Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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The Bee Publishing; Company, Proprietor.
Fntered at Omaha postoffloe aa eecond-rlaaa matter.
Hy carrier Fy mall
per month, per year.
imttr and Sunday v M )
Tallv without Sunday....' f 4 09
yenlng end Sunday no
Evening without Sunday 00
Punday Boo only c.;
Fend notice of change of addrese or complaints of
Irregularity la delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation
leperlsnnt. '
Remit br draft express or poatal order. ' ' Only two
rent stamps received In payment of am all a
counts. Personal cheoke, except on Omaha and eaatern
exchange, pot accepted.
Omaha Tha Be Rulldlnit.
ftouth Omaha 1S N at reft.
Council Bluffs 14 North Main atreet.
Lincoln M Little Rulldlng.
Chicago Ml Hearst Building.
New Terk Room 11W, t Fifth avenue.
Ft. liuleSnj New Bank of Commerce.
Washington ; Fourteenth Bt.. N. W.
Address rommunlcatlona reletlng to news and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
te of Neonates, County of Douglsa, a.
Pwlnht Williams, circulation manager of The Bea
Publishing enmpaay, being duly (worn, aaya that
the average dally circulation fur the month of July,
10141. was tI.S.
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Mansger.
Duherrlhed In my prraenca and (worn to before
roe, tbla 4th day of August. 1114.
. ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Publlo.
Subscribers leaving ttie city temporarily
aboftid have The Bee malted to them. Ad
dree will be changed aa often aa requested.
Emssh the Fontenelle elate.
Today ! the day (or the voting.
Ia the battle of the ballots let every patriot
do his duty.
Looks at If those war maps would have to
be enlarged.
What's the prohibition of the law to a vote
chasing candidate, anyway T
The allied forces continue to shell Omaha's
esteemed ball team "eurnp'ln fierce."
Note how the superiority of The Bee's special
war news service stands out In bold relief.
The south considers Itself all wool and a
yard wide when It comes to the cotton question.
Ia the midst of it all, however, one cannot
kelp rejoicing at the thinning out of the dandelions.
la Europe the "cost of dying" problem has
suddenly taken precedence over the '"cost of
Ia the possible event of German victory, lit
tle) Japan might have occasion for regret at but
ting la. v
Tested by experience, democratic platforms
are about as binding as the average treaty, and
bo more so.
Aa rule Nebraska election returns move
about ai slowly as does the Russian army. So
don't be Impatient.
Nov for enforced withdrawal of all those
earplug candidates la excess of one for each
office on each ticket.
"What has ChrlsUan!tjrto gay T" asks the
Denver News. Well, since Japan 1s Into It, It
might exclaim, "Why do the heathen rage?"
l. ,., ', ig
Yes, but will any of those high-salaried
Water board employes let loose of the publio
teat If they are nominated for some other officer
It Is our opinion that war bread a mora Ilea In one
month than fishing- evar has in a pentury. Houston
Yes, and suckers, too.
Neutrality between the great warring powers
of Europe is evidently something quite different
from neutrality between the little federals and
the bandit rebels of Mexico.
"Wake up, America," thunders a Hearst pa
per. If America has been asleep, what, pray,
baa this battery of Journalistic monitors been
Joe Bailey of Texas evinces a deatra to re
turn to the senate, presumably in the belief that
he may be able to catch folks off their guard
with their minds absorbed in the war.
Bt Louis is about to select a new water com
missioner under the terms of Its recently
adopted charter. Now, what if fit. Louis should
steal ours away from us by tempting him with
a bigger salary?
Two hundred First ward property ownere held aa
India-nation meet ln at Turner hall to protest against
rata In aaaeeemeuta over the f Is urea returned by
the aaaeaaor. William Poll. Charlea Bran ilea pre
alded and O. R. Nelson acted aa secretary. C. Blr
kett reported a legal opinion obtained from Judaa
Lake, who explained It In per eon. Others expressing
inaignauoa were ateaara Jvoutitse, Rush, Boyd end
During tba severe alarm llshtnlnf struck 8t Mary's
Avenue Cong relational church, but without serious
George Cenfield la to et back In the hotel bual
neas. Ha will reopen tba old eantleld ho uee with the
assistance of J. B. Mulvlhlll aa manaser. and will
alae open the Union Btock Tarda hotal at South
Omaha, tinder the management of F. D. Tales.
Mrs. Fred Eogle la horn after a vtmt la the east
M r. B. B. Barnett and Mrs. Alexander of Dm
Moines ware guaets aver Sunday of Raw. and Mrs.
Dotwaller, leaving today for Denver.
A telegram reports that the Unloa paclfice woa
the kjo aver tba St. Louie Vnlona, I to I, and pro
ceeded to Evanavllle, where they will contest with the
Mexican war veterans elected Philip Dura to attend
the national reunion of Mexican war vetaiacs to ba
-e!d at tH. Luuia.
Japan's Ultimatum.
Japan's ultimatum to Germany ordering Its
withdrawal from far eaatern waters and evac
uation of Its little colony In China at Klao-Chou
puts tbe mikado In the light of seizing the first
opportunity of getting into tbe war. This ac
tion Is based on what some experts consider a
strained construction of its treaty alliance with
Britain, and yet we may be sure that Japan is
actuated by more far-reaching and selfish pur
poses, ultimately the extension of its mainland.
According to report, tbe allies have entrusted to
Japan the task of clearing tbe east of Germans,
to accomplish which Japan hopes to take over
half a doien Islands la addition to Klao-Chon
held by Germany and the United States, in
cluding our Islands of Guam and Samoa. The
plan also calls for the selxure of the Carolina
Islands to the esst of the Philippine archipelago,
which would help Japan to control an approach
to our chief possessions In the Pacific.
Our government will continue, of course, to
exert every effort possible to remain at peace
with Japan or every other power involved in the
war, nevertheless it is worth noting that our
great and good friend in the east Is not doing
as much to keep on good terms with us. The
land question Is still unsettled, much to Japan's
annoyance, although the United States Is saying
little. We have, reports say, even resolved not
to protest In behalf of China's neutrality. War
for aggrandizement to us Is unthinkable, but
our national honor never goes begging. If
Japan looks far enough Into the future to see
the rival ambitions which its course may arouse
in Russia, and even England, to say nothing of
results In the event of Germany's triumph,
surely It will realfee that It is to Its Interest to
avoid complications with us.
The Duty of the Voter.
It ought not to be necessary on the advent
of each election to admonish the voter to exer
cise bis right of suffrage. It Is proved by ex
perience, however, that without being drummed
up or driven to the polls not one-fourth of those
entitled to vote turn out, and that, with all the
extraordinary effort, rarely do more than one
half participate in the primary aa compared
with the number who come out to the regular
election. The business of government Is every
body's business, and at the ballot box each voter
counts one regardless of his occupation, posses
sions or station in life. The ballot box Is one
place where all are on the same level. The stay-at-home
voter is self-disfranchised, and, barring
exceptional cases, has no valid excuse for shirk
ing his duty as a citlsen.
Buying Foreign Ships.
The purchase by Americans of German
steamships for transfer to American registry
should be considered as nothing more than a
business transaction. One of the owners of the
Vsterland, the largest steamer afloat, together
with the other German vessels, ia response to an,
inquiry Is quoted as saying: "As the war has
forced all our fleet Into temporary idleness, and
as we now have In American waters steamers
worth more than $20,000,000. bona fide offers
for the purchase of them are being considered."
While changing registry merely to get neu
trality privileges might give basis for grievance
to some of our European neighbors, the outright
purchase of ships constitutes no such, cause and
comes within the scope of neutrality. Even
England, which Is said to be much exercised over
these reported negotiations, admits that much.
The United States is doing its best to preserve
the peace and safeguard the, diplomatic rights of
the various nations at war, but it has some
rights of Its own and must not be expected to
waive them under the circumstances. ".
Overworking the Letterbox.
Ingenious devices resorted to for the purpose
of working the newspapers for free publicity for
vote-chasing of f Ice-eeekors Is general, and not
local: Here is the protest against this at
tempted abuse uttered by. the Lincoln Journal:
No newspaper could publish all the communica
tions laudatory of candidates " received. The malls
Just before an important primary are burdened with
them. When ona la published every letter-writing
friend of a candidate seta buey and the next day the
editorial desk Is flooded. Press i bureau . suggestions
are found In plenty In soma of the material received.
Soma of tha letters are genuine tributes to a candi
dal a' a worth from real friends, but a large number
of them bear reaemblanoa to carbon copies.
The Bee has been Inundated for the last sev
eral weeks, as has doubtless every other news
paper of large circulation 1a Nebraska, with, let
ters boosting favorite candidates in the primaries
for which we hare beea unable to give free space
for the obvious reason that to do so and treat all
alike would require columns and columns
needed for news to which the readers are entitled.
Registration and Population.
Compilation of the official figures gives tha
total number of registered voters la Omaha and
South Omaha aa I8.TS8. Assuming that the
number of unregistered voters Is equal to 10 per
cent, and that the men possessing voting qual
ifications constitute one In five of the Inhabi
tants, the estimated population of Omaha and
South Omaha would be 168.830. It is our
guess that If we bad an actual count this would
prove to be not far from correct.
Those Conereisional Fences.
t To congressmen unable to get their fences in
hog-tight order before the November snows fly.
war will be all that Sherman found It If It serves
to prolong the session much beyond the present.
And yet broken or even missing rails might be
overlooked It the folks at home knew that their
hard-working representatives were too busy saw
ing wood at Washington to come home and re
pair them.
Some of the most industrious members hsve
already put in a few good licks up and down
their fields, but unless they were fortunate
enough to win out at the primaries the work
counts for naught, and even if they won, most
of It will have to be done over again. This
fence-bulldlng is. after all, about the biggest
Job a congressman has to do. Holding down a
seat la the house, or even tbe senate. Is child's
play nowadays as compared with the skill and
strategy required la landing a nomination and
then an election. And anybody who thinks
that the average congressman does not know
that la being badly misled by his thoughts.
Only fifty odd crossmarks for the Intelligent
voter to make to utilise his who's right of auf
frage ia our Douglas county primary. But there
will be more yet la the November election.
Our Collapsing
"Modern" Culture
Paator of Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Bo wa wre to lle and ace a period of history
tlose. a now era bourn, Mood and tcar-stsined, mm
deroua and swesome, yet truly a new era. Tha sreat
commercial end Industrial century ends by cloning the
boureea of the World stupendous Irony of existence,
or how?
Alt the mra dreams of "modernism. " the proudly
announced world-peace, tha "brotherhood of man."
humanism Incarnate, auper-cutture, aclentlflc organ
isation of human life, tha wlll-worshlpplng ' superman
and auperwoman." tha race-withering 'femlnlam,"
philosophers that out-manklnded mankind and literary
esthetea that gorgeously aucked all tba marrow out of
total Ufa. In a night It all collapaea: Gorgeoua Irony!
I remember tha masterly demonstration of President
Jordan of California before our city's Commercial club
tha commercial and every other kind of Impoaal
blllty of a great Europf an war. 1 thought at the time
as I weighed his "modernistic" arguments: Master
mind of contemporaneous thought, you have forgotten
to reckon with the chief factor In the problem, namely,
the perversa human heart. And lie had! It must
seem to him and all other pacificists a bitter dlsillu
skinment of their optimistic world view.
Once sgaln, aa through time's mlllenlums, sounds
the cry of the Kingdom of God: Bin Is a people's de
struction. "Without God In the World." arain It la
shown to be "without hope In tha world." Tha bald
materialism of tha eighties and nineties, softened an l
corrupted Into the neurotic "superman" culture of the
last decade. Tha old giant nations of tha earth have
had Internal spasms of fearsome unrest long. long.
The "superman" cries of tha late German philosopher.
Nletsscha, and of the army of Nletsache agents,
Rtraues In music, Ellen Key In feminism for Instance,
have really beeft paroxysms of the soul-life, not sim
ply expressions of life. In fact, there has bean such
rich expressing of a Ufa that was furiously wished,
but not owned. Men cried "Peace, peace," though
there was no peace. Once again the eternal truth of
tha Church and Its Word of God lives forth, that with
out God, men's ways and men's culture perish. Where
are now tha little silly fancies of tha Bemhard Shaws,
tha cTtrlndbergs, the Brandos, the Nletasches, tha
Haackels, tha Maoterlfncks, tha wild men and tha wild
women of feminism, these lcadors of a corrupted civ
I II sat Ion and culture that defied God so long, but now
no longer! Tha wonderful literature, music, educa
tion, science, philosophy, social dreams of peace and
brotherhood, pleasure organised Into system, commer
cial prowess In mighty Mammon worship, the ''grest
est century; of human history?" Oh, our heart woutd
break as wa sea this "broken reed" of humsn de
pendence on humans pierce tha hand that has leaned
on It as a stay perpetual! Tha culture-drunk and selt
tfrunk age in a day waxes undeceived and disillusioned,
maddened with disappointment, paralysed In fear,
grim, bloody. Inhuman, tiger-Ilka in purposes. Tha
great and grand "superman' era of history neurotically
and then ferociously eollapsee into tha long-dreaded
world war." We turn from tha Church of Christ and
ask tha sceptics and eulturiats: Where now are your
tod? And wa hear Elijah on tha breese-swept
heights of the Carmel of "modern" culture taunting
the Baal 1 tea of tha twentieth century: "Cry louder,
cry louder," for Baal may perchance ba asleep, on a
Journey, or too busy I
Wars must come whan nations begin to forget their
Clod. No culture saves from that. Wars always
came when Iniquity was ripe. If arguments of peace
fail, arguments of chastisement may not.
The French era of tha eighteenth century. In
vital aspects so akin to ours, refused the eternal.
Tha Napoleonic age followed and seised upon tha
hearts of natlona, wringing earnestness from them
who had been giddy toward tha eternal. The present
collapsing era had dinned Its denials Into the ears of
tha world with deafening roars. Cultured Immorality
preyed on tha world literature thla last decade and
was the faahlon of tha day. Neurotic, spasm-like.
wilful heedlessness carried tha masses en bodily. And
now tha voice of the Mighty of Nationa speaks in
chastlsemente. For tha cultured idolatere of the age
may taunt God's goodness. . His lash will not taunt
What a sorry anachronism, what out-of-date expector
ation Is not now tha eraaaoulated speech Of Oscar
Wilde ("Balome"), Bemhard Bhaw. and tha rest of ths
loud "superman", tribe!
"World peace" wtlhout God peace, truly the din of
battle on the broad fields of Europe la the Ironic reply,
In massive historical developments, to man's vain Im
aglnlnga. When God withdraws His hand from a God-
forgotten era, It totters, and reels, and falls. Col
lapsing "modern" culture marvel that ltdld not col
lapse before! Tha Inner parts of tha structure were
alarmingly decayed, glorious aa many forms of "mod
ern" culture were. But It Is the heart bark of culture
that after all Is the worthfMl and abiding thing. If It
ba corrupted, tha culture Itself is little worth. This
era falls "and the fall of that house was great." n
the worda of our Lord's parable. The most cultured
nations and tha more barbarous make "ententes" with
grewsome harmony of action, England combining
with Russia, for Instance! Instead of tha natural
alliances, say, of the Germanio natlona of Europe, wa
have a bastard combination and resultant brutal hor
rors. Be collapses tha glory of "modern culture."
The Idolatry of "modern" culture had grown suc
cessfully defiant toward all Christian truth. 80 the
sceptics undermined faith In Ood. The atheists
taunted sad scorned. Tbe materialists built worldly
towers of Babel. The effete eulturiats gorged them-
selves with the hooey of progress. la philosophy, ia
art, in literature and education. In religious teaching,
la ideas of home and marriage, sea and love, la all
forms of life the elegant scorn of Christian truth lifts i
Its cracked, Voltalra-llke voloe and laughed Ita oold
laugh. When man's hearts are taught cultured
blasphemy, a thing "modern" culture haa been guilty
of for soon a generation, then culture Itself at last
turns men into tiger a "There Is nothing crueller
than culture," a German haa wall said. The era of
Voltaire and Thomas Paine before the French revolu
tion and the oommarrlal "superman' era now closing
and collapsing through the Buropean struggle, were
both of them eras of culture-Idolatry. They prepared
directly for national horrors. Culture alone makes
men cryel. Culture without saving faith In Ood
matures the spirit of ferocity in man.
Once more the earnest preaching of God's word has
baea gigantically demonstrated aa truth. Once mote
the Christian and Biblical view of human Ufa anl
national exlstenoe la evidentially proven. Onoe more
scepticism, overeulture, idolatry of man's power and
progress, and worship before the shrine of the human
heart crumble. They never failed to do so In all
periods of over-ripe self-dependence. The scriptural
Okurrh of Christ baa majestically proclaimed thla all
along, la all ages of human history the culture
idolatry and Idolatry of progress became the prelude
to Inhuman devastations. Cultured man became a
butcher. Nothing la mora cruet than mere culture.
Ged help thla collapsing era of human history sad
lead out of ' the wreckage of culture-worship and
self-worship. The need ia to bend the heart before tha
etetrmeJ Ood and His Christ.
Evaa this awesome collapse of modern culture will
by the Ood of Hlatory be forced to serve some final
purpose of world rule, world Ufa and world hope.
With the optimism of Cbrlatiaa hope, wa can be as
sured that the present or lata csn not end ealy la the
chaalaament at culture Idolatry. It will 0 Its part
be obliged to aid God's bigger and ulterior plaaa. Not
to believe that were tragic paselmlam. But Chriatlaa
faith la not pessimistic. Its last word Is hope, heps la
accordance with the dear teaching of ike eternal
word sX Ood.
Brief aoatrfbatieaei ea ktmal
toptoaraiius. Tbe W sissaiss
ae s-eapoaslMUty epialewa ed
001 lose deaf. An totten e-ab-Jeet
to eo tWa by adltaw.
Women Meld the Key.
OMAHA. Aug. 17,-To the Editor of The
Bee: Dr. Hans Huldrlksen criticises
women for being Interested In pugilism
and suggests thst women confine their
activities to housework and to bearing
children. Describing a prise fight he says
there were present "maids and matrons
who should hsve been attending to their
Men are willing that women should
stsy at home, to the end, that when the
lord of the house returns he may find
everything arranged for his comfort. Dr.
Huldrlksen aaya, "The Roman matron
who would not take up the arduous duties
or raising a family to fight the battlea of
Rome." Raising sons for war! Ia not
that a nice occupation? Those who profit
by war are willing women should devote
their lives to raising soldiers. . If all
women were economically free they could
prevent all wars by refusing to bear
children. The free woman of the future
will hold tha peace of the world In the
hollow of her hand. Whether the free
woman bears children or not will depend
upjn whether the potential mother be
lieves the future has for her child a life
worth living. VIOLA KAUFMAN.
A floelallst'e rrmf Flaa.
OMAHA. Aug, 17,-To the Editor of
The Bee: I suggest the following plan
for stopping this real hell now going on
In Europe:
First Bet aside neutral territory, pre
ferably on the seacoast of each cf tha
warring coun trios, old men and other non-
women, children, old men and other non-
contestants at these points.
Setond. Tha Red.Crosa Society of the
World take charge of these peaceful
soncs and the neutrality ba guaranteed
by the nations at peace.
Third. The nations at peace to ahow
their humanity must feed, clothe and
shelter these noncontestants and charge
asms to the nation wnose-noncontestanta
were assisted.
Fourth. Under no conditions shall we
allow one ounce of food, clothing or any
thing else to go to a soldier or their
Fifth. No fighting within one hundred
miles of these sones allowed.
Sixth. No peace treaties to be com
plete without the provision to pay off
the debt Incurred through the feeding
clothing and sheltering the women, chil
dren and other noncontestants.
61 Pacific street.
Tolstoy's Prophecy and A aether.
OMAHA, Aug., 17,-To. the Editor of
The Bee: The publication in The Bee of
a prophecy by Tolstoy brings to mind
some remarkable statements made In a
book published In 18&9 by Charlea Taj a
Russell, In which he gave it aa his
opinion from a close study of Bible
chronology and prophecy that a great
time of trouble would suddenly start In
1914 and It would eome without any warn
ing and would be world-wide.
The gentleman seems to have made a
pretty close guess. It would be the
greatest time of trouble ever known, It
would be world-wide; It would come aud-
denly; and In 1914.
Since he haa seemed to hit it on these,
points. It will make the war news more"
Interesting if we keep in mind some other
particulars ho mentions, to see If he Is
s good prophet
The trouble would end In the destruction
of all nations; all civil and ecclesiastical
systems would be destroyed; and on their
ruins Jesus Christ would set up his king
dom and reign on tha earth.
According to Mr. Russell's view, some
prophecies seem to Indicate a general
revolt among the armies of the nations.
This would seem to be a very remote
possibility, but suppose tha soldiers should
get the Idea that la now being so generally
expressed everywhere, that they are
only pawns la tha game of war being)
played by the aristocracy? OBSERVER.
America's Peaee Mlwism.
BCOTT8 BLUFF, Neb., Aug. li.-To
the Editor of The Bee: During the pres
ent turmoil of the world, America should
"As some tall cliff that lifts Its awful
Swells from the vale, and midway leaves
the storm.
Though round Its breast tha rolling clouds
are spread. .....
Eternal sunshine settles on Its bead."
The President of Peace and his no less
Secretary of Peace will stand as Immor
tal as Goldsmith's famous lines. An em
bargo on gold, on war materiala and the
Uke, supplying tha struggling world with
foodstuffs, raiment and Red Cross
nurses. Is today's mission of our country.
Hesse A sweet a of tbe War.
OMAHA. Aug. IT. To the Editor of The
Bee: In these day when all Europe la
sngaged la the greatest war In hlatory, It
la the duty of all good eltlsens of this
country, regardless of nationality, to re
main calm and not to eome to rash con
clusions. But Just to keep history straight let us
remember that France's cry for revenge
la based upon the assumption that Oer
many took away French provinces, while
the facts are that Germany also de
manded back provinces taken away when
It was too feeble to resist Alsce-Lorralne
la aad waa German. Its people and towns
are German.
Who Is responsible for this terrible
calamity, thla hall of carnage? Surely
not Germany, but rather Russia, or rather
ita autocrat, the cxar and his advisors,
on the pretext of protecting their brothers,
ths Slave.
New why la ' England In this unholy
business? Is she there from high motives?
Certainly not. She Is there aad solely
so, In order to destroy the merchant
marine ef Germany aad to kill its com
mercial ascendency. That, and that alone.
Is her motive.
Germany la today fighting for her very
existence, and if jet for that she cer
tainly ia fighting against Russia to pre
vent that empire from extending Its swsy
ever more territory; preventing Russia
from exteadtng her barbaric rule over
civilised people and nations. A country
ia which 10.00s.eoo Jews have no rights
whatsoever: a eeuntry which alone van
produce a Bells trial; a eeuntry which
Immediately Imprisons 100 advocates who
dared to raise their voices in behalf ef
liberty and civilisation. That Is Russia.
Is she a fit comrade In arms for a nation
of tha type of Intelligence, civilisation
and morals which England claims to be.
and boasts of?
Having no use for caere, kings, em
perors or potentates aa suck, still, if I
were farced to live under such a gov.
ernment. I would prefer the German em
peror rather than the ciar: I would pre
fer German idosls snd civilization rather
than thofe characteristic of darkest
I believe the American spirit of fslr
plsy will prevail In the end and the
blame for this terrible holocaust will be
placed where It belongs, nsmely: Russia,
first; England, second; and France next
The first fighting to' extend Its barbaric
rule, the second for mercenary objects
only, the third for revenge, esch of which
ought to be condor nod by every Ameri
can, whether native or naturalised.
Letters of Political Heathen, Mealeo.
SOMEWHERE, Aug. 17.-To the Editor
of The Bee: I pass the reign of Porflrio
Dlas. For good or for evil that period has
passed Into history, but it has nothing to
do with my purpose In writing these let
ters. Before we pass to whst follows, let
us take a resume of the causes of disaf
fection between Mexico and the United
States of America: First we rob her of
more then tone-half of her territory,
enough to make twenty European king
doms, with no more right than had Philip
of Macedon in his conquest of Olynthus
and' Thebes, and with none of the excuses
given for the partition of Poland. We, a
great slave-holding power, wrested from
a republic which had abolished slsvery,
an empire to be devoted to the fostering
of the vlleat Institution thst ever dis
graced a modern state. Second, aftei
agreeing to pay her fifteen million tI3,-
OW.OOO) dollars or t rents an sere, for this
stesl. with punlc fnith we trumped up sn
Imsglnary counter claim. Third, when
Mexico's great preident, driven to her
border was hsnglng upon her eyebrows,
refusing to quit her soil, and later, when
the Hap.oburg adventurer was deserted by
Bonaparte, our secretsry of state toyed
with Mexico's evil icon Ins and sought to
plsce Mexico under the rule of that
worthless scoundrel Ssnta Anna.
Why should Mexico love us? She owes
us nothing. We hsve done thst to her
which Is past forgiveness. Thomss Talne
once ssid that there were crimes which
nsture could not forgive, or she would
cease to be nature. DER HE1DE.
Philadelphia Recorot Alas for thst
ubiquitous "Made In Germany" It now
has a terrible meaning.
Washington Star: The kaiser moved
so quickly thst he scarcely gave the
"I-told-you-so" expert a chance to catch
his breath.
Boston Transcript: The lithographs of
a German manufacturer postel In France
as sign posts to guide the kaiser's sol
diers to Perls seem quite unnecessary
they know the way.
Indianapolis News: In conroctlon with
the kaiser's renewal uf ths Order of the
Iron Cross it is noted that practically all
the nations of Europe are prepared to
give the German sold'era a chance to
win the decoration.
One Safe Home Match
will light all four burners
Try to light a gas stove
with a short-stick
- a.
If the stick does not
break, or you don't burn
your fingers, the
chances are about three
in five that the rush of
gas from the burner
will blow ,the match
If you are exception
ally fortunate, you may
light one burner
possibly even two. To
light the others, you
have to go through the
same rigmarole.
With one Safe Home
Match you can light all
four burners. The stick
is large and strong,
flame "takes hold."
We do not exaggerate when
we say that you can get as
much real service from
three Safe Home Matches as
from five ordinary matches.
They are non-poisonous,
too. For that reason alone
they should be in every
home in America.
5c. All grocers. Ask for them by name.
s. Read one installment of
MTho Trey, O' Hearts" J
Each Sunday In
I have filed and consented to run for another term on
the Omaha Water Board because I believe there is no mu
nicipal work more Important than this to the people of
' Omaha or none that can more inspire the best efforts of
any public spirited citlsen.
In the two years the water plant has been owned by
this city and district Its efficiency has beea increased at
least 100 per cent, and betterments are being made from
month to month at a rapid rate. Rates have been reduced
from SBc to 31c per 1,000 gallons.
Despite the fact that not every .ood citUen of the dis
trict has always agreed with all the policies of the board, I
challenge any citlsen to say that such policies were, at any
time, dictated by selfish reasons or by any other motive
than a desire to best serve the interests of all the patrons
of the Metropolitan Water District of Omaha.
These I believe to be the motives which have prompted
the actions of each of my fellow members, and know them
to be the ones which have governed my own actions as a
board member. CHARLES R. SHERMAN.