Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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    THE OMAHA KlLNDAY r.KKn AlKUIST !', 1914.
9 A
fPli, flfiji ' -jf li' "1 Jf lf
Two Hundred Dealer, to Bo Queiti Paige CftlS 1 OF ThlS
at the Rome Hotel. Sflp.t.inn nf flrmnt.rv
tarr W V W A aT W a
Several Thou4 Feet of Film to
Deplet Graphic Methods of Kreet
g Maxwell 25 mm of Road
. Drives and Tests.
"Business Is fine." says Fred t Good,
district manager of the Falge company
Mr. Good arrived In Omaha recently
along with the 1915 Paige "36" models
and say this la a line of cars very highly
recommended by the factory making
them.. But, all joking aside, Mr. Good
(a rintnff lntwl ntfln HlMrinAM rlnufnff llt
xwo nunurea auiomoouo uemer. iruiu -nntrnt. rtlret with the fnotnrv with
various points In Nebraska and Iowa, tne Ncbraaka dealers and reports the
will be the guests or the Maxwell Motor gale of owr il3rty for prtent and
Pales corporation at the convention to future delivery within the next ten days
be held st Hotel Rome In this city Friday. aruj he says he has not scratched the ur-
Not only are ths various dealer to be (ace as yet, a this 1 all new business
given an opportunity to contract for tho for Pal ire and does not Include any re-
coming year for the well-known Maxwell contracts with dealers that have handled
car. but a motion picture lecture has this ear In the past.
been arranged for the entertainment and Mr. Good has had wide experience In
Instruction of the dealers. the middle western states, having been
The Maxwell company believes In help- manager for the Maxwell prior to Ms
lng their agents and there could be no ilJon with the Falge. Mr. Good has
tetter help given than to show Just what n
nmA..Hnn CUIIceiJUlMl twin MU UUM.. u.u v.. ..i-..
, . w v ......
on a powerful National car. Fpecial re
serve tanks placed under the frame carry
total of slxty-flVe gallons of gasoline
and twelve gallons of olL This makes It
possible for the National to travel more
than 600 miles without taking on any ad
ditional fuet supply. The car Is finished
In light green, with gold trimmings and a
large gold star, which la the Insignia of
Dr. Gear declares that be now comes,
goes and camps as he please.
It Is not given to every representative
of the different autoaHibilo companies to
visit Detroit; but the Maxwell Motor
Sales corporation by a very unique motion
picture exhibition has brought that part
of Detroit to their agent that interests
them most.
Knowledge of Just how the Maxwell
cars are built should be a factor with
every agent, a point which has hereto
fore been neglected or overlooked ' by
most companies.
These pictures not only show the build-
lng of a motor car In lis entirety, com
menclng with the making Of
In the automobile game will be pleased
to learn of his new connection.
Cyclecar Rapidly
Approaching Stage
of Finished Cars
A year ago a new movement was an
nounce!, taking Its cue from foreign de
velopment and all aimed toward produc
ing the cheaxeat possible motor car. All
teel. on talks of this new vehicle, which for the
down through the forge and foundry, aake of a better name was termed cycle-
machine shops and the various assem- caTi was based on cost
biles to the finished product. Including Taking this idea as a beginning point,
road testing, but the story Is told In an makers designed narrow tread cars with
attractive way with a real romance. V-shaped motors and belt drive. These
In addition to this a travelogue Is given cars, while attractive in appearance,
in the last reel, showing views of various were somewhat radical to be immediately
parts of the country, and Incidentally understood from a buyer's standpoint.
show Just what the Maxwell "25" Is but crude as some of thera were, they
caDable of doing under various condl- proved principles that made the whole
tions. I automobile world alt up and take notice,
Pictures of California in all her beauty The first real discovery was the comfort
and Bplendor, pictures taken of the Ca- of the narrow tread and the exploding of
cade range In Oregon and Washington, the Idea that In order to be comfortable
also the now famou record-breaking; on rough roads a car must necessarily be
drive of wild Bill Turner In hla MaxweU heavy. These little vehicles proved that
r. xi W.mllfnn In California, where comiorr was not ooiainea oy grow weigni.
. I ft..., V.M - -0 nL Tk 4
ffinll record was lowered 1S "u " u,m.iuuuuu "
minutes by him. are some of the features
In a recent exhibition of these pictures
in the city of Washington, D,
-was elven under the auspice of the
It was possible to make a light car more
comfortable than a heavy one.
The first oar built, law v st being the
n whlrth" item wusiiv ui luuu uimuuvuvu,
capable of standing up under the heavy
wasningion Btrmlns to whlCn tnty wr( put Kew
wnicn was awenueo. got Into the industry early enough
sentatlves oi aimosi ev. to Mally nill OTt th, of cyt,,
great number ol senators ana reprtwii cu principle and in time to fit real
tives, Champ Clark, speaker oi ui.mui workman ah to and design for their prod
of Representatives said. uct for the nreoant year. Several firms
"I was more than entertained by the ,tartJng. ,n the year with experimenting.
show. The magwtuae oi operauou ana developing really remarkable and
the intense dramatlo action snown wondorful ,man car, for thelp next
throughout the huge plant hold one year's product, but In thla year's product
epell-bound and Instruct, .while tney th gcrlppa-Booth company of Detroit Is
entertain." probably the only one using drop forging
and mlcro-metered machine work In their
quantity production.
Huffman Auto Co.
Has a Busy Week
The following have purchased Hup-
mobllea from the W. U Huffman Auto
mobile company the past week:
Bchmldt Motor Car company, IJnotln:
Wvstslde Garage, Meesena, la.; N. P.
O'Connall Auto company (carload), Sioux
City; W. IL Hltchcook. Atkinson, Neb.;
Davenport & Henle. Montrose, Colo.;
R K. Joslln, Kimball, S. D. i A. Teter
son. Lane. S. D, ; fetedman Broa. Syra
cuse, Neb.; John Bauer, Lincoln; v . H.
Forguson, IJnooln; I C. Ooooh, Brook
Ings, 8. D.; G. W, Hose, Merriman, nen.
it F. Thrmn of Omaha purchase! a
Chandler light six tourii g car from the
W. L. Huffman Automobile company
last week.
W U Huffman and T. M. Bromwell
of the W. L. Huffman Automobile com
pany left Monday night on a business
trip to the Chandler and Hup'mobile
Corkhill Tells
How Stream Line
Cars Are Built
marooned on foteign soil Is Cliarli1 F.
ltnlilen, American ssloa manawr of tho
Maxwell Motor company. Mr. IUhMou
has been abroad for severs! weeks past
In the Interest of his company. His itin
erary has Included most of the tnrs-e Titles
and has taken him into all tho countries
now Involved In tlie war. When last
heard from Mr. KnMi-n was on his wsy
to Iterlin. and expected to go from there
to Loiulnn. It Is the opinion at the Max
well office. In Detroit, that Mr. Redden
has been forced to camel all business en
KSKemcnts, and Is quietly waiting for the
first opportunity to return to thla country.
Kaally Exaggerated.
Ahout the easiest thins" to exaggerate
In this world Is the rooil time a man says
he had on hla vacation trip. Galveston
New Overland Car
Appears in Omaha Camp Outfit and
Sleeping Room in
Big National Auto
While tho 1915 Overland, designated by
th manufacturer a Model 80, follows
in jnost of it general feature tho Over
land of 1914. th latest product of th
Toledo plant of John N. Willys embodies
a number of improvement and note
worthy change over last year's model
which make the Overland a more at-
Dr. LeGear of El Paso, Tex., who own
extensive properties in southwestern
Texas, found it Inconvenient to travel
" . ",., among them because of the distance and
tractive proposition than ever-whether
It bo viewed from tho standpoint of the
dealer or that of tho purchaser.
In making Its publio announcement at
this time, tho Willys-Overland company
has adhered to tb practice of former
years, to vouchsafe detailed Information
concerning it new lino only when the
regular distributers have been furnished
demonstrating cars; these ar now de
livered and ready for Inspection.
Tho points of the now car which re
ceive the first attention of tho observer
are . graoef ul, strictly up-to-date body
designs' and improvements that ar per
haps 1 ess ' noticeable to the averago
m o torist. but ne vert heless of vital Im
portance to him; all these Improvements
secure greater riding comfort , and more
quietness and flexibility of operation.
poor train service.
In order that he might travel In com
fort he had constructed by the National
Motor Vehicle company an automobile
sleeping and camping car. This roadster
has every requisite for camping, being so
constructed that a regular Pullman bed
can be made In the car. Wash basins.
cooking arrangements and - everything
needed by the camper have been provided.
The special body ha been conn true ted
Ford People Report
Sale of Over 200,000
Cars in Nine Months
Three year ago If you had told anyone
that a ainglo automobile company would
build more than 100,000 automobiles In a
year that person would have thougt that
probably you were harmless, but ought
not to bo allowed to run at large as y
might suddenly become violent. But In
nine months the Ford Motor company has
done better than reach the !00,OOQ mark.
It has built and sold 208.194 cars from Oc
tober L 1818, up to July 1, 1914.
In other words, an average of better
than B.B00 FoJ fiave been built and old
every month for the first nine months of
the company fiscal year.
Last year's production of Ford was
about 186,000 cars. This mark was passed
by this year's production In th middle
of May.
It is almost impossible to conceive of
200,000 automobile Only by comparison
may on really grasp what this huge fig
ure means. If all the Fords built snd
sold so far this year were placed in line
s alf mile apart they would reach around
b world four tlmea If the entire popu
lation of the cities of Detroit and Balti
more wanted to hold a Joint picnic the
Fords built thla year could easily take all
the people to the plcnlo ground In one
trip. Or thla year's Ford could carry
three armies the size of the American
army engaged In tho Spanish-American
war. Or they could carry at one trip
nearly half of all the men that fought in
the civil war.
Or, getting at It from an other angle,
the total horsepower of th motor In
these Fords, figuring twenty horse-power
to a motor. 1 more than two-thirds the
horse-power of all the developed water
power in the United States. It I sixty
times greater than th power plants of
the Imperator, the Lusltanla or the Mau
retanla, and twenty times greater than
the power developed by the dam on the
Mississippi at Keokuk, la.
It Is said that the tendency nowadays
Is to take the burden off the man and
put It on the machine. A man must be
a pretty good athlete to be capable of
exerting fifteen horse-power, If you can
translate horse-power Into man-power.
But figuring on this basis the total horse
power of the cars built and sold by ths
Ford Motor company this year la alx
tlmea greater than the combined power
of all the men engaged in th civil war.
"Streamline bodies and crowned fenders
were not used on automobiles until within
the last year or so for the simple reason
that nobody kuew how to make them,"
state C. J. Corkhill of th Nebraska
Haynea Auto Kales company, distributers
for the Hayrtes,
"The most logical material from which
to build bodies Is sheet steel, but the dif
ficulty conies In obtaining th desired
curves and general contour. The first
sheet steel bodies were laboriously
worked up and shaped by hand with the
aid of small power hammers and foot
presses. The metal would be thin at one
ourve end unduly thick at another, so
that the results were gonerally unsatis
factory, "In keeping with the hlatory of the au
tomobile Industry Improvements have
come rapidly, and now the bodies are
formed In gigantic presses. Any desired
curve or streamline effect may be ob
tained by merely altering the shape of
the dies of the press. The streamline
body of the new Haynes Light Bx car
represents the latest achievement of the
body makers. The long, sweeping lines
are pressed Into tho steel under great
pressure, and there Is no hammering out
at any point in order to develop the
curves. Consequently, the steel Is of uni
form thickness and strength at all points.
All Joints are electrically welded at the
doors, so thnt tho finished body Is actu
ally composed of a single ploce of sheet
steel without seams. A light construction
Is obtained In combination with the de
sired rigidity.
European Strife
Claims Maxwell's
Foreign Salesmen
Borne little anxiety Is felt st the Detroit
orftce of the Maxwell Motor company con
cerning the whereabouts of several of Its
Mr. Arnold Foorster, Maxwell represen
tative In Austria, and captain of a cavalry
troop in the Austrian army, has undoubt
edly Joined his troop, as no communica
tion ha been received from him In sev
eral days. Mr. Foerater is thoroughly
trained In army tactics, and has won
several medal of honor in the service of
his country.
Another foreigner, whose patriotism has
called him to his country aid, la a Rus
sian, Count Krysanowsky, one of the
ablest men In the Maxwell's foreign field.
Count Krysanowsky was last heard from
In Paris, on hla way to Brussels. He also
holda a captaincy In the army of his
fatherland, and without doubt has re
turned to Russia.
Among the thousands of Americans
- rClL -7
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective August 1st, 1914, to August 1st, 1915,
and guaranteed against any reductions dur
ing that time. All cars fully equipped f. o. b.
Runabout - - - - $440
Touring Car - - - - 490
Town Car - - - - 690
(In the United States of America only)
Buyers to Share in Profits
All retail buyers of new Ford cars from
August 1st, 1914, to August 1st, 1915, will
share in the profits of the company to tho
extent of $40 to $60 per. car, on each car
they buy, PROVIDED: we sell and deliver
300,000 new Ford cars during that period.
Ask us for particulars.
1916 Harney Street, Omaha.
r -i
Paris Dealer Will
Go Back to Rescue
;: , His Big Machines
Alvan Macauley, vie president and
general manager of tho Packard Motor
Car company, Detroit, Is tho recipient
of another London cablegram which has
filtered through the cbaotlo channels of
communication with strife-ridden Europe.
The message reads:
' Paris advises all cars not yet requisi
tioned by government ar doing tremen
dous work night and day trip to coast
getting Packard owner away from Paris.
Service and help being extended every
possible way. Both offices fairly choked
with work,
This cable partially relieves the anxiety
of R N Goods, manager of the Packard
Motor Car company of Paris, who came
to Detroit to attend the sale session
of Packard- dealers.. Hi first advices
were that all the cars In his establish
ment had been requisitioned by the
J'rcnch government.
' iiliiiiwiiiil mil " in iiiiiiimi I I ill nil m mill mi l iiiiii I Biniinnmiiiii ' '
W. M. Clement, formerly manager of
tho W. I Huffman Auto company, la
now connected with the Cartercar com
pany of Nebraska. He holds a similar
position with tho Cartercar company that
he held with th W. L. Huffman Auto
How II Looked.
"From tho way you are staring at me,
mtilame, I conclude I look like sozneune
ou know."
"So you do. You remind me so muoh
of my dear old English bull terrier."
iialtirnore American.
CAE OWNERS are invited to make use of
our new automatio air pump. It's on the
curb.' The orHj Air Service Station in Omaha.
Ready To Meet Your Needs at Any
Hour Days, Nights and Sundays
Keep your tires properly Inflated, and you will
ba amply repaid In greater mileage per tire.
Remember Our Address
We carry a complete stock of Firestone Tire. Rim and
'Accessories. Jrlreston quality give th extraordinary
service that entirely satisfies all uoera You wll find that
w back up Firestone leadership in quality by an extreme
ly efficient and prompt response to any demand.
Firestone Tire & Rubber Company
"America's Largest Zxclualv fir aal klm afakar"'
Telephone La 364. iM Fanuuu Be, Omaha.
Home Office and Factory:
raaobea aaa
!S18tST, , ... b ifi i ths mn i 'i'ii J ii -
THE Paige for 1915 has established Nl
an absolutely new standard of
value in the moderate price field
fts v'-"a.
n n
Make it a point to see the new "36" at
yenir earliest opportunity. Inspect
this automobile from any angle of
comparison note every detail of
construction and ask yourself plainly
and frankly if there is any other automobile
in the world which offers so much for the
The announcement of the new Paige "36" at
$1195 is by all odds the biggest sensation
of , the year.
Automobile experts are viewing this car In
frank amazement. They unanimously
agree that nowhere in the entire width
and breadth of the automobile field can
so much value be found for the money.
Last vanr this rar oiM 4nr I. - Try and do this todav. Yrui ruaol sm. A
the indisputed pace-maker of the moderate ? f. L cars while the motoring season
price field. Imagine then what it means fj lts 2eat V3" us on phone and i
wnen we oner a greatly improved Glen- c lur 8 morougn demonstration.
wood a greatly refined Clenwood for the Tk PsWDetroit Malmr r
record price of $1195. r.-oi m. Car Co-poy, kccK.
'We are now prepared to close contracts on territory for tho 1915 season.
FACTORY DISTRICT MANAGER. 2417 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb.
U i
ir- , -a
V 1
Clenwood Model 36"
wfcn electric starting sod Hghtiog
., fxSTUP""1 equipped, illne
Model "2i." Guoiplatelr euaippd. f&B