9 t Nebraska MOREHEAD TALKS OF FIGHT Governor Makes Speech Before Lancaster Democrats. PRAISE FOR AIL BUT BEBGE Former I'opnllat Statesman oraes la lor Some v rr Criticism oa the I'nrt of Ilia P iprllracr. irrom a Staff rnrres)onlrrt LINCOLN. Auk. 22 (fine. lal.i- tlov , , ernor Morrread vu the h-ndllnf-r st the meeting of tho LsncaMer County l'rnio tratle club at the Llndcll huti-l today. The governor made one of the bept speedira of hi life, tourhing upon na r tlntial issue and finally covering state " matters quite thormishly. He eald It was no time for demtxrnts to think slmut their troubles and oppose ramllrlstrs who did not think Jut as they mlpht think. ' "If either of my opponents had hi-en f nominated I would have taken off my coat and helped them got elected." ali he, "and I etpeet that they will ilo the , . aame thing with me." It noticed, however, that tientgo AV. Hence was nut present, who up to thla time baa failed to ronftrntiilate the guv-t-rnor on hla fenomlnatlon. While not S calling Hergw hy nnrae or alluding In any way to hla campaign, the governor very severely criticised melhrxlK used by llciae In trying to discredit the laet legislature and the governor for not vetoing appro priation. He alio paid a glowing trlhute to "HIU". Mryan aa tha girate.it democrat the state had ever known and to Wood row Wilson na the greateat president who ever sat In the presidential chair. While not referring to Kenalor Hitch lock by name, the governor aald that democrats ought not to rrltl-lse any offl--- rial who intent not thing tha way ' the preaident did, but who were doing good service for tha country. W. H. Thompson also- received much credit for being a loyal democrat. "Lockjaw" for' (aariUmen. ' Ucneral I'hll Hall has rocelved a com munication from the War department calling attention to a, request made by Preaident Wllaon that nil members of tha National Ouardn, oflrers and men, alike, and a Up pC the imt'onkj forcea, should refrain rom In any way discussing .tha political and war situation In Europe, consequently what, the National Guard Officers at headquarters know about war In Kuropa la withheld ftom publication. Rearla Play Host. According to letters received by Lin coln candlilatea (or the republican nomi nation for congrcaa from Frank Iteavla, 'Who landed the place, Mr. Iteavl will aiitertaln the bun h of looser at the Lincoln hotel next Tuesday evening at o'clock. T a guotUa will Include Craw, trdl Kennedy, AsulKtant Attorney Oen jlaljKVank Kdgertoa, rUate Hucpilntenil iit Ijgtiiea K. Tclioll, (ieorgj Tobey, "tlharles C. Marshall of NebfaiVa City. V"llajV W; Anneal of Dunbar and njathe-" Uerlug of riattamouth. It U not known whether the compact entered Into at the begUinli, that, the success ful republican 'candidate should entertain hla leave unfortunate brethren Included the bull mouse ramlMatr, Mr. l.yfora, wlio after dcaertlng the prt, Jigged arlc enough to claim 1 waa g republi can and alas filed for the nomination, or Hot, ! . t. P. Will (nint. iTha -Missouri Pacific railroad has served notice en tha Btato Hallway com mission thai. It will contest the right of the commission to make a reduction In freight-raitaai ag put. lit effect by Its celebrated order Wo. . - f Tha Burlington Railroad company has aaked the permlaaton of the railway com raiaalon to carry free of charge a car of agricultural exhlb.ta from tbe state uut--varsity ' agricultural farm U different cpunly falra IbioughouL the state whero they will i uluord on eahlhltion. Tha request rbas been granted. M ill Traoaporl Ktklblla. The Burlington baa also asked for a re hearing oh the order of the commis sion reducing rates oil Ice from Maywood and Curtis granted at the request pf the Orel MUUng company which has ice j)laau at both of the above points. Wet Aaplraata Rpeat. ,Lan4 ' Commiasloncr kteckman had no opposition for the republican nomination lor laad comrntsaloner and conaequently pent' nothing to land. W. 1L Smith, who also bad no opposition for the nom inatloa for state auditor on the demo, if atle ticket, being a newspaper man, Jiad so, much nioney that be actually threw away $57 S&. a'.' J. Broatch. can. dldatf for' state treasurer, and W. T "Willa. candidate for attorney general, both on the bull moose ticket, spent nothing They got nothing. George W. Ayera, a candidal for attorney general op tha republican ticket, ran a good see. Kid to Sears of Omaha and spent I121Z6. Th. national bank at Wolbach ha (-tanged to a Stat bank under the name of th Bank of Wolbach, with a capital of W.OuOl W. T. Ault la president g.td W. Jl Sowtckf' cashier. Agreenaent milk Board., 'State -Auditor Howard has won out la bis contention with th Hoard of Control that he had no right to draw warrants da funds transferred by the board from it mtsoellancous fund In a lump sum of So.orj t0 the superintendent of tha girls' Industrial school at Qeneva. and thla morning an agreement was reached whereby the amouat needed could be drawn on vouchers direct from th mis cellaneous fund of the board. - Ketea frnaa- Table Rack. TABLE HOOK, Neb., Aug. C (Spe cial.) Fifteen 'car loaded With booetei for tho Table Rock carnival, accom panied by' the Table Rock band, left here Friday morning for a trip to the neigh bolng towns, 12k Creek. Tocumaeh, feltelnauor, Pawnee City, I'uBois. Bern, Kansas, Dawson and Humboldt, return, lag her about p. m. Th dates for tbe carnival are August 21, ts. a. A motorcycle eolUclua occurred her oa the street Ut evening, just after dark. In which th wheel of Andy Buman was ruined, and L. O. Tud. the party riding tha other suffered a fractured elbow and tbe loea of the end of one of his fingers. Both were going at a high rate of speed, aud both were w ithout lights. ' ' - . Handle. Th Mum Worker-Tou )ook like a very Worthy rk,n. 'The Flattered One Oh. I'm all right, rv am. I manage u get along liral rate. Ujiin I got nubooy to support. I'm a single oinan". Clelan4 1'Uua Dealtr. Nebraska. NEW FEATURES THE FAIR Nebraska College of Agriculture Will Hare Big; Exhibit. WILL GIVE SERIES OF LECTURES Department of Aarlrultnral Knal nrerlna; W III Hate farmstead Plans on Dlsplti Me ana for lam, MXCOLX. Neb., Ana. Ci - (Hperlal l-A brand new feature for the etate and sev eral county fairs In the form of an ex hlbit la being aent out this a"aaon by the Nehraaka Collere of Arrlrjituro thiouah tha agricultural extenalon service. The exhibit la housed In a tti ln feet, In which are Included (he dleplnya of the varloua riepartnienta at the unlveralty farm. Many applications wrre made by the aerretarlea n! the county falra. biit owing I to the fart that the fairs ore In a led over widely dlatrlhuted dlstrb'ta. only llmlte.1 funda are avallablo unil fiilr ditea are n , cloae together, the following rountlea. aalda from the state f;;lr. were aeleeted: Clay, Kaundera, and York. Klllmore, Nemaha, Uage Tapirs Tooch rocket book. Topics tliat touch the pucketlMiok c!oaext have been aelei led, as. for Instance, the ' i aeltkng arlde or one day for lecturea'on hog iholeia prevention snl the vncelna- tlon of hoga. Dr. Chnrlca M. Pay, field i veterinarian for the l.lve Htock hitnltaij board, and Ir. John J. I.intner of the i I'nlted ftatea liepartmept of Agriculture j and connected with the department of I pathology ,,t the unlveraltv farm, ve. charge of this work. The hog sntmsl will hs cholera feature lasts but one day; the remainder of the exhibit may be seen throughout the week. Another feature Is the be? a' and girls' day. A cannln demonstration will be given by a specialist, and explanations will be made regsrdlng the nature of the work of the hoys' and girls' clubs of Ne braska, lnatrui'tlon In tying many kinds of knots and In the braiding and splicing of ropes will be furnished. Hoya who de aire are Invited to bring about S rents worth of small rope In order to take part In the eaerclaes. Talks on the selection of corn and potatoes for seed will be given. A milk end cream testing demon stration Is also expected to be added Plaaa for Farmstead. The housewife may aee the plana for hj moat convenient farnihoiixe adapted to present day condition". This exhibit Is made by the Ivpartment of Agrlcul tuial Engineering. It also includes cross sections of dlfCercnt types of carburetors, magnetos, oilers and other Important parts of Implements that are s'lupted to exhibition purposes The work In csr pentry and the forge chop of the stu dents In the college and university school of agriculture will be Illustrated by speci mens. ' ... ' Tbe department of -dairy husbandry w ill exhibit .chart" showing '. the -relative value ami coat "o I different rations .or dairy stock, the qualities tp be sought In building up the dairy herd, tine com parative value of milk with other foods and pictures of conditions that lead to sanitary milk production. The proper method for keeping rali-y records and the sort of equipment heeded on the modern idalty will be shown. - What to Bat. The h.ime economics department has listed the foods that may be served at different or.sts and a dletsry for 'children and Invalids. Many samples of fabric, aa well as the tests that may be applied to them to tell their real quality, will be shown. Articles of clothing, house deco ration and furnishings mede by the girls of the department may also be Inspected at the fairs. For the llortlcaltarlat. i If one has any doubt aa to the nature I of the Injury that Is being done to one s I orchard by Insects and fungi, or does not j know the remedy, for them, one may find i specimens show lug the nature of the In- jury aa eij aa)l" of sprays and pictures f , Spraying shown by the de, paitmrnt of (horticulture. The right and wrong methods ,of pruning, the proper methods of training young trees and vines are fo lb Included. The agrlqultural x tension service Is represented by the entire exhibit Itself, as It la this department that la assisting the county, fair management and oo. operating with the other departments at the university farms' In making the edu-, cational feature possible.' ' Twn Weddl.a Anniversaries. WEEPING WATER, Nob;. Aug. H.-(Speclal.)-The fortieth wedding anniver sary of Dr. and Mr. M. M. Butler, pio near cltlaena, was celebrated Wednesdsy. It was the sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mr. 8, J. Nlchola. an tged coupla of th town, ao Dr. Butler sent an automobile for them and they war taken to th Butler home to Join In th featlvl tie. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols are 12 and S3 year old. respectively. Greatest Event in Woman's Lifo All human. motherhood as th wonder of wonders, Th patience, th fortitude, th sublime faith during th pertod of expectancy are second only to the mother loe bestowed vi po a the most helpless but most marvel ous creation -a baby. Women ar quick to learn from each other those helpful .agencies that aid ta comfort, that conserve their nervous ' energy and yet ar perfectly safe to use and among thee they recommend "Mother Friend." It I entirely an external application i designed to lubricate the broad, flat J muscle and skin that nrotect tha abdomen. It has been In favorable use for nearly half a century and la known to mother In almost every settled com munity In th Vnlted Bute who highly recommend It. You will find It on sale tn drug store. "Mother Friend" I utterly harmless, contain no deadening drug and yet It influence In tie skin and muscles beneath as also vnon tha network of nerve beheath the skin la very beneficial, very aoothirg and a wonderful help. Th nni-V.ct expand sturslly sad r sot sub'-c-f J ta uanso esaary aurfar strata sad ptlo. Uet a bottle of "Mathir s Friend" to day at any a rug store snd writ to us for our Instructive little book to mothers. Address Brsdfleld Rerulatur Vw., 411 lur Bld., At. tuts, 0. Nebraska THREE TOTS BURN TO DEATH Farm Home of Herman Thole of Mc Cook Totally Destroyed. MOTHER WAS DIGOINO POTATOES l.lam-e at the Hnme Reveals It It Flames, bat Mother t'omea Too I. ale to are Her (kllsrea. Mot'UOK. Neb.. Aug. rf.-erial Tfle gram The thiee amnll children of Mr. j and .Mr. Herman Thole, on a farm south west of McCook, were burned to denth yesterdsy ufternoon when the farm home was destroyed by fire. The cnlldren ranged in ege between 6 month! and 4 yeara. The fire occurred within eight of the mother, lira. Thole, who was digging potatoes In a patch some distance from the houae. 8he did not nel-e that the houre was on fire until th lihire was almost consumed, and It wia far I u late to reae.ie the children. Tli fgllig! was In Met ook a', the time. Mrs Iholo had ben baking bread and it is seeumed that the fire caught from an overheated stove pipe or chimney, j While she wss baking bread the three lllt'.le children were playing In the bed- room. While her bread was baking the j mother left the houae to dig potatoes In a nearby Held preparatory to getting dln- tier for the children. rilan:iig back at the house once by j mere chance, she discovered I he whole I building In flames. With a shriek she ran lonar'J the house, but when she 1r",c,,r,J lUrr th " "Iready fall, ,he building wss all but con- Neighbors came at once and the charred bodies of the children were recovered. The bodies were taken to McCook where preparations will he mode for the burial The mother was utterly helpless from the effect of her unspeakable grief. Phe was Placed In a hospital In McCook for treat, nient. There Is danger of her mind being permanently effected by the pressure of grief. ' DEATH RECORD. Joha SI. Mfessaer. MIXDEN,' Neb.. Aug. 22. (Speclal.) .lobn B. Messner was burled yesterdty at Hartwell, Neb., his former home. Mr. Messner wss a well-known man over this psrt of the stale and a veteran or the civil war, being a member of the Ninety, second Illinois Volunteer Infantry, known aa one of the fighting regiments of Kher man'a famous army that marched to the sea. He took part In the battles of Look out mountain, Missionary Kldge and Illngold Gap. He leaves a widow, a brother and a host of friends. Mrs. I,oa Praaey. Fl'I,I,ErtTON, Neb., Aug. O.-tPpec lal.) -Mrs. Lou Penney of this city died this morning at her home after an Illness of several months of heart trouble. Phe was the widow of the late 8eth H. Pen ney, a pioneer merchant of Fullerton, who died about six years ago at Iong Beach. Cal .the is survived by a son, Chester Hprrler. a merchant of Madison; three stepsons an da stepdaughter, Mrs. N. N. Barber, also a brother, Henry Mlsner, of University Place. Phe was 68 years of age. THE ROAD IS NOW OPEN TO: The Largest and Most Complete Line of Tires and Accessories in the West IT'S THE PLACE To Get Real Service Highest Quality and Full Value for Every Dollar Make Them Count Now TELL YOUR WANTS TO: Western Automobile Supply Co. E. A. Pegau, President. L C, Kohs, See. and Treai. 1920-1922 Farnam Street : THE BEE'S EXPOSE OF LEGALGRAFT WINS (Continued from Page One.) they and their associates did not feel thst way about It, may be gathered from the fact that tbe series of articles was published by The Bee on May SI, June 1 and June 2. while tho Utiles A Dovaney surrender wss dated June S It was shown In these original article which received wide distribution that In two yeara a group of lawyers had brought nearly 400 cases, aggregating about , .70.000 m claims against a dozen rnllroads, thst these i sac" were gath ered from a dozen states by any means of solicitation the Ihwyeta mw fit to employ and that tbe burden of the ex. r-nee of lit'gatlon fell, of course, on the Minnesota taxrayers, centering chiefly In the Twin Cltlea. It was shown further that legal ethics, If not the law. Itself, was disregarded In the desperate chase for business. Litera ture of nil sorts wss sent broadcast, em ploye of railroads were hired as agents to spy out and turn In cases to theae lauveis and solicitors and. in somo In stances. le Hirers were sent forth over many Mates to exploit the virtues and advantages of tho business anything to get the goods. The Dee's Finding ton firmed. The ethics committee of the Bar asso ciation confirms all those disclosures made by The Itee. It finds that th "business has grown to be very form Idsble end crgnnlzed." A reading of this repoit Ik Interesting aa reciting most of the v Hal details and even figures com prising The Hoe's statements. As fore-is.-ted, this committee recommends the enactment of drastic laws by the next JilrineBota legislature us the cure. It Is nt content to take the word of the lionorutile lawyers who have built up the 'iueHtlonable business that they will quit it. In view of the fact that the Minne sota hiipreme court has recently held In a test case that tho district court has no legal right to refuse to hear non resident business of this character. Then the court pointed out: If It were the policy of this state evi denced by decisions of Its courts, or fixed by statute, to closo Its courts both aa to citizen plaintiffs and non-oltlsen plain tiffs, eguinat sucb transitory causes of action for torts committee In othor states, a refusal to entertain Jurisdiction would not violate tho constitution. Model Laws Proposed. Model lawa already drafted and pro poaed for Minnesota embody provisions written Into the statute books of Texas, Maryland and New York, which have had similar situations on a smaller scale to deal with. It Is believed, the Minnesota legislature will not resist the demand for such legislation. So long as the business could be kept In darkness. It flourished unmolested, but when The Bee came1 across this condition and turned tho searchlight full upon It, that moment Its doom was sealed. ) The story was one of general Interest, simply because If such an abuse could exist in one state It could and would, If unmolested, spread to other states. A cogent reason why the Minnesota legislature Is apt to take action la that the taxpayers, having had their atten tion called to It. will object to continuing to foot the bills for cases arising outside of their state and Involving litigants out side of their state. i Naprrfluona to Rehearse. In presenting the case to the Minnesota Efficiency and Koonomy commission the opera moip NAMED BY WILSON TO SUCCEED M'REYNOLDS. A V r ..4 .-,...., ' . ; ' .-'V V-le t- . v. I . ' " ' '-' a -, I V f it.?-;? ;- I GREGORT. WASHINGTON. Aug. 23-It was the special knowledge gained by T. W. Oregory, who was named a special as sistant attorney general In charge of the New Haven Investigation by Attor ney General McReynolds, that led di rectly to his nornintton by the presi dent to succeed McBeynolds when the latter Is elevated to the supreme court bench. Oregory is CS' years old, a native of Mississippi and was admitted to the Texas bar In lftft'. chairman of a Joint committee stated In the course of his report: I enclose a reprint, beelnnlnir at Daa-e 30 of the pamphlet, of three articles pub lished In The Omaha Bee of May 31, June 1 and June 2, 114, in which the faots in relation to this business are set forth with such fullness that it would be su perfluous to rehearse them here. Maryland, In combatting this character of litigation, enacted a law providing: No action shall be brought or main tained In any court of this state for dam ages arising from personal injuries, re sulting In death or otherwise, unless the aaid injuries were inflicted or occurred and the cause of action arose In this state. It Is proposed to engraft that into the Minnesota law. Another provision taken from the Texas law require trial In the county In which the case arose or In which the plaintiff resided at the time. The ethics committee report Is signed by Lorin Cray of Minneapolis, former dis trict Judge, chairman; P, J. McLaughlin, St. Paul; James E. Jenks, Kt. Cloud, sec retary of the State Board of Law Exam iners; William A. Lancaster, Minneapolis, former district Judge. Clean Bandaares '' Don't have to be used very often when you use Bucklena Arnica Salve safe, sure and heals quickly. 25c. All druggist. Advertisement. l naifiSfic i :i T. W Sf TV" the people at home. You can do it all. No dark room. Simple all the way. Let us show you. The Robert Dempster Company 1813-15 Farnam Street. 308 South 15th St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. You "AUTO" Stop at ISth and Farnam Streets I FARNAM AT Tourist and Sojourner will Ha ton, f 1.00 per day. Fr West Farnam Street Is Repaved and Is Open for Business , AfUr having beon cload for several rks. Farnam street, from Seventeenth west. Is acalo opa to traffic. And with th opening come a new pavement, asphalt bavins; beet, laid- The new pave, ment la apparently In rood condition anV It being- put down Is hailed with Joy by the merchant and other along th thor- I aughf are. With the laying of the new paveirwnt ' ion Farnam, this ts now th most popular j thoroughfare leading Into and out of th I j etty toward th west It is th outlet of ! CARDINALS HOLD MEETING None Present Strong Enough Break the Fisherman's Ring. to IT IS SCRATCHED INSTEAD Will of the Late Pop Provides for Maintenance of Four llaadred Ortkas Children .Cardinal Meet I .eatember. ROME, Aug. 21. Delayed In transmis sion.) Twenty-three cardinals met late today In the first congregation of car dinals to arrange the temporary :ovrn ment of the church and prepare for the conclave In September when a successor to Pope Plux X will be elected. Cardinals Martlnelll and PI Petro were III and unable to be present. Car dinal Serapln Vannutelll. dean of the sacred college attended, but being In capacitated by an Indisposition, his duties were performed by Cardinal Agricultural' Agrldill. After taking" the oath to main tain secret their discussion, "even to the shedding of blood," the cardinals per formed the traditional ceremony of break ing the fisherman's ring. The rite, how ever, was not literally carried out. Ac cording to the rules of the sacred college the ring should be broken and later reset and presented to the new pope. Hlnar la Identified. Today .after each of the members pres ent had Identified the ring, It was found that none had the strength to break It. even though a hammer was employed. Aid wss not at hand, as Cardinal Delia Volpe had not permitted the presence of any one except the cardinals, and the latter finally decided that the symbolical ceremony would be properly observed If the symbol of office u scratched. This W'as done. It is learned that the testament of the late pope provides for the malntalnance of about too little ones made orphans by the earthquake as Messina and Calabria In 1908. Tho pope's sister, Anna, who collapsed when the pontiff died, was bet ter today and Inquired about the arrange- I ment for the funeral Saturday, She In sisted on kneeling in bed to pray for the departed soul. The outer walla of all the churches are placarded with notice from Cardinal r-ompin, vicar general of his holiness stating that the chamberlain had given him officially the sad new of the death of Plux X on Thursday and Instructed him to notify all the faithful that the bells In all the churches be tolled for one hour at sunset m.. i wiurr - """j ' ivi on Saturday. The clergy also are directed to say masses for the late pontiff "recommending his blessed oul to Ord Cass Fsrori Home. Sons. vtufc.ri.vo WATER. Neb.. Aug. 22.-1 (Special.) Cass 'county stood loyally by i It candidate for state treasurer. J. M. i Teegarden, In the primaries of Tuesday! j giving him some 620 vote to Himer't I ninety-five. In his home city but one ' vote was cast against Mr. Teegarden. The j county also stood well by Matthew Ger- I ing. giving him 336 votes to hi nearest competitor' ninety-seven. Kcinlpnieot to Franklin, WEEPING WATER, Neb.. Aug. 22 - (Special.)-Prlnclpal Mitchell of Franklin academy. Franklin, Neb., was here this week collecting furniture, sclentlflo ap-1 paratus and other equipment from the Weeping Water academy, which closed j Its doors after commencement last June and donated a part of It equipment to I the lster chool at Franklin. Let the 0BAEC help you to recall the places you visit and the friends you make. Mail Velox postals to ii . PIEL'S riZ ISId ST. enjoy our Restful Room Tub and Shower Bath. Come and See the New Fall Goods in Jardinieres and other or namental plant and flower containers. The Morgan-Shawler Flower Shop 1903 FARNAM ST. th Unooln lllghaay, the main route of travel to .JOine oi the country clubs, ex tending through a portion of the best res:dem dislritt of the city. 1 Annnal Fraternal Plrnle. WEEPINU WATER. Neb.. Aug. 12. (Ppeclal.) Th annual fraternal plcnlt will be held here August 27. Matthew Orlng cif Plattsniouth will be speaker of the day and one of the other epeclal at tractions will be a base ball game be. tween the Cass County Base Ball league rivals, Avoca and Manley. The Real I.oas. Clerk Lost a' parcel of poems? Can't you write 'em over again? Poet Yes; but there was a ham sand wich wrapied up In It. ON FACE SPREAD RAPIDLY Ran Up to Ear. Blotch of Pimples. Itched and Swelled. Used Cut! cura Soap and Ointment. In Two Months Trouble Gone. Uranton, Wla "My slater bad a very bad, deep, wet, running sore on tbe side of ner face and It ran up to her ear. It com menced with a small blotch of pimples which turned Into a kind of rash and spread rapidly. It itched and looked red and sore for some time and slightly swelled. A thla fluid dripped and ran from the sores which looked like water. Then the swelling would go down and It would keep on spread lug. It bothered her during sleep and she would be restless. It was a kind of ecxeraa. "She treated for some time and it did not help her. It kept spreading larger and deeper. Bavlng always used Outlrura Soap we told her to try It so she got some Cuttcura Soap and Ointment and used them. She washed the sore every day with the Cuttcura ' Soap and applied the Cutlcura Ointment three tunes a day. It was two month when It was entirely gone." (Signed) Mia Emma Retzloff, Apr. 7, 1914. i Samples Free by Mail ( Although the CuMeura Soap and Olnt- I tuent are most successful In the treatment ! of affections of the skin, scalp, hair and ! hands, they are also most valuable for every-j day use in the toilet, bath and nursery be- I i th7 fTomat maintain the health : tne,kln halrfrom Infancy to age. Cn- ; I P o Otat. I (fl0 ) . wery where. Sample of each ! i Matllau s-Mi J t w o rn i . . ... - .'sa,saa AUU1XVS , posv-card "Cutlcura, Dept. T, Boston." 150 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT . Every Kind, Yours, Too, $1.00 Per Month r and up. Delivery Free. CENTRAL TYPEWRIT ER EXCHANGE, (Inc.) 307-309 South 17th St. Phone Douglas 805. JJ'll U M HM wwj ii iiyusji siaWl HOTELlI A.NU tlMMCH KtOSOHls. WHEN YOU COME TO dhtrago Why sol p st s hotel wtm ro ran ha rry caanaimca. ba caasfonsUs sad Si cIsm si Stop at tha AttiMtiirwttt Known th world over O Michigss A teas, Cliicsm's moA attrsel tve boulefsrd. Unobibudea siew oi Qtsat Psik ad Lake Michigss. UniiT tiled at Susimnand Wistei hotel. Withia are minutct' walk ol Federal Building, th leading theatres, and butiaeu centra. Recent impeoTemeati ads at a coA exceeding $300,000. Caisia and servic unescalUd ROOM RATES Stssls Rtwa lot peraoa t .50. 2.00 sad i.Mpsidar. Dsuble Haom for Iwa craoat ti SO. 1.00 aad 4 J pet Jar. Siatw Rooaa with bats fgc as penoa $2 40, J.00. 3.J0 sad 4.00 pat da. Don hi. Room wtta bath Ut rw panaat M 00. 5.00 aad 6.00 pat daf. iowmrc" Horn, nukim laiimua, ato WS. Shajtr, Managtr 'fir to ksVXkual RASH 4tt Hsdii . - 1 r itt't r ' r -.wifii'iftir,- Vl-'i":.tg'.l' N H IP' if- ' i .,.t '1 ( t'-tWr"tJf s ' " ' "-ft II I I IIMf Wh sal o st s hotel wtms o ran hao " "( -,'t ,'' .awwMM ...iiwipi aw 'Aft' 1