Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    TI1K RKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. AllilST '20, 1!14.
aTa Boot Print It Now Fenron fres.
Xitf Monthly In com Gould. Ree Bld.
fidelity aUorag-a and Tan Co. Doug. 181.
risstl- Ittur flur je.-Urandtn
"Today'n Com plat Mot FTormm'
may l found on th first pace of th
classified section today, and appear In
The fle EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
th various moving pl.-tura theater offer.
Oroh Yi siting- rather A. It. "5roh of
Philadelphia Is vt.-altlnc; at the horn of
lit father. Rev. Pr. 1 Groh.
T Pol Ketnrn from Vacation As
sistant City Attorney K J. Te Piwl has
returned from a vacation eprnt nt Chero
kee Turk, Colo.
Sua day School to Plonle The Sunday
hool of the First Christian church will
give Its annual plrnlc Thursday at Film
wood park. Member will meet at the
church at :30 o'clock.
Stockmen CH to Ohjrnn Twenty-
five member of the South Omaha Live
Stock exchange have left over the I'nlon
Paclflo for Cheyenne, where they will
attend the Frontier dny show. They
travel In a cpecial car.
oyer Blaad on Bond C. J. rtoyer,
who ran Into Walter Hansen Monday
nlirht at Twentieth and Kmmct streets,
and which resulted In the death of Han
sen the following evening, was released
In police court on a IKO bond.
Chisam Betnrn Komi Assistant
General Freight Aitent Chisam of the
Oreat Western I back from seven weeks
spent lr southern California, where he
made Ix Angeles his headquarters.
While In Txib Angeles Mr. Chisam saya
two of the largest ships on the l'aclflo
coast loaded nd cleaied for New York
hoth being routed through the Panama
Mrs, Nye Critically
111 at Fremont Home
Mrs Caiohue Xva. widow of the lute
Theron Nye, nf the Nye-SVhno.lder tlralti
company. Fremont, is critically at her
home there, and Is not expected to live
throughout the week. She is one o' the
first settlers in Fremont, coming there In
the spring of 18.V with lier small son
Fred, to meet her husband, who had pro
ceeded them to the frontier. . w here he
erected a log dwelling. She waa accom
panied on the trip by lier brother, .-arino
Coleon. and her sister, Mrs. Charity H
.Mrs. Nye Is Rl yesrs of age and Is the
mother and two children. Fred Nye, who
whs killed In a street car accident In New
York City several years ago. where- he
was an editor on the New York World,
and flay Nye, who resides at Fremont.
Frr.d Nye was well known among the
nliler generation of newspaper men in
Omaha and did work on local rul.llca-tions.
Carl Tzschuck Meyer, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. L. Meyer, died at the home of
his parents on Tuesday afternoon after
a prolonged Illness.
He was born In Omaha on June 5, 1S91,
''fend grew to manhood here. After grad
uating from the Omaha High school ha
entered the University of Nebraska,
where he attended for two and a half
years, until hi health broke down. He
waa a member of the Phi Delta Thela
fraternity and a very popular member
ot the etudent body. He waa a grand
son of the late General Bruno Trschuch.
ITls parents and one brother, C. Louis
Meyer, also of Omaha, survive him. Ar
rangements for the funeral will be an
nounced later.
The funeral service will be held at !
c'clock Thursday at the family residence.
210 South Thirty-sixth trect. Burial will
be at Forest Lawn.
- If - - ' ! 111
J i
J. P. MOIlllAX.
WASHINGTON, Aur. 17..?. P. Morgan
who conferred with President Wilson
with regard to a proposed loan of many
millions to France oy the Morgan Inter
ests, received no encouragement for the
project from the president. It was pointed
out to Mr. Morgan that the United States
wishes to remain strictly neutral and tnat
such a loan might lie construed by Cer
muny or Austria as an attempt on the
part of the United States to eld the
triple entente.
Store Hour., 8:30 A. M. to 5 P. ML Saturday till 9 P. M.!
Town is Stupefied Oyer Seeming Dii-
interestedness of Voters.
What might have been a disastrous
fire early yesterday In the upholstery
department of the Beaton I.Jer Fur
niture store was prevented by the auto
matic sprinkling system for fire protec
tion, with which the store la equipped. A
park from a machine used In the up
holstering room caught in a pile of moss
and In a moment the room was ablaze.
The heat melted the "heads" of the
sprinkler, and automatically turned in
an alarm at the American District Tele
graph company. By the time the fire
department got there the room was full
of smoke and water, but no tiro. The
damage was about MX).
Dr. R. W. Connell. city health com
lulHstoner, will urge the Board of Kduea
tion to compel children, who will enter
school In September, to submit to a
medical examination for diphtheria.
'There has been a considerable number
ft diphtheria cases," said Dr. Connell,
"and there la danger that with the open
ing of school a contagion will break out,
unless great precaution Is exercised."
Dr. Connell said it would be an easy
matter to start a contagion by neglect
ing to examine children, and that In such
ius the blame for It would fall on school
Heavy Rain Falls
Over Big Portion
of Western Country
Kain Tuesday was general over prac
tically all of that portion of Nebraska
lying aouth of the Platte river and west
of a line lirty miles or so back from the
Missouri river.
Partick coming in on trains this morning
assert that along the Union Pacific there
was a hard and steady rain most of last
night all the way from a short distance
this side of Grand Island, through Into
Wyoming. The Union Pacific report
dhows the precipitation to have been
from one-half to one Inch. North of the
main line there were fairly heavy rains
on the Ord and St. Paul branches.
Along the Burlington the rain of the
night covered the country from Table
Rock, in Pawnee county, far out into
Colorado. The precipitation ranged from
one-half inch to one and one-fourth
inches, being heaviest in the southwest
corner of the state around Eugtls and
Curtis. There was an Inch of rain at
Table Rock, Superior, Minden and
Michael J. Rowley, aged 44 and em
ployed as a mlllrlght at- Swifts' waa
instantly killed yesterday morning when a
heavy Iron tank fell upon him from th
econd floor. Rowley, with others were
raising the tank by mean of a rope
which broke suddenly.
He lived at 327 North Twenty-third
street South Omaha and la survived by
lis widow. Rowley had resided in Pouth
Omaa for more than twenty-five years.
The body was taken In charge by Deputy
Coroner Larkm.
Dr. W. L. Shearer. City National Bank
building, who ha been In London attcn l
i i iK the International congresa of sur
geons, ha returned home. He came via
Quebec on the Virginian and report a
pleasant voyage in fao of too war
initiation on th Atlantic
Word baa been received from Judge
Ben 8. Baker, now in London, aaytny h
and Mrs. Baker will return to Omaha
some time in September. Th European
developments, th judge write, changed
their vacation plans considerably.
Or. Klaa' -ew I.f pills.
for constipation, torpid liver, sallow
cumple-xion. Their frequent lie will
strengthen and sdd tone to your system.
: . All .Irurgi.'ls Advertisement.
Th highest fence in Omaha will be
built by Could Met, who is attempting
to construct a. cage for two kangaroos he
will receive next week. He lias a fine lit
tle plot of ground already for them with
a low fence around It. but suddenly real
ized that the kangaroos of the particular
species he was to receive used their tails
for springboard and leaped as far a
twenty-five to thirty feet, to he let the
contract for a fence high enough to
"hold" the beast.
Peter Smith. 520 North Twenty-sixth
street. South Omaha, was thrown from
his motorcycle and badly bruised when
he collided with an automobile driven
by M. R. Clough of 2tf5 Kmiuct street,
at Twentieth and Emmet street.
The two. machine) were damaged
slightly. Police Burgeon Kdstrom at
tended the injured man. who was not
dangerously hurt. Dmitri was taken to
the Wiae Memorial hospital.
Victor White sends The Iii a copy of
the London Star, published on the even
ing of August 4, containing the latest
war news of that date. It ha very little
that was not ituhllvhed In The lice of the
aire day, other than the purely local
lews. The Star 1 singular among Lon
don papers, however.' in that it use a
modified American style, of heading for
Its new Item.
Only Owe la Rare, that wen' l
nttti- ftt-enth. He. Be.
lac pllt la Different
South Omaha today Is !r. .-. 'tale border
ing on stupeflcation over the results of
yesterday's primary. The fact that John
Brlggs has probably won the nomination
for sheriff has helpeil some. The cause
of wonder, however, Is not so much the
success of this or that candidate as It
ws the light vote cast.vThe Howell slat
was supported steadily by Howell fol
lowers nd those opposed to It were split
up In dozen wy.
P. 3. Trainor. former mayor, with prc
tlcally the field against Mm, won out for
th republican nomination for county
commissioner while "lng Tom" O'Con
nor won the democratic nomination for
the same place. For police Judge H. W.
Heed will probably be the republican can
didate while Tolloe Magistrate Callanan
carried off the renomlnatlon among the
The primary day wa a day of slate
making and breaking. Only the liowell
slate showed anything like a steady sup
port. Kverythlng else waa topey turvy.
Kvery candidate had out his own slat.
Men who Wanted to vote aginst the How
ell slate appeared If they wWa be
wildered and although th packing louse
and the arris were interested, many of
the'r employe went home nd styed
there without going near the polls. This
was apparent In the light vote cast, which
ran between 50 and 60 per cent of the
total registration.
Towed Into ake by Gray Wolf.
Harry Parker brings back the best va
cation story of the sea;on. Parker, with
Merle Harrington and Frederick Bray
ling of Lincoln spent two week camp
ing at a resort near Minneapolis.
One evening P.irker wss alone In a
boat, fly-casting for bass when he saw
a dark object wlm out Into the bay from
the near hank. At first he thought It
wan a big dog, but a the object came
closer he taw that It was a great gray
The animal was quite close to the boat,
Parker lain, and he lashed out at It with
his fly. The hook caught In the beast'
1'clt and, stung with pain, it redoubled
its efforts and towed Tarker, boat and
all, for nearly a mile, when the hook tore
out. Tarker threw again and once more
succerded In snagging the animal anJ
another ride ensued. A the South Oma
han was thinking what a fine souvenir
the wolf pelt would be and what a fine
story he would have to tell his compan
ions, the fishllne broke and the wolf, now
only a few yards from shore, got away.
Married Three Month Ago.
Friends of Robert Mcrkle, employed In
the offices of one of the packing plants,
liavit Just discovered that, for three
months their supposed bachelor friend
has been a benedict. Mrs. Merkle waa
formerly Miss Sadie Harrison of Omaha.
The young couple was married In Council
Bluifa, May 12. Now that their secret is
out they will hold a reception In the near
future to receive the congratulation of
their many friend.
Johnson to Retnrn.
R. H. Johnson, who resigned as the
head of the commercial department of
the South Omaha High school a year
ago because of insufficient monetary In
ducements, wa re-elected by the school
board and will take his position at the
opening of the fall term. Mr. Johnson
was well liked In South Omaha. During
the last year he has been In the south
wert. Miss Helen C. Lane, teacher, offered
her resignation, which was accepted. Mr.
Mary Lutr wa elected Janitor of the
Field school and Airs. Whalen ha been
transferred to Highland, where he will
be assistant Janitor.
The contract for laying the walk and
steps at the Cnrrlgan school waa given
to Eugene Conklln. A new radiation y-
tem ta to be Installed in the Jungman
school. The board adjourned until Au
gust 31.
Hoffman Bitten by Cat.
George Hofiman, formerly a member
of the city council and one of the best
known of the Independent packer In
South Omaha, Is in the hospital In a dan
gerous condition as the result of blood
poisoning caused by the bite of a pet cat
three weeks ago. Physician administered
an antitoxin yesterday In the hope of
counteracting the poison.
Magic (Hy Gossip.
Offlre space for rent in Bee office, 131S
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
The Merrymakers' club will give a
dancing party this afternoon at th
Moose, home. Twenty-fifth and M streets.
The Christian Kndeavor of the Fimt
Christian church will glv an Ice cream
social next Thursday evening on the
church lawn at Twenty-third and I
The Kensington of Superior lodge No.
13. Degree of Honor, will picnic at Han
scorn park, Omaha, next Thursday after
noon and evening. ,
Nineteen boxes of toilet soap,
stolen from the Cudahy warehouses, were
recovered from a clump of weeds nearby,
where they were hidden, yesterday. Po
lice Captains Shehan and Zalondek made
the find.
Card of Thanks We wish to thank
kind friends and neighbors, F. O. K. l."i;
A. O. U. W. 227 and employes of Cud
aliys' for sympathy and beautiful floral
tributes during the nines and death of
our son and grandson. J. W. Burn, W.
M Burn and Family.
The Sunday school of the First Chris
tian church will hold its annual picnic
next Thurfcday at Kim wood park, Umaiia.
Members will meet at the church, Twenty-third
and I streets, at il : a. in., from
where they will go to the picnic grounds.
Every mother Is urged to attend.
tVeorge Cbllds, conductor on the Inter
urban line for year and who ha missed
casting his vote uiny once In his lifetime,
teturned to South Omaha yesterdav from
hi vacation in order to vote. He has
been spending . hia furlough visiting
friends and relative In cevcral eastern
Assistant Postmaster J. I. Woodrd t
Omaha Is In pouession of two bill folds,
which, papers contained therein, indicate
belong to Arthur le and Michael Scud
era of South Omaha. The pocketbook
were found In mall boxes In Omaha. Mr
Woodard think they were filched by
plekp'M'kets while their owner wer In
Omaha. They may have their property
by calling upon him and making proper
Fl additional students ha been ad
mitted to the teacheia' training class by
Superintendent K. V. Graft There were
twenty In the ciss before the five were
admitted. Those who livo been accepted
are: Mildred .Turk.. Fjoren. Anderson,
tirace Howell, Llsie Muffm.asen. Ueitrude
Lawn Handkerchief 5c
$ometMn vott can tievi
nave too nisnv of. tlood
election of lawn hsndker
chiefs. Hold reclllsrlv S
15c. specially priced for
Thursadv. at, each e
Barce-ah Mala Fl.
Wednesday. August 19, 1114,
t j r:ti c -J-1-
mc ana niuuun krviau
A large sortment of f Ibhon
4m rtnr.l nlnln na. 1 1 ,rn
regular ISr. and Hoc viwue..le
Sixteenth and Harney SfVatta.
The Sale of Silks and Silk and Cotton Mixed
Goods in Ecbmony Basement, at Yard, 15c
Not one Yard Worth Less Than 25c Nearly the Entire Lot4Vorth 50c a Yard. .
Sale Starts Promptly at 8:30 A. M. T
WE AKK most enthusiastic over this sale. It is raro-vory rare that any store is a We to Rive such
values in anv kind of merchandise as we offer in these silks and silk and cotton mixtures Not
one vard is worth less than 2;; nearly the entire lot is worth oOc a yard. The widths are 2,, 30 and.
36 inches. Thousands of vards, too. Enough for everyone. , ,
The assortment includes lioman' stripes and fancy stripes in all the new colorings fancy TussaJw,
Persian and floral designs, Ealiennes," fancy jacquards and dresdens suiting n- "tW iS 'iwill
ratines, dotted silks, crepe de chines, China and drapery silks, plain weaves, black, white and in all
COltWy woman in Omaha should buy enough material at this great sale to complete her wardrobe, for early fallyand
uinter wear, rienty of clerks to wait ufon you quickly. '
Hareas-sfe C. - T Int.
Dainty Practical
Muslin Underwear
Women's Coret Covert nd
Drawers, 25c
MADE of nainsook and
cambric, trimmed -ith
lace, embroidery and ribbon
run beading, knicker draw
ers, finished with band of
Women's Corset Covers and
Drawers, 50c
MADE of nainsook and
crepe, corset cover
trimmed with lace 'medal
lions, embroidery and lace
insertions and ribbon run
beadings, knicker and full
drawer styles, trimmed with
lace and embroidery.
$1.25 Women's Gowns, 98c
MADE of nainsook and crep.
slipover style, trimmed
with dainty lare medallions, lare
and embroidery Insertion and
ribbon run beadlnits.
Bnrr-'aah Ce. eenS Floor.
Specials in A"rt
Goods Thursday
Pillow Cases, Pair 29c
STAMPKD pillow rases on
best quality tubing, site
42x36. hemstitched edges,
new eyelet and French de
signs. Thursdsy, per palc.2e
Pillow Cords, Each 15c
tIUiOW cord, mercerised,
i . in sll colors, plsln snd
mixed, sold regulsrly for 2Rc,
Thursday, each 15o
Silk PUlow Cords, 39c
PRBTTY silk pillow cords
In all colors, formerly
priced st 60c, speclsl for
Thursday, at, each 39o
Sartiu-Xiit CM Fler.
fain Thursday
TMK3E bathing suits are
mads by one of the best
manufacturers In this country,
of lisle, cotton snd Woostsrd
yarns. Look OTer our list ot
former prices snd cut prices snd
see what a snap they are.
SOc yaluss. Thursday Mc
fl.OO values. Thursday B5e
11.25 values. Thursdsy 8e
1.60 vslues, Thursday.... $1. 18
12.00 values, Thursday ... .11.69
$1.60 vslues, Thursday. .. .11.89
13.00 values, Thursdsy. . . .2.45
I860 vslus, Thursday.... 92.19
$4.60 values, Thursdsy.... f3J
BaraeM-IVaan r). Male Flaon.
Thursday S pecial
in White Goods
P-KR81AN lawn, sheer snd
cool, suitable for waists
and dreies, very specially
priced for Thursdsy, tin
ysrd .. He
nnr-e-Wh r-Mln
Tablets 3 for 5c
ALARQB sssortment of fine
pencil snd some Ink writ
ing tablets, slightly soiled, many
large Jumbo slr.e. sold regularly
for 6c, Thursday, k for 6c. This
Is a rhsnee for school children
, to get their supplies at a big
Bnrass.Wan '. Main PI.
Knit Goods Here
" Thursday
Women's Union Suits, 39c
WOMEN'S regular a.nd
extra size union suits,
low neck and sleeveless,
wide umbrella style leg, sec
onds of the 5oc quality,
special for Thursday, 39c
Women's Union Suits, 25e
WOMEN'S extra, size
union suits, low neck
and sleeveless, umbrella
style leg. specially priced
for Thursday, at 25c
25c Hose, 15c
WOMEN'S black silk
lisle seamless hose;
regular 25c quality, pair.ISc
SOc Hose, 25c
WOMEN'S black lisle
thread hose, neatly
embroidered insteps, regu
larly sold for 5oc, special
nnraesa-Hash " -Mln Flenr.
Store Gossip From the Different Departments
YOU will find bargains in everv section of the store at this time of the year when stocks are being re
duced to make room for the new fall goods. Ribbons, gloves, notions and shoes are sections in
which unusually strong values are being offered.
-Burgess-Nash Co Everybody' Store 16th and Harney;
News Reporter Given Healthy Lei
ton in Ethics by Charwomen.
Kdmund Jam Wolf, Jr., Iondon
newspaperman, who My he I In th
rmploy of lh Ktndrd n! Tld-Bit.
lsild Onulii yesterday In th course of
trip on foot round tho world. He
spent several yrr In the old v-orld.
having begun hi Journey In le. He I
traveling- eastward and expert to arrive
In London next winter
In -ai'h rlly visited by hlm h secure
slgnslvi.t of prominent men.
After Rrleaalnr Himself He Strike
One and Reaches for Plato!,
Which la Knocked from
Ilia Hand.
A couple of hard-working srrut) women
employed at the court house, resenting;
slurs and Insinuations heaped upon them
by a reporter named Princoll, employed
on the staff of th Daily News, cornered
the latter In the corridor of the county
building and, removing one of his shoes,
gave Mm a good paddling. They then
pulled hla hair, Jammed hi coat up over
hi head, pulled, off hi collar and slapped
hi faca, all the while demanding that he
I'rlacoll finally wrenched loose nd
crashed hi fist Into th bresst of one of
the women. He tben pulled an auto
matin gun, but before he could raise it
several men who were enjoying the scene,
knocked It from hi hand snd took it
way from him. Th pistol was fter
ward turned over to County Attorney
Th reporter, accompanied by a num
ber of politician, charged up and down
th court house, shrieking that the at
tack was an attempted assasxlnatlon, fos
tered by "the gang."
Iater the spanked reporter went to
County Attorney Magney, demanding
warrants for the arrest of "gangsters"
and "gunmen" and accused everyone but
himself of using firearms.
Th Incident caused a commotion In th
county building. The reporter wa uin
jured, save for hi outraged feeling.
"The scrub women will be suspended If
we learn that the attack wa provoked,"
declared Superintendent Calabria, "How
ever, If It la shown that the women
merely defended their reputation, I, for
on, will help protect them."
Clothing Identified;
Belongs to Wehlem
Th clothing found on Sunday night by
Officer Nichols near the municipal bath
ing beach and turned over to th coroner
In th belief that It might belong tc th
man who body wss recently found
floating In Carter lake, waa Identified last
night as belonging to Carl Wehlem, a
millwright, who lived at 173 South Tfii
tj -fourth street, South Omihi, an J who
ha been missing from his boardinv place
sine last Thuraday. Th clothe wer
Identified by Adam Backstrom and O.
Olluson, both fellow millwright of 8outh
Omaha. They said that the body plckad
up In th lak wa not that of ,Wchlem.
Jarist Hraaa hleaga a Warld'
-Clear!; Hoim" for Mleflf
Branding Chicago a "clearing hou''
for divorce, Circuit Judge Jess A. Bald
win expressed himself on th evil of
bivorc here and nlsewhere, comparing
the aituation in Chicago with that In lnn
don and New York. He attributed the
Urge number of Uliuict heard srly
l.-'f . . .,.. lv T, "
V -T i a .
o) nr
gaM tatts
1G4 Lbs
Cane, sack, 6.95 16 lb .'..81.00
Amount sold each customer limited st any ot tbe
Four net Sior
No. 21-816 No. 16 '
No. 22-1406 Ko. 24
No. 23-1807 Vinton
No. 24-2127 Famani
In signed article published In a I-ondon
dally, (ieorge Hernard 8haw, the famed
playwright, lay the Vhole blame for the
present European war at Great Britain's
door. He admits that "Prussia ought to
have Its ' head punched and all the
militarism knocked out of It," hut say
If KiiKland had told Oermany it would
land by France, the kaiser would never
have thought of war.
In Chicago to the d extra of out-of-town
people to hurry their suit by havlnu
them heard here.
"If It wn not for thi fact." he Mid,
"wa would not have such long divorce
call. The morality of the eople I not
to be determined by the number of di
vorce. There re other factor to be
taken Into consideration, such a the fact
that In New York there la only one statu
tory ground for divorce, adultery, while
we have seven.
"Again, the great discrepancy between
the number of divorce granted In Ixin
con and here doe not mean tiiat we arx
lesa concerned with the seriousness of
the evil. .We have four time a many
divorce In Chicago a In lnlon, which
mean sixteen time a many In propor
tion to population, but In Ixindon th
minimum coat of obtaining a divorce is
more than SKA, while in Chicago the
minimum coat may be a small as $3 50
Chicago Herald.
A Prescription.
Here 1 on that waa told by Congress
man Henjamln O. Humphrey In throwing
the. harpoon Into a medical friend who
wa a fellow guest at banquet.
home time ago trie kt-eper of a muurn
waa engaged In placing some new curios
that had lust arrived from Kg) pt when
ha noticed a perplexed look on th far
of hia attendant.
' V hat the matter, Smith?" h queried,
going to the assistant. "I ther anything
you don't understand?"
"Yea," anawtred rlmith. 'Here la a
papyrus on which the character are so
badly traced that thev are Indecipherable.
How ahull 1 lars it?"
"let met see,'' returned th keeper, ex
amining the curio. "Just call It a foe.
tor rrencrlytioa la tha liru uf th
There is nothing in the world that talks as impressively as
RESULTS. You do not care about the set-up or illustrations
of a "Want Ad. You judge it by a single staudard cold, hard,
but just DOES IT PAY! ' . ,j
Advertisers of real estate are not in busi- !
ness for their heal.h. THEY WANT TO
The liee is spending thousands of dollars in its own adver
tising columns and in other mediums to more vigorously fix
attention upon its real estate columns. j
That's the answer
Get YOUR price.
Telephone Tyler 1000
The Omaha Bee
Everybody reads Bee Want Ads 1