i"?,r"' i!" ':n,y r,,m"':"i"velTlnaMan.. Volir Ih.ii... .1,. .... . lonte :hs Omaha Nat. I'.ank I . "1 .7. I VAT. on Sutony. I NKW aid neroinl-luind " .' irlr fan. end nndoia. I.i liron Klertrlc Work.. , ' s I'''KI;2I7H I A A 1 1 A I'll. l.oV ('((. 17.1 I ninlliK I . .i'ii. i.rinninri" nil inn r o. inatlref.e. of Mil i'ltde, imike. I'r mnttrr.Fe. nd down roet. P IANO tunliiK. 11 Hi him. on. years at Havilen'. Tin iitniiii ndi d hv he.t iiin.l.-lnn. W. I':i.', Ji'H N. Zxih Ave V A' UL'M cleaneia, I., !. $6 !ei, J7.SI. ;i few ilny. only, tlimid your health Sanitary .ervlre Cn :.0; Hee HldK. w i: teill. repair, .ell needle, aurl nurl. for all .cwinu muehlnr.. NK JMIASKA CVCLK CO. Mini.. I.'th and Mnrnev Douxlaa W. el'..' ' V THOMAS COM PA NT. - '"'.'lJ lyNat JionkHblg. Tyler 1R10 Adding Marhlne.. L''m, Adding Mnrhlne.. 411 S IS p. J44. A'.'ilrrjklch Co (Wale.i v. ( v. f). tV Aato and ninanrto Itettnlrlnw. Hir"''' repair work a .peeliilty. n 24IH. Anrfloneere, " " I'owd Auction rv. . 1l2rt W O. W. Ttd J2. Arcblterta, Clarence W. Wlglnglon, "Yi s Mh. r Kverett H. limld.. ill.; Favton I), am I. Attraction.. . ,A.!!,A .f"m,- nl Hong Motion , .. ..Hi in ,m B,n, ,,lrn purgnlna. Harbera. 12 Chalral.liave1neek .have ltti7 Far. I1 AT US. lfK-; HHAVF. 10c. .T'O N .fith. Illne Prlntlna. HORNBY CO -Hlne priming, under new ojvjTcj.hjrrjyi Omaha Nat. Bk. 1). .1i;,7. lira.. Fonnilrlra. " Paxton-MIHhell c . rlh end M.nha fta. Balldlnar and IIeiiel.7T" K. ritANTA. fill Paxton Hlk. Doug 2irn. lallfornlM Land.! W. T. Pmlth Co.. 1111 City Nat BU TV !Sin ( aril .Ian. Office door lefg. Mvn.ter. Tax Bk. D ?iri7. ( .lerrr., VT!S F. A WOOD, .HM P.rKrr W 1 blrnpraetora. , J. C. lAwrence, IV C. SSSJ Itowar.l. D. 4(11 1. liemii., Ii. c., 221 Hee Hldtf. Dour. 42M. W F. Pcrv'nnca. fl.C. i9 pTiTlnkl IMImI 1.. C. HA YF.S. I. C . m Hee Bldg. R. JRbt. China Palntlaar. Ruth liOtchford, decorating, firing R. 4941. Irll M .1. Onarineera, LACY. M8 bkf. n. 47i.v ( ream Separator. Tha Sharpie. Separator Co., 12th A Farn. Dancing- laalraetloa. I.a.t mo. aummer rate.. Mackle'a, D HIfi. Turpln'a Dancing Academy, 2Xth & Farn. Dentlata. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. If.HB Farnam. Dr. Todd 'a alveolar dentl.try, 403 Branilela. Bailey, the Drntl.t. 7r7jljNat' B an k. Taft Dental Room., 15IT I)ouBlaaDTl!l(ifc letectlre, JAMF.S ALLAN, SI! Neville Hlk Kvl dance aeotired In all ca.e.. Tyler nag. II re. .making. Tarry Drea.malt'g college, ?flih it- Farnam Experience of all kind., day work, reason able, guaranteed. 222I Dodge. T. 12Vti. 81TM M KR a .peclaTty. WeoT07oT Hewing any kind reasonable Doug. -215. Drag. DIll'US at cut price.; freight paid on 110 ordji.; catalogue, free. Sherman A MeCnnnell lrug Co . Omaha. Neh. Klertrlo fldpplte.. I.EBRON Elec. Wke.. Jig S. 12th. P. 2171 Kverytblnat for Women. Plume, over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Krtiger, 429 Paxton Hlk. D. HEMSTlTLlliNG Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 107 S. Wth Wontanr.Excl,nKe. 432 P.X. Hlk. It. 4!Mt Concrete Knii.en.. Oagnehln-Well. Co. 420 Stale hank. n. r Knrrlera, BEN FENRTKR. 1410 N. Jlth Ft. W. 7777. KlorLle. U HENDERRON. 131 Farnam. Member Florist Telegraph Del. D. 1268, Aaa'n. I'.RHB A BWOHODA, 1415 Farnam Bt A DON A H V K.l23 Ha rnev Douf BATH'S florl.ta. ISM Farnam SL" 1001. l ive Ntnck Itrnieillea. .. OMAHA Remedy Co.. fr'7 a 12lh Red 4X. lair Dro.lng. Harper Method. R. Balrd Pddg 1 SHt. Llabtlnar. Flttnrea and Wiring. TITOMAS DUI.KIN Electric flxlurea and auppllee, contract ing and repair work done reason. ble. 2411 CI M1NO. noifOT.AS 2..1J Mnslc and Aria. A HOOD piano teacher la erganlxlng her fall rlaaa for both beglnnci. and ad vanced pupils. Call Harney i:73. Mfra. and Window Shade ( leaner.. OLD shade. mdn like nr vv. Midwest SJiaile l'a, tin y, 4010 Hamilton, liar. 4Mil. riirV ' Mis. Ja -obs Mas... Ball:, Flee. Trt. D. T1X Rlttenho'ise Co., 214 Bsird Bldg . 17 t)T A V V A ! Vlfk'S BATHS "silENr .1NA.V .l.mvr5 TK(, MASSAGE. lL'In.n,f!t' Ap- m f,t,or- i'. ",,l Ml.sRcx, Jdass ,224 NcViTbT Hlk. prtTTT Miss Fl.her. mass . e'ect. trest't ltedaf3d Massage. M l.-s Gibson. U 2:4 NeviHeBik7 MASSAGE VoTa'TruTA. M ra. jatetTleT Mrs. Snyder, elec. trt. 1'S S. th. D. 4S807 1 -'vl l' Pea Hldg 1 ernent. 41 Mil Do'iglss CLARA I.FE. massage. Douglas S7M. ELF.(TR1('MAPPA''E. BATH. Miss ,v- 1 I pcjuirch. 214 B.lrd BIdg. Massage. Ml.. U'alto:"'. R."224.'Nev ll hlk." Manicuring. Kninleen Mark. I oiik- !'. Messenger and Tranaler. WHTTE LINK. JM lltn. Iougla SSI! Millinery. SWITCHES from romblns. SI M. Psvrhs free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3008 Msrvy. H. 5M Mov-1 nit. Mnrasr unit CU-nnlun. W. C. FERRIN. and Capitol. Ty. 1200 Ocnllals. Eyes examined, glssses titled, pav as you i can. uiB ivict army, nil w. u. w. Hldg. Paleutu. H. A. CM Brandeli Theater Bldg. D. 6. H arnidi.Pwaton.y 1 k7 Tel" R ed 7117. Palntlni. PAINTING and papering. II. D. Gard ener. Phone Benson 7uk J. I'.lr.l Drtrioimirll, AMERICAN Machine Co.. 11 S. lllh 8L Prlnilnc. WATtRS-BARNHART Pig Co printing. Tel. Doug. 210. 624 fc quality Lin lot lKJl'GlJS Printing Co. Tel. "Doug 4." 1V not JTtl' COREY Jl'ki:x.l PTO CO. D. R1E.S-HALI. rig-Vo.. 1: Cspijol. IV CENTRAL PRINTING (6 DOLg! Httnrh Kxte-mlnnlor. U. B. B. Hoacj PowUsr at you I.I i: WIKE 111 MNESS MEN or omama s nml I lini'lorh !.xpert. A I' E combinations ham'1, opened, re paired. F. !; .Davenport. 1 1' Dodge 1 lfil KKASi N A HI ,E, Farn. in Hep , o M3 r. 24. 1 Met-1 t lllnit. 1 f'A KTKIt Pheet Melal Work. 110 f. 10th. i 'ittwrl 9tapiltra. ' 1 M A II A T-Mwl Htipply, ;v i. nth. i). tJi rank ann ni,rmmm. ll'ia.l.l.Ml & KTKlNLl:. 1S6 Farnam f't. I'll. O. K. lI'LNu 4i-i; Center. II. wine, unil l.ilnra. AI.KX JKTKS. ;-fd-3 S. Pt. Wlnea , ll-juora. c-laata. t'late dinner 11 to 3. 10u. I i in K l.ppTm llo,i-T i;Nn l-ith.. : it.. rn.l In -or. J..r. Write for pi lie it. i 4: J" j KfCIfV POLLOCK LlUlOR HOUSE, luth and Capitol Ave. Ten-tent I unco. 1 1 k L i r x i I ; i) i-1 :.M A I. k llon.ekrr per. anil Onnir.lki, TIIH Servant (inl Problem Solved. The will tun a Srrviint Ulil Wanted Ad tkICK until yim k t ttiu ! lriil re.iilta. 'I li'.s apphe. to re.'ilenti of un uIim, SouPi OiiihIiu and Council Bluff.. I. ring nd to i '1 be Hen o fiu e or loir-phone Tyler lii. WANTi:H-A girl for general ho new or k ::.'4a; Harney .Jt. WANTED- A middle. nged woman a. lion.ekcpiT In family of four; three children .clmol Hge. Apply evening., Wl ft 22d St W. N'T K i - A Kood mnid for general hoiinee.nrk, cnll Sunday or a'lyday next week. 114 N. .".nth St. WANTED An experienced white girl for general hourework; three In family. Mi. W. I ) Ale II ugh. 2-J05 Kt. Mary . Ave. WA NTKI Experience I girl for general hniiacwork, no Aa-liliu Dewev Ave. II. 2WK!. WANTED High . -hool girl to ae.i.t with i housework; board, room, wa.hlng and .mall wage.. 4012 Cuming. WANTED A girl for general housework; no wa.hing. 0'i-t Lafayette Ave. Tel. H. 3!ii;o. W ANTED Experienced girl at 2oJl .. Hid St.: mu.t lie good cook. Tel. Harney W. WANTED A gul to work thiee hour. each week for music, Icons and car fate. Webster 42" COM PET ENT girl for ith St. general Harney hou.e- work, uill Ho. W A NTKI ) t llrl for general ho.i.ework, ainhll family, no objection to middle ag"d women MM N. 4.'.d St. UIHL For general housework ; week. Tel. after :3H p. m. II. per Mi4." V ANTED-OIrl .mall family. fir general nou.ework. 12K S. Snlh Ave. H. 2104. WANTED A young girl to a.ei.t with hou.oworlc no u ashing or cooking. Phi n Harney 6176. W ANTED 1 1 it for genetal hnu.ework; .mall family. Telephone South 1H7I. WANTED Competent gill for general housework, ni.1 I n wcy Ave H. ltEl. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER and hilling clerk with drug experience preferred. Excellent poaltion with good future. State aalary expected. Addre.. S 412, Bee. Factory and Iraor. APPRENTICE gin. Oppenhelm Parlor. WANTED Prea.era men's clothe.. 2211 for women'i Farnam St. and MILLINERY apprentice. 304 H. 18th St. Ml.crllai.cnn.. WOMEN w inled for government clerk nhipi; 170 month; Otnalia examlnatlona 0011; .peclmcn ctucnion. free. Franklin ln.tltute. Dept tiftk-t). Rociie.ter. N. Y. Vdl.NU women coming to Umuha aa h ameers are Invited to the Young Women'a Cliriatlan AnHoclutlon building at St. Mary . Ave. and lith St., where they will be directed to .tillable boarding place, or otherwl.e aa.lHted. Look for our traveler' guide at Union Station. IIKI.P W A NTKI) MALE Agents, Nnlrimrii anil Mollcttora. SALESMEN In every town to represent us selling oil and kerosene to consum er.. I'eerles. Oil Company. Omaha. Neb. SALESMEN Strictly" high cla.s producer. One with retail grocery experience pre ferable lo sell our ca.h credit system, Indor.-ed by prominent merchant, and million-dollar wholesale grocera Earn ing, of our men run an high aa 1200 a week above, expense. One man's gross earnings in ordeta reported during 16 clays past reached I'TX. J. A. Kldwell, President, Dayton, O." WANTED-SEVERAL NEAT APPEAR ING Vol NO MEN WITH SOME SELL ivii i 1 1 it v Ti 1 -r w t v I.-1 . va 1 r 11 mav a'gi;r .-ti:ady position to i-ro-i I 'I 'CERf. APPLY m HRANLEIS iiieatkc. mondav, 1"Aii- SALESMAN WANTED Weil known .manufacturer of factory labor-saving equipment ha. selling agency open Willi protected territory. Commis.lons propo sition on a buainerB basis for big caliber man perking unusual opportunity. 1. O. Box Al. I'hicopec Falls. Mass. Clerical and Office. IF YOU are looking for a high-grade po sh Ion . .ee the CO-OPKRATIVK REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 City National Bank Hldg. W ANTEI X oung man hs i a. tiler lor new hank; must Invest; splendid opening with future. Addres. L. R. Myers. Gen eral Delivery. Neosho. Mo. Factory aad I b ug store snap.; Jobs. Trades. Kneltt. Pee Bldg. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the demand I. great for our graduates, we have trained bundled, of men. let lis tiain ion. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n. 214 N. 20th St.. St., OmahaNel WAN T 17 D Carpenters N. lirson, Wanes. Neb. W AN TED- '.den to leuru the barber trade. 1'ew w ecks comoletes. iWiod money niade. Best trade 111 existence for oor man. Machinery eoi't kill it. Our graduates greatly in demand on account of our liioroi'gh training Call or write. Moler Barber College, llrt -14tri S! VANTEI iExparienced fije setters. Is Hi) per day; Fontenelle hotel. Waller Hey., wTa N rEl An ulT-aroiind . ounlry p: inter. Hooxers. save your stamps. The Ho pe net. lied oak. la WA'TFUSwift-putty glaxle-. Steady position, gooil (.slaiy. ll.uff City Oluss and Mirror Works. Ml.crlla.ruaa. PARTIES devirit.g young men to work tor their board while attending school thin win'er should make application al c nee to Buylrs v'ollege, phone Douglas j Lij. The lslj term uiu ni September I. M!.N w ith patentable l b as w ril ;olih - Co . Waelipigtoii. 1. C. Ban- THE XKBRASrC AUIXJ M0U1LE SCHOOL has turned out more successful grsduates than ;ny school m this country. "There's a resson " W rite todav for our catalogue tCi, MI7 Iodge. Om.iha. Nrb PAXTON Blk.. Vtlailn. SchooL Km. 611, MEN to learn the Is ber trade; tuition, 125; set of IojIs give i: waes paid. Trl City College. 1 'th and Douglas la- SA' A N T F. D Name, of men. IS to 45, T.-lsh Ing to be Urns ha mall carriers, w; mouth to g1n. 1 104. Hee. HEM WANTED M tLi; AD I'KUi IE lii'U tiOVElvN.MENT lobs oen to men and W'j'.neu; J'b to I'.'O mon'h. Writ I. ' . or.. . laooii luaiauili, I'il, .1, ilocUvUr, N. . f. ,. .., 1.-. ....1. 11.. 1 . t . ... W A NT ED PIT UATIOXS M AM Kl- A position . 1 o'npanlnn 01 housekeeper hv a rrflrie-1 el.lei lv widow, have no i.l.Jn t'on to Ic.v jng the ciij J' A NT 1- I Hit 11.1 tioi m. hHfvtl'erm.;d T I aen.rHl ho'ipewoik. :d ;urd-tie t., or rail W. .D. I Irnf.Eriih r d'irr work. t. iiliins at ho r. H t ref' r. . ?.'.. le. ; A V T I - 1 i irttiil of w i.!e lm?)n'- ex-j ferlener. p.i.-.l.o:i t.f truM: have I'ivHh! Pi.nv jf.t', I 11 i:.urt l ave c ity ims.ti n. Afldrep-. 1 1 p.t e, I TWO iadl e. il- re to keen houpe in e. honl I nn room. Addre.a (hnriK" f A ill. Hre IOI'N. men of o d hnlut. ilie4 po.i tion p eha'irfeiir. r tlirr private or triu-k; .lea !v Mini reliable, i an she ief- ererneg. Ilarnev 4Di. I'YOI'N'ii iii h ii til work of anv kind hrro U-ere I. rltmi' of advanrrmetit k well recommend d a" to iibilit' . Cull MHiney 4'in. VtiCNil marrierl n.:in nrr. goo. I. .lead I po.ltion Ith .rniic bu.;n'?. firm: anil of good halill. uml .triidy norkr, flt.t ilas. reference, rurnl-'hed. I'I'. ine Wch. j 73:w a fter i; p. m. i VOI'N'I niun wnntH pliic boaril nhile atte'i.lmg Telephone Douizlq. I.W.. t-i work lo, i i lea College, j I EXPERIENCED cli.i iffeui n .i-'noa po.l tion with private i'himiI, willinu to do other wotk Hroiin'i lur.ii.f.: lcfereiue. f urnl.hed, Plnue Doiipln. ',' WntedW .filing ;ind tronint; by M 0' -lem ed anmnn: leHSonable price.. W. Jl',7. WANT E I ) I'o. It ion on dairy ferm by young man. .ober and reliable. Addrea. 132 Hyde Ac. I'ho.'.e F. 1 "fl. '.'ouncil Bluff.. In i W A NT El i Po.ltion a. maid or hou.c keeper. Call Annie .lone., W. HM7. .VV .pccially, laundering W. U7. DAYVOItK, bundle wa.hlng. H.7:i;9. DAY work wanted. Phone Doiijslu. S2 . I LAI NDRY to take home. AVebater RELIABLE, practical nurse wi.lies per manent po.ltion D Hid EXPERIENCED and cr.nietent tele. phone operator dr.irea position ti. P. H. X. oterator with concent where there in chance for advancement to cleric-'! po.ltion; high .ehool education; refer ence. Addre.. F 2.! Hee W-7T uTi- 1 7Z TC R, ,.A"''' ,.'.m.0.'', JI'J?" wi"nes J,,b a" Janitor. Call Har. 576S. si'tF ation" colored girl WANTED w. :is:i. By experienced COMPETENT woman de.ires position as child's nurse; relerences. Address O 420. Hee POSITION a. housekeeper, by lady with little, boy. In or near Omaha; references. Call or write. Airs. A. Ca... 4712 No. 42d St . Omaha, SEWINU by day; experienced dress maker; rea.onahie. Harney II2. POSITION wanted by lady aa house keeper Hhvc hoy G year. old. Ex perienced. Address H. 121, Bee. BI'NDl.E wa.hlng and ironing. 11. fjMi. AUTOMOBILES WANTED Ford for lot In north part of town; will pay cash difference. H. FOR a hlk-h grade. u.ed car at a right 1216 Farnnni. D. 15:1. price, see Howes, Ureenough Omaha Bad Rep. Co. 2020 Far. 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can t re ralr. Coll repar'g. O. Hayadorfer. 210 N. IS ONE THOI'SND DOLLA RS In good stock company ia whit I will trade for auto, equal value. Douglas 4113. OARAGE FOR SA LE Northeast corner 20th and Davenport. Call Douglas 7(U9. "Llndberg" Fore door, body bldg.. 40 & Far. Industrial Garage .o . 2oth A Harney Sta. Motorcycles. HARLBY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Boos, "The Motorcycle Man." 27i'3 Leavenworth. Poiw Motor Co.. 2572 Leavenworth. R. 8386. 114 INDIAN MOTOIU'YCLE now ready; bargain. In ued machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., Pith and Chicago. D. 372.x. I.lndborg Bros., 27,72 Leav.tP'lylng Merkle). ni'SIXEHS CHANC ES BL'ILLiIN'tj Want a good grocery and notion business for thin brick store building, full of new machinery on full 60-rt. lot in the best business center; paved streets; in South Omaha; well rented on lease, paying 6 per cent on 5.ii0 and one-third of lot occupied. S. C. 12.1s. Ree. C. J. I'ANAN, Real Estate and Exchanges DRl'O STORK id a good town for aalo; will Invoice about $5,000; only drug store, Addrera Y 141, Bee. imi'U STORE, suburban; terms. Call Webster 84 . best in city; FOR SALE A live geteral store business In a small town in central Nebraska; tales average about J2 .'no a month: stock will Invoice about $!.0iM; must sell nub k an firm ia going Into a wholesale, bust tie... Addre.n Y !!, Hee. FOR SALE My lool room, bowling alley and barber shop. Will sell at once. W rite now to Geo Stockrland, Lu vet ne. N. D. GOLD MINE Only bowling alleys, live town 20.000, clears $1,009 per month; n.uflti; terms. Jim w rav , Sioux City. HARDWARE Small stock, fixtures and repair shop for sale. cJi-'O N. 30th. Web ster 136. HIGH-CLASH business openings. Wester.. Ref. aV Bond Aaa'n. it4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg johnson. tia pXx!t6nblk. REl77U7 K NO W Y'Ol it Bl'SINESS BETTER by installing the Monarch Simplified Book keeping System. Anyone can keep it; saves time; saves money; snows at a glance how your business standa at any time. Send for booklet describing thin wonderful short method .vstem. The Monarch Printing Co,, Council Bluffs, la. LAWYERS find that location, prestige and service mean much to them in building up their business. Offices In the BEE BUILDING fulfill all these requirements and more. Office Room 10X ONLY confe-tlonery, live southeasterly South Dakota town, fixtures stock about $27iO. Jim W'ray, Sioux City. ONLY hardware and Implement, with or without building, good South Dakota town; It.floO Jim ray, suing City, PLUMBING shop In town of ., one other shop: no trades; $2,000 cash. Ad dress Y 16 Bee. RAKE OPPORTUNITY for good business man with $2.'I0 to $i.0co. Investigate this. Addres. H. 2'5! SOUTH DAKOTA sale; sales tU.tiK: ac'dress A. Diaper, Itexsll drug store for year. For particulars Bryant. S. D. Tl GET in or nut of QANGSTAD, 404 Bee cosiness, call Bldg. D 3477. on TAILOR SHOP, cleaning, pressing, good town I !. rent II. including living rooms li ice $.'ut. Jim Wra. Sioux I 'it v. THEATERS-Huy, lease or awii your theater. 11. amine, and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., lt Farnam St. Douglas lf7'7 TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha. WANTKI An idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys. Wash Inaton. D. C. YOl'R business or real e-iiale quickly sold. Write Jim Wiay. Sioux City. Knowing mr gal. I-ROOM mod. flat, excellent I urt, good roomers for sale cheap if taken at once. 1S1J Chicago St. Doug. 444. EDUCATIONAL FOR SALE at a discount, a full u nil re. Ited srho ar.hip ia Boyle Buaini col lege. Omaha: good for cither shoiteun2 or coursca. Apply at'lu ttlfics f Ouiaha Be. EDUUATIOXAL Tli? Van JSant St-hool Stenography Phv hool. J lo 4 .of Mi;lit . hnni. i',.r, to I'.l.V 1'th and Far.iatn St. I'ontla. f.17. TT 1 4 FA I.I i Tl .K M " or oyi.i:s (olli;(;i; Ol'KXS HKITKMI.KK 1, DAY AND XICIIT. Th" i ew i nt.loaue I. ready. Call or I ttnne for H H -.ilie.. firaetice, bookkeep- ini;. prnni i n.hlp 'ale.manshlp, banlilns. .tenngraphv. Ft' n itypy, tyi ewritlng. te'tfrnpb, ncroiititing filing. piinto .ei r'-tarlal woi k and many other courses are open to joti l ere. You may wuik for board while Hltendlng. l?()YLi:s C0LLK(ji:, Hith nud Ilarnev St. Omaha. Neb MOSlIKli-LAMPMAN ( OLLK(J10 FAI.LTHKM OPKXS SRPTKMHEK I Vnaurpard clas-r. iti all 1 uine:. and Engli.h I ram ties, i-hori '.and. stenotypv, teievraphv and t rewriting. Sturtent.s dmitt"d at any lime Oradiiate. gnar anteel good H.ltion!. Pine, provided for youris people to work lor board. For a new-, free catalogue a!di-e.. .MOSlIKH-liAM i'.MAN lSl.i Farnan- St. Omali.i. Neb. I OK SALK I'orultarr, AUCTION SALE At 2"U1 Burt St.. at 2 p. m, Monday. Auau-t .11; eight rooms of furniture to be hold to the highest bidder, consisting 01' four three libiary tallies, four rugs, two dining tables, twelve chairs, one b iifet, four sanltarv cots atid pads, hx rocking chairs, live beds and s rins, federal small rug, four gas plates, three Iceboxes, good stair carpet and hall cur pets, curtains and draperies, dishes and cooking utensils of nil kinds; In fact everything to make up h complete eight room house. Sale starts promptly at 2 p. to. Don't nil.s it; everything must be .old. DOWD SALE - Al't'TION CO., AUCTIONEERS. For auction dates dll Red 316. New & 2d hand furnit re, cash or terms, reasonable. Atncr. Furri. Co., i06 N. 16th. SEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and Storage Co., W6 So. liith St fFrnTtI'iTe-for living room, dining room, lied room, refrigerator, piano. 1:122 So. 2Mh St. Tel. Harney 15",t. Musical In.t romen'a. Slightly use high gride piano. . 3726. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired Central ri vnewrlte- Exchange, 307 S. 17th. RENT an sliver typewrl'r, 3 mu..ih for 4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. D. 2H19. All makes typew riters rented, sold, terms. Hull. Typewriter. 1W5 Farnam. !?' BENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith PremlirH i f their niakeis. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12M. ftental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for to for understroke machines or $3 per month for latest modl visible writers. aiveiatiicnu. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at th olfice of Tho Omaha Bee. 6WABlTu3ks at $1.50 per M.; also 300.M. feet of lumber at works. 11th and .lack son Sts. Buildings boufut und wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 408. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 & Paui. 1V.-INCH se.-ond-hand pipe at 2c per foot; good for fencing purposes. Call Douglas 247. A NO. 1 BATH TUB, 5 tet. Trester Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 4803. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling allevg and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payment.. The Brunswick-Balke-Cnllenier Co.. 407-4o 8. Wth St. W AGON umbrellas. Wagner. 801 N. Kith. Clcsmg out 10 good sowing machines, by dressmaker. $4 to $15. W. 4:!5S. 219 N. ALFALFA SEED, $S.W. Best known variety for corn belt. Thoroughly adapted. $134 per acre one season's crop. You would not believe actual yield for 10 years. &. L. Bowers, Verdon. Neb. FOR SALE-H5 rolls for fcS-note player piano; reasonable. Call Red sOTVt. BA RCA I N S Good slightly u.ed upright plntu. from $'W up. Harr Piano .'o., 3d Floor Boston Store Bldg. D. 2017. LIVE STOCK. FOR KAMI Horses aad Vehicles. LARGEST stock of delivery wagons In tie city; all kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering Johnson-Danfui th Co.. new location. 152i-31-J3 N. ltitli St. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat some article would do well lo call uo the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. .Many rrtlcles each day ar turned In and the company Is anxious to restore t bem to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 4$. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See Us. ynlck service Half t'sual rate RKLI ABLE CREDIT CO . 30S Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E R. Tarry cures pile., fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. lure guaranteed and no I money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Be. Bldg I.'ii 1 .t 11 i-n Cured In a lew days without lllipiuil pain. 1 all or write Pr. Wrav, ;06 Be-. Bldg., Omaha. Established 1 o 1 - PKKSOXAL THE Salvation Army industrial home soli-its your old clothing, furniture, maga llnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 1135 and our wagun will call. Cull and infpect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St YOUNG women coming to Omaiia us stratiKers ate Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building al 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they will he directed to .uitabte boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' sid si the nlon Station. Mrs. Mary L. Winter, scientific 1 gres.lve, teacher and healer. 4912 l-Ol'LTKY AND SUPPLIES AGENTS, investigate; bw per cent profit; j season now on; get busy. Chicken Lite Saver Co., -1'21 Cuming Si. ! STBRKOTY PE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houses They are 17x2c7 Inches, stronger and morel durable than tarred felt and prac tically I fireproof 75.- a hundred at The Bee office. I WANTED "i'O BUY ' OFFICE furniture-bougiit and solil jT C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug 61 4 u. WE BIV 2d- hand -7otiies 1421 N 24ib. WANTED TO KENT WANTED Some one to erect a buildin" In West Farnam for commercial pur poses; will lease for term of years. Ad dress M 409. Bee. LIVE STOCK MAKhET 4F WEST SHIP live stock to souin Omaiia. Save linir... !. oiinn.iftr uui Ltiii.irn ments receive prompt and igreful atten tion. l.lve SlocL. 4 1. mm ia.ioa llrrrksati. MARTtN fcKOS. CO.. Ecbaue Bidg. SWAITKFIS (XH.tMN A 1 Ti iS-W anted For not tli pm t if town f. reive .a ..!r . ' t i-rtr for lot tn III py .I dii pee A NEW Ana.o folding kodak. !'ix4',. ii-atber tii'nt i a !e f,,r aire anil poi -t'-iit .tin' hi , cut." ;ll mnp for hard iioal burner or rante Ith hot water at I tai-htnent, or f.ood bb ycle. Addreya S. C. I I'd AITM-Wliiin Ffum-r . uto. I;et of ndit'on. What have .oj'.' .Vd.lrr. S ( . l"t Pre. AI.'TO Want to .atip for a lute date fully r.:ii!t'l tour, ng car, tin omo trick liiiaii'tH.-i property, well rented in .-outh i imaiin, on prin Ipal bupln... St.. 2'th and V W .-tieet. j c. i:.M. pee. Al'T iM' HI I.ES-For othTr aiitomobile bargainsi see the "Automobile" classlfi- 'Mli"ll At Ti eTVA NTf68 VAP Rl N ABOt'T auto for ceirent block., building ma terial or oontiB' t wotk. for a collage at i.'.irter lke club. S. C. l..x;. Bee . I To -Uiif of the iat"t Stanley Slenmer iiinatou' tar" out. in perfect ondition; all .'.eel f nokes; a iussv high gi-ade ear; ymi can fn rnd come with a certa'.ity; a hill iliiiibcr, hih Npieder and one can go ami come without any tinkering For cement block., building material or con tract work, owner mean, buslnea', S. C. 1241. Hee ! Ai'ltKS good pinootb land, i lose to town, for un Omaha cottage: will carry lini-ienie on land. N. II. Jones, llast Inx.. Nch. i.l GOV Good 2-Kcateu. rubher-Ured. for I'la.tei-h.g, carl enter wolk or painting. Adclrejs S. c. L'Hi;. Hee. HI I Tt ' I NO AI A TK i 1 1 Al-Wwit to awap for cement blocks, brick or other build ing matcrals or contiait repair work, owner has an auto and other personal properly and means business. S. C. 1221, Hee. Cot'CII-To trscJe .'or a'so kitchen cabinet. Adclres. S. C. l.!r,7. Bee. sometliins else. W hat have you'.' , ENC YC LOPEDI A Ha ve a fine set of Hritannica. Will sell cheap or trade. W hat have yon? Addles. S. C. 13.S3. Bee. LtjTlTY IN SKVE RA LGOOTl NOTES amounting to about $4,'l. Will trade for land or Lulldints. Address S. C. 11, tti e. Lt 'ELLENT Pit 10 tor lumbei' 01 build ing to be wree'eed. S. C. 1013, Hee. EXCHANGE FOR ACTUS CLEAN Mock general merchandise tno gro ceries!; Invoice about 2,t0i. Aclcress S. C. 135"i. Hee. FOR EXCHANGE one 4O-J.0 Gstr-Scott gas traitor, run about six days; own er's health has failed; must have an ex change. Piii'chaser could get a t or 4 weeks run in this vicinity. Also one 3H.56 Nicholas A Shepherd separator, run about days, in fine shape. Address William It Wldman, Rlgrlovv. .Minn I I E B fLL" FOR-S a17eA $1 DUE bill good for first payment on new piano, or will sell at a liberal discount. What have you In exchange? Address S. C 10J-3. care Bee. FLKN 1 TURK for Z 45-room hlitel near omolia, vi,t:00. Low rata ro.u on tile building. AS hat have you to offer.' Address S. C. 12HS. care Be. GOOD GOLD WATCH Gentleman's size, for furniture. S. C. 1370. INDIAN vest, buckskin, fully headed; four mounted warriors, two fighting elk, two larae elk heads, five-inch buck fkln fringe. Size about 42; one In a thousand. For scle or trade. Address S C. 1142. Bee. KODAK A new Awi folding kodak, 2';x414. leather tourist case for same and portrait attachments. Will swap for hard coal burner or range with hot water attachment, or good bicycle. Address S. C. 1"01. I It IKONS 1 have 6 pairs of wel' bred Homer pigeons to trade for chick ens, bicvclc or anything a boy tnn use. Address S. C, 1304, Bee. 3 LOTS Denver, clear, for boarding or rooming house furniture. S. C. 1372. MUSIC FOR PLA YER PIAN6IIave choice library consisting of over 20) rolls latest popular and classical music for SS-note player piano. This music is almost new, none of the rolls or boxes soiled or torn about half of it ia "hand plaved." Want lnle model motorcycle in good order, or might add caih for run about uuto In good condition. 8. C. l-JM, Bee. OFFICE FI'RN ITU Hit. Will buy some good second-hand office furniture: must be cheap for cash. Address S. C. 1240, Bee. ONE 5-YEAR-OLD DRIVING M ARB with fine colt, rubber-tired, hand-made buggv, harness, wagon. 2 Incubators. 3 registered pigs, floe k of Buff Orpington chickens. Want automobile. Address S. C, 1317. PI A NO Elegant piano; swap for land, lots or acreage, value about 700; will pay difference. Address & C. l.Ti7. Bee. PIANO-In exileut shape, for building to be wrecked, auto or for truck. Ad dress S. C. 1371. Bee. PHONOGRAPH F.DISON, AND 40 REC ords to trade for diamond ring or what have you'.' S. C. 1031. Bee. PIANO - Elegant Hamilton for auto, lot. act-ease or lumber, or land in Missouri or Vlrg'nla; will pay difference; also wil'. exchange on a truck. S. C. 1012 PIANO-Fine high-grade piano, will ex change for diamond, or sell cheap for cash or might consi lcr small auto. Ad- ilresa S. C. 1765. Bee. PLANO Party leaving city offers good used upright Hunter piano for $i5. A bargain here for some one. Address S. C. l in t. Bee. PIANO PLAYER Will trade for auto. Plaver in good condition, practically new. 'w as $750. Address S. C. 1249. Bee. sTFeTLAND pony and outfit for trade or sale. Phone 211, Council Bluffs, Ia. SCALE Have a Toledo 2-lb. candy scale, nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address S. C. 12S. Bee. SI'ENOGRXpil EH- Here Is your chance. I have a new stenotype which 1 must riisposo of Immediately. Address 8. C. vr. Bee. STAAIPS-Have collection of 10,000 of dif ferent dutes and countries; very valu able; can't le duplicated. Will trade for runabout or what have you. Address, 8. C. Hee. S'loCK i-addle and .tn-caliber Winchester carbine, cheap for cash or trade. A. H. M . 2S5 Merrlam Blocl. Council Bluffs, la, UNDF.RWi "kjD TYPEW RITER Wlil trade almost new. latest model Under wood worth $65 for good motorcycle. Might add cash it warranted. S. C. 13ol Bee. WATCH What will you exchange for fine Swiss watch with solid gold loO vears old., and .1 beauty; also have pearl ring about '1 karat. Address S. C. 1354. Hee WANTED to trade, some Ralncy Mall Exchange stock for a 1911 Ford run about. Addiees S. C. llW). Pe. KOK KKXr Apartment, aad Flats. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when w have listed every vacant house und apartment In the city. 'Phone us for further Information Doug ia. 4477. Fidelity Storage A Van Co. 10-ROoM flat, modern. II. M7. CHICAGO ST.. 2110 7-rooni pew modern flat, hardwood finish. 145. D 7556. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; 3-horse van and i men, $126 per nr.; storage 12 jer mc Satistaction guar. D. 43 & Ty. 23ft phone Douglas am. a" Bee Hldg.' OGDEN ANNEX looms, wua kltchea- rtir. council Bluffa PLEASANT 4 and 6-room apartments, wa'klng distance. 404 No. 24th St. VERY choice 4 01 5-room stceni heated apartment on W eat 1 a mam t. JOHN W ROBHINS. 1st'! FARNAM ST. Gordon Van Co S :i N tl'b St- Pbona D W or II t.iii I-Kti,i.l. modern brick flat, fine condi tion. 2614 Dodge. $..' 0U. U i0 4-KOM flat, ne.y papered and var-nu-hed; 24'4 Leavenworth St ; $li per month Arply J 1 Kemp, Douglas K7. 1 DESIRABLE apartment. 4 rooms and l.aih ,in California apartments. Se jam tor. Call DougUs 6227. FOR jALI apartment, nnd f-lnfn. 6 niViM ar.rtment In the Sherman. beauty: pea.-e,j to show you. strong: 270sherrran Ave. $ir Fiv e. room, moc.ern flat. ?tvH l.ea -enworth St Tel H 'IK'S HEATED apartment. 2d floor, five large rooms- sill Ing room, ilinlcg room. 2 be I room, kitchen and large bath: 7, trunk room attic; j.". Suitable for :l .rovn rcuplc. 2222 Miami St. Phone Web. l.W. iMOIiI-.HV 4-room flat, water, gas and toilet. 112. 21'S lxavenworlh St. Apply, J .! . K EM P. Douglas 97. 2 YOt'NG working-men, private family. In walking distance: full particulars f rst letter. D 41". Bee. I'-Koom modern flat. .. t.14 N. 22d. 4-KO( TaiT'I.ATS. $15. TYLER 1771. STRHTLY modern, up-to-date St. louia flat, li room.: dose in. Cab Red 8038. g-RQO.M modern flat. ';l4N"."22d. LA VLRNA, 1S12 CsTpllol Ave., modern anartmenta. also furnished south rooms, pr'vate porch. RrHjAriTrlck"flM7nii7dcrn, 2106 Clark SL Te I . W ebster fi73f.. Buarn und hogsH, r?F?-'i"H,'1?T Try our meala W'AM'LD-bv Se;;ember 15. board by man and wile in private family; two un furnished rooms; state location and rates flr.t letter Add'ess II tax. Bee. ON Farnam car lite, large room; board optional: reasonable. Call Harney 2fi. P.OO.M and boe.rd for two; private resi detice; H. park line. 170 Park Ave. Parnt.bed Ilonaekeeplnar Roonsa. CtA)SE In. mod , reasonable, ??05 Farnam. I',JH I oiig, Housekeeping rm, .team ht. Famished Rooms. Fl'RNISHED housekeeping rooms and apartment.. 2222 Farnam. Neatly furn., mod., reasonable. 117 N. 20th. iV )l ) V V 1 9 So20t h. mod. roo"nTs7 lLjLl 'CiiA u,am heHt reasonable. ILKASANT. cozy room for ladv, reason-able-1107 N. 4th. Call Harm y 3399. SIX-RoOM detached modern house to a smr.ll private family Phone Harney 67. FRONT parlor on first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlenien; modern, cool: board. W'eb. S070. ST. MARY'S AVE., 2504. Pleasant room for gentleman. CLEAN, new ly tut ntshed, large, 3 rooms ensuite: housekeeping complete; splen did locution; only $175 a week. Wo Parker 1. THREE large rooms with closet snd bath. 2774 Caldwell St. SOUTHEAST rooms, nicely furnished, private family. 1136 S. 31st. If. 3413. .'401 Harney, desirable, mod.; walking dls. UulsruUled tluoma. TWO connecting front mis., private re.., Hanscom park district. Call Har. 6664. Furnished WEST FARNAM district. furnished house; 1 year. 366 Harney St. H. 1S7) 6 ROOMS, modern, detached house. West Farnam district. Harney 6Sfti. 5 ROOM1', mod., new. nicely furnished bungalow, with piano, reasonable. We'. 38.11. Housekeeping; Koom.. 725 S. 18TH ST. Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; mod. house. Phone T. 1021-W. BO. 15th ST., 725 Housekeeping rooms n suite; first floor; also sleeping rooms. Tyler 1021 W. THREE rooms, with water, wash room. 620 S. ISth; $15. THREE nice second-rtoor rooms, modern house. Tel. Webster WiO, tnfnrnlshed Housekeeping; Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, with kitchen. for light housekeeping. 2S17 Poppleton A ve. Hotels and Apnrtment. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California, Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglas 7083, OODEN HOTEL, room Council Bluffs. $2 per week. DODGE HOTEL Modern. Reasonable. House and tot lane. LARGE: brick for two families or roomers, good location, reduced rept. H. t&50. S-ROOM Ftricily modern house In Al con dition, location --sii l aciric cc. an at, K So. 2Sth St. or phoe Harney 2346, HOUSE76-room . modern, good neighbor hood, near school and car. 2109 S. 34th. H. 7.906. 4 ROOMS. $10; Deaf Inst car. SS17 Miami 6-ROOM modern cottage in Field club district, with or without, garage, in quire 1014 S. !Sth Ave. Harney 107.2. 4-R.. new, mod.. 1814. Spruce. $20. AV. :&1. 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. 40C3 1 naries i. t-nono narney nw, FOR RENT New 6-room modern housn with large basement, or three rooms up stair.. Verv reasonable. Two blcc ks west of Neb. Unl Medical College. ll H. 3. See This Double House. If vou want a good, clean, handy place to live, CALL US. we will make the rent right. PETERS TRUST CO., 12P2 Cuming St. Douglas KH. FOIl KENT We have a complete list of all house., apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co., Cio S. 16th St. 1 1 in all Parts of the City. 11 UllStS ,.ri,,h Son. A Co.. Bee Bldg. Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant house and anartment In the city. This service is free. Tel. Douglas 4477. Fidelity Storaye A'an i'o. 5-ROOM cottage. i,-2t Ohio. W, 4533. MODERN 6-room house. Call Doug. lc.2. NONE to compare, all modern 7-room house, also 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. GOOD 7-room house, all modem. ?2" Meredith Ave $27. Phone Web. S333. NEW 5-room house. Inquire 609 Bvy. 62d St. Call Harney 6IW, Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th & Jarkson Sts. Phone Doug. 1516. Maggard's Van and Stor age Co Reduced rates for 60 ituv. i.arge van, men. i 25 per hr. ; dray, 2 men, $1 per hr. 1711 Webster. Doug. D"6. C-ROOM mod. house, 1510 Dorcas. DTTiioT 6-ROOM cottage, modern except hem. barn, nice bath. 1H2 Ohio St. W. 3719. JP T ) 1 t.'xp. Co., moving . l. IveeQ l'a k,nK & storage. w VvVyvl ejj- farnam. D. 6lo; l-ROOM house, all modern, lrea water. '4 N 'Mith. Tel. D. 1530. l.i .. toih, 1 looms -!5.ui( 2WJ Pierce St , 5 rooms , 25. W Al modern, first-class. CARL E. HERRING. 416 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 4-R. house, mod en. I,t., 836 pk. A v. D. 916. GooD 7-r. house, mod. ex. beat. 219 Caldwell; walking distance. W. 3736. SIX ROOMS, modern, Kountz; Place; 2127 laithrop St.. $:. See R. L. Shepard 21-'ftLthrop. $-- 7 room's, parlor extending across th entire front of the house; oak fin ish, colonnade openings; four bed room and bath; fine neighborhood: near cur. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas SI.-. 1 lunulas 5013. 2M3 Wool worth Ave., 6 rooms, mod. $o 2220 Chi. ago, rooms, mod. $50 or 16 rooms, $70. 1560 N. 2- th. 6 rooms, m. d. V 27'i Farnam. rooms, mod. $70. niNGWALT. Brandwis Theater Bldg NEW f-roiim house, modern, hot water htat. Dundee. Phone H 25c58. Barns, GOOD barn, room for i or 10 horses, 1917 Webster St. Call Douglas 41 Omnia real estate is the best investment you could tnske. Read Tbs tie real estate columns,,