J FOR RE XT FidelityStorageCa Strrage. mov ing. packing and shipping. Mth Jackson st Phone loug 1M .. Large van. 2 men l a Per ,,r.. (irB) ; IHJliJ 'JL'TJUi-ilLL- p'""r ltw tli?! A' L'i0L. Jl.u 1 M Dorcas.' jl.5210r modern ev.v.-t 1:'2 I 'hi.i f-t. W barn, nice hath. h-it. s;i. J. C. Reed T. 1207 rrtiain. I. tin tint;. s-ROOM house, all 704 N. Wtli. Tel mcdei n, D. ;5.. tnt water. I- It """1- ex lit . vtTpk. Av l. !. i ji .. win, , lv.,..,iis ju) Fierce St . 5 room Al modern, firit-i'lafH. I'AHI. I-' Ilk'l.lHVi: .ix 2.1. 00 4H Omaha National Han Bldg LARGE brick tors two (hiii he or roorncis. good location, reduced rout. II. 155n. Mures aim offices. FOR KENT An office with reeoptloo ! room. reasonaole ..14 state Bank lilng FAKXAM or 17TH STREET OFFICE LOCATION. AVAILABLE NOW. THE BEE BUILDING CO.. Office Room M3. Harns, GOOD burn room for 8 or 10 horses. 1917 Webster St, Call Douglas 13. REAL ESTATE FARM A Hi.Mll I.A M,s FDR SALE Ion a. FOR SALE Late Hunloy Bros.' farm, 212 acres, $106 per aire. Locutcd ii mlics from Des Monica, at Uranmr, la., on tn Milwaukee Ht. Paul K. . Address Thomas Hanley, Kirk wood hotel. Dos Moines, la Liberal t ns. Hlnnnots, FOR SALE M0 acres 4t. miles from Min neapolis, one mile from town; Its) acres undir cultiv-tlo, bal, usea for pastare can practlcaily all be cultivated, Heavy oil; good set of buildings, consisting of tf-roou house, large bam, granary, corn cribs, etc.; the land will produce u bush els of corn per acre; telephone In house; country thickly settled; complete set of machinery; 27 head of stock, consisting of U cows, balance 1 and 2 years old; 6 good horsas, 25 hogs, chickens: of this year's crop and everything on the tarm goes at 150 per acre; half cash. Schwab Bros. ;'102 Plymouth Blug.. Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALE By owner. 252 acres wild land, with buildings and some broke. In northern Minnesota, running water on place; will make fine stock farm. Ad dress Wm. C. Penniman. Hillman. Minn. NO FAILURES a Fine county. Minne sota; close to best markets; choice lands, easily cleared, $2o per acre; easy terms. Hunt-Johnson, Hinckley, Minn. Nebraska, mi. FA KM EH, HOW MUCH DID YOU LOSE FROM DRY WEATHER LAST YEAR AND THIS YEAR? Wouldn't It make a good big payment on h Scott's Bluff irrigated farm, WHERE K 1 ' LL CHOI'S A HE RAISED EVERY YEAR? Here are two money makers: No. 4iil A fine, smooth lying M.i-aore Im proved farm, i'i miles from a good town. A nice. 5-room, well built house; burn for ID hrad of stock; granary, corn crib, etc.! Buildings nicely painted. Thu farm Is all fenced; there is a good hog-tight alfalfa pasture. 100 acres in alfalfa that cut HO tons the first cutting this year, balance Is In corn and oats. This land is level us any farm ought to be, is easy to irrigate, and the soil as rich as can be. Price, $110 per acre; good terms. No. 614 SO acres of rich, producttvc land. There isn't any better soil In Ne braska, and It Is as smooth as a floor, with Just enough alope for easy Irrigation and pruer drain age. One-third was broken this year. The very best crops on the adjoining farms show Just what this place will do. Only 4 miles to town. Price, $65 per acre and very easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Ware Block. Tel. Douglas 17S1. Omaha, Nebraska. FVR-SALE One" of tlie best farms with fine improvements at a very low price; In Boyd Co., Neb. Address B. C, care Corn Exchange Bank, Spencer. Neb. o. CHEYENNE county, Nebraska lands, fur sale and exchange. WriU; for free booklet. Chris Hickey & Co., Fairbr.iy. Neb., or H. C. Cgsselman, Lodge Pole, Cheyenne county, Nebraska. FOL'ND 520-aore homestead in settled neighborhood; fine farm land, not sand hills; cost you S'JdO filing lees and ail. J. A. Tracey, Kimball, Neb. Orrgou, COME to central Oregon, good climate, good water, plenty timber cheap land, easy terms; Irrigated land. 4ri acres. J1.2C); 40 acres, will improved, J2.1ii0; small cash payment, balance easy; write me for list. ). W. ttray, Bedmond, Ore Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop slate in the union; settlers wanted; lanua for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State acres wanted. Write about our grilling lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards in Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Sua Llna Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. REAL ESTATE LOAN'S WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Omaha Nat l. Douglas 2715. (iAIUTVTiROS i"n. soFaTovTiiT VJIA V -l- l)uu'J Qmha Nat 1 Bank. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Nat l Bank Bldg. (JP'CITY LOANS. Bemis-Carlbeirg Co, "o310-:2 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Karnam Smith Co.. 1320 Karuam. HARRISON & M O It TON, 916 Omr"Nat'"lT CITY property, ltrge loans a specTally. W. H. Thomas. 22S State Bank Bldg. m to $10,000 made promptly. F7b.WeadT Wead Bldg., lMh and Karnam Sts. CITY and farm loans. 5. 5. 6 per cent. J.H. I)umont & Co.. 11 Karnam, Omaha. SEE us first if you want a farm loan! L'nlted States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE XOUTII SIDE A. P. Tukey & Son Business Corner 100x140 Feet On the northwest corner of Sith and Clark, we offer a good bus n.js location. The ground Is 1i'x14i feet, with three cut tages fronting south on Clark St. We will sub-divide this to suit purchaser. A. P. Tukey & Son 441-442 Board of Trade Bldg. Doug. &C. Five Rooms and Rath S. K. Cor 29th nnd Parker Sts. All mull em except heat, new, full base ment, walks all in. gas heater installed, .King and dining rm.in finished in oak, floored attic. Price $2,;."rf and paving paid. Look this over today and see If you won t say, "Burt rlgi.l and priced right." Pa menu If yt u wish. Travcr Pros. Irbvne Had 4721 Evenings. Webster 4V; 'j. fru Omaha Natl Bank Bid-- REAL ESTATENORTH SIDE REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Only 20 Lots Left in Belle Isle and Laurelton Additions 54 Houses have been built in sixteen months. Buy where others are buying before they are all $oli. Building Restrictions and all improvements are making this tract a fine residence section. Low Prices $675, $700, $750, $800, $950 for large lots with fill improvements paid for. These additions lie south and adjoining Miller Park and from 24th t-o 27th Street. Iet us show you today. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Phone Tyler 187. 742 Omaha National. $30 CASH BALANCE $20 PER MONTH I'andy 4-room cottage, modern except heat, cement basement: fine corner lot. Price only $1,800. Will sell to colored peo ple. The Yogel Realty Agency, 1015-18 W M w" Bldg c Ml 'ST sell my modern nome on Ames Ave. at sacrifice; rented at $23 per month: $,Vn cash. O 2, Bee. FOR PALE 10-room house, attic and full basement; all modern; hot water heat; automobile garae and tirive, large lot. Inquire owner. 2210 Webster. $3,700 Nearly New 6-R. Modern 2-Story Near 2th and Ames Ave., full corner lot tHix1J2, with room for another house. 1 his house Is In tip-top condition, newly decorated; rents for $27. M. Excellent neighborhood. Owner hae left town tnJ i( sell. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler J536. 11-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. The Best Buy on Florence Boulevard a Beautiful Home Irgo living room, fireplace, bookcases, open stairway beam ceiling' dining room vith fine built-in sideboard, quarter sawed oak wainscoting 5 feet high and beautiful wall decorations; Urge butler's rantry and larce kitchen; four fine bed rooms and biith on the second floor, nicely decorated, with stairway to large attic; full basement. Investigate and yoti will Ind thltf an exceptional bargain Price. $4.9M1. Terms. Ixicated 6M4 h lor ence Boulevard. Norris & Norris- HO Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270 RKAIi ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Big Bargain For Sale by Owner G-Rooin House and reception hall, gas, electric liKht, butli, large basement and vegetable cellar, best furnace made, alley paved, small barn. Close In, walUintt ulsta.nce. More new apartment buildings than In any other part of the city, ill B. 25th Ave. Telephone Douglas 5985. Price $4,500 REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Greatest Residence Bargain in the City !4.fM huvs an 8-rooin more than modern high class horue located on the West Kar nam car line. Large living room, dining room, den or library and kitchen, com bination stairs on the first floor, four dandy bedrooms and floored attic. The basement Is subdivided, furnace room, laundry room and vegetable room. Has HOT WATER HEAT and plumbing car ries the SOFT WATER throughout the house, which Is of great value. Owner has $t'..30O invested. IK)N'T FAIL to see this at once, as some one Is Boing to get a BARGAIN. TERMS. Glover & Soain 919-20 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Douglas 3862. WEST FARNAM lot. 50-foot frontage. Ad dress U iW. I.ee. Nice Home IN WEST PART OF CITY. Six rooms, modern; 3613 Davenport St, ONLY $3,"f.0. House vacant; key first door cast. Go see it. W. H. GATES, Room 647 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Phono Douglas ITM- REAL ESTATE ACREAGE For Sale A Beautiful Country Home Modern in every respect, with 12 acres of ground, having t rooms, lighted by electricity, finished In quarter-sawed oak and birch throughout. Large barn or garage, with full basement; lie house, cave, chicken house, 3(-barrel cistern, windmill, tiled well, stock barn, cement walks to all buildings; ( acres of alfalfa, m acres bearing fruit, balance In culti vation and pasture, with fine shade trees. I.ockied high and sightly, affording a fine view ot the lakes, cities and surrounding country. Close to cement sidewalk ana paved road leading into omaha; conven ient to street ear line; can reach retail renter of Omaha by street car within thirty-five minutes. Something very de sirable. Can he subdivided Into acre tiacts and must be seen to he appre ciated. Possession al once. Price and terms upon application. George & Company Thona D-ttf Vr. City Nat l Bank Bldg. REAL KSTATE MIHCEMjANKOUS CATHE URA L DISTR 1 CT New. modern frame and stucco, oak an.l blrrh finish, threw bedrooms and sleep ing porch; corner lot: a complete home, very cheap. Owner, Douglas I Si. CXAP SMALL HOME. Must sell at great sacrifice, small cash payment, balance long time, south side, walking distance, nearly new, everything rlRlu. Address B S21, Bee. T-ROOM houae, rent tor $ls.ta, must b old at once: W0 will handle it 11. 71L Monthly Payments $17.50 COTTAOE Five nice, large rooms, lo cated well, near car line and school and a splendid neighborhood. Fine, level lot, all In sod. with small fruit trees set out In back. Outside appearance Is neat and attractive; a semi-bungalow. Wide front porch, with heavy railing; pretty- oak door, with full bevel plate glass; conven ient vestibule entrance. Coxy south side living room, heavy colonnade opening to pretty dining room, with plate railing and bay window; large kitchen and pan try; two fine bedrooms, with big closet for each one; large bath room, with porcelain tub; low-down water closet, pnrcplaln lavatory, hot and cold water; electric lights throughout, with late de sign fixtures; gas In kitchen; polished oak floors; decorated throughout; living room, in a rich, warm tan, with stencil border; stippled finish oatmeal papers: dining room In dark brown panel below plate rail and tan above; bedrooms In satin stripe bedroom designs. It's good all through and built right. Warm and substantial. Iet the rent you are paying for some old house make the payments on this fine little home. Price for imme diate sale only $2,476; will take $275 rash and $200 In SO days, and monthly pay ments of only $17.60. The monthly pay ments will Include the Interest. This house will rent for $20 per month. If you do not want to occupy it Just yet yourself, I will keep It rented for you for more than enough to make the monthly pay ment. This Is an exceptional proposition one I ran seldom offer you. See me at once. Come out tonight or any evening this week after 6 o'clock. If you phone mo I will send an auto after you any evening. Better come tonight; this house should go quickly. Take Benson car, get off at 61st St., In Benson, and come south to No. 2xfl5. Phone Benson 122. F. S. TRl'LLINGER. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acre Bargains SO acres, all In fine besr'ng orchard; good 6-room house. Price $14,000. 16 acres; $ acres In fruit and shrubbery, 10 acres in alfalfa; extra fino Improve ments; six blocks to street car line. Price $16,000. acres on boulevard; fine view; Im provements cost $.nuO., Price $l..'ino. 6 acres, lots of fruit; good location. Im provements first class. Price !o,0U). Z acres, some fruit land; layn fine. Im provements very good. Price $4,6"0. S acres, same location as la.a named; all In fruit. Price (4.250. 8V4 acres; on paved street, Just outside city limits; good 5-room house. Price $3,500. 5 acres at Benson, unimproved. Price $4,000. O'NeiPs R. E. & Ins. Agency, 1505 Fainam St. Phone Ty!er 1024. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daadee. See Happy Hollow - Today Located between Underwood Ave., and Dodge St., and 62d St., and Happy Hol low club grounds. Take West Farnam Dundee car, get off at Underwood Ave., and Boulevard, walk southerly along the Boulevard and notice the many beautiful homes already built. You Wait for Nothing in Happy Hollow for here yon have city water, sewer, gas, electric light, paved streets, large lots 09 to 1U0 ft. In width, with a variety of frontage, each afford ing a fine view of Fairacrea, Happy Hol low club and golf grounds, Klin wood Park and surrounding country. New Street Lighting System In Happy Hollow bordering the Lincoln Highway, Boulevard and all streets, with all wires for same in underground con duits. This Is one of the beat and most complete street lighting systems in the west. You Have a Guarantee when you locate In Happy Hollow, that you will have substantial residences sur rounding you built of permanent material You know there will be no stores or apartment bo ises opposite you. You know you will be one of a number of home owners located In Omaha's best new residence district. Don't Miss This Opportunity but PICK YOUR LOCATION NOW. If you haven't all the money, we will make easy terms and assist you In seeming a loan In ordar to build. Plats with prices will be mailed you upon appiicatlonT Come In and let us assist you in securing a location, which la a good place to lle and a safe place to Invest money. George & Company Tel. P. 756. 902-12 Ol'y Nat l Bank Bldg. The must desirable rurnmnca rooms are advertised In Tbe Bee. Get a nice cool room for the summer. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET i War Price. Are Established in the Wheat Pit. CORN MARKET OVERSHADOWED Oats, llemeir.r, re onilaa in la Frem nlih the Demand from Karopean I'ovtera fer Horse food. OMAHA. A iK. 27. 114 There Is a worlds niarKet in bread sturfs. War prl.es hve .,en estsl'Pshr.l in the wheal pit on the Board of Trade. There were new lush record on the crop esterdsy. Th-re were reactions and de clines on profit tnklng sides l longs. The buying yesterday whs ted by profes sionals and room traders, not only at Chicago, but in the smaller niarkets of the country. Including Minneapolis, St. Louis. Kansas City and New York. The wheat market was one that will long be remem1ered because of the sen sational price gains without anv actual news to help the bull side of the situa tion. It was said :hst foreigners con trolled the situation, tt ls was one of the bull helps of yesterday, hi the article Uhl bare the fact that speculators abroad are In control and that higher prices were assured. It was said after the close last nlaht that many of the Ioiiks would take profits this morning provided the buying power wss rnusl to the offerings. The corn nisrket was o ershsdowed by the pcnsHtioliHl action of wheat elues the activity displayed In oats. Exporters were heavy hovers of cash osts yesterday, and the advlcei from abroad Indicate that foreigners 111 nee. I big quantities of oats. The oats crop or great Britain is reported to be much smaller than last year and free buying by the British government Is confirmed. 4 onntry coinmiwlon houses and the local trade bought oats frelv In the pit yester t.ay. and prices advanced sharply. Tho widening of the M;iy premium was a feature and showed that outside specu lators weie buying. Provisions closed with fair advances yesterday In spite of the weaker tone In hog values 0t the yards offerings of product were modern!.' throughout the session and I hero was a good outside de mand, the Increased Interest in January delivery being considerable. Wbent was .i.rf.o higher. Corn was unchanged to 'tc higher. Outs were l4c higher. Clearances were; Wheat and flour eiual to 752.0HI hush-is; com, 6,(Kio bushels, oats, 4.000 bushels. Liverpool closed: Wheat, I'liKVSd higher; corn, nominal. Primary wheat receipts were 1.X14.000 bushels and shipments 1.264,o bushels, against receipts of fM.nuu bushels and shipments of tilJ.OOO bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were SMi-OOO bush els and shipments 64T.OOO bushels, against receipts of 412.0UO busjiels and shipments of 221.000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,331.000 bushels and shipments l.16o,ouo bushels, against receipts of l.lsf,isx bushels and shipments of 724,0) bushels Inst year. CAB LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago im 3u xi; Minneapolis 346 Dnluth 124 Omaha 42 57 3H Kansas City 231 IS u St. Ixuls in Ji ;;, Winnipeg 1W These cash sales were reported today: Wheat-No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $1.10, 1 car, $1.08, l ear. $l.07H; 1 car, $1.07; 1 car, $1 Oh',. No. a hard winter: 1 rar. $1.10; 1 car, 1.0K; 1 car, $.ICVi; l car, $1 07; 2 cars, $1.0tLt; 2 cars. $l.mi'; 2 cars, $1.. Corn No. 2 white: 1 cars, 7sc. No. i white: 1 car, 78Ssc No. 5 white: 1 car. 7Ni:; 1 rar. 78c. No. 6 white: 2 curs, 78!c; 1 car, Wc. No. 1 yellow : 1 car, 7KV:; 1 car, 7Hc. So. i yellow: 3 ears, 7Rc. No. S yellow: 7 cars, 78c; 1 car, 77c. No. yellow: 1 cars, 77c. No. 1 mixed: c, 77io; 1 car, 77c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 7Vc; 2 cars, 77u. No. b mixed: 1 car, 77c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, 77c. sample: 1 car (white), 7hc; 1 car, 7dlc. Oats Standard : 1 car, 47o. No. i white: 2 cars. 4t4c; V cars, 46c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 46'c; 6 cara, 4V. No grade: 1 car, 4fc. Bar.ey Malting: No. 3, 2 cars, 6fK Rye No. 3. 1 rar, h?Hc. Omaha cash prices: Wheat: No. 2 hard. $1.0nb"l.l0: No. 3 hard. $l.iifi.l0; No. 4 hard. $i.04i.oh; no. i spring, snwmc: io. 2 spring. Si4i'Jc; No. 4 spring, UsVu'-WKr. ; No'. 2 durum. IWcijil.lo. Corn: No. 1 white, 7tHtf78V; No. 3 white. 781iTt'7R,tc: No. 4 white, 7S(ff'iSVe; io. z yellow, iKrg'isc; .-no. 8 yellow, 77Mi7Hc: No. 4 yellow, 77B77o; No. 2 mixed, 77WT7!-ic: No. 3 mixed, 16ti TlWc: No. 4 mixed. 7iVtf77c. Oats: No. 2 white. 47'(M7lc; stsndard, 4Vu47e: No. 3 white, 4(i'el7c; No. 4 white, 44f4e. Barley: Malting, 6a72c; No. 1 feed, Isytf 60c. Rye: No. 2. r7(f'c; No. 8, 87a7Sc CHICAGO UIIAIN AMD PROVISIONS Feat ores of the Tradlnsjr and Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAtJO, Aug. 27. Wheat today reg istered the highest price since 1SI10, but the bulge did not bold, owing to profit taking, ant the close was 'ii'tyc under yesteiday. May touched $1.26. Oats closed Vic higher to 'nc lower, corn He higher to Ve. lower and provisions from 12y.c higher to $1.00 lower. W-heat opened wild with the lowest sales of May 2c under yesterday's close. December was off an extreme l'ir. and September Sr. From this level, with the market almost bare of offerings, prices shot up on the war situation. The ex treme range of the day was Ho in the May delivery. December covered a range of bc and septemDer one oi oc. i.usi night many commission houses advised their clients against trifling with the market In Its present errstlc condition, and the opening depression suggested that the 'advice was having Its effect, but the new element of so-called outsiders which is now speculating was still eager to speculate and the small lots purchased) on their orders wss responsible ror tne upturn. Within an hour prices settled back close to the previous level and con tinued unlet, with an occasional staccato Interruption to the end. September closed He down, but other deliveries were nigner. With delivery day only two trading days distant, there was considerable Sep tember corn for sale today, while the de ferred futures held steady. The volume of trade was limited, owing to the su perior attraction of wheat and oats. Country offerings were slightly larger, but shippers showed little Inclination to b'd on receipts to arrive. Pample corn closed lo down. Advices on the crop, as hsd been the case recently, were so mixed as to carry no weight. September oats were for sal at a con cession from yesterday, but December and Mav ruled firm. Prices were held in check by Increased country offerings and the impression mat export oemanu advices on which conflicted, was slacken ing. New York claimed to have bids for 5u0.0H0 bushels for export. The sample market was rtrm. An Increasing demand for January prod RKAL E8TATK ACREAGE! Dundee Stucco Home Hot Water Heat Seven rooms and bath, large attlo and flno basement; teautiful oak finish and floors: walls newly decorated; good gar age. This house is only three years old. The location Is aa good as ran bo found in the erttre village. Not a house In the block Is over four years old. Owner leaves Omaha ept. 1 and will sell right. Price $,5v, but see us. .Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler VM. 208 10-12-14 State Bank Bldg ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. S'Jfc S. 17th St. Phone Douglas 54K7. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 2 Brandels Theater, REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Pianos for other musical lnstru'ta tt Mill. m gal la mmry shi. Trim snl ISO . tu I iWkiixlr. J L Buns. Hawl. (U . wrtissi "Vew r aeiiss terl all m elatan fa. It) tlesl 4 tiil4 SS sm sMte.s. 4mm ml ley." lauaaiwul hasping ptturs mt si assifcaaasiasairatfTMaissaoa asiii let was tl'e fin t 1 1 -f I ils Mi the proM-ion pi! and this delliciy runsed higher mulct' the leinli r-hll' of I'ors. Si ! ti inher iork dropped J. ml wuhiiiii iT-i traeting nltcntton The aenrTsi lone masi essv on the decline In live h.'iii And ex peetatlon of a larger run of tin in nexl J erk virion prices itirnisnc-t nv i oiisn A Bryan, offline 51. Booth sixteenth street: Article Open I High I l'W I Close Yes'y 1 "7 1 12 1 PTV 1 1.1 I o n. j 1V, I M 1 li',! 1 I I I ! M, HI',! 72'. 72. ;4' 74,1l I I 47',' 4T "O'.i fin, i i2' -v!V '- I "'I 4i' I .vp ! 4S 124 21 4:. 21 4n 22 12V 22 2i 9 P7i! in on 10 10 10 15 I 10 its,! 10 in hh I it) i;o to 12 47SI U 47S' 12 2 on-021 1J 02V '2 11 ::2',; u it 0-72 an 17'! 37', HI TTKU-I nchsngeil. EilHS -Hlgheri receipts. 7.M1. at mark, eases Included, IS'iiiic; ordinary firsts. 2viir21'e: firsts. 22'ttr2.1c. POTATOES -Higher; receipts. ,H) cars: Jersey cobblers, bulk, S21iV: Jersey cob biers, sacks, XiVuXSc; Jersey giants, hulk, 7,'ni'iie: early Mldnesotn oiilos. tymi.e. IIM'LTKY -Alive higher; fowls. l.Vtc;! spr'ngs. t.ViiiKr. Chli ago Cash Prices - best : No. 2 rod. $t. I !',! IS; No. 2 hard, tl.llkf) 1 I4 Corn: No 2 yellow. 82'nM".e: No S vellow. S2'v,iiMe. Oats: No. S white, v,f 4'ic; standard. 4xlH!c live- No 2. f'oiti$! 01. Bnrlev : H7nV. Seed Tim othy. September. ImMVuAAi. clover. Oc tober. llx.iVv Provisions: Pork, none, lard, HO OT.; ribs. $12 L'Vu 12 2l- om aad Wheat Hrsinn nnll.Hn. Corn and wheat region bulletin of the United states Department of Agriculture, weather bureau, at Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at a. m . 7Mh meridian time. Thursday. August 27, 11114: OMAHA DISTHICT. - -Temp.- Rain- Station. High. Low. fall. Skv. Ashland 7 f7 .on Pt. cloudy Auburn It 55 .no Clear Broken Bow .. 7 62 .15 Haloing Columbus "72 51 .i liondv Culliertson SO 55 I 24 Raining Falrburv 81 r.5 .no Pt cloudy Fairmont 75 Ml .tin pt. cloudy Grand Island ..72 .V, i) lioudy Hartlnglon 50 .:' Ruining Hastings 74 50 .mi tioudy Holilrrge 77 f2 .00 Cloudy Lincoln 7'i 55 ,m lioudv North Platte.. 7 54 ,n Raining Oakdale 52 1 V Raining Omaha 74 55 .On Cloudy Tekainah 74 51 .no (ioudv Valentine M 62 .02 Cloudy Alta. la 8 50 .14 Ruining Carroll, la 71 50 .On Cloudy Clatiuda. la.... SI 5". .on Cloudy Sibley, la 71 4' .77 Raining Sioux City, In.. .. 54 . 20 Raining Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Raln- Dlslrlct. Stations. High. lxw. fall. Columbus, O IS so 54 .00 Irfiiiisvillc. Ky... 22 82 t .50 Indla iHills. Ind.. i:l 8.- 5x .on C'hlcago. Ill 24 78 efi (1 St. Ixiuls. Mo ... 84 H2 .00 Tes Moines, In.. 24 74 54 .10 Minneapolis 52 M 42 .40 Ksn. City. Mo.. 34 84 112 .30 Omaha, Neb 17 74 54 M The weather Is somewhat warmer In the western portion of the corn and wheat region, but cool weather still prevails over tho entire region. Frost occurred at Dnluth, Minn. Showers occurred In the western districts and rain Is falling in Nebraska and northwestern Iowa this morning. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. New York fieneral Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 27.-STUA R Raw, firm: molasses, telle; centrifugal, 6.76c, Refined, firm. BUTTER Hteady: receipts. 8,4fui tuhs; creamery extras. Hid; 31 He; firsts, SVfiOO'c; seconds, !fiSM'27V!ic 1 process extras, 2ut 2i.Se; ladles, current make. No. 2, il 21 Vic. EGGS Firm; receipts, 14.108 cases: fresh gathered, extras, 2!i&30c; extra firsts, 27'iiWc; firsts, 2f2c; seconds, 234i 24c; slate, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, .t4(i:ir.c; state, Pennsyl vania and nearby gathered whites, 27(9 23c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hen nery browns, 2tii30o: stste, Pennsylvania and nearby gathered browns and mixed colors. 23280. POULTRY Dressed, steady; western chickens, frosen, 14iii'20c; fowls, 12'ul'J'c; turkeys, 19fi26c, Kansas City firaln and1 ProTtslons. KANSAS CITY. Aug 27. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $107ol.ll; No. 2 red, ll.irt'tff 1.10; Beptember, $1.00; December, $1.0I, May, $1.12. CORN No. 2 mixed. WVuiSOVic; No. 5 white, 81Vo; Hopteinber, 80c; December, 70V'7OHc; May, 74V.C. OATS No. 2 white, 4Vuf0c: No. 2 mixed. 4f'c. BUTTER Creamery. 2RHc; fh-sts. 2GV,c; seconds, 24c; packing stock, 21c. FA HIS nrsts, 22c; seconds, 17vc. POULTRY Hens, 14c; brollors, 1Mc. Minneapolis (irala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 27. -WHEAT fepteinb-r, 1.I-J; December. $1 21V No. 1 hard, I1.24S: No. I northern. Il.MVfill.BH: No. 2 nrthern, 1.12(fi $1.20. FIX.JU It Advanced 6c and 10c with wheat. HARLBY-60H73c. BYE 8M93C. BRAN-4J22 60. (X)KN No. 3 yellow, 7ftJJfc0c. OATS No. S white, iiWT: FLAX-H.8fiiJfl.61l. I Ht. I.onls firala Market. f4T. IUIS. Aug. 27. -WHEAT No. 3 red, H. 1241. 14; No. 2 baiil, $l.(iV4ftf)1.14 ; beptenioer. i.u"h; oecemner, 91.11. CORN No. 2, (ttlMr; No. 2 white, M'sf 844c; rVotitemtaT. S4c; December. 72wc. OAT8 No. 2, 60c; No. 2 white, tlVio. Liverpool firaln Market. IIVERIXJOL. Aug 27 WM RAT Spot strong: No. 1 Manitoba. Ds 4d: No. 2, Da 2Std:. futures strong; October, 8s 7d; Ie- comber, 8s 9. CORN Knot nominal. .slew York Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Aug. !7.-MlRCANTILE PAPER :V7 per cent. HTKRLINU EXHANOUC Nominal; for cables, $5 01W; for demand, $.7 06. SILVER-Bar. Kir. Coffee. Market. NEW YORK. Aug 27.-COFFEE No tlces against Heptemher contracts esti mated at about 27.IKJO bags were Issued In the. local coffee market today, which, It wus supiius.il. practically completed the liquidation of t'i near months, as a large numlsr of Hepu-mtier contracts havs len transferred Intij December. No ma terial change was reported in the spot situation. Cost and freight offers from Brazil weie said Lo be a shade easier, but such business Is subject to war delay and coifee ill the local warehouse la firmly held as a rule, particularly on the belter grades. !lo No. 7s were quoted at 71 and Hantos 4s at 12V Receipts at interior Brarillun points are running a little heavier, hut Brazilian port stocks have slu.wn little change since the beginning of the month. tlmaha Ciraln Market. HAY lYalrie: rhoico. upland, $11 fytff 12 (: No. 1. $11 droll. 50; No. 2. tit Omtj II. 00; No. 3. 7dr(4. Choice, midland, $11.50; No I, $10 504ll.OO; No. 2, iM.ouiill 00; No. S. I7 00'.flo0. No. 1 to choice, lowland, I'.t 001(10 00; No. 2, VW. No. 3, 5.tfsn 7.00. STRAW Wheat straw Is (juotablo at $4 (soift 00; oat and rye. Ii.0u'u6.50. ALFALFA Cbolca alfalfa is quotable at 113 5isil'l4.00; .No. 1. tl2.5a UbO; No. 3. $100(411 ; No. 2, tAOualn.'JP Trrasary Itatrsneat. WASHINGTON, Aug. 27 -The condition of 'the United Slates treasury at Hie be ginning of biaouess today was. Net balance In general fund. $121,252,251. Tolal receipts yesterday. $1 H7(1.577. Total pay ments yesterday, I2.52,.m. The deficit I his fisi al year Is $.:.".;. '...4, akal'.st a de ficit of II2.730.4TTI last year, exclusive of Panama canal and public debt transactions. Whcst I Sept 1 07V 1 12 I IVC 1 1W, I I7X, 1 !: I May. I isvu 1 s, 1 MM Corn- I Hept.iMNMS si ivo. iTVS'.i'n 74 Mav.4'r4'l 7;', Oats-- Sept I 4V 4 1! Dec. I !,' ,V2 , .Mnv MVu", :.4"l Pork- Sept. I 21 70 21 70 Jan I 2? 30 22 40 Ird - I Sept. IP) lVi-101 Id P 1 Oct.. I 10 20 I hi 2f. i .Inn . 10 70 10 72i Blhs I Sept 2 SO-iil 1? (Si ! Oct. .112 OT-i 12 in il .1hi , II II 40 I OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Rrcf ipts Are Moderate, but j Weeks Total is Strong. i HOG MARKET OPENS IfJLL holer Kllllna hrrp Urarrr Park era ami Hellers H nn Fraice lnf of Forenoon I. Itlle etlll In Feeders. SOUTH OMAHA. Aus I'M I. lleceipts eie Catlle Official Monday H !'XX Official Tuesday .Vi;M Official Wednesday... ".Ill Kstlinato Thursday 2,7'i II.-KS Sheep. 3. X.VI y.r-'.ii .1! I0 .. il .11. 111'.' .'4.2.1 20. W- II. I'M 28 V 24.W.I II '' i l.l.'ci I 1e:l .;o! Four days this week 21. r:s Siime davs la-t week I7.U1 Saino davs 2 vs ks. kko ln.i.'i Same davs 3 wks iiko 1c :in Siuno days 4 ks. aao in.iMi Same dnvs last enr. .'.V-ii The fidlowinir table shows M :. m,! 2;m 7" :".? the prices for hogs al the South Omaha live stock t.isrket for tho last few days, with com- pill iritis ' I?I1. 1111 '11(1 1.'I9". 7 ri r Is " ' 7 11 41 3i 7 81 7 281 7 i I 3D 7 N9! 7 :;i 7 !Kv 7 2.1 I 1 21 I 04 I 7 II 8 1 1 I I 121 7 l"l 1 79! 7 811 7 HI 7 5 8 (V"i 7 4' 7 41 I 6 40 7 Hi ; 7 42, 41 7 4,'l 22 7 431 17 8 12, 7 t, 8 Ml I (1 SO 8 '4' OKI 1 171 x ;4 7 Ml 7 171 8 0I 7 1u f 44 7 171 8 24! 7 72i 41 8 0 7 111 8 23 1 7 (.4 31 S 0s, I 8 3,. 7 5.1 8 04! 7 27 I 7 4) 8 37 til 32 8 04 i 7 251 8 54' X 101 7 lhl 8 tvi! 7 fi3 8 nil 7 (HP 8 CP 7 ''2 ! '(2 fl 34 li Ttx 7 lo. 8 70 7 71 ! 8 25 7 12 - 8 i!7! 7 ul Sunday. ii.e following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to dsleaa compared with last year: 1814 1813 Inc. Dee. ( nttlo (Al.54t 541.0411 Sfi.fiOv) Hogs I.0iti2 1 Miio.ld'i 2x0,517 Sheep 1.57V.s:3 1,3.M.7UI I2!.in7 CATTLE- Receipts of cattle this morn ing were, moderate, only 110 1 sts being reported n. but the tota for the five days this week foots up 21.428 head, be ing the largest of any similar period since the o enlng of the season, but still smaller than a year ago by 6,000 heart. Beef steers of good duality were generally steady, but there were a good many half fat or fair lo pretty decent 1 ornfeds such as come Into direct compe tition with western rangers, that were very slow sellers, with tho feeling weaker. It w.nil.l lie well for the country lo under stand that tliere is a wide difference In prices between strictly good to choice cornfeds, and the fair to pretty decent kinds. Good western rangers wero steady and others weak. cows and heifers did not show much chnnge. Buyers mero a little Inclined to pound the market and on some kinds pei haps succeeded In forcing tho market downward, hut as a rulo prices were not far from steady. (haul feeders were In active demand and stronger. On the other hind the common to medium grades wero slow. Stock cattle remaJned at about steady prices. Quotation on CatM: Good lo choice cornfed beeves. IKiOtrli) ?6; fair to good eornfiil lieevoa. $8.7far' 50; common to fair cornfed lieeves, $7 75HIH.75; good to cr.oice rangj beeves, 8 25141.00 good range beeves, I7.25hih.26; to fair range benvca, $H.25u7.26; choice grass heifers, $il.fs8tl7.7n; fair to common guod to good to cholco grass cowe, H.irs)i'7.26; fair to good grades, $3.6vHuf.6n; good to choice Blockers and feeders, $7.r.K,-x.'lo; fair to good stockers and feeih-rs. 7.0Oii7.5O; common to ralr stockers and feeders. $; 2Mr7.tKl; stock cows snd heifers. $5.2.'n.i5; stock calves, $.Ouri(8.00; veal calves, $7 OOrjrlO.26; bulla, stags, etc., e4.7iVri7.Oo. BEEF STEERS. No. 16... !.. . 7... A. JT. No. At. ....1n 7 no 1.1 10SI ....111M I do BTEER3 AND BTAOH, ... KilS 1 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. lr. I 10 II.. 00 1. 7.1 111 COWS. . IW . rb . tli . h.l . 1.0 .1140 .10H . ISM . 1171 I 75 4 411 Ill) 840 40 Inn IIM1 mo 1141 I'llJ 6 it, 4 60 6 60 6 60 1 M no 4 40 Ul I 00 6 on I 15 I Ifi t 16 11!! COWS AND HEIFERS. 7(4 26 . ...lilt 4 36 HEIFERS. oo 1 oil 4 00 BULLS. I 60 I 6 I 6 76 1 15 1 , 4M lei , 120 . mo I 16 16 . DM) lirao .11M) 1 io ,.i:im ...Mai ...KM ... MO e o 6 mi 26 7 10 CALVES. 2J l.il il 110 2311 I Ml 7 00 f a 8 on on I X VM 8 71 mo 10 00 ISO 10 26 in 10 :, 141 10 60 FEEDERS. 71M 85 76 STOCKERS AND 70 to ftf.3 4 60 .. ... 4... 10... II ... 4... 0011 60 7 us mil M6 N1 Ml tu 50 Ml 7 tr. T 10 7 n 7 In 148 no Ml C 611 76 ; t 76 20 NEBRASKA 1 heifer.... 8VI li 25 ( feeders.. 110.) 5 HO 6 51) II !N) 6 70 Wcoder... l.'ViO I cow I0..0 stockers. 7o6 13 cows 8fr7 17 feeders.. 12iV4 ti 7.1 I feeder... Ms) 4 feeders.. 11.10 13 cuws 952 li 15 6 20 II 15 7 25 II 15 3fi feeders.. 1204 8 00 18 cows 1037 """o-rauiipnes were largest or sny day this week, uUiut lii3 cars, or 10,6u0 head, being received. In addition to these fresh hoMS wore some 600 head held over from yesterday. Total receipts for the Week to date are 31,302 head, being almost 7.0no larger than last week, snd 6,58 heavier than a year ago. The market opened very dull again this moining. Shippers refused to get In on the first rounds, but a Utile later on filled the few orders they had at prices that were around f.'u'lOc lower. As ship ping purchases were so light almost the whole supply wus left at the disposal of tho puckeis, and with other markets gen erally easier they tried to take advantage of the liberal run and force a lnc decline, making their first offers on this basis. Seders were of the opinion that values ought to be at least steady, and as pack ers did not seem Inclined to raise their hands, nothing much was done until well along In the forenoon, in the end. how ever, a good killing demand began to have its influence and prices strengthened up gradually until they were no mora than a nickel lower than yesterday's average market. It waa on thia basis that tho olferlngs 'finally started moving. Trude. was rather dull, as sellers were In no hurrv to cut loose, but It was not a treat w hile before a fair share of the sup Ply had been sold at figures that were right around a nickel lower. Values did not show their full et length until towards the close, when with the big end of the, hogs sold at prices that were a shade to fjc lower, sharp comiietl tlon forced the market up to a steady basis. n course the majority of the hogs had been sold by this time, but enough sold on a steady basis to make a marked difference In the general trade. On the extreme close, after orders had been pretly well filled, prices weakened iigiiin, dropping back to alrnoet the sainu I Inures as were paid earlier In the day, that Is, about a nickel lower than yester day's average. On the whole values are steady to Sn lower, with the average a goial shade lower than Wednesday. Of course the light nes of the ehl.Hrs' purchases cuts iiulle a figure in the general average, and on paper the market will show up rlose to a nickel off, but the packer trade is just a shude lower. Bulk sold at !8.7ody8.7!i, the longer string landing st the former figure. The highest prlea paid was I" 05, this figure being paid by a packer. The shippers' ton was $a.00. SHEEP There was absolutsly nothing doing in the sheep barn in fat stuff until near noon, although the receipts were. If anything, moderate, the supply being estimated at some 13,000 head, against 13,111 a week ago and 16,66 a year ago. A large share of Ihe receipts cor.stmedj of killers, snd the proportion of feeders v as smaller than on any day this Week, the general quality of the offerings being pbnut on par with yesterday. Chicago lad another liberal run this morning, and early reports Indicated a scarcity of ibotce killers there, with prices lower. The fact thst the packers bought lib erally t.iis week of heavy receipts, con clltons in the eastern dressed niarkets I Date. J 1H. Jl'UJ.i Aug. T..I 8 22 1 8 191 Aug. 8.. i a.. $ ih I Auit. t IS Aug. Iii.f 9H.1, . Aug. 11.1 02 1 Aug. U. 7'oi 7 Wi Aug. I.l.l X tsiv, 7 K. Aug 14.; 04'v, 7 V0) Aug. 15 wj 7 r. Aug is. I i T 77. Aug. 17 .1 8 7THI Aug. 18 s fin', 7 Tel Aug. IS ft Kit,' 7 77 1 Aug. 20.1 8 S4S1 7 8! A ng. :i j 8 x;i,i 7 Aug. 22 I S WH 8 OS Aug. 2.l. i 7 us Aug. :i 8 I"" Aug. 25., 8 7o 7 si Aug. lv,. s 7sC 7 87 le.ig vnv i n, ir 11 . 1 ti,. expr. ration of so. ..I eieluts next IvreK all ,.. a 'le.irlsh Influence mi the general trade, ifli tho ti ell lh.it both the 1 acker ,md thf Ulleis Weie sllt.lig on the ('III v most o( the fence most of I he fur-noon, soni sellers were sittlns on th fenc most of the ii.renoou. some setlert rot li-Mitiu even a lud until slmost readied Hid 1 ...il everything In the )tn. or killers, wss weighed tip al prices Ft) IV I. vii tlein vesierdny. There was mil the activity- In feeden t'u.i inotioi.n that featured the trade most of the week so tar. but this is idten 1h esse tovv.ml the close i.r Ihe week, sinrt ni 11 mutter of fact, a Rood manv of th II. lets were filled (luring tho forepart of the vv.-eU Eatly some feeding lsmb( moved at $, n:,fi ; :-, llreeding ewes are ini.Mhlo at 4 .'. of. iA quotations on rnuxe sheen and lambs; I.11111I.. ciml to i-holce. $:.."i'-.7.ii.",, lambs, rair to ui .hI. ."..aw-. 1 7 f.i. Inml.s feeders : '4U.7 25; yeat linns, good to choice. IW.f.1 t' 2'. yciirlitiKs. fair to good, $ ..7.Vfiti 0 , yai lings, feeder. $." i.-'uh r; wethers, goi'l lo choice, fc. I' ..;.'.; wethers, fair 10 good. J.'i 2."-ii.'. 4i'; wethers, feeders, 14 40 n t xn. ewes. kim.. I to choice,. "..)rii6.2 ."; ewes, fair to uood. JI TeKeiKl; ewes, feed ers, $:I.,"iO'ii4 0". 4llll4l.il LIVE illl K M IKK HI 4 nllln Sleadi Unas Lower Khorp Miislly Lower. CHICAGO. Aug :7. CATTLE Receipts. 4.rt4 head, market steady; beeves, $:7.". I" ; steers. $n..1i'.ii.4l; stockers and feed er. $:. fKinv .1.-,, eows and heifers. l .Ktf ! 25: calv es. 7 "1i II 00 HOGS -Receipt. 2i.oon head, market lower; bulk of sales. .x.75'ul.l5; light. I.S0 (1i"?5: mixed. $s 5V,io ;v.; heavy, x lOTf) 20 , rough. $X.4lMi8l!0: pics. 8 0tiisiiii SHEEP AND I .A MRS Receipts. 32.000 head: market mostly 2"..iXc lower; sheep. $4 7.r5.ix.: yeiirllmts. -Viv,ii.;i; lambs, $oo 4i7 xn. tl. l oots I. Ire 8tnrk Market. ST. Ilt IS Aug 27.-ATTLr- Re ceipts. tt.'MK bead; market. 10c lower; 11a tlvo In ef steers, $7 .W,! lO.iiO. cews and heifers. $5.i'.Vi; stockers and feeders. J.'. 8,i soii-hern steers, Is.fliwts 26; rows and heifers, l4.tsii.6o: native calves. $i;ii.,iio,'4). HoiK1- Receipts, fi.HX) head: market. 5c lower; pigs and llgh's. $7.iwhi 35; mixed nnd butchers. $: m.i!..15: Uih.i1 beavv. $:. UrtiO.35. 'SHEEP AND LA MPS-Receipts, 3.400 head; miirket. steady; natlyo muttons. H.UI.16.2.,; Ininbs. $7(810)7.70. Kansas 4 Ity Live Mtork Market. ' KANSAS CITV. Aug. 27. -CATTLE Receipts, 5.000 heal; market. weak; prime fed steers, $1 iifv'11 10.60; dressed beef eteeis. $7.7fi(in.,"ii; western steers. $8,7518 0 36: stockers and feeders, $... V.'.W 00; bulls. $,' Lf.U4 7.S ; calvs. $i;..VV.rl0.5o. HotlS-Recelpts. 4.0no head; market, lower; bulk, ts.!;ji.Ui; heavy. fft.Ofvni 0 I.'1, packers and butchers, $3.0ojeJ.ii; light. $x 8OI11O 10; pig. $7.7.V(r8.75. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 8,300 head; market, lower; lambs, $7.Ti7 .55; yearlings. $5.f"fvii; wethers, $5.40'ii(i.7S; ew es. H. rW. 26. . j lost t'ltr Live Block Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Aug. 27.-CATTLE Receipts, 6(81 head; market weak; native steers, $7 liwrs.10; butchers, 4.25'(I'4 85; cows and heifers, 5.0(Vn4l4O; canners, 13.50 (tf6 00: stockers and feeders, $i onfl7.4o; calves, $7.6O-ui0.50; bulla, stag, $5.16i'd6.25. HOGS Receipts, ft. 600 hed; market fvf 10c lower; heavy, ts tuWas.ff; mixed, $8.27'-, 8H6: light, 8.tkVi8 S6; bulk of fialos, $3.86 I8 H74. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. Jnj) head, no li arkit. at. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEI'U. Aug. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head: market alow; steers, $7.50 (h 10.26; cows and heifers, $4.2,Vu'J.50; calves, $t;(Mmrl0 60. HOGS Receipts, 7.500 head; market sbrady; bulk of sales, $)v SUKflO 10. SHEEP AND I.AM IIS-llecelpts,ll,00a head; market slow; la ml. $7. 004717.73. OMAHA OENICHiL MARKET, BUTTER No. I. 1-lb. cartons. Sic; No. I, f-lh. tubs. SOc. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 40c; Ameri can Swiss. 25c; block Swiss; 23o; twins, 18c; daisies. Hie; triplets, lfto; Young Americas, 2uc; blue label brick. lo; llm burger, 2-lb 20c; l-b.. 20c; New York white, IDc; Imported French Roquefort, 48c. FISH Trout, I7c; large erapples, 10 15c; salmon, lgftfl&c; halibut, Sc; channel catfish, 16c: pike, 17c; pickerel, 10c POULTRY Broilers. 200; hens, 12c: rocks, 8vc; ducks, 8c; geese, 8c; turkeys. )Cc; plegons, per dusen. foe; docks, full feathered, 8c; geese, full feathered, .8u; fcuusbs, No. 1, $1 60; No. , una BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 2oHo; No. 2, 18-V; Nn. t. Mo; No. 1 chuck, 13cl No. 2, r'.V.e- N,'rt 9 1ILa Me. 1 L.ln 911,.. M,. J 15e; No. 3, 14c; No. 1 plates. So; No. H. iwc; No. 3 lM,o; No. 1 round, ICftc; No. 2, be; No. 3. 7'4". Prices furnished by the Olllnsky Fruit company: Fill ! ITS Oranges, extra fancy Valen cia, !.. 112s, ltfia, UiOs, I7iis, 200e and 250s, $.1.75 per box; Red Ball Valencia, all sizes, $3.50 per box. Lemons, fancy Silver Cord, 3oOs, 800s, .0o per box; 42-6U. $.8.50 per box. Grape fruit, extra fancy Us, $4.60 per box; extra fancy 4ls, $4 00 per box; extra fancy 36s, $3.60 per box; Indian River H4s and him, $.'..00 per box. Apples, Belief lower, 4-tler, $).S0 per box; Belief Unver, 4-tler, 5-liox lots, $1.55 per box: Belief lower, 4-tler. )0-box lots or more, $l.bo l-er box; Uravensteln. tl.bti per box; Uravennleln, 6-box lots, II. 4o per box; Oravcnatoln, 10-box lots or more, $1 40 per box. Cantaloupes, California standards, $2.00 per crate; Jumbos, $1.75 melons. 2'-i ier lb. Plums, Italian, $1.36 wr crate; Italian, 5-crate lots. $1.30 per crate: Italian, 10-crate lota or more, $1.25 per crale; Idaho, $1 25 per crane; Idaho, 5-crate lots, $1.20; Idaho, 10-o,rato lots or more, $1.15 per crate; Hungarian or gross prunes, $1.60 per crate. Peaches, California Salaways. 76c per crate; Cali fornia Salsways, loo-box lots, i2'c per crate; California Salaways, 600-hox lota or more, 70 per crate; Washington El bertas, KOc. per ctate; Washington El bertas, )U)-box lots, 77 Vs: per crate; Washington Elbertas, 6uO-hox lota or morn, 7Ikj per crate. Pears, , California Bartletts, $2.00 per crate; California, Burtletta, (-box lots. $1.96 per crate; California Bartletts. 10-hox lota or more. 11.90 per crate; Washington or Colorado extra fancy, $1.85 per crate; Washington, or Colorado extra fancy, 10-box lota. $1 80 per crate; Washington or Colorado extra fancy, 26-box lots, 11.75 per crate; Flemish Beaulles, Washington or Colo rado, $1.05 per crate; Flemish Beauties, Vvsshliuxton or Colorado, 10-box lots, $1 6o per crate; Flemish Beauties, Wssh I nut on or Colorado, 26-box lots or more, $1 60 per crate. Grapes, Malaga, Cal., 1.S5 per case; 6-caae lots. $1.30 per case; 10 css lots or more, $1 26 per case. Bunsnas, per buuoh. $1.7&ft3.50. NLis Sailed peanuts, $1 50 per case. No 1 California walnuts. 18lo per lb. Pecans, 12V per lb. Filberts. 16c per lb. Almonds. o per lb. V EG ETA BIES Cauliflower. Denver. 12'c per lb. Cabbage. 2e per lb.. Onions. 2c per lb. Pepiters. 60c per basket. Fancy tomatoes, 50o per basket. Cucum bers, hothouse. 2 dor., baskets, 76c per basket New tets.' carrots, turnips, 25o per dosen. Celery. Michigan. 36c per doz Celery, Denver, 1ar Jumbo, tt per dox' Head lettuce. uOcfftl.BO per dozen. Ieaf lettuce, 4Ko per do. Onions, horns grown 15- per dox. Radishes, 60c per doz Garlic. Itslisn. 20c per lb. Horse radish, 11.65 per case. Shelled popcorn. 4o per lb Asparagus, home-grown, per dox. market price, about JO" per dog. New potatoes, 7.".c per btl7 Virginia sweet po tatoes, $4.00 per bbi. Alabama sweet po tatoes, $1.60 per hamper. MISCELLANEOI'S Sugar walnut dates, $1 25 per box. IJmes. $1 75 per basket. Crackerjaek, $3.60 per case. Crarkeriack, jr half case. $1 75. Checkers, $350 per oase. Checkers, per half case, $l.i6. i Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 27.-DRY GOODS-Xh-y goods markots were active. Prices on brown sheeting were lower., Colorevl goods were withdrawn by ono of the leading houses liecauae of the scarcity of dyestuffs. which are Imported front Europe, ritaplaworated dress goods were in demand for Irom!t delivery. Japan ese raw silk declined sharply. Evaporated Apples mm 4 Dried Frarts NEW YORK. Aug. 17. EVAPORATED A PPLF8 Inactive. DRIED FRUlT.lrnines, Firm, Apri cots, quiet and easy. Prunes, dull.' Rais ins, steady. Bank Cleartasrs. OMAHA. Aug. 27. Bank rlearings for Omaha today were $3. 161. 8. 24 and for the corresponding day last year $2.571.733. 7i. Metal Market. ST. I.OITS. Aug. W.-METAI-LluU. nominal. $3 7a. p"-". if .