I'HE BKK: OMAHA. NATL' If DAY. Al iLST 22. 1!U. THE. OMAHA DAILY BEE FOfNnKD BY EDWARD ROpEWATKR. VICTOR ROSKWATEH. EDITOR. Th Bee PuMlanlng Company, Proprietor. nr.K PU1LP1XU. FARNAM AND BK Vf XT KKNTH ".ntsrl at Omaha )otoff;r no srnnd-clsrs mattsr. TKK.M9 OK wn(l irni SundMT Tllv ttlmut fuinlri)-I-Tvsn'nr n. Sun.'av. T-'vstiin ltliont S'md-y... Si'inrlay P" nnl Snd notji if Km.' i-f Irregularity In dllry to ltrpartnisr.t. PtHSrRlPTK'N. Hv mr pf tlHTtll. Slid, rt lt Ornals Py inn 1 1 rr IS ' 4 ' g.-st 4.irt ir i ornrialnts of tire. Circulation ...v. ...3nC. P.F.MITTAM K. Rsmlt V draft, rrprfa , t pn.ni r'lUr fmy two. rsnt Mumps rsl 1 In p vriint of small c coums frrnonal rh(H. sxipt on Omaha and sastsrn tirtisngs. not aerspt'd. nvf-wr.9 OmsisTh Rulldlna fnuth dnnb-i"1t N tn-'t inum-ll Ulnf ff 14) Nrth Msln atrft Mnroln-J t.lttl Hiiitlln. fhlf bb-I IWarst ftutMing .w Vfirk-Himin IN. .. Pifth avatins. St 1niilf f03 Nr Hun' of I'miiwnf. XVasMnslon T-S Knurtrsnih Rt.. N. W. .'(RRKPOMKNCH. Adflrss romni'intrmlrna rststln to ri ami sdt. tortel matter to Omaha Hss. .Editorial Department. For a Short Ballot. While the recent primary la still frcih la I mind. The He urges tbe absolute necessity for I Immediate steps to ahorto the ballot. Onr bien nial elwtlons have riven us two elections In one, ao that the voter here in Omaha eierclslng Ma full right of suffrage hit Just been com (died to make fifty-eight trots marks down a strip of paper nearly five feet lone. Two years hence, with presidential preference to record, national convention delegate to select, presi dential electors, I nited States senator and judges to nominate, thirty-three additional cross marks will be required, calling upon the. voter In the 1014 primary to record from eighty five to ninety choice, the only variable being the number of constitutional amendments sub mitted. Clearly this Is a load which will break down our machinery of popular elections unless uulckly lightened. 7T' ZX In Other Lands War on Prices maintain that the war Justifies charging; the hiushokler i a basket There Is aa much taxon fur putting up the prtce of reaches as of wheat. 52,328 gists nf NVrala. tYnnty of rfttgias. aa. I'wlaht Wlllta-ns. t Irrulntlon iniini'r of Tha a Publishing company, blngr duly worn, save that th avers daily circulation fur tha month of July. JMI. a DWlCiliT XV I I.I.I A MS, riniiliitim Manas". ftilrrlhpd In niv )ii-ini mi't nui.rn to bf,)i tne, thia 4Ui dav "f Ahjhk, ROEl;HT HUN'TKIt. Notary rublic. guhcrilrre leaving tno rltjr temp!)rarily liottld bare The Ilee malleU to tbera. Ad dretM will b changed as often as requested. A short ballot lias become an Imperative necessity for Nebraska voters. Tb bull moose proved to be a very doclla animal In the late Nebraska primaries. Well, If the opposition of The Oec helped him so much, he really ought to thank us for It. In war, as In other things, the unexpected sometimes happens, but the expected much more often. If there is any more comfortable place to be In time of war than In Omaha, we cannot find It on the map. The French are Indeed beset with the woes of war, now that one has been started on the rartslan dress styles. If, aa la claimed, the United States has no generally accepted national anthem, bow would ' Hdme, 8weet Home," do? If finally dissolved, what will be tho effect on the Harvester combine? Will It or will it not, sow and reap In the same old way? The marriage of Mies Rocks and Mr. Uold burg of New York ought In Itself be sufficient to keep the pantry from going bare for k little while at least. As the first step toward a short ballot, The Dee proposes submission by the coming legisla ture of the following amendments to our state constitution : Article 111, Xertlon (Oni'is; legislative Ap p.,ittonment ) The lslt'ir ahull at ita first ifgilai fusion sftr "h enumeration of the In hnhltsnt of the state made hy tha authority of the I'nltrd fltutes, but at no othr time, apportion the Ftnatore end rppt entntiva cofdlng to the num ber of Inhabitants evrtitdlna Indians not taxed, and aoldlers and officers of the t'nlted Htatea army and navy: i.roi-tdd no d 1st i let shall hava more than one senator jr one representative. Arthle V, fie. Hon 1 (Officers; Tarma; ltl dence Tha exefutlve drartment shall consist of a governor, lieutenant Roxernor and three railway commissioners to he elertd hy the people, and a secretary f state, auditor of rubttc accounts, treas urer, superintendent of publlo Instruction, attor ney geneiwl, comm'esloner of public lands and buildings snd three commlsstonere of state Institu tions to be sppnlntsd by the governor and con firmed by the state senate. Kacept as otherwlsr herein provided, the elertlve esacutlva officers shsll eat-h hold hla office for the term of two jears from tha first Thursday after the first Tues day In January next after his .eleotlon. and until his successor Is etecl1 and Qualified, and the appointive executive state of flee is shall each hold his office for the term of two yesrs from tha first Thursday after tha first Tues.lsy In February from hla appointment, and until his successor Is ap pointed and qunllflcd. All exerirtlvn stata offi cers, except the lieutenant governor, shsll reside at the sent .of government during; their terms of office, and keep the rublic records, hooks and papera there, and perform such duties as may he required by Isw-. '" Hertlon , (8ihdule.) lai'Arlkla V. section 1 aa amended ahall become effective at the expira tion of the terma cf the Incumbents of the re spective offices ending In the year and all offlcera affected thereby shall continue In their offices until their succeaaoia are duly cheeen and qualified. (0 The first legislative redletrlctlng; aa herein provided shall be made by the legislature at Its next session after tha adoptWin of thia gmsnd-meut. Every day a new plan la proposed for cir cumventing war In the far east. It Is simple enough unless Japan is predetermined to have war at all baxards. It looks like three, and possibly four, Omaha nominees on the republican state ticket. Who aald anything about an up-state prejudice against tbe metropolis? Too many of these "mysterious" shooting turaprg fall of unraveling. Let ua get at the secret of some of them, and see If It will not help to reduce the number. The president of the republic of Mexico now la Veauatlano Carranxa. But Mexican presi dents have been coming and going go uUen of late that it 1" not easy to keep track of them. War, like politics, makes strange bed fellows, as witness the honorable tnlkndo on tbe side of his whilom enemy, the cxar. Yet thts Is little more anomaloua than England's alliance with Russia. A few words will aufflce to explain what these amendments would ' accomplish. The change In legislative apportionment would re duce the number of candidates for state senate and state representative to be voted for on any ballot to one each instead of as now In this county five state senators and twelve state rep resentatives, and would, furthermore, make it uniform throughout the state. By the one-to-a-dlstrlct plan, which prevails In many states, each member of the legislature would .have a definite constituency of hla own to watch he wpuld bo ar.swerable, and the opportunity for disreputables or nonentities, to slip In under cover of a large field of candidates would be al moat eliminated. Each senatorial district would be made up of three representative districts, and the first redisricting would be had at once to be subsequently revised after each federal census. Of course, the meat packers are not respon sible any more than are the retail butchers. It wag because the cat played tbe fiddle and the little dog laughed that the cow jumped over the moon. . Europe In tbe throes of war certainly de serves the pity of mankind, but think how much worse its lot might bo if H. (. Wells and O. Bernard Shaw should lock horns, as they threaten to do. ". ' f It is gratifying to be assured again that the Third ward machine has been once more "smgshed to smithereens," ''sent to tbe scrap heap ' and ' wiped out of existence" until tlie next time it ia needed aa a bogy man to help the professional reformers rally their forces. The amendment relating to state executive officers would reduce tbe number to be elected at gny one time to three, namely, governor, lieutenant governor end railway commissioner, and make all of the othera appointive, subject to confirmation by the senate. This would give ua practically a general manager scheme of state government, and force the people not only to be clrcumepect In tbelr choice of governor and lieutenant governor, but algo to hold the governor strictly responsible for the results of Ms administration. If the senate does Ita full duty In confirmation, the present elective of fices made appointive would at least not suffer in the character or ability of the Incumbents, and saving them the expense of a political cam paign would be equivalent to raising their sal orles to a point that would command better ca pabilities. All these offlcera would be remov able and also Impeachable for cause. As the editor of The Bee is not a lawyer, the drafts of these proposed amendments may per haps be deficient In the legal phraseology, but we believe they embody a clear statement of the plan, which we hope will provoke discussion. We luvlte opinions from thoae interested, partic ularly from other newapapeig and from candi dates for the legislature and for state offices. OS JXJ (Wity if, &m7A The Iouglas lounty teachria' luaiit.Hr h.d aftr adapting resolutions uf yratituUe and thanks ta Su perintendent Br. nnei. The toniiu tteo nttich drew the reu!ullor.a consisted of Max Ilanaatl, Janit II. Far rlar, Anna I:. Kher.i. I ninia r.o'iergian and c'at:-i.t R. Kumpf. HtreaJiar the luruln at lljyd a oi-na house . Ill lae promptly at t o'clock Instead of I St, as hereto tore. Mlsa Mamie hrr n r. rrnM.ng at ltll Ohicago trt. returning from week'a tiait at Oakland, was tba recipient of a surprise pv'y by soma tssnty of tier llttla friends. Mis Ada Shields. h has betn cleik.ng for B. r Horse Co.. Ifl tor Wast fulnt t j vlalt fi lentia Mia A. B. Oave'iLoit. wife of tlie popular i n. at tbe Millard, and their fv.r hildten. returned after a extended visit In Michigan and Oh'.a. Tha newspaper reporters and the firemen are boukej for a Sunday ball game to determine supremacy I. twee pencils and pussies. E. T. Rlnsrkgf the firm of l. A. Rlngsc k Co.. has gone to New Toik v buy (sit and winter millinery Tbe Pace of Lift Commenting upon the present as an "Age of brevity," and its demand for speed and action miner than the deliberation of tbe past, the Saturday Evening Post observes: "But our own notion is that, with the Ughtnlng-expresa service we demand, we reach Just the same des tination our forefathers reached In their leis urely way." Undoubtedly t do, and more; we are far aurpaaslng our forfathera lu point of achieve ment. And hat a poor tribute It would be to our forefathers, as well as to ourselvea, If we did nott Shame cn the rare whose succeeding generations do not show continued Improvement and etcelleuce. To be aure, our swift-moving pace will now and then sweep us past some point of service too fast for our own good, will cause us to slight this task or that, but la the main It brings up worthily and advantageously. We simply could not If we would and would not If we could live aa leisurely as our ancestors did, ho ever much of virtue there was In It for them and might be for us, It adaptable to our day. rlef eewHwe a timely . t9Blo !av.t4. Tie Bee aaaaaaae ' a reswoBalbUlty re eplaieaa ef eerrevpaaieata. aUl letter ab Jaet t ecadeaeatlea kr edlte. I i F'laallaa It Omt llrer Here. ATI.A.VTrO. la, Aug. 21 -To the Kditor ot The Ree: I have Just read In your ' paper two letters, i ne Is Preeldent VA li mn a proclamation wherein he expree ' his "solemn sense of warning'' against t what h calls "fiat deepest bi each' of neutrality that may spring out of paa- j fionately taking aides" The other let- I ter. written hy Mr. Spader, speeks of one j lountry sa "cowardly nation." us ' treacherous England." etc.. and lets tie ' know that the (Jerman kaiser "Is one of j the noMst monsrehs on earth." Mr. spader also adds to the world a supply of knowledge hy publishing that the adver saries of Germany are a "treacherous end deceitful combination." Now, Mr. Editor, I would like to he. loyal to my president and to my natHe country, America, even though I disap prove some of President Wlleoo'a views. My p rents were hrn In America. I ahall heed President Wilson's advice so far as not te state any prejudlies or crass t plnlons. But right la right. Loyalty to trt.th and courage gnd honor takea pre cedence over obedience to a president s proclamation. The doctrine of paenlve acquiescence la not the last word. Thci--fi.rr this note- I do want more light on the In-aslon of Title Belgium. Very many thousands of Relglan widows and orphans wiil In days to come turse the Herman Invader. Relgtum asked that foreign troops atsy out.. Is a rountry wicked snd treacherous not to welcome an Invader? It waa very wrong for the Servian fan atic to murder the Austrian prince. Nearly all Uermanlc people and aome ether think It ea r'sht for Austria to annex the Bosnian Hlav. Many others be lieve such expansion snd annexation, even when by a Oermanlc nation, Inevitably creates such hostility that radical Indi viduals will resort to violence. I must not settle offhsnd the right snd wrong in these contentions. Rut I must say that, as a general proposition, he who desls in wholesale ultimatums and declar ations of war on short notice la a menace to the general good, whether that threat ener be Hlav, Gaul, German, Rrlton, Turk or Sioux. Bven the Japanese "advice" to Oermany Is better by over a hundred hours. Far mote decent and vastly wiser atllt la President Wilson's waiting for us at Vera Crux. I have long admired those many good qualities that have made Uerman tcoplei great and powerful and useful. But If expansion la right for them, can those aame aggressive qualities make of every other nation "a treacherour, deceitful combination?" If ao, should Oermany stop with Poland, Tarls, lnndon and even neutral Antwerp? Is It not Its duly to hurry up a few more ultimatum? JAMEd A. DALLAS. An Raallahman'a View. FltKMOXT. Xeb., Aug. 21,-To the Kdi tor of The Bee: Ilelng a constant reader of Tha Bee, I wish to atate an English man's view of the Kuropean war, I be lieve the kaiser of Germany, who la big headed and Jealous, Is to blame for thia war and could, to nu notion, Jiave averted It. ' o far a KnKland la concerned aha d'MBii't need to he Jealous of Oermany, because she Is first In the commercial Industry In Kurope, is not the world, and her navle could whip Europe. Prance la one of the most progressive nations on earth, and the Germans will find her a harder job to whip than In 1071, Tiien she was a weak power and had no money. Yp ell know that wher the Critish (tag wave that there the highest rudiments of clvillxatlon are taught, whether it he In India, Africa or Austrnlia. I hope that alien this cruel was Is over that the kaiser will be off the throne and (trman will b a republic and that Alsace-Lorraine wllj be under the French flag Hgaln. as she haa always belonged to Frame i Ightfitlly. " RA N K W. WoOPBl'RN. 'the K. of t'. Obltcetlan. OMAHA. Aug. 21. To the Kditor of The I'te: Kindly permit me through the "Letter Box" to tender to Mr. Irwin land uthersi aome information which he re quest In toCay's He about the bogus K. C. oath. It .It estimated that millions of copls of this fake document have been circulated over th country where Cath olics were candidate for off I.e. Anyone taking thia oath promises to commit tnurdor and even worse If oid'ied to. do 0 by his superiors. Th Morrisons chaiged an Individual K. C. with taking thia promlae. He aued them and at hla defense offered In evidence th ritual of the fourth degree contulntng the oblige llou which membeig take. The contrast betaeen ft hat Knight of Columbus really promts snd what they are charged with promising in this fake oath was so great that the jury (nun cf whom were Cath olics) decided that criminal libel had been committed and found th Morrison guilty. Thia box us oath was printed in th con- and waa uenounced by the commute oa elections as false and l'e and Its cir culation aa contemptible and un-Ainerl- can Antl-Cnthollc puneia printed only pe.it of the record and ma le a few uf their itai.ds believe It was authentic. The genuine fouith degree K. (', obligation ua presented to the Jury in (he Morrison iae wo printed lu last week's Tru Voice. W ILLIAM McCORMK'K. 1M Fa i nam stieet. Note by Kditor Thl vonimun'catlon mhodlea the aubatance or s.veial and owing to limited space the subject will be tuiisldcred coveted. ! Tlrlws mt th Hall right. Civilisation may b getting a lia.k eye in nmer parte of Europe, hut net I'i patn. Ppaln remains a neutial In thia time of war a possible, not even get ting mixed up la th headlines No It Is about to take another surp forward In the march of civilization and abolish Its original and time-honored national sport, the bull fight. Many tragedies the last year hae sickened It of gore and led to much agitation oer the fair land, and espeoially In Madrid, for cloa InK up of th ring. The recent grave Injury of the Gallo brothers, chatnpkn bull flghteis of the world, Is supposed to have Increased the feeling against the 'Port. Tn allttton to this, tha young Miguel Freg, famous toreador, hem In many battlea both In Spain and Mexico, recently fell fatally gored before a fash ionable assenudage In a Madrid ring. The pall of sad ness has not to this day entirely lifted. Many who witnessed the tragedy turned their baoka forever. It is sskl, upon the epoit. They had only one Miguel Frrg. To see him' churned to death by an Infuriated beast was more then even they, hardened, one might think, to such scenes, could endure. And yet Vlctoriano Huerta. who la said to love a bull fight nex' to his favorite French cafe. Is on hla way to Spain full of the xeal that omly anticipation of a bull fight ca:i aious In on of hi lineage. Pelltleal Peace In blue. It is gratifying to learn that amid th shot and shell of Kuropean warfare, the political storm haa abated In China, where only sporadic uprisings by the White Wolf bands continue to cause distress. This recesalon Is reflected In the Improved commercial and Industrial toiidltUma. In the important city cf Shang hai, for lnstsnce. building Interests sre very active arf throughout the country thia la more or less true, with modemlxairon constantly showing Itself In the new structures. Good crops add to the balance rf equanimity and naturally public finances are much sounder than they were under former disturbances. Thia same upward trend of business la to be found also In Japan, whose great domestic plans Just nor f enter on the Improvement of Kores. This extension work, however. Is more or less hindered by a money restriction which Japan I undergoing. But every where In th far east evidences of activity go hand In hand with th manifestations or modernism. Try-lag; Tlasei In Bra.aH. Brazil's coffee and rubber crops, rtaples. are so por thlsx year as to have a widespread, injurious ef fect upon all business activities. There are no other crops to take their places In a day. no other sources of revenue aa substitutes to which Kraxll may Instantly resort. In view of tha last two yeara of abort crops, Brazil, while It can withstand the effect. Is experi encing a lot of disastrous commercial liquidations. Experts aay that but for an unsettled currency sys tem, with only government credit and little gold to hack It, these liquidations might mean improvement In the way of greater sanitation. But aa it is, they are keenly felt. Of course, these conditions are tem porary. Prasll will noon begin a larger development of Ita a mating reaourcea and may com soon to tha time when It will not b ao completely at the mercy of ita toffee and rubber. Twice Told Tales . Seise 1ke 0prtaiBl(y. "The guides who pilot visitors about In Xorwsy," jald a returned traveler, "ar a pleasant. Intelligent set of. men. Thay apeak our language fairly wlL and are always anxious to pick up new words. "Occasionally thia desir leads to funny mlstakea. While exploring; aom of the wild and precipitous cliffs on day with my gtilde, we cams upon a spot which looked like an abandoned quarry. " 'What Is this, Karl?' I asked. 'Have they been getting out atone here?' " 'Yes, sir,' he answered; It Is where eom time ago they have bean ahootlng the rocks.' " 'Oh, ye; blastlnx,-,' I said, with a smile, and Karl's quick ears cai'ght th new word for 'shoot ing.' I heard Mm murmuring to himself two or thro times afterwards. "The next day our Journey brought us Into a large tract of magnificent forest. 'Karl,' said I, 'there ought to be fine hunting her in the season.' " 'Yes. sir,' waa th prompt reply, 'vary good hunt ing.' Then, with th air of a man who aeixes an op portunity, ha added, proudly, 'Indeed, It 1 near her, Ir, that w blast many bear.' "London Tit Bit. Peer Mrs. grew. Rudyaid Kipling undoubtedly Inherits his ready wit from hla maternal grandfather, th Rev. George TV Macdonald, a Wesleyan clergyman, whoae nam a a raconteur and wit haa ben handed down to pos terity. It wss related of thia gentleman that In the day when lie waa courting the lady whom he afterward married, the father-ln-law-to-be, an aged Methodist with extremely strict notion In regard to th pro prieties, was Injudicious enough on one occasion tn enter the parlor without giving any warning of hla approach. The consequence waa that he found th sweethearts occupying a single chair. Deeply allocked by th apoctacle, the old man solemnly said: "Mr. Macdonald, when 1 was couvting M:s. Brown she sat oa one side of the room and I on the other." "Well, air." said young Macdonald, not a bit perturbed, "that's what I sliocld have done If 1 had been courting Mis. Brown." Washlnton Fgost: It'll take the whole country to dissolve the !t.nfin.irti bushel heat crop tru?! Wall Street Journal. l,aw of supply and dishonest demand a rever superior to the common la. Philadelphia Pullenn: firaiy Is hot tolerated evn In warfare, and there Is no rrason why it should be petmltfd In lo'Sl food market. Chicago Herald: The high cost of llvln appeers periously near the fall elections, but ihe democratic party evidently thinks is has a i-omil"te alibi. Detroit Free Press: One of the big troubles with human natui Is that It in sists on grabbing at every excuse to boost the price of what It has to sell Philadelphia Frees: The high-price! Market basket is not all due to ihe war. Tli democratic party should not be d. prlved of its hnre of the credit for It. Troy Times: I'nde Sam may Just take a firm grip upon the nap of th retailer's Heck who tries to mulch the public by unjustifiable boosting of prices on neces sities. ft. Louis Republic : If the food-price Inquiry m pushed Into the high-class res taurants of Pt Louis and elf "Where, th quehtlon will be not why they charge o much, hut how they dare. Indianapolis News: And while congress ls probing the prices of various foodstnffs. perhaps a little local Intervention all over the country In thlnga ot that kind wouldn't come amiss. Kansas City Journal: There lias been so m.icl. talk of million" and hilllon in Cic dispatches lntely that dealers In food stuffs seem to be ashamed of the paltry prices they have been charging. Philadelphia ledger: With peachea In New Jersey a drug on the market at 26 centa a basket, no on haa yet dared LINES TO LAUGHTER. ' She tat the bail gam) Why doe he make tnoe motions with tils arm before he pltchea the hall? He Those are signals to th catcher. The two men work In concert. She Pear me! Is that the "conceit p'tch" I've heard about so often? Boston Trsnscrlpt. "Do you !now. my dear." said the young husband, "there's something wrong with th cake? It dowi't taste right." "That la all your imagination," answered the bride trlumphiantly. for It says In the cookbook that it l delirious." Illustrated Zeitung. "How ate you going to tell when there Is anything of Importance going on?" asked one war correspondent. "I ll keep my eye on the censor," replied the other. "Whenever there's nothing given out for publication, you may know it time to hustle and get th news." Washington Stsr. "Vow. mv child." eeld th kind old Judae, "which do you prefer to go with?" "Tliet depends." answered the fashion able child. "Is mother to get large ali mony?" "Yes." "ljcrge enough to embarrass father flnsniially?" Kansas City Journal. "Is the hoy trustworthy? "I consider him so. I'd trust htm as far ss I could see him. Of course. T'm mighty near-sighted." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mrs. Paeon r don't think a man should keep anything from his wife. Mr. Hacnn Not unless It la something; he) doesn't want the neighbors to know.-. Yonkrrs Rtatesman. Mr. tJrumpps What idiotic things ther do print on the women' pea ot thia newspaper! Mrs. trrumpps Ves, T wish they wdut discharge the fellow, and put a woman in charge of It. Xew York Weaklyn. "Elsie, why did you let the eat out?" "She asked me to. mamma." "W hat do you mean, child? "She scratched at the door anfl said 'Me out. me out." "Boston Transcript. People and Events j Meaalt f Reaallneaa. I'hllndelphia ledger. Nations do not prepare for war uiln I they extect war. The fallacy that Fu I rc'pe mighty armlea assured peace has 1 ten fully exposed A tel had to Come. It wit te worth the cost If It terminates i the iae to bankruptcy which has char i I li iliol tht preparutlona of the last fr Our election commissioner Is going to try to tetter when we aettle down to the realisation that It Is not Americanism to fan the flames ot class hatred or religious bigotry. Among the founders of the republic no man was asked how much mosey he posseued or what faith he adhered to. Beanlle of M. U. Seattle Post-Intelligent sr. Riitnonton la kicking loudly or th monthly deficit In the operation of tha municipal si rest c ar system. Seattle haa the same experience with dvflciia. but has not got round to the point of kicking very heid over It yet. One. Palat Sellled. Washington ter. And lingeries doubts as to the desir ability of any pract:cal arrangement to tcure untr) peace ar by - thia tini ntirely rmoa. ... Former Governor Fort of Xew Jereey left Wash ington Tueaday for a six weeks' trip to Santo Domingo oa business for th State department. Ixuis 11. Meyer of Newark, X. J., is under arrest charged with passing nine bad checks. He started his honeymoon by giving Rev. Dr. Book s worthless check for 15. Fred R. Cha.ie of Xew York, s aong wilter and author of "The Straight Road la a Great Road After j All," waa arrested, charred with th larceny of Sl.fc'H) from Miss Anna Levlne. The Cuban government auppressd an edition of th liberal newspaper, in Cubamo, and i rested the I editor. Congressman Sagaio, because of bitter attacka : on the secretary of th interior and President Menocal. 1 John W. Masury of Xsw York, prealdent of Jo'ni j W. Masury tt Co., paint manufacture! s, haa brought Milt for 1100.04 againet the Long Island railroad for being forcibly ejected from a aeat on one of its trains. Henry Clews, the banker, ia negotiating ith the government for the Old assay office next to the sub treasury In AVall street. He proposes to move it up town, turn It Into a museum and present It to the city. William B. Peck, a structural engineer of Xew York, filed suit for !.0,QU0 againat Dr. Percy R. Sic .Nellie, a dentist, on the ground that hla health had been permanently injured through the dentist's treat ment. Howard Butier. ptofcaaor of arvhaetogy In Prince ton university and a friend of Prealdent WlUoii. haa returned to hi home 'a Croton Fall, after a aix month a aean h for th fabled rlchea of Croesus in Asia Minor. Colonl John gchuyler Crosby, former governor f Montana, and former flrat assistant postmaster gen eral of the t'nlted States, died at Uie Newport ( fi ll hospital from heart failure last aVrnday. He waa born ii Albany, N. Y., in lSt. During th civil war he served with distinction and wus appointed colonel of th Seventh New Yoik heavy artillery II j consul to Florence, Italy In lSTt; governor of Montana from ISxl to 1SS4. first sssistant pestmaster general f th Cnited State from 11 to 1W. ang achool c-cm-saissioaer of New York City from to lgi. Against 'Against x Substitutes Imitations MALTED MILK Get the Weil-Known Round Package 2 M mm 6$ ultf sMAuru wy. fonnfFSv fa v a ssai l ris ir, jr w is yT u tew LMadA In tha tartrate hoe ( equipped end sanitary Malted Milk plant In the world We i-o not make "milk product Skim Milk. Condensed Milk, etc.' But tfew Original-Genuine IIORLICK'S MALTED MILK Made from pure, faltaream milk stnd the extract of select malted grain reduced to powder form, soluble ia water. Best food-drink for all ages. . FOR IIORUCK-Sf' i Used all over the Globe tlit -em u New advertisers particularly, need to get atten tion. People are more apt io remember aa ad with a good cut. We know how to make "Striking illustrations." Fvery adrertlser nowadays wants illustrations. We can save you a great deal of trouble- and expense, too. We have facilities for malting the photographs, drawings, cuts and electrotypes, all under one roof, and the best workmanship in town Ihj each department. We have over 10,000 negatives of all sorts of sub jects classified, and we can give you a print immediately of most any subject you can tbiink of, and at a nominal charge. Bee Engraving Department, Bee Building, Omaha. IS as A Tbe Beer for the Home, Hotel. Club tad Cafe Anheuser Busch Co. of Nebr. DISTRIBUTORS Family -trade supplied by G. H. HANSEN, Dealer Pboa DaugUe 2506 NEBRASKA OMAHA