IS Vim JiKK: OMAHA. SATUliDAY. AUGUST 15, 1U14. I! JS By MELLIFICIA. Friday. August 14, 1914. ERK'S a timely tip for the motorist tljat is, the enthusiastic mo- HtoVlpt who buys a new car earh year and sells his old machine. It Is a wipe plan to have your own private monogram removed from the car when the machine passes Into wme stranger's pos Fespion. A prominent and dignified bachelor was enjoying his new ear tho other Sunday afternoon, motoring along leisurely and quietly, when a car sped by Mm filled with Joy riders. They were having sotno time, and vera anything but quiet, nut the ear did not go so fast but what he was able to read his own monogram on the cur. "I hope no one will thlnJt tbopc are my guests," he remarked to the friends In his car. JIaJor Carl K. llartmann, formerly of Fort Omaha, who moved to Chi cago, had a funny experience after moving there. The NebraHka number on the car made it a bit conspicuous for the Chicago traffic officers. Major Hartmann left the car standing in front of tho Annex for over an hour, instead of the allowed ten minutes, while ho was chatting with Gquld l.ileu. When he came out of the hotl the traffic officer was waiting for Lin. "Say, do you think Just because you have a Nebraska number on your far you can set away from the Chicago laws? The next time you leave your car standing here longer than ten minutes you will get a fine." At Carter Lake Club Jlrs. t'hnrlos I ungate niUrtainrd the I,a lco. an OmiiliB 11111 school club, at Unnr at Carter Lako club Inst venlnn. baskets of Kohlcnroil were need for tho tjr eolations. Cover were lalil for: T'.olli i:MlliUB.n, ).nui.w lb-roar. .A lire Kallicy, ilndyo Khanin, Kdna Thrane. IVKpr. Mark Hchworin. Alfr-'it trhurlK, Hubert Clarke. Mnv Klnnek. Nylin Al')H:li. Ml Klhel Anderson. .Uli-t'srr, Martha Clark. .May Carney, i'Hto K-l-lv, Jisther KlllnghUien, Mwl Paul llnnKnte. S alter;, Kr Ott'wr. ;t..nn Muearnve, Karl Starlxmrrt, Chailrs Hustln. Mr. A. M. Newell entertained the fol lowing kuc-sIs at dinner: TWlssrs llfea Jlaml Maloney Harriet Nwi II of Ht. Ix)nl. of -New York. Mariaret WUi ox. AIFr. MeT. Jt. v. Mllcox. Jr. Neil II. Wilson. of Kansas City ; , Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Wilcox. Mr. and Mr. T. W. Allen. Tr. and Mm. B. K. ehlpherd had as their aueala: Miss nurlln of Cleveland, Miss Helm, Mra. rt. H. Belm. , Mrs. Kdwtn Conner, Mr. and Mra. V. A. Hddy. Mr. atid Mra. Charles Weber enter tained: Mr. and Mra. Max Burkenroad, Mrs. Burmeliiter. Mr. and Mra. J. F. Zltse.1 had Dr. and Mra. A. Jefferpon with thorn at dinner Mra. I C. Heeney entertained at lunch eon and a card party at her cottage 'Teddy'a Roost" Thoae preaent were: Mendamea Meadamea CU, Wlltatn H. Italfe, :harlea Ilone. A. Wendell, ham Drenher. ir.: C. It. T. IUepen. Ieroy Gillespie, Mr. and Mra. Tom F. Kelly chaperoned a party of young people who had dinner together last evening. Among thoae preaent were: Misses T'ora Haaa, Kathvrtne Mulcuhey. Measrs. Hobert Hamilton, I M. Caldwell. Ml area ' Anna Hwoboda, llasel Knott. ' Alma Marion, . Messrs. . r. K. Veey. . V. Miller. I'aul Wolfe, Among others who made reservations for dinner at the cub laat evening were M! E. L.. Wood, who entertained seven gtiefcts; Ml A. Thompson, nine: J. C. Fallon, four; 11. B. , Whltehouse, two; U A. Dermody, two. . Mtaa Jean McCormlek had five guests 'taut evening; J. IS. Harmon, six. t lr. and Mra-'PF. Kanl entertained for - ;Jrs. Effle Kills rerflcld. who leaves for TChlcago to reside. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Perfleld. Ir. and Mra. Kanl. ; Mrs. Astnea Morton, t -Mr. Anton Kanl. ' The Toung Mothers' club was enter tained Thursday at luncheon by Mra. 'Arthur C. Borenson. The morning was xient swimming and following luncheon -. there was a kenslngton. Those present were: ' Meadamea Meadames ; Martin Hes. C. Newlan, Karl CJrover. Ma Hmith t llalph Iteam, W, M. Otilld. ' iWr Huh, K. A. Hlrlnanr. .Hoy Alley, Arthur Borrnon, : Pertonal Mention. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Btapleton left New j Tfork Wednesday for Mr. Staploton'a f 'homo In Houth " America. Mrs. gtaple : ton was formerly Stisa 'Stella Hamilton -uf this city. j. Miss Clare Delehanty has gone to ; Dubuque on a visit to her grandmother 5-for a ftw days before she finally leaves j to loin the Dominican order of sinters. he was accompanied by her tUter, MUs trances Iirlchuiity; her coimin, Mis Irene Iei-hanty, and her uncle, Mr. Ed ward Delehanty. Miss Clare Drlchanty is a graduate of Mount St. Mary'a seinl- i.ary In this city, araduutlng with hlsli honors four years aeu. Seymonr Lake Country Clnb. Mrs. U M. Lord was lioxtese at a luncheon 'yesterday, complimentary to Mlna Er.nloe ' Knuor o ItocheNter. Th cenlarpiece was a huge mirror lake, on which floated mlnlaturs anil boats, and on whose sandy beach reused numerous mltiiature bathers. The afternoon whs was di-votcd to bridge, and the htnh scores were made by Mm. Bert Anderson. Mr, ltscha sod Mrs. C. E. rareons. The guests were: Memlnmea T. II. Knaor, A. H. Mlrilam, Howri Huld. J. W. WooUrouah, II. O. IMke. II. W. Anderson, Dwlght Powell. M. 1. King. K. A. Hose. W. II. Kline. Bert And't-aon, Frank I'rucha, NlUche. Oeoriro Jonei Davis, hervlrk, It. Persons, Iiyhall, , Holmes, Mlffaes Kunlce Knor, Beckett. Blanche Bush, Mesdnmes J. I. Huxli. XV. B. Cheek, John I'rlon. R. O. Ftiren. K. D. Phillips, D. C. riodds. C. W. Pollard, ('. Tt. RHt. I turrock, A. P. Durkee, jueenan, .1. M. Tanner. T. I.. Combs, Mlchelaon. '. K. Parsons, l,ckmn. Hiirann, Skldmore, I. MIbs Kittle XVarley. OlKa Jnnen Dorothy ljrd. Mra. R R. Schlnc'el waa hoateaa at a luncheon party yesterday when ahe had aa her guests: Mesdainea Mesdamea W. H. Tubs. Klchard Laverty. Claude On-hard, Miss Leonard, Ixjulivllle, Ky. Another luncheon party was composed of Mr V. Ames, Mrs. George Francis and Masters Dean Ames and Bryon Francis. Four kensington parties and three card parties were In progress Thursday after noon at the club, Mrs. J, U. Van Kuren Is entortalnltia her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Seaverna of Randolph, this week. The M, L. King cottage will be closed for two weeka while Dr. King Is on the Pacific coast and Mra. King la visiting her parents at Papllllon. At Fontenelle Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Jones enter tained ten couplea at ' a wiener roast Wednesday night at the park In honor of Mrs. Carl A. Mulntyre of Kansas city. : ; , Mrs. ' J. P. O'Brien entertained ' at a plcnlo Thursday for her little daughter, Kathryn Luc lie, in honor ot her fourth birthday. Those present were: Miasea !outse Baehr. Wilms Baehr, Masters James O'Brien. Hfibert O'Brien, William Kelly. Mcednmea William Baehr, William Kelly of Florence, Misses Luclle Hansen. Kvelyn O'Brien. Masters Donald Hansen, V llltuin Doslnr. Mesdames . Iouls Hansen, ) Robert Iflr, James O'Brien. Pleainres Put. Messrs. Tom and Basel lmphler en tertained Informally at a dancing party. Those present were: Misses Mildred Mul len, Marie Holland, Ann Tracy, Kather Ine Holland, Clare Tracy, Clara Connors, Clare McOovern, Colletta Connors, Rose MoOovern; Messrs. Frank McOovern, Walter Finch. Tom Lamphler, Mike Ar nold. Ed. Coatello, J. Hall. Frank Mullen, Jim Murphy, Claire Nelson, Basel Lam-phler. I AOT OH AI o Duy Oxfords at These Prices Just to make Saturday the biggest day of our Semi-An. nual Clean-up Sale, we are going to cut the price on high grade oxfords and pumps so low you'd hardly believe it until you have seen the goods and we fit every pair. Extra Specials For Saturday 95c FOR MEN A lot of oxfords for the men who wear small hizes; former pneo up to $3.00; per pair..., A lot of most any size in $1.00 and $o.00 ft ft 1 P oxfords Ut.HU A Jot of tho bt'fct oxfords in tlie fctore, up to $6, all sizes. ...83.75 FOR WOMEN A lot of pmall sizes in wo men's tan and black trn oxfords and pumps. .. Oxfords and pumps that sold up to $4.00 the pair,' in good toes and most any ftft p . 0a..4u And tuch litteg aa Lalrd'a and WrlsU & I'etera' Oxforda and pumps, that were am aep $6.00 and $3.00. MPfir Pont Hff 0a Au By. Youths' and Little III UCul Uil Gents' Tan and Black Oxfords. See Display in Show Window. 16th end If! For Autumn Bride. Mr. and Mrs. N. XXelj-man entertained Informally at their home, Tuesday even tna. In honor .f Mis Itefs Ilamon, who HI le a fall hrlde. The rooms were Prettily decorated mlth flowers and supper as served at amnll ,! r.r, mr. lsld f(,r: I less lilajnnri. I'l-ireni-n Long, Messrs" Phillip XX'elnman. Cl-srlea U'flkm.n Mr. and Mrs. ilnhurs. Mr. an. I Mrs. Will Kaufman. Mr. and Mrs. N. Welman. A llr Olnitbiirs. MesHrs. Cllff-ir Long. At the Field Clnb Saturday evening Mr. and Mrii. A. J. Vlerllrc a 111 have eleven auests; r. C. Hyson, four; Aii-tln (JaJley, four; O. A. Vuuna, four; (i. XX'. Tlatner, nineteen. Cablei from European TraTeleri. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Peeson are In re ceipt r,f two rablotrrams this morning from Mr. and Mrs. John It. XVebster and Mr. and Mrs. John Totter Welmter, to the ef fect that they are safe In Ixindon at the Hotel Metropole. Tho first cablegram Mated that thev were safe In Tar's, hut the second cablegram which they sent from Iindin was received before th first one from Tarls. Informal Musicale. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lisun will enter tain .his evtnina at an Informal miisl- ale for Mrs. Man- French Msllby of I 'avid City. Mrs. Malt by and Mis Oertrude Miller will slna severe! numliera. Tho guests will Include; Mlsi-ee Misses--Csllata K' yn-ilds. Lilian Peterson. Virginia Reynolds. Mr. and M-j. Charles Ul- hsnls, , Mr. an.l Mrs. !,. t.. FTcnch. Mr. Hol.m-l Adklns. In and Out of the Bee Hive Mrs. Edward Trellrr and s-in, Marvin, of lot South TVrty-alith. street, returned from Ike Okohojl last evening. Mrs. L. J. TlattJ and daughter, Fran res, have returned from a month's visit In the eountry and have aa their guests Miss Elizabeth Kampmann of, Kearney, who leaves today for Chicago; Miss Ger trude and Mr. Edward Knott of St. Louis. Registering at the. Hotel .McAlpin from Omaha d irinac the week have Ivcn: Mr. and M-s. Harmon V. Kmtth, Jr.; Mr ami Mrs. K. A. Kennedy, MIsn Pi :inl;t- HulliM k, Mr. '. 10. IJlHi k. M'ss M. Mtt-heltree, .Mrs T'n'il Kuhns, .'y M. Inirr. Mr. R Mrndlord. Mr. ami Mis. J.T. llolrcn, Mr .I. i irkl-i. .Mr. Mm Ork'n. Miss Maliel C. .Xllln.m. SHORE HOLES IN SWISS CHEESE j i Prices of Imported Cheese Soar Since War ii Declared. i ' ! ALL DELICATESSENS ARE UP SEPTEMBER 10 OMAHA AND SOUTH OMAHA DAY AT FAIR Amerlean ( hrese Follews the l-ad f le Imanrted Ynrlety llel- j land Ilerrla ts "are to Be Mark IMaher. September 1" has heen scv ss Omaha and South MniH'ia duy at the state fair at Lln-oln. Tills date has been tem porarily aureed iifon, provided it is iml Isfactorjr to the state fair Authorities. The representatlvrs of tho various organiza tions tioosllng Omaha find frkinth Omaha met at the Commercial club and de termined upon the dnte. ' They also de cider; to have at least two special trains, besides all the regular trams between Omaha and Lincoln,' to carry the crowds. An automobile, run Is also planned, and hundreds will likely go In cars If the roads are good at that time. When the little god of war starts to fling his mlsnllea around in a more or less promiscuous manner thus stftrtlng a first class war between a flock of na tions, the scythe of a cruel circumstance alwajD mows tlon the Innocent by standers. In this Instance the American public Is the Innocent bystander who Is getting the scythe where the chicken usu nlly rets the - Tho price of Imported cheese Is not only doing a Lincoln fteachy toward the summit, hut manufacturers now have to shoot It twice as full of holes in order to make the regulation per centage of gain, fad words Indeed for I'renrn, Oman. Italian and Swiss rheeiej is t-hut out and thr'Aincrlcan cheese con- i i:inlng public is famishing. Imported Swiss cheese is sellliiR for 4- centr a po'ind while French roquefort sells .it 4 rents. Jealous at the succcsa ' of Imi-orted cheese domestic cheese isi going up. Why American cheese should no up Is not known, but anyhow It is. Iximestle Swiss H selling for X cents, while a short time ago tt was 22 cents. All American cheese which has not ad vShced has been shot full of additional holesi so that the Increase is the came. Trench nrifhrooms are up, selling from to $3.30. Holland herring and Nor wegian sardines and other absolute neces sities of life will be higher because of th light catch and because German contact mines are blowing most of them up. In fact, all delicatessen articles ana shoot ing the chutes upwarl and will continue) to do considerable more shooting aa the war continues. Wosilertal Coach Remedy- Mr. D. P. Lawson of Edison. Tenn., writes: "Pr. King's New IMscovery Is a most wonderful cough, cold and lung medicine. 00c and $1.00. All drugglsti.-. Advertisement. SrssisuP'St'S'Sb During the Month of August We Allow a Reduction of 25 on All Picture Framing. ffiSinSifSirSiS' 0 a:' ' Ik Silk Glove Special frw m rnm 'm.r? ' : , -rr :;jx. y "r. rra ": 1 ' zh1 r, ' w r? Sal of Bead Bags w I I ' 1 '-"'S, , t'""""Hi.'-r f g ",'1rl"l Vr Vi lh.;. JUm awtJ-M-1 jf j. j-t I'Uliillll.1-'- sl I nlnlj .iT- a J2 1 I .- -W a-' - ,n i. . .ku double tlppea pure riik gloves in 1 black and white, worth up to 88c, f pair . J P a 1 M Y-i 1 . V. i- 1 V I I ' 1 . " ' I rwntA t ' y 1 jrI f-w I mm V I em, T J mmm 4 If y, -. " ' -,rrr-' iTiT.iiMifi f " -t-' .'.--r-'-- -...1--."ui-'i; ., A .1 iiJ,..,.l.... i.. , .... j-.u. i.l. V A large aasortment of beaded baga A In various handsome designs and V colors rocularlv worth and 13. &0. 3 will be on sale Saturday at $i c It is Our Intention to Force Immediate Disposal of All Summer Stocks Saturday, So We Offer 4 ? ' . : 1 : " - fc $ Choice of Any Fine Summer Dress (SO tor $9.9! w. These are the prettiest dresses of the entire season y yet we must let them go at this insignificant price to make room for all stocks About 75 of our very finest summer dresses remain to be cleared out Saturday. These are beautiful models of fine organdies, t-heer, dainty crepes, voiles, linens and rich nets. Made in numerous latest summer styles; featuring the tunic, ruf fled and over-draped skirts and the new ideas in waists. i Every Dress is Unusual in Bsauty of Style and Quality Former Prices were $25, $27.50, $30, $35, $42.50, and up to $49.00 AO for Dresses, Formerly Worth up to $10 VJ At this price we offer a splendid assortment of pretty summer dresses . of lingerie cloths, ginghams, voiles, crepes and linens in plain colors. stripe", checks and fancy floral effects. Numerous long tunic and ruffled skirt models included. y Summer Dresses worth up to $20, Saturday at a? About 150 dreRscs in this lot, giving choice of pretty 6tyles ri mt AA of voiles, crepes, linens, ratines, made up in tho latest effects yL. UU t with tunic and ruffled skirts and attractive novelties in trim. All worth two to four times the sale price I IIP I med with laces, embroideries,' etc. Most of these are . the late tunic and ruffle skirt models. Amazing values. Children's Wash Dresses 59c 79c for dresses worth up . for pretty dresaea to II. '.'5. Including- worth up to --11.60, pretty models of fine made of percales, giercules, chambruys Kliiahains, lawna and and K I n g h a in a for rhumbrays. In deslr- Iris of i to 1 4 years. able colors and pat- A hlit variety from terns. Ares 2 to which to select. and t to It years. r ' : : Sale of Hair Goods eeoad rioor ant Tompeiaji moom. $5 Natural Wavy Switch- do es, 3 separate stems, for. . .y) $3 Natural Wavy Switches, 3 separate stems, gQ Shampooing-. Manicuring and Hair Dressing. Appointments made by phone. Plenty of White Hose Auto Dusters Worth to $7.50 at $2.39 Made of mohair and linen in three-quarter or full length, with loose or belted backs. Some hare combination colored collars and cuffs. Women's Wash Sldfis Worth to $1.50 at 79c mmmm w b aw mmm mm I mmmm m mmmi mi mm mmt I saa , mmm , . Stylish plain tailored or tunic style skirts of whit or tan rep and cordallne priced to save you about a half Saturday. Fine Petticoats Worth to $12, Choice at $2.49 Elegant petticoats with trimmings of dainty laces and embroideries. Sample garments and odd lota from our own stocks at a fraction of their worth. ' ' - Summer Dresses worth up to $15, Choice at 5 250 women's and misses' dresses of fine ginghams, linens, (NffeQQ J K Waists Worth to $2 at $1 Here are fine lingerie, voile, crepe and or gandy waists, beautifully .trimmed in dainty laces, embroidery, tucks and ruffles; some with colored embroidery. Waists Worth to $3 at $179 About half price for these rich looking waists of voile, crepe, organdy or lingerie cloth. All are late summer styles, elegantly trimmed in many novel and artistic manners. V s . for Saturday Shoppers When white stockings are such an important item in the wardrobe, women wUl be glad to know there are plenty of them hore. " $1.50 Silk Hose at $1 Woiuen'6 pure dye thread ailk hoee, either allk Nor Hale garter tops. High spliced heels and double toes and soles. Values worth up to $1.60, Satur day, Sl.OO. Regular 39c Hose at 29c Women's all fibre ' Bilk stockings of superior quality In black and white. Actual 39c values, , ilr, 20c. Special Values, 19c Women's fibre silk boot and mercerized lisle hose in black and white, very special at Jtfc. Bargain Lot of Hose at 50c Women's pure dye silk boot hose with double heels and toes and garter tops, at, pair SOc. Two Extra Values in Men's Hose Men's fibre bilk socks In tan. navy and gray on eale Saturday, pair 19c Men'a mercerised lisle tanks in all colors and lies; J5c values, pair 12ic n Saturday Sale Drugs, Toilet Goods 20-Mule Team Borax One 15c pack age borax and' One 15c pack age soap chips All for 15c 50c Jar of Milkweed Cream 28c Free th ali Jar of this famona akla ortsm sold Saturday wa wUl rtv a paokag-. of toilet arttolss containing MUkwMd Orum, lUUrwMd Soap, Tao. Powd.r ana Sodaata (or th. tMth. AU lor aao Ingram's Milkweed cream is univer sally indorsed by all leading beauties both oft and on the stage. It is cool ing, refreshing and quickly absorbed. A perfect akla stimulant. Mmo. Yale's Face Powder Our price, baa been 4-c Now re- aq duced for Saturday to mC (Saturday we will p.1ve a large size frCC. jar of .Mine. Vale's skin cream with each package of Mme. Vale's face powder, apecial for 2tfc. This delightful cream Is a wonderful aid to the preservation and beautlfication ot the com plexion. Used in combination with the powder, it imparts a velvety softne&s that women covet. Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic 2oc bottl 15c Hinds Honey and AliiMind Cream, 4D. 0o sis. -tOll ROo P.roxld. Grfas.- lrna Cream, at 60c Cucumber Cream Cascarets, 50c box at :So J. and J, Cross Talcum at Jap ltos. Tal cum at uOe Hrlla r'ac. Powder . . oc. Pond" a Kx. CoRl t'reain.... 28c 28c 29c . Had I2c 9c 28c 12c Woodbury's Facial Cream Pal motive Soap, cake..". Jap Rose Soap, 3 cakes. Gordon's Triple trari per fume, oe II bottle Listeria, at... It Caldweil'a Syrup of Pepsin. lAo Shamrock Corn Plaster.. !5c I.ustrlte Nail Polish..., $1 Manicure Buffers at ... I2c 5c 14c Fx- 10c 53c 53c 6c 12c 33c llaspjial Cot ton, l-ib. pkf.. I Bath Spraja for.... 10c Peroxide t'oap, cake.... Diamond "C" Soap, 10 bars. Boracic Acid pound pUg Fletcher's Caa torla, J6o sis... He Meloroso l"ace Cream . . . Sal Hepatlca. larae alze .... Sloiin'B Untment. fOc $re 28c 19c 33c 5c 20c 14c 19c 39c 71c e Sale of Lindsay Lights Lindsay inverted gas lights burner, globe and mantel complete. Saturday in West Arcade, only 39c Wizard Gas Irons, on sale Saturday, only. . $1.48 Bath Tub Seats v Regular $2 "Simplex" bath tub seats on sale Saturday in the West Arcade, at Women's Union Suits Real 50c Values : 98c A special lot of women's union suits for Saturday. Fine lisle thread, with umhrella Or cuff knees, ltcgular and extra sizes. Nicely finished. Romilar 50c suits on sale at 37c. Special in Vests Women's fine ribbed cotton vests in all sizes. The regular 25c garments, on sale Saturday at 13c. Union Suits, Only 19c Women's fine cotton union suits with umbrella or curt knees. All sizes. Extra good values. Saturday at 19c. Children's Underwear An odd lot of children's vests and pants regu larly worth 25c, on, sale Saturday at 9c Sale of Pearl Beads French pearl neck beads,' wax filled, with solid gold clasp, regularly worth $3, on sale Saturday at $1 ! I Clearance of Women's Pumps and Oxfords ft.--! rn Former Prices $3.50 to $5 Pair. S 13. PAIR Many small lota to be closed out Saturday regardleaa of cost, aduui ouv pairs in an. including Dull and patent silk bow pumps. v uull and patent colonial pumps, lull and patent strap pumps i airni learner tango pumps. Main rioov Uull and patent button pumps, Sale of High Grade Hand Bags MMMMMS MMMMMMB OT1H M 4 Hand Bags of real seal, pin seal and real Morocco leathers iu newest shapes and styles, some with two or j three piece fittings. A. gf Genuine- Morocco leather hand bags with silk lining and coin purse inside. New pannier handle. IJogular $2 bars on sale Sat urday, at only . . . , $1 Worth 13 and choice at . . . . ?B..$1.98 $