Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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Overland Route Will Cease Routing
Tickets Over .Competitive Roads.
Railroads Affeetfrt Taklaar Step
" with Interstate Commerce Com
nlssloa to Stop Morement
of Valon rarlfle.
he fanes hanging out la front of Kar
ri am street hotels.
The commissioners will take the matter
up with Commissioner A. C. Kugel of
the police department, and If he la with
out authority to control '"the nuisance,"
an ordinance will be prepared by Com
missioner Pan B. Putler of the depart
ment of finances and accounts.
Again the Union Pacific Is about to
close the OKden gateway sfcuinst the
Burlington. Hoctf Island, Santa Fa Mis
souri Faclflc, Colorado ft Southern and
the Colorado Midland, together with their
The representatives of the Interested
roads are up In arms and are preparing
to take steps to rrevent the proposed ac
tion. Their appeal has already been made
to the Interstate Commerce commission,
the contention being that if the Ogden
gateway is closed, the roads that would
bo shut out would be unable to ticket
rassengers through Colorado and Utah to
points on the Oregon Short Line. Besides,
the contention Is made that by the closing
of the Ogden gateway all passenger traf
fic originating east of the Missouri river
and moving west will be diverted and that
it cannot be routed through Denver ard
Salt Lake and Intermediate points.
Limits Tourists Tickets.
The allegation Is made that If the Og
den gateway is closed. In the future all
tourists going to the Tellowstone park
will be prohibited from going through
Colorado and Utah and stopping off at
the scenic points enroute.
Protests of Colorado and Utah hotel
keepers and business men are going for
ward to the commission, numerous peti
tions being signed and forwarded.
In its notice to the interested roads, the
Union Pacific atates that, effective Oc
tober 1 of this year, or as soon thereafter
as current tariffs can be supplemented or
reissued, Interchange of business At Salt
Lake and Ogden, between the Oregon
Short line and the Denver A Rio Orande
will cease at Colorado common points.
This business, the Union Pacific states,
must be routed by way of the Union Pa
firic between Denver on authorised points
of interchange east thereof on the one
hand and Granger or Ogden on the other.
Eastbound business west of Hunting
ton, Ore., or in the country farther weat,
will continue on the present basis.
The proposed closing of the Ogden gate
way Is approved by B. L. Wlnchell, direc
tor of traffic; J. A. Munroe, vice presi
dent, and Gerrit Fort, passenger director,
all of the Union Pacific system.
Matthews' View.
Assistant General Passenger Agent Mat
thews of the Missouri Pacific, in the city
from a tour of the Black Hills country
, and on his way home to Kansas City, dis
cussing the proposed closing' of the Ogden
gateway by the Union Pacific, said:
"It is to be seen if the Union Pacific
can close the gateway against the other
roads. "Whether or not It will be permit
ted to do so is a matter for those higher
tip to determine. It probably thinks it
can, else it would not hava made the at
tempt." ; .
Taxlcab chauffeurs who gather in front
of hotels and talk and "block the side
walk with their scrapping and other an
tics," may bo made the object of special
legislation by the city council, for some
of the city commissioners hava received
leveral complaints against the tactics of
Bohemians Plan to
Help Countrymen in
Need of Assistance
Representatives of various Bohemian so
cieties met KrUlay evening at Tumor hall
and discussed ways and means of helping
their countrymen In Kurope. F. J. Kutek
presided and referred to the terrible con
ditions existing among the noncombnt
ants in the various countries now engaged
In war. He emphasised the importance of
neutrality, but urged that every reason
able step be taken to aid relatives and
The societies will co-operate with the
Red Cross In the distribution of funds.
A mass meeting will be held Sunday,
September 18, at which a definite plan
will be adopted. However, another as
sembly of the representatives will take
place Monday.
Cereal Shows New Disposition, with
None Selling Less Than Dollar.
Only Few of the Loral peralatora
Dabble In rhlreao Market, Pre
ferritin to Await Movement
of the Jaly Option.
Omaha wheat prices were strong again,
nothing selling below SI per bushel. Of
the twenty-four ears offered three sold
at $1.05 Vi, four at $l.C2't and seven at $1 02.
There were forty-five cars on sale and
the bulk of the offerlns were taken
around 77 cents per bushel, a couple of
cars going H cent higher. Chicago corn
prices were: September, S0; December.
72'i, and May, 74 centx per bushel.
Locally there was little trading on tho
Chicago wheat market, dealers preferring
to wait for the July option, that goet
into effect next Tuesday. The quotations
l.ero showed $1.04 for September wheat
and S1.07H high. For December $1.1114
vas high and $1.084 low, while May went
up to 1.1S and fl.M, low.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 1914-
-Store News for Monday.
Omaha bankers are to send a delegate
to Washington to meet on September 4
with a conference of representative
bankers from the twelve reserve cities,
and other business centers. Six non
reserve cities are to be asked to send
delegates. Omaha was among tho six.
A telegrrjn cam from the federal re
serve board to the Omaha clearing house
asking for a delegate from Omaha It
is likely that either J. C. French, presi
dent of tho clearing house, or Luther
Drake, vice president, will be selected
to represent Omaha bankers at the con
ference. A date for opening business In tho fed
eral reserve) banks will probably be set
at this conference.
Although an ordinance was passed by
the city commission at the Instance of
Commissioner C. H. Wlthnell, ordering
the removal of all fruit stands from side
walk spaces, city commissioners have re
ceived complaints that the order has In
no particular been obeyed or enforced.
"The trouble Is," said Commissioner Dan
B. Butler, "that many of these fruit
venders pay large rent for the space and
In Instances contracts have been made
which, If broken, would result In probably
unjust injury to some."
Police Commissioner Jl. C. Kugel's at
tention has been called to the violation
and he will decide within the next few
days what he will do aa far as the police
department is concerned.
John Gerlock, member of Nebraska
National Association of Stationary En
gineers, lectured before a meeting of en
gineers and terchnlcal men of Omaha and
adjacent citlea Friday night at Washing
ton hall on "Hydro-Klnetlcs." Mr. Ger
loch advanced some new theories which
were contested by Nathan Bernstein, A.
G. Knight and T. WiUhunn of Chicago.
At the end of the lecture there was a gen
eral discussion.
Germany la Chief Nation Exporting
Chemicals, Maya t. Loals
With a general war throughout, and
importation from that continent virtually
stopped, one of the first lines of com
merce to feel the effects would be the
drug trade, according to Gustav J. Meyer,
secretary of the Meyer Brothers' Drug
"In the field of drugs and chemicals,"
said Mr. Meyer, "Gcr-many Is supreme.
In that branch of commerce that country
occupies the same niche among nations
as the United States does in the manu
facturing of machinery."
One of the first things In which a short
age would be felt, said Mr. Meyer, would
be in oarbolio acid. Virtually all of this
chemical, so much In demand in times
of war, and so generally In use in this
country, cornea from Germany. There
was never a ton of it manufactured In
the United States. ,
Quinine, however, will be as plentiful,
almost, as ever. ' Only about 26 per cent
of the quinine used in America comes
from Germany. Tho bark comes from
the Dutch possessions and from South
America, and It Is manufactured here in
Immense quantities.
It is In such drugs as veronal, tiional
and other drugs that Germany supplies
the world, and there Is bound to be a
shortage should the war continue any
great length of time, said Mr. Meyer.
Mr. Meyer says, that all of the coal tar
preparations come from Germany, and
these form the basis for thousands of
preparations. One-iialf of the remedies
In general use today, he said, are based
on the coaltar preparations. St Louis
Her Ambition.
"I'll be leaving in the morning, mum,"
said Nora.
' "What?'' cried Mrs. ' Topswell. "Don't
I give you a home and a good bed and
plenty of food?" ,
"Yes, mum." '
"Don't I pay your wages regularly?"
"Yes, mum."
"And allow you an afternoon off every
other week?"
"Then whafmor do you want?"
"It's like this. mum. I hired to you
for to be a lady's maid. But that is
something I can never be, mum, so long
as I work for a woman llkit you. So
I'll be looking for another place to
morrow." Newark News.
Sunday, August 30, 1914 BURGESS-NASH CO. Store News for Monday.
There's a Wealth of Originality and
Distinctiveness in Our Showing of
An Autumn-Like Newness That Will
. Appeal to You at First Glance
EVERY day now the new suits come tumbling out of
their boxes abiding variety of selection to our
stocks. .
Styles, materials and colorings that are absolutely
authentic, possessing that style-character of different
ness so earnestly Bought by every woman of taste.
With a Price Range of $25 to $95
EVERY new style feature that can be termed correct
is embodied in these charming creations.
' It's a display of which we are indeed justly proud
and certain you will be pleased with it.
Come, let us show them to you Monday. Come and
get an idea of what the styles for the new season are to
be. It's a pleasure, we assure you.
$25, $32.50, $45 and up to $95
Misses and Juniors Suits for Fall
in a Pleasing Array at $18 to $32.50
JUST the sort of suits that will appeal to the growing
miss for eroing away to school or if she stays at
home the styles are au
thentic. There's a wide selec
t ion of materials and
colorings and the styles
were never more charm
ing than they are for
this fall.
$18.00, $25.00,
$27.50, $32.50
Women's New Skirts for Fall. Monday $5.00
It's doubtful if you ever saw better values. There
are several new styles made; up in the favored materials
and offered Monday at $5.00.
Burs;. Kaaai Oe .seal Visas.
jri W .. '. V I ft . '.Hi 1
:t i' tif ... 4 5J .-4--
1 i - . : i l
Every Day Now Interesting Groups of New
Fall Merchandise Are Added to Our Stocks
Kxpoot to sop interesting now mcrelinndise at each repented visit to our store. The freshness, novelty and beauty
is daily more impressive throughout every seetion ami we invite you to come and view it and enjoy it.
Prosperity The New Silks and Velvets That Are in Greatest
riTTTS" Zr Favor This Fall Are Here For Your Choosing
IT certainly is great tci be an
American citizen to live In
a land of peaca and plenty.
To know that we can plant
our crops, Rather our harvest
and go on building up our great
industries to such a point where
they will be prepared to supply
the needs of the whole world.
The men and women of thla
rountry would sacrifice much to
stop the terrible conflict that Is
now going on in the Old World
the tearing doa-n and destroy
ing, but they are powerless.
Meanwhile, the world's needs
go on and these needs must be
It Is now that the ingenuity
and resourcefulness of the
American manufacturers will
meet these demands.
So with this store, we will
continue to build up and im
prove our service and to give
the best possible merchandise
for the, money.
Our representatives have vis
ited the Eastern markets and
have provided well for your re
quirements. Each day now interesting
new merchandise is added to
our Fall stocks which w ithin a
very short period will be very
complete . and will afford a
greater and better selection
than ever before.
It's our determination to be
RICH, beautiful new weaves, in the new p
their newness, a showing that will npp
The Now Ripple Curds at $2.19
They are 40 inches wide in the new shades
of blue, green and wisteria, also black; a
very desirable suiting material.
Plain and Plaid Poplins at $1.95
Another material much favored for suits, 4 2 lnchet
wide. We show It In all the most favored new Plain
shades and combinations. '
New Silk Poplins at 98c
There's a charming array of new shades readr for
you, 4 2 Inches wide, extremely good for Kali wear. Co. Mala Tloor.
lain shades and fancy designs. Exquisite in
eal to you at first glance.
New Princess Messalines, 98c
Every shade you can imagine is repre
sented, also plenty of black and white, 36
inches wide and will be a favorite.
Black Duchess Satin, $1.29 to $3.25
There ls probably no single weave more favored
than black Duchess satin. 36 to 54 inches wide, at
S1.20 SI. SO SI. IK. 82.50 S3.25
Brocaded Chiffon Velvets at $4.95
An exquisite showing of these weaves destined to
be in grent favor. Also the new plain shades, 42
inches wide.
There's a Wealth of New Weaves and
Colors in This Line of New Suitings and
One-Piece Dress Materials, Monday at 98c
YOU'LL really be surprised to see such a collection of
smart new weaves so splendidly desirable for suits and
one-piece dresses, 44 to 54 inches wide and include such ma
terials as epringles, poplins, wool taffeta, granite cloths,
French and storm serges, wo.ol crepes, etc. There's a wide
range of new colorings.
The New flioaddotli at S1.50
We never have shown a line of broadcloths that even approached
this quality or beauty of finish. Wide range of new shades.
Burrssa-lTata Co. Main rioor.
More of That MILLINERY
Beautiful Ready for You Monday
Notion Specials
It's the little thing that count.
Slipper trees at, Ironing board
pair 6 Ho covers 25c
I r o nlng board Polishing cloths
pads BOc for 10c
Kalr neta, large site, ail shadea,
B for ioc
Mending tissue, P 1 e a t era for
black, brown r u o h lnga and
and white... Be ribbons, at BOc
Warren'a girdle Tango flares of
foundations, all silk wire, black
ilses. each, 10c and white, at Be
Nlipon dreas fchlelils, sizes S
and 4, pair .25c
Celluloid snap sanitary n a p
fasteners. all v
colors, dot. 10c kins, dos. ..BOc
For the Students
Room or Den. $1.25
MADE of the best quality felt
and finished with heavy
fringe, including the names of
such schools as "Omaha." "Crelgh
ton," "Nebraska," etc., etc. Very
special at $ 1.23.
Penanta, 23c to 08c
School penants, all styles, big dis
play at... . .2Bc, BOc, 73c and 98o
Burg-sss-Hash Co. Sooaa Floor.
EVERY new fashion is represented in this charming
array, including the new flower and feather novelties
and the touches of gold and silver
so much in favor.
All faces do not have to have the
same style of millinery in tho new
hats for fall.
There are tho large sailor shapes
various becoming effects for those
who look better in them than in the
petite close-fitting toque or turban.
Come and see them, there are no two
alike. We are sure you will be pleased.
Bnrrsss-sTasli Co. Vsln Tloor.
rpiIK new Victor Kwords for
September are now ready.
Come In and let Ua play them
over for yon.
Bara-Ms-Wasa Co. Third Floot.
Mack Ly""H Velvet Un trimmed Hats, $3.08 and $3.08
In the new French shapes, made of the genuine Lyons Imported velvet,
excellent quality, mostly sailors and Jaunty little 'military turbans,
V: -' -83.08 d 85.08 Co. B.ooad Tloor.
Bungalow Aprons
35c, or 3 for $100
Made of good quality percale.
In light and dark colors, also In
dainty figures and stripes, special
for Monday at SBc, or 3 for $1.00.
Barrssa-Vash Co. Scoad rioor.
Initial Stationery 39c
BOX of 24 sheets of paper and
24 envelopes of fine linen
finished paper with colonial style
gold initial; very special jq
Monday at JC
Bttrrsss-Hssh Co Kiln Tloor.
This Cool Weather Reminds Us The
A ND we wish to remind you tnat
A we
are well prepared to meet
these little requirements of "ma
majesty," the baby.
Vanta Bands at BOc
Of fine silk and wool with tabs;
all sixes.
to every mother who vis
its this section Monday.
This little book you'll find
Invaluable, It's highly en
dorsed by the state healtn
board of New York and
other states.
Cotton Vanta Vests, 25c
Well made, good weight for
early Fall wear; no buttons, io
Cotton Vanta Bands, 23c
No buttons, no pins, good weight.
Vanta Hhlrts, BOc to 75c
All wool, well taped, no but
tons, no pins.
Wool Shirt for Baby, 83c
A fine all wool quality, nicely
finished; all sizes.
Children's Sweaters, $.1.08
to $4.08
New angora sweaters for chil
dren and misses; pretty Fall
Children's Angora Sweater Sets
Sweater, leggings, cap and mit
tens; in gray, rose and brown.
Bnrg-ass-Wash Co. Seoosd Tloor.
Our Line of TABLE DAMASKS is Very
Complete and We Own Them at 20 to
25 7o Less Than They Can Be Bought Today
TlE BOUGHT early in the season and as we bought we
VY effer them to you. Just as an example:
Bleached Irish Table Damahk, 75e
68x70 Inches wide, full bleached, pretty selections of new designs.
Double Irish Table Damaak, $1.10
70 inches wide, good selection of beautiful patterns; an exceptional
-uallty. Boross-Nssh Co. Kala Tloor.
ivory sui, be
sue, v cakes l Di
li o u ehold am
nionla, 1 pt. . .Br
20 - Mula - Team
borax 1 lb.. . Oc
Borax chips,
large size pack
age for 10c
Fell Napth a
soap, 10 cakes
for .89c
Castile soap,
large bar for 40c
Whisk brooms,
15c quality .. ,7c
Absorbent cotton
1 lb. for.. . . .2c
Sal Hepatlca, 25c
size for .. . . . 16c
Canthrox for
shampoo, 50c
size, at 45c
Seldllts powders.
10 in box for lflc
Swamp Root, 60c
size for . . . .80c
Lydia Plnkham's
compound, $1.00
size for 60c
Duffy's pure malt
$1 size for., ,89c
Co. afala Tloor.
Monoxide tooth
powder for. .14c
mer's Turkish
7 cakes
for 25c,
Sanl - Flush, 25c
can for 18c
$7.50 Down Comforters, $4.83
Satin covered, beautiful assortment of
new designs and colorings, size 72x84
inches, regular value, $7.50; sale price.
$1.30 Silkollne Comforters, 03c
Silkolloe covered comforters, white cotton filling,
light, medium and heavy weight, full size np
$1.39 quality, for tOC
. Cotton Filled ComforfVrs, $2.75 to $3.08
100 per cent pure cotton Marsh comforters, most
sanitary and healthful, An TCto UC AO
True economy beckons to you from every section. Acquire the habit of visiting this big salesroom every time you're down town
The new Beacon cotton blankets are here Our prices will be found to be lower See the new crib blankets baby blanket bags
fancy plaid blankets Indian blankets Jacquard comforters bathrobe blankets, etc., the best cotton blankets produced in the world; noted
for their unique finish and construction and their merit. The styles and their fast colorings are responsible for the great sale of the Beacon
85c Beacon Crib Blankets, 49c
Size 30x50, fancy pink and blue, the usual
;k; quulity, sale price, Monday,
Cotton Blanket Sheets. 39c
Heavy, full size, fancy bordered, gray cot
ton blanket sheets, the kind that
sell regularly at $1,19, Monday
nt. enfli
' ' fiv Hi,, 1 1 us weigh less, but warm
New Zephyrs and Ginghams, 12 c
The neweBt plaids for Fall wear. The famous Red
Seal zephyrs are noted for their absolutely fast
non-fading colors, their fine texture yet OJL.
strong; at, yard 1C
12 He Zephyrs and Ginghams, 6c
Mill remnants of the regular 12 Vic fancy checked,
striped and plaid Red Seal zephyrs, will be
sold on bargain square at, yard OC
15c Kriuale Seersuckers, OHc
32-inch wide fancy striped krinkle seersucker. Seer
sucker does not require Ironing, Just the thing lor
children's wear, house dresses, etc.. sold QJL
regularly at 15c yd.; 3 to 10-yd. lengths, yd. a2 C
Black Solsetto Waists, 60c
Piped in white, crash waists in plain blue and pink,
fancy crepes, voiles with colored trimmings, white
lingerie, etc., very, special Monday
New Percales, 12 He
In fancy light and dark colorings, very t Q 1
pretty, in the Economy Basement, yd., laS'2'C
10c to 12 He Percales, 7 He
Thousands of yards of fancy light and dark style
dress percales In 3, 5, 8 and 10-yard lengths of the
regular 10c and 12ViC grades; at, per v 1
yard oX
Fancy Skirtings at IHc
Fancy plaid skirtings and blue chambray comforter
P-ints, perfect long mill lengths and full A 1
bolts to buy from; Monday, yard; 4gC
Women's House Drebneg. 08c
Made of good quality gingham in check
striped chambray; plain colors, with em
broidery, also pique trimmings, choice. .
Outing Flannel at 7 He
Yard wide fancy striped outing flannel, worth
12 He per yard, will be sold Monday In the 71
Economy Basement at, yard.
Here's a Big
Trunk Value
Monday at $10
JUST the sort of trunk for
the young man or miss
who ' goes away to school.
Made to stand the rough
knocks of handling, well re
inforced, good line for selec
tion at $10.00
Your Wants
by mull will rocilvt our
prompt and careful attention.
It us know them.
Anita Corsets
exclusive represents,-
this famous corset.
styles ready.