Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1914, Image 7

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    I i
Latest Word in Fashions
A Woman's Great Discovery
Madame Henri, of Paris, Turns the Bacilli of Anthrax into New Types, Having New Properties, by Subjecting-
Them to Ultra-Violet Rays.
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Already the returning travelers are giving Us some ideas of the ad
vance fall models which the smart French houses will show. And the
really smart stay-at-homes can find hero a hint that will enable them to
be as well garbed as the returning traveler.
The suit shown you is of gray diagonal with white broadcloth collar
and waistcoat. The round circular skirt fastens up the front under a
plait. A very full pannier tunic buttons up Its short front breadth and
lengthens to double that length In back. The kimono coat Is cutaway, fol
lowing in exactly parallel lines to the skirt. The sleeves are long with
turn-back cuffs. Inside the coat Is a waistcoat of white broadcloth which
forms also wee revers and a rolling collar. The front of the coat plaits
into an improvised waistcoat girdle that is all in one with the kimono and
held by darts. OLIVETTE.
The anthrax bacillus in its
normal state; that is to say, as it
appears in the batonnet form.
Mni Victor Henri iu her laboratory in the Pasteur Institute, I'm In.
One of the intermediary uusta- The first of the two new forms The second of the two forma as-,
hie forms taken by the anthrax assumed by the anthrax bacillus sumed by the anthrax bacillus
bacillus after exposure to ultra
violet rays.
during a ten-aninutes' exposure, during ten minutes' exposure.
I Another French woman Iihh Fiorrd u
I high mark in eclenre. Following thn
iHtralght and narrow path of cxurtitiule
! which led her countrywoman, Madame
(lie spurt rum of orillnury light.
Il Iihh been known for nine time that
they are destructive to many forms of
K rm life, but Madame Henri's eiperi
m nt rok-eMl prevloimly i.nUeined coime
qi:ener reswUlns from thetr action Tim
Curie, to the detec tion of raillum, Madame i story of whut Khe has done Iu mubt graph.
Victor Henri hnB just achieved an equally j hally tuld with the aid of the three
brilliant discovery In another field, that mlcro-i'h.toii aphs herewith reproduced.
FigT- 1 shows the antnrsx oacuius in
Its ordinary form.
Flu. '2 shown the .ippeuraiiie of tte
baiillMH after a brief exposure to the.
ultra-violet rays. Jt will lie eu that
the long, curved rods hav been broken
of biology.
Btsltlo the transmutation of chemical
elements she has placed the tr.mmtuita
tion of microbe, and In s dolus has es
tablished an Important motllticti'ion of
'Darwin's theory of evolution
Little Bobbie's Pa
Sum of Ma's lady trends wis up to the
house last nlte to a club meeting. Ma
wanted Pa to stay houm t offer them
sum auggestuns, so Pa etaid but he dlcent
want to very bad.
We want to malk the city moar butlfnl.
ised the ladies to I'a. We want to malk
H a plare for a attlat to paint.
1 am afiade thare are sum parts of this
ily that you cud newer malk butlful.
I'a sed. Sum parts of the city sro butlful
now, & other parts are beeyond fixing.
But our idee is a new & novel one, sed
one of the ladles to Pa. We are not
going to Interfere with the blldlngs. but
we are going to offer prices every day.
if we can get sum milyunalres interested,
prizes for the best looking couples on
every Mreet. The result will be, she atd
to I'a, that thousands of butlful wlmnen
& ;ilim. with will maik the city innar
on parade, wleh will malk the city tnoar
tiutiful. The hoanily peepul will be
ashamed of themaelfe, she sed, & slay
in doors. Doant you grasp my icee .'
It is a wunderful idee. Pa sed, a wun
dtrful Idee. Reely. tho, aed I'a, I cant
think of how you are going to glt away
Face Powder
(In CrMlt Boxf Only)
V T-l
r-- i Mp in
Complexion Beautiful
80ft and velvety. Monty back if not en
tirely pleated. Nadine is pure end harm
Its,. Adheres until washed oft. Prevents
unburn and return ef discolorstiont.
A million delighted users prove its value.
Tintei Fleeh, Pink, Brunette. White.
By Toilet or Mail, 50c.
Natiewl TeiUt Caavur, PencTenn.
SvS kf Sh.
ee bms ce..
MS A MovrvriNll Ufug btgiei. b
kruiuel Urue lul. es4 utbir.
Irum two drswbacks to yure plan. The
first iltawbHcIc la to glt the mllunares in- j
tereMed, sed Pa, & the second drawback
will to git any cuppel who think thsyj
ate hoamly. Talk me, for Insteus, sed Pa
1 nx.y not be Apollo, hut I think me & :
my wife wud have a good chanst to glt
a prize. I
Yure wife wud have a chanst, sed one!
of the ladies, but you are too fat. 'We'
won't give any of tne prises to fat men,
H ti nt is a good thing Iu another way. I
too. she sed. It will liavs a ten-deniy to!
keep fat men off the streets. A fat man!
tulksi up twice as much room as a sllmJ
man. j
I'a got klr d of red Iu the fa. e I
liuMnt knok, h sed, I have always been
s littel portly, but sumhow I have always
got along vary well with the dU'-sernliu;
n embers of the fair sex. I rildent thlnli '
much of pure plan at fljet, he sed to th.
ladles, bit m'w that 1 konw you aie
po.ii to c'ls-crlm-inall HSxenct fst men'
the plan is sure to be a f.tJIuie. Fat men:
are always! popular, he sej, & any move- j
nient w-lch Is took ageenst them is sure
to be bad for the skecm Ji. i speel; of
Thackeray the novelist was fat. Pa sed.'
A- oUI Sam Johnson was fat, & thav wa
ery popular with the ladles. '
Well, times has changed, sed ore 'if'
Ma's frends. ihe day of the, al.nd.-r
man is lieif. The kind of men win. men,
love to see. she sed, are men like the
tuts yon aee painted on tailor sine. It
Ih all rite for them to have broad sholders, 1
bhe sed, but a broad stummi. k newer, i
I always loved my husband moar bee-;
1 aus he was chubby, sed Ma I wud-'
dent have hlni a pound dlffernt than he j
Is for anytiiing in the wot 1.1. i
My hunl.i.nd is chubby, too, ed two o'
the other ladles, but I offen wish he sm
slimmer, ife puffs wen he is climbing
a hill j
Yes. sd sum of the other wtmmen, eV '
fat men turner at vlte. j
After thay was all gore I'a looked It.
the big glare sed t.i Jta Well. deer, rj
gue nobouy loves a fat man ex.ep ai
ani.ibal. I
Madame. Henri In r d iscovery In j up and the pleres iiaVe drifted apart.
Hut the damage done to the bHctlius in
liiMigniftcant. ami in a short time It
retakes its normal foj-.u.
Fig. S and fig. 1 show the form which
the bacillus su. i espivi ly assumes utter
it htif- been exposed to the action of the
rays liuricg a period of ten minutes. The
longer exposure breaks it up, 1 it at. Into
the course of some experiment.! with the
effects of ultra-violet rays on the bacil
lus of anlhrix, which produces splenic
fever among sheep and cuttle, and some
times In mun.
Vlira-vl'jlet rays consist of the exceed
ingly phort waves of radiant energy
Which lie Juat beyond the bluo end of
little round coi.l. but afterward fila
ments are furtneit. These two forms
lire permanent, at leant lor three months,
iitul 'they constitute new types of an
thrax, wIiosh effects upon animals are
different from those produced by the
normal type.
A guinea pig Inoculated with the otdl
ii.i ry bacillus dies In two days, und the
bacilli are found swsrmlng everywhere
In Its body. Inoculated with the filament
type of bacillus produced by the action
of the Ultra-violet leys, the snlinal also
dies, but only after a eiio.l of from ten
to twenty days, while the disenae Is much
less virulent and the bacilli are very rate
In the blood and organs.
Other experiments show that the new
tyie differ from tho old In many at rill
ing ways.
The promise which these experiments
offer of a method of destroying, or of
reducing to an Innocuous state, the ha. ,
llua of snthrax is the fcuture of Madame
Henri's discovery thut will most Interest
tho pracllcul man, but for the thinker,
the iwirt of her work that attracts special
attention Is the evidence which It affords
that ultra-violet rays are able to bring
about a trntiftformatlon or transmutation
of bacterial species In a few minutes of
time, such as the natural course of evo
lution probubly could not effect In many
TIiIm accords with Ite Vries' modifica
tion of I Hit will's theory uf evolution, for
lie Vries tenches tliHt species may vary
by sudden leaps or mutations. It In sug
gested at tne I'usteiir Institute In Paris
that Madame I torn I'm discovery Indicates
that t(ie great number of disease breed
ing microbes now existing in the world
may have sprunu; from from a single one
ifr from a few primitive forms, which
have been transformed into a host of
different species and varieties simply by
the in Hon of the violet rays In the
A Yankee Count
t : r?
Your Summer Vacation
The story of Ben js mill Thompson, who
was knighted 100 years ago, February 2.
ITSt, by the king of England, is one of
tho moHt wonderful la the annals of our
country. Hut few
lives In the history
of the race equal
It in thrilling Inter
est and first-class
Thompson, better
known us fount
Rumford, was born
in the village of
North Woburn,
Mass., March
1T"3. At 1!. young
Thompson was ap
prenticed to a
Salem merchant
Two Vars later he became a dry goods
clerk In Boston, and a little later a
schoolmaster at Bradford. At H Thomp
son quit teaching and married a widow
of twice hla atKe. the honeymoon
was over the revolution was en the car
pet, the "Sons of Liberty" treated the
young bridegroom rather roughly, and be
saibd for Kngluud, where he almost Im
mediately vaulted into high official posi
tion, his sggregsted salary smountlrig to
more than ITO.Un. For a young man who
bad just got through his twenties that
was doing verv well indeed.
Taking a trip over to Havarla, Thomp
son csptlvsted tiie elector, who made
him the first man In the stale. The con
fident was not misplaced, fot Instantly
the whole condition of affairs wss
changed for the better. The finances of
he country were put on a sound basis,
th srmy wss rejuvensted, and the multi
tude of tramps and beggars that hail for
years been In'iHtlng the land, were wld
out aa if by magic
Thompson's work In Havana brought
him to the notice of the eui'ror, who
made him count of the Holy Human em
pire. Jlememlierlng the little New
land village where he was born. Thomp
son took the title of "Count H'linford "
A many-sided man was the YanKce
count. In this respect our tountry has
produced but one man who can le com
pared with mm Henjsmin Franklin.
Franklin ab.nn except, Thompson t
great In more ways than any other man
that the western hemlspheie has ever
given birth to. A magnificent coin ei na
tionalist, brilliant orator, profound sto tes-
man, prince, oi uipiomais, gieai scientist,
sno loreinosi ui suc-curi ui puiiuiiioio
pists, Thompton will ever rank among
the in.'kl remaikable man of the ages.
I itrllli.itit as a star, he was at the nam
time intensely pis. Ileal. Ever busv with
the study of subjects recondite and tran
scendent, be was never for a moment
unmindful of l'ie common sffalrs of taiih
He founded the Hcyal Institution. He
was the originator of the -idea whl. h.
under (ienetel Hooth, lesulted in the "Hal
valion Ai'inv " Thompson died at Au
teull, France, in 114, ut the age of -',
and was buried in the now disused ceme
tery about wlrl h will ever hang the glory
snd romance of the 1 'e story of the
Yankee count
Girls and Algebra
(ilnd tidings of great Joy In the 1'nlte.l
Ststes; sclen. e, reason, pity and mercy
4 omhlncd in one : iw.-ch by an educator
befoi-e the National K.lucatlonal associa
tion at is session in St. Paul, Minn.
.1. H. Francis, superintendent of tie
I .os Angeles schools, with a boldness
equal to that of Thomns I'alne, stood
I efore the teachers of the nation and
I iiiailo a plea for human merry snd kind
ness. Ills plea was that girls should never
hereafter be taught nlgehrn.
I'or years, since I saw human mental
misery before my eyes, of girls suffer
ing over algebra, I have published over
nti.I over attain my severe denunciation
of the In. mo? Inflicted upon girls In
teaching them aleebtn. A few of my
reasons nr.- repeated:
Fit st -Women absolutely and positively
have no tine for algebra.
Second - It is a total waste of their tlmo
to compel them to study It.
Third II Is known to mentalists that
the teachtftr of algebra to girls Injures
Ibelr tiiln. I, atid In many sad cases for
Fourth In hundreds of serious cases,
iilgebia ba permanently Injured th
health of young women.
Fifth--Now. sin. e mentalists lace dis
covered these facts. It la a criui" to teach
algebra to girls.
In the name of plain, common humanity,
I here now write this; Have not women,
enough to suffer vt about being compelled
to suffer inure-.'
I wns In n second-hand book store one
looking over some school books. I picked
up quite n well worn aim bra, and upon
ispldly turning over the pagef I ssw little
(-.tacts here snd there. I knew In ait
instant what they were tears. I knew,
because I have seen them fall when teach
Inr mathematics to young women.
Further along In the book, opposite) A
difficult quadratic equation, I saws these
words, "Oh, tlertrnde!" I knew their fear
ful Import. They were written by a girl
j to a schoolmate close to her In the school
i'oncentrated human suffering dwells
ss flresi of Inquisition in these two words.
The writer was on the eve of a mental
nervous breakdown from long-eonllnueil
and severe suffering. 8he was lit agony
of preparing for some merciless "third
deirree horror" of examination. That Is,
the girl who wrote. "Oh, Gertrude:" wn
partially Insnne from terrific mental pain,
1 know It, for t have seen It.
And now, here on this peaceful summit.
In quiet and rest, here In the mountain
sunshine of a July day, my own mind is
barrassed with suffering to think that I
was the cause during seven years of Just
such Bmy.
I taught high mathematical science to
young women. 1 would die In poverty
rather than teach algebra and higher
branches to them again. Since those days
1 have talked with a number, married
and gone, and not one ever had a trace
or use for algebra, to say nothing of tho
Then the work, agony, pain and despair,
nervous tortured, crushing pain of mind.
Injury to brain cells snd wreck of bodily
health, time and tuition feea to the col
legeall these, and mors, were thrown
away not merely wasted, but actually
sn Injury.
Cannot these facts be rammed Into the)
heads of modern algebra faddists? If
the utter usnlessness of algebra for girls
does not affect them I will here wrlta
To Teaehers of Algebra to Girls I here
by, In the nsme of human mercy, ask you
to stop.
The plea of Superintendent J. H.
Francis should be published In- every
school district tinder the United States
flag and translated Into all foreign
To every father and mother I present
this plea: When school begins this fall
mend a note to the teacher requesting that
your daughters be excused from the study
of algebra, and even arithmetic In It
higher department. If the text book con
hook contains positively useless examples:
never used In a lifetime.
If the teacher refuses apply to the
school board. If the board refuses to
omit algebra, take the girl out of school
snd over to a scientific moving picture
show. If the authorities force your"
daughter to school to study algebra su
out a writ of habeas corpus.
Substitute teaching of things that by
nature's Inherent right they ought and
are entitled to know.
The making of a beautiful, modest dressl
is many millions of times greater for a.
lilrl than the wearisome solution In dire
pain of a quadratic that to her Is worsa
than useless Injurious. Cannot our next
tslns positively useless examples never
used In a lifetime.
"ily on." sai.l the conscientious father. I
"your punishment has hint me as mm h
BS It has hurt you. I am in a very de-
pressed stste of mind .'
"Yes." ananered the youngster, but i
yours is only one of those psychological
depretslons.' Washington Bur f j
The keynote of life today Is action So
when vacation times come the "ioxd-up
men of the city go to nature for her sim
ple out-door flrt-ajil restoratives for
tired nerves , and hoillcs. They climb
mountains, thev camp in the woods und
cook their own food, they sleep In the
open and fly from all that Is artificial
and reminds them of winters tieadiulll
ol socii-ly.
Hut Ihi'ie are ibiee p'iiuc fa. tots that
dine men lo irali.e that to llietu vaca
tion meana restoration and solitude.
Tbi se fuctru.H aie goa."lp, forced romance
und ovei di esaiiig.
Women look upon summer resorts as
first aid to love affairs. Thev bring
elalnoaie wardrobes along on their vu.a
t Ion for the ensnaring of men. They fill
their I'll") s !icuHiMK otlu r people s
loiiibiioca and family, im anil iu.iis
cmHoiih. They bilng the rulea of society
aloiiK wlcn they are on the edge of na
tute s realm
And so men hide themselves deeper and
d.-cper in the wilderness mid make of
their minuier va. atiou a period "f real
rest, uetual changt) and health-giving
re. leatlon.
I'untiot you iw in our liiln.l'tf eye
those long rows of rockers on hotel or
boarding h iisc piazzas .' Can you not
rciiienio r the long rows of women of
sorts and of all sorts go.-.Hpli.g and ro. k
ii.g, rocking and g..x-.plhg ibroiiKb the
whole Idle day.' 1'erhaps you have been
u.vemled into Joining them and hsve
fearl to leave lest as soon as you go you
be speared by sharp and idlu tongue'.
So mi and many another lias i nine to
ro. k and iemain.t to slu g, lest vinir
departure nunc ib- whole nexi of sting
ers ar.j.iud voi r li'-ai.
bn yu wondei '.l a' ..n u-w ,,ile young
men shun this'" Ho you wonder that they
piefer a long walk to a sharp talk, and
the chatter of squirrels and chipmunks
and robins to the chatter of the porch
Haven t you strained your puree or your
poor hunl-woi I.iiik father's resources so
you might wear one pretty dress sfter
another dining your vacation"
U it surprising that nun avoid this silly
fashion show and Independently wear
giay flannel shirts and hip boots us com
lortuble. drralls of costume instead of
Miulnlug into blgli collars snd tight
pumps ?
I lav n't you ilieu.b d the summer match
niakiiiK that spoiled our bast friendship
by making It self-conscious? Or have
you feverishly lunged for a "man" and a
"romance," so yoi could make your
b i.istlimiy popular best rriend feel that
yon had been u lx lie, too?
lo you wonder that men,aeek the lion
em hardships of the woods and hills In
stead of the silly paths of summer phil
andering? If girls would strive to make summer
va ationn simple, honest, natural periods
without gossip, overdressing or feverish
siut'h for romance, worth-while men
woul.l il.irc venture ba. k to the summer
Hut. belter than ibis, gills, why not
spend your vacations lumping und tramp
ing near tr, nature heart'.' Voil would
gain a hciltuge or health and strength
und quiet nerves to bring back to the
lily. Make your vacation spell change,
iesi and re- leution So il will bring you
real gain and true benefit.
"I've been
"On the hotel pla.a
1 feudal uf the lia.e '
Muddy Waters
aifichiiig all morning'
Ive be aid all tile
-J udge.
The Brightest
Women Find
sometimes that they are dull in
mind, depressed in spirits, and that
they have headache, backache,
and sufferings that make life
seem not worth living. But these
conditions need be only temporary.
They are usually caused by indigestion
or biliousness and a few doses of
will quickly, safely and certairXy
right the wrong. This famous family
remedy tones the stomach, stimu
lates the liver, regulates the bowels.
Beecham's pills cleanse the system
of accumulating poisons and purify
the blood. Their beneficial action
shows in brighter looks, clearer
complexions, better feelings. Try
them, and you also will find that they
ay Be
Relied Upon
Directiaas ml special value wits, aearr aest,
Sals everywhere, la Bases. 10c., Jss.