Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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    rilh HKK: OMAHA. TIIi:iiS)A. Al U ST "J 7. 1014.
1 . J.1 !
Furnished Aprtmril.
A B EAl'T 1 FT " LI, V furnished frcom
apartment. cloAe in, for rent, beginning
Peptemher IS. tinusuallv well sriansrd,
new furniture of excellent quality, f.rst
floor; large yard In front, S-mmute walk
to Wth St. Kent very reasonable A btg
nap. Call Apartment 3. The Elms, 2.'ith
anil Dowry Avpj.
rirnlibtd lloairkrrpiDa llooins.
CI.OPF. In, mod , r'diinnjhir, rrwi Farnam.
W Doug Housekeeping rms, strain hi
Fl'RNlSHKD housekeeping rooms and
apartments. 2--2 Farnam.
Fnrnlaheil Kooma.
Five rooms at Cass St.: only 110 00.
WT N. 22d; elegantly furnished, mrlctly
rrmd.. homelike; reascnahle; walking dl.
210 N. 2.U1 ST. Mnfn room for gentle
men or high school students. D.
I IjF.ASANT. cosy room for lady, reason
able 1107 N. 4th. Call Harney SSW.
Connecting rma, In private family for 8 or
4 gentlemen; board, references D. WT1.
STRKTLY modern room, In private
family. near lopnt. Ked Stt.
FlRNISHED rooma, private family,
walking distance, use of piano, large
trior, no children. 13CM S. 25 Av. T. gat.
NICELY furnished southeast room;
young men or business women preferred.
1136 S. 31st St. Phone Harney $113.
FRONT parlor on first floor, single room
on second floor, both suitable for I gen
tlemen; modern, cool; board Web SO70
Room In private family, 1 or 2 gentlemen
or man & wife; board If desired. P S0V1.
l,AIUli room for two, lo w. F.:
SV1TAB1.E for 3 or 4, modern, -ool prl
vate home inquire 2017 Douglas.
SOUTH front room, strictly modern,
pood location; liCO Corby. Web. 804.
for gentleman.
;'oO-l. rieasaut roomj
STRICTLY modem; reasonable,
N. 20th St.
Call m
CLEAN, newly furnished, large, 3 rooms
enaulte; housekeeping complete; splen
did location; only JS.Tj a week. Si'Ja
Parker St.
THREE larse rooms with closet and bath.
Z',.' Caldwell St-
THREH modern unfurnished rooms for
lignt housekeeping. 2S17 Poppleton Ave..
Furnished llouie.
WEST FAHNAM dlstrbt, fumished
house; 1 yesr. 3.m Harney St. H. 1X71.
llonaekeepliiii; tiooina.
72t S. 1STH ST. Housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms; mod. house. I'hone T. 1021-VV.
BO. lbth ST., 725 HouaeReeplng rooms en
suite: first floor: also sleeping rooms.
Tvler Ki!1 W. I
THREE nlca aecond-rmur rooms, modern
. house. Tel. Webster t070.
Hotels anil Apartments.
CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California.
Weekly rates 2 and up. Douglwa 7083.
OGDEN HOTEL rooms $2 per week.
Council Bluffs.
POD'iE HOT EIv Modern. Reasonable.
Ilonaea and C'ottaajea.
10 ROOMS, modern except heat. $20 If
rented soon. 4306 Burdette bt Phone
Web. 3756.
We have a complete list of all houses,
apartments and flats that are for rent.
This list can be seen free of charge at
Omaha Van & Storage Co., W6 8. 16th St.
TTnncoa " all parts of the city.
IlOUbea creigh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg.
Free Rental List
Complete Infoimatlnn about every va
oant house and apartment In the city.
This service la free. Tel, Douglas 4477.
Fidelity Storage A Van Co.
6-KOOM cottake. 2724 Ohio. W. 4.'33.
Heated apartment, nemr Crelghton, 3
car lines, eaay walk, $37.50.
Close-in frame detached; roomers; 9
rooms and large hall; hot water heat
1016 Omaha National. Doug. 2T1B.
190ti N. 25th St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat, shades,
fine condition, $18.
1537 N. 19th St., 7-r., mod, ex. heat, fine,
shape, close in, $1. ' " '
1S07 Xirace St., 7-r., mod. ox. heat, close
in, fine shape, $18
2"40! N. 18th St., 8-r.. mod. ex. heat,
garage, fine shape, $20.
3022 8. 19th St.. 5-r. cottage, toilet, gas
and water In houue,. $13
2022 N. 22d St., 6-r., mod., fine shape, $1S.
W. O. 6HR1VER,
Phone P. 147 Qiti. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
CiOOD "-room house: all inolern. 2232
Meredith Ave.; $27. Phone Web.
Fidelity Storage Co.
Storage, moving, packing and shipping.
lttth A Jackson Sts. Phone Pong. 1516.
NONE to compare, all modern 7-rootn
house, also 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d.
GOOD 7-room house, all modern. 2202
Meredith Ave. $27. Phone WeD. KUo.
Large vun. 2 men, $1 25 per nr.; dray. 2
men, $1 per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. 1496.
fi-ROOM mod, house, 1510 DorcalT dT62 loT
JiiEVV D-room house. Inquire 603 So. 624
St. Call Harney 6S07.
6-KOO.M coltage, modern except h"Rt,
earn, nice nam. 1W2 onio St. w. 3719i
J. C. Reed
c'xp. Co., moving
packing Sc storaKu
147 Farnam. P. 6146;
K-KOOM houee, ail inuiiern, free water.
'.04 X. TOth. Tel. D. 1630.
t-R. hoiise, mod, ex. lit., ftiti Pk. A v. I). (116.
'k-J -ti'ih, 1 looms 2u.U0
low f'lorce St., 0 rooms 2i.00
Al modern. fiiat-clas.
CARL 10. HEltRiNU.
418 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Attractive detach id house 011 good
curlier, tturaxe. ."
Tyler 2US-10-12-I4 Slate Hank Bldg.
J.AKUh, bru k tor two families or rooiueia,
wood location, reduced rent. II. HfiO.
.NICE clean 6-rooin cottage, 2U13 Fowler
Ave., 1 lioice neigtioorlioou, lai'tc grounds
and shade, near car; asiinau paving,
snndeK und curpet in House, rent
Tcicpnono WeLater 711 Win. 1. Kicr
niead, owner.
l K 10.MS modern, Kountze Place 2127
LotUrop tel., See H. L. Sliepaid,
next door.
EXCELLENT location, part of store,
auitauie for millinery or hair dressing
parlor; satisfactory terms. Address li,
WJ Live.
FOR P.ENT An office with reception
room, reasonable. ii4 State Bank Bldg
Excellent Counter
For business needing
Only small Investment.
Will help you start
Inquire of Superintendent,
Room 10j, ,
The U Building Co.
l tiaras.
UOOD burn, room for H or 10 horses.
Di Websir tt. Call Doutllas 42.
la uii.
SfclVERAL half sectiuiis, Canada, for salt
ou M Jtuio luilc, ollieis to excnaiiKts
for Uinaita properly or land close by.
Fihepard, ontr, jkx Wirt bt o
SAN WIS VAULKV-Two quarter sei -1
lions within iuur miles 01 Alamosa,
mrh lias nttit in ban i.u.s imiti.
ill sell low tu seine an c-atuie. . r.
Miiilh Co.. 1111 City .Sail, isank liiim .
'inaha. O
FOIt SAI.rJ-I.ate llanlty Bros.' farm. 112
acres, Sluu ll aire. Uui&led M miles
fruiu l'es Moines, al lirsnnrr. la-, on (lie
Milwaukee at bl. i'aui H. K Address
'i'honids llunley, Kirkwood hotel, lui
Muiihs. la. Liberal terms
Foil SAU-W ai-rra 41 mllee from Min
neapolis, ono mile from town; lw acre
und-?r cultlv-tlo. bal. uwo for pasture;
can practically all be cultivated. heavy
oil; good act of buildings, consisting of
-roo 11 house, lam bam, granary, corn
cribs, etc.; tha land will produce u bush-
CIS IH LUI II I'W 1 Tl , WlPflU'ilo , , 1
country thickly settled; complete act of!
machli.cry; il bead of stock, consisting o( I
U cows, balanco 1 and i years old, wood j
horse, tt hogs, chickens, ' of this year s
crop and everything m the tarm goes at
tTt per acre; half cash. !ohab Hroa.
10.'$ Plymouth Bin., Minneapolis. Minn.
FOR SAl.K By owner. 26J acres wild
lailU. " mi . i 1 1 . . 1 1 . itw r"'inw ..,.,
In northern Minnesota, running water
on place; will make fine stock farm. Ad
dress Wm. C. 1'ennlman, Hlllman. Minn.
NO FAIL. IK ICS in I'ine county, Minne
sota; close to test markets; choice
lands, eaaily cleared. J3 per acta; eaay
terms. Hunt-Johnson, Hinckley, Minn.
FOR SALE 140 acres. Improved: $15;
South Missouri, on public road; only ti
miles from Brnnson; plenty line water,
guild lonereete and frame house; good
outbuildings; it Is one of the best stock
tarms In south Missouri and wonderfully
cheap; $l,:'iftl cash. Merriam Ellis Benton,
K Victor Bide , Kansas Cltv. Mo. o
FOR SALE-30 acres, .100, on terms of
$.". down, $." month. In a well nettled
district in eolith Missouri, where fruit
and poultry farms abound; only I6 per
acre; long time, no interest, no taxes;
buy for the future while such property is
cheap. Merrhim. Ellis A Benton, K-30D
Victor Bids., Kansas City, Me.
No. ul'".. A mighty good 411-acre piece of land
lust tieinn oroken out. It will be
ready for fall or spring crops and
there simply Is no better soil any
where. It is In a nice little val
ley, Is snbirrigated and has water
rlRht besides and fine for pota
toes, beets and alfalfa. Well cul
tivated farms all around It. 4'
miles to town and only $'10 per
acre, easy terms.
No. 616. Here Is 160 acres of the finest
land In the North Pluttc valley.
It Is well located in n good neigh
borhood, Is only 5 miles to town
snd the soli cannot be beaten
anywhere. It Hob fine for easy
irrigation. Half of the place was
broken last spring and Is In corn,
- millet and oats; the balance was
broken this year and is ready for
fall wheat or lor oats and alfalfa
next spring. Price $S5 per ucre
on easy terms.
Send for free copy of "Land Owner."
It's all about the Scott's Bluff
Irrigated District. where big
crops are raised this year and
every venr.
Ware Blk., Omaha. Neb."
Farm Renters
We have for Bale a good upland farm,
3'6 miles from a railroad town In western
Iowa. Prlco $S5 per acre; one-third cash,
balance 10 years optional at 0V1 per cent.
Corn crib and granary; no other buildings.
This Is a good, productive farm and very
cheap. Not over 40 acres rough land; the
balance lays about the same as the aver
age farm near Omaha. 20 acres Is in
clover, 60 acres in alfalfa, of which 24
acres Is on the rough land: balanoe In
crops. See us promptly. This oppor
tunity is too good to lose. You can make
thin land pay for Itself before the 10
years are up
T. H. Dumont & Co.
1603 Farnam St. Phono Douglas 090.
FOR SALE Best large body high-grade,
medium-priced land In Nebraska; very
little money required. C. Bradley, AVol
!ch; Nh.-o
FOUND 320-aero homestead In settled
neighborhood; fine farm land, not sand
hills; coat you $200 filing fees and alL
J. A. Tracey, Kimball, Neb.
CHEYENNE -county, Nebraska lands, for
sale and exchange. Write for rree
booklet. Chris Hlckey & Co., Fairbury,
Neb., or H. C. Casselman, Lodge Pole,
Cheyenne county. Nebraska.
prlslng 3,000 acres of first-class clay
land, 9 miles southwest of Sargent, Custer
county, Nebraska. Good improvements,
good water; 400 acres In crop. Have cut
price very low; easy terms. Moat fell at
once. F. T. Walker .4 Co., Omaha, Neb. o
Upper Wisconsin
Beat dairy and general crop state In the
union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at
low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book
let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant.
State acres wanted. Write about our
gracing lands. If interested In fruit lands,
ask for booklet on Apple Orchards in
Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., 800
Line Ry., Minneapolis, Minn.
We have a buver with $150 cash who
wants a 6 or 6-room cottage east of 20th.
south of Leavenworth. Has a good posi
tion and can pay $20 per month payments.
The Vogel Realty Agency
10151S W. (5. W. Bldif.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1011! Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 2715.
UViVV ix JJi'J-Omaha Nat l Ha nk.
MONEY on hand for city and farm loans.
Hinder. t HyNal'jllankilld.
(CL C!'TYL6ANSi. nemis-Carlberg Co.,
.'e 310-312 Ilrandeis Theater Bldg.
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Hmlth Co., 1320 Farnam.
iiiVRK 1SON & MORTO N, ftl6o7nNat' T.
CITY property. Iirge loans a specialty.
VH. Tliomas.22S titate Bank Hldg.
V' to tlO.cOrt made promptly. F.D.VeadT
W ead BUI g., 1Mb, and Farnam H t s
CITY and farm loans, 5, 6'a, S per cent.
J.H. Dumont & Co., 1608 Farnam, Omaha.
SEE us first If you want a farm loan,
t'nitrd Slates Trunt Co., Omaha. Neb.
JLbT FiMbtlrJIl
This neat and conveniently arranged
bunfialow is located within one block
of a car line In one of Omaha's best
New Building Additions. Oak In prin
cipal rooms with nice lar-e sun room.
Kitchei. has tiled walls, full cement
basement: guaranteed furnace.
Talephor t Doug. tor appointment
Banker ) ealty Investment Company
Ground Floor Bee Bldg;
$200 CAKU
b'trictly modern house, i larife 11 vine
rooms downstairs, oak finish, 2 lark bed
rooms and 4 closets with large bath up
stairs; rt-llar cemented; furnuje, electric
llKhfs. gas, comer lot, balance payable lu
a niontli. Just exactly what it would rent
fur; within 'J short blocks of car and close
to Kood school. This is a kenuine bar
gain. Frice I-,'.
310-312 Erandcia Theater lildg.
l - J l
NEWT- rTh ) N f B U N IlTuTw
$100 CASH
Living room snd dining room finished In
osk, built-in cupboard, strictly modern,
f ill cement basement; cement walks,
paved street Will sell ti colored people.
The Voffcl Realty Agency,
Ifir-lH W O. W Tilde --o
On Omaha's
Prettiest Mile
Small Cash
Payment; Balance
Like Rent.
t have a beautiful 6 room house, all
modern, principal rooms In oak, with fire
place and furnace, that I will sell an easy
payment plan.
Will Take Lot in (iood lo
cation ns Part Payment.
Telr phone D. SK.
FOR SALE 10-room house, attic and
full basement; all modern; hot water
heat; automobile garage and drive, large
lot. Inquire owner. 2210 Webster.
Ml ST sell my modern home on Ames
Ave. at sacrifice; rented at $25 per
month; ViflO cash. O 206, Bee.
Nearly New 6-R.
Modern 2-Story
Near 20th and Amen Ave.. t$ corner
lot tx122, with room for another house.
This house is In tip-top condition, newly
docorated; rents for $27.W. Excellent
neighborhood. Owner has left town and
suye sell.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler VM. 2"S-10-12-14 Stnte Bank Bldg.
Evans Street Home
New. 2-story bungalow of rooms and
sleeping porch, oak finish and atrlctly
modern In every way; good garage; fine
60xl2S-foot south front lot; street paved
hiuI onlv half block from Kmmtse park.
Worth lfi.000; If sold now $4,600 takes it;
terms arranged or good lot taken in ex
change. Rasp Bros.
Douglas 1W3.
1W MoOagiie Bldg.
$.")() CASH
Dandy 4-room cottage, modern except
heat, cement basement; fine corner lot.
Price only $1,800. Will sell to colored peo
ple. The Vogel Realty Agency,
1015-16 W O. W. Bldg. O
Bargain Bungalow
Brand new, - with all modern con
veniences, handsome oak finish In living
room and dining room. Full cement cel
lar with guaranteed furnace and laundry.
Tiled bath, stairs to attic, first clasa
lighting and plumbing fixture. Large lot
in good location, near car. A home of
class and quality for only $2,750, and
terms can be arranged to ult you.
Jeff W. Bedford & Son,
309 Stat Bank Bide Douglas 3320.
m Lii inr
This Heautifnl iiungakw
In Bemis Park District
Can Be Bought ou Monthly
6 rooms all modern principal
rooms finished in oak with oak buf
fet built in dining room; full cement
basement, furnace heat. Be sure to
see this quick. It is located on cor
ner lot and rave streets, 2 blocks
from Harney car line.
Telephone D. 2928 for appointment.
Rankers Realty Investment
Ground Floor Bee BldK.
Buy Now
Owner Must Sell
Seven-room, strictly modern, two-story
dwelling, having reception hall with
window seat; living room w4th built-in
bookcases, dining room with hullt-in
buffet, burlap walls, panel strips and
plate rail. These rooms all finished In
oak, dandy pantry, large kitchen and
entry way. Lpatnirs lias three nice bed
rooms (one In white enamel), elegant
sleeping liorch, nice bath room with tiled
floor and walls, also built-in linen closet.
Pest grade of plumhiiiK fixtures; ok
floors throughout entire house; full
cemented basement under entire house,
with built-in fruit cellar and coal bins,
floor drain; guaranteed Fox furnace. This
house was built for a home, by day labor.
Field club dlstrlrt, an elegant location.
Owner will sell for small payment down,
balance like rent.
For further Information see
Scott & Hill Co.
Done;. lfluP.
306-7- McPafiie Dlrie.
On Davenport
Vn.-t. flM.1 ..1. Afll t
, from lots lieid at flOu per foot. When
$riiO cash I paid, will loan money to build
to si IT VUi:
O'Koefe Reul Estate Co.,
lfr, OitihIib National Pank. Douglas L'715.
House Beautiful
West Farnam
We have an 1DKAL. HOM K 011 the top
of the hill on Farnam Street between
Hh and 4!rth; ; blocks west of the city
hall, in a splendid neighborhood of new
lie lues. Head the description and nalUe
that its location Is ideal;
Ut S0XL.V).
Faved street.
Fine lawn-
.Iilendld taisament.
l'ressed brick.
Heal fireplace.
Enameled laundry tubs.
Guaranteed furnice.
Living room lfi2o.
Den on first floor.
i-'creeiv.'d I'orch.
One bedroom Lxl.
One bedroom 11x17.
One bedroom 11x11.
Tied bath.
Beautiful oak floors.
Fine decoration.
Screens complete.
I-argu closets.
Meet plumbinc.
The number is 4W.1 Farnam St Come
out TODAY and look it over. Just being
Charles W. Martia & Co.,
74H (jrnalia National Bank HIIk
Tyler 1ST; Webs'.er tJ6 on Sunday.
This house Is modern throuithout. with
oak In principal rooms, also has built-in
buffet in illnlnK room. House faies
north, located on corner lot. Paved 1
street. Two blocks from Harney car
line, In Benils park district. Will take lot
in Rood location as part payment.
Telephone Doug. 2!"3.
Greatest Residence
Bargain in the City
H.KiO buys an 5-room more than modern
hlKh class home located on the West Far
nam car line. Large llvlns; room, dlnlim
room, den or library and kllchen, com
bination stairs on the first floor, four
dandv bedrooms and floorwl attic. The
basement Is subdivided, furnace room,
laundry room and vegetable room Has
HOT WATKTt 1IF.AT and plumbing car
ries the SOFT WATKR throuiihou! the
house, w hlch Is of (treat value Owner
hnn V-300 Invested. InlX'T FAIL to see
this at once, ss some one Is IPin; to get
Glover & Spain
919-30 Pit v Nat'l Hank Hid. Doutlas 3952.
WEST FARNAM lot, SO-foot frontage.Ad
dress U 240, Bee.
Cathedral District
Model Home
Rli N. 38th St., between Oiiming and
Burt Sts., ni a splendid neighborhood; on
most beautiful lot. with srand oak trees,
paving and all other street Improvements
paid for in full.
House has fine living; room 1Rx25 feet,
open oak atatrcaae, beautiful dining room,
with six windows and a fine built-in
buffet; large kitchen with built-in cabinet.
On second floor thre larnre ccrner bed
rooms, with good closet and fine win
dows, tiled bath, floored attic, beautiful
oak floors, and finish, "special" one
panel heavy doors.
You will like the construction, finish,
arrangement and location of this house.
It in only one-half block from Cuming
street car lines and Bemis park and la
close to the new cath;iral.
Charles W. Martin & Co.,
742 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. Tyler l7.
Beautiful Hanscom
, Park, the
Residence District
Elegant six-room atiicllv modern home.
built by day labor, consisting of living
room across entire front of houso with
vestibule entry, large clothes closet with
mirror door, window seat with combina
tion wardrobe; press brick fireplace and
built-in bookcases, nice dining room with
burlap walls, panel strips and Plate tall.
These rooms finished In oak; large
kitchen, pantry and nice china closet,
dandy entry way. T'pstair has three
large bedrooms tone in white enamel I,
nice steeping porch, bathroom with tiled
wall and floor, clothes chute, elegant
Dunt-in upon closet with drawers and
shelves. Oak floors throughout entire
house, press brick foundation, basement
cemenien. rrutt cellar, coal bin, with
patent coal chute; foor drain, guaranteed
furnace (Fox), cement walks, yard sodded.
Owner will sell on reasonable terms, bal
ance like rent. Further Information fur
nished upon application.
Scott & Hill Co.
Phone Douglas 10KV aoti-7-8 McC&gu Bldg,
Big Bargain
For Salo by Owner
6-Room 1 louse
and reception hall. Ras, electric light,
bath, large basement and veretable cellar,
best furnace made, alley paved, small
harn f1oUA in nolklna ) lul .. n... V4 n -
new apartment buildings than in any
omar pari, vi me cuy, uii a. jutn Ave.
Telephone Douglas 5983.
Price $4,500
Lots Lots
Fixa's New Addi
tion at 8th and
Dorcas Sts.
These fine building lots are on grade
and have water, sewer, gas. permanent
sidewalks, near school, churches and the
depots and two blocks from Farnam car
line. 5ii to f70- lioixl terms.
(American Security Co.
Exclusive Agents.
17th and Douglas Sts. I'hone Douglas UlU.
H.&oO Foil quick cash sale. Income prop
erly, 12 per cent. Call owner, Harney
1706 Spring St.
New 5-R. Bungalow
Strictly Modern
live rooms and bath, all on one floor,
nicely cemented basement and large attic.
Futirely modern In every way. riiluated
on south front lot. convenient to both
Omaha and Boiith Omaha. Can arrantf
reasonable terms. Will lie oeii today for
Insixri tioii. Call and look it over.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
A) iJii.ulia Aain.iiui uaus
Fiione Douglas isn,
Stucco Home
Hot Water Heat
Seven rooms and bath, large attic and
fin basement; t-eauttful oak finish and
floors; walls newly decorated; good gar
age. This house is only three years old.
Ih location is as good as ran be found
In tha ertir vl.lage. Not a housu In the
block is over four years old. Owner leaves
Omaha J-ept 1 and will sell riKht. Price
fi,iKi, but ate us.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.
Tyler 14- S 10-U-14 mate Bank Bldg.
Tdls of Thrillirif Experience in
Getting Out of Belgium.
Maat In Train from Hrnaael to
t'arla, with otbln(i o or
Drink on F.ntlre Trip
lafra Demolished.
"The liodilcss of Ubcrty never hokrd
so- motherly and so comforting as she did
to a shipload of weary Americana lien
Ihe l.a France steamed Into New York
harbor," said Rabbi louls J. Kop.vd of
Temple Beth Klon. Buffalo. N. Y, who
rived at Ihe station to go on to Brussels
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kopal.l, after
thrilling experiences In Huron.
Itabht Kopald and a ft lend. Fobert
Marx of Cincinnati, were In Bruges. Bel-
glum. Augurt t and until then had had
absolutely no Intimation of the Kuropean
entanglement. On that morning they sr-
rlvel at the station to g. on to Brussels
and found that station crowded with sol
diers. Mobilisation of troop had Just be
gun and the partings between the soldiers
and their families were most tragic.
In Brussels they met Rev. T. J. Mackay
who told them that he was eager to go
on to Oermany, none of them lieing nivare
of the trouble between (lermany and
France. There was hsrd'y a clvil'an In
sight In Brussels and they found that If
they did not leave the city within three
hours, when the. last train was leaving
for Purls, they would be forced to remain
there Indefinitely. Train.
"The stampede of people on that last
train to Paris was the worst I have ev r
seen." said Rabbi Kopald. "We were
compelled to stand all the way to I'aOa
and though food was out of the question,
we had not even a glass of water the
entire way. While we had thousands of
dollar In checks, there was but one
frano and a few centimes In coin between
us anil we soon found that unless wo
had irold or sliver, we couldn't get any
thing to eat. In Paris, our paper money
wua refused but after a hard Htmgarle.
we Induced the manager at Thos. Cooko
Co. to cash up a 60 frano Belgian note
which he did at a JO per cent discount
"We witnessed most thrilling scenes
In Paris. We saw the outbreak of the
mob spirit which culminated In the at
tack on German civilians. The beautiful
Cafe Apienrvdt In the Ru de Rivoll, the
management of which had cafes In Ber
lin and IiOndnn, was demolished. Thous
ands upon thousands marched through
the street singing the Mursolllulse and
waving the flag of the Triple Hntente
and he'ween 6ft) and l.fsTO women from
the Oallorlo Ijifayette, the famous Par
isian department store also paraded the
city. Aeroplanes were soaring over the
After two days in Paris they werej by
merest chance enabled to secure pasaatfe
for home on the La France, but were
not to sail so aoon for permission wan
first b be obtained from Rngland
through the French government beforo
they roiild set sail.
"For )en day we lived on a house,
boat on the Styx of Uncertainty, never
knowing whether we would be able tu
sail or be ordered to disembark."
We have a high-class 40-acra fruit farm
adjoining the city limits of Council Bluffs
which the owner during the past eight
Years has been developing up to the
highest point of production. It has been
u big success and the owner can now re
tire and live upon the money he has
been able to accumulate.
Why spend years of your life, as he has
done. In developing such a property when
you can buy one already producing a
flue Income and at a price which experts
claim Is considerably less than Its value?
This farm is offered at Slfi.OOO; one-third
rush, balance In annual payments; or the
owner might be willing to take some nice,
clean Income property, but it would have
to ba gilt-edged. If Interested, rail and
see a plat of tha farm and get a de
tailed description, or, better still, go with
lis and look II over carefully.
Doug. 17R1 Ware Block.
R, H. DANDERYOU, real estate, Insur
ance: movad to 201 Neville. D. SOU).
7-ROOJa house, riati tor Ilk.uU. must be
sold al once: tM) will handle It H. 471L
FINK seven-loom house and garage; good
location; house all modern, with fine
quarter-sawed oak finish; $4,60. Call Web.
W. o
-r. mod. home, choice ror. lot, space for
another house, streets paved, select loca
tion, near Lowe Ave.; blk. to Farnam
and Cuming cars. Cut to $,600; best terms,
New 6-r. home, full lot. 2 blks. to car;
good location on N. side; real bargain at
i;i,:0o; easy terms, or will take good lot.
Dir. Itumvc Bldg. D. N1 lf,th A Harney.
v.tins (Tx
rv t '-w- jy
Ow! of tlio Most IJcautit'ul
and Hont Constructed
Hungalows iu Omaha
Can He Bought on Kasy Payments.
Thin house In hi block from rar.
Principal room, and vestlble fin
ished In oak, with mirror door In
coat cloKet. Full cement baement,
guaranteed furnace.
If you want a high grade home let us
Hike you to see thla
Telephone Doug. 2(iiti for appointment.
Hankers Kealty Investment
Company, ,
Ground Floor Dee Uldg.
Near I.eaveu worth and Sltli. a nice f
room cottaxe for ICKi cisti, balance j"i
monthly, including interest.
A new 6-room. strlctlv modern cottsge,
furnace heat. Price i educed to ?,' for
quick sale.
Almost new 7-room house, modern in
every way, with sleeping porch: fine cor
ner lot. Only lO.weu. ISO cash, balance l
Doug. 171. Ware Block.
All l it 4C '! OF TITI.r:.
KFiRK Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.,
a modern abstract office, H. 17th St.
Phone oougias Mr.
RK.F.D Abstract Co. olde'.t abstract of.
lice in ivtuniiini. -r D-anacis -j neaver.
Flaooa fur other musical Inalru Is. D. J017.
.. 1
Modern Woodmeu
Plan Big Meeting
On Friday evening Beech camp No ll.
Modern Woodmen of America, will enter
tain Magnolia ramp No. at Rnymnur
ball, second floor Board of Trade build
ing. An elaborate musical program hns
ten arranged. J. 11. McOrath and K.
M. Clark will furnish Ihe music. A. .1.
Alvord and his o.uartct will sing, after
w hich there w ill be ' short talks, some
thing to eat. something lo drink and a
good smoke. During the last twenty
years this widely hive paid to widows
and orphans In Douglas county alone
V),0Ofi and no doubt through gatherings
of trim kind great good Is accomplished.
""- is us! i iaa I
Dollar Seven is Bid and Some n Sold
for Dollar Four.
First Time Wheat Tonehea the Dol
lar Mark In Omaha Wince the
fnlten 4 nrner In the
Uir I not
Dollar wheat on the Omh:i grain
market was the rule yesterday. It not only
sold for tl per bushel, but It pased that
and went up to 1104. Had there been
more grain. It would have gone three
cents, beyond (hi price, for $1 07 was hid.
There were but twenty-two car of
wheat on the 'Omaha market and Ihe
stock wa sold within an hour after the
opening of the exchange. Karly sales
were arniind !9 cents and then price
commenced to climb. The price hardly
stopped at l, but went on up to 1101.
Three car were sold at this price and
the next sale was nt II 01 '4. Then a car
was sold at 11. (M nnd the next at II. M,
the high price of the day.
net time when cash weat sold j
for 1, or more on tlnv Omaha Ovaln ex
change was In JfOH, when the Fatten
corner was on. At that time, prior to
the break In prices, wheat went close up
to 11.30 per bushel.
There are plenty cf Omaha grain
Healers who right now are predicting as
high as II. W per bushel for May wheat
In the event the war in Europe continues
until then.
Among tit Omaha grain traders there
waa several small fortunes mad In
wheat Tha favorite trade was buying
rash and September wheat and selling
May for delivery In Chicago.
Corn on the Omaha market wan up a
full cent over Tuesday, the tup being Tl
British Army
is Seizing Horses
U K. lnyon, head usher at the or
pheiini, received yesterday thla letter from
his mother, whose heme Is at Cornwall,
"1 dare say you will see In your paper
something of what a troublesome time we
are having. There has been no such
scare, people say, since tha battlo of
"All horse under 10 years old are taken
everywhere for the army. If a farmer
goes out Into the field with a horse, ho Is
not sure he will bring It back. Dlngl.
from Cuberl, was in Newquay with his
milk cart. They took hi home out of the
cart, and left the harness and cart In the
"The driver of tha Wndebridge coach
waa afraid to drive Into Newquay, so he
stayed out about two mile. Hut three of
the horses were taknn. Cnryn, the farmer,
had his horse taken yesterday. He went
homo crying.
"People are dismissing their servants
and cutting down exienses In vey way
possible. Trad la as good aa stopped. It
will ruin hundreds."
Fred Jrwstt, assistant sales manager or
the I'alg Motor company, I In Omaha
looking over tha local situation with an
eye toward fall activities In tha sales de
partment and Is assisting District Man
ager Good In sl ting a suitable Omaha
agent for his machine. The Paige
agency was recently relinquished by Mer
rill liuibank and a new dealer must be
Mr. Jewrtt ' In enthusiastic, over busi
ness prospects In this part of the coun
try. He la even so optimistic as to de
clare that the war will cause little harm
In this country and In the middle west
here, ha asserts, it effect will never be
Forty decree above aero was the cold
est weather reported In Nebraska Tues
day tilKht, according to Ih railroads.
The cold spot wa up at F.rlcson In Ihe
sand hills. Temperatures around 46 and
50 degrees were guneral throughout lh
northwestern portion of th state.
The change from warm to cold in Ne
braska followed a rain that was very
general over the western part of the ale,
it ranging from light showers to one an.l
one-fourth Inches. Al through the cen
tral portion of the state, ss far east a
Mlnilen. Moldi-ege. Ravenna and He le -a
the rain was heavy and a steady Jj.n
pour for several hows.
The Northwestern has opened Its new
stuck yards at Iing Pine, having done
so without any formalities. These yards
will hold 2.'p0 care of cnttla and the
trackage Is sufficient to spot sixty-five
cars at ono time. They were put to use
for the first time Tuesday night, a train
load of grass-fed cattle for the Omaha
market being unloaded for water and
Alonzo A. Ash, as executor nf ths estate
of Vivian Tda Ash, who was killed at the
Farpy crossing June 10, when two others
In ths gam auto met death, has sued
the railroad, Kdward Ovrrmyer, engineer,
and William K. liioullette, a watchman,
for I.OTJO.
Wonderfal Con ah Remedy.
Mr. D. IL J.awon of F.dMon, Term.,
writes: "Dr. King's New Dlacovsry is a
moat wonderful cough, cold and lung
medicine. sOo and 1. AH druggists.
L. J. Quinby Plans
Petition in Fall
to Annex Dundee
A petition Is soon to be circulated in
j Dundee (or submission at the fall election
oi mo propo'iuun oi annexing piinnm c
Omaha. I.nmle J. Qulnuy Is planning to
begin the circulation of such a petition.
The proposition is one that has been con-
J leniphit. d. many time In the past, but
Mr. tjiiiuliy believe he can make It a go
I Ibis time. Ho says Dundee Is full of
men who take an active Interest In the
affulrs of Omaha, have their business In
: Omaha, and are leader In Omaha opin
ni n, 18nnot vote in Omaha. He In-
. I 1. .. .m fnn Tlnn
- - - rr r?r; IT.
an no natural gpogrnphlral boundaries
hetween Oimilia and Dundee, as all I
I huilt up solid between and the ravementa
extend from one (o the other.
Drivers Instructed
in Traffic Rules
I'ulne court was filled to capacity by
tM drivers of automobiles, motorcycles,
truck and wagons who responded to
summonses Issued Tuesday by traffic of
ficer... charging violation of trafflo rule.
No lines were Imposed but Instructions
regarding proper behavior at street croas
Ing were given and question were an
aerel. Warning was Issued that future
violations of traffic rules would result In
more drastic measures.
The second plclnc of Ih summer tor
the nrrocer and butcher Is to be hold at
Krug iwrk today. There will ba musio
and dancing; U day. The butcher and
I grocers held a successful plcplo early In
the summer. They hold them every sum-
mcr. but this i the first time they at
tempted more, than on In a Reason. A
special moving picture program win ha
given In tb evening, flasket lunoboa are)
to bo taken.
The grocery store and meat markets 1
will clone at noon. !
A hunch of Chicago university student
who have brn out In the vicinity of
Malsey, Thomas county, during the last
month, came In over the Burlington.
They worked through the sand hllla and
discovered snrnn thirty kinds) of grasses
that were new to them,, numerous flow
er and some eight new varletlea of
ractu. They have specimens of all their
new find
Psoriasis Cured by
a Famous Remedy
Most Troublesome Bala Disease 1 '
Promptly Checked
Oct a good, firm grip on psoriasis hy
using; 3. 8. H. tha famous blood purifier.
Those extending patches may have de
fled everything else; you may be dis
couraged but let S. H. f4. bathe your
blood and you will quickly observe a
wonderful change.
8. S. 8. exerts a dominating Influence
In the myriad of blood vessels that cora-
I pose the skin.
its principal action i to assist in tnas
wonderful process rhereby the broken
down cell In the skin and their dead
ened nerve thread are rebuilt by nw
material from a purified and ejuokndl
blond stream.
Thla process goes on every t geeondl
throughout the body. From the time
that B. 8, (J. enters the blood It ha trav
ersed the entire system In about three)
minutes. It action I therefore very
rapid, never lets up. If used with thai
name co-operative spirit.
B. 8. 8. has been a marvel to overt
coma every form of akin trouble and fori
a finely illustrated descriptive treatise)
on the kln, write to The Bwlft Bpeclfla
Co.. 102 Bwlft Bldg.. Atlanta, Oa.
Get a bottle of 8. fi. 8. today of any
druggist but rcfusa all substitute.
Real Estate men,
or anyone who
has business
it the Court House
or City Hall.
"Tnm building that it alway nw"
is most favorably situated.
While for those in any of
the general lines, we are
also close to banks, 6tores,
theaters and street cars.
Light and air are special
features of importance not
forgotten in the construo
tion of the building.
Ict us show you what we have:
1 room for rent on Farnam.
2 on 17th St. Each hag a larf vault.
4 on the beautiful court.
Superintendent' offiea
Room 103. Tml Tyler 1000