2 . THK BKK: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST L'4, 1914. ITALIANS PARTY TO SECRET AGREEMENT Army and Nayy to Aid cf England ' When Austria Threateni on Adriatic. TEOPLE WANT TO HELP FRANCE of Thro Valaateer tit t ti Freaeaj Froatler Help In OaerTllla Wtrfarf. aerv (Copyright. 1914. JYes Publishing Co.) ROME, Aug. 21-8pecll Cablegram to Nesr York World and Omaha Bee.) The filing for England has grown warmer. Th World correspondent had a talk . with a military man thin evening, who . re quests that hla nam l kept secret, and who served In Africa In the flrat IJbyan campaign. He affirm that ther la a secret agreement between Italy and Eng land, whereby Italy' neutrality ahall crane the moment Austria' position In the Adriatic threatens either this coun try tr the triple entente. Then Italy ' fleet and army ahall b at the disposal cf England. In return. Italy will regain Ha beloved little penlnaula between Tneirte and Flume, where there are co many Italians under th Austrian yoke. ' and so many cen turies of Italian traditions, for these were colonies In the days of ancient Rome, and again during tha palmy days of tha Venetian republic. Will Not Flaat far Aastrla. Anti-Austrian feeling become stronger her Very' flay. " Offlfnf hav notified their, staff that their men would not take up arms for Austria, and that the officers would refuse to preeg their men to do- so. Thus.1 traditional hatred stronger, than all political alliances. If war comes, the king. It Is staled by military naen. will go Into tha cam paign . The genera ataff would ba re moved from Rome' to north Italy. The king Is a good Uctioian and much re- apected ly his soldiers. The second In command probably would be General Tussoni. who has seen much active service In Africa. But all these arrangement ara being kept secret, so It Is impoilbU to say who will command under his majesty. Th4 dirigible M has just returned from. Rome to Jesl, and tha Aero club of I tome sends up monoptanes and bl-planes every morning and evening. Volaateer ta Aid breach. One of the curious features of the Itall Ian situation' la tha unobtrusive opinion of a modest bureau laa small street with tha motto: "For the Defense of Italian Liberties," over the entrance. Tha bureau enlists volunteers. 'who will go to the French frontier to help tba French with a guerilla- warfare. They have had several hundred recruits elnoe tha opening yester day, and people declare they will march within ten days. Scene' of enthusiasm en the Italian French frontier, where Italians, beg to be able, to enlist-In the ' French ranks are reported. , Bu( tha government so far starnly refuses to notice it, And reXareaoe to It Jn cables Is censored. POWERS WILL AID BELGIANS .TO'PAY ; GERMAN WAR LEVY '" 'tPontlrrtiad 'from Page bne.V ' from Oauad to lmdoatoUght and aald otrtha.aUuailoB 4hr:; "When I left OstenJ at 11 o'clock thla morning, the populao was much fright tehed. Tha British consul had departed aa. tourists, had 'been warned to"' leave. Tha wireless operators were still on duty, but Tiad. their motor cycles read to flee. Tha wireless stations have been mined so they can be destroyed when the Oermkni began tketr entrance. ' "All Americana are out of Ostend. It was generally believed our boat would bet the last out of Ostend, - "Refugees from Brussels' said It took seven hours for tha German troops to paaa through tha 'city. TVy estimated there were 85.000 of them. Most of them moved toward Ghent., but It was reported tbey were turning south. The Germans treated 'the Belgian kindly In Brussels. They-pat rlonlsed restaurant and paying foe their food with gold, saying to tae waiter, 'keep the change; w will get It as we march back : from Pari.'- Virtually every one who could get out of Ostend has done so. Not a Oerman soldier ha .. been seen there yet, and It ta 'doubtful whether there are any Prussians in Ghent." Germans Slaughter Own Men All Night ROMTB. (Via Parts), Aug. Jt-Thoe Trl buna today publWhe a telegram from a correspondent at tha front, who says that the Oerman retreat from Meulhauseo under the fir of tha French artillery be came tragedy.1-' It- was Impossible for the German to see from whence this fir came.. '''. Tha lateln'" forts on the Rhine, th cor respondent continues, seeing a body of German troops approaching In the night, mistook them for French and com menced filing on thorn. The mistake was not discovered untlf dawn. The German cannon had thundered all night long, making havoc among thalr own men. The people of tha region evacuated by tha dwmtiu -caane xui -te-welcome the French, .troops wlthFrench flake In their lisnds. crying at tha same time: To th Rhine." to the Rhine." I ' French Soldier Has Eleven -Bullet Holes SB TAftlS. Aug. a. On of a number of aoldjer brought back from th first at tack1 on Muelhauseh has no fewer than eleven bullet wound In hi body, but still la likely to recover. OFFICIAL. DENIAL OF THE ,LLNESS 0FJNC,S JOSEPH PARIS, Aug. Sl-. dispatch . to th Hava agsncy from Rom, say th eor respondent ha learned from an authori ty source that th Prlnc of Wted aa no left Durasso, Albania, but that two of hi son hav departed. ' A dispatch to th Hava agency from Rome, says the foreign offU ther de nies th report Jo circulation that It ha received new of th grav Illness of Em-tror-Krgs -Jos... . . . WAR DECLAEED BY JAPANESE ONGERMANY (Continued from I'age One ) posr, however, our government failed to receive an answer aiorptlng their advlre. It la with profound regret that we, in spite of our ardent devotion to the cause of pesce, are thus compelled to declare war, especially st this early period of our reign and while we are stilt In mourning for our lamented mother. "It Is our earnest wish that by valor of our faithful subjects peace may soon be restored and the glory of the empire ba enhanced." Herman? Knows f ftltnatloa. It was said at the embassy that the for mal declaration of w not ha delivered to Germany, partly be- cause of th difficulties of communlca- tlon and also because It we considered unnecessary. , Herman y. naving railed to return an answer within the time set by Japan's ultimatum, It was said, the declaration of war was automatic. Charge Itanlel von Halmausen of 'the German embassy received no formal noti fication of Japan's declaration, although he. learned of It unofficially, lie said he waa entirely without advice from Berlin., Does Not Want Klao (bow. KARU1ZAWA KYU, Japan. Aug. 21 (11:30 a. m.) Haburo hhlmada, a member of th opposition In parliament. In an ad dress here today before the summer colony, which Includes many Americans, said that he believed Japan had no desire to keep Klao Chow. He asserted that It waa Japan' policy to prevent a stlr-up in China. "Th retaining of Klao Chow," he said, "would mean the danger of a revolution In China and Incurring the ill-will of America. Japan Is appreciative of Ger many's contribution to Japanese civilisa tion, but I resentful becaure the kaiser first raised th cry of "yellow peril' and that Germany desired a combination to oust Japan from Port Arthur In lf5."- Crowds Cheer In Tnklo. ' TOKiO. Aug. a Th Imperial tran script declaring war upon Germany was Issued this evening. It officially Inaugu rate hostilities In th far east a a re suit of Germany failure to reply to the Japanese ultimatum. Cheering crowds assembled today be for th building occupied by th depart ment of foreign affairs and tha adminis tration of th navy. Thl evening ther were lantern procession through th streets. Th popular manifestations, how aver, do not approach th enthusiasm which preceded the war with Russia. Given Ills Passport. Count von Res, the German ambassador In Toklo, ha been handed hi passports. H probably will loav here for America either on th Minnesota, sailing August 27, or the Manchuria, which depart on August 29. George W. Guthrie, th Amer ican ambassador, will represent Germany. Th diet has been convoked In special esslon for September 8. Tb Austrian cruiser Kalserln Elisa beth, which latterly was at Tslng Tau. th seaport of Klao Chow, Is reported to hav alled. It perhaps will go to a neutral port and disarm. It I believed this action will keep Austria out of the war In th Orient, although unforeseen complication may force Japan to change It policy In th' - regard. No action has yet keen taker m tlv to Austria, and th forlq,(i: ha exptalneM' that Japan will. rm. . friendly to Austria, Unless Austria adopts . an attitude , which It regard a, offensive. Give RallroaA to America J It is- reported her that Orrmsny ha been' trying to transfer the Oerman rail road t In BhantUng, China, to America. Toklo believe, however, that United State, pursuing th policy of neutrality outlined by r resident Wilson, will not ccept the' offer. President Wilson's announcement of American neutrality ha greatly pleased tb Japanese. Autos Seized Are Paid for in Orders , , .on French Nation LONDON. Aug. U-A dispatch to the Times from Ostend, Halglum, say the present German lines extend from Tamlse, near Antwerp, southwsst through Puers and Zele, and thence southeast to Gosse lies and CharleroL la th two latter town there have been skirmishes. Automoblllst who have tried to get through th Oerman Una from or to ward Brussels hav had little success, most of them having had their cars con fiscated or taken apart or their tire cut to pieces. ; , In exchange for th oar seised th German hav given papers payable by tha French government, presumably out of th Indemnity which th German as pect to collect. Darius Miller Under Knife of Surgeon SPOKANE. Wsh.. Aug.i.-A telegram received. her last evenln stated that an operation was performed at It o'clock this morning at Glacier Park on Darius Miller, president of th Chicago. Burling ton dt Qulnry railroad. It I understood that appendicitis ws tha ailment The word cam from Louis W. Hill of th Great Northern. Th St Paul special train carrying members of th family and eastern physicians did not arrive In time fur the operation. Th patient 1 said to hav stood th hock welt WHOLE MILITARY FORCE OF SWITZERLAND MOBILIZED WASHINGTON,. Aug. 23. -At the Swiss legation her th following statement was made public today: "The 8wls federal council ha mobl Hied from th beginning, th whole mili tary force of Swltserland, the Elite, the landwehr and part of th landstrum, numbering together about SOO.OO men. The mobilisation Is not a result of a menae to Swltaerland, but merely a precautionary military measure. Th efficient training of the army and th careful war prepara tion -naU 6wttsrland to maintain the Inviolability of It territory." GERMAN HORSE BODY VIRTUALLY WIPED OUT LONDON. Aug. 2J.-A Central News dis patch from Amsterdam says that a larg detachment of Oerman cavalry suffered virtu! annihilation In the suburbs of Mallnea. Belgium, yesterday, afternoon. They were met suddenly by a squad of Belgians In motor car which wer armed with machine guns. Most of th Ger mans were killed. A handful rrenderd. ITALY EXPECTED TO DECLAREWAR SOON Indication of Acute Diplomatic Ten sion Existing; Between Vienna and Rome. AUSTRIA DELIVERS REPROACH Anaered Reran Faellltlea Afforded Allien Fleets la Adriatic Troops Are ooa to Mobilise. PARIS. Aug. 23.-(Vla London. )-Ther are Indications of acute tllolomaflc ten. ar probably would I slon between Vienna and Rome, accord ermany. partly be-' Ing to the eorrosDondent of th. f.n. J Parisian In the latter city. Austria, It Is , declared, reproached Italy for according I facilities to allien- fleets In the A.irUti,. and it la possible that a declaration of war between Italy and Austria will be announced early next week. Troops to Mobilise. The newspaper. Fclalr, says today It hs learned that August 27 has been fixed as the dete upon which the general Italian mobilization will le ordered. Italian Intervention Soon. MALTA. Aug. a (Vln London.) In fluontlnl Italians living here declare they have good reason to believe that Italian Intervention In the War In favor of Orcat llrltaln, France and ftuxsla, Is only a question of days. I'roclnnia tloa by Admiral. RDM K, Auk. 23 -(Via Parls.)-Th Ga xette of Venice has published what pur ports to be a copy of a proclamation prepared at Malta by Uie llrltlsh admiral and addressed to the cltlsens of Trieste. In Austria, in anticipation of the occupa tion of their city. The people of Trieste are assured that they will be saved from the rigors of war, und they are urged to resumq their commerce by sea. While the authenticity of this proola mat Ion has not been established, It li said to have made a very deep impression In Italy. Russians Blowup Putch Ship to Block a Finnish Harbor LONDON, Aug. tt-rThe Dally Tele graph's Rotterdam correspondent says the captain and crew of the Dutch steamer A I cor, which was sunk recently In the harbor at Hanrto, Finland, by the Russians, have returned to Rotterdam. Tha captain In an Interview said: "W were sailing for Kronstadt when we were stopped by two Russian torpedo boats on the night of July 31, a shot be ing fired across our bows. We were told we could not go to Kronstadt, but must go to Hango. I protested, but waa forced to comply. "When we arrived at Hango, a Rus sian officer cam aboard and told me I must take tho ship into the middle of the harbor and anchor. I protested because the A I cor was a neutral ship, but despite any protests the ship was taken out and blown up to block tha channel. I was told that th value of th ship would be paid to me when the war was over. "We were' given only half an hour to leave the ship before It was dynamited, Th Russian placed a larg charge of dynamite In th hold and this was set off by mean of an electric battery." Colonel's Son Heeds . Call but 'Does Nfct. Live to Return PARIS, Aug. 23.-(;45 a. m.)-Colonel Folque. commander of a division of ar tillery at th front recently needed a few men for a perilous mission and called for volunteers. 'Those who undertake this mission will perhsps never come back," he said, "and he who commands will probably be one of th first son of France to Ul for his country In this war." Volunteer were numerous. A young graduate of a military school naked for the honor of leading those who would undertake the mission. It waa the son of Colonel Folque. The latter paled, but did not flinch. Ills son did not come back. Papal Conclave " Will Not Meet Before September PARIS, Aug. 23. The corespondent at Rome of the Havas agency quotes the Messagero as saying that contrary to the assertion In certain newspapers the con clave to elect a successor to Pop Plus will meet August 31. The data of the con clave has not yet been fixed. It probably will not b before September 6. aa sev eral of the cardinal will not b able to reach Rome until then. Zeppelin Airship Is Shattered by the French Shells PARIS, Aug. 3-The Zeppelin airship No. t, according lp official announcement ; today, haa been destroyed by French' sheila at a point between Celle and Ba-! donvlller. The airship was coming from the direction of Straasburg. BadonvlUsr la In Meurth and Moselle, nineteen miles southeast of Lunevllle. MEXICAN STEAMER GIVEN PERMISSION TO GO TO SE PAN FRANCISCO. Aug. .-The Mexi can steamer Msiatlan. whose clearance papers from this port have been held up for several days because It was the .be lief of local federal authorities that It in tended to deliver 600 ton of sacked coal at sea to a Oerman cruiser, was per mltted to sail today. Its destination U Quaymas. Mexico. It was all ready to clear from instructions received from Washington by Collector of Port J. O. Davis. Get 1114 -f 1cr n.e-m.l.. Now Is th tlm to get rul f your rheu matlsra. You can do It if you apply ' Chamberlain' Liniment. W. A. Lock-' hard. Homer City. N. T.. write. "Last spring I suffered from rheumatism with terrible pain In my arm and shoulders I got a bottl of Chamberlain's Liniment ana th first application relieved me. By using one bottle of It I waa entirely cured." For ai by all dealer. 1 Germany Staking Its Destiny Upon Throw of the Dice fopyrlght. 1CM. Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Au 2T Xpeclal Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Ree.) I.iKien Mlllevoye, the French statesman, reviewing the war situation today, said to the World correspondent: "The e-slm sssiirance of my country men In this supreme hour rots upon Ir refutable facta of nature, which com pletely Justify this attitude. Now. on this twenty-second day of mobilisation, when the enemy had boasted he would take us by surprise, our entire military strength Is afoot and ahorse, prepared for great hattles and great emergencies. "While the Germans have gained Urus sels, our troops have obtained a firm footing at Muelhausen, and as the Ger man hordes are crossing th Meuae In mass, the tricolor of France floats from the frontier of Alsace to the bank of the Rhine. "In the north the shock must be gi gantic. It Is German's destiny and It Is unable to escape It. It has staked Us national life upon this auprem throw of the dice." ANDREW DAVIS DROPS DEAD WHILE AT TABOR TABOR, la., Aug. 2S --Special Tele. gram.) Andrew Davis of Whitinr dropped dead from .heart trouble oon after getting off a train here olv Mr Uavl and son. Elmer Davis of Omaha, came io see timer's ll-ytar-old daugh ter, who lives at the Faith Home Or phanage. After walking half a block from the depot. Dnvls staggered and fell. Death was Instantaneous. Th deceased was T years old, being a veteran of th civil war, Forty-aecond Missouri Infantry. He resided for some years at Nebraska City and Council Hluffs. before moving to Whiting. Four grown sons survive him. The body will De sent to Whiting fo.- burial. -V GERMAN CRUISER SINKS SHIP CARRYING OWN SUPPLIES IONDON, Aug. 23.-A dispatch received here from Buenos Ayres bv the Times says the annoyance caused by the sink ing of the British steamer Hyades by the German cruiser Dresden north of I'ninamhuco has been mitigated by the Information that It was under charter Dy a oerman rirm to carry corn to Rot terdam for Germany. Its cargo waa In sured attain! War risks and Iha Oerman firm has entered a nrotest against tne anion or me Dresden. Bllloasness and Liver Complaint quickly relieved by Dr. King New Llf 1111. Regulate th bowels, keeps stomach and liver In healthy condition. 25c. All druggist. Advertisement If lfnl He knows that when he puts his beer m light glass bottles and placards the . cas? "Keep this cover on to protect the beer from light" that he is deliber- . ately throwing on you the responsi bility of keeping it pure. ' Why should you take the risk? Beer is saccharine. The slightest taint of impurity ruins its healthfulness. Schlitz is made pure and the Brown Bottle keeps it pure from the brewery to your glass. See that Crown is mW&&2?Kt branded "Schlitz," Btt"u 0mh. Phone 4H y. Gerber. wi s. Mala 8L hat Made British Say Mines of Germans Danger to Neutral Shipping LONDON. Aug. 2-The British official news bureau makes the following an nouncement : "The admiralty draws attention to Its previous warning to neutrals of the dan ger of travers ng the North sea. The Germans are continuing their practice of scattering mines Indiscriminately upon the ofdlnsry trsde routes. "These mines do not conform to the condlt'ons of the Hague convention. They do not lwcome harmless after a curtain number of hours; they are not laid with a definite military schema, such aa the closing of a military port, or as a dis tinct operation against a fighting fleet, but appear to be scattered on the chance of catching Individual war or fnerchant vessels. "In consequence of this policy, neutral ships, whatever their destination, are ex posed to the gravest danger. The Danish vessels, the steamer Maryland and the steamer Broberg, have with'n the last twenty-four hours been destroyed by these deadly engines In the North sea. while traveling on th ordinary trade route and a considerable distance from the British coast "In addition to this It Is reported that two Dutch steamer clearing from Swed ish ports were yesterday blown up bj German mines in the Gulf of Flrjland. The most desirable furnished rooma are advertised In The Bee. Get a nice cool room for the summer. 1C iac THAR'S a lot A whether Germany or France or Russia's mens got the best equipment. But I reckon they've all got the same kind o' moth ers an' wives, an' them's th' ones that bears th' hurHpn. aftr oil The after dinner pipe of VELVET takes on an added Rweetnpsa now r'rio-rihs. when ft man realiVea tVii rua. ful blessings of home. VELVET, The Smoothest Smok ing: Tobacco, full weight 2 oz. M viuiig TEieBeeir iIivsiuEee Eight Thousand German Prisoners to. Southern France (Copyright, 1914. Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Aug. 2.1 (Special Cablegram to New York World nnd Omaha Bee.) Eight hundred refugees from Ostend ar rived at Charing Cross station tonight. But few of. them were Americans, the majority Belgians. According to the espe cially because of the storlea of German cruelty, which are widely circulated everywhere and magnified at each tell ing. The authorities at Ostend disarmed the civic guard to minimise trouble If the Germans arrived. There wer a, German prisoners at Ostend. at least utnll last night, for It Is believed that th ten channel boat present In Ostend hsrbor were filled with them last night and taken to th south ern coast of France. DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES MEET AT SOUTH OMAHA TODAY Governor Morehead and the candidates on tha democratic state ticket will meet at South Omaha Friday afternoon, when th Democratic Stat Editorial associa tion Is to hold forth. John M .Tanner Is president of the association, John W. Cut- right of Lincoln. Vic president, and K. A. Walrath of Osceola, secretary. Mr. Tanner and 'Henry Richmond are humping themselves to entertain the vis iting scribe, and it I planned to give of talk about tins, 10c. ' I,1C0 1 H .tIH' nvvu gvm aj$ fH 1 mm os them a dinner In the evening at th Exchange building. The business meet ing of the editors will be held at tb McCrann hall during the nrly afternoon, and plans for the campaign will be dis cussed. Congressman Dan Stephens and other prominent candidates will be present. ' Censorship Stops " War Correspondent Harry O. Palmer had hls plan all laid for goln to Europe to become a war correspondent. However, he has changed his plans.. Owing to the strict censorship applied to all war news matter sent out from Europe, Mr. Palmer . la convinced that there Is nothing In the business. He Is now In the east and will return to Omaha early in September. Teething Babies suffer in hot weather use HrSeVYInsfow'sSoothlng Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE K0T KARC0TIC AMISEMEMS. Osvotsd to Strictly Clean. Olassy MUaiCAX BUXI.XSQUB TVICE DAILYwmk Mat. Today YOU "SHOW HUNGRY" FOLKS Tour period of patient waiting Is over: the Fun Center is back on the Job for thirty-eight weeks. Just now the middle of the stag 1 held by OMAHA'S ED. LEE WROTH JkMB BIB ITB-WILCOKl Ginger Girls "''HIGSINS AT HOME" BSATTTT CHOm Or 30 GINGERY, SNAPPY MAIDS, 30 PEAR READER: Krom oup to nuU "The Gingrr -Clrlar dollver. It's too lata now (or our home-town kti to brtuf u a bid thow, o ht'i Just mid it hotter than Tr. Hare'i hoping tha other thirty-wren ahowa to come tq compare with E4's, g I. JOHN 8 N. Maoater Oftjwtf. lTulaff, andaj ft Holiday Mfttl,, 150 85o. 50o and 75c y.7klUTS. 15c and 25c Eo new sum It ou Mk. but no noktn. X.ABIES' la If AT ANT WEEK TICKETS vrl DAT MITIICS Bahy Carriage P.arsKe In the lx)l.ly rhone gUa ADTAKCSD TAT7DETXX.LX This Week AKWOX.B SAZ.T la "How He Lisa to Bar Husband", by Cteoxg Bar sard Bhaw. Other axU: "The Three Tpa.'' Klmberlr fj Moore. Oartmell Har lia, Alexander MeFed jrn. Uarie i-'eato, thm aveebacka. Pr.ce Mat., Gallery. IV; heat eeeti. exeep Fat. qrday and Sunday, ic, aliht. l"c. too, toe. 7 o. BASEBALL HO US KB Fill. h r a MM - M a r J TJTtm IBIilElJIil S APOLLO I Up ) Player Pianos I Most Perfect. V if We also have the $298 V ijj kind. I 11 a. nosrE CO. Z . I VV 1313 Douglas Street, -i 1 Omaha. Omaha vs. Lincoln AugTist i3d, i4ta, gath. art is Two CKuaa Boaday. Aag-asi add. 1st called at P. ac c Btoaday. Aagmst M, X.adle J1W 1 Cams aU4 i f M.