THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: "AUGUST 16, 1914. New Alfalfa Mill is to Open Here by First of the Year Few Suggestions for the New Home RECORD CROWDS EXPECTED Kny Looked Tor t Barjqnetg Dur ing; Merchant Market Week. STYLE SHOW WEDNESDAY EVE Model e Cilre Displays f Wftrl Apparel at L. Cerelal Claa Dials; Rem. . All record of croud fed at th various elub In Omaha are to be broken during merchants' market eek when the lunches Of ratallcra and famllle from various parta of Omaha trd terHtory are to be entertained. respectively, at tha Field club and Carter Lake club. Bo large a crowd la expected at these entertalnmenta that preparation! are being made by the Field club to borrow equipment from the Carter Lake club when they need It and to loan equipment to Carter Laka club tha evening tha merthante are to be en tertained tiere. Wednesday afternoon the women of the visitor are to be entertained at Happy Hollow club. Style Show la ErealaaT. During the evening tha big atyle ahow and living rnodel-demonstrtlon are to be given In the Commercial club dining room. A half dozen living modela are to be em ployed to show tha fall at y lea In actual use. This la a great advantage over aee- Ing tha garments almply diaplayed In tha ahow case and abow window. Trained demonstrator dreaeed In tha lateat fall garment len to tboae garment a poise and a carriage that goes with tha wearing of them, and the effect of which cannot poadbly be obtalnet. from a dlaplay in ahow window. The merchant' market week thla year fall on August 17 to 22. Thai Will be during the present week. A third mill for tha manufacture of al falfa food product for live tock will be in operation tn Omaha by the first of next year. The new mill I to be ereoled by the Corn-Fair Mill company, of which C. S. Ralnbolt, Ray Ralnbolt of Omaha and Teter Krogh, Farewell. Neb., are the Incorporator. The location of the new mill will be determined the flrat of nit week, op tion having been secured on three aitea, all of which have excellent trackage fa cilities. The new milling company ha a capital of lioc.009, with t),om pid In. The plsot will be modern in every respect and In addition to tha mill there will be an ele vator with a capacity of 15,000 to 13,080 bushels. Thl will be for carrying the , company' stock of grain that will be mixed with the alfalfa In preparing tha food products. The mill will have a ca pacity sufficient tn turn out ten car, or 160 ton of the alfalfa product dally. The product will consist of straight al falfa meat, the mixed ration of alfalfa and molnaae and all kind of grain foods for livestock. Particularly Attractive House Designed by Everett S. Dodds Burdin Wants the Board to Buy Land Near School Site Another attempt, will be mada to In veigle tha member of the Board of Kducatlon Into algning a two-year option on land adjoining the Saratoga school site. These land have been offered to the board for 5,700. but the treasury is The other atyle i empty, there I a $200,000 deficit and the mimmjmM M figs i MmM fl .Mi n Turn ka al r T I I ' i eww m m I unit ' n U.',ji m Omaha Twelfth in Home Ownership! A psinphlct, recently Issued by the f nlted Ftates census bureau, rates Omaha twelfth In the ownerxhlp of home, ac cording to a tabulation of cltlr over 100,- tOno population. The percentage in this city is given ss 39.8 in proportion to the local population. . Cities In the east have a lower per centage of home ownera than those In the west. The comparison of cities in the west follows: IX-nver Hfi S Pt. Louis 25.0 Kansas City ...M i ,t. Paul 412 Chlcaito 28. 21 Minneapolis 40. Milwaukee 34.41 ahow was held last March. It was a great success. 8lnce then the merchants of Omaha' trade territory have written repeatedly to the wholesalers, aaklng when another atyle ahow I to be held In Omaha, and urging that thl Institution be not dropped aa the retailer out In the atate and the trade territory look forward to It. Inside Story of Withdrawal Game 1 of Hide and Seek The inside story of the recent mlx-up by which the entry of "Tom" Blackburn Into the congressional race was with drawn and then the withdrawal with drawn when John X Kennedy withdrew, ha at last leaked out. Thl la the way It I explained by a court-house official who la In position to know what really happened; "You see, In tha original line-up It was a dead cinch for Kennedy, but he did not want to Jeopardise hi election' by a fictional primary fight, and started machinery In motion to force Blackburn off. The result waa accomplished finally by an agreement by which both ap parently submitted their claim to a friendly board of mediation. wl-.os de cision waa to sey which should withdraw In favor of the other. , The pre-arranged award waa against Blackburn, and he auddeuly discovered that the condition of hi wife he alio. would not permit him to mak: a cam paign) Ha mailed hla withdrawal to the secretary of atate,' addressed a letter to 11 r. Kennedy for publlo consumption, and left for part unknown tn the west rn and of the tet. Kennedy now read his nomination clear, but right at tlii point bumped Into a number of friend who told him that unless he lot up on Lis pronounced advocacy ot woman u frage, ha would beat not only himaelt but the whole ticket. II wouldn't let up, ae he concluded that sudden press of urgent business prevented him from running, whereupon It withdrew. A soon ' as Blackburn learned of thl. he immediately discovered that his wife' Ulncs would not Interfere with bis cam paign at all, and came back poithaate In a response to a message from "Bob" Mmlth to break In tha running again, and get busy for the slat. "Thare'g the lory In a nutshell." opinion among a number of member of th school board la that It would be un wise to enter into any agreement now regarding thl land, A. J. Burdin, a member of the school board and a candidate for th legislature, I greatly interested In th sale of thl land, which la owned toy fifteen or six teen person. H has aeoured the passage of a resolution by . the building and ground committee, recommendlgg the purchase, and th matter may com be fore the board Monday night. It I th board' plan to submit a large bond Issue thl fall for school site, ad dition, etc., but Burdin. fearing these. bond may be defeated, 1 asking that th board agree to buy the land within two years, regardless of the fate of the bond Issue. 3 'hflLL ' MM S ' :! rnnT, ' runner I )um ru nan Lynch is Unable to . Get Sample Ballots County Commissioner John C. Ijrnch of the Second or downtown commission er's district, wa unable to secure any sampla ballots from Election Commis sioner Moorhead's office. It appeared that there was none available beartug hi name, although no other candidate ex perienced the cam trouble, there being tii usual supply of sample bearing the name of the other commissioners. It seemed that there w no explanation of th situation. Moorhead did not ap pear at hla office and no on there knew of any reason why Lynch should be slighted. All the candidates were anxious to get sample ballot bearing their nanus In order to explain tha mysteries of six- foot sheets of paper. An old politician or two suggested that the fuct that Lynch Is th man who ha been fighting the court house fee grab bers and who 1 especially unpopular with Robert Smith and Joe Polcar might hav had something to do with hi trouble In getting sample ballot. j Lynch ordered som sample ballots from th printer and will pay for them himself. N5O0RHEAD DECLARES HE CANNOT L0CAJE ALL VOTERS Blect ton Commissioner JJoorhtad claims to have found several Instances whre th voter registered by him is uiiknowu at the add re sees given. Several are reg istered, he declares, whose homes are outside of Omaha and other gave va cs nt lot or housea at address Mr. Mureheed'a carefully selected Investi gator, trained by himself, having mad these discoveries, a number of voters arc to be challenged and probably dls frsncblsed. By a coincidence practically all live in the lower wards and are reg istered aa republicans. There are a few democrats, however, the election com missioner's office being strictly non partisan, aooordlng to the statute creat ing H. Moat of tb voters under espionage are working men and of foreign birth who are far from prominent or famous In their communities. Mr. Moorhead's men being ui.sble to locate then, however, their doom is sealed. Mr. Moorhead did not make a formal statement a h had previously Indicated he would, lie waa not at hi office, but left note Indicating the charge mad by him. ' Mrs. Trout Wins Big Crowd at Sufrage Speech on Street Mr. Grace Wilbur Trout of Chicago wasn't at all put out by the nolo of a rival street meeting which the Salvation army held Friday night, within a ton's throw from where sh was holding a uffrB street meeting at Fifteenth and rviuirlaa street. A crowd of over W0 gathered to hear th arguments advanced by Mrs. Trout, who Is president of tha Illinois Suffrage association and on who lobbied for th passage of the sufffag kill lm that state. Mrs, Trout refuted the statement that rotlng would tend to make women more maaoullne and denied that women were oovetoug of of floe. "Anyway If they were. th men eould keep them out." sn saia. "The home never can be represented In government until every mmber of it women as well as mn. vote." Mr. Trout left for Indiana ana rn tucky. where she will fill engagements mad by Champ Clark for speaking tours through these state. ut whloh he U un sbl to fill. . , , . , Connell Says He is Unable to Have the Milkmen Convicted An aDDeal to city commtionr to compel -Polio Judg cnanea roswr v nforoa th city hralth ordinance wl I be mad by Health Commissioner R. W. Connell. who says "It la impossible . enforce the ordinances while Foster sits on the bench. Dr. Connell said that out oi mneiy-iour complalnte against milkmen lor seiu-c Impure milk only eleven conviction were secured, and of these one man, for In stance, had hi fine suspended rour con secutive times. The health department revoked this man' license to sell milk, because, said Dr. Connoll. h continued to sell adulter ated and dangerous milk and waa let off always with suspended flue. Registered Voters Now Number 28,000 More than 3S.0OO voter registered and qualified to cast ballots In nxt Tues day' primary, according to record of th election commissioner's office. Tn total la 28,763, but thl Include duplicates and removals occurring alnoe Max W. sad not yt adjusted by the election commis sioner's office force.- The republican lad the democrat by more tlisa one-third In number, th di vision bsing a follow: Rep. 15em. Prog 6oc. N P. Omaha M.u& t.3 t.T W V4 South Omaha l.uo y,M i U i tot Timm Th house shown abov I on of the ' beet atyle of architecture that one can employ when he wants to get a good substantial home, with lots of room In it, for a moderate amount. It consist of the four rooms down stairs and four rooms up with the necessary closet vesti bule and porches. Th living room has a large heavy beam on the celling that lock as If It supported something and not just an ornament. The fireplace 1 at the end of the room, opposite the front entrance, and ha a built In bookcase at on end of It and th door to tha den at the other. Tha porch open directly off of the liv ing room with French doors, the dining room has a built-in buffet and paneled walls and a heavy wall cornice running around tha celling. On the second floor the bedrooms are finished In whit enamel and have mahogany doom This sam plan ean b built with an alcov off of the main bedroom with the two small window in It. Th bath 1 to hav til floor and til walls. Th entire house Is to be brick veneered WL POT Sft - OTfl niWMA RAY WAGNER BUYS FINE RESIDENCE IN DUNDEE Orover SpsJn have sold the beaut!, ful brick and stucco residence at Fifty second and Cae streets to Pay Warner, secretary of the Bonkers Reserve Life. The price paid was 19,500. Mr. Wsgner has been In the market for the' last three years for a high-class residence, and he feels that It In tmpos- alble to beat Dundee, cither from the residential feature- or profitable Invest ment feature. OMAHA SEVENTEENTH IN TAX RATES OF CITIES According to figures recently compiled by the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Chamber of Commerce, Omaha ranks seventeenth among the cities In the United States in proportion to the height of taxes. The schedule take In only cities over 100,000 In population. A pattlal list and the tax rates follow: Boston. Msss ..I47.S.V Chicago. Ill U.5 I.os Angeles .. 42.091 Oakland, Cal..j Jl.ftt Washington .... 42.0o!S-'an Francisco.. 81 .M feattle, Wnsh.. 41 .111 St. Louts, Mo.. 29. 7 Portland, Ore.. 41 .Ofi Hartford, Conn. .4S New York 40.57! Salt Lake City. JS.0 Pittsburgh. Pa. 38. 7B Omaha. Neb M.74 Kan. City, Mo.. 34. r,l Buffalo. N. T.. 2X 2:1 Cincinnati. O.. 33. W Newark. N. 3... 27. Si Spokane, W ash 33.66) Itochester. N. T. 27.57 MUST QUIT PARKING AUTOS NEAR THE FIRE HYDRANTS City Commissioner C. IT. Wlthnell ha asked the aid of the police department In enforcing the ordinance prohibiting the parking of automobiles within fifteen feet of fire hydrant. Commissioner Wlthnell said the work of the fire department was seriously hampered by the violator of this ordinance. At a recent fir It was necessary to haul two or three automo biles away with fire trucks before the hose could be connected with the hydrant a delay that was serious. with a rough matt brick In a dark shade with lighter trim brick. Thl plan 1 from th offices of Everett 8. Dodds, architect, rooms 612-1S-14-U Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. Any one desiring further Information relative to the cost of the above design or the planning of a new home should get tn touch with the architect who will be glad to rendered his services. Everett 8. Dodds, architect Building for July and Seven Months Totals 1S.U6 10TI4 M 654 MANY STUDENT WORKERS LOOKING FOR EMPLOYMENT Students who will be In Omaha this fail and winter and desire to earn part of their expense are besieging the Young Men's Christian association to find them "part-time" work for the season. A. A Remington, employment secretary, has j at the right price." said Mr. Gilbert, received so many such requests lately I n that he has decided to devote special at tention to student employment and will give such service free to all who apply. Sales Reported by One Company The Armstrong-Walsh Co., reports that tb real estate situation I very much brighter than It hs been for some tin) past. Property I selling and there appear to be a large percentage of peo ple who have money to purchase what they want, which is Indicated by the sis of the first payment offered on property desired by them. The following sale which hav not been previously reported have been consummated by thla firm within the last ten day: - -Five-room cottage and four flats. 2-J00 Pouth Twenty-ninth street to Martha t'eaon, w. ito. Brick cottage. 7M South Thirty-seventh Street to Catherine Mcbbnald. considera tion 12.750. Property, iUi Cuss street, Poppleton state te Oscar P. Hresnler, K.jOO. House. Xl Chicago street to Harris Levey. It,w). Residence at 13:' 2 South Thirty-first Street. .:.0. New bungalow, Sol Seward street to V, H. UeFranue for Investment, 13.600. New bungalow at a'U Reward street to A. T. Hanson for a home. t.GOQ. Vacant lot Forty-second and Burt street by Poppleton Kstat lo T. F. Long. U0. Forty-first Avenue and Burt street to the Union Investment company. t'.M. lis) acres of Jowa land. Thomas B. Illckey to Mary IC. Uvwllng, m.bOH or per acre. Vacant K't at Thirty-second and Boule vard, to Charles U White, tm. SMALL PROPERTIES FINDING READY SALE A. A. Gilbert of A. P. Tukey eon suys th real estate market for smaller properties has been unusually active with the firm for this season of th year. Th following sales are reported for the week: Laura A. Newell to F. I. pierce, 3UVJ Maaderson street. - -Herman Weswel to Margareth K. H rout r up. Slot Hamilton street. i.. B. Finch to Mary Rice, S6X Charles street. Catherine Kelley to Affle Welnd. 1V0 North fclshteenth street. K. B. Finch to UnUore Cohn. 22 Charles street. Furay Investment Co., to August I.r se, lot On north aide of Burt street, be tween Twsmy-fourth street nnd Twenty fifth Avenue. William ii. Clark to li. W. RockforJ. 1!W Kinney street. "We receive numerous calls for good five and six room house, and exp&lence little difficulty In disposing of this cUs of property where owner are willing to accept what the property is worth. Tha problem la to secure th sal of housea Building operation throughout th United State for the month of July made the best statement for the current year to date. The comparison with the corre sponding periods of 1913 were unfsvorabl during the earlier month of the year. A light gain appeared in June and for July th comparison is altogether favor- blc. Th official report of building per mits, Issued by seventy-two cities during th month of July, ss received by the American contractor, Chicago, reach a total of 172,141,543, as compared with $& 443,811 for July, 1913, n gain of .14 per cent. One of the Interesting developments is that the largest cities, where th losses had been the most marked tarlkr'ln th year, dua largely to the lull in the con- tructlon of larg office buildings, are making decidedly better howlngs. Three of the five borough of New York City show distinct gain and th total I only ofcvUr Kea JB Want Ads.' MIDLAND PEOPLE SUPPLY FONTENELLE WITH GLASS Contract for furlshing th plate, win dow and ornamental glass for the new Fontenelle hotel hav been awarded to the Midland Olasa and Paint company, Eleventh and Howard streets, in com pe tition with bidders from all over th United Btste. Thl I a feather In the can of the local concern and la taken ss evidence that Omaha business houses can compete In this locality with the largest establishment In the country. The Midland people hav also been given the contract tor Th Castle, now under construction. NORRIS PREDICTS ACTIVE REAL ESTATE MARKET - William Norrts of tb firm of Norris AV. Norris, reports th rent estate sale i to be very good so far this month. Mr. I Norris predicts a very attrnotiv real ea- tat market thl fall and early winter. -lie reports the following sales. W. It. Latty a home In Fteidcreat. Orace Griffith a HIM home In Park wood. Ulenn V. Carter a to.000 horn in Park wood. Ray H. French a 14.M0 home in Park- wo.'U. ; Thomas II. Bowie, chief clerk to Com- i mbirtoner Knei. has purchased a $.',0 4 hme In Park wood. 1-1 11. McC ail, general agent for the Iland-ln-lland Lite Insurance Co., has puivhsaed a beautiful west Kernam heme, price I.OuO. i. C. Gerapecher. of the fetudebaker Corporation of America has purchased a to.Ogt) home in Fieldcrest. Akron S Albany Atlanta Baltimore , Birmingham ..' Boston Brldport .... Buffalo Cedar Rapids.. Chattanooga ., Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland ...... Columbus Dallas Dayton Denver Des Moines.... Detroit Duluth East Orange... Evansville Fort Wayne.... Grand Rapids.. Harriaburg .... Hartford Indianapolis ., Kansss City... Lincoln ' Lo Angeles.... lxmisvllle, Manchester .... Memphis Milwaukee .... Minneapolis ... Newark , New Haven.... New Orleans.. New York City Manhattan .. Bronx Brooklyn .... Boro. of Queens Boro. of Richmond .. Total ... Oakland Oklahoma .... Omaha Paterson ..... Peoria Philadelphia . Pittsburgh .... Richmond Rochester San Antonio... 8a u Francisco. St. Joseph m. i.ouis rtl. Paul Scrantou Seattle Shreveport ... Hloux City.... Kouth Bend... Hpokano ... Kprtngfteld. Tacotiia Toledo Topeka Troy Ft lea, N. Y.. Washington . SV likes- Uarre Worcester ... July. 11U4. 405, t HM.00S 4t.&"i 831,4-; 4S8,3C) 377.847 S13,!H:. l.0OJ 4C6.0CM HM70 t.l4ft,7M) l.oM.gS) 2.&.U.0TO 3. H4.itO ' 941. WW &)0.7u0 1M2,&3 140.8S0 8.121.750 H.B22 VJ9.64.-i &!3,0O 19. M3 &a.37 311 9K.) 1.140.M9 i.ou,y 58,00 1081,39s m,SM .".34.4M KM.OOS fW.l'7 1. 424. K ue.ttf 4. US.K0 2.ftS3 5. t7,4 J.43M10 301.130 July Per Cent. ' am Cain. Los. 722.5U5 ... R15.770 11 M,i 14 349.MB 12 379,017 23 slightly unfavorable. Chicago and Phila delphia are both strongly on th aide of Improvement. Among the notable gains that are scored for the month may be n.entloned th following, with percentage of Increase: Albany, JJ9; Baltimore, 112; Chattanooga, 117; Dayton, 133: Manchester, 108; Richmond, 213; Rochester, log, and Spokane, 107. ' For the first seven months of the year the excellent July showing has extin guished the former unfavorable showing, The total coat of building permit issued In seventy cities for the seven month total f42S,3TC95, a compared with 1426.. (7.402 for th first ven month of 1913. Th most notable increases for the period are the following with percentages of gain: Albany, 109; Minneapolis, 69; Okla homa. 149: San Francisco, 7; South Bend, 73; Wllkes-Barre, 64. The statement In detail 1 as follow: Jn. 1 to Jan. 1 to Per Cent Aug. I 1914 Aug.l, 1913Ualn Loss , $ 2.513,65 $ 3,564.570 4.576,4)0 3,lS5,Ci35 3.49.i.fl99 Homo Builders Clever So Busy We have transacted more business In the last 30 days than la any two months before in our history. We have more first class ap plications for financing dwellings under consideration right now than during all of August a year ago. In Times of Financial Disturbance Mortgages on homes are the safest and most staple security to be had and the easiest to convert Into cash. Home Builders Guaranteed 7 Preferred Shares gives you this kind of security on your money. , , It is the safest and best security known, because the homo is the foundation of all financial business stability, . Why not put your money in a few shares now and partici pate in Home Builders profits with Home Builders security? Get our free boo It, the "New Way." Phone Douglas 501.1. IIMt(glllMgifi American Security Company, Fiscal Agents. Get Home Builders Free Plan Book when ready to build. ii t-2 S 193,727. , WW.OOV il9,000 27 1 J.V1.690 117 i.036.KO . 61 - 5. 400 81 2.74i.810 ... S,11S,7 gu We.Jffl 17 V40MO 183 4.70 13l,l4 2, lto.4. SW.413 li-9,830 i2.:to Srii.KIO 342.78 .0o5 TO.Ofi 1.000.M HS7.4T5 li-6.175 3, 24.314 JUg,9 litt.OAA 10 304.M . t 1,737 .9HT ... 1.066,770 UM. 4HS 663.5U0 7.07,5.' 1.3U0.149 t.KM.036 7 1R 13 31 6 30 7 IS 38 20 'ii 1.43J,iJ3 382.440 m Akron , Albany Atlanta Baltimore ... Birmingham Boston Bridgeport .. Buffalo Cedar Rapids Chattanooga Chicago , Cincinnati ., Cleveland .... Columbus t. toUlas Dayton Denver De Moines Detroit liuluth ...... ' Fast Orange , Fvansviiie ... ::. Fort Wevn. J? Or. TUpids.. Ilarrlsburg .. " Hartford .... " Indianapolis.. Ksn. City.... " Lincoln ' I OS Angele. - Louisville ... Manchester . Mmphle 49 Milwaukee .. Minneapolis . 10 Newark New Haven.. W New Orlean N. Y. City Manhattan. Bronx Brooklyn .. Boro. of Queene Bore, of Hichmond 13 41 21 .OS,278 1.882.411 1, 7.54,0)O 1.935.0n 79.800 83.0iD,OuO ,f79,591 17.221.43 Stt.lW 3.W7.180 2.2:4.2W l.fcrf.MM 1.138,263 20.371.340 2.S94.17J ' 1.3U. ir 4lt.fil4 I. 7M.70O 3,472,63 601.473 2,692 06 W125.2U ; 1.013 930 642,197 II. 988.11W 3,029,116 1.006. 8b4 2.347 88 .610.2S6 11.099.6-fO B.241.S72 3 416.200 1.822,333 30.882.290 13.U2.0H1 3b.123.3J7 13.303,307 1.433.IS4 3.64,720 6.775,493 . 4.902,352 l.wolttsi 3.39S.OUO l.7l, 064,565 S3, 924.600 6,643,14 12.6A7.160 421,94'. S,9i,3r 4.437,694 1,811,846 1,193,284 18.981,09!) 1.874.234 1.032,K UR.4ttt 1,832,93 l,H91.l7 647. 6 0 3.116,00 6.171,471 6.123.920 1.211.690 tl.SU. 004 2.6A6.490 1.044.14 2.8H5.290 M17.9SO .9Sii,470 9 531.180 2.4f.7,89S xioo.ts: 43.960.65 17.412.SS5 21,636,679 10.620.979 1.483.643 109 'is 44 i 9 " 37 19 86 ... 0 7 3 7 3S It 13 34 46 10 14 1 47 44 ' ... 17 STORE YOUR GOODS WITU OS Then Take Your Time in Looking for a Suit able House. Storage is Cheaper Than Rent Unexcelled Service : Jm 37 STORAGE GO. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE W Employ Sklllad and Competent Workman OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. 804 South Sixteenth St. c f9 30 30 III. 13.2JO,219 113,621,637 ... 4 4W.M3 H,h ... 36 J0.SK0 13,413. 66 . 4-2 tW6 S92.62& I 2J9.546 aij0 ... 2-Jt.8 199.S7& 11,boO 3,oH,7lU 34 1.510,213 777.12S 94 4til,949 1 47.455 213 1.067. K1 6lt.7At 10 244,9i6 ... LOt. 537 46 4,,rf: 5T.1 40 .297.i 1,046,7-tO 23 l.(WJ,l') 933, (5 13 107. 165 1X1.510 26 2.5i.i-M 1.414 6J0 7S 14-4,213 lCiS.Stil ... 6 331,050 175.KO 33 .. 1M.413 113.472 i t2V16 110.-9 lf "4.9U0 i:t ... M.5&I 629.69 ... 82 59 659 U71.605 ... 15 bl.tl0 130.977 .... 47 bl.f.1 167.S4 (i 1,37$ i:T3.'i ... 4 1lie.tl2 K0.44M ... 33 671. 749 S.8! 43 Total Oakland . Oklahoma ... Omaha Patenon .... Peoria Philadelphia.. P.ttabumh Mlrhmond .... Rochester ... Bin Antonio. Kan Francisco 22.746. His t 37.421.349 t 94.91S.82l 2,n.0r.! , 6,277.636 306, 123 ? f)8 1.078,467 1,621.660 3i.t!.S 10.851. ia 3. 625 .09J,625 lt. Joseph.. Pt. Louis ft. Paul Scramon .... Seattle Rhreveport floux City... fouth Bend.. Spokane 8piintied. 111. Tscoma .... Tol4o TtTpek 6 T'ov ...... ... i u . f. I., Washington . v -iikes-Harre. Won-etter ... 421.974 .S.7:ui 9.039.142 753.4M 8,a4.446 961, 77 1.444.686 1,137. W. 776. S?2 Ii92 JsO H MS 4 413 217 3W.1I5 6.9 SI 4" 943. 73 3114.614 122,747 2.4T7.64S 94.411 1.4:.9M 34.696.1S6 t.398.144 2.610.319 . .897.U63 li!932.t'iS6 640.256 9,M4.515 6.6I1.167 b6.11 6,6.14,090 W1.143 600,14 2,467.t45 407.964 1 847,f9t 3.4.943 670.019 i'.97TW7 6,301, M6 646.0T-7 3.114,614 149 H4 12 13 6 31 76 rmoira otso. C. N. ROBINSON ARCHITECT m OMAKA HAT'I. SAX X okas a, zrrx. CE IV1 E1MX B LO CKS 5i'?.i?SM emvsmm IDEAL CMINT STONE Co! 1708-10 Cosnlag- Street. Phone 3ongla 4428. V- n Se Everett S. Dodds Architect Phone, D-2981 612 Paxton Block 4: 13 lu 15 I :fl 63 ii 31 i.ej. laves Totals .373.141.543 I63.42A91 14 Totals t425.376.663 2;,0t7.4i)2 SAFE riOVER Heavy Hauling 1212 Farnam PHONE DOUGLAS 383 - gfTTiiMiWiTP UYOnAULIC PRESS ORICK C0MPAI1Y, 1302 W. 0. V. Bldg. Call and e the beautiful .New Color The standard for twenty-five years... This building has been th "standard" in Omaha office buildings and office building service ever since it was built. As good as The Bee Building means--first-class. " THE BEE BUILDING "Tn kuid.ngtSmt U mitoay new" bas kept its prestige bttcausa it was built right in the first place, becauie it has always been kept in perfect re pair, because its service has been al ways kept up to the highest test and because of its incomparable archi tectural beauty. There are a few and only a few very cholee offices at your disposal now. If you are Interested, it would be better to make your selection at once and not wait until fall. For offic space apply to Superin tendent, room 103. Tel. Tyler 1000. EE 1 I FPiflimt! 3 mm j li -..i'ii msjt mi LAim. in. AnvEnnsixa is thk SPOKEN K'J.RVWHERH BT BUYKKS nSD SC1.1.KRS. l