Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    Till: BKK: OMAHA. WKDN'KSDAV, ATGl'ST 'JC, l!U4.
WW" "
Tuesday, August 25, 1914.
Pt'SSY-KOOTlXC. :kk tile Albntlc," u Hip KnalislniK'n say, In not
as Interesting an,) cciiifc rtn! a in inn el as one might wish,
according to Mr. A. V. Klrtlrr nil 1t dunghter, Miss ttutli Kln
slrr. who return"') home tlil moinlns. An.erliaiis arc returning
home In n much i)f frrtn manner from the way In hicli thoy c rofed a
few welts ntro. n luvirUniS oirtm prn hound, hrilllnntly lighted at
night and with rtlrtalnniif of all kind's provided for the iias-enpT. In
stead the steamers ar' r-tiirning rcded w!Mi tourist. T litre are not
enough derk chairs or simmer rug", nrd at nlnht only canrr ml a few
smsll lights or- iisimI, all po.'tholos nre dosed end the urttiins drawn.
Signs wero put u; warning ihe passengers not to le frightened If at any
time all of the lights on hijih( urd wire iuddmly put on;.
The teanur Tunisian, on which wer the following people Mint
Mary .Munrhhril, Mr. KinsW, Miss Huth Kinder. Mr. Pauline Kldiidge.
Dr. Loult ltunhnian and Mr. Harold Thompson was fUe days lute reach
ing l-prau.-e ihc went o far north to avoid meeting any
tierman warship. They sailed within one degree of (Ircctiland.
Mm. Kln-Ior declarer the wont reports of the trouble abroad cr.nnot
le exaggerated, and people over there are faciei; suffering and many
The American consul in (.oiidon if shov ing no preference; millionaires
and ordinary touriMs are all treated alike. Kvery steamship office in
London Is surrounded by clamoring crowd. Only a fev ire allowed In
the offices at a time, then the doora nre lo ked until the lulneM Is trans
acted: then anotlK-r irowd Is allowed to go In.
Americana at home do not appreciate how ncrious the t rouble Ik
abroad." says Mra. Kinslnr. ' Food product are rling In price each day;
eggs were 4 cents each, and other thing in proportion."
lr. and Mrs. Klnsler spent a few das in Montreal, then took the St.
Lawrence trip and also stopped In Chicago n few day before returning
Miss Mary Munchhoff han topped in IJuffalo. X. V.. for u few days
rent after her strenuous trip and Is expected home the latter part of this
week or the first of next week.
Camp on the Elkhorn.
The young men of the I'ukuli u club en
terUlned the girls at a m.lng outing on
tha Klkhoni river, th pnrty arrlvlns
Saturday evening and r-tui nlug to Omnha
Sunday. Everyone had an enjoyable
time. Those present were.
Kthcl I-Jirnon,
1ol MMih.
francee Mulbolland. I!es Anthony,
Jane Hhaffr,
llnw llxnn,
(H.dyB l.tndb.r.
Hitppy Muibolland,
RuRrne Mnv,
.1. 11. Jak,
Frank tfirrM',
Rlmrr f'ation,
K. V. K.lly,
Frank Olcnaer,
t'lalre Mrlvpinia,
Kvi May.
Agatha Oswald
A. W. Jai-vln.
Ilmiy larr in.
II. II. loiffner.
Otlo I'rnner.
Mm. May.
Mr. and Mir. l. V. CalUhan.
Canadian Rockies.
Mis Marls Wed. ml nl .MIkk Nan
Murphy, who have been iiprni'lng sev
eral weeks with Stla Wooiturd'a brother
it Tloundup. Jlont.. leave n-xt week for
'he Canadian Itucklea and will Send omc
'line at Himi t.
Mil's CurniPllts i'haae, who. with a
number of riirndH from Hon Mftnr, are
sn.loyin? a stay at Lake Loulne In the
Canndlun ttocklea, will shortly leave fur
Hnff. They plan to be gene until Sep.
At Happy Hollow. '
Tli Oinuha Vhlt club h"l) Its first
meeting for the bcu'ii totuy at Happy
tfyllow. Tliow present were: .
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
, MIh tlerlrude i:. VruMe f Tekauiali
i ban rciui'iied inun t'lii's nr.i Imllana
; and Is Ktntii.lng l tb Loyal thin w-k.
, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. lng have i their
I gueets .Mm. iL t". h'ntncrs utid MIhb LthM
Homers of houth IUmnl Brmk, X. J
I Mrs. Homors Is a elster of Mr, luuj.
Morning Bridge Party.
Mr, f. It. Coon enterUlned l the lirot
nl' a eerie of morning brldne pnrll-M
Monday at lier vw apartmi'tits In the
Angelim, follow li.K w hich tlu-i l was a
1 nVprk bitiiilioon. The hot!s wan as
elated by Ml.-M Utith ltynip end Miss
i Helen I'helau. Thure present were:
l'ARIH. Aug. : . wukHbop fnr
womnn w hoee icali- relatives uie fiKhtiim,
but' who re not yet iiiulll'lrd to iei-evo
etiite brtp, tiHf been eeneJ here by the
!!i,p ile Talleyrnnd, formnly .Miss
Anna Ioulil of New York. The women ar
to receive three meals a day at the ex
reuse of the American ducbesM anil will
make HiiirtH and hoa;ltal neresnillee for
the men at the front.
Title Men from All
the States Coming
to the Convention
Officcn Arrest Three Hundred Who
Fail to Indicate Direction.
f.oMen Hair. mnnitair fanned In)
I.Mrae Number uf t Inlntnn of j
Onllnnnee, InelnUlnB I'rnfea
liinit anil Hnelnrsa Me.
IWtw.en ;'.i .mi iVi . 1 1 1 . er of a itotuo-
bilrs. ttuikn. Tnnrw nnd ferriage must
appmr in "lhe mi. it w.thln twenty-four
I'iiiiis heemufi of full nre, 10 heed that por
tion of th" trnflif ordli.a'iee nhlch re
'liiliee ilrivers of vehblea et busy coiner
to lmle:,te their Inteiuicd rtiieilon. ICvery
driver who '.hrourh iiepl't of the e,Kt,.
ball" oninme 'eenriie nlnleil am
caused confusion at rov.aesterl Interaee
llona nun linme liHlely served wltli a
' Kolilen rale" xiiinnioiis to police court.
In the list of violated of the rule la to
l-e- found inemlx rs of almost every pro
fession and trade.
Tiaffle Officer Hert ltodaera'at Four
teenlh ami FarnatTi inn out of summons
earlv In the morning and bad to send fo
hesdncnrterc for more. ly norm he hid
placed lor;y-flve persons under technical
arrent. Of fire;- Wade at Sixteenth en I
lKl(rc passed out moro than h ai-ore ot
comniands to appear In court and Of
ficer William fltnlth at Hxterntn and
f'arnam also n-nde a heavy rjcont. Other
Iraffie officers ai d patrolmen reported ;i
r u . I ! 1 1 1 f-' hiinineps In the saui" lliw.
Making I'edeatrlnna Safe.
("drf Dunn, In a stitem'-nt Issued il
iKK'ii, stil.l
"The time hxs airliel When Omaha
mcst strictly enforie the traffic regula
tions as Is onr In larger rltiei. Th-1
orlinam-e Iihs leen In effect for aoliwt
lull time, but only recently has the eare
Insnosa of veiil'ie di Ivors become io
aente thsl trin!eiii meiiaiues are war
ranted. I would not recommend thai trw
n.en sent Ui on "itoMen rules" te fine-1
for the first offense, but 1 do believe thai
tiny ehould be tine.i tlielr pi inter grade
Ici-soit in liiilflc leiiiilatlon, something
they should know' fioin common sense
alone. T.ic i"nml offense should be ac
companied lc- a line, mil the third by u
Jail sentence. 1 low ever, 1 think In a
few day the public will become aa fa
miliar with the nigh-hair traffic rule as
they are with the 'Juv-walklna' ordinance
now. When that occurs, the downtown
dUlii.-t will he a safe place for pedestrians."
! The most desirable r.:rmshed rooms i re :
j advertised In The Be;. (ret a nice cool I
room for ihe an miner. ,
Meadainee -,ls'
k olhinn of
Ht. I.ouls.
1,. .f Me,.lev,
N. II. N. Ismi.
IviWMrd I'helsii.
A. W. (lllman.
Jnea Cllina:: Walte
S 111 M lioc.-y,
It. O Wllheln-.,
I . K. ( able,
i'. ineenl.
A. I'. Touanlln.
II. K Whlt.ilHiUHe.
A. ;, hdwa'ds,
rank Colpetser,
T. M On.
I,. A. ( smer,
l. V.: holes.
J3. v. ijunther.
H. liilko.i,
(leorse Haverllc!
W, II. Wilbur,
II. W. Yaten,
('. K. CjutHnt.'
Twi saloons were caught "cheating-" by
Tollco Commissioner A. (7. Kugel Monday
nlaht and the lid was Immediately
clamped down.
"Things were loosening up a little bit,"
said Commissioner Kuael. "Thai will
bo no further violations which we ran
prevent. Tim lid will bo kept down."
I Commissioner Kugel spent a month In
l Wyomlns and has Just leturned. lie la
' sued urdeis lo the police to enforce
the S o'clock and tha Albert law to tho
I lutttr.
Kvery statu In the union Is now repre
sented In the names of those who have
definitely written the publicity bureau .
that they will attend the meetinn of the,
National Association ot Title Men .'.'(.'iist
f lo Hnpteniber 2 in Omaha. The pu'o-j
ll'ity bureau has been active for some
weeks sending; out invitations In an effort,
lo set a large attendance to the conven
tion. Acceptances of tho Invitations have
como In rapidly, until something Pke MO
are on file. Th! la to be the elijt.ih an
nual convention of the association.
Sara-- V
Face Powder
dm Craan Box Only)
Hnckien'a Arnica Ntlio
cured In Tool of Threet, Ala., after be
Inif dragged over a gravel j-ond bed.
Hi olhinn. hi-allni;, antiseptic. i .'5c. M
drintglsts. Advertisement. f
Keeps Tha
Complexion Beautiful
Soft and velvet?. Monty back If net Sa
tire!? pit Bifid. Madine It purr and harm
lot. Adheres until waUhed off. Prevanta
unburn and return of dlaeoloratlona.
A million delighted usere prove lu value.
Tlntsi Flash, Pink, Brunette, White.
By Tailtt Coantere r Mail. BO.
National Toilet Companf, Paris, Teaa.
Sola Sr Hhettnas A McCtonnen rTus Btoret. Bta
tea Urui Co.. Btiidlt tJrua Itaal. aud othara.
Several dinner parties will be given at
tho cluh this ovenlnK. W. J. Mllle; will
have alx uta: C, W. V. l.oncks. fives
U. W. Oetten. five: lieorse Huinner. eight;
G. A. Jlohrbough, four.
Thursday Mrs. Alfred Kennedy sill
have ten R neat a at luncheon nnd Mrs.
Waller I'atertou will have twenty guests.
Mr. -and Mra. V. H. lonmls will enter
tsln at dinner Haturday evening at the
club. They will have twenty guests at
jne table and ten at another table.
At the Field Club.
The Field club was the scene of a pretty
party Monday afternoon, given by Miss
Margaret Jlofnuinn. the occasion lln
her birthday. The centerpiece was a
mound of Jonquils. Those present were:
Headache ejus) rvousuess t ared.
j "I'hamln rln!n'. Ti bleta are entitled to
( all tint pralte 1 can give them," writes
' Mrs. ltlchard Olp. Hpencerpoii. N. V.
i "They have t ued me of headache and
j nervnusners i.nd restored me to iny nor
I mal lieulth." l'ui Mile by all ilruggista.
Fasliion Hint
Margaret Wagner,
Annabel HlncUlr,
Arllii Abbott.
Helen Kinclair,
Porolhy (iisllln,
liulae Watklns,
adle Rntbuls,
Mertani.Hutka Mc-
MerreieH Alihott.
Kloi'enoo Htley,
l ire Hnfmunn,
Margaret liofuiitin.
At Carter Lake Club.
Mrs. V. T. Mason entertained lour
guests at dinner at Csiler like club
last evening. Othi w ho entertained
were Mis Flynn. who had six guests;
Mlaa Klla J. Ilrowu. els; Grant I'eters.
two; A. J. Jackson, two; (.'. I'. Hayes,
two; Pr. Kltik'ihhoiu, six; Vincent llua
iall, two.
Mra. K. A. Pardun and M.s. C. A. tip
ple were hostesses at a swimming purty
aud luncheon at Carter i.akc club today.
Covers were laid lor;
Mesdanvep Mx.lemes
A. (t. t'etersou. ' A. .1. Hoard,
William rtnulg.
:. It. Hralnerd.
C. A. Hippie.
F. A. lUrdun.
Tha Clover l.e Whlet cluh was euter-
tatued at luncheon ut Carter Ike club
iixlay by Mra. John Mattel a. The nu m.
b rs present Were:
Msdames .Vfesilame.-
0. Myergeii.v .Inllus Kurster.
1. II. Heard. I n-I Fr, ksin.
' lrenc 1,'ybeig. J. Kuhn.
Aithur lailisay. t. rubier. ,
Icorse Mlttauei. A. I'mii.
Hairy Morris '
At Happy Hollow
Mrs. Kugene Ituval enteitalneU the
members of the l'iin.;o.t lirMge tlub it
Hsppy Hollow cli.b this morning Tho
tuesls were Mmampj K. W. Arthur, W.
i:. Ialmtier and J.' l; Ita'uu and the
members present Were:
Alosd-. m-s
ieorgr Howell,
Kuth I'etersen.
Char las Neff.
I. MoI. in.
Frank hu.iithl.
II. Hrewn.
id. I'. I .
IS. U I'eltel.
.1 F. 'ti'ib-s.
Nellie H.nel..-.
Inieie 1 nival.
GartnerKemneally Wedding.
The mairiuRu of M!s Tar. sa Ktm
neally, daunlil-r of Mr. und Mra Jmiin
Keii.neaUy, pioncets of houlh Omaha,
abd klr. Howard 'siln. r of Orecnwond,
Neb., was ceb-bintrd e tin day. August Ul.
at Ht Theresa a t athcdjal In Lincoln.
The Itw. Father lirauley eriornied tbc
certmony. The young ootii le are at home
In Greenwood, where Mr. Cartuei :s In
tbe lumber builccts
Penonil Slention.
A daughter was boia tSalucday mom
In to Lieutenant and Mrs. Allen Reed.
V. S. who are uuw stationed ut Han
ief, CmX. Mra. Reed was formerly Mlaa
ieaes MeorUs4.
i f; A !
J. h
August Sale of Sample Furs
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday
Hundreds upon hundreds of
line fur garments sent us for
comparison ami selection of
fered for tliree days
At 25 Less
tliun furs of equal tiuality eau
be purchased in season. "NVe
liouglit our htooks early and
bought right. Any selections
made now can be held for you
you want them. See these remarkable special bar
for three days. ' .
American Telephones
Lead the World
If telephone rates are high and service poor,
the use of the service is necessarily limited, but
if the rates are reasonable and the service good,
there will be liberal use of the telephone.
The European governments have had no in
centive to maintain good service and reasonable
rates, as have the private companies in Amer
ica. That is the reason Europe has only one
telephone for every 150 persons, while in the
United States there is one telephone for every
ten persons.
Here are official telephone figures of the lead
ing countries:
t ounlry
I cited States
Oreat Urttmin
: Austria
I Hungary
OperiiteJ by
Priv. and Gov.
I No. of Tele
j phone
I 'J'e.epliunea
j per lmi I'opu
i lal ion
' ".7
: OS
0 4
I'er tent ul
U. S. Devel
opment 100.0
IT 6
4 1
U tt o vt ut ai:.
Uuuel Autohic a u.l II iberi.
Alternoon ilraa la olj piuk l.rcadclulh,
whltt collar. New hat
vet and white aatia
f bl miJ IVil l-
2.1 per Cent IMsconnt on Picture Framing During Angtiat.
'-ii''' "" "" " "' " ' ""
- "-rf-- tli-al siiaaaiaataiia'ISliSif riaaaSWii aMlaaa..Jli Mi tUaMMa ,-atatMaMaatli
Wednesday is
Ice Cream Day
Qt. Bricks, 20c
Pt. Bricks, 10c
Smart Little Black Velvet Hats at $5
Black velvet sailors and ttirbang occupy the hlRhet place In fashion's
favor for early autumn wear, and we are fortunate In being able to show
o fine selection at this popular price. They are of rich stlk velvet,
trimmed with fetching white flowers, feathers or ribbons, or with gold or
sljver braids and ornaments. They are exceptional at $."..
Sale of Black Velvet Shapes, $1
A larae lot of thean niitt-r llttlo hlaclr velvet turban .h . ...v. i u ... ,
-. - - - - - - - - - - - . ... . . i-iiit)'. r- v 1 1 1 c ii m r- ,
un . ' ... 1 A Kit r.t i 1 . 1 M. V. . . I. 1 1 1 . -. . ' '
r-v .i'i.iui in r. . n ui i luiiuii vuiivii ui i ii'w prR, lasieruiiy a.ppnea,
makes them Into smart and practical fall hats. Extra good values at fit.
Kid Gloves
for Fall
Are Beady
This Store's Pre-eminent Position in the Fashion World
is Amply Sustained in These Displays
How intimately this store is eomieeted with the exclusive fash
ion creators of the cast is revealed in our present displays of new
garments. Every, new ide.-i, every development of style is shown
liere'williiti a few hours after it is "hrought out" in New York.
And you may depend on our fashion information as correct and
Several Hundred Dresses Now Ready
Anions them the lonf? waist and basque effects are prominent,
as are the long Russian tunics and KediiiroU skirts. Combina
tions (f serge and satin arc popular at !." to $'2o. A three-piece
dress and cape combination is r't atured at and $oJ.50; others
.... 4.. it I t
j ll HI ptfj.
Suits That Express the Latest in Style
Our early season showings of Bulti never had more of interest to women.
Many new ones, Just from New York" have been added to our stocks within the
last few dayi. In these you will see the Redingote long coat, directolre and
baxque effects and the long Russian tunic skirts. Serges, broadcloths, Vopllns.
worsteds atrd novelties are the fabrics used. Prices are 13 to $45.
Sale of Boys' $5 School Suits $Q)75
With 2 Pairs of Pants, Wednesday, at
' The boy's school suit should have two. pairs of pants so as to gijve
double service. We offer such suits AYednesday at a big reduction.
They are of splendid wearing tweeds and cashmeres, in all the new
shades, tailored with extreme care. Norfolk htyle coats, knickerbocker
pants, full lined with seams all reinforced. Our regular $3 suits, on
sale at only $3.75. Boy(, noot.
Sale of Boys' Blue Serge Suits, $3.45
If it's a blue serge .suit you want for your boy here's a great value
for you. Splendid quality navy blue serge suits in the new Balkan
Norfolk model, with full lined knickerbockers, for ages (I to 17, .on
sale at $3.45. A ,
Serviceable, Good Looking Shoes for Boys
Kitting growing feet is an important feature of our shoe business. Another
is giving shoes of absolutely dependable quality. Here are button or lace shoea
of genuine box or gun metal calf, all solid leather, built for Bertrice, comfort and
style. Best of oak Holes. Sizes 1 to C at 2.75. Sixes up to 1 at $2.25.
Women's Mary Jane Pumps
.Made of patent leather with white kid lin
ing.' All sizes. Special values at $2.48.
Women's Boudoir Slippers
Black, tan or red kid with silk pom poms.
With heels, $1.25. Without heels, 98c. 1
Two Splendid Values in Hosiery Wednesday
Women" Thread Nllk Hosiery, pure dye, made
with high spliced heels and toes and double garter
top, in all good shades, regularly t i (f ! assortment of colors, regularly worth
worth fl.oO, on sale at V I iUU up to $1.25, on sale at
Wonu'ii'a Pure Thread Silk Hose with double soles
nnd heels and garter tops, in bliuk, white and a full
Laces and Embroideries Specially Priced
New shadow lace flouncings, 10
to 27 inches wide.
New oriental flouncings, IS to
24 inches wide,
Nev black shadow lace allovera
and flouncings, 8 to 18 in. wide.
Worth up to 9c yard, on sale
at yard
New shadow lace flouncings, 18
to 24 inches wide,
New Venice bands and edges, 4
to 8 inches wide,
tt to 12 inch oriental edges and
24 inch figured nets, ,
' Worth up to o0c yard, on sale,
at, yard
18 Inch swiss, nainsook and
cambric flouncings and corset cov
er embroideries, also dainty eye
let edges with colored embroidery,
worth up to 39c yard, on sale, at,
Many New Draperies for Fall Are Ready Here
Bungalow Nrt Curtains in beautiful new
patterns nre shown at $2.50 and $2.98 pair.
Quaker Curtains, 25 new patterns haw?
just been received, $2.98 and $3.98 pair.
Imported St. Gall Duchess Curtains in a
varied assortment at $3.98 to $20 pair.
Imported French Cluny Curtains in num
erous styles at $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 pair.
Sunfast lona Cloth, 50 inches wide, in all
the new shades, 98c and $1.25 yard.
Many Other New Things in curtains and
fabrics which we invite vou to see.
mLtfffr 07 2rf r?J m
tkc bccr or Aesourrt rHjtmr