Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Indoor Sports
Standing of Teams
By Tad
OiwHcM, 1141 fcktfVKaMafukl Hew rVrvtWt
Rourke Twirler Holds lincoln Ath
letes to Two Scratch Hits.
Hiff! Link Lacept Miller W hlffa at
1ct flnrf, ome luli't and
Hehor anal mlth Tlirff
Daniel Tipple, the ell known pulchil
todlnous nthlete who has Just hen In
vited to act as a model In the big furfi-
11 si hodulcd to appear lit the Au-
itoi lum because of the comeliness of his
mp and the symmetry and dignity of hi?
-rtoila-llk form, didn't do a thing to
'lie Links from Uncoln yest.-rd.iy after
nfKin. What he didn't do I'miw Van
s.ole did. so the. Links from IJncoln were
pretty well trlmm'd on their last appear
a of tho season on the local Int. Dan
i' I hld the Unka from Lincoln to two
nieasiy scratch lilt and whiffed fourteen
of them during the course of the nine
rounds of pastime. The final were f
to 0, as the Rourkes buffed Buff Ehman
i r seven hits.
For live Innings the IJncoln batting
record was devoid of those desirable,
"uantities of base ball called ha5 hits,
'f lien Blarkburne broke the lee with a hit
through third, which Buircll should have
n.ilU'd but didn't. Mei'iaft'lgan In tho scv
r.tii made the second blow with a poke
13 K-ft which a faster man than Congal
ir.n might have gobbled up. But at that
let us be thankful for that which we have
in hand.
I'very gink on the Capital team except
AlllVr whiffed at least once. Several the nlr twice and Rchor and
Smith wvnt to the plate three times and
perfumed, futilely for their native coun
try. Some class ns the record for this
circuit is sixteen.
I liip Mnlntntna Order.
Completing the white-washing of Tan
icl. I'mps-- Van Syck- forced three Links
to conduct what the French so aptly term
'progressive abandonments." In English
those fatal words mean beat and beat it
nulck. navy I.loyd, Allen anl Dessau
were the pents who conducted masterly
retreats toward the club house, while
tour fair fans from Lincoln promulgated
!iro threats against tho umpire's safety
when he arrives In the Salt Creek town.
Lloyd was bounced in the opening round,
lie attempted to argue that a roller of
S-chliebner'E was fair. The umps won the
nrgumcnt. l.ater in tho game Allen and
1'wfan tried to renew the debate, having'
5n the meantime thought up several point
of advantage. They also lost to the umps
to the extent of ten bucks.
Harry Williams was injured and forced
to leave the combat. Lou McAllister was
il3G mortally wounded anI forced to duck
to the hospital. Williams collided with
Hell In the flrrt round and Injurtd a bum
mni. McAllister suffered a split digit on
erne of Tipple's shoots. With Lloyd and
AVilliams both out of tho game Jordan
vent to first. He lasted half a second
iind Blackburne shed his paraphernalia
to take the Job, while Rehor went behind
tne bat and struck out three times. Jor
dan played a fine game. The row of
rea in the box score will testify to this.
Omaha Scores In Firnt.
Omaha scored enough to win In the
opening stanza. Bell waa s-afe at first
when Qulllin chucked wildly to first. It
was here that Williams and Bell bumped,
With AVllliama prostrate on the ground
; F'rtl "took second unmolested, Kru;i
. walked, and when Schllebner was hit by
-ii. pitched ball, the sack were loaded.
Congalton's sacrifice fly to Miller scored
Two were added In the eighth Just to
bhow Tipple that everybody was for him
Congalton doubled and Burrell beat out
an Infield hit. Thomas drove one to right,
coring Congalton ' and Krueger's sacri
fice fly to Collins scored Burrell.
Today Wichita appears. Game will be
tailed at 3 o'clock. Score:
AB. R. II. O. A. K.
Bell. If ,
Krug. 3b
Thomason, ef. .
Schllebner, lb..
Congalton, rf..
burrell, Ub
Thomas, ss....
McAllister, c...
Krueger. e
'ripple. i
4 10 0.0 0
Totals 3!
AB. It.
O. A.
2 1
0 0
S 0
0 0
2 0
0 0
2 0
5 1
4 0
o 2-
0 1
Al Oaillxan.
Lloyd. :b
Fiehor. c... ,
Jordan, lb
Miller, ef....
' ii
Williams, lb
Smith, If
B.ackburne olb.,
Collins, rl
Schrclher, If-lb-Ib.
Julllin. .Hi
lhrnan. p
.27 0
8 'J
"Tipple out hit, by batted ball.
' ivmla -
I tuna 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hits 0 1 1 2 0 0 0
L ncu'n
II ts ;
Two-btttse bit
000 0 0000 00
0 0 0 O O J 10 (12
Congalton. rUolen bases:
Thomas. Smith. Miller,
Mcoari igan.
Bell. Tipple,
-U eiter. Saerliiep hits:
hr.y, ii. Mcliaftlaun. Sacrifice tiles: Con-
:;Hltoii. Krueger. Left on lanes: Omaha,
Lincoln. ,V struck out: By Tlppln. H:
i.y l'! uiiin. :. on balls: Oft Tipple.
o;f Kliman. t. Hit by pitched ball:
Sdillelner. Time: 1:15. Umpires: Van
syt.c and Barr.
Mrrtrr Alirtoat Iarlnclble aad Wlaa
t.ame for Joale.
.-T. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. Sterser
ij aiir.03l invin"t:l-: today and won his
-a me. 2 to I Manager Cool.y of tho
irs protested the game beeause of a
iirrislon by I.'mpire Kyf which r'evented
. Top. ka t tinner ecc-rii K. VVitr. men on
fiiHt nr. I third, Wheluli slnglca. Out
in lcler WiHiion made a ba1 throw to the
pmK and th ball em into the local
e'uverrt' bench. CtKiley y.rottateJ that
rtef..l should be allowed to icore be-e,iur-c
Itoisigl had rounded aecr.nd when
He hll went Into the r-ncli. T fe dls
il.ived the claim ecaune. he taid, the
play ytarte.l b'n the bull wad hit, not
n hen it was thrown. Score:
AH. It. H. O. A. V..
Whelan. f.
I iif Is mbe's,
4 0 1 2
rf 8 ft
;'.uytoe. If.
Kunnir, lb.
'I alii. n. k.
1 bttimore. 5.
iUpp. '
i ..clirar..
..river, p. ..
U. gl. I f-
sanfoid, p.
.. 1
.. 3
.. 5
.. 4
.. t
.. 3
.. 3
.. 2
.. 0
.. 0
Ii 0
AB. H. H
O. A. E.
K. Watson.
Kox. b'
O. Wat m.
.li i
Pat'ron. lb.
Brltton. Sb. .
ilhains, rf.
Wall, s
.'uana. c. ..
storavr. p.
Tulals -
-lirilit-d for Iflambois in ughln.
T -oeka ' 0 " '
-t. Joseph 0 0 a t ') 0
To-bcs nit: Schiiig. .-artifice
w.L.i'rt.1 w.LPe:
I'Ii'Ih IX 87 .'! lieatliee ttt 4& .;.,
Boston Kb 4S ,67c Dr. 1 ilnnd. . .tS. 4n .h"?.i
Wnrhtn' f4 ...'' Hastings ...v'4T
l.Vtrolt e .504 York n s ,,S4i
f'hlcjvgo .'f. K .IT". Superior rt M .
ft. Lou1... 51 (H Norfolk 4? i .s
New Tprk..F3R . C(.iimbm . .4 !! .4S
Cleveland . n .32& Kearney ....: 71 .
WtIM W.LPct.
Pioux City . 1 4 .' New York...ti" 4! ..Vrt
Icjier . . . . 7f. NS .,.77 f.oston W M ,M
9t. Joseph ..74 .V ,;.74! Pt. IiOUls S4 .TV's
Lincoln M , kJ t'hleago Q ,'4 .."i
Ie Moines.. .! .kxI Phttn. ' M Rt .4M
Omaha f.7 7'J .442 Pinoinnatl ..62 f" .44
Tcp.ka M W .412 llttsburgh .611 .4rA
Wichita ... ?4) 79 Hrooklyn . . .M t .VS
Yrtrrlaya Hrtnlta,
1 'diver, 1: Sioux OH v. 6.
Topeka, 0; St. Joseph. 1.
Wlehitu, 5; Ies Moines, 1.
Lincoln. 0; Omaha. S.
New York, St. Louis, 1.
!etrott, 2; Boston, f.
Cleveland-Washington, postponed; rain.
'nlcusn, 0: rhiladelphiu, 6.
Brooklyn. i'-4: Blttshurgh, 1-?.
Boston, rt; Chicago. 1.
Neiv York. (M; M. lxuis, 1-1.
Kc.iine;., I; Superior, 7.
Y'oik, 6; Norfolk. 1.
Columbus, 1J; Hastings, 0.
Grand Island, 5; Beatrice, T.
r.amea Today.
Western League-Denver at St. Joseph,
Lincoln nt I'es Moines. Topeka at Sioux
Cit?-. Wichita at Omaha.
Amerl'-en league Cleveland at Wasb
lnfcir.n, Chicago at Philadelphia, St. Ionia
at Nfw York, Ietrolt at Boston.
National league Brooklyn at Iltts
burgh. Boston at Chicago, New York at
fit. Irflllis.
I'. deral League- Buffalo ut Brooklyn.
I'lttrburgh at Baltimore. Chicago :it St.
liuls.. Indianapolis at Kansas City.
American Association Milwaukee st In
dianapolis, Kansas City at Louisville St.
Paul at Cleveland, Minneapolis at Colum
bus. State League York at Norfolk, Has
tlrgs at Columbus, Grand Island at Has
tings, Kearney at Superior.
Patterson, Kocrner, It.ipps. Potihle plays:
Cochran to Kappa to Lattimoro; Brltton
to It. Watson. HI'a: Off Orovcr. ti In.
seven innings, strncn out: Bv Sterser.
4; by Grovor, 3. Vtases on balls: Cff
Sterser, Hit by pitched ball: By
Grover, Brittou. Time: 1::0. - Umpire:
Bnnch Mlta nlth Bases on Balls In
Two Frames.
1KS MOINKS. la.. Auk. 2rt -Wichita
bunched hlt with !a.r on balls in two
innlngx and took the third game of the
series from T)cS Moines, 4 to 5. Mogr'dge
held well and kept the hits scattered out
side of the fifth and sixth frame. Score:
AB. R. II. O. A. E.
Lreen, It
Hnhn, rf
Jones, lb. ....
Hunter, cf. .,
Haley, c.
Andreas, lb. ,
Kwaldt. ,1b. .,
Hartford, ss.
Mogridge. p. ,
Totals ....
4 0 L' 1 0 (I
... 4
... 4
... j
... r
... 4
... 4
4 12 :i
R. H. O.
t . a -i
0 0 1
1 1 1
1 t 1
0 0 1
1 0 lo
0 2 5
0 0 0
5, 27
Tydf man,
O' Kourke,
Kapp, ss. ,
Bills, cf. ...
Oehs, Jb. ,
Henry, lb.
Graham, e.
Baker, p. .
Totala S3
Jee Moines 0 0
Wichita 0 0
II 1
0 Ti 0 t 0 ft 04
0 ; s e o 0 a o
Two-base hits: Tydeman. Bills, Ora
ham. Hunter. Breen. Sacrifice hitM:
Nlcholsnn, Baker. Hit by pitched hall:
By Baker. Jones- by Mogridge. Henry,
struck out: By Mogridge, 4; bv Baker,
4. Baes on balls: Off Mogridge, 2; off
Baker, S. Stolen bases: Rapp, Henry.
Andreas. Ift on bases: Des Moines
11; Wichita, o. Time: 1.50. VmplreH:
Cullen and Stockdale.
Indiana Win Ponrlb from
Six to One.
SIOUX CITY, la.. Aug. 3K.-Clatk had
the Bears at his mercy today and the In
dians won the fourth of the series, to I.
The f?am waa played In tho rain. Score:
AB. R. H
Cooney. 2b j. ...
liRvldion, It...
Kane, lb
ljeune. cf....
Balrd, :ib
Callahan, rf...
Mnlth, ss.
j Wlthrow, c 3
e tara, p
Totals -..28 11 2T 0
AB. R. H. O. A. K.
MeCarty, cf 4 0 110a
Block, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0
Faye, 2b 4 1 1 4 1 0
Kddineton, if 4 0 1 7 0 0
Coffey, ss 4 0 112 0
Fisher, lb 4 0 0 5 0 0
Barbour. ib 8 0 1 0 0 0
Spahr. c. ,. g o l b. 0
Harrington, P I 0 0 o 1 0
Melter, p 2 0 0 0 2 0
Totala S3 1 7 24 S o
Sioux City 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0
Denve- 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 01
Two-baw1 hits: Kayo. Balrd, Lejeune,
liidiiigtoii. Sairlfl-e hits; Baird, Smith,
Wlthrow. Stolen bases: Callahan 2',
Smith. loubln play: Balrd to Cooney to
Kane. Hits: Off Harrington. 5 in two und
one-third lnnln?s; off Melter, 5 in flve
;md tien-thtrdu innings. H6 on balls:
Oif Harrington, a; oif Melter, 1. Struck
out: L'y Clark, !; by Harrington, 3; by
.Melter. 3. Hit by pitched bal!: Callahan. l;3rf. Umpires: Gaston and McCaf
ferty. Attendance, i,u(w.
Anterlrau Aaao-lalon
Kanas City
St. Paul
Indianapolis ,
4 4
Ml 4
3 4 (I
3 7 3i
4 11 2
2 S 2
ll 1
s n 2
rotla C.eta Revenae.
SCOTIA. Neb.. Aug. 3. ( Tele
giam ) Scotia got revenge on North loup
toi.ay and trimmed them, G to 1. Duryea
v ax the big noise and allowed but one real
l it. Score: H.H L.
North Loup ..0 0 C 1 0 0 0 0 o-l 2 I
Scotia 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 ti 11 0
Batterlet: North Ioup. Pinch and Hard
Irs; Scotia. Imryea and Danse.
Dlller Ilefeats Beatrice.
BKATRICE. NW. Aug. M. (Special.)
The Dlller ball te tadcteated tho Bereans
of this city at Tuesday afternoon
by the aenre of S to A Feature waa a
three-bagger by liobtil Pulton with the
baaes full. The score: R..H.K.
Bereans 6 7 6
Dlller H 7
Batteries: Richards and Rains; ruAu
hardt and Nelson.
Randolph I. eta W hllewaak.
LAUREK Neb.. Aug. '.V 'Special Tele.
gram. ) laurel hut out Randolph here,
to 0. Ratlerles: Kalps and Tift for Rati-
dolph; Boull and for laurel Boull
allowed tour litis to Kilphs ten.
Dr. Klntf'a I. Iff Pllla
eiiie.1 Mr. K. M. Goodloe, Diillaa. Tex., ..f
malaria and blliousne.-s. Best regulator
of liver, sto; and -bowel-. Vr. AU
dnigrists. Advertisement. .
The ni'-i-t le liable, furnished ruonis are!
i advertise-! la The Bee. r.-i a nbe .,, I
j room tor
tl.c Siinim. i
vwyor A iiriLfl
5cVp A SO-
G IW4 0 AI4iE
BiRTrtOArt Peters eajT
Celebrate Homecoming' with Victory
1 Over Hastings.
Prohlh Overcome Babe Towne'a
Pets, Sli lo One Superior
Takes Hup at the Kear
ney Cm pa.
COLrMBl'P, Neb., Aug. Special
Telegram. The rawness celebrated their
homecoming by whitewashing the Beds
end at the same time scoring twelve
times, after which the St. Joseph West
ern league pitcher was released and Mc
Cabe substituted. Thieman for the lo
cals had excellent support. Schmidt's
three-bagger, two-bagtfer and slnglo was
one of the features. Score:
CObt'MBt'S. i
AB.H.O. A.K.
AB. ll.o. a.k. i
crwr, rf a i
li 0 Olioiidi'tu, 3b. .1
8 1 OAdamn, ih....l
Htoloff, n,3h.4 3
Bnnfltt, r.r.p.4 0
a'mo, lb.. SI 1
PuiT.ll, lh...l
1 1 OHxhke, Sh....4
7 0 lPrit, rf 4
2 0 OIVmI. Ill .2 IV
Mci .at.
Bron, lb.Kt.4
Moore. 2b.... 2
Rlctmrdm, c.S
Plercy. p 1
MiuUilf, rf..2
0 0 ontgerl, ct.a 0 2
2 1 OiliisKPrO' If. 3 i 3
3 4 (.-, Iinildt, us.. 4 4 2
1 3 Inn lervn, i. .1 1 2
I) 3 OTliltman, p.. 3 i 0
ToUI ....ST 12 till 1'
u 24 13 t ;
o o o o o o o o o oi
ft 4 0 s 0 0 0 0 12 1
Hastings ..
Columbus .
Haggcrty. Three-base hit: Schmidt.
Stolen bases: Harrison (21. Thieman (31,
Jiygert. Double plays: Brown to flett
man; Stoloff to Pureall; Si'hm'dt to Deal:
Adams to Schmidt to Deal. Base on balls:
Off Plercy, lit four Innings; off Miv
t abe, 1 In three innings; oft Bennett, 1
In one inning; off Thieman. 2. Hit by
pitched ball: Bv Mci'ebe. Rondeau; by
Bennett, Dygert. Hits: Off Plercy, 9;
off McCabe. 2; off Bennett. 1. Struck
out: By I'iercy, 3; by McCabe, 4; by
Thieman, 2. Passed ball: Richardson.
Wild pitches: I'iercy, 1; Bennett, 1. Time:
1.40. I'mpire: Myers.
Beatrice Tie Islanders.
BEATRICE. Neb., Aug. 26. (Special
Telegram.) Beatrice tlod Orand Island
for first place In the Nebraska State
league by winning today's game. 7 to a.
Hatch started 4n to pitch for the visitors,
but was knocked out of the box In the
fourth inning. He was succeeded by
Thelssen. Although McDonnell for
Beatrice wan In a number of tight holes
the latter part of the game, he succeeded
In pulling out without much damage. He
Tias olmoit Invincible In the pinches.
Homers by Neff nml Ilellrhh of the lo
cals featured. Score:
ab.h.o.a.i:. ah.hoai:.
Rnho, 2b...
Powny, rf . .
Payne, m...
1 4
V. 1
0 1
3 3
2 3
0 (1
t 7
1 1
n a
o 0
AP!a- 'IK A 1 9 A 1
0 lU.'k. n 1 1 4
1 ISerf. of 4 3 0 1 o:
I 0"nich, If 4 0 1 ft
II 0 . n 4 J 10 It 0
0 Inrkevtt, lb 5 1
1 01rlt. Sb S 1111
0 1 Mellncli. M..2 110
1 t Dennll, p i It 0 2 0
Vani-fl, c.
fliilre, lb
Obt. If..,
Hatch p..
Th0lMn, p.. 3
Totals ... I 87 10 4
Totals ... M 10 Hit I
Oranri lalanrl I A ft II 9 I 1 A i
Beatrice 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 7
Stolen bases: Vance. Claire. Sacrifice
hits: Bockewltz, Hellrlch (2). Sacrifice
fly: McDonnell. Home runt,: Neff, Hell -
rich. Three-baae bit: Downey. Two-
nase nita: ,yneg, iioiitiie play:
I Mill fTT-. 1 ..Atk l. ' ll il. lll lll l lll ll 'f 11 NT" TT TJv lillf P "T-Vifc J ill' ' 1 i rt t 1 A i. M I i
J.,ufjt TGI BRta. r-sKi ill - 7r T i' ' I JIM' 1 . . nif) li
i M'-.' . . . , I ' ' I kl I II Ml ii M if AaXi r- Anl V , .ill. f f'VJ 1,11
jr . -- .:T- n"'i i r. f it .,:i.n u'imi :
X'Kv 4P - feswwiS z'T-n ii.'& i 1
f imr. im s - A Hf 1 r?; ) ! Vf m
I .$t fkj Mill f,rr7n.miTm.iiff - J I W I 1
Black to Coe. Hits: iff Hatch . lnwt!l thft iow gcore y(.alerday, bad o t
three tnd two-thirds innings; oil Thels-, , , . . .....
sen. 1 In four and one-third Inn'rigs. I v' """a' "f tuim toda y, his totnl score now
Struck out: By Hatch, a; by TheiHn. ii. :t; being 2J0.
by McDonnell. R. Hase on balls-: Off
Hatch. 2; oif Thelssen, 1: off McDonnell,
3 Wild
pitch: Thelssen.
New house.
Mapcrlor Takes Another.
SUPERIOR, Neb., Aug. V.i.-fSpccLiI j
Teleuram.) r'Tiliklin should have had j. 1
shutout game but for errors. His line
drive stops were inuin features. Oreen
got a home run ugalu with two men on.
escoru: i
Matney, It. ..4 0
Acock. 2b. ..4 0
Drumin, lb 4 4
!V-liurn, cf. 4 1
I'Am9y. Ti. 4 0
Hart, Kb. ..4 0
WooarTf, m. S 0
Krtcktnn, r. J 0
piympton, p. 4 0
1 0 mltb. lb. . . o 2 0
t 1 lOr.v, 2b S Silt
t O.lnivu, i .4 3 2 4 2
1 OVloi-n. lb. 4 ! 11 1 t
3 0 OUuiilrsth, rf. I 1 II 0 V
0 S 1 fhMlw,-,, l. 4 0 0 0
t II AKirett. if. ..31100
4 S 0Ol-M!ie, c... 4 t t I
0 3 OK-anklln. p. 3 n S a 1
lbop. lr. . . 0 0 0 o
H i M Vt 1
Total ... Kl 3T 1
Kearney 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 02
Superior 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 ,
Three-base hit: Green. Two-base hits:
Prumm, Smith, Iandreth. l.u"r on
halls: Off Plvmpton. 4: off Kianklin. 1.
Struck out: By Plytnpton. ;; by I'rank
lln, 8. Douhle-play: Schucren to Acock.
I'mpire: yuigley.
orflk Onlplayed.
NORFOLK. Neb., Aug. M.
Telegram.) -Y'ork hit Reed hard lu the
seventh after a pitcher' battle and
rushed in three scores. Three singles In
the eighth netted one run. An error and
a stolen base netted two more runs In
the ninth. A double and a stngle in the
eighth made one scorn fur Nort.ilk. Score;
I m.;ht. .14, rf 4
Murplir. cf. 1
I TnLLpn Sb. . .4
u :
l a
1 r
1 !
: ti
t is
0 sruiplo. rf.
0 if.
1 0 telr, Sb.
0 CHrlht, If.
t 1 Hrii n. km
ii tb.
1 P.M... rV
0 l.inrr. e. .
2 e-te'i. p. ..
4 p.
1 l-llru ....
0 1
0 0'
t 1
0 1
1 1 .
t s
t T
4) 0
I ''irk. If.
I Rarrtr. ib.
1 S. t.
, f ,im. Ji..
; Om.raa, p
; Tnt
4 t JT
T.-tils ....t- T, tl 1 1
'Bal-eil for Re, in the seienih. !
Vnrlo'! n ii (i i) ii n i
orU ti u ft ii : t
Tb-, !.-' hit: R. I.'. T'.r.-e.-,Hee
.'I llie1. Sloie.i 1, Ilarrt-, )i-c
, , 'i m. I ji -, s. ' is -. 1. IHl-'i mi i
.'.'! J ;:'!. ' ff i.i..L..r..e. I Left on 1.
vhi- vi
Norflok. ; York, 3. Hit by pitched ball:
Schlssel. Hits: Off ReM, ; off Osborne,
4: off Cox, 1. Struck out: By Held, u:
by Osborne, 10; by Cox, 1. Time; S:
I'mpire: Wood.
Fredricicson Gets
Governor Carey to
Agree on Highway
Kings looked no greater than deuces to
Ben franklin: and likewise to H. K.
J-'redrlckson. governors look no bigger
than anybody else when It comes to a Job
be nuiy want done on the Lincoln High
v. ay. so hj stalked right Into the of (Ice of
(iovernor Carey of Wyoming last week
and argued1 and argued, and brought proof
aiillsfactory before the executive tlmt the
Wyoming State highway should not N
built where It was laid out, hilt instead
should be laid out identical with the Lin
coln highway through the State of Wyo-
ming. J no governor was naro iu itii-
vlnce, but Kredrlckson Is a sticker. After
a while Governor Carey began to yield to
Fredrlckson'a arguments. Tho result la
that tho governor wrote A. R. Partington,
vice president of the Lincoln Highway
association, that the roads will be Identical
In Wyoming.
Partington has written Fredrlckson to
this effect. Partington expected himself
to be compelled to make, a trip to Wyo
ming to do some persuadihg on the mat
ter. Now it Is not necessary elnco Fred
tickson used on the governor tho neces
sary persuasive power.
Reynolds to Meet
Gardner in Finals
For Coal Men's Cup
Sam -Reynolds of Omaha and Kobert
Gardner, formerly national champion, will
meet In tho thirty-six-hole match for the
championship of the Coal Dealers' Golf
association In Chicago. Karl Bock of
this city will meet B. L. Shepard of Chi
cago In the finals for the Omaha trophy,
licynolds, who Is the present champion,
Is expected to put up a stiff match
against tho. former champ, hut It is con-
. 1 1 v. ...111 . 1 . - U I . . 1 . .
ituni turn n3 iii iiuiinuijr lure.
. I
T) TJl7i rk
Uarnes Wins the Open
Title; Omahan Slumps
M1XNKAPOLIS. Aug. 2S.-J. M. Barnes
of White Marsh club, Philadelphia, today
won the western open golf championship
with a total of 258 strokes for seventy-tw.
boles. William Kldd of the Algonquin
club, St. Ixiuls, was the second best with
1 W4.
Tom McNsmam. who was still on
I the course when Barnes finished
did not
! v,v ehnn. e tcr u uenr tlmt mmiM nut
j "
Barnes In danger.
tieorgo Mimpson. umana, who nnisnen
Will Play it Off
at Hinsdale Today
J . . .
("HICAOO, Aug. J'.. As a result ot lo-
I uay's play eeml-flnal honors in the v. est
ern .oir champlonsmp wu, ne contended
for tomorrow it Hinsdale between Mus
Myra Ilolnier of Midlothian, present tltlu
IiOider. and Mrs. II. t. Hammond of In-
iliittiapolls In the upper half, and lietv,een
MIes Iaurio Kaiser of St. jona and Mrs.
y. S, Col burn of Glenview in the. lower.
CLARINDA, It, Aug. 2.-C Spi-i lal. )
The big Clarln-la fair ,h.rh was formahv-
ofwmed yeaterday brought out an 4.1 tend -
anee of five thousand people, despite tho
fact that the weather was threatening all
duy. Wednesday and Thursday give prom
ise of being red letter days lu the history
ot the t ianuda fair. Lin.-o,n Beaehey
the avlai.i.-. Is to give dully exhibition
with his airship. Races t.vlav lesulted as
Trot, 2 -SO, pulse x-.:
1'rbanui, b. s., by Nt-rcutus !
Yon l.ulim. b in., by Lxpaditdni. . . t Maid, br. in., by Arch
dale ::
0 Yankee Boy, br. a., by Constat.tlue. o
1 l ime. -i-.'SJ't. 2:24 and 2:23-.
Pace, 2:17, purse HkiO:
JiT. R., a. g., by Honest Bob 1
1 1 Yellow tone. a. g , by Shade On.... 2
!A 1. Wiley, br. g.. by Lugeno
t; Wiley 9
' l.!i tie George, 1 Ik. s., by George
( ' M uhcov ite 4
4 S
Time, 2:UU. TT.j and S:2.
H.-.lf-mile dash, purse H.'hi:
ctassv Variety, s m.; owner. Joe
lluwe 1
; rl : c.;.- Dix. 1 1. r.i.: owner, H.
I i-liiel i:- Sj
j ' irphan Buy, r. n. : owner, W. Irwin '.
! :". - t,. - ", " . i , nail i
'I iroe.
. r
1 1 ' . , i ; i I i it I . t . - r iiti i ,,ii viki.L- v -. l i i .
fi i I ' nil 111 I I ' 1 I 1 1. t' . Z ' - . . . , ( :: X" V 14
'Tf hAslE CMttAtrJ 4'- 1 ' I'! ': " l' ".71, iVT.-; .'. HI.8 (iT" A i.ROMT I I'
' ' v w$ ' mm-i , m i
, ' 111 u I UlCLU 1 Taci rLfr. i ltT IVf If- kJ r V , 1 1 M I f
II. ih' : I L1FJ TTr- . T ' . ' 1' I- Mil i"V
Peaches Graham and his Wichita ath
letes will come to Omaha to open a five
game series Thursday with the Rourkes.
Graham Is carrying two ex-Omaha play
ers and one Omaha lad on his team, so
that he will be greeted as a frlerrt from
home. Walter Slagle and Joe Bills and
HI Henry are the ladH who ar sure of a
welcome. Friday will bo ladlea' day and
two g.imeis will bo played Sundny. Tho
first game will be called at S o'clock and
Boy Sanders will heave ono battle.
Players of Both Sides Engage in
Fist Fight and Four Canned.
Maranvllle C ontea to !t!atr'a Assist
ance and Nwl mi of Thloasoana
Rnsli o Resene of
CHIi'AC.O, Aug. In a game In -hich
Cheney allowed Boston but one hit and
no runa and Haier scored Chicago's only
run with a four-hare drive, tho tension
of the close leagiie race today grew so
great that players of both clubs engnpeil
In a fist fight. Seveial players were tmn
Islied from the game.
In the seventh Inning, after hijer drove
the hall over the right field screen for
his home run, Zimmerman followed with
a hit to left field and attempted to
stretch it Into a doubln. Kvers was wait
ing with the hall and when Zimmerman
slid Into second base tagged him. Home
thing unseen happened, for Evers hit
Zimmerman on the head with the ball
as the player slid past the base. Zimmer
man arose Immediately and In a moment
a. free-for-all fight followed.
Maranvllle came to Elvers' assistance!
and a swa:
rm of home player, rushed to
Zimmerman. When order waa
the aid of
restored, Zimmerman, Hvers, Maranvllle
and Schmidt were sent to the club house.
It was necessary for Manager Htallingsj
I lo send ntcher Hess o first bae form,,, OlUftfli OUnVIVCd
j uun.
I Outfielder Johnston played second base
chichago . p f who
wrenched his back In yesterday's game.
Score: R.H.B.
Boston 0 0000 0 000 0 1 1
ii.. na" 'r v v u F V I V - a
naileries: Tyler and Howdy; Cheney
and Archer.
niante Win and I.awe.
ST. LOT'LS, Aug. W.-Bt. louts and New
lork broke even In today's double-header
and tonight the btadlrig team's position
lr. the race for the national league pen
nant is unchanged. Ht. Louis won the
first game, I to 0, when a wild pilch bv
Maruuard permitted HiiucIim t.-, eiti e
I from second base. Htiualna hud ainale l
land waa saerlrlced bv Mugee. The New
Yorkers did not get. a hit off Doak until
oi.e was out In the seventh
New Vork won the second smile. 4 to 0.
through Mathewson's airtight pitching
end timely h'ttlng. But two men reached
fit st base In the second contest, each bv
I virtue of singles, the only hits New York'si
! titar .yielded.
The scheduled third game of the aeries
will be played off In New York on the
locals' next eamein trip. Score, first
g'.me: U.H.i;.
New Yrk....O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 0 W I
St. Louis I 0 (i 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 4
Batteries: Marrpiuid, Demaree and
lieyera; Doak ami ..Snyder.
Score, ieond game: i
- " o o 6 i 6 6 0 0- 0 S si
ltutttr'es: Mathewson and Myers;'
f'allee, Ortncr and Wlngo. I
loda-era Take Two.
PlTTKBI'ltGH. Aug. W.-HroukiMi won
Uilh gamej of i. diiiitile-header today, the;
p.-ores being 2 lo 1 and 4 to
Cooper allowed only, four hits in the
first same, but tbe visitors made them'
C''lllt. ,
Brooklyn derided the second game by
scoring three runs in the thlnl Inning on
singles by Dauhert and Myers and Cut-i
sliaw'M tilple. Score, firit game: KILL.,
Brooklyn 1 1 000 0 00 0 24 1"
. !, f '
; j, (ipiKun.
Sere, pecinid R.nne: R.1LI-;. '
II i
Lrnoklyn 0 (I 3 0 0 1 0 0 U- 4 11 I ',
Batteries: Ka nteUlmer, Adams and,
Coleman. Gibson; Kagan and McCarthy.)
Golf Professionals i
Play This Afternoon!
II Tom McNamara, Ximes Bal nvs, led ,
aiMr l.eod, Herbert Strong and George Sar.
,'gcnt, rankir.g high among golf proles-!
ijslonals in' this loimtry. will play at the;
I Country club today. They will pradi -e ,
this morning und a niatjh tor a purs.t
will be . played this afternoon. Georg- (
jsimiisnr. Bill Clark, Charley Johnston un-1 ;
the Hoerr brothers will probably content '
win tne ptg pr fessionais tnis arternooii
Hinrr Wlua.
WISNFR. Neb.. Aug. 2. Speeial Tele,
gr-im. - Wuner today d- feati d Bancroft,
If to 4. So.. re: KILL.
w;.-m-r it 0 0 0 0 0 t a B 1" 2
jpsri. rof' 0 1 2 10 0 0-4 S 3
iai:eriH: .v.-iiiu. .M-.-ijiii om inomp--II
; Parley and Karley.
v4- E.-L.U
W-a.r C,sj -ou
fiii CCA oRWT
Lit rwAT VW
Athletics Win Thirty-Fifth Game
Out of Last Forty.
Third froccewalve Mbalunl Adminis
tered hy the World's f heni
plons In Last Two
PIULAnKLPlMA. Aug. Jii.-r hlciipo
opened a series here today an ! was de
tented. 5 to 0. This was the third sue-I
cfsnlve shutout administered by the home
Irani In two lays and the thirty-fifth
victory for Philadelphia out of the Isst
forty games placed. Philadelphia knocked
Ocotte off the rubber bv bunching hits
In the fourth and a:x:h innings i'haw
key was wild, hut he was given great
stipiMirt by Hhang und his Inl'lelders.
Score: R.H.E.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it 7 1
Philadelphia 0 0 0 S 0 2 0 0 10 1
Batteries: Cleotte, Wolfgang and
Mayer; Miawkey and Kchang.
1 anka IJefeal t. bonis.
NEW YOIIK, Aug. 2i.-New York de
feated f-'t. lunula In a twelve-Inning pitch
er's I utile hero today by a score of 2 to
1. Wolllmann aaul Brown had a great
duol, and errors beat the vtaltlng pluher.
Malsel w is iafo In the twelfth on Lav
an s wild throw und stole second. lUown
singled to left and Walker's fine throw
bad Malwl beaten by a yard, but Agnew
dnipped tho ball, permitting the decking
tun to score, Hcore. n n y
I Nt. Loiil.s 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 11 0 ftl b e
New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 7 1
Batteries: Welll.iiann and Agnew;
Brown and Hwieney.
Hod Hoi Trim Tler.
BtTON, Aug. :.Wlth three lto,ton
riiniiei-H on the h.isc In the thlnl Inning,
Ills .Speaker tripled to deap right field
today, scoring three runs, and a moineiu
later scored himself on Hoblltnel's dnublu
Boston won, fi to 2. Ootrolts two runs
were mo result or naaea on Lull, hv
(l,"eg. In the sixth he passed fvnir men.
j , JI.H.B.
lietrolt 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 02 4 0
Utttlerlen: Oreau and Cailv- nuhum
l.'avet and Htanagn. '
line cil tco rnnwiwr-n
Mrs. Walter Silver of the Happy Hollww
club Is the only Omaha woman still in
tho eomiietitlon In tho women's open
championship at Chicago. Mrs. Silver la
..... - , . ...
lnB '"g"1 lr xne association cup. Mis,
.Bruca Moffatt, In the same flight, waa
eliminated ami Mrs. K. H. Ppragne, in
the consolation event, waa also elim
inated. Fee Want Ada Are Bead and Paod by
Ambitious Men and Women.
I. ans ford Knocks Oat Cotton.
BOSTON. Aug. ai.-Kam lingford, negro
cavywelght. knoc ked out I ;,- i -.,n..n
1 "t Pittsburgh, also a negro. In the fourth
I round of a scheduled t elve-. round bout
j l ,np Atlas Athletic association tonight,
i Lansfurd huiiimcred h's opponent con-
slantly and was himself nnsiatlied.
Bee Want Ada Are Head and I'sed by
Ambitious Men and Women.
Rob Bums I
I Lime Bobbie 1
' n" Satisfying Mildness ' Wi
No Records Eroken, However, at
Grand Circuit Meet at Fort Erie.
l.d I. errs .vra ; blhlllun of !klll
When He Takes Pinal F.Tent
on farrt. iiiOH t'lnsa
I ro.
1U I TALO. N. Y.. Aug. -Pespite ths
recent heay lalns. the track at Fort
Krlc, tmt., h in good shnpe for the
opening ot the Grand Circuit races yes
t'rilsv. No r-eord.i were broken, but
f ist time was nvidc In the four events
King Couclinnn, driven by llck Mc
Mahon, won the Fort Krle stake of "0J
for 2:11 pacers. The winner of the Cham
ber of Commerce striko-at Ietrolt won
tho tsre In straight heats, the best time
being lA'-'J. Camelln. driven by AYqIIci
Cos. finished recoml In each heat.
i;d Oeers, the slb nt retnsman, cave a
exhibition of Ms skill this afternoon when
he won tho final eent on the card, tha
J:0H elass trot. Guy Nello was In the
field, while Grace, McDovltt's mare, ruled
favorite. Oeers sent tho daughter of Guy
Axworthy horn in straight heats. In tho
last heat Bobert Mllrol. after relinquish
ing the Pail to Guy Nello, met with an
accident at the thre.o-quarter pole, but
Snow scaped Injury.
After the finish of the he.t the Judges
placed Grace, who had finished h -ond
to Gerrs' horse, last, and gave. Honor t
.Mllrol third place n the heat and fourth
money In the race. Grace, It was claimed,
stepped Into Mllrnl's sulky, causing the
borso to fill. Alter flnl.-hlng first in tlte
:I.'i trot and loMufj the second heat to
Fair Yirginla, the Temptress won the
next two heats and the race.
Star Winter, barred In the betting, won
Ihe Dominion of Canada stakes of 2,OH
for MO trotters. Lady Grattan, who
rulo-1 favorite In the pools, won second
money. Pummarv:
Trotting, 2:16 class, three In five, pure
$1 000:
The Temptress, b. m.. by the
Kvponent (Murphy) 1 Sit
Pair Virginia, b. m. (Cox) 5 1 S 2
Hsxallslng, eh. m. (Andrews) 2 2 7 S
Adlxdht Watts, b. ni. (MepevttO;
Tommy Dcforrest, b. m. (Osborne); Ht.
Krlsco, b. a. (Oeers); Alta Conid. b. in.
t IKunps. y), and The Rebuttal (M -Mahon),
also stiirted. Time, 2:to.a. 2:11, 2:10.
Pa i ing, 2:11 class, three In fiva,
1'ott l.rie, purse V,0n0:
King i 'lun-bninn, Ii. g., by Atliintte
King tMeMuhnn) I
Caineii.i, h. m. tc'ox) 2
t 1
2 3
ft .1
4 I
Jivne Iteau, ch. m. (Murphy) s
ii iind ilperu, b. h. (.lamesi 3
(illiieil ,l., ti. g. (Wlnslow); Peter
b. g. (lH-rliler): tellers D.. b. g. tGarri
soni, and Slmd" Line, eh. h. (Owen), also
started. Time, M),M,, i:0r,i. 2:0;u.
Trotting. 2. lit class, threo In five, the
Dominion of Canada, purse 2,iY1: Winter, b. g., bv Kd Winter
i McDonald) 1 1 1
I.adv Grattan. ch. m. fOox)....! S 2 S
Brighton B , h. g. (Murphy) 3 2 U
Hurry .1. S., blk. h. (Andiena), and llls
msya, h. m. (Proctor), also started.
Tlfie. 2:ns'i, 2:t, 2:W4.
Trotting, 2;ikl class, three In five, purae
tl 000:
Guv Nello. r. m., by Ouy Axworthy 1 1 I
King Clansman, blk. h. tMcMahnu) 2 4 2
arnen, eh. m. tMeDevitt) 8 2 4
Bobert Mllrol, b. g. (Snow); Ben 7m
lock, b. g. (Oarrlson). and Don Inbor,
b. g, (McDonald), also started. Time,
:W-ti. S:0i, 2:10.
Chifeds Win from
Sluf eds in the Tentb
ST. LOrifi, Aug-. .-Chicago won frot.t
St. Louis In the tenth Inning, score. 3 lo
1- Score: il.II.E.
Chicago ....0 001 00 ( 001 2 90
St. Louis ..0 01000000 01 6 I
Batteries. Johnson and Wilson; Keup
t er and Simon.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. W.-The slug
glng of the Indianapolis team defeated
Kansas City today, 7 to S. Hcore: R.H.K.
Indianapolis ..0 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 07 14 2
KaniHi Oty,.,l 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 03 10 2
Batteries: Palkenberg and Barldn;
Cullop ami Rnatorlv, Ka-nroth.
BROOKLYN. Aug. X-The Brooklyn
I'Vderala won their first gama upon thelr
return home, defeating Buffalo today, U
to 1. Each team made many errors, ttw
poorer support belnj accorded Schula and
Anderson of Buffalo, while Flnnrran wai
holding the visitors to six hits. Score:
Ptiffiilo 1 o o l o o o 0 0-V ii'"r.
Brooklyn 1....1 3 0 10 10 1 rt 6 M
Batteries: Srhuls, Andfrson and Blair;
l'lniieisn and Land.
BALTIMOHK, Aug. 2tt.-Baltimore won
liom I'lttaburgh today, 2 to 1. The visit
ors were able to bunch tholr hits only In
the eighth Inning, when three singles lti
succociHion gaco thorn their slnglo run.
Pcore: R.H.K.
Paltlniore 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 it
Pittsburgh ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 9 J
Batteries: Ouinn and Russell; CarnniU,
leclnir and Berry.
A Mfaakeapearean Mairol,
The only mascot in captivity who wears
spectacles ia with the Braves. His namo
Is Willie Connor, and he is Just 14 years
old. He attends thn Roston College High
school and has been lth Stallings foi
two es'lns. When asked, at tho Polo
grounds last Thursday, what be thought
of the Bra vi' chances for the pennant
the youngster replied solemnly: "We
must subjugate Mr. MeGraw's hirelings
define we can begin calculating. We.
bavo a team of superfine ability and we
sincerely h ipe that the fortunes of war
will nut place our stars Uors du combat."