Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1914, Image 1

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    Losses in
Fray Heavy on Both
he Omaha Daily
Advertising is the pendu
lum that keeps buying
and selling in motion.
VOL. XIjIV NO. 53.
On Trains and at
total Mews Stands, Bo,
sixou; corv two cents.
Germans and Opposing Forces Kill
ing and Wounding Thousands
in General Engagement.
Between Moselle and Mons, in Bel
gium, United Armies Are Push
ing Against Teutons.
One North of Wavre, Another Be
tween Lesse and Meuse and Third
in Neighborhood of Chimay.
Stronghold Target for Heaviest Guns
' Kaiser Has in Field.
Mruair to Wuhlnxtai from For-ela-n
Of Mo at Berlin,, Tells of
Honors for Heir Apparent
of Prussia.
PARIS, Aug. 24. (2:57 p. m.
"The general engagement continued
today with desperation," la the word
ing of. an official communication
given out this afternoon. "Already
both sides have suffered serious
"Our armies have resolutely taken
the offensive between the MoBelle -
and Mons, in Belgium. A general bat
tle is now being fought In upper Al
sace on to the Vosges mountains and
along the river Meurthe. The main
boyd of troops is under command of
General Pau. These frees hold the
front, roughly speaking, between
'An army from the north of Wavre
Badonvllle and Luneville.
is approaching Neufchateau and Is
attacking the German forces which
have defiled through Luxemburg and
are now on. the right bank of the
Arm? C'rosseo Sedan.
"Another army from the direction of
Sedan has crossed the department of
Ardennes, and is engaging the Gorman
army corps which has been proceeding
between the river Lease and the river
Meuse. a
"A third army corps from the neigh
borhood of Chimay Is advancing lo attack
the German right between the river
Sambre and the river Meuse. This third
army li supported by an English army
which has come from the vicinity cf
"The movement of the Germans, who
sought to pass our left wing, were fol- j
lowed step by step, and their right now
finds Istelf attacked by the left wing of
our army, which Is working Is conjunc
tion with the English. From this side
the battle continued vigorously for more
than twenty-four hours, the field extend
ing over the remainder of the front."
Grrmana After Nam or.
LONDON. Aug. 24. (6:20 p. m) A
dispatch received here from Paris says
that according to official announcement
In the French capital, the Germans are
makings, great effort against Namur,
which is resisting vigorously.
All the Liege forts are still holding out.
The entire Belgian army has been con
centrated and entrenched at Antwerp.
tier mans Tell ot Victory. '
WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. The German
embassy today
received the following I
(Continued on Page Two, Colflmn Two.)
The Weather'
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair, slightly warmer.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
5 a. m...., ,4
a. ra .....M
7 a. m 61
8 a. m S3
ftxr. J', J m 2
11 a. m "4
12 in 74
1 p. m 77
2 p. m 2
3 p. m 8(
4 p. m 3
5 p. m 85
p. m 83
7 p. m Si
8 p. m 73
Comparative Loral Record.
1914. 1913. 1312. 1911.
Highest yesterday 5 90 M 7
1-owest yesterday 6K tig 75 11
Mean temperature 72 78 84 wi
1'reclpltailo n 00 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 73
Kxcess for the day 1
Total excess elnco March 1 483
Normal precipitation 13 Inch
lefi(iency for the day 13 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1...1S.7 Inches
1'eflciency since March 1 6.38 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1913. S.47 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1M2. 6.62 Inches
Reports from Stations nt T P. M.
Station and State Temp. High- Rain
of weather. ip. in. est.
at. fall.
7(i .02
68 T
86 .
78 .00
M ,iO
88 .01'
8", .(10
72 .
M .01
78 . .00
Cheyenne, partly cloudy. M
Pavenport, partly clouuy. vj
7enver. partly cloudy.... 82
Ies Monies, clear 72
T)ode City, clear 0
North Platte, clear M
maha. clear 81
Xapld City, partly cloudy. W
Miertdan, cloudy 62
Moux 'Ity, clear 7
Valentine, clear 72
T Indicates trace of precipitation.'
U A. WtLs-H. Local Forecaster.
Prawn for The Be by Powell.
Location of the Invading Hosts Up
to Noon on Saturday Furnished
by Percy Philip.
Apparent Intention to Enter Franre
Rather Than to Path on to
the Toast with the
Ifnare Army
(Copyright, 1914,' by Press Publishing Co.)
08TEND, Aug. 24. (Special Cablegram
to the New York World and Omaha Bee.)
(Delayed In Transmission-) The por
tions of the Germans In Belgium today
are as follows:
They are In peaceful occupation of
Brussels, and have begun to push south
west, unchecked, towards Coutrea and
the French frontier. Their advance pa
trols and cavalry are well .on their way.
Friday morning the cavalry entered
Flanders, almost ten miles from Brus
sels, but up to Saturday midday no Ger
man troops, to my certain knowledge,
had entered Ghent. The Germans have
p&fsed to the south of that city, and few
If any are likely to enter the town. No
German troops are at either Bruges or
Allies Ready to Move.
I have the evidence ol a French aviator
that the movement of the allies to com
bine and Intercept the German forces has
already begun. It will, however, be some
days before the Issue is definitely forced.
Probably the Germans, of whom, ac
cording to moderate estimates, 200,000
have passed through and around Brus
sels, will continue their march, even if
communication is cut here In the north,
and will try to break through to Join the
second army, which they are confident
will succeed In entering France by way
of Luxemburg, and the third, which it
U hoped may force a gap at Belfort.
From different sources I have the In
formation that many of the regiments In
Brussels are from the eastern side if the
empire, and probably an Interchange of
troops has been resorted to by Germany
to avoid the possibility of disaffection by
reason of local friendships.
Of my own knowledge I may say the
positions of the English. Belaian nt
French forces are entirely satisfactory
in regard to the present Gorman rush.
Held's Preliminary
to Take Place Today
SCHUYLER. Neb.. Aug. 24. -(Special
Telegram.) Frank Held, accused of the
murder of Miss Louise Mick, will be
brought here for his preliminary examina
tion, which is set for tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock In county court. Held was
taken from the Boone county Jail by Col
fax county officers last night and brought
here during the night. There Is assurance
that no attempt at violence will be made.
Since the brutal murder of the young
girl. County Attorney W. I. Allen has
strengthened Its case against the man.
It Is likely no effort will bo made on
Held's behalf unless it Is done by his
wife, who is here and has, It la said, com
pleted arrangements for an attorney.
Held has not confessed, though the state
has a number of damaging statements
from him which will be used against him.
Ha has not succeeded in proving his
whereabouts on the night of the crime
and time has resulted In strengthening
the state's evidence that he was with the
young girl.
It is possible that the preliminary will
bo waived and the esse thus be sent to
the district court.
WASHINOTON. Aug.. Ct -Speaker
Clark issued another batch of warrants
of arrest today for absentee members.
Sergeants raided the base hall nark, cool
cafes and other resorts to bring In
enough, congressmen so that the houne
could gj on with business. '
e War on the Long Bpxx'
Big Italian Army
Concentrating on .
Austrian Frontier
r GENEVA, Aug. 23.-vla Paris, Aug. 24.
4:15. p. m. Delayed In transmission)
Italian troops, according to thoroughly
reliable Information reaching here, are
centratlng on Austrian frontier.
The French frontier In Swltierland has
been virtually stripped of Its garrisons
owing to partial mobilization by Individ
ual summons and not by public order.
According to reports In Geneva the
Italian army has been raised to 800,000
Washington Believes Warring Na-
tion Bound to Act Only at
Xiao Chow.
Wot Expected Any Attempt Will Bo
Made to Take. Bis; System
from Tien Tsln to
Nankins;. .
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2S.-Aslde from
Informal verbal exchanges between Vis
count Chlnda and Secretary Bryan in
Washington and Ambassador Guthrie and
the foreign office In Toklo, there Is noth
ing of record so tar to commit th Japa
nese to the limited field ot hostilities laid
down In the British note of last week.
The Impression prevails here among
diplomats, however, that the statement
of Viscount Chlnda, taken In connection
with the speech In th-) Japanese diet last
week of Count Okuma, the Japanese pre
mier, Is quite sufficient to bind the Japa
nese government to a strict performance
of Its obligations In regard to the return
of Kiao Chow to China and of the lim
itation of the field of hostilities definitely
set out In the British statement.
No mention was made by Ambassador
Chlnda In today's conference of - the
status of the railroads In Shantung prov
ince, directly or Indirectly controlled by
the Germans.
It was said at the Japanese embassy
here that in all probability the Japanese
army would content Itself with the seiz
ure of the railroad rrnnlng Inland to
Tst Nan, about 200 miles In length, be
cause this was German In every respect.
It was not expected that any attempt
would be made to take possession 'of the
extensive system of railways lying be
tween Tien Tsln and Nanking because
although these were financed by Germans
they were nominally Chinese railroads.
The declaration of war by Japan was
the chief development of the day here,
though dispatches Indicating the prepa
rations In Italy for a mobilisation caused
some discussion.
Germans Resume
Bombardment of
Forts Near Liege
LONDON, Aug. 24. (12:00 p. m )-In a
dispatch from Rotterdam, the correspond
ent of the Dally Telegraph says that af
ter many days of quiet, sounds of the
vigorous bombardment of Liege reached
the frontier near Maastricht on Sunday.
They were heard for hours and Indicated
that the Germans are making a treraen
dous effort to clear, this long standing
danger from their line of supply and that
to this end they had brought their heavi
est howitzers Into action.
Fugitives report, the correspondent con
tinues, that the Liege forts have caused
great inconvenience to the Germans by
destroying their pontoon bridges over the
The Daily Mail publishes a dixpatch
from Antwerp saying that a Belgian who
kiicceeded In getting to Iiege and back
reports that the German have built
eight pontoon bridges acrova the Meuse
between Liege and the Dutch frantier.
Several Days' Fighting with Ger
man! on Prussian Frontier Ends
in Defeat of the Teutons.
Important City and Its Locatloti la
Fine from a Military Point of
View for the Rnaalnn
(Copyright, 1914, Press Pub. Co.)
(Via London.) The Russian front
hat moved forward until IU right
flank rests at Insterberg on the north,
with its left flank sixty miles to the
Behind the army are Junctions on
Important lines of railway, Ihster
berg in particular uniting eight rail
ways and being highly important
from a military point o' view.
Goldap, anotner junction about half
way along the railway line, uniting
Lyck and Insterberg, is in Russian
Insterberg and Goldap, thirty-two
miles apart, may be taen as the ex
tremities of the Russian fighting front
while operations In the region about Lyck
are being undertaken an Independent
movements designed to clear Germans
out of the difficult country near Lake
Lets. This. 1s largejy a morass full of
narrow passages and now In possession
of the Russians who regard themselves as
effectually secure on the left flank of the
main armies.
Every Step Contested.
Every step was won by the most stren
uous fighting as the Germans put forth
their utmost strength to oppose the Rus
sian advance. The retreat of the Twen
tieth German army corps from the vicin
ity of Lyck was what civilians call a
rout, but the Russian commander-in-chief
was content to report the retirement as
of a hurried nature.
On the north or right flank the fight
Ing was' particularly obstinate and pro
longed, three German army corps making
a determined effort to outflank the Rus
slans and fighting was of a desperate
character, lasting for several day, until
finally on Saturday 'the Russians broke
the German defense, securing Insterberg
and the surrounding district.
Russian on Offensive.
The Russians assumed the offensive and
drove the enemy from the line of country
which the commander-in-chief required
for the development of the future tactics.
On the left flank the Germans' defeat
was of a signal character and an armi
stice was asked ostensibly for the purpose
of burying the dead and picking up thi
Grand Duke Nicholas Skllcovltch re
fused to stop the battle when the Ger
mans gave way and the Russians occu
pied the desired . positions.
The loss of the Germans has been
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
The National Capital
Monday, AifaM 24, 1014.
The Senate.
Met at 11 a. m.
Continued debate on bill to license ware,
houses for staple products during the
European wsr.
Paused warehouse license bill.
Considered nominations In executive
Adjourned at 6:09 p. m. till 11 a. rn.
The llonae.
Met at noon.
Iebate was continued In conservation
Bill to transfer the bureau of mlnca
from Interior department to Department
of Labor July 1 next Introduced by iu-p-resentatlve
Casey of Pennsylvania.
Watt lower conservation hill, providing
system of leases of water power on pub
lic lands to private capital, pasiied.
Bill for federal llceiixing of grain ware
houses amended so as to Include flax
seed reintroduced by Representative Moss
of Indiana. .
Adjourn-d st :32 p. rn. until noon Tuesday.
British, French and Russian War
Craft Join Those of Japan
in Movement.
Declaration of War Against Ger
many is Followed Promptly by
Attaok on Stronghold.
Japanese Charge at Berlin Handed
His Passports When Time
Limit Expires.
Mikado's Agent Turns Embassy and
Records Over to United States.
Special ffrwlon Will lie Held to Con
alder War I'roblrnm Amhaiaa
dor Guthrie to Represent
(Germany at Toklo.
FEKING, Aug. 24. The blockade
of Tsing-Tau, the fortified sfaport
of Hiao Chow, has begun, llrltlsh,
French and Russian vessels of war
are taking part in the movement.
Up to the present time only British
regiments have received orders to
co-operate wit'h the Japanese In the
opratlons against Kiao Chow on the
land side. The French, however, are
expecting orders to assist the Brit
ish. There probably will not be
more than two or three regiments
from each nation. No reliable in
formation has reached here yet aa to
any Japanese landing on the Kiao
Chow territory.
, TSING-TAU, China. Aug. 24. The
Germans have dynamited all the tall
structures here which might be of
assistance to an attacking fleet In
giving them sighting points. They
have also destroyed the rallrad
bridge at the boundary ot their
leased territory and they have razed
the Chinese villages within the ter
ritory. The inhabitants of these vil
lages have been partially compen
sated, t
TOKIO, Aug. 2 4. The Vamato, In
an extra edition today, says that the
bombardment of Tslng-Tau by the
Japanese fleet has commenced. This
message was passed by the censor of
the Navy "department.
BERLIN, Aug. 24. (Via Copen-'
I hagen and London, 2:20 p. m.)
i The rupture of relations between
'Japan and Germany was effected In
a simple manner. A representative!
of the German ministry of foreign i
affairs proceeded Sunday morning to i
the Japanese embassy and handed j
the Japanese charge d'affaires his!
puBsports with the verbal remark I
that Germany had no response to
make to Japan's ultimatum concern
ing the surrender of Klao-Chow. The
Japanese representative turned his!
embassy aiyi Its archives over to the
protection-of the American ambassa
dor. Will Not Affeet Austria.
WA8H1NTON, Aug. 24. Dan
ger of war between Japan and Aus
tria was removed today through the
agreement of Austria to dismantle
its cruiser, the Kalserin Elizabeth,
now at Tslng-Tau.
The Austrian ambassador had
been preparing to leave Toklo when
the Japanese government indicated
its approval of suggestion for dis
mantling the cruiser. Austria ac
cepted the proposal and instructed
the officers to interne it at Shanghai.
The Austrian ambassador then let it
be known that he saw no occasion to
leave Japan.
Japan Declares Mar.
TOKIO, Aug. 23. The emperor
of Japan today declared war against
Germany. -
The Imperial rescript declaring war
upon Germany was Issued this evening.
It officially Inaugurates hostilities in the
far enst as a result of ikrniany'a
failure to reply to th Japanese ultima
tum. Cheering crowds assembled today be
fore the buildings occupied by the De
partment of Foreign Affairs and the ad
ministration of t lie navy. TliU evening
there were luntern processions through
(Continued on 1'uge Two, Column Four )
Czar , at Head of His
Hordes in Full Force
LONDON, Aug. .24. The Central
News lias given out u message from
Its Homo correspondent paying that
a dispatch received in the Italian
capital from S(. Petersburg declares
that Kniperor Nicholas has gone to
the headquarters of the Russian
army, which has now taken the of
fensive In full strength.
War Summary
The groat battle between the
allied forces of England and
France against the bulk of the In
vading German army continued
again, with no word aa to
whether a decisive result had
been reached. Official Informa
tion given out In London states
that the British forces were en
gaged all day Sunday with the
enemy In the neighborhood of
Mons, Belgium. The F.ngllsh held
their ground, according to an of
ficial statement.
The conflict between th allied
forces and the Germane In Bel
gium extends along the complete
line of contact, and the French
embassy at London has received
Information that up to the pres
ent the "battle has been without
advantage to either sldo.
Reports were in circulation In
Paris that the German forces
have occupied the fortified town
of Nancy, France.
The bombardment of Tslng
Tau, China, by the Japanese fleet
has begun, according to the Ya
tnato, which published an extra
edition In Toklo yesterday. The
message giving the news of the
bombardment was passed by tho
Navv department' censor at Toklo.
The German troops, according
to reports from Upper Alsace, aro
making another offensive move
ment against the French army
which Is ' occupying Muelhausen
and vicinity.
The Russians, according to
Paris, now occupy territory fifty
miles wide on the German fron
tier. A Vienna report filtering
through Udino, Italy, says that
the Austrlang are about to aban
don their operations against the
Servians on the Drina river In or
der to concentrate their forces
against the Russian advance.
The Standard OH company,
United States 8teel corporation
and the United Fruit company
have notified the government that
the'.r fleets will be put under the
American flag.
Japanese war moves in the far
east are proceeding under sphinx
like silence of the officers of the
army and navy. Communication
between Japan and China has been
severed for twenty-four hours and
it is believed cable communication
between Bhanghal and Nagasaki
has been cut.
Count von Bernstorff, the Ger
man ambassador to the United
States, arriving In New Vork, de
nounced as false yesterday's re
ports that the German crown
prince, Frederick William, had
been shot either In the streets of
Berlin or in the battle at Liege.
Only 5,000 or 6,000 German sol
diers were engaged In the assault
on Liege said Count Bernstorff.
Oil and Steel Ships
to Be Placed Under
the American Flag
WASHINGTON. Aug-. 2I.-Thc I'nlted
Htutes steel corporation, t he .Standard Oil
company and tbo I'nlted Krult company
have notified the government of their In
tentions to put their fleets under the
American fluff, under the new law extend
ing home registry to foreign built craft.
Sugar Beet Tonnage
Smaller This Year
WASHINGTON.' Aug. H-Wlth the
prices of sugar higher than In many
j years Indications are that the country's
sugar beet rcop this year will be the
smallest since 1910. A forecast of t.SM.OOO
tons was announced today by the popart
ment of Agriculture. Last year the pro
duction was 5.S69.O00 Ions; In 1912, 6,224,000
tons nad In 1911 5,0;2.muO tons.
FALLS CITV. Neb., Aug. 24 (Special )
Dedicatory services were held here yes
terday by the Merman military aoriety,
the occasion being the dedication of two
large silk flag, one American and one
Herman, which had been presented to the
society by friends. Addrebses were made
by Governor Morchuad, Mayor John
U lithe ami C. F. lb'avix. A military drill
and picnic followed. 1
British and French Troops Are in
Contact with Germans Along
French Frontier.
One Large Force Moving on Lille,
France and Another is Threat
ening Manheuge.
Another Force Has Front Extending
from Oivet, France, to Dieden
hofen, Lorraine.
It Says English and French Are
Holding Germans.
An Harlter Platmnt Says Battlei
Katenda from Mons to Luxem
burg and Probably Will
Last Nevrral Days.
PARIM, Aug. 24. (8:10 p. m.)
An official announcement made, this
afternoon nay . that Luneville,
Anmnce anil DitMilunrd, in the depart,
iiient of Meurthe ct Moselles have)
been occupied by the (lermans. The
French position otherwise liaa not
boon modified.
til I.LETI.
1'AltIH, Aug. 21 (237 p. m.)
"The general engagement continue
today with desperation" is the word
ing of an official communication'
given out this afternoon. Alrtwdy
both Midi- have suffered eerioua'
loMeN.' ' -
"Our armies had resolutely taken
the offensive between the Moselle
and Mons, in Hclgluin. A general
battle is now Ix-lng fought in upper
Alsace on to Vongea mountains and
along the river Meurthe. The main
body of troops in under command of
(general I'au. These forces hold tho
front heretofore indicated."
LONDON. Aug. 2V (2:35 p. m.) '
The official bureau of Information ;
today gave out the following an-,
"British forces were engaged all
day Sunday and until after dark with -the
. enemy in the neighborhood of
Mons, Belgium. They held their
(er mans Advance In Five Colnmna.
ItOTTEKDAM. Aug. 24. (Via
London, Noon.) According to the,
best information obtainable here, the
disposition of the German forces in
Belgium Is broadly as follows:
"The right flank, occupying the
entire territory immediately south of
Antwerp, is moving southwest in the
direction of Lille. A second force is '
moving on Maubeuge, fifty miles
southeast of Lille, in the department
of Nord, and a third is occupied wilt
th$ reduction of the Namur forts,
which consist of nine defenses of
steel and concrete surrounding the
city. It is estimated that these
three columns together comprise
nearly a quarter of a million men.
The main northern German army is
advancing slowly, with its front ex- '
tending from Glvet, France, to Died
enhofen, In Larralne. The French
defenses from La Fere to Reims are .
thought to be the objective of this
ftmy, which is believed to number
800.000 men. .
"The main body to the south is di
scontinued on Page Two. Column Two.)
Mr. Dealer, Serve
Your Public
The retail merchant's success
is in a direct ratio with his
ability to serve his public.
And service to the public
means giving it what it wants,
wheil it la wanted. . .
When a national advertiser
comes into the columns of the
local newspapers with the story
of his merchandise it means
that a demand will be created
right there.
People will want to see those
Live merchants at once sense
the demand, make attractive
window displays, show the
goods on their counters and
otherwise see to it that the
desire created by the newspa
per advertising is attracted
their way. -