Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, T PES DAY. AEdt NT 1?. 10H.
BE 8T jg
New Up-to-date Lighting Fixtures are just received.
They are beauties and very nifty in design.
It will pay you to see us and get our prices before
you place your order. t
Never in the history of this city has such bargains
been known.
Come on, we are waiting for you.
Our store is open until 6 o'clock every day except
Saturday when we keep open until 9 P. M.
he ELEeinie sho
TYLER 1414.
Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New
Account in the SAVINGS DEFAKTMLM of
Counts 1 00 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest
Capital, $500,000
Surplus, $500,000
Undivided profits,$240,000
Total deposits, $7,000,000
13th and Farnam Streets
FRANK 1. HAMILTON, Vice President
3. H. MEILE, Assistant Cashier
C. B. DUG DALE, Assistant Cashier
NOTE: Votes will not be allowed for other than bona fide new savings
accounts. Pull number of votes will bs allowed up to sixty days before
close of eoutest when a, limit of 10.000 will bs placed on each new account.
Rexall Drug Stores-Price List
The war in Europe makes our very large stock a con
stant source of satisfaction. Coir.e to us first we have
the goods and the price:
25c Allen's Foot Kase 14o
2Sc Allcork's Porous Plaster . . . . 13o
Hromo Seltzer . ...9o, 18c, 34c. 69
Hourjoois Juvn Hire Pnwder . .490
hOc. I'llHI'leH' Klesh Food fl4o
2 rm farter's Little I.iver Pills 12o
.15c tVuitnrla, genuine fllo
25c Cutleura Soap 170
50p Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin ...39o
50c Carmrn Powder S9o
50c t'anthrox 99o
BOc Doane's Kidney Pills 340
25c IJewitfs Little Karlv Ilisern 13o
11.00 Huffy' Malt 74c
5fle Derma Viva 390
25c Kapey's Krasrrant Cream ..140
KVIIowh' Svrnp 64o and 98o
26c Frostilla 14o
$1.25 Pintle's Penln ManRun . ...89o
Horltck's Malted Milk
for 34o. 670. $3.70
$1.00 Hvomel. complete 890
25c Hires' Koot Heer ISO
Hindu' Honey and Almond
Cream AS, 79o
J5c Hydrox Peroxide Cream ..14o
Hydrogen, Peroxide, Hher. Mr
Con., H lb., 14; H lb., 19e; 1
lb ' 39o
Moetetter's Bitters 89o
76c Jad Salts 64o
tfic Kennedy Laxative Compound
Syrup 14o
I.lstertne 9c, 14c, 89o. 80
Corner 16th and Dodire Streets. 'Harvard Fharmaacv. 94th and Far.
Owl Drug Co lets aud Harnoy t. Xoval Pharmacy, 207-3O9 If. 16th,
Business Chances
Business opportunities there are
scores of them presented from day to day
in The Omaha Bee's Want Ad columns.
The business world is constantly
on he lookout for added capital to en
large the scope of various established concerns.
There are chances to secure partnerships or in
vestment interssts. and many new business ven
tures seek capital and proficient executives.
Buying, selling, exchanging all
come within the scope of Bee Want Ads
You'd like a business of your
own? See if the "Busines Chances" col
umn haven't a proposition that appeals to you,
or state your requirements in an advertisement
of your own the cost is nominal. Call Tyler
EvtrboJy JUad Bf Wunt Ad.
1810 FARNAM.
25o I.yon'K Tooth Powdeer 14o
25c Laxative Hromo (Juinine ,.13o
50t: I.alilam h Powder. 4 Hhatllrs 39o
BOc Malvlna Cream S9o
25c Masnata TiiliMim 13o
25c Mennen'a Tuloum, 4 kinds liio
Mentliolatum 14c and 34o
Miles' Nervine (1.00
11.50 Oriental Cream, Uouraud's 98o
50e Pane's Dlapepsln 99o
$1.00 l'lnkham's Compound . ...59o
25c Parker's Tar Soap 14o
BOc Peheco Tooth I'axte 39o
$1 Pierce's Favorite Prescrlp'n 4o
$1 Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery r'or 94a
25c Pond's Vnjsbnic Creaam ..14o
$1 Pinaud's I.uac VeR 64o
50c IN.zzonl's l'owder 34o
$1 Peruna 94o
11. & (1. Hire Powder 19o
Sal llepatica 17o. 390, 6So
60c Syrup of Kigs 99o
$1 S. S. S 69o and (1.09
Societe llyglenigue Soap 80
BOc Sempra Oeovlne 990
50c Toujour Jeune 890
25c Tlx, for tired feet 14o
26c Viola Skin Soap 14o
Bnc Viola Cream 19o
25c Woodbury's Facial Soap . ...lflo
25c 4 fl 1 1 White T'.ose Soap ....130
$1.00 Wine Cai.dui 69o
BOc William's Pink Pills 34o
Merchants on This Page Are Valuable
Kest Timidity we will publish the
steading of all contestants who have
turned in their nomination coupons
or tub checks for TotH la this con
test. Oct your receipts In by Satur
day erenine; so that yonr standing
will appear In th list, thns lettins;
yonr friends know that you ars competing-
for trip to the Panama -position.
Contestants' Standing1
Kama. He. of
Tay & Watts 3,
Rata A. Finney 3,
Mrs. in in a Perry 3,
Charles Hail t,
aai 7AO
Willi Ward
Rylvia Rabat
O. a, Hystrom
Mobert Ltwn bowman
Mary J. A.b.rly
Arthur WUdbeck
Daniel A Langfeld
Sam Steinberg-
Xoawell Potts
Mrs. B. S. Smith
Clyde 3. I.nther
Eoe Bcbalek
Pred Born
Grace B. Baker, Btatrloe, Jfeb.
Herbert O. Wells
W. J. MetUen
Chris Slmonson. Vtica, Web...
Jnllan Karris
Harry J. Severaon
Minor O. Kennedy
Herbert O. Lundon
Marls K. Blrera
Jennie K. Washburn
Charles Q. Thomas
Myrtle O. Harrison . . .
Mrs. James Mortlmore
Henrietta Swenaen
Mrs. Kobsrt T. Jones
James It. Xulakofaky
Myron Deforest
T. O. Thompson
Mrs. Oeorg-e B. II Tarts
Louies Fanning berg
Panl Borton
Henry BV minr
Mrs. Lillian Lowdsa
Samnal z. Book
John Plloksr
Jnls Wachstei
Harry Erne
Mrs. E. Beverldre
Mrs. Pinna Circle
William Winqnest
Oretoasa Edgar
Barnes O. Wisely
Sara Lee
Wayne Blley
H. W. Becker
Mrs. Jennie Martin
Lillian Ericsson. Kearney, Web
John Cepleoha, Bur wall. Neb.
Mrs. Xattls Osbnrn
Charles Xannlg-an
Robert W. MuUln
Cuban Building
Plan at Panama
Expo Approved
The plans for the Cuban building at the
Panama-Pacific International exposition
have been approved by the exposition
division of works and following an Issu
ance of a building permit the construc
tion work will commence Immediately.
The general contract has been let to the
San Francisco firm of Fleming and Sarsl
and calls for the expenditure of $50,0ijo.
The picturesque design of the structure
assures Its being one of the most Inter
eating among the foreign buildings at the
exposition. The architect Is Edmund
Centurion, a young Cuban who was se
lected In competition with the leading
architects of the Island republic and who
Is now a resident of San Francisco.
The pavilion will be In the Spanish
American style of architecture character
istic of Cuba. It will be two stories In
height with a tower at one corner. On i
three sides will stretch the wide ver
andahs common to Cuban haciendas and
In the center of the. building will be a
large glaas-covere J patio filled with Cuban
Plants and flowers.
Including the cost of its building Cuba
will spend upward of 1260,000 In making
her exhibit at the exposition. The dis
play will be distributed between the
Cuban building and the exposition ex
hibit palaces, and ill include exhibits
of the methods of fighting tropical dis
eases; a modern tobacco factory and ex
tensive industries and the mineral re
sources of the island.
The Cuban building will adjoin the Ar
gentine building near the southern bound
ary of the exposition grounds of the
How to Win a Free
Trip to the Pana-.
ma Exposition
Rules er Ceatret.
t-The Bee offers tuid will award three
round-trip tickets and expenses to the
Panama Exposition, the total coat of sack
trip to be S3W, aa prises to the three con
testants bavin the tVPeatest number of
points at the close of the contest
J This contest open to everybody ex
cept employes of advertisers on this pae
and of Tb lie.
The contest pace will be published
one day each week and will run 'tor a
perioj of one rear.
-Points will be figured on the basis of
one point for each 1 cent shown on cash
checks or receipts for purchasta made
from advertisers on this pas.
Cash checks must be deposited at or
mailed to "Panama Contest Eflltor" The
Hee not later than thirty days from date
of payment of same and receipts will be
Issued for them.
Contest to close November 7, 1M4. All
cash tickets and recelpu must be turned
Into The Bee of flea n t later than p, in.
on closing day of contest, or If mailed,
must be postmarked not latsr than that
PIOl'X KA 1.1,8. S. I).. Aug 17. -(.Special.)
Kor some time It has brn the practice of
ranrhrwn living- along White river In
I.yrnan county to run their atock across
the river to the Rosebud Indlsn reserva
tion and g-raxe them on the Indian lands,
where thousands of tuns of hay grows
annually. Kxrltement has been aroused
among the white stockmen by the receipt
of official notice from the aub-agent In
charge or that district of the reservation
that they must in future keep their
animals off the reservation. The sub-am-nt.
following thH notice, has seized a
number of the white stockmen's horses
and cattle and has notified them that the
animals will not he released and sur
rendered to them until they pay a fine
of 11 for each head of stock thus xclzed.
Prsaosaksr la Merderrd.
ROSCOE, 8. D . Aug. 17. (Special Tele
gram The body of John Pranouskar,
uged & years, was found In a atrawstack
near here with a bullet hole through his
head. His money belt and a large grip
he carried had been ransacked. There Is
no clue ta tha murderer.
Young Burbanks
to Display Corn at
the Bigl915 Fair
Nine thousand young Unri.iinks of the.
Corn fields boy ami girl delegates to the
convention of the Nations! Top-Notch
Farmer'' club- are expected to visit the
I Psniimn-Pselflc International exposition
In a body In 191i. Them delegates will
rerreotit every great corn producing
tonnty in thirty-throe states of the.
t'nion. three representatives being chosen
rmm each county by the governor of each
Kach of the 9,000 deWatea to the ex
position lia earned tlw honor by produc
ing a record-breaking acre of corn, tho
Freatest food material In tho world, run
ning upwards of 1"0 bushels to the acre.
Kach will bring with lilm his unique cre
dentials In the shape of ten ears of his
prise corn to place on exhibition tit com
petition with the world. If laid side by
side, these ears would extend for a dis
tance of four miles, enough to put a
golden girdle around the outside wall of
the entire exposition ground
Ko one Is eligible to membership In th
Top-Notch club who haa not produced
over 100 bushels of com to the acre; and
when It Is remembered that fifty to sev
enty bushels formerly were regarded as
a maximum, the great work which these
young promoters of Intensive, cultivation
are doing to educate their parents may
be appreciated. The president of the club
Is the boy who I f the highest record.
This year It was W. I. Dunson of Alex
ander City, Ala , w ho earned his office by
producing over 2St bushels on an acre,
I and he will hold the office until such
l time as some one by better methods of
' selection of seed and cultivation takes
from him both the record and the office.
I While Alabama bas won the presidency
' by scoring the largest yield. Illinois
! scored the greatest number of Individual
I records, 211 young corn growers In that
commonwealth having qualified for
membership. Singularly enough, Missis
sippi, which won the second highest
score, also has the second largest num
ber of top-notch growers, with SO farmers
who have qualified.
The executive committee of five of the
National Top-Notch Farmer's club will
meet at an early date to formulate fur
ther plans for the great convention and
free Domination coupon
Send or bring this coupon to the "Panama Contest
Editor" of the Bee and you will receive 1000 votos in
the Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited
to a person.
Address .,
r ' r f ih I -,u m-
Hlil nlllttSHM RUHHH
T35r7TT 1
MtmmmmmmmmwmmMmimnmmitmnmtM!nmmt!nwnm(mmintmmm IB I V
Get Your Electric
Iron Today
Every day's delay
means so much more
hot, temper-destroying iron
ing the old-fashioned way.
Electricity Will Bring
You Cool Comfort
Why Not Let It?
Omaha Electric Light
Power Co.
exhibit In San Francisco In 1!M. though
most of the larger details alrenily have
been marked out. This committee is
composed of K. I. Funk of Shirley, 111.,
I resident of the National Corn associa
tion. Prof. P. C. llolden of Chicago, di
rector of Agricultural Extension of
the International Harvester eommuiy,
Honorable A. P. Semites, president of
the Ohio Agricultural rommlsnion,
llonorablo J. K. IMckerson, secretary of
the Illinois Department of at-rU'iiltm-al,
and Colonel C. F. Mills, a Journalist of
Springfield, 111., secretary of tho iul.
Prof, llolden Is In charge of the program
for the San Francisco meeting. Com
missioner Sandles will have rhatge of tb
excursion. Secretary tilckson will l .
out for the corn hhow and convenlu i
and Chairman Funk will manaKc the
corn show exhibit. Co-operative with
them are the thirty -three governors,
each of whom will appoint three dele
gates from each corn-growing county of
his state.
Tbese delegates will number ,0x). In
addition, a large number of members of
their families and other progressive
farm boys and girls for many of those
experts are girls will Join th army of
productive soil tillers at the exposition.
Each of these delegates will assemble
an exhibit of tha best of his 1914 corn
at the state fair In his state. In competi
tion with displays of others. Each will
bring with him to San Francisco an ex
hibit of at least ten ears of thla price
product. At the convention, papers will
be read and addresses delivered by the
boys and by many agricultural experts
from all over the world. The vast corn
and other farm exhibits made at Argen
tina, Draall, Canada, Java, Japan.
Ftanne thirty-five foreign countries ami
forty stales and territories in all will be
thero as a vant laboratory to be used
In connection with this universal university.
Austrian Troops Hepalsed.
IXtNPON. Aug. 17 :fio a. m.) The
correspondent of the lleuter Telegraph
company at Nlsh, Servla, telegraphing
under date of August 15, says:
"Our troops at Duyak, near Lymt, suc
cessfully repelled the enemy. Near
Kunachltza, opposite Losnitsa, the enemy
has thrown a bridge across Drlna and
fortified Its position on both banks. The
night at Belgrade passed quietly."
Everybody Heads Bee Want Ads.
A Warning to Folks
Having Clothes Cleaned!
Throp-fourthn of tho 9o-pr11pi1 "clpanprg" about town are
not clanors at nil, tint ro possessed of only a sowing machine
and a proaslng Iron. Many of those) will meroljr upon ft and
press your garnientg and remove a few spota, but will charge
ou the price of a RKUULAK cleaning by a REGULAR
cleaner. i
Hut (his establishment, for instance, is financially re
sponsible and insures your garmenta against losa by theft,
fire, water, etc.; many of the smaller no-railed cleaners can
not and will not do thla. And thero la a lot of misrepresenta
tion going on by Take solicitors. As far as Dresners' solicitors
and wagou men are concerned they will henceforth have the
namo "DrcKher" on their HATS. BKTTER BE SAFE THAN
Phone Tyler 3 45" Private Exchange
Dresher Bros.
Dry Cleaners Dyers
2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Fine gifts for young men. Salid gold as well as gold
filled, artistically designed, or plain for engraving
nt 75; to S3.75
scarf nxs
Very latest creations In solid gold
us well aa Kold filled pins for gen
tlemen's neckwear. Regular value
on some of these would bo from
1. &0 to $30.00, while our buylnic
system enables us to offer them
nt from 75 to 815.00
Solid gold or gold filled links
with diamonds set or artistically
designed, also plain with Individ
ual monogram; very select from
S1.0O to $12.50
It plays any rolls and should sell for $375, but it is
Rummer now, so thoy go this wee!: at
$25 cash, $10 per month, with a lot of free rolls.
A child can play It.
Our -rt Jet h Year.
We have many tiaed pianos $0, $100, I!S, $150. Terms $10 cash
and) $5 per month; also the world's bent New l'tanos at standarat prlcex.
I'ic Slave About Removed
The Last Obstacle to
Perfect Laundry I'Jork
Patented by Professor Cans of Berlin.
This system will enable us to give our patrons
Laundry Work of a degree of perfection hitherto un
known and unthought of.
We lead with modern equipment which, will make
your clothes wear longer and improve the Laundry Ser.
The "Wash IVord" of the Home
.aimball Laundry 60.
15C7-11 Jackson Street.
for everyone.
Not Uia Big Kind Jnst th .
1513 Toug1at Street,
Phone Douglas 919.