Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Bringing Up Father
Copyrtaht. 1H, International
N Ftrvlce.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
- A
lift THAT
e cottle'
THrtrw them
OPP ths dock
than mad.
i u ill - - j nn j a- i i i r i
n . m twTHEM rn -rrz i he-. v
c- v i i r i i ii ii n j r i i m j
- . "oiNMNtf. i . i t fthsdock r:i v 1
ULM v . rrr rJ AO I v ijLC - J . " ...
ALU lfi TwE
Two Extra Prames Needed to Best
the Antelopes.
I.larela llrti Ran la Eleventh, bat
Jordan YValka Tna a ad atlth's
Single Score Two la
Indiana Half.
HIOL'X CITY, la.. Auk. it. A home run
by William with nni on tied the cor In
the ninth and It took two extra Inning
for th Sioux to win. Lincoln lot a run
In tha eleventh, but Jordan walked two
and Smith' single scored both In the In
diana' half. Score:
AH. R. II. O. A. K.
Coonev. 2b 4 I t X i
Imvldaon. ir ft I I I 0 0
Kmc, lb 4 0 0 ID I )
lunc if 1110
Halrd, Sl 9 0 0 2 11)
allalian. rf 3 I 0 1 fl
Smith, pa 6 0 3 11
Murphy, c t t 1 6 0 A
White, n 0 0 0 0 0 0
I. (-Inike 1 0 0 0 0 0
Clark, p 0 0 0 0 i , .0
7 M IT
Standing of Teams
Tolala 30 ft
AM. H. II. O. A. K
Allen, rf f o 0 1 10
MiGafflKan, aa I I S 0 X 0
1.1. yd, 2b X 0 3 S I 0
Miller, rf K 0 S 1 0 0
111b. kbiirn. e R S 7 S 0
I'olMaa. ir 4 1 0 10 0
William, 111 ft J S 14 1 0
Hchreiher, b ft 0 1 10 A
Jordan, p 5 0 0 17 0
Total 4 13 nt 23 0
Hatted for White In ninth.
One out whan winning run acored.
Sioux City 0 030000000 S ft
Lincoln 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 S 0 14
Two-tin ite hlta: I.Jeun. WIHIam. Mil
lor, Smith, Uluckburn, Schrelber. Three
bar hit: ftlcGaf f lean. Sacrifice hit:
Callahan. Cooney, White (2), Cnllln, j
i-iru. rioieia oases: I'aviiiRon, mcwaiti
gan. Iiuhl piny: Halrd to Smith to
Kane. Itita: Off Clark, 1 In two Inning;
off White, 10 In nine Innlnai; oft Jordan.
7. riaaea on ball: Off Clark, 1; off Jor
dan, . Btrurk out: 11 v Clark, : by Jor
dan, 4; by White. 1 t'aaantt ball: Mur
phy. Hit by pitched ball: leleune, Kane.
Attendance, l.OO Time: I'ntplrea;
UcCaf'erty and Claaton.
evrui Baaa la Talrel ( aat W lcalta
tha Uaaae.
HT. JOSKPU. Mo.. Ana. 1 A terrific
rally hy tha local In the third Inning of
loday'a Kami' reaulted In aeven runa,
enough to coat Wkhila the name. Tha
ame waa ralletl In the ftrat half of tha
eighth on arcount of larkuea. Score:
AH. K. H. o. A K
Tvdeinan, rf 4 0 1 1 1 t
N'tcholaun. If SI S 10 6
O'Uourka. Zb S 1 1 0 4
Kitsaimmona, aa S I 1 S S 0
Ocha, rf S ' 1 1 0 0
I :.!. ll S I 0 4 0
Henry, lb S 0 0 0
Oraham, e S 0 0 0 0
( lemons, p 1 0 O 0 A I
Klagle. p X 0 0 0
Total ' V 4 7 II i: S
AU. H. II. O. A K.
R Wataon, 2b 4 I 1 1 ! 0
For. If ,4 1 I 0
1. tYatanii. rf 4 1 S 4 10
Falteraon lb X I it
Hrltton. Sb . 111 101
llltame. rf SI 0 0 0
Putt, aa 3 0 1 0 ; 0
oitmth. c x 1 ; 1 0
Tlioma. p 0 A 0 I 0
Wall 1 1 1 0
I-affnty, p 10 0 0 0 0
Total" I Jl "I
Hatted for Thoinaa In third.
Wichita S 0 1 0 0 0 A--4
6t. Joaeph 0 7 U 0 0 07
;o.)m hlta: tl. Wataon, ORoiuke,
Kapp. ucri(le hit: Patteiaon. htolen
l.a-: Oiha. Kap. Double play: Ha up
to O Rourke to Henry. Hlta: Off Thomaa,
I in lliree Inmnga: .lf Cleniona, 7 In two
and one-tlurd Innlnga. htruck out: Sy
'I honiaa, 1; by lJfrrly. . by Klnale. 4.
Tnne l:. I nipires: Cullen and i'yfa.
Phillies Penny Wise
and Pound Foolish
in Keeping Players
I'HILADKLPUIA. Aug. 1 -A little
matter of So.OuO, which tha I'hllllea re
futed to anend, will coat the loeet club
eornf thing Ilka IIAOSO before tha reaaoo
Five thouaand dollar would have kept
Beaton and Dolan for that club, la fact,
the ahoriaiop actually did quit over a
matter or 96.000 bonua whUh h claimed
Manager Dooin had promlaed him and
whlt b Prealdent Baker refuard to pay.
Tba profit of laat year' campaign wer
la the bank when Baker booted tha play.
Kither he did not want to apend money
or, underestimating tha attraction of the
Federal, thought he did not have to.
Aa a result, the Phtlllee are down In
the race. They are considered out of the
pennant thaae. But they have not been
mora than ten game behind tha lending
titatita at any ataga of affair, and It Is
putting a fair value on the pair t aay
that they are worth at leaat ten game
in seventy,
rn.K.n alone might be worth that In
Hie box. When it la considered that th
Lola at ahorutop ha been Dooin chief
tiuuU all scaaon. Doian value la em-pt'.aeUcd-
Thu KM would !' ugmcn,Ud Ua
W I.PH I W.I, pi t
HIouk City.. -4 47 .01.' New 44 ,7.1
I'enver 70 hi .674 Honton 0 47 ,M4
St. Joae,h..t M .Ml St. Loul....g M .k.TJ
l.lni-l,i ....Mi AO ..'A Chicago ol .S21
le Moln.'i 00 65 .4M Pittahurgh .41 S4
Omaha no W .4:a llrooklyn ...4 M ,4fiL
Wichita ...4.1 72 Phll, 41 7 .4..7
Tolwka 4 74 t Clm lntiatl ..4S 10 ,44!
AMER. LKAOrK. FKl. Lk'Ail'K.
I'hllit 71 Mi .Hr Chicago S 4? .64
'""ton 5 47 Ml', Itnltliiiore ..M47.WZ
"A'aah .S .SO ..V.f Indlaiiapll f.1 47 .RS?
Detroit M ,H: Hrooklyn ...J4 47 .6
Chicago M .4M-! Huffalo M V) .Mf)
St. Ix.ul ...1.2 U .4W St. l-ui .,.4lX.4!
New Yirk..tH an .44t Pittsburgh .4 .42
Cleveland ..37 7 .32:11 Kan. C.IJ-...40 trJ .441
., . . W I. IVt. W.I, Pet
Hatrlce ...Sg 41 .nM,Mllwaukea .71 W .5i7
lr. Inland.. Ml 41 ..i Lotiiavllln .8 M .Imi
llaatlngs ,.ft6 44 Columbu ftH .ittt
York 52 47 .AJVCIveland . .0.1 62 ..VH
Suierlor ...4 AD lnillanaplla ,M 62 ..VII
Colunihua ..47 Fit .471' Kan. City...') i ,4
Norfolk ....4 M ,4l. Mluneaplia . tf .472
Kea.ney ..M ta) ..i.;Bt. Paul.. ..44
Yeaterday'a Kecalta.
Il nver-Omuha poetponod, rain.
Lincoln. 4: Hlmix City, 1.
Topekn-Dea Molne, poatponed, circus.
Wichita, 4; St. Joiph, 7.
Ht. I.011I, ; Washington, J.
Detroit, : Philadelphia. 7.
Cleveland, ft; New York. 7.
Chicago, 1-1: Boston, -4.
New York. 1; Pittsburgh, J.
Hoton, 3; Cincinnati, 1
Hrooklyn, ; Chicago, 0.
Phlladelphla-St. Ixula postponed, rain.
Pittsburgh, 3; Indianapolis. 2.
Mllwaukre, 7; Columbu, 4.
K annas City, 6: Cleveland, S.
Ht. Paul, 3; Loulavllla, 2.
Kearney Celebrates 'Pennant Day"
by Defeatino; the Pawnees.
Hit. -Walk, TwewRagraer aad Krrar
Olre Kearaey Psar Staas aad
Trias "(hesty" Xeader
maa aad His Crew.
gats all tha way, because a club In the
racs Invariably outdraw a seooad dlvl
Ion team, and might very wall have
brought th world's serle' thousand
Into the treasury.-
Ths sum of tlS.OuO In added salaries
would havs kept all th Phtlly jumper,
Peaton, Doian, Brennan, Walsh, Fin
ntran and poaalbly even Knabs, though
th managerial lure U a strong one,
Sargent Leads
Elimination Round
in ihe Golf Play
CIUCAflO, Aug. 1.-M:ieo)'ge Sargent of
Chevy Chase club. Washington. D. C,
with a good 71. hetteret! yesterday's score
In ths elimination round of the national
open golf thla morning at Midlothian.
Charles Kvana, Jr., western , amateip'
champion, took 7 (or th first round,
mixing veverat easy putt.
J. J. McDermolt of Atlantic City,
American-born profession!, who woi the
open title in 1U and Ifllt took 77 for hi
first round, taking 49 for the fust half.
L Jacoby, aa amateur of Dallas, madu
a good 77 In the morning. Jack, Jolly of
Nrwaik scored 7 and William Kldd of
Algcniiuin took 77. Fred Mcl.eod of
Washington, D. C, required T for th
forenoon round, while Arthur Smith of
Arlington took 7. J. C. Oier of Hot
Hiring scored "i and Jack Hutchinson of
Alleghany 77. W. C. Sherwood of Mem
1 hi had 79 and Herbert atrong of lnwood.
who played with Kvana, was off hla game
to the eit-nt of 81. U Telller of Canoe
r.rowk had a fair 7, while Jack Neville,
Pacific roan champion, his partner, took
7k. 11. Q. MacDonald of Buffalo tied Bar
genl'a beat score lor nine holes with 4.
MacDonald had a total of T.
At th end of the first round thirty
one player had mad 70 or better. There
wer eight other with M. nine wltli XI,
and tow high a . Kl ol the tea
amateurs were 79 or better and 'l wer
within SI. The first on to tilify for
the day was J. A. IHinaldaon of Ulen
view, who with a record of S3 on th last
nine totaled lit.
L Jacoby of Dallas, with lad. a th
first amateur to survive th elimination
play today.
Kvan game did not Improve on the
first nine of the second round, requiring
another 40.
Ueorg Sargent eased his play In th
afternoon, after taking ta atrokr for 151.'
KKARNKY, Neb.. Aug. !. (Special
Telegram.) "Cheaty" Zondetman was de
feated by tha Kearney Kap today after
one of th moat senaatlonal finishes aver
een on the local diamond, reminding
Kearney fans of th IfcU pennant winning
team. It waa pennant day In Kearney
and the last season rag floated over the
field. With the score S to 0 In th ninth
with th Kapa at th lower end, a hit, a
walk, a two-bagger and an error gave
Kearney four run. Score:
An. 11. ft. a
Horniest!, lb, J I
11. nn, lb,... I I I, rf 4X4
Itael, lb 4 T
Ibsert, st., 1 t 1
ll.msnr. If I s 4
Hi kmidt. 4 I
Marrtana, e, 4
Xnarma. . I t l
n.k. It... I I M
lArorb. lb... 4 1 4 t
o:meiai. lb. t I It I
larhevrea, rf 4 X X 0 0
4'lains.y, rf. 4 I 4
M.taer, If . X 1 I 0 0
Woodruff, a I I t I I
Krh-smi, s. X I 1
talaple. p.... I t t
Ames' Wildness and Poor Fielding
Disastrous to Reds.
Baae ea Ball, Two lilt and
Error Allows Hostoas to Seore
Their First Two
Totals ....SI
Columbus .,,
Kearney ....
Horn run:
X Tolilt ,....) 7 ; u 1
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 13
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44
lilt: Schetireii, Ramsey.
Haggerty. Stolen baeee:
nnnnngu, Hepk. lilatn-y (2). Double play
'uk 10 Honileau Paeea on balls: Off
Kon.ierman, X; off Maple. 1. ft on
bases; lolumbiis, ; Kearney, 4. Struck
lime: l;3S. Umpire; yulgley.
Ialaadera Hla.
.,",n,i!JD ISLAND. Neb., Atig. 1(Pp.
h.'.Ll!i,',,r."m. 'U " P'her.' battle
-Kf?. H?ffm" nd Hlrech today, m
ahlch the Islandeta won. Th four hits
nft. .7?' Mr In many In-
..iik. .i 7 ' nar . iair started
- .... - im.iim, runa wnn a single and,
ollowed by Hoffman's twn-sarker, came
t.'INCINNATI. Aug. 19.-Ame' wllilnes
nd poor fielding proved disastrous to
Cincinnati today snd Boston won. 3 to I.
A base on balls, two hlte and an error
allowed Boston their flrrt two runs,
while a baao on balls and two errors gave
them another.
Cincinnati stored one In the fifth In
ning on two singles and an error anl
another In the eighth o Clark's algle and
llerzog double, Perghammer running for
Clark. Score: R.H.E.
Boaton 2000 1 000 01 4 I
Cincinnati 00001901 02 S 4
I PatterW. Tyler and Gowdy: Atrto.
jrahrer and Clark. Gonzales.
liiaat Lose to Pirate.
PITTS ni'ROH, Aug. 1.-Xer York w
defeated here today, 5 to 3, In the laat of
the series, two of th game having been
won by Pittsburgh. The local acored
three runs In the aecom) Inning on baae
hits by McCarthy and Colllna, a base on
balls for Coleman, a ilngle by Cooper
and a sacrifice fly by Vlox.
New York'a only run ws mude In the
third Inning. Stock singled, a did also
Thorpe, who hatted for Demaree, and
Stock acored when Bencher forced Thorpe.
Kromme began pitching In the fourth and
Pittsburgh mad two more runs In that
Inning on ingle by Coleman and Cooper,
ar. Infield out and Konetchy's double.
Store: R.H.E.
New York....O 01000000 1 II 0
Pittsburgh ...0 03 3 0000 6 13 0
Batteries: Demaree, Fromme, Wlltse
and McLean: McQulllen, Cooper and.Cole
man. DosTaer Trim (aba.
Boston Wins Double-Header from
Wood, Plteklagr for Boaton la Sec
ond Contest, Is la fiood Forsa -lloblltsell'a
IIHtlac Fetr
la Y'lrtoey,
Onimet Among- Trio, with
Strokes for 38 Holes.
Champion Players to Start
Rolling- October 1.
Stiff llreene aad ftrorratna Sai
Ran Score Higher Tama Had
Been Kxperted at Ope a
Golf Tnarney.
j New Ic of t.ame Tried Oat "Last
j Winter la to De Standard
i Among; Car Artlata Dir.
to get th winnln
o.t' .Iw,a"cr-,cn nU" brought 'in an
im o i a
cu-ls. rf.. 4 l llnbaa lb .. a ' i ' i i ! ' Chicago
f 4 I tObat. lb....i i t a a i Batteries:
4 11 ryn.
4 tVeraar.
Malkae. lb
nrtehl, If,
nrows, aa
mi., s... I (Haiioua,
CJ1ICAOO, Aug. 1S. Brooklyn, hitting
opportunely, while Chicago fielded
loosely, easily won today, to 0. Altchl
aon pitched hi beat ball In the pinches
and waa given excellent support. Leach
and Stengel fielded well. Score: R.ll.K.
Htooklvn 1 30 0 02000 t0
Altnhlson and McCarty;
4 1 I I ; Vaughn, .abel and Breanahan.
of., t a l a a i
"v::.i !'j i SV i i,i i iSix Heats Necessary
TI' ! ! ! '""' " i rn ... .
w onow 5uperioniy
of Farmer Gentry
X 1 t
Wet ground caused th postponement
of today'a ball game. A double header
with Denver will be staged Saturday Instead.
T"' 4 24 14 I TataU ....XI 17 t I
Norfolk 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2
tjrand Island o 0 0 1 0 0 2 0
.i-"f on-.h,,t: ff Hlrech. 1; off Hoff
niari 1. struck out: By lllrach. 7; bv
J.I? k .".. W"4 plt,n: "' Hit by
t i-'i L : . . ! Two-bas hit. :
h-::,..Pv?",?' ?;,n,'. Ihm.. Stolen
bases: Melker. Towne. Rlea. Claire. 1-eit
oi, bases: Norflk. 3; Grand Island 6
: Dn?. r"' arnl laland, S. Time
:w. Cmpli: Newhouae.
York t peels Bealrlee.
YORK. Neb.. Aug. IX. tSpecial Te's-
Jf'!Z,V,ti UP"1 ,h tutuoua wrecking
irew today for the third succe.slv time
when he weakened and walked als men.
. Harrl aturted the ecorlng with a aln
gle over seooml. and with the base full
''jeked a over
l-lng s head, three and Totten
aiored htm with a single to left. Harrl
W'aa aild. but aiaaii.i i- Ht..i
ln .w. .ti.. - -T..V-L7- ' Hinvnea.
lairu, wnn tnree
una anwn, ne
A one-handed
a-,.-. A! " . A.t H O A K
tUurabr. of. I
I rutt.n, lb . 4
Hflarke, (..
'haae. Ik...!l
Kiwa aa t
I 4 Hrri..:b I
I SH'bleMl. ... I
I '. Mam, p 4
PITTSBL'RQH, Aug. lit. -The laat race,
tne 2:1 trot. In the Pittsburgh Driving
club' Grand Circuit meeting at Brunot'
Island track yeiterday went six heat be
fore Farmer Gentry proved his superiority
over Hsiel Lalng. touted aa a ho, fa
vorite. The race completely overahaaoned
the feature, h llomtwood atake, for
baby trotter, which was won by Native
Spirit In strslght heat. Guy Nello won
the first event in hollow slyle and
Marietta captured honor In the SAond
race from King Daphne after a stiff argu
meat. Summaries:
Trotting, 1:12 class, purse li.iiM:
truck notVti.'!!?" 5B,,".n.dlU!' N"- b' " b u' Axworthy
truck out Black and OrleL ' lrsl ' i t t
catch by Bechtold featuietl.l hrlghtoa B.. b. s, iMurph.v). .3 2 j
h.llrioh, aa. I I
l-rtfae. ... I I
Naft. cf t 4
l-it.s. If 4
Hla'k, rf. ...
orlet. 1.... 4 4
Jibaoa. a. . 4
I i
I u
ii.ny j. m . oik. . tAndiews) i i
I'fi", b. g. no vi, and Silk Hat, blk. a.
tlod-e). alao atarted
I Time. 2:li)'. S:i't. 2.111;.
Pacing, ::1, class, purse 1 1 WW:
Marietta, blk. m , by Adward
tMurphyl 1
Kin. Ilanhn. hlk a irrnitn "
Tolala ... It TNI Tat. la
!-'nc 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-2
Tor I 0 0 0 0 0 0 -7
-rZh.?'h?' !"U: ""rphy. Stolen bases:
J,"' tru,h' I'tng. Hellrlch. Florey.
Double plava: Chase, unassisted: Bech-
t?l 1 1 .l,',rm " b":' Har-
u ' . .' otl "ohBu". 1 Lefi on bases:
H,,rir. Jj York, 4. Hit by pitched ball.
Idurphy, Prurha. Struck out: Bv Har
r,"' V "yJohuaon. 4. Sacrlfl.-o hit: K.
Harrl. Time: 3 txV I'mplre: Meyer.
Md Take Another.
L. a a I .. y.ombrewer, wh. m. (Snowl 4
i i I I.Huby K.. b. m. tJcDevlttl 3
i i si Hm. iMU, J:0.a. i:0i. :9.
J J J J.1 Homewood atake, for 2-year-old ti
1 I I
3 d
hi t t' c.""r.
u. ... ii jr cauvB ivina
Cox , 1 1
Bondella. br. f. iTucker) 1 2
lenali, h. f. (Monshani t 4,
Men hfeet. ro. o. t right 1. and Jacquelial
P.. b. f. (Grady a'so alarted.
Time. 1:11 :12i. !
Trotting. 2:1 class, purse tl.000: ,
Farmer Gentry, h. g., by
John R. ttacGrsth) 1 I 1 J 1 1
Haxel Lalng, ch. m. (An-
drewi ...ft 1 I 1 3 S
The Temptress, b. m. iMur- ,
phyl 4 3 1 2 2
Aloiitlferri. br. a. (.lack son': Lulu iS'or-,
thy, b. m. (Cox): Kyihniall. blk. ml
(.-hankl. and Olemora. br. m. iGarrlson),
.1D, I.U4. :llVi.!
HASTINGS. Nb.. Ana ll.iHn..,
egram. -By heavy stick work and prac.
tlcally errorless fielding the Reds made
ii tour tra a it frum n.m.rur ...,
vr.t. -. . .""'.! also atarted.
" . , ' ' .... in.iv. nils. live ori Tline t IUU ll'i
Which were for atii. Ka u... . I . inn, i.iut. - u 4.
flra., lb..
Sraaa. as...
Moaroa, lb.
Lenlrsth. rf
ThaMalue, It
Graaae. r...
Blaba. rf ..
grnMt, p....
Chifeds Go Back
Into Leading Place
Need bans aad aatih Releaaed.
CHICAGO. Aug. It Tom Need ham th
veteran catcher, and t'haiii Hinlth,
pitcher, wer nn onditlonalb released to
day by th Chicago Nationals. President
Tliomaa auid their release waf in the In
terest of economy. Neeiiham ha seldom
tauiiht In a game during th last two
year, but helped train young pitcher
and coached baa runner.
To Join the Federal.
NKW YORK. Aug. ll.-F.'eten players
at piesenl with Nutlonal and American
' league teams will play in the l-e.lnal
league next season, acrolein to a state
j icent made here yesterdav by Pi-aic!ent
Gilmore or trie new oi ganlaatlun. Amonti
lluwe playeis. President Gilmer aald.
would be rome of h best mtn la 11 gen
tied base fcaU.
' AU H O A K
t ' an rf 4 t I s
1 a oToiorr, as. . 4 I t
0 14 t l,tanaal, at. 1 4
II Jenaiaa. lb 4 I I 1
t 4 I MM Waa. If. 4 1 1
1 I 4E tuaaa. lb 4 1
It Miere. Ih . a 1 . .
1 4 4 bRckraaaa. a I t 11 1 1 ''IllCAGO. Aug. lS -4 hicago went back
a -vrraxl. a... 1 a a a 1..-- -. 1 I.. , v. . i- i - i . ... .....
. Rllay a 1 1 a a " 1 u ui.. iinc 1 1 1 ci. 1 niriin
Tat l ... It Ittl4 4 .Itct'ay by beating Baltimore, S to 4, while
TeUtia Ulin T I I l.U.n-,ll In.l Th.. ilolillnv rim
Batted for Errett In th ninth. i rM11 e . m. ru hv ria. k. who
BOSTON, Aug. 19-Boston took both
game of a double-header from Chicago
today. 3 to I, and the econd. 4 to L Wool,
pitching for the Red Box In the second
game, wis in good form. Hoblltxell's
hitting was a prominent factor In both
tlctorlc. Score, first game: RHE
IJostoii 00 2 0 0 0 1 0 3 8 6
and riehal'li LonTi n(, Cff'Skn; Beni
coro, second game: RHE
Boston n A 1 n .1 n a a ' ,'
rhiai c"o:e Ree ac.rgE rnfwyl
11 " 1 V V '. V ') Q J l J 1
WaTiraHoM 'n! C'dyi J' H"0U'
Yankees Even Up
Series with Cleveland
NEW YORK, Aug. It -New York evened'
the series with Cleveland by taking the'
eecona game by a cor of 7 to 5. The
locals won by batting out eight hits In
the eighth Inning, which, with two error,
netted six runa. Score: ' r h.E.
Plavalanrf Aaaaaaa ...
Nfw York 0 IOlOllt.L'1
wii,TI'Ji u""1 nd Brown,
Keating and Sweeney,
Tlgrera Lose to Marks.
fiv."M;ii!,KLlp,I.rA- Au- Htrolt uied
fix pitcher today, but lost to Philauei-
LJSnHy. - to .tttn 'It ' the
venH Inning off Bresakr
I to. overcome the five-run
1! L.whlch- thB norn "" took by
knocking Dgusa off the rubber In the
-iHu'.J1-)"-. Wlth tn '0 'n the
eighth Lmvle batted for Penoock and
won the gam by scoring fiehang wltn a
triple. Seore: RHE
r.t!.roJl,'L'."? MHM-tlM
Philadelphia . ft 0000003 72
t.V,v. V... vavei, noenier,
YVIHiam, Oldhm and Stanage, p. Baker;'
Breisler. Pennock. Buah and Schang.
Ilr. k . 1 l .
evened up tha aerie tody by defeating
Washington. to ft. Eleven Ingles, com
bined with aom good baae running and
w ashington a errora, gave the vlaltor a1
led that the Nationals could not over-'
come. Welllmann weakened In the seventh, (
hitting two batamen and allowing three'
ainglef, but Mitchell ttepped the rallv. !
Score: RHE!
St. lOU! 1 0 0 4 0 1 1 1 0 8 1! 2
Washington .1 0000 0 04 o o0i
"""' "euimann, n, Mitchei and
Agnew; Garper. Shaw, Bentley, Barron
nd Ainsmltb.
Freddy Weish"
Ready for Fight
With Charlie White
NEW YORK. Aug. It -Freddie 'Welsh,
In answer to a challenge on behalf of
Charley White, the Chicago lad who de
feated Willi Ritchie, has Issued th fol
lowing statement:
"Indeed. Charley Whit ha proved hi
right te a match with me and he ran
have it just a oon a he ra find a
promoter who believe th bout would
draw a sufficient crowd that would war
rant he putting up of a puree of a rea
sonable amount.
"I don't say I will give Whit the first
chance, because on my retura to th
I "lilted" Siatea. around October 1, I Intend
te fight every lightweight la triat country
who ability give hint any prospect or
beating in and winning th title.
"it won't be exactly a esse of Tint
come, first served, but It will be a can
of the biggest purse solely.
"As far at allowing Whit te dictate
the terms of the match or considering
bis stipulation regarding, weights are
concerned, all I have to aay I that I
am champion and a eurh stand on my
right to do all the dictating that It to
be don.
"I hope my first match a world's
champion will be for Thsnksghlng dsy.
My opponent 1s of little concern to me as
long as It It boy whom C public like
aufitciently to com n large numbers and
see him.
"White can hav thla dat If ke can
t)rud a promoter that he I th big
lieat drawing card of any of the asptr
anta far my tale "
Inar tbole Teraa.
CHICAGO. Aug. 19. ThreJ amateurs,
Including Francis Oulmet, the title holder,
wer among th thirty-two men who
qualified yesterday for t'.ie Natljnol Open
Golf championship at Midlothian Country
club. Oulmet, playing steadily, but not
brilliantly, took US strokes for the
thirty-six hole, two higher than the
medal acore of the day. made by Jame
Barne of Whltemarsh c'ub, Philadelphia.
Warren K. Wood of Homewood club,
Chicago. forme:iy western amateur
champion, and W. Rautenbuech. amateur
champion of Chicago, were the other
two avrateura to qualify, otitstrlptng
many professionals, with K-j each.
Thirty-two more players wiil qualify
tomorrow, and the sixty-four survivor
from the 133 enteied. will contest at
even'y-to-hol medal play on Thursday
and Friday.
Stiff breezex and a scorching iun ran
the score higher than had been ex
pected, but the only great i:peet was the
failure to qualify of Alex Smith of
Wykagyl, national champion In Iftfii ant
1910. Smith wan not well and took 13
strokes. Ten players wiL-drew, a their
scores became Impossibly high.
The qualifying scores follow:
Player and Club. A ternoon. Tctl
,ames Bainc Whlteinarrh 72 14G
Fennels ou met. Wotidland i 1 44
McDonald Smith, Onkmont 77 14!
M. J. ' Brady. ttooUaton 7'J 15m
Alex Roif. Braeburn 77 lf,0
Tom Anderaon, Mnntclair 7i HO
H. O, Icerblaie. Youngstotvn.. 77 131
Otto Ilackbaith. Hinada.e i7 161
W. C. Hagan. Rocheter 77 H2
rave McKay, Bell-view 71 151
Dan Kenny. Hamilton 7S t.Vi
W. J. Bell. Toronto 77 iftf
.T. C. Hackbarth Midlothian 7 164
Walter Fovargue. Skokle M i4
J. H. Tavlor. canton, 0 77 164
.lack Buike, Thunderhay 7" U4
W. Rau'enbusrh. Chicago...... 77 135
Warren K. Wcori.-Homew iod.. 7i i.,i
J. R. Thompton. Itilladelphla.... 7 1?S
Jce Mitchell. I'pper Montclalr.... 7i 151
Tom Kerrigan, Dedham 7i 1M
Jacc Dnwling. Sea' scale 77 IStj
G. R. Murray, Montreal XI .l
J. J. O Brlen, Weatbrook ...70 166
Anorew Brown, ft. 5oseph. Mo. ' 1 &T
Jack Croka. Call. met ft is;
Andrew Camptell. Sprlnshaven.. 7. 1S7
' '. S nip. on. Omaha 7 1S7
. P-and Mount Lebanon 75 is.
Wl.l am McFarland. Suburban.. 77 l."i
C P. Nelson. Lakea-ooo n i:,J
L. McDoralo, Erie, Pa Stl lis
Everybody Read Bee Want Ada.
NEV YORK. Aug. 19. The recently or
ganized .Champion Billiard Players
league will open the reason on October 1,
prohably at Cincinnati. At the present
time Hurton Mank, president and min
ts" of the new league, Is being;
swamped with applications for fran
chises In the new organization. On ap
plication has come from Edmonton, Al
berta, Canada. The mayor of the little
Canadian city offered a cash prize of 8400
to th p'syer making the highest run dur
ing the championship season, provided
Edmonton Is Included In the clrculL
Manager M:ik hae laid out a circuit
which might be termed a four-leaf clover.
There are to he four circuits of flty places
each, over which the various teams will
follow each other. The same teamn will
not plaj- twice in the same city. Three
Tires wll! he offered by the league. The
p'aver winning t-e most games will re
ceive Xl.ttO in gold. There will also be
prizes of SB08 each for the players making
the hlfchrst run snd having tha highest
' T Plr 14.1 Balk Line.
It hsa been decidec" that the 14.1 balk
lino style of game will be played. This
new style of play was tried lsst winter
nt the Hotel Astor and proved very at
tractive. The players are continually
driving and the monotony of the close
btyle of play I eliminated.
The circuit will extend through southern
Ohio. West Virginia. Maryland, Dela
ware, New Jeraey and Xew England, re
turning through New York, northern
Pennsylvania and Ohio. Another branch
will extend to the east and southeast,
taking In southern West Virginia, the
Carolina', touching at Florida and return
ing by way of Georgia, Alabama, Ten
nestei and Kentucky.
A third branch of the circuit will ex
tend to tlie southwest, through southern
Indiana nnd Illinois, crossing Missouri
into Oklahoma, taking in Arkansas, and
the principal towns in Louisiana and
Mississippi and then returning by way
of w tsii 11 Tennessee and Kentucky. The
other branch wi'l take In the northwest
and will Include parts of Ohio and In
dianc. Michigan. Wisconsin. Minnesota
snd Iowa, returning across Illinois and
Kidney Troottle and Weak Bark.
Signa of breakdown In health. Electric
Bitter gives sure relief and lasting bene
fit from its use. 6c and 11. All drug
gist. Ad vert laement.
j Raaon ftarprlees Self.
Don Carlo Patrick Ragon of Brook -!
lyn. it la Raid, loat a reosnt game by
: standing still on third Instead of scoring
I the w'nnlng run In an outfield fly. Prob
I ably the unusual sanitation of even flnd
' ing himself on third base bewildered Pat
;and paralyzed bis legs.
. Superior 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 04
""" 1 4 I I 1
Two-ba hit: Qttmn, Cran. E.
Brown. R(iy. Kk hsrdson. Brown. Sac
rifice hit: Bennett, Moore, Richardson.
Gray. Hassen. Struck out: Bv Puroell.
by Riley, t: by .Cart. 1. Base on
balls: Olf Pureoll, 4: off Riley, 1; off
Eirett. 1. Innings pitched: By Purcell.
fit and two-thirds: by Klley. tw and
one-third. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Wal-tera.
I. real Trims Elba.
ST. PAI L. Neb . Aug. 1.-iSpeeil V-1a
a very exc ting gam here Sundav St.
Paul beat Elba, leadera of tha lli.itn..
Howard league, before a great cread of'
notty fana. Kcore: H. II k. '
Elba lOOOOOOt Ol 4 ; "cores:
fct. Paul tOOOOOlO 7 12 o K aoaa City
Katt.rt.: Sumavltch and Rasmusseo. i 'J.lwnT.L"'
Burgett a Rogers j Milwaukee .
. u. jm m . ,. I f OlumbU ..
Everybody Read Be Vaat Ada. ..r."'-"'
was in th game lor th lirst tune in
several weeks. Score : R.H.E.
Baltlinor 200 it 0010 n-4 10 i
Chicago i 0100010 "-ft 8 1
Batteriea: Wll helm. Conley and R'JM-U;
JekMtach. Henrio a"d W llaon.
1ND1ANAPOI-1S, Aug. 11 -Camnltl haJ
th better of Falkenberg In a pitchers'
duel heie today and th loca'' error wer
costly. Ptttabuigh won, X to ?. Boors:
R H E.
littnburgh 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-1 7 1
Indianapolis 0400200 - 8
Batteriea: Camnltl and Barry: Falken
berg and Raridea.
twerlcae orlatloa
7 T 3
4 10 3
8 ft 3
v.. I i 1
Joffre Says French
Have Gained Victories
LONDON. Aug. 11.-1 n a dispatch from
Parla. (he Daily Telegraph' correspond
ent send a communication of General
Jo (re, commander-in-chief of the French
force, to th French miniitar of w:-,
describing th locent action in Alsace.
"Bumming up." th communication ays.
"e have thus obtained in th court of
a few day, .ral important itccase.
wr.ko reflect th g raa t aat honor on our
troops, who agarneaa l Incomparable.
"la ail th actions of th last fw days,
th Cermaaa have suffered Important
losses. Our artillery has th effact of
demoralising aad crushing lit titny."
1 MUX . EA WftV Ar ar. ' A "TA1 1 7W 7
Many a heaT cigar is
fairly mild during the
firet few puffs. After
that-! ! !
TSow light up a Robert
Hum. Tukc time to
rnjoy it. A big differ
ence, ifrn't there?
The. Robert Burn
tastes delightfully mild
and binooth right up
through the last puff.
It never varies.
In every Robert Burnt
there is always the same
generous measure of
rich, mellow flavor.
Have you tried the
new "Invincible' shape?
oB Burns
LiHte Bobbie
Counay lgar Com Siou City. Iowa.
Harle-Haas Drag Co., for Omaha and CuancU Bluffs.