Tim OMAHA SUNDAY UKK: A TOT ST H. 1014. 7 X MASONS CELEBRATE IN FA1 IT f77 the death of Ihrlr fellow workman Pr. Marble believe the man was 1eaJ Tot. T. YXT.-t. . t.j:..a- l"Ior la cached hi"'- Scottish Rite Cathedral. STRUCTURE IS NEARLY READY Flats a I fig Tnirkri Art n nln Applied mm4 Are to Vr Completed la Detail l Opening lai of October !. Beginning with October 9. two week will be set aside by local Scottish Hit Xlucm for the dedication of their cathe dral at Twentieth and Pouglaa street. Work on the structure la now rapidly nearlnit completion and the Interior will be spick and span before the appointed time. Heads of four local lodges make up the committee on arrangements: Frank C Patton, Mt. Morlah lodge of perfection: Tlnley U, Combs. Semper Flddls chapter, Itose Croix; Kdgar N. Bowles, St. An drews preceptory: Benjamin F. Thomas, Nebraska cons'alory. A class of 300 candidates from various parts of the state will receive degrees in the new auditorium on the second floor. It is a modern theater on a small scale with a stage of thirty by forty fort and a seating rapacity of l.noo. Fireproof materials were used through out and the color scheme Inside varies according to the use of the room. On the first floor there Is a dining room with a seating- capacity of 800 persons, decor ated In cream and yellow; three par lors open into It. Pale blue and white are used in he women's waiting room, while In the men's smoker oriental colors are laid In -with a tan background, and in the. rest of the apartments hand tinted wall In harmony with surroundings are employed. Oak woodwork and maple floors are used and Masonic Inslgnias are used for doorknobs and similar hardware. Marble is used in all of the hallways and on the fttalrs. , Teh kitchen and poolrooms ate In the basement. During the two weeks' cele bration the cathedral will be open for the convenience of Scottish Rite Masons and their families. I The quickest and surest cure is Bucklen's Arnica Falvc; every household should have a box on Bund all the time. 2ic. All druggists. Advertisement. roiiTirti, ADURTIM(.. POLITIC ML AIIVt RTMIMl. rnl lTM Al. AI)U:RTIl(i POLITICAL AnVF.BTIM-W-. POLITICAL ADA KHTII U. POLITICAL AUYtOH TIMNti J f - i- Tmrmirttf i i ori-tir ""T-'t - M Lineman is Killed Instantly When He Touches Wire Charles Myers, lineman for the Omaha Electric Light and Power company, via instantly killed when his body came' In contact with live wires while engaged in work at Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth xtreets Saturday morning about 10 o'clock. Myers, who lives at 1112 Bancroft street, is survived by a wife and two children. A fellow workman, Alex Murdock of SiVl Hamilton street, wag the only person near when the accident occurred. He helped Myers down to the ground and a hurry call was sent to the police station. The , conjecture Is that the man (dipped and, fell on Jtho- wires, as he la an ex perienced workman. Dr. R. E. .Mat bio of 2220 Evans street attended the electrocuted man. A pul motor was used for over' an hour with no effect. Several electricians' ' under C. C. "Wheeler, 3C03 Maple street, were occupied Jiear Twenty-foiyjh xnd Iayenworgh e'.reeta, but none, ef .'thorn can account VOTE FOR Willis G. Crosby Republican Candidate for COUNTY CORONER Primaries August 18, 1914 elieve file! POLITICAL ADVERTISING if .T 1 t v ; - .---' . A., ... . I am a candidate for the Republican Congressional Nomination. If nominated, I believe I will be elected. I came to Omaha in 1871. I believe I can efficiently represent this district in congress. I have been told that I have the ability to satis factorily represent this district in congress. BE LIEVE THOSE who have so told me. They are per sons competent to judge. If nominated, I shall make a thorough campaign, BE LIEVE ME. I pledge my word of honor, that if elected, I will attend strictly to the business of the people of this district and state. BELIEVE ME. There's no foolishness in mv campaign. BE LIEVE ME. Alfred Sorenson "Hard Work to Succeed" is the motto of John C. Barrett Democratic candidate for State Representative. He hax worked up from the ranks pf labor, finally belns admitted to the practice of law after a course at CrelKhton College. Mr. Barrett is a well informed young man upon the needs of the stale and he would repie ent everybody in a satisfactory manner. He Is now engaced in the practice ot law. Mr. Barrett la the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Barrett of South Omaha. ' ... FRAliK C. MORGAN publican Candidate for JUSTICE or TBI! VBAOB AT I-JtlWAfclES, AUGDST am. Oraduate t law tispartuia cf University t Wisconsin, 1805. Asks support of all eolleire men. I ' 1 IL .w, 3 A. 0. THOMAS Candidate for State Superintendent Platform in Brief Promises economical :intl efficient ntlministratiou; full publicity of the nf fairs vf the office; n square deal to every teacher and to every school; u definite educa tional policy; greater thoroughness in fundamentals; that public funds shall be made to go as far as private funds, and tr relieve the office from polities and fav oritism. Uelieves a public office is u public trust and will not seek to punish enemies or reward friends, but to render effective service. Points to a successful professional and administrative career of twenty years in all grades of public school work as the best evidence of qualification. Commended by the Legislature From report of committee ou public HOUSE "As to the condition and management of the Kearney Normal School, we wish to state that it is the sense of this com mittee that this institution is the most ably managed and economically eon ducted in the statg, and that its super intendent, Dr. A. O. Thomas, could well be set up as an example for other state superintendents. ' ' See page G07 of Legislative House Journal, session of 1911. lauds and buildings: SENATE "We next visited the State Normal School at Kearnoy. The new wing to the main build ing is the best public building from the stand point of material, workmanship, plans- and general efficiency of any public buildiug wo visited in the state. The management and superintendency of this school is of such a high order and so much superior to many other places we visited that we feel it our duty to compliment the officials iu charge." See page 047 of Senate Journal, session of 1911. Indorsed by His Neighbors "We heartily indorse the candidacy of Dr. A. O. Thomas for state superintendent of public instruction. In his long residenc e among us we and the people of tho entire state have come to recognize in him an educator of unusual qualifications, an executor of high constructive ability, and a gentleman of forco and character. He is such a man, with his ideals of life, his broad and sane ideas for the training of our youth for real active service and for true manhood and womanhood, his ability for cutting out waste and his careful and consoientious use of the ccple's money, as is greatly needed at this time to administer the affairs of the public schools of Nebraska. We recommend him to the people of the state for tho good of the schools." Adopted by Buffalo county republicans July 20, 191L a 'i VA ' -'.-it , J J Li a A Is UUL F Candidate for the Republican Nomination For Governor The candidate who fits in the harmony plat form of Republican state Convention. Served two terms in the State Senate. Was one of the recog nized leaders of the 1911 session and was elected President of the 1913 session. Has no factional troubles tc face if nominated or. personal fights to weaken him. He will unite the party and bring victory. VOTE FOR KEMP NEXT TbESDAY EDGAR F. SNAVELY CEHOOBiTIO CASTDTDATB TOK UIVTEUAITT OOVEMO& Vi'iin arias August la. E. F. Snavely, born and reared In Vir ginia. las ben a rWuen of Nebraska sxieen years Was schooled at the Ne braska btate Normal at l-riJ and tha Htale I'nlvarslty. ' ii adust. from U department ot State University. Prat--U''d law and In busineHs In Lincoln fur a number of years. Active In democratic lu'lltlcs, president of the 1 innncratiu Paturdav l.unc h club. ToestniMMter ut the Bryan banquet In March. 114. J r " I . -: '. ; .1 A OOl JUIKiK OF WATEU Charles R. Sherman Of Sherman & McConnell Drug Co, For WATER tiUAKU J ' Thirty-three years a resident ana taxpayer 01 uraana. l reseni Chairman Board of Directors, Metropolitan Water District. His record on Water Board 4 rate reductions and an ample supply of clear, pure water. J (Vote for him next Tuesday.) .i Candidate for Re-election DEMOCRATIC TICKET ft V" J JOHN MORRISSEY Democratic Candidate . A Wcrd to th3 Voters Don't be influenced by any "frame-up" party slate. ' Vote for the man who will deal out justice to the water consumer and recognize the wants of the worker. That's John Morrissey, for your water board, a practical mechanic and successful business man. VOTE FOR John Ucfarland Republican Candidate (or STATE SENATOR r i i Practiced Law in Nebraska for 35 Years DUSINESS MEN WHO ENDORSE .W. O. HOWARD Republican Candidate for Congrats Sacond Olatriet To the Voters: Omaha, Neb., June 27, 1914. I have known W. II. Howard for many years. When he was a candi date for State Auditor, I asked my friend to volt for hlra. because I felt ure that he would give the same painstaking thought and care to the ser vice of the public which he applied to his own bumuB. Ilia record speaks for Itbelf. He has been absolutely fearless in the discharge of his duties, and has carefully guarded the people's interest. Only a few weeks ago one of my friends whom I urged to vote for htm. expressed his satisfaction In the fact that as Auditor the affairs of the office Jiad been so well admin istered. W. B. is now candidate or Congress, or rather, in the first instance, for the nomination. If he gels the nomination, he will make a strong canvas for votes. Well known, reliable and popular, I feel that as a vote getter be baa few. equals. If elected. I am sure he will give the same time and thought to national matters as he has given to the affairs of our own state, and 1 am morally certain that no one will eer regret casting his vote for him. I hope to see blm nominated and elected. Kttspectfully, Robert Co ell. We, the undersigned, heartily endorse the above: KOMI MIZ.X.XB WM. A. CHBtaaUir. . . WIT.COX. r. C. FATTOM. K. B. KTiM. T. X.. COMBS. JOBBT C. KOWAKD. Call O BXtOlk. JOBaT T. YATZS. MtkalCK E. LiilfC, O. aC wn.aXEI.al. O. fi. tsikLiii x.. laoox. r. tv iu. i"ti"tJ '-'&v,z " ;,'. .x'j0tm f,"::'- .:-.' W. A. YODER My work In preparation for the open. Ins of the County schoola ruakea It lni poMilble for ma to nee many of you be fura you caat your votes at tha pri maries. I aaaura you, liowevar, that I hall arprirlHte your aupport for the axrOBI.ICAM tiouii nation aa County Superintendent of Publie Instruction inla GOase Republican Candidate for SHERIFF MY PERSONAL. PLATFORM Owing to (Hfferencrs having- arisen between the Mierlff and onunlidlonei , and numerous coiiiplainta about loud furnlnhed tounty prisoner, under tho sheriff and unler coiitraxtora, permii-tlng- peraonal profit to feeders throuKli poor andl Inauf flclent food. I pledge, my silf Unit If nominated and elected sheriff, I will serva for tha salary and expenses allowed by law. in order to properly feed prisoners at small expense and hv thoiiaundH of lolluis to the rounty, 1 will arrange for the ronimlHshiners to furnish all food, without prottt to anyone, and feed with prison help, aside from ono steward chosen by the commissioners. In nuking the vteia of Lh.uk las county for their aupport, It Is only fair they should know something of the oiuicif nute; therefore 1 insSe this public statement. 1 was born In Marlon coun ty, lows, In 185. of Holland parentage, and wu reared In the lut h Keformed t hurch. I have been a resident of tinia Im since lxl. worked four yeara for to liiion i'aclflc Kallroad t'oiupany, eighteen years with the Omaha polb-e force, two years a deputy sheriff, five years a Ieputy l'nlte.1 htates Marshal, and for a fea yeara ensaieed In other pursuits. The primary law Is sgaliiHt slate-muklna and J ain their fore oupo.-d to, ami my name appears upon no slate of any kind. If nomlnsted, 1 will yo to tlie pnllH on ele tlou uwy with no I stiinss tsatened to me and no collar around Iny net k. If ele 1 Mill he Hherlff. will have no boss of any kind extent the i-ltlxeris of this county, and ill be in a position to do my duty fair ly and honestly. CHARLES W. SEARS Republican for ATTORNEY GENERAL I am registered: The attorney general's office properly administered, is one ot the most important offices In the atate. The attorney general Is legal adviser to all the officers of the state, and Is particularly charg ed with the duty of requiring all other officers of the atate to administer lt affairs in a law ful manner. , He Is charged with the duty of handling all litigation for and on behalf of the atate. He la a member of the atate boards of educational lands and funds: Irrigation, highways and drainage: canvassers of elections; and the banking; insurance; health, and phar macy boards. Th offir ha for years been handed down from principal to deputy and it is now time to put some new blood into the office, I am no rampant reformer, but I will promlae you that I will make the attorney gener al's office a potent factor In the Administration of Nebraska af fairs, and, In an orderly, business-like nd lawful manner protect the people and property and conserve the resources and revenues of the state. The state does not need more laws she needs fewer laws more rigidly enforced. The state does not need more revenue she needs less taxes and trreater economy. If every official of the state would handle the business of his office as carefully, conscien tiously and economically as he would handle his own business the appropriations for state "Aemriran, white, 43 years of age, 81 years in Nebraska." purposes would be cut down to a minimum. la casting your vote for the employment ot an attorney gen eral remember mat tne aervicea ot every lawyer in tne state who has shown any marked acuity Has at times oen sougnt by some big business Institu tion, and bu employment by such Institution u recognition of his ability and the strongest recommendation for him as a lawyer and bulness adviser. 1 have in the past been em ployed by some of tha strong est business institutions of the state such employment la rec ognition ot my ability and suould be tha strongest recom mendation for me aa a lawyer and business adviser. 1 am at this time the republi can member of the Nebraska atat revenue and taxation commission, a non-partisan commission created by the last legislature to revise the reve nue laws of the state. Our work is about completed. Our report will soon be. printed. It will point the way for the next leg islature to make such changes as will tend to equalize the tax burden of the state. . As attorney general I can do much to complete the work that has been started by this com mission, and if elected by the people for that important of fice I will give the atate of Ne braska the best ot my ability and with a firm and steadfast purpose strive to make our great state one of the cleanest and best governed states in the union. Circumstances over which I have no control have influenced me to withdraw aa a candidate for mem ber of the Water board. I believe tliat my politic, which were for the best interests of Omaha and suburbs, would be beat carried out through the election of Mr. John W. 1'arlsh for thia office and 1 take this oHri unity to thank my friends for tlielr euthusiaam and stanch aup port in my behalf. A. C. AKEM. D.M.Ilaverly Candidal lepubtieaa Nomination A FOR REGISTER OF I, cim U. if 9 Primaries August lath 1014 THE OMAHA BKK- TIIE IIOMK lAmt.