THE BEE: OMAHA, AUGUST 1014. WANT ADS Vent arts; received at any time, hut 10 Insure rroier classification mint be pre. "ilfd before 1J or lock noon for evening edition and T: r. m for morning and Sunday edition. Want ads received after 'ih hnum will be under the heading "Too Late to riaaslfv." CAH HATES. One time, 13 cents a line. Three times atthln one week, cent a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive tlmrf, cents a line rath Inacrtion. CH A MOB RATE?. Three rimes ithtn tne week. 10 centa a line each inser-lon. Steven roneecutUe tlnva. ( centi a line each Insertion. Count six average Vnrrta tl a line. Minimum charge. D rents. Tou can place your want ad In The Bee Xjr telephone TELEPHONE TYLER 1W. ( Unclaimed Answers to the ' S wn ppers ' ' Col mil n " Hundreds of ..ther answers have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It la reasonable to suppose that "II of the people below have, made the desired awapa therefore, do not call for the bal ance of their answers. Ilea Want Ada aure get results. .. C. s. c. s c p. c. s c. 8. r. i mi : in i: ii"i f M2 .. 1112 ljnt 12.-.7 fi ! i".". lit"'. i.-"i irA f !7 !i H2I 1711 l:t,l 11 M '.irt nr-i y: II 1"'l 113 V.'.W act i K4 iuo ji.,7 i: 18 K4 '"77 loo His v.'.IJ 1270 ?i "7 l" n; 1 2r.u uri M ?) l'V 11X 12..7 1272 M3 I'M l!.',i R9J 1.141 14 H lien illi; IJfKl f irj no ii i?52 1504 39 DEATHS AM) Ft Ell . I. N.OTM K. JIUKRMAN-I.CW. A ugust 27. The. funeral from Gentlemen's chspet fr.nurday n'tcrr.oon, I p. ni. Interment at Frospeit Hill. M BURNEY--M.S MaTy. died August Si, I'm. at p. m., at the home of her daughter. Mr. I.. II. Winters. i.1 Washington itreet. Florence, Neb., agyl J" years. Funeral Friday at 8 30 a. in., to St Patrick's church. Omaha. BIR1II9 AM) DEATII. Births- F and Rosa Soufiausllo, 211 North Fifteenth, hoy: Jnmea and Minnie Campbell, hospital, Loy; Harry and Annie Jlorhrend, lioapltnl. boy; Mai and Grace Ji(fnian. 1415', Vinton. Iioy. Deaths Francisco Jnioalk, 1 (lay, 2712 nuth Third; Floyd llonnuio, T years, lioe ital. uTil.OIMrPKHMITH. William Harlan. 1H1 Hmith Mfteenth. frame dwelling. W,W: Hernard Petln, M.'ii tonth Tnrlttli. fnime dwellliiK. Ji.OnO; Mra. Katie Kerry man, SI IS Myrtle aviiniin, Irame d wet Minn, 2,,V.o. TODAY'S tXIMPLETK MOV1K riUM.HA.M Kxcluhively m Tlio iieo i.tvsiiiva. CAMERAPHONE. 14J3 DOUOLlAS. 'J'he Hond Eienuil. 2-ree Kalein. Hrom lio Hilly M lus Out, Essanay. A Fatal Caru, l.ubin. ELITE THEAT ER'no. 2. 131s. FARNAM. J lie (.IK.e.l hxi.iu, i-r.-ct IviIkoii. Uroncho Hilly a Fatal Joke, Essanay. 'i'lic Storm at Sea. Kalem. iAHNAM THEATER 1116 FAKNAM. JUu Webb, Seiiutot', 3-reel Imp. I.LITE THEATER No. J, L!l FARNAM. The Man mill tlio Master, Hloaruph. 'i ha Una ho Loved I ler llcsi, i-rool Eas. polishing bp. Vi i a g ra p h. PARK THEATER. 1 NO. 10'i'li tT. Two-reel aensatlonsl feature. Western arama. ste.'iir.g vomadv. PARlAJU THEAT Eli, 140"DoUULA. Through the Flames. 2-reel Re. A QCIrH'k. Sterling cunedv. PRINCESS. J317-13IH DOLQ1-A8. 'iins la Ford Sterling day again. Innmlna htm In bis latest, finookee a DistfuiBe. The Chararter Women. 2-r. Eclair drama. 1HP1', . FIFTEENTH A N UTlAKNU Tha Lure, fha rcel drama, Asria. ALHAMRRA THEATER. 1S14 Na I4TH. The lst Diamond. 3-reel drama. This la the Life. Comedy. CTaMoND THliATErt7"4To LAKE 8t. JoeH Refrain. Imp drama. Weights and Measure i-reel Victor. His Wlfe'a Flirtation. Stirling cumedy. FRANKLIN. J4TII "anIT FKANKUN. The Hong of the Ohetto. 2-ieel Yltaurapb. lira, hlluncton'a J-lrat Case. Essanay. iler Prlinklve Model. Hlogiaph. HIPPODROME. 2ttTH AND CUMINta? Tnnk.ia of Tragedy, two-reel Essanay. A Train of Incidenta. Vitagrapti. "iii" a i reacnery. Kalem. 11 'J HEATER. 16TH IXKJUbT bTS. A Matter of Mlnutea. Edison. Night Hawks. 2-recl Esaanay. Wanted an Heir. Kalem. JJTHROP THEATER. MI3 NO. S4T1I. I'alnu-d Sady'a Child. Amorican. lAlabel B Married Life. Keystone. The Newer W oman. Ma teat In. 1jval theater. :k caidweu" W'hen the World was Kllent. -r. Imp. Ureat I'nlveraal Mysiery. Nestor com. I 'A LACE. 2aHDAVENPoTffBT! Allah 3311. 3-reel Eclair. And a good comedy. M'Bl'KBAN, 24T11 AND AM EM AVE. Tha Vampire's Trail, two-reel Kalem. 1'opsy Turvy Sweedie, Kfeanay W htia the Tide Waa Rising, Edison. Boat. APPOLLO. 2JC4 LEAVENWORTH. Tha Vaniplre'a Trail, S-reel Kalam. Tha Locked Room. Vltagraph. r-nppery rum a iMtemma. l.asanay. OLl'MlUA THEATER. 1710 bO, WTH. Hy Uie Aid of a Film. Edison. I'ha Winning Trick. Vltaraph. The Man with a Future. X-t. Luhln. COMFORT THEATER. M VINTON! The Million Dollar Mystery, J-r. Series 7. Jim Cameron's Wife, X-reel Domestic. The Great Toe Mystery. Keyslon- J AVORITE THEATER. 171 Vinton KL In tha Shadow of Disgrace, 2-r. Edison. The Man and the Master, Bio. lrama. Huddie a Downfall. VRograph Comedy. Favorite Alrdoine Annex, 17th and Vluton. 8UNDAT, AUOU8T 30. Perlla of Pauline, Series No. 4. OEM THEATER. ViiS BOLTH 13TH. Lucky Peceptlon, J-reel Neator comedy, llole In tlie Garden Wall. Rex drama. JL4Nc.COM. TH ac CASTELLAR. I -aw of His Kind, J-reel Rex. Snookee's Flirtation, Sterling comedy. 1-YR1C THEATER. ltilj VlNTuN ST. oo. a, j-r. uoia beal (iea ventures). Hehlrid the Veil. Rex drama. PASTIME TlltA. a at LEAVEN WORTH Eighth episode The Million Dollar Mya- . miew ni.igni. i-r. Victor. A Foreman's Defeat. Rex. VENEZIA THEATER. 1211 hOL'TH MTlf Tray O Hearts No. 1 (Flower O FUuuei. s-reel Gold 8eaL A Strong Affair. Sterling corned v. A'RMB THEA.. KARNAM At PARK. VNIihln the Noosa. Tha ld From Old Ireland. Fable of tha busy iiuslucaa nut irst jou lion t Hucceed. XOKRi'jE THKiTKH Jf. J. V a ueil The Oublletia. a-r. nrUI (mm ik. by fieo. Hronson Howard. In monthly Irt stallinents I'nl. Ike In pursuit of eats. DEKSflV THt'lTl'u ttT. iiii.t - -- vmi aAin Bg. Cleo Madison sud George Larkln in Tha ""w inrfs-rwi rosn. Ieteoile bs Cupid, Neator comedy. tMKrli ll . it I f ltOPER THEATER, M7 BROADWAl A aUural, Affair, Sttillng comedy. TODAY'S COMPI.KTB MOV IK I'lUX.UA.MS Inclusively In The IW. Pl-fSK THEATKM. :'4TH AND N The lionnward I'ath. l.nhln. PollaliltiK l'p. Vltaxraph I'roncho a liilly'a Wild Mide, Keeanay. m:uTt'iTkatkh; " -ti i"a n i o. Trey o' Hmrt No. 4 (dead reckoning;, 2-ree (lold Seal. Him I of llnwi. Hex drama itellir. nilPHKl'M, 24TH A M. HOl'TII OMAHA. EXTRA SI'K'I.M, KKATIRE EVERT .SATini'AY. A X XOf XCKM F.y TS l.l't'KY wedillng rlnaa llrolexaard'. Wedding uiinouni pnienln. loii)i. I'tK. Co. i .o.m! hlonr; 4 Ida , irWaanerT Md Nit"h. IIAZKI lo-af Pile Come. Heat remedy for Itihing, bleeding or protruding pllea; &oc poatpaid; iiniplin free, fchtrinun A Mct onni'il firug Co , Omaha. ( GET a private hooth In my ttnll room for noon lunch. I'ETli I.O il. .",13 P. 17th Ut. ATTHACTIOXH IE VOI' want eomethlhg eenaatlonal. aee ua. I on' overlook our balloon aa-eiielon with the ilonhle pararhute drop; H fine free acta. Twin Clly Amiiaemrnt c'o., Council Hlnffa, la. IIKIil X'i'KD KKMAIiK lloiirkrrprra and UamriOrt, THE B.rvant Ulrl problem Solved. The Hen will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you git the dt-aired resulta. This appllei to resnlenU of CJmaha, Bouth omahu and Council Rluffa. BilnK ad to TheHee j.fflce or telephone Tyler l'X. WANTED A girl fur gineral housework'. ilH Harney ht. W,VNTEl Woman tor general work. IMn N. lth Ht. houao- EXI'EHIENCEU c i r 1 r-.r geiiernl house work. Mra. A. IV Hmliii, aP Dewey avtuue. Harney z . COMPETENT housekeeper for small fam ily. :'4Ul N. llith. Wei). 2im. WHITE girl for g m-ral huiicework ; email houae. ;iirj;i 'as. Phone llurney b!X2. WANTED Oood, expcrlrm ed cook, white woman, refcrencen: tady position to right petty. Horncy VJ. Airs. E. W. Nsh, Hurt tn. W ANTED JiHd white wcond girl; duaily port tlon to rlsht pitrty. Mrs. E. W. Nuh. Hurt ft. WANTED A girl for fc. n. rul housework, i'lim Webster St. Dootilaa isTlO. Gool cook deslrvd; refeienoes required. 1116 l. 4uth St. WANTED Two competent glrla for cook and housemaid; references required. Phone Harney 11014. W ANTED l'oalllon on dairy farm by young man, aober and reliable. Addreaa 332 Hyde Ave. Phono F. 1M1, Council Hhiffs, la. WANTED An experienced cook. Sul4 Jackson nt. WANTED An experienced second girl. 137 South St. GlltL for Keneral housework. 720 B. 2 2d Ht. WANIIOD Eiencni'"d cook. D. 2S27. Mrs. victor Caldwell. WANTED A nildille-aKcd woman as housekeeper In family of four; three children school ago. Apply evenings, Ml 8. 22d St. WANTED An experienced white girl for general housework; three In family. Mrs. V. D. McHugh. 2 8t. Mary's Ave. W ANTEI A young girl to assist with Housework; no vanning or cooaing in lie Harney una. WANTED At once ixperlonced cook. imil jacKson irrri. W ANTEI A cometiil girl; small family, good wages, llti N. .Pitli avenue. Harney-i4-'k. Uool, experienced girl fur general houae. work; no washing; family of 3. 2uX Krug Ave. P. f12. WANTED An experienced cook. 321l KU Mary a. References required. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. James Richardson, (w.) 8. Ave. Telephone Harney I7. WANTED Three experienced waitresses; 120 tier month, room and board; tips about equal wages; American plan; refer ence necessary. Address Royal Hotel, Excelsior Springs, Mo. llerlcal and tlldce. WANTED Experienced young lady as bookkeeper. Call at once, l'uiaoe dom ing Co., 14th and Ikiuglaa. lliiilKkKKI'KIt, $.1; dork and typist, liiO; stenographer, Ii3; stenographer, stenographer and bookkeeper, JM. WATT II EK. CO., t4J-42 Hrandela The. Factory mad Trades. APPRENTICE giri. Opjonhelm Parlors, Bltacellaueous. WOMEN wnled for government clerk ships; ro month; Omaha examinations soon; specimen questions free. Franklin Institute. Iept tJ-0, RiK-hester. N. Y. Y'tH'NG women coming to Omuha as hmnaers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17 111 81., where they will ba directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers guina si union niauon. 11KIJ AVAXTKD MALK Aaenla, ftaleanirji and hollcltora. KAL:BMEN In every town to represent us stlllnc oil and kerosene to consum ers. Peerless Oil Company. Omaha. Neb. AN EASTERN MANUFAC- turcr will bo in city fof few days only to secure wideawake man for general agency for sta ple repeat order article show ing enormous pr'ofit8; will clear $300 per mouth or better. Have first class indorsements; not a novelty, but good, sound, legit imate article. Small invest ment required. Hive phone number. Address General Agent, Y 170, Bee. WANTED SALESMEN To work two or three counties. Prefer men who can furnish their automobile, moiorcyde or horse and buggy, to aell oils and paints direct to the consumer. Should ba ab, to make from SIUO to per month clear. We furnish sample outfit, commissions (aid at the end of each week. Our com mercial rating lJ;Aii. Anyone who has worked store trado need not apply. Ad dreaa M. A. Hulburt at Co.. Omaha, Neb. stars. OFFrCE boy. Hi to IS, exoellant future. WATTS RKF CO.. S4C-42 Hrandela Thea. lertral amd offlee. 8AL10SMAN with furnisliing goods ex perieuce. 375; stenographer, f'6; stonog raiiher. 170; stenographer, !'. 8ce us at one for other positions not listed. WATT RFF. CV., S40-4J Rrandeis The Factory sad Trades. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Pldg. VANTED AT ONCEoiTaccount of the European war, men to learn tha barber trade and fill vacancies Thousands of foreigners barberlng la the United Slates going back to fight for their country. Can prepare you lust now for good Jobs at exceptional Wages. Tools Included. Get the dope on this today. MOLEK BAR BER COLLEGE. 110 8. 14th rt. WANTED Exierlenced file setters; Je.uO per nay; Vunteneile hotel. Walter Men. Hurry! Hurry! Get a full knowledge of the AUTOMO BILE BUSINESS audi aa only wa are equipped to give you. Tha auto seaaon la open and the demand la great tor such men as we turn out. NATIONAL Al'TO TRAINING ASSN., ri! I No. '.'il h St.. Omaha. Neb. M Isoetia aMaa. MEN to kurn the barber trade; tuition, IJS; aet of tooli glve.i; wages paid. Til City College, 1-th aiid Douglas Sta. EXPERIENCED HOTEL 'LERK No kid. nigh'. Job. CO-oHEH ATI V E KEF CO.. J0-W CITY NATL. BANK BLDO HKLI AVAXTKD MA LK Sf lipr:ianeisi. PAHTIE" ilesltlng yoiinK tun to work for th lr lioard while niu n'llnir achool this iln'r Miould nifike apliHtiin at on, e to Hoylea .'ollme, phone Douglas lf. The fall term openf September I. WANTED Names of men. is to i wish- lug to be Omaha mull carriers. inonth to begin. Y I'M. Hee. MEN with patentable thaa write Ran- iiolph V. Wwehl-iKtoii, H. C. H AN TED- I.K men to eat round Meak. IS.'. Coffee .lohn'a Htli and Capitol I'AXTOS Hlk.. l.ettertna hool. Kin. 1L IllE , El UtASKA AUTO MOlilLE SCJIOOL hBS turned out more ruccesaful graduates thnri j.ny school In this country. "There's a rcsaon." Write todav 'or our catalogue (Ci, 1417 Dodge, Omaha. Nb. SI A 1, K A N U K K M I, K li."0 OOVEKNMENT 1oba open to men and w.jnien; (L to ll.'O month. Write for list. Franklin Institute, lJcpt. 2J1-U. I'.o. hef ter, N. Y. WANTEIJ-SITUATIOXa ' STOCKHOLDER and salea manager of large out-of-town cm fioratlon wishes to connect with some large concern In Omiiha as office manas-cr or aalea man ager; have had 14 years' experience; can furnish best of references; will come to Omaha for Interview. Address D 430. Hee. FIRST class cook (white) would ilke steady position In restaurant, hotel or hospltHl, also does pastry work; can give references; write or call and atate wages. Margaret Hurler, 17W 4th Ave., Council Hiuffs, la. WANTED A position as companion or houaekoeoer by a refined elderly widow; hae no objection to leaving the city. IIkr S. 11th St. Ptenograph. r desires work, evgs. Trana crlhlng at home. Heat refer. O. 25lt, lice. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur wants position, private or truck: steady and lellnble. Phone Web. 7.'VW after (i p. m. AXTKH-Hy man of wide business ex perience, position of trufit; have traveled many years, hut must have city position. Address. D 2M, lice WANTED Washing and Ironing by ex perienced woman; reasonable prices. Call Welwter 21 r.7. WANTEl A poaltion as stenographer and bookkeeper. Sulary, SIX Ella Hsgoman, Clartnda, la. YiM'NU married man, with good ex perience, wishes position aa hoU3e cleaner; reaoonable charge. H. 7379. Go M, rei!ivir.e woman, witii good little girl, wants any kind of housework; small wages I'hone Doug. 7. MY specially, laundering shirtwaists. W. 1SS7. - DAY WORK, bundle washing. H. 7379. POSITION desired n housekeeper by widow lth one child, on farm. Good cook. 3.'.2.1 Decatur streeL ilooKKEEPKR andstetiographcr, with experience, desires permanent position; unerat education; German; salary xru. Ad dress F 4'tf. Hee. CHILD'S nurse wishes position; best ref erences. Phone Red C840. DAY work minted. Phono Douglaa S275. LAl'Nl iRY to Take home.Websleriifi!Sr ATTIIACTIOXS; CKLEIi RATH N COM MITTEE8. We furnish good, clean comedy, FRKE ATTRACTIONS, balloon and moving pictures. Guaranteed. Plenty of refer ences. Jackmnn Amusement Company, 4till North 37th, Omaha, Neb. CARNIVAL company wanted for Modern Woodman street fslr September 23-21 H W. Henry, Secretary, Glasgow, Mn. ALTOMOI5ILKS FOR a high grade, used car at a right price, seo Howes, 2216 Karnnm. n. 1M, Oreenough Omaha Rad.jep. Co. 2020 Far. UM) f,...r..l ttxw nt.v itmu,,..l,k w rm n'. m pair. Coll i-cpar'g. O. liaysdorfer, 210 N. IS i in 1,1 Tin n : vn in ii i .a ni In good stock company la what I will iraiin tor auto, equui value, ooiigiaa 4U.I. FOR 8ALE 1913 &-pasaenger Ford. Urea ana mscninniy in uvsi oi conaition. 1018 No. llith St. "Llnd berg" Fore door, body blilg..40 Jk Far. Industrial Parana Co., Wth A Harney Sta. WANTED l-cyUnder for Mason car. 2S 11. P. AddrcBa W. P.. Baa OfUca. bouth Omaha. Motorcycles. HARLEY-DAVIDSON M OTO RC TCT .K S. Hargulna In used machines. Victor Roos, 'The Motorcycle Man." 27"3 leaven worth. Pope Motor Co., '12 Leavenworth. R. Wo. 1D14 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bargains ;n used machines. UMAMA BICYCLE CO.. lth and Chicago. D, 372S. I.liulborg Bros., Z..72 Leav. (Flying Merklej. UUSIXKSS t'HANtT.8 BAKERY for Bale, :'&th and Daveniiort; good business, atiirtly retail. T lbti". t'. J. CANAN, Real Esiate and Exchangee. DrT'O STOltE In a"good town tor saieT wui invoice about o,wa); only drug store, Addrera Y 141, Uea. DRI'O tToKE, suburban; best In city; lerins. v an v euaier Bi.HJ. FOR SALE Up-to-date shoe repair shop, equipped with Goodyear machinery. Town of 9,000. Shop doing V,0u) buslneaa annually. Snap for someone. Selling on account of health. Write for particulars. Joseph Oswald, Mitchell. 8. D. FOR SALE A live geieral atore business In a small town In i-entral Nebraska: alt-a average about S2 io a month; stock will Invoice about SO.vtiO; must aell quick aa firm la going Into a wholesale busi ness. iw, Bee. HA RDWA RE Small atock, fixtures and repair shop lor sale. J) N. 30th. W sb- ster 1. H1U1I-CLAS8 business ovenlngs. Westeru iter, at Bona ass n. IA Om. :-aU Bk. Bldg JOHNSON, au PAXTON HI K. KK1 LAWYERS find that location, prestige and service mean much to them In building up their business. Offlcea In the BEE Bl-ILDINO fulfill all these requirements and mora. Office Room 103. PLi'MRINO ahup in ton of &.; on, other shop; no trades; 12,000 cash. Ad dress Y lta. Bee. RARE OPPORTUNITY for good buslneaa man with ?.iu0 to 4U.0O0. Investigate this Address H. 2: TO GET in or out of Business, call on OANGSTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. D S477. THEATI-RS Buy, lease or aell your theater, n.acnino and supplies through I neater exenaoge to., is r arnaui tic lKuidas ls-'C TO vCiCKLY sell your business or real stale, write Keniiebeck Co., Omaha. WANTED-An Idea. Who can think of aome simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring you weulth. Write for "Needed Inventions ' and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph A Co., Patent Attorneys, Wash ington, D. C. Kooml aa Haaaea tur gala. -ROOM mod. flat, excellent furniture, good roomers for sale cheap If taken at once. U13 Chicago Su loug. 4448. EDVCATlONALi 19U FALL TEIJM OF liOYIJS COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 1,' DAY AND NIGHT. The pew catalogue la ready. Call or fhone for It Business practice, book keep ng, penmanship, salesmanship, banking, stenography, slenoiypy, typewriting, teiegraphy, accounting, filing, private secretarial work and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board while attending. 1JOYLES COLLEGE, 1Mb and Haicey Sla. Omaha, Neb. KDlCATIONAIi Kolt SALE at a discount, a full Unllm Ited eihoiarrhip l iloylea luslnera col lege. Omaha, good for ellher siiortnand or bualnesa courses. Apply at the office of Orrara He. MOSJlEIt-LAMI'MAN COEEECJE FALL TERM OPEN'S S fi ITEM B Ell t t"nsnrpaed clases In nil hii'lnesa and English rramheg, shorthand, atenotypv, telegraphy and typewriting. Students iidniltt.d at any lim.;. Oraduatca guar antee 1 good positions 1'hi'ea provided for young people to work for board. For a new. free catalogue addreaa MOSHEK-LAMPMAN COLLEGE HI.1 Farnam Kt. Omaha, Neb. rJ1i? Van Sunt School Stenography Day acliool, :r) io 4:V). Night school. :ir to 9:15. 11th und Farnam SH Douclas !4T. I 'OH SAl.K t'lrullsre, Auction Sale Another lot of first-class furniture will be sold at public auction Satuidav, Au gunt 2!Uh. rule beginning nt l' a. in. and lasting nil dav. We will sell eeernl Rood rugs, severnl rockers aa Rood ns new, bird's-eye mnple dressers and chiffoniers, dining room buffet, round dtnlnx room table and dining hairs, china closet, brass beds, parlor sets; bImo aome more good bargains In trunks and boxes of hnunehold goods. We will also sell a motorcycle, which Is practically new and In good run ning ord r. Everything will be sold to the hivheat. blddor. Don't miss this oppor tunity to buy poods at your own rrlce. Omaha Van & Storage Co., fm s. lfitii st. Dovro! Sale & Auction Co., Auctioneers. New 2d hand furnit re, cash or terms, reasonable. Amer. Kurn. Co., N. ISth. tEVERAL van loads of furniture and some pianos. Omaha Van and ttoiase Co., IKi So IHth St HEATER, ranxe, bed. carpet and other furniture must bo sold immediately. 117 lofiiist St. Msjalcal Instramenta. Pllchtly used high grnde piano. W. S7!. I pevrlicra. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 H. 17th. RENT an Oliver typewriter. 3 months for 14. The Oliver Typewriter Co. p. 2H19. All makes typewriter rented, Hold, terms. Butts Typewriter, l'o Farnam. D. J31. 11KNT Remingtons, Monr.rchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton TyiK'wrlter Co. Telephone Douglas 124. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grmto ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for 10 for uiulerslroke machines or to per month for latest model visible writers. Tfiiarrllaiieniii', FOR SALE At Oj'JO Hurt street -Barn, Used Lumber, Oak Flooring. Uids received until Saturday night. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at tha oi l ice of Thu Omaha Bee. 600M. BRICKS at H.ftO per M ; also 80i)M. feet of lumliet at works. 11th and .lack- son Sts. Buildings bouKat and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking o. Web. 4H08. 2-hand nu ll. Gross Wreck Co., 21 & Paul lVi-iNCH aexuid-liund pipe at 2c per foot; good for fencing purposes. Call Douglas 247 1. A NO. 1 BATH TUB, 5V t-et. Treater Kelly Wrecking Co. W. 48H6. FOR SALE New and second-Hand carom aim pocKei oiuiaru taoiea anu powung alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- HnlltM.P,tllAn1ir . '.. J,7 Aiib J HW b. u. WAGON iimbrellai'' Wagner. I"l N." 18lh. Cloalng out 10 good sewing machines, by aresKinuKer, 14 to U w. -wX. 2 IS) N. loth. iavk stock run malk. lioraea aad Vehlclre. LARGEST stock of delivery wagona In th litvl all klllda nt blneiiaiultli wnrr painting and lettering. Johiison-Danfoith Co.. new location. 15j8-.H-o3 N. lfith Bt. LOST AND FOUND LOST String of coral beads, South omalia car. between 7 and 8 a. in. Tues day. Reward It returned to M. W. Goerne, 142 N. 241h. Bouth Omaha. LOST Black traveling grip, between Omaha and Fremont, along the south aide of road following 1 P. tracks, on Tuesday, August 25. Liberal reward. O. W. Wertx, Crelghton, Neb. OMAHA & COUNCIL B LUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha at council murta street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In tha street cara. Many articles each dav are turned in and Uie company la anxloua to restore ihem to the lip'.lful owner. Call Iioinria. 4. IIST Holld 4-leaf clover pin. emerald petting, newara. in n. list Bt, MOXEV TO IAJAR NUKD MONEY. See ua. Quick service. Ilulr llanul tti a l.r in nntsniBi MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It. Tarry cures uilaa. fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrlta for book oil reclnl dlse-iaea with testimonials. DR. E. It. TARRY, 24D Be Bldg. rKRNON.1L ANYONB knowing the present address of Joseph Crawford, former raaldent of Omaha, will outlier a great favor by aendlug It to his cousin, M. Hayden. tlOl UnwBlvd Kansas City, Mo. THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao llclta your old clothing, furniture, rnaga slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas tiSi and our Wasou will call. Call and liiMH't our new home, 1110-11U-1U4 Dixlge .Ht VOL'KU women coming to Omaha aa 111 r.liu.ra mtm intilll t . omen a Christian Asaoclatlun I, nil. it, , lTth Bt. and St Mary's Ave., where tliey will ba directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav. elara' aid i the Union Station lmLTKV AND Sl'l'PIJKS AGENTS. Investigate; luu per cent profit' aeaaon iiiis oni get busy. Chicken Life "w-s ' v miiiiiih o V- BlElRttOTYPK mat rices mak. tha best and cheapfst lining t jr poultry houses They are LxI3 lndiea. atronger and more durable than tarred felt ami Practically fireproof. Tto a hundred at Tha hee office WANTED TO BUY fcpT4" Be lCebl,Jl bOUt itlX AJJro" OFFICE furniture bought and sold J C Reed. 12VT Farnam. loug tlii. WE BUY 3tl-hand clothes. 1421 N. 4th. HVE STOCK MAHKET OF WUIT bHIP live stock to South Omaha. 8ava mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atton- tion. Lira glock laaaaalasloa Merrhaata. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchanre BldC WANTED TO KENT WANTED Some one to eracl a building In Weat Farnam for commercial pur poses; will lease for term of years. Ad-ili-sa M 409. Be. WANT a first-, iaas small. fniiii.M,l apartment, or large room and bath, aim board. Addieaa O 410. Ilea, HWAPPKH'M fVI.OIX Al'Tu-l have oi:e thousand dollars In stock of n good company, which 1 wish to trade for auto, equal alue. Ad dress S. O. li. Al'TO White Pteamr j.uto. pest of condition. What have you? Address H. C, I'M Itee. AUTO Want to swap for a lafo date fully equipped touring car. Income brick business property, well rented in .outh OrriKha, on principal hueinesa. St., 2Mh anil jSc (J streeta. S. C. VA4. Hce. Al'T iMollll.KS Have overland car. newly painted. 1st-' lass condition; will trade for horsea or lot. Address S. ;. 1:IK A t 'TnMOHl LES For other automobile bsrquiiis eee the "Automobile ' classifl cation. ACTO-WANT TO SWAP RINABOUT auto for cement blocks, building ma terial or contract woik. for a cottage at Carter Ijike club. . C. I;i3h, Bee RCSISESS CHANCE I have s f..') stock of goo(.s that requires a woman as manager. This is a splendid oppor tunity for a woman of business ability and will Mund the closest Investigation. Will exchanpe this for good land of same value, aa other Interests' requite my at tention, and mill give a good deal. Give description of your land In first letter. Trailers need not answer. Address S. C 12ii7. Hee. COl'CH To trad., for something else; also kitchen cabinet. What have you? Address S C. J;'.17. Bee. CiJltN POPPING MAnfNE-$;l0O AVTO mrtlo corn popping machine, similar to eU-' tric machine demonstrated In Omaha, only operated by aa. Clears S& tier month easllv. Needs ho attention Owner travels apd can't even he hero to take out nickels. Will swap machine for model 15. 17 or la Bulek auto. Might add cafh If car Is right. Address, d. C. 1H1, Bee. EDISON PHONOGRAPH and 4') records, (rood condition, to trade for diamond i ma. JKiiiirxn f, . . i".o. i" r.x n uii'biii a nave a tine set or Ktitannlca. v 111 sell cheap or trade. What have you? Address S. C. l.r,3, Hee. Etjl ITV IN SEVERAL GOOD NOTES amounting to about W.Ooo. Will trade for land or buildings. Address 8. C. Mil, T 1 EXCELLENT-PI i:io for lumlier or build ing to be wrecked. S. C. 101S, Hee. FIRNITLRE ETC.-A fine new oak muxic cabinet and a fine 2o (Gibson Mandolin; a cheap brass bed; Imitation oak dresser and rocking chair. What have you MJ Will sell or trade. Ad dress S. C. 1.140, Hee. FURNITURE for c 45-room hotel near Omaha, t.ft'0. Low rata rent on the building. What have you to offer? Address S. O. 12. care Bee. GROCERY Location, trade, reason for selling good, new atock; low rent, snap. S C. 1014. Bee. INDIAN vest, buckskin, fully beaded; four mounted warriors, two fighting elk, two large elk heads, rive-lncn buck skin fringe. Slza about 42; one In a thousand. For sale or trade. Address S. c. 1342, Bee. MUSIC FOR PLAYER PIANO-Have choice library consisting of over 20") rolls latest popular and classical music for 8K-note player piano. This music ia almost new, none of the rolls or boxes soiled or torn about half of It Is "hnnd played." Want late model motorcycle In gooil order, or might add cash for run about auto In tsood condition. S. C. unr. Bee. OFFICE FURN ITLTtE Will buy some good second-hand offloe furniture; must be cheap for cash. Address 8. C 1240, Bee. ONE 5-YEAR-OLD DRIVING MARE with fine colt, rubber-tired, hand-made buggy, hnrness, wagon, 2 Incubators, 3 registered pigs, flock of Buff Orpington chickens. Want automobile. Address 8. C, 1347. POOL HALL and barber shop for goot1 mares or lot. s. t.. low, Hee. PIANO Elegant Hamilton for auto, lot, acreage or lumber, or land In Missouri or Virginia; will pay difference; also will exchange on a truck. S. C. 1012. PIANO Party leaving city offer good used upright Hunter piano for StT. A bnrtraln here for some one. Address 8. C 1359, Bee. PIANO FLAY ER Will trado for auto. Player In good condition, practically new, waa t760. Addreaa 8. C. 1249. Bee. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trade or sale. I'hone 21HS1, Council Bluffs, Ia. SCALE Have a Toledo 2-lb. candy scale. nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used in a restaurant, or roll top desk. Address 8. C. 12K8, Bee. STENOGRAPHER Hero ia your chance. I have a new etenotype which I must dispose of immediately. Address S. C. 157S, Bee STAMPS Have collection of 10,000 of dif ferent dates and countries; very valu able: can't be duplicated. Win trade for runabout or what have you. Address, 8. C. i;72, Bee. TYPBWRITER-Small "American writing machine, brand new, fur mandolin, or what have you? Addreaa 8. C. 1345, Bee. U NI 1 ER W OOD T V PEWRIT E R VM trado almost new, latest model Under wood worth $CD for good motorcycle. Might add cash if warranted. S. C. lid Beo. FOR RENT Apartsuente and Flat. Rental Service Free Why worry where to find a house or apartment when we have Haled every vacant house and apartment In the city. 'I'hone ub for further Information. Doug las 4477, Fidelity Storage & Van Co. BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. ConslHtlng of five rooms, oak finish, paneled celling In living room and dioing room, press brick fireplace, with gas log; also plate rail and panel strips In d'nlng room. Iarke clothes closet with mirror door, two elegant bedrooms, bath room with tiled floor and walls; large kitchen and entryway; bullt-ln china closet and kjtchen cabinet; iraa stove and ref-igera-tor furnished: house telephone system; junltor service; other beautiful features about this apartment upon application. SCOTT HILL CO.. IVniglns lOOO, 30-7-8 McCague Bldg. VERY choice 4 or "i-room steam heated apartment on Weet Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBHINS, 102 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM heated semi-basement, nak and white enamal finish, Weat Farnam dia trlct. 8nap. Call H. J0K7. t2Kt-KM. mod. flat-3S2iT'iimliig. W. 4e9. CHICAGO ST.. 2110 7-room new modern flat, hardwood finish. Hi. D. 7566. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 8-horss van and t men, $1. 25 per nr. ; storage 12 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4.V3 & Ty. 230. Phone Douglas 40. 60$ Bee Bldg Housekeeping apt. Har. 2181. 4243 Harney. OGDEN ANNEX looms, witn klichao Hes Council Biuffa PLEASANT 4 and S-room apartments; walking distance. 401 No. 24th bt. VERY' DESIRABLE 6-room, steam heated, strictly modern flats of excep tional quaJUy. (lose In, walking dis tance. Prices reasonable. T. J. HOOK, IU'1 N. lMh St o T-ROOM. modern brick flat, fine condi tion. 2614 Podge, Vfl.OO. D. 440. MODERN 4-room flat, water, gas and toilet. f!2, 2418 Ieavenworth St. Apply, J. 1. KEMP. Douglua 7. 4-RiXi.f flat, newly ppered and var nished; 24:'4 Iaavenworth St.: $16 per month. Apply J. I. Kemp, Ioug!aa -7. BEAUTIFUL s-rooin apartmentB.JJ-i. MU Ho. loth. For particulars phoua Douglas .u. t Y'OUNG working men, private family. In walking distance; full particulars first letter. D 41U. Be. B-KOOM modern flat, J6. 14 N. 22d. 4V-KOOM FLATS. Hi TYLER 1771. 4-ROOM. 2d floor; 6-rooin, 1st floor and semi-basement: all modern; separate bath; I US and 20; Bemls lark. phone Harney 4041. 10-ROOM flat, modern Harney 647 STRICTLY modern, up-to-date St. Loulg flat, i rooms, cloaa in. Call Red 103a. -1ooM modern flat. I0.V (.14 N. J?d. LA VERSA, 1813 Capitol Ave. modern apartments. also. furnished souta tooiua. irtvata porch. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN of Omaha ' A. B. C. of Omaha A Diamond gives you that prosperous look; best of quality, lowest prices; take ekjvator and save money. West em Watch A Jewelrv Co . 217 Karhach. CORHETT. the man that cleans every thlnfc. Hats cleaned and blocked. Get your tall clothes cleaned now. J-0 Prices, neat work, prompt service. '"vcryree. lanjj Harnev St. Doug. 4.1K2. FOR auctioneering oraTi klnds ot Jewelry and general merchandise, write H. A. Roih. 1.111 Douglas St 'our, srrii Twenty years' experience. MELBA Boiler Cot:, pound Co.. a boiler compound for si, k boilers, dls m iw '"'ves boiler scsle. not holler Iron. ij .doe'" not nt flues, "only removes old scale, adds efficiency and economy to your boiler plant. Call or writo for esti mate. .302 Omnha Nat. Bank. D. 31o7, after p. m., and on Sundavs P. filSi. A TEW and aecond-hand electric fni.a EW Jj and motora. LeBron Electric Works, , "'s S. 12th. DoiikIms 21 Ti. OMAHA PILLOW CO. 17a Cuming Doug. 24B7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes leather mattresses and down covers. PIANO tuning. R. Brandon, I years at Havden's. Recommended by best . musicians:. W. 4V.2. 4fHS N. CSth Ave. VACUUM cleaners, tr, Xpi !is, 7.S. a few days only. Guard your health. - """ r errvice t P., SIS) nee Bldg WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts Jr all sewing machines. NE- el's" i?,hASIf CYCLE c" . "Mick lath andHarnev. Douglas 1662. Apconntanta. M1Z "r.V.R 5- .TnOMAS & COMPANY. 12.7-3g City ,,t Bank Bldg Tytf. 1S1Q Addlna- Machines. ' palton Adding Machines. 411 R. IS. p. 1449, Adder Mch Co. (Wales) W. O V n Aata and Mna-artn Hrn.l.i Mi.gneto repair work a specialty, p. 24i, Asetloarrrs, ' " Pwd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O. W. Red 33R8 Arculteeta. Clarence W. Jayiglngton. 200 3. 13th. p. 42S7. Lverett 8 Dodda. B12 Paxton.- D. 21. Attractions. rA. "h Poug, Motion ' pure ana 111m Dargalns. Barbers. 12 Chairs, lew ,have. neck shave. 107 js,r. PATHS, lie; 8HAVB. 10c. 820 N.Tth Bine Prlntlaa- HoRnerB.h.C8r7?U J?1,1"' ownership. 802 Omaha Nat. Bk. D. 3157. Brass Fonadriea. ' Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Ufartha Sts. 11 B 1 1 d Inr an H 1.1 E. FRANTA. fill Paxton Blk. Pone- as7. California Land a. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. 2S1 Card Slgne. Office door lefc. Mynater. Pax. Bk. P. H57. Catcrera, MRS. F. A. WOOP, 3401 Parker. W. 2!5. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence. P. C. 2322 Howard. P. (Mat L. Geddls. D. C, m Bee Bldg. Doug, 4293." W.K.Purviance. D.C. 4QS Pax. Blk. D.4942. L. C. HAYES, D. C. 550 Bee Bldg. R, 37&H. Carina Palntlnar. Ruth Itchford,. decorating, firing. R. M2. t Ivll Eatiu rrru M. J. LACY. 518 BEE BLPG. P. 471s, Cream Separators. The Sharplea Separator Co.. 12th & Farn. Danclna- Inatractln.. " Last mo. summer rates. Mackle's. P.S44. Turpln's Dancing Academy. 2lth & Farn. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. ir,H0 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandela. Bailey, the Dentist, 706 City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas P. 2186. Detect I tea. JAMES ALLAN, S12 Neville Blk. Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Uraimaklsg. Terry Dresamak'g colleere, 20th . Farnam. Experience of all kinds, day work, reason able, guaranteed. 2225 Dodge. T. 113)ti. SUMMER dresses a specialty. Web. 8070. Sewing any kind reasonable. Doug.-s215. Drasrs. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT Apartments aad Flata. Gordon Van Co Moving, ig storage. 219 N. 11th St Phone D. :94 or H. Nil Board aad Ikoami. REEDIIURST JS?KTflX WANTED By Sep;ember 15. board by man and wife In private family; two un furnished rooms; ttatc location and rates firat letter. Address H 408. Bee. ON Farnam car line, large room; board optional; reasonable. Call Harney 2o9. ROOM and board for two; private resi dence; H. park line. 1707 Park Ave. Furnished Apartments. A BEAUTIFULLY furnished S-room apartment close In, for rentlmmediate possession, unusually well arranged; new furniture of excellent quality, first floor; large yard in front; 6-minute walk to 16th Ht. Rent very reasonable. A big snap. Call Apartment 3, The Elms, 25th and Dewey Aves. Furnished House keeplua? Hooma. 0IX3SE In. mod., reasonable, 2205 Farnam. 1!9 Doug Housekeeping mis, steam ht. Furnished Honma. 210 N. 2iD ST. MoJ vn room for gentle men or high school students. 1. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms and apartments. 2:122 Farnam. MV II iK" V419 So- Wln- n,od- rooms. 11LUUJj. j,.,,,, heat, reaaonable. 1LEASANT. cory room for laJy. reason-able-HJ7 N. 4"th. Ca il Harney 3a.i!. SIX-ROOM detached modern houae to a smnll prlvato family Phone Harney Ui7. Connecting rn., In private fanuly tor 3 or 4 gentlemen; Poani, reference u. sOil. STRICTLY modern room, in private family, near lep..t. Red 'Mi. FURNISHEI nxims. private family, walking distance, use of piano, large parlor, no children. 1UH 8. 25 Av, T. 2231 FRONT larlor 011 first floor, aingle rouio on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlemen; modern, cool; board. Web. v7 ST. MARY'S AVE., 2504. Pleaaunt room for gentleman. STRICTLY modern; reasonable. Call Jo N. 20th St CLEAN, newly furnished, large. 3 rooms ensulte; housekeeping complete; splen did location; only 417 J a week. Parker St. THREE large rooms with closet and bath. 2734 Caldweil St. Famished Ifoaacs, WEST FARNAM district. furnished house: 1 year. 3m1 Harney St. H. ls.l. lluaaekerplug Kooaas. 785 S4 UTH ST. Housekeeping and sleep- lug rooms; mod. house, i-none 1 . m-i-v SO Ulh ST , 725 lioucaeep:ng rooms en iilie: first floor: also sleeping rooma Tyler K1 W. THREE nioa ecoii-:iuvr rooms, modern bouae. Tel. W ebstar H'70. ll.l.l. mmA Aiy.rtaiBti. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 18th and Cllfornl OGDEN HOTEL, rooma U per week. Council Bluffs. 1m)I;K Hirl'EI Modern. Reasonable. lloaaca aad tottagra. 18 ROOMS, modern except heat $30 If rented soon. 4JUC Burdette tit Phone Web. 8756. 4 UOoMS. i0. Deaf Inst car. 217 Miami Electric Peppllee. LF.PRON F.iec. Win., SIX fj. 17th. P. ?17a. Kverytalna for Womra. Plumes niade over, cleaned, dyed, furled. Bertha Kruger. 43 I'axton Blk. P. sH. llEMSTlTOTTNG Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 107 3. 16th. Woman's ErcT.ange. 4.":? Pax. Blk. R. 4312. Concrete ICnartneere. Oagnebln-Wclla Co. 420 Stale bank. P. g. Fnrrlers, PEN FENSTFR. H10 N. 24th St. W. 7777. Florist L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 1258. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS t SWOPODA, Dir. Farnam St. ADONVA IIUE. Vp Harney Doug. 1001. BATH'S florists. IRQ! Farniim St l.lve Stock nemedlca. OMAHA Remedv Co.. ft7 ft Hth. Red 41 lair Dresalna. Har)er Method. R. . Ba'rd Pldg. P. 31L Lllhtlns, Flxtarra and 'Wiring'. THOMAS DURKIX Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2.19 Mnaacaaea. " Miss Jacobs Mass.. r.att. Elec. Trt D. 713. Rlttenho-.ise Co.. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 1 ft AW V ivl VTFK'v; BATHS. SCIEN iiV jMAHJVO TIKir MASSAGE. 1802 Farram St.. Apt. 5. 3d floor. D. m. Miss Rex, Mss.. 224 Neville Blk. 10 to 8. Miss Fisher, mass., elect, treat't Red 5Q3A. MassakP. Miss Gibson, U. 224. Neville Blk. MaFsaQE. 109 B. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Snyder, elec. trt 1408 S. Rth. D. 4380T MASAl'JlV.Swedlsh movement 418 CLARA LEE, massage. Douglas 87M. Fl FPTRT P M ASSAGK, BATH. Mist rjUI-iW lilv"Upchurch. 214 Bnlrd Hldg. Massage, Miss Walton. R. 224. Neville Hlk. Manicuring. Kathleen Mack. Pong. 7.v'3. Me&aenarer and Transfer. WHITE LINK, 309 . lltn. Pouglas 8313. Millinery. 8WITCHE8 from combings. $1.50. Psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 3009 Marcy. H. SS4S. Movlnar. Storage and t'leaslag. W. C. FERRIN, loth and Capitol. Ty. 1208. Oculists. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa yott can. Pis. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Patents. H. A. Sturges. C3S Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Barncll, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71177 Palntlnar. PAINTING and papering. H. I. Gard ener. Phone Benson 766 J. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th Bt Prlntlna. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 64V COREY & M'KENZIE PTO. CO. D. 2644, R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1103. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37tC Hoach Exterminator. B. 15. B. Roach Powder at your druggist bale aad Tinielock Experts. AFE combinations changed, opened, re- paired. F. IS. Davenport. 1406 Podgu.Dl&Jl Shoe KrpalrlnaT. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 1807 St. Mary's Av REASONABLE, Farnam Rep. Co. 313 8. 24. Steel tellings. 1 CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. Kth. store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ahelv- Iuk etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-ls & 12th. D. 2724. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. P. 628. Trunks and Sultcaaea. FREHNO & STK1NLE. 1S06 Farnam St. Veterinarians. DR. G. R. YOUNG, 4602 Center. II. 6061, Wlari and Liquors. ALEX JETE8, 201-3 8. 13th St. Wines, liquors, clgurs. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c, GIBE Liquor House, 422 No. Itith., 2 nts. cold beer, 15c. Write for price list. D .4352. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSED iotn ana e.apitoi Ave. i en-caniiuiicn. Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads. FOR RENT llouaes and Cottages. $17.50 I'ER MO. COTTAGE Five nice, large rooms, lo cated well, near car line and school, and a splendid neighborhood. Fine, level lot, all in sod, with small fruit trees set out in back. Outside appearance is neat and attractive a semi-bungalow. Wide front porch, with heavy railing, pretty oak door, with full bevel plate glass; conven ient ivestibule entrance. Cozy south-side living room; heavy colonnade opening to pretty dining room, with plate railing; and bay window. Large kitchen and pantr ; two fine bedrooms, with big closet for each one Large bathroom, with porcelain tub. Low-down watr closet, porcelain laboratory, hot and cold water. Electric lights throughout with late design fixtures. Gas in kitchen. Polished oak floor. Pecorated through outliving room in a rich, warm tan, with stencil border; stlpplo-finlah oatmeal papers. Dining room In dark brown, panel below plate rail and tan above. Bedrooms In satln-siripe bedmom de signs, it's good all through and built right. Warm and substantial. Let the rent you ure paying for aome old house make the payments on this fine little home. Price for Immediate sale only $2,475; will take $275. ciiah and $.'00 In 30 days and monthly payments of only $17.50. The monthly payments will in clude the Interest This house will rent for $20 per month. If you do not want to occupy It Juat yet youraelf, I will kep it rented for you for more than enough to make the monthly payment. This la an exceptional proposition one I can sel dom offer you. See me at once. Come j out tonight or any evening this week aner a o ciock. 11 you pnone mo 1 will send an auto after you any evening. Bet ter come tonight. This house should go quickly. Take Benaon car, get off at 61st street in Benson and come south to No. 2"05. 'Phone Benson L2. F. S. TRl'LLl NG ER 213 WOOLWORT1I AVE., 8 rooms, mod.', $25. i2.D Chicago. 8 rooms, mod.. J10: or 18 rooms. $): light housekeeping If desired. i."i N. :.ith, 6 rooms, mod., $-". 27; Farnam, rooms, mod., $.. Itr.VGWAl.T. BRANDEIS THKA. HLD1 4-R.. new, mod.. 1M4. Spruce, $.0. W. 2iinl. FOlt KENT We have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This litt can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co., &ut S. llith St Hiniuna ,n all parts of tha city. nouses t-reit(h Son, & Co byg B1J Free Rental List Complete Ir.furmatl in about every va cant housa und apartment in the city. This service 11 free. Tel. Douglas 4177. j Fidelity stontyw A Van V I b-HooM (ol.age. :72t Onio. V . i 03 Mi 'PERN ti-room lu use. Call Doug. 1.J8. REDUCED RENTS. IX N. 25th St.. 5-r.. mod. ea. heat, shades, fine condition, Uv 15X N. 19th St., 7-r., mod. ex. heut, fine haio, close in. $1. b'7 Grace St.. 7-r.. mod. ex. heat close in, Il lie shape, !4"9 N. ISth St., i-r, mod. ex. heat, garage, tine ahapc, $J0. j22 S. lth St.. 5-r. cottage, toilet, gas and water In houae. $11. 2022 N. 22d St.. -r . mod . fine shape, Jig. W. O. f!1 RIVER. Phone D liW. 1-17 Qui. Nai l Bunk Bldg. NONE to compare, nli modern 7-i-oom house, also 4-room flat. 22U N. ?d GOOD 7-i 00m house, ail nidern Meredith Ave. $".7. Phone Web. S.13S. NEW 5-room houft. Inquire C38 Ca, Cd St. Call Harney e07.