THE TIKE: OMAHA. KIJ1DAV, ATdl'ST '2S. 1!M4. ( BRIEF CITY NEWS atarrtaa -Minlnter. S570 Cumin. Sara moot mat It Now Beacon Tri Xlfa atoathly Xneome Gould, Be Bide mUty Itorar ul Yaa Co. Don. X.I-aUaf Fixture Burfaaa-arandeo Cora pan jr. Beautiful All Madera Sdnn Tor Bala en the easy payment plan. Uankere Realty Investment company. Telephone Doug. IKS. Today Complete Move rroyTM knar be found on th tint page ot the classified section today, and appears In Tha Bw EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tho various moving picture theaters orter. Woman Asks Heavy amars Suit for damngi'S has been brought against Kruj park by Lillian Livingston who alleges thnt he was Injured whil riding on a "switchback," an amuse ment device. Wilson Aaswars Massac E. F. rarty. president of the IHuiglas County Republican club, has received from Presi dent Wilson an acknowledgement vt the rncssase or sympathy sent follov.irig the fieath of Mr. Wilson. Meed Stoves for Foor The Negro Wo men's Christian association, IMnknoy Nebraska MORE CAMPAIGN EXPENSE Candidate! Keep on Filing State ment! of the Cost. BZROE PAID OUT OVER $600 Candidate Who Raa ta-atn.t IJht. rrnor Morraea .edn trroiil from Plrnenre Resort la Colorado. Nebraska. iKrom a Staff Correspondent. I LINCOLN, Aug. :'T. (Special .l-Jtist what constitutes lgltlniate camnnlgn ex penses has caused i nnMiloi nb!e discussion around the state house because of the expense filing of a certain candidate for office who wns known to have len pre paring ammunition for the war several weeks before the cavnpslgn began and j had one and part of the time two expert! accountants working on the books In tlie different departments of the state house j gathering statistics, which he fired at! Machinery Firms Rush to Exhibit (Krom a Staff Correspondent 1 LINCOLN. Aug. .-(Special.!-Novel and unique farm machinery exhibits will be one of the features of the state fair this fall. Ourlng the last few years, declares a mat ninny expert, many Improvements In machines been captured by compa nies outride the alleged trust. Agents of the latter will not show this year. Pa the other hand the smaller manufacturers hae ni'hi .1 in. eager to show their Im proved, up-to-date models. A long list of Implt incut and machinery firms hue already signed contracts with the Slate Hoard of Agriculture and this department of the lair will be up 'o Ss usuhI li standard. Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska MILITIA CAMP UNDER WAY Nebraska National Guardsmen Are Now Encamped at Omaha. REGULAR ARMY MEN THERE Militiamen Mill Hrrrltr Instrnctlnn from Officer of I nlted aea rniy llnrlng the Ha. is if the I ninp, l From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Auk. '.'S. -(Special. V- Mo menl of troops for the stato encampment company of the National (lusrd which has been assigned, but will probably take the plai-o of the Schuyler comminy at this encampment. Colonel Horatio tl. Slckel of tlie Twelfth cavalry will have command of the camp and the. following regular army officers have been assigned as follows: First Lieutenant William C. St.ill with the Fourth Infantrv. Klret lieutenant Frederick 11. Terrell with the Fifth Infantry. First Lieutenant John I'. IVLancev with tle sikmhI corps. Lieutenant Colonel Henry S. T Harris with the Meld hospital. I.enerat Hall as Observer. Adjutant General l'lill L Hall will at tend the camp In the rapacity of an ob- GEORG ESAYS BOARD FARCE i J ti xt i e.,i 1. street Is seeking both a kitchen and a t,e voter by the picture machine method i "w iiuimui otuuuia heating stove fcr Indigent family. -"V- I bihJ ln jiaml'lilctH arifl like manner, j Under Regents' Control. one wishing to contribute any such aitl-l j. ., t t he had half a dozen auto- cles should call Webster ii. j mhobiles out at one time distributing hla I KEARNEY ALLOTTMENT CUT MHy.vmi . . . . . - i iiirtnitnr, nil 11 in aiiirn'hii . . j . - - . . of tlie Nebraska guard began this morn- server, tho regular army olfliers having lug and by 9;W all companies had been Hi, running of the camp after the offl eniralned atul were on their way to the ! cera arrive, (leneral Hull and his staff rifle camp at AshHnd. land other assistants have performed some Major llticl was on duly the entire ' good wolk In getting the camp In condl nigtit, giving lilroctlona and answering In- j lion for the companies and are entitled to I'lirles coming to licadnuartcrs from the ; a great deal of credit for performing the dliferent comtMnloa, and this morning at ! work In the short time allowed. 11 o'clock closed headquarters at the state I I'artlos desiring to communicate w ith houae and went to the camp. anv person In connection with the camp Notes from Beatrice and Gage County HKATIMi'K. Neb, Aug. 3.-(Special I The official count of the returns of the recent primary election gives the nomina tion of supervisor from the Third district to Truman L. Puvls, republican, Instead of 1. H. I'enrod. by a bad of eighty voles. Tlie canvassing hoard Wednesday found an error of I'M votes In the returns from the First ward of this city. Announcement wax received here Wednesday of the death of Mrs 1ittlo Ciibhey, fornieitv of this city, which oc curred at Lincoln Wednesday shortly sfter noon of paralysis. Tho deceased was tlie wife of the late Judge J. E. Cob bey. The body w ill be lit ought here prob ably Saturday for Interment. There will be a meeting of farmers at Adams next Saturday afternoon at "10 o'clock, which will be addressed by Prof. '. W. Pugsley and Farm Hemonstrator Libera At n meeting of the rltv commissioner set v eil. Tho principal speaker was Qrand Secretary 1. P. Oago of Fremont. Indications are that (he registration next inoiiih fur the ensuing school year will b larger than ever before. Tho following; teachers have been elected to serve: I. N. Clark, superintendent and normal training; Julius C.llbert. principal and mathematics; Frances IC. Smith, I-atln and history: Lillian Pyerly. F.nglish; C. I'.. Junta, science; John Hlaney, department: Alice E. Hoot. Herman and history; .ludd I. Stnck, agriculture and manual training; Tlllle E. Wright, domestic economy; Florence Wright, eighth grade; I Male Hammond, aeventh grade; Mildred Tracy, sixth grade; Sarah II. Ware, fifth grade and principal gram mar department; liulsa Clark, fourth grade ami principal primary department; Anna M. Stone, third grade; Isabel Ilun ten. second grade; Fnye Kdwards, first grade; Mrs. W. 8. Potts, music. The funeral of Miss Anglej Glenn was held at the home of Mrs. M. E. Heavers In this city this sfternoon. c otea of allswa), CALLAWAY, Neb., Aug. !.-(Speclal. The eighteenth annual conference of th United Evangelical church of Nebraska opened here yesterday with a largo at- i tendance. Appointments will he mano The encampment will ronstst of all of : , arm! letters In care of -Camp of In- ! Wednesday It was derided to advcrtls.i I (,lt)or Sn,ui.llnv r Mondny next. tneetlng of the Hansrom Tark I ir prove-! count shows no money expended, either ment club this evening at Windsor school, Thirty-fourth and Martha streets. Several speakers who have Just returned from tha European war zone will be the fea ture numbers on the program. Chauffanr Xsld for Porfsry Clauds IF. Brown, a chauffeur, living at BOS Vcuth Thirty-third street, will be tried by the district court on the charge of forgery. Brown learned to copy a Signature of a Miss Louise Mafrno so expertly that he baffled the tellers In the lUnited States National bank and the trickery was not discovered until Brown unwittingly overdrew the account of Miss IM alone. Bartondsr ta Hold np Because he told a number of f rtonds several weeks ago that highway robbers don't grow tall enough or fierce enough to divest him of his Valuable. Arthur Hamburg, bartender at the Hub saloon, said nothing to the police when he was held up at Twenty fifth and Farnam Tuesday night and robbed of $14 by two men. He was afraid the story would leak out. Yester day he borrowed some mo.ney to tide him over to the end of the week, and ' vaa forced to give an explanation, which he did. confidentially. In this manner the story became known. Three British War Ships Sent Into Gulf of Mexico GALVESTON, Tex.. Aug. 27. An offi cial statement from the British consulate here today said throe British warship have been sent at full speed to protect cotton and oil traffic, in the Gulf of llexico. The statement said: "It Is rumored that the French cruiser Conde has sunk the German ship AUI ancia and the British cruiser Donegal has captured the North German Lloyd cteam eliip Brandenburg." Pending of the British ships to the gulf Is probably the result of reports of the presence of German warships In those waters. Several British tank sreamers are engaged In the oil trade between Mex ico and the United btates. Eussian Troops Occupy Tilsit ST. PETERSBURG, Aog. T. (Via ILondon. 7:10 p. m.) It is officially an nounced that the Russians have occupied Tilsit, a town sixty miles northeast of 3ionlgberg, East Prussia. PARIS, Aug. 27. (3:40 p. m.)-An of ficial statement Issued by the war office this afternoon says: 'The German troops retired from the .region of Masuron ln East Prussia after 'the Russian victory. A Russian advance s un retarded In that country which pre sents difficulties and the outlet of whic.t to the west was occupied yesterday. It !ls confirmed that 100 cannon were taken Irom the enemy." for gathering the figures, which took sev eral weeks, or for automobiles for dis tributing his literature, of which it is said 100,000 copies were printed. Following are expense accounts filed this morning with the secretary of Kate: ! F. A. Shot w ell, candidate for lieutenant governor. li'TiirO. C W. Sears, candidate for attorney gen eral. Sttit.U. I'. M. V liltelieau. stale superinienucni, $W.12. George .1. Hunt, nonpartisan, emei jus tice. i:.24. L. I. Albright, l rutenani governor, Walter H. Kboaes, congress, rounn uis trlct, Iir,. R. 1. Elliott, state superintendent, f2.08. George Coupland, regent, $7.10. John Ceplecks. governor, $1-5. J w McKlsslck, land commissioner. $101.75. George W Berge, candidate for gov ernor on the democratic ticket, sends In his expense account from a plessitre re sort up In Colorado, though that does not Indicate that there was much plensure In the heart of Mr. Berge. He enclosed no letter ot congratulation to Governor Morchead. Mr. Berge Itemizes his ex penses as follows, each Item coming out to an even dollar every time, which shows that Mr. Berge is a close flgurer: Plate matter and publishing same. 1150; litho graphs and putting up same and State Journal, J1S0; Atlas company. Boyd com pany and Kuht company, three printing firms, $300; stamps, $100; general Items, $25, making a total of $r.2.'. Tornado Case Appeal. The supreme court wil have a chance to decide whether Insurance carried against, fire can be collected when the building In sured has been demolished by a tornado and then burns down. The case conies on an appeal to the supreme court from the Douglas county district court by the Gl rard Fire and Marine Insurance company of Philadelphia, w ho object to a Judgment secured by .Martin Wiig of Omaha whose house was blown dwon in the Omaha .tor nado two years ago and then caught fire and burned. The lower court held for the plaintiff for the full amount of the insur ance and assessed a Judgment of $C38 2 against the company. Marches d Speaks. Governor Morehead spoke at a plcnlo at Nemaha city today, ntw ithstandlng :ie Is suffering from consfderable hoarseness, the result of a strenous campaign. Howard Ships Hogs. State Auditor W. U. Howard returned from his ranch In Lincoln county this morning where he superintended the ship ment of a load of hogs. These hogs brought $.0 per hundred. "The only trouble with the deal was that 1 had to feed them 73-cent corn." said the auditor. Itcqolsltlon for Beriritren. Governor Morehead has asked the gov ernor of Minnesota to return to tills state John Hergrgren. who is wanted far wife and child desertion in Harlan county. Hergrgren Is being held In that state on advice of the authorities of Harlan county. Dlneiitrr) of Trick Plari by Mem bers of Hoard tnr Aid Cannes Stale Treasurer to Hlae I p and ItemnrU. VIRGINIA MAN FILES CONTEST FOR SHERIFF BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. SC. (Special Telegram. )-Jarnes Hubka of Virginia, Who was defeated ln the democratic riom lnatlon for sheriff by R. N. Fulton of this city by three votes, started suit In county court today to contest the votee in the third ward. He alleges Iregularltles In counting the voto and that republicans were alolwed to vote the democratic ticket. A steady rain has been falling here t'Hs stfternoon and continues unabated tlil3 evening. News -Notes of Keward. REWARD, Neb.. Aug. 27 (Speclal.) The marriage of Lloyd U Moorman of Chadron, Neb., to Miss Merle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Moore of this city, took placo at the family home at 8 p. m. Wednesday. Both the bride and groom are students of Doane college, Crete. Rev. W. E. l.udwlck of the Congrega tional church officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Itloorman will reside at Cheytnne, Wyo. Alfred Divan, a former well known resident of Sewurd, died at Ids home ln Oxford, Neb., last Friday morning from paralysis, buvlng suffered a stroke in the previous Tuebday. The funeral was held on S-tturday, Interment being made at Oxford. The Farm Management association of this county sold IM bushels of Alfalfa teed ti South Carolina this week PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANIES ARE MERGED THROUGH SALE NORFOLK. Neb., Aug. :T.-(8peclal Tel egram.) The properties of the Iowa-Nebraska Public Service company through a foreclosure here today were consolidated with the Public Utility companies owned by the Continental Gas and Electric cor poration of Cleveland, O. The sale wss conducted by the federal court receiver, Henry E. Maxwell, ami the blddlngin of the property was handled by Cyrus S. Laton, president of the Con.l nental corporation. The Iowa -Nebraska Public Service-company owned electric light and power plants at Norfolk, Tllden, Meadow Grove, Beatrice, Wymore and Blair and at .Mis souri Valley and Logan. Ia. The company has been in v the hands of receivers for about one yar and had outstanding capi tal obligations of $1.375,OuO. i From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Aug. 28. (Special ) Will the next state legislature abolish the State Normal board and put tiie Slate Normal schools In the control of the remits of the State university. This Is a proposi tion which Is being discussed at the state house today on account of the charge made by State Treasurer George st the meeting of the board this week that the board was a farce. State Treasurer George was one of tho ! three members of the board who bitterly fought the action of the four majority members in dismissing Dr. Thomas as president of tho Kearney Slate Normal about a year ago. The discovery at this meeting that the board cut down the allotment of state funds to the eKarney school a year ago so that It will be neressary to set aside $10,000 additional to make up for the skimping ot the Kear ney school, In the minds of some, was not with any Intention of cutting the school short, though Dr. Thomas was in charge at the time. , The proposition which brought out the Kim Hoard a Karee. statement of Treasurer George regarding the abolishment of the normal board was caused by a member of the bojird asking if there was any change that the legisla ture might cut out the levy for the schools. In answer to the Inquiry Mr. George said that he did not think the legislature would cut the levy, but he thought It might cut out the hoard. "This normal board is a farce," said the treasurer, "and It ought to be abol ished, and the state normals put ln charge of the regents of the state uni versity, where they will be out of poll tics." Hastings Woman is Detained in Munich HASTINGS. Aiig., 27. (Special.)- Itev. Lee H. Young, lector of St. Mark's Eplo copal church, and Mr.i. Young, who werv marooned a week in Paris, have suc ceeded In reaching l-jiulon, where they will be the guests of Mrs. Young's Bister, Mrs. May Hornbrook, until they can secure passage irome. Paris was In wild confusion when they left there Mrs. Young has written to friends here. Nearly all of the larger stores were closed and goods had been taken to places of safety. Miss Latta Snider, daughter of former County Attorney John Hnlcker."'has written her parents that she secured transporta tion with a party of tourists from Ber lin to Munich. On August 4, when sho wrote tho note received from her today, sho was unable to say when she would be permitted to leave Germany. Sho wrote the note In German because the authorities would not permit any other language to be used In international cor respondence. D. M. Rosenberg-, a Hastings merchant, has received a letter from a brother ln Belgium, saying; that he is penniless and starving. The Hastings man Is trying to send him noney by telegraph to pay his transportation to thla country. the companies, hut K of the Fourth III fantry. stationed at Schuler. it Is given out that on account of illness of many members of the company It was Impos sible to make a creditable showing and so the company wss excused from par ticipation In the maneuvers. Those, pres ent are all of the companies of the Fourth except Schuyler, the twelve com panies of the Fifth Infantry, the signal corps at Fremont, the hospital corps at Lincoln and the Fourth regimental band at Omaha and the Fifth regimental band at Hriinliiir. tine Company of ttciiulars. In ad.lition to these there will be one company of regular troops, Company K of the Twenty-ninth Infantry, from Fort Benjamin llairlsou and a provisional irucil..n Nebraska National Guard. Ash- ' "" m inters, linn paving nouns l,.,.. I v..h " of districts 12 and M. These bonds draw Tomorrow morning the work of thel& per cent interest. The Issue for Inter- mnneuvers will begin and the work of in structing the guard will continue vigor ously until Hie camp i loses on Septem ber 4 On Sunday. August J". Governor More bead will review the troops at the camp, the rex-lew taking place at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, Mow to Cure praln. A sprain may be cured In about one third the time rcnulred by the usual treatment by applying Chamberlain's Liniment and observing the directions with esch bottle. For sale by all drug gists Ad vert Irement- secllon paving district No. I.' la $.s,0.m. and for district No. 13 Is $I2,Ou0. Chirk E. Mickey of Lincoln has been employed by the city to look after the asphnltlc con crete paving work. 1 -- News ne of I'awnee t'lty. PAWNEE CITT. Aug. 27.(Speclal.) -Members of brother lodges In this part of (he state to the number of over five hun dred gathered In this city yesterday fter niioii to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Interior Ixxleo No. 9. I. O. O. F., of Pawnee Cllv. The enter tainment In the afternoon was In the form of a reunion at the fair grounds, where a program was given and a picnic dinner I While riding horseback George I I Fletir, Jr., fell under his horse, causing ! serious Injury to his foot. At a meeting of tho directors of the Callaway Fair association, held last Fat i unlay. It was unanimously decided to not ' hold a fair this fall. J. M. Savldge baa a force of men at work grading for two new switches In the local Union Pnclflc railroad yards. More Ttaln In Nnnthweat. CAMBRIDGE. Neb, Aug. 27. (Special Telegram.) Forty-five one hundredths of an inch of rain fell today, it has rained for the past five days. Tha most desirable furnished room ars advertised In The Bee. Get a nice cool room for the summer. Burges-Nash Co. Burgcss-Nnsh Co. Burncas-Nash Co. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL WILL EQUALIZE SALARIES LATEST PRIMARY FIGURES worth of alfalfa seed last month. The thirty-sixth annual meeting of the Teachers' Institute is In session with 116 teachers enrolled Ravrnaa Votes Sewer Boada. TtAVENN V Nib., Aug. 27. (Special. ) A tpetial election was held in Ravenna Tuesday for the pu-poe of voting on a proposition to issue bonds to construct a ewer tystem. The vote stood 115 for and 4$ agalnfct. there being but a light vote catt This proposition was voted on and carried about two months ago, but legal tachclraliUes made It necessary to hold another election. Talks (pita saffrmae. pRESHAM, Neb., Aug. 27. imperial ) Mrs. J. W. Crumprfr addrvwd a citi grns meeting here U". 3 eenUisi present ing aa argument opposed to aroman of-Xrae.. Sixty-nine counties complete out of ninety-three; US precincts In Douglas; 42 precincts In Lancaster; partial returns on governor from thirteen additional counties GOVERNOR REPUBLICAN. DKMOCR Hammond la.! Berge s &( Howell 20.042 Metcalfe '.".'." "lo'x-i Kemp l3.2T.ti Morehead ... . LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR i-nuiwvu i.ot, I'carson .. Hoagland 18.276, Poit .. Albright lO.tiTaiSnavely ...... Van Alstlne.... 3.7fii SECRETARY OF STATE Barnard 1S.072 Shields ' Wait 2Ji, 471; Pool AUDITOR. It sold $2,000 Minor 27. sx No opposition (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Aug. 27. (flPoclal.)-Tha State Board of Control has been In session several days In an efort to equallM alar les at the different Institutions under Its control. The work was completed yester day and the superintendents have guno home. This morning Warden Fenton of 'he penitentiary met with the board, and, It Is said, was successful ln getting tha salary of James O'Donnell. chief clerk lalssd to $125 per month. O'Donnell receives tlM per month as chief clerk, and as superin tendent of the prison school he has clvd $20 a month additional; Th warden now asks that the salary as su perintendent be raised to $26 a monih for such time s the school Is In session.' It Is understood that In the propor tion to equalize salaries of chltf clerks. It was promised to put them all m a $75 a month basis, and It Is said this was agreed to. However, to get around this Dropol- I4.2iwi don It Is hinted that the board wil reduce fi li,.nru.ll in f. month i hl. f elnrk but ralsee Ids pay as superintendent of the school to IV In this way the mutter is fixed up so that the saJrtes are equal ized. .ii k; .Hi.174 .21,070 O'Neal .IS. MO, TREASURER Hamer i,aKi Hall 2S.Ii Teegardeu .I,& Gallagher li 02, STATE SUPERINTENDENT. Thomas !tf.f.'2 Whitehead ... Hays tt.fW. Monroe Elliott 1.2". t line I Walker ATTORNEY GENERAL. A vers Reed, Sears K,41 unopposed. luvoe .u'.; Modulation ? LAND COMMISSIONER. Beck man, East ham unopposed. iMckisaick .... I Marti ,M1 RAILWAY COMMISSIONER. Hall 11.211 lOlila 1.IH Young $.! Mauptn ll.W li.ival 6.14 Ralston Kelfer .2,I.rhr kuU Johnson 7.M2- Peterson k.irfli REGENTS OF STATE UNIVERSITY l'oup.aa4 J.-.iA Nth ...I.l.iiw Jaoaen l Milker J'Jt,. brows .CUT.tUilcs ...Sav2 ...K.toi ...6.2 ...4,001 .17T?W .U.lfli Friday Is Remnant Day in Our Big Economy Basement. Unusually Big Values in Mill Lengths of Particularly Desirable -Merchandise "PVERY month or so the big Eastern piece goods mills accumulate odd lengths of first grade merchandise. These lengths are usually experi mental patterns of new fabrics and colorings, samples, etc. They are not held long at the mills but are closed out to big stores like ours at low prices so we offer you Friday a choice selection of mill lengths in new fabrics in most desirable patterns and colorings all bought recently and all first qual ity. The prices are so low they speak for themselves. And Here I tfsWlGltTnL(l Satines, at Yard, 15c Extra fine quality of medium and heavy grades black and colored mer cerized satines, very desirable for making petticoats or suitable for Unlnfcs of suits, coats, etc. The lengths are one to eight yards. There In such a large aRRorlment that many of the mill lengths can be matched Friday ln our Economy Basement, at yard, 15. Ginghams, at Yard, iy2c Scotch and chambray ginghams, the most popular of all wash fa brics for children's wearables, large selection to choose from here Fri day ln our Economy Basement at, yard. 714,. Wriall From 8:30 t0 9:30 iJJClida. only, we will sell im perfect u-4 table oil cloth, at, yard, 5. Eden Cloth, Yard, 9c The celebrated Eden cloth in new stripes, also pretty tennis and out ing flannels, soft, fluffy, firmly woven materials for making sleep ing garments, gowns, children's wear, pajamas, etc., large assortment of desirable mill lengths, at, yard, 9 Dress Percales, at Yard, &l2c Just one case of light and dark new pattern dress percales In waist, apron and dress lengths, will be sold ln Economy Basement, Friday, at. yard, QHf. Fancy Ginghams, at, Yard, 5c Short mill lengths of fancy checked, striped and corded ginghams, for merly sold at 12 lie per yard, on sale in the Economy Basement, Fri day at, yard. 5. Shaker Flannels, at Yard, 5c Bleached and unbleached flannel and Canton flnnnel, ln the best quality, on sale Friday at less than one-half the actual value In the Economy Buseinont, yard, 5. Plaid Skirting, at Yard, 4J2c Plaid skirting of blue chambray and checked ginghams, in perfect mill lengths of the regular 10c qual ity on sale Friday ln the Economy Basement, at yard, 4V4. Huck Towels, at Each, 4c Fancy bordered cotton huck tow els. Just one rase left and we will sell them as long as they lat Fri day at, each. Curtain Scrim, at Yard, 5c Odd mill lengths of fancy printed curtain scrim, also some madras and plain curtain voiles; a very desirable assortment for Friday's selling ln ; tho Basement, at yard, Peggy Cloth, at Yard, 10c The new peggy cloth, 32 inches wide, in neat checks and stripes, -le-Birable for children's summer school dresses. The colors are the fastest known to science. In mill lengths Friday in the Economy Basement, yard, 10a. Closing Out Sale of House Dresses, at Each 49c Sizes 16, 18 and 36 principally, and a few 38, made in a good quality of chambray, lawn, crepe and pique in a pretty variety of styles. For the girls and small women this Is a truly small price. fj 11 From 1:30 until 5 OpeClEl: p. ni. only, we will sell thousands of yards of the very best grade of bleached muslin and first quality of cambric at the very low price of, yard, 6t. THE DRESS GOODS, SILK AND WHITE GOODS SECTIONS ON THE MAIN FLOOR CONTRIBUTE THEIR SHARE TO FRIDAY'S BARGAINS Dress , Goods Remnants That Can Be Put Into Good Use 1 yard to 1 1-2 yard lengths A largo assortment of dress goods remnants, including such materials as hrillifintines, granite cloths, batistes, etc., in a good range of desirable oolors, very specially priced for Friday's sell ing at, a piece, 59 From 1-2 yd. to 4 yd. lengths Another lot of dress goods rem nants consisting of serges, panamas, granite weaves, whipcords, batistes, storm serges and novelties in a good range of colors on sale Friday only, on the Main Floor, at, a piece, 95cv SILK REMNANTS THAT COME IN HANDY MOST ANYTIME AJiKi lot of silk remnants from 1M to 5-yard lengths, including such desirable nilks as foulards, taffetas, messalines, etc., in a big line cf plain colors as well as fancies, very speuially priced for Friday, at yard, 29f. At ttie WHITE GOODS SECTION You Will Find LARGE assortment of Hourvtte crejes, .'52 inches wide, I A XOTI1HK lot of very pretty flaxons in checks and stripes, A Persian lawns, dimities, in checks and stripes, dotted swisses, etc., values from 15c to L'jo, Friday on sale at, the yard, 11c. A x rice crepes, 40 inches wide; plain voiles, .'5K inches wide; embroiderv ratines, piques, dotted Swisses, etc.; values up to ni Hmrk urai at Aa-jmo. tQc vfk. penally priced Fiidav at, yard, 19c. AKSKUUO. NVb.. Auk. 77. (Special.) 3 1 ' ' On of the hlpKt dr! ever made !n ; thl fwUdii of the Htnte list conai'mated late Wednesday. ( K. I!a- of the mer- ' cantile firm of Mu'i'ton A Bam. bought all of th tattle, hursaa url ltos, ma-' and hay a d other crop on the H. It, Andrewg rimch and leaned the ranch rompi-tain over 4.PU arm for a term of yean. Thla ranch U one of the beat In west Custer county and the ranch . houae la within a half mike of the buulneaa j portion of Anaelmo. Five hundred and I fifty head of cattle, a large number of hoKS and horaca aufflrtent to do tha work on the ph' ara Included in to aVal. j The eonWration fur tha Ua atock and ! martitnerr a tfm. llach of the (and Leased ( I" alfalfa and tba crop raiaed Uiie ear. araooBLng- ta nearly t,mt tnoa. U tarlurted ta tha deal. Borveaa-lTaaa Co. Mala Floor. THE NOTION BARGAINS FOR FRIDA Y BU MESS-MSE CO. Nickel plated safety pins, 3 dozen for. ...5c Hat pins, black and white, 2 dozen for... Be Bust forms, all sizes, from 32 to 44, at.... 89c Fancy jearl buttons, all colors, dozen . . . .10c - Dress shields, pair ,.7c Coat hangers, 3 for 25c Shoe trees, 3 pair for ..25c lilack and white mourning pins, Borrass-aTaah Co Mala Floor. EVERYBODY'S STORE 16TH AND HARNEY STS. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 137. We invite out-of-town buyers to send as their letter orders. We give them unusually careful and prompt attention, Linen finish thread, black and white, sj)ool.3c Common pins, paper lc lioiied b"!ting, all widths, per yard. .... .10c Hooks am' eyes, black and white, card. . . .lc Twist, all colors sool lc (Jirdle foundations, all sizes, each 10c Dress stays, whalebone, per dozen 6c Darning cotton, block, 2 cards for. .lc